OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 10, 1909, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1909-11-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SEVEN

Try Tliis in November.
Thousands upon thousands of fam
ilies who have not been regular eat
ers of Quaker Oats will begin on the
first of November and eat Quakei
Oats once or twh e every day for thirty
days of this month; the result in
good health and more strength and
vigor will merk that every other
month in tin year will find them doing
the same thing.
Try it: Serve Quaker Oats plenti
fully and frequently for the thirty
days ol November and leave off a cor
re: ponding amount <>i m< at ami greasy
lends. You'll got mere health, more
Vigor and strength than you ever pit
in thirty days of any oth< r kind of
While you are trying this see that
the Children get a full share.
The best food for them. Quaker
Oats is also packed In hermetically
settled tins for hoi climates; keeps in
definitely, 7
The Schools, Teachers and
Mr. W. II. Jones of Columbia will
publish a teachers journal. The first
issue will come out Oil the loth of
November, SOUth Carolina is the on
ly Southern state that has no journal
devoted to the educational Interests of
i! e state. 11 is hoped that all the
touchers will subscribe for the journal
: nd 1.? Ip '<? make it a success by con
ti ibutiotis. Any brief, clear article
will be : itprcclatod by the editor arid
l be of interest to other teachers
o ? t tlie county and state.
Mi: - Amanrin Glenn, who taught the
Langst ? . ehool last year, is now
toad . large school lb Niorth Car
n t. many of (he new teachers
In; ? . ",ty r.ro sending tin ir pay .
?.. .r. a ? to be approved before they
:o :?;.. tered In the oitlce of the
superintendent of educatlom This
means that the warrants will be re
lumed to them uuapproved. Bvcry
teacher must have o certificate arid he
registered before the law allows their
papers approved. Those who hold
diplomas will be given a certificate on
presentation of the diploma, but their
pay warrants will not be c ashed un
til this is done.
Mr. Aisle F. Mitch. II ..: Mountvllle
i- teaching In North Carolina.
Miss Alice stokes of Orangeburg is
leaching the Lnagston school.
The trustees of Byrd's school have
purchased n school lot and will build
a nice school house soon. Miss Eula
Winn of Clinton orphanage is teach
ing the school.
The trustees of Long Branch school
have recently completed their school
house. They nave n nice, large bouse
v.eii furnished. Miss Lidle Sloan is
doing good work as teaelp r.
The following sfchbois have been
visited (hiring the past 'wo weeks:
hydia Mill, Sir. Kohr. s. (.wens lind
Mrs. Annie Oxner. tVachers; Jackson
ville. Miss Inno Adhirj IlittTlcariO.
' ? ?
comfortabloi Iiotise* and furniture are
found at all these places except Odclt's,
Rardls, and Byrd's Sardls will build
next $ununer. Ityrd's >vill have n
n6w house before ChristirinS. These
schools all have libraries with one ex
ception. Sard is, Byrd's nud Bailey
will enlarge (heirs before Christmas.
Lydia has just place,; order for
i 10 wort h of hooks. ?
Opett only on Saturday for the hi xl
" i i, ic< !ooksal ia
IM I I? AT ( Ol IMIU \ II0S1MT iL.
Mr. Dugcno Owens of Watts Mills, Hut
formerly of Greenwood.
Mr. Eug< ne Owens, formerly of
O reell wood <ounty. but for liie past
two years n resilient of the Watts
mills village, died at (lie Columbia
hospital late Thursday afternoon, with
in a few minutes after his arrival.
Mi'. OW< :is suffered an attack of some
st?-mach trouble anil was taken to
Columbia by Or. Walker Thursday at
noon for an operation. When he
reached the hospital his condition was
found to l.e hopeless and he expired
hefore an operation could he per
Tin* body was shipped 1 nek to Lau
retta Friday, thence to Ore< nwood
Saturday for interment. The ,|.
ceased was about DO yea: : of ago and
is survived by his wife and several
children. He was a member of
Falrvlew camp No. 422, Woodmen of
the World, at Watts h Ills. I :. i was
highly estoeihcd by Iiis fellows.
A Methodist Minister I! ?<?< auueuds
( ham her hi Ill's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Itemed},
"'I have used Chamb- rln ill's Colic,
cholera and Diarrlioeti Itemedy for
several years for diarrhoest. I con
sider it the best remedy I lu ve ever
tried for that trouble. I bough I a
bottle of it a few davs ttgo from our
druggist. Mr. R. lt. Ol'ooks. I shall
ever be glad to speak a word in Us
praise when 1 have the opportunity."
? Rev. .1. 1). Knapp, Pastor M. K.
Church. Miles drove. Pa. Sold by
the l.aurei.s Drug Company.
Vice Versa.,
"What have you been doing in the
count ry ?"
"Oil. just lying around ami fishing."
"Von mean fishing ami lying
around."- Boston Transcript.
\ scalded Itnj's Shrieks
horrifies his grandmother, Mrs. Maria
Taylor, of .Who. Ky ..Who write, thai
when all thought he would 'lie. Hot k
jen's Arnica Salve wholly Cured him.
Infallible for Burn Scalds, Cuts.
Corn.-. Wounds and Bruise:. Cures
Eoyor-Sores, Holls, skin eruptions,
Chilblains, chapped I lands. Soon
routs Piles. L'-.e at the l.attrotis Drug
Company ami the Palmetto Drug Co.
Kindly Stayed.
"Oh. stay:*' she cried;
"Slay by my side."
And (be stay stayed. Corset did! ?
Punch i ow l.
sick Headache,
This distressing disease results
from a disordered condition of the
stomach, and can be cured by taking
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Get free sample at Laurcns
Drug Company's drugstore and try it.
Business ltivnlry.
"Nothing lost here but the squeal,"
declared the pork packer. Are you
as economl al in conducting your
business ? *
'.lust nboUt," answered the visitor,
I'm a lumber manufacturer, Nothing
wasted bit (he bark."?iMttsburg
Kills Her Poe ?i in \K ?.
"The, most inere.lless enemy l had
. .. ?
i Mini an. of Haynesviilo, Mo., "was
< d iiii-i .al doctors gave me up, I
? ? .
(ion, his.' <?: appetite. |< tlney trouble.
lalUO iutck, f< male cooiplahUs. i? i
uilcqUhled; Only f,(i c< htti al l>a ir? ns
Drug Co,
Weekly Ballot
11 Vote for
n\ w. ^i. i i i : iikn i.
Belt ever so Humble
there's no place like home if it i>
y?tir own. It isn't necessary that
it should be so humble in your
case, however.
We'll sell you a Home
for a little money down and take
the balance in easy monthly pay
ments. V' 'V, can move right in
ami free yourself from paying
reut at once. Bring your wife
when you come to see us about
it. She'll appreciate the oppor
Todd Building Lauren?, S. C.
I The McCord 1
; Studio ?
s <><
$ ?
? will copy any Photo, en- ?
$ large any picture and ?
I make High Grade Pho- ?
? tographs for you at the ?
>> very lowest prices. No ?
i photographer can do ?
I more nor offer .any g
SS more special inducement &
? than the ?
^ ricCord Studio 1
has always dene.
I The McCord i
I Studio's I
I motto is
I ''Best Picture.::, Lowest |
1 Prices*'
-/ Come to see us.
>> ><
Do You Gamble?
id a lite ttUiO into a r.om- . ..:'. !
men trust to hi CK '.<? avoid the
thousand and one daggers of fire
Do you? Cithers invest their
entire assets in a store mid 'hen
car: ;.' the whole or a part i their
tilev can :lo ~<> .is well a-- the
J. J. Adorns
; nl< of 1 A Lire
Laurens Mre In
.? ?
.... ?r? ?
|! Ul i l/n i \
Made in Hahogany, quartered and plain Oak, beautifully
finished and they are so constructed that you can buy the
top and bottom sections and as many filling-in sections as
you may need now. And then add on sections as you need
V them. These sections are made in different sizes and are so
constructed that the glass can be removed front each section
without the case down. "You don't ^et done when you buy
a (junn." Be sure to see our line and let us quote you prices
before you buy.
LAURI;N5, S. C. >
Kxciirsioii Kales tin Southern Itiiilwiiy.
Account <<i (!<_orglH-Cnrollna fitii',
AttgUstn. Ca.. NiiVi 6*14, !!??'!'. 1111(1 N<
gro fair Nov. I6-M?i !!<?':'. the Southern
railway announces very low i'6un<l-(ri|i
rail's. Tickets will In- on sale to llic
Georgia-Carolina fair Nov. 61h to IL'tli
nnd for trains scheduled lo arrive Au
gusta before noon Nov. Kith; final llm
' it returning Nov. 16th. Account of No
gro fair, excursion tl<l<*-is will be on
sai<- Nov. i.'th lo Huh. fluni limit re
turning Nov. 21 st. Many Interesting
attractions at Augusta for these, occa
sion.- arid president Tiift ivlti open the
Georgia-Carolina fair Nov. Mb. For
The Hanking by Mail System 61
The Germania Savings
Bank of Charleston, S. C.
gives their depositors careful
sei vice;
Write Th< m
Resources over $3.0' ' o.op
.? I I?. (K II.
Charleston. 5. C.
For Sale
Cypress Shingles
all heart hand drawn,
car load lots.
Write for prices.
Jos. Bell
Augusta, Cia.
w bounded bv lands of Mr
This property
Watts and others, lies wel! a
Will be knocked down t.
h iirlie
l nex i
UP e
The Real

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