OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 15, 1910, PART ONE; PAGES ONE TO EIGHT, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1910-06-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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Thumbnail for PAGE TWO

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Mr. anil Mrs. John [Franklin Holl
have issued InvltnlioiiH to the mar
riage of their daughter, Miss Jessie
Cecelia to Mr. Krank Pierce Tnium
of McColl, s. C. Tho marriage will
tak(; place Wednesday, June the twen
ty-second nt nine o'clock it t tho Firs I
Methodist church In this < iiy.
.Miss Elisabeth Simpson of Laurous,
who is a student at the College for
Women, remained ovor after hor own
commcncemotil for Hie gaytics of the
week us Carolina, whoru hor brother,
Charles Simpson, graduated. She was
tho gtmst of Miss Dora Cray of Gcr
vais street, and a delightful party in
her honor was given her by .Miss Cray
on Tuesday afternoon at Itidgewood,
when 30 girls enjoyed six hand euchre. I
Dolft blue and while were chosen as
the colors for the afternoon and the
Dutch idea was carried out attrae.j
lively in'every detail. Little Dutch I
scenes stencilled in blUO and while
decorated tho score cards, the gen
eral prise out for by nil being a
quaint imi>' Dutch enamelled pin,
which fell to Miss Jennie Splgnor. The
head prise, a hat pin of brilliants, was
won by Miss .losie Brlco and its pret
ty duplicate was presented to tho
guest of honor as a souvenir of the
afternoon. Ices were served after tho
games, the tables being decorated in
Dutch fashion and the napkins sten
Ciiled in Dutch scenes. Sunday's State
At the Imme of the bride's parents,
on Sullivan street, Wednesday even
ing. June s. Miss Corrie Lee Itarks
dalo and Mr. Hugh S. Kennedy were
united in marriage, the ceremony be
ing performed by the Rev. W. 13.
Thayer, pastor of the First Baptist
church. Quite a number of friends
and relatives were present and an ele
gant wedding supper was served. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. W. I).
Barksdalo and has a large circle of
friend in the city and county. Mr.
Kennedy is one of the city's prominent
business men, being a member of the
firm of Kennedy Bros, and identified
with oilier Luurcns enterprises,
The Henry Lnurens chapter of D. A.
It. met with Mrs. Brooks Swygerl Fri
day afternoon. Several Interesting
historical papers were read ami mat
ters of business discussed. A pleasant
half hour was spent socially and Mrs.
Swygerl served cream and cake, 'this
was the last meeting until tall.
Ml: Sadie Sullivan has issued in
vitations lo a lim n shower for Friday
afternoon in honor of Miss Jesse Holt
whose wedding occurs the following
Mr. and Mrs. James Killinn, Mrs.
Thomas McAdoo, Miss Elisa I KU inn ol
Greenville and Rev. and Mrs. Hart
well Moseley of Cuba are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moseley for
a few days.
Miss Imogone Wllkes is home from
Winthrop college.
Miss Alice Carson of Son it a nhurg is
the guest of Miss Kdna ('.aldington,
Miss Annie Sltgrenves is attending
Winthrop commencement in Lock Hill
this week.
(.'I'AHANTKKD P.'l l. (Tin:.
Racked It) Voiir Leading Druggist.
If you have any kind of piles, get
a box of Dr. Leonhardt's Hent-Rold
at the Laurcns Drug Co. on the money
hack plan.
Ilem-Roid is made from Dr. Lcon
hardt's own prescription a tablet
remedy, taken internally and cures
thoroughly by removing the internal
cause of piles, something that suppos
itories, ointments or cutting opera
tions will not do.
$1 for large bottle Which lasts '21
days. Dr. Leonhnrdt's Co., Station It,
Buffalo, X. v. Write for booklet.
The Schools, Touchers and
j Tho sum <>?' $3,000 will bo offered ^
in prizes by Hi" Sollt li Carolina School i
Improvement association. The pris
es an- to he used lor further Improv
ing tho schools receiving them.
Tin- following announcement has
been made by Mrs. Mary Nance Daniel,
Ihe president of the association.
The South Carolina School Improve
ment association offers fifty prizes to
the schools of Ihe stale for the most
decided material Improvement made
during a given length of lime. Ten
[of the prizes are lo he $1<>0 each, and
forty are to he $.".(1 cadi. Regulation?
concerning the fifty prixes that are to
he awarded by tins association arc aa
1. Improvements must he made be
tween November I, 1900, and Decem
ber in. 1010.
2. Prizes will be awarded to schools
where the most decided material Im.
provements have been made during
the time mentioned.
:t. I'mier material Improvements are
included local taxation, consolidation,
new buildings, repairing and painting
old ones, libraries, rending rooms or
tables, interior decorations, beautify
ing yards, ami be tier general equip
I. No school can compete for any
of these prizes unless it is a rural
school. No town witli more than 400
population shall he eligible to the.con
? All who wish to enter this contest
lUUSl send names and descriptions ol
schools before Improvements arc made
to the president prior lo October 1st
0. All descriptions, photographs and
other evidences showing Improve
ments must be sent to the president]
before December 13, 1010. The chair
man of Iii,- hoard or trustees of any
school that is competing for a prize
u.ust approve all descriptions before
and after Improvements are made.
7. Blanks will be sent to schools!
competing for the above prize with
questions to be answered relating to
the conditions under which the Im
provements have been made.
I S. Prizes will be awarded in (hecks
December 31, 1910. The prizes are
to he used foi further improvements
in the school receiving them.
Suggestions to < ounty organizers ol
school improvement associations have
been issued by Miss Klsie C. Rudd.
Ihe Held agent of Ihe School Improve
ment association. Miss Rudd Is tak
ing up Miss Dargan's effective work
in arousing interest in the Improve
ment of the schools In the rural dis
tricts of the State.
The Pillowing instructions have been
Have two regular meetings each
year: the fust in autumn to make
yearly plans ami suggestions; the sec.
ond in spring to get a report of work
done at each local association. These
should tie held in connection with the
county teachers' meetings.
Organize a local association at each
rural school in your county, (a) la
vishing the school, lb) by cones
Reliable Representatives Wanted
The Jackson Loan & Trust Co.
Ft. Worth, Texas and Jackson, Miss.
For 10 Cents
We will sell you a long needed house
hold remedy.
Why worry tKen?
Lapins Straw Hat Bleachei makes hat look good ns new
and the original gloss.
Lapins Cleaning Pad removes Oil, Dirt and Grease
Spots. Can carry tube in your pocket.
Lapins Iron Rust and Fruit Stain Remover, can be
used on finest goods.
For sale at
Palmetto Drug Company,
Laurens, S. C.
pondenee. Appoint your local presi
dents in your fall meetings. Have
these local associations meet regu
larly, i wice a month.
Get all teachers In your county In
tcrcKted In school improvement. W rite
articles lor your county papers dis
cussing advantages of the association,
and work to lie done.
Insist on reports being sent you
from each local association .and he
sure that you send reports lor tin
whole county t?i Miss Lizzie Rogers,
recording secretary, liastover,
Publish in your county papers a
list oi' subjects suitable tor discussion
at the local association meetings, and
encourage the association members
writing news articles for their county
Get some prominent man or men
to otter prizes to the local association
in the county doing most Improve
during a session.
Write an outline of work being j
done In your county for the Southern
School News, Columbia.
Insist upon public entertainments
of various kinds -in the loeal associ
Attend every teochors' meeting In
your county. and all educational
meetings In reach. Keep in touch
with (be wold.
Make your county the banner coun
ty in South Carolina.
study what has been accomplished
in Aiketi. Cnlhoun, Horry and Catl
horo counties.
King "It cured me." or "It saved lit"
life of my child," are the expressions
yoil hear every day about ChaiUOof"
Iain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoe.i
remedy. This is true the world ovov
where this valuable remedy has been
introduced. No other medicluo in use
for diarrhoea or bowel comphrufj has
received such general approv.il. The
rcciet of the success of Camb->i*lnln a
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy
is that it cures. Sold by I.aureus Drug
. Treatment ?*<
Humane,Indivldutd ?,_ .
, used in
of Alcoholism
DRUGS Reduced
Look at these Wonderful
Bargains for these two days
only. So do not miss them for
I will make your dollars go
a long way here.
Ladies' $2.00 Dressed Hats $1.49
Ladies' 1.50 Dressed Hats. 1.19
Ladies' 1.25 Dressed Hats... ..... 89c
Ladies' 1.00 Ready-to-Wear. 59c
Ladies' 50c Sailors . 37c
Ladies' $2.00 Oxfords
Ladies' 1.75 Oxfords.
Ladies' 1.50 Oxfords
Ladies' 1.25 Oxfords
Ladies' 1.00 Oxfords
. 1.39
. 1.19
. 78c
7 cakes Octagon Soap
7 cakes Fairy Soap. 25c
7 cakes Grandpa's Tar Soap. 25c
7 packages Gold Dust. 25c
8 boxes Search Light Matches. 25c
Men's $2.00 Oxfords.
Men's 1.50 Oxfords
Boy's 2.00 Oxfords
. 1.19
8 one pound packages Soda
Men's Undervests
Men's Drawers.
Men's 50c Work Shirts
Men's 65c Negligee Shirts
Men's 50c Negligee Shirts
One Table of Percales, Lawns, Linens
and Muslins, was 10cyd., now 08c
One Table of Calicoes, Ginghams,
Lawns and Bleachings, only 04c
1 box good Chewing Tobacco.$2.10
2 gallon Galvanized Water Bucket 10c
A pure white Plate, direct from over
the water, made to retail at 60c
set, but we have 100 sets at 39c
Come and buy your Toilet Soap, we
have several gross of regular 10c
goods that will go for only per
cake. 05c
The 5c goods will go at per cake. 03c
Be sure you come. Many Bargains
awaits you.

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