OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 18, 1911, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1911-10-18/ed-1/seq-12/

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Thumbnail for PAGE TWELVE

Cross Hill, Oct. 16.?Mr. and Mrs.
Miller Lindsay and children of Arden.
8. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. Conway Dial
and other relatives here last week.
Mrs. J. J. McSwaln of Greenville vis
ited Mrs. Janle McSwaln last Friday,
Saturday and Sunday. Mr. McSwaln
name Sunday.
A little girl war given a penny to
feilend. She went to a store and priced
'many things she would llkjfc to have.
"None however, would fit her purse.
She said to the merchant "All your
goods Is priced mighty high." Anoth
er llttlo three year old saw a "teddy
bear" In a store. She asked her fath
er to get it for her. That was Satur
day night. He told her the stores
would not he open again until Monday.
She said "haven't you got some keys?"
A little hoy came to a store and be
gan to ask many questions about the
price of things. The clerk real la ted
by asking him about a dozen ques
tions as fast as he could answer. The
merchant came In about that time.
The little hoy turned to him and said:
"This man can ask so many ques
tions." These little folks live in our
Dr. .1. II. Miller had the misfortune
to lose a tenant house by lire a few days
ago. It was burned at night. The
negroes wero at home, and lost near
ly all their goods.
Dr. K. W. Plnson Iiub sold his auto
and bought a new "Maxwell". It is
a beauty.
Mrs. S. H. Qoggana has been at a
hospital in Columbia since last Mon
day. She is doing well and her friends
hope she may soon be able to come
Mr. Tom Cole brought some fine
rutabaga turnips to town a few days
ago. He haB a fine patch. Most per
sons in this community have failed to
get a stand, nnd have u poor prospect
for turnips this time. Mr. .1. K. Spear
man has the best this correspondent
has seenk
The many friends of Congressman
Joe Johnston were glad to see him here
one day last wot..
Rev. Mr. Guthrie of the North Caro
lina M, E. Conference Is visiting his
brother, Mr. J. A. Guthrie. He preach
ed at-the Presbyterian church Sunday
Mr. Hugh Lenman of Clinton spent
Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Leaman.
Mr. John Miller of Whltmlro was
with his people here Sunday.
Rev. G. M. Holllngaworth and .M.l
W. T. Madden will attend the meet
Jug of Synod at Cf on this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoi tor of Oaffney are
visiting Mrs Bonn?ifs sisters in town,
Mrs. T. M. Plnson Md Mrs. J. W. Han
na, f J
The cotton carajjjptHar seems to ?et |
a good deal of notaoe. Thay are clean
ing up the foliage on the cotton, but
they are too late to do murh damage.
It has b?en about thlrty-flve years
since they came here In such numbers.
Farmers are wishing for settled wea
ther so they can make hay, very little
has been saved this year. The cotton
crop is nearly all gathered. In this
immediate community the cotton crop
will he about pne-fourtb more than
last year, and the price now Is about
one-fourth less.
Miss Llda Rudd is suffering with n|
sprained foot. .She can get about only
by using crutches. She is a plucky
little woman however, and her patrons
will find her at her place of business
every day.
Not so long ago I met a sorrowful
little mother who conflled to me that
she had lost three babies from chol
era infantum caused by unclean milk
from her own dairy. Fancy what it
would have meant to this 0110 mother
had the women of the neighborhood
organized in a neighborhood 1 society
to study "How Germs Affect the
Household." ?Mrs. F. L. Stevens in
The Progressive Farmer.
Fleeted Director.
At a meeting of the directors of the
C., N. & L. Railway, held in Columbia
yesterday, Mr. N. B. Dial was elected
a member of the Hoard of Directors.
Mt. Olive, Oct. 9.?Mr. James Craw
ford is suffering a great deal from a
rising on his leg.
The cotton in this country is about
all opened. The crop Is short and the
price is short. What will become of
tho poor farmer? The bear Is smiling
these days.
Mrs. Lizzie Washington has gone to
visit her son, Rev. J. H. Washington,
at Piedmont, S. C. While there she
will meet her daughter, Mrs. Taby
Webb from Cleburn, Tex., who will
visit relatives and friends hero for
several weeks.
Mrs. J. B. Hill and Mrs. Maggie
Washington went to Laurens last Fri
day. Mrs. Hill will remain with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Hud
gens for a few days, whore she went
to have her baby treated for bleeding
which was caused from a fall.
Mrs. Manurva -Hill who has been
sick for some time Is Improving.
(Continued from Page One.)
be glad to bear that he is able to be
up and out some since his severe at
tack of rheumatism.
Little Ou8 Wofford, who has had a
spell of malaria, is also decidedly bet
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Finley will be grieved to hear that
their little daughter, Frances has been
quite sick. Mrs. Finley was called to
the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Odell,
of Ekom, who was seriously ill, and
while there Frances was taken sick.
The latest news from her, however
is that sije is better and we hope will
be able to be brought home soon.
Mrs. Dennis Culbertson and chil
dren left Monday for a visit to her
parents at Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. .T. T. A. Ballew, of Lis
bon were pleasant VisttoVs in our
midst recentle. They were the guests
while here of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cunningham of
Clinton were the guests Saturday night
of Mr. P. D. Martin and Sunday they
spent with Mrs. M. T. Allison.
Mrs. Nannie Bryson and children
of Cross Hill visited her relatives, Mr.
Pitts Henry and family, Mr. J. M.
Dean and family and her sister-in
law, Mrs. Dora Bryson, recently.
The many friends of little Ryan Mar
tin will be'glad to hear that through
the skillful treatment of Dr. Carpen
ter, of Greenville, his eyesight is al- '
most completely restored and the doc- I
tor holds out the hope that by Christ- (
mas he will be entirely cured. I
Miss May Roper who hns been with .
her sister, Mrs. Thad Moore has re
turned home. '
The many friends of Mrs. Moore I
will be glad to know that she and lit- I
tie Miss Lillian Claribel are doing |
nicely. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boyd visited their
kinsman. Mr. Thad Moore Sunday.
'Opossum hunting is the order of
the night, these times. But tls a wise 1
old opossum that goes to his den in
the church woods. Several parties
have treed him there but the light (so
they say!) goes mysteriously out and
the hunters depart in haste!
Uncle Cornpatch says that the man
who keeps two cows and has both of
them dry at the same time, may be a
nice man nil right, but he shows
mighty little consideration for his own
stomach.?The Progressive Farmer.
See our new line of Writing Desks
and Music Cabinets.
S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co.
Nilburn Wagons
2lA to 3 inches?Narrow and Broad Tires
These Wagons rank among the best on the market, jj
giving perfect satisfaction in Quality, Service and Price.
We invite you to come and inspect our line before buying
R. C. Gray & Co.
Laurens, South Carolina
Seasonable Weights
Stylish Patterns
Stunning Styles
Honest Prices
These in a nutshell are a few of the attractions that have made our Dress Goods Department
Popular; features that have always characterized this store. We honestly believe they will ap
peal to you. We don't ask you however to take our word for it, ask your friends, compare qual
ity and price. Examine our speci&is for this week; then you'll know why this store is the logi
cal place to buy Dry Goods, Shoes, Millinery, Skirts, Coats and Coat Suits.
Special this Week
10-4 Cotton Blankets/ c^avy.$1.00
All-wool Sweaters, rj '"md white. 2.50
One-half Wool Swea; ^ red only.<.
36-inch Poplar Cloth' Kfe'olors,.
54-inch Suiting, wo< Jplck, garnett, grey,
V and brown, speci^^i.
Switzf r Company
We want you to Look
through our Suit |
Department. ??
Special for this week.
All Wool Serge, Silk
Lined, only $10.00
We know If you are
going to get a Long
you will be pleased
at what you will
find here.
54-in All wool Black
Broad Cloth. Special
Shoe Department
Our Shoe Department is now complete. School
Shoes the kind that will keep the Feet Dry, and
our prices are right and our shoes are Leather.
Come and look through our stock before buy
ing your Shoes and you will save money on your
Fall bill.
Switzer Company
Bank Building
Laurens, South Carolina

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