OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 10, 1912, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1912-01-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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Thumbnail for PAGE FOUR

ittje &tt?ertiSer
Subscription Price is $1.00 per Year
Payable in Advance.
Published bj
Laurens, S. C.
ALISON LEB President
W. G. LANCASTER vice-Pres.
ARTHUR LEE Sec. and Treas.
Advertising Hates on Application.
Obituaries und Card of thanks: 0m
cent a nerd.
Entered at D"> postoffiee at Laurens
S. C. n? second class mail matter
t-i'-'-- -r:r^:r
The AdTerUscr will be glad to
receive the local nous of all the
communities in the county. Cor
respondents are requested t<>
Blgn their name to the cenl1**
butions Letters should not be
mailed later than Monday morn
Laurens had more snow than Green
? ? ?
Our Harmony correspondent. his
letter this week, says let's keep the
dispensary oat. Second the motion.
? ?
The Advertiser hopes that the rural
mail carriers will not have as hard
a time today as they did yesterday.
? ? ?
Another one of those unsigned let
ters came yesterday. It was about a
marriage, too., but it had to go Into
the wast? basket.
? ? ?
In spite of the low price of cotton
many improvements are seen through
out the county. In a number of plac
es new homes, new tenant houses and
new out houses are going up. It tak< -
more than a temporary depression to
down Laurens county farmer*. They
just will keep abreast of the times.
? ? ?
The people of Clinton are to bo con
gratulated on the forward step }|>ey
are taking in laying a sewer line. Al
though the mud Is a little bothersome
right now, this little inconvenience!
should be overlooked while such good
work is going on. Clinton hat; gotten
to be ouch a large place now that the
health and wealth of its people de
mand this move.
? ? ?
In a letter to The Advertiser today.
Mr. J. H. Moore, of the Chestnut Ridge
section, complains ot hunting going
on In his neighborhood on the Snb
bath day. It is rather surprising that
this condition of affairs exists in Lau
rens county, but it can be put a stop
to. A fruitful Held for the rural po
lice is open In the Chestnut Ridge sec
tion. If these Sunday hunters have no
regard for the day themselves, they
should be made respect the wishes
of the majority of the community.
? ? ?
The Advertiser goes out to its read
ers today In a rather abbreviated form.
Our regular line of interesting ad
vertisements Is found, but the news
is scarce. Realizing the circumstances
under which our force worked yester
day, we are quite sure that our read
ers will bear with us if we give less
news than we usually do. Our capa
city for setting up advertisements was
not lessened materially, for they are
set largely by hand, but our linotype
machine could not run on account of
the )'"k of power, so of course we
couh lot get up our accustomed
amount of news.
The Advertiser Is indebted to The
Herald for help in getting up by hand
the type that we did get up and we
acknowledge here our obligations.
In spite of the bad weather and the
consequent lack of power, Tin- Adver
tiser, at this writing, hopes to greet
Its readers at the usual time.
When you begin to read this paper,
bear in mind the great difficulty under
.which the rural mall carriers and oth
er public servants have labored dur
ing the past few days. They are a
faithful band and we should give
thanks that such steadfast, men, and
women too, have In charge the deliv
ery of our mails.
? ? ?
The announcement, or rather ad
mission, of the C. & W. C. railroad
officials that great Improvements are
contemplated on that road will be re
ceived in Laurens with great Inter
est. ThJ people of this city have come
to realize that in that railroad now
rests her best hope for a trunk line.
Now that these Improvements are
about to be made and the C, C. & O. Is
contemplating the connecting link at
Elkhorn, Va., it Seems that the hopes
of the people here for better railroad
facilities aro soon to be realized. Of
even more advantage than the im
provement.** on the C. & W. C. would
fte the building of that connecting link
to a part.pf the, Chesapeake S Ohio Ry.
from Elkiiom ou the Clincufield. When '
this link is built and the Clinchfleld
has a direct connection with Chicago
r.nd the middle west. Laurens, being
on the C. & W. C?? would then enjoy '
all the advantages of trunk line con
r.ections. A glance at the map will ;
'. < . ;:::tt a line from Chicago and
Clncinnattl to Spartar.burg und on to
Charleston, by the cife W. C. is about
: s short a route as can be found and
It is natural to suppose that, on ac-1
count of the affiliation of these roads,
! this route would be the one most used.
When these Improvements are made
and developments at Charleston fol- !
low, we may (hen expect that long
iooked for through train for Augusta
and Charleston. And then. too. W?
may expect even better local sched
Although Laurens missed a grand
oppt rtunlty when she let the Seaboard
go I y end later as a natural conse
I i :.e. ]. ssened her chances at the In
rnt'ban, silo n.w can place mother
hops that a great line i* once more
within her reach. It's coming, too.
The books ..f the City Clerk are open
and ready for the collection of Street
Tax. Dog Tax on Real and Persona!
property situated in the City limits.
See me and fret your Taxes settled
before the penalty and rush begins.
J. X. Roland,
it. Clerk & Treas.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to heartily thank our
neighbors and friends for their kind
ness and sympathy during the contin
ued illness and death of our late hus
band and father. Such kindness and
love helped us much to bear our grief.
Mrs. M. H. Fowler and Family.
OldF oiks Should lit- Careful in Their
Selection of Regulative Medicine.
We have a safe dependable, and al
tog< tiier idoal remedy that is partic
ularly adapted to the requirements of
: aged people and persons of weak con
stitutions who suffer from constlpa
' lion or other bowel disorders. We are
I so certain that it will reliove these
complaints and give absolute satis
faction in every particular that we of
fer it with our personal guarantee that
1 It shall cost the user nothing if it falls
; to substantiate our claims. This rem
i edy is called Rexall Orderlies.
R xall Ordellres are eaten just like
?candy, are particularly prompt and
I agreeable in action, may be taken nt
! any time, day or night; do not cause
; diarrhoea, nausea, grilling. < xcesslye
; looseness, or other undesirable ef
fects. They have n very mild but po
! sltlve action upon the organs with
j which they come in contact, appar
ently acting as a regulative tonic upon
, the relaxed muscular coat of the bow -
el, thus overcoming weakness and aid
' Ing to restore the bowels to more vlg
1 ornns and healthy activity. Three
sizes. 10c. 25c, and 50c. Sold only at
i our store?The Rexall Store. The
Laurens Drug Co.
If This Medicine Does not Satisfactori
ly Benefit You.
Practising physicians making a spe
cialty of stomach troubles are really
! responsible for the formula from
which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are'
made. We have simply profited by the
experience of experts.
Our experience with Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets leads us to believe them
to be an excellent remedy for the
relief of acute indlgstion and chronic
dyspepsia. Their Ingredients are
soothing and healing to the inflamed
membranes of the stomach. They are
? rich In pepsin, one of the greatest di
gestive aids known to medicine. The
relief they afford is almost immediate.
Their use with persistency and regu
larity for a short time helps to bring
about a cessation of the pains caused
by stomach disorders.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets aid to In
sure healthy appetite, aid digestion,
and promote nutrition. As evidence
of our sincere faith In Rexall Dyspep
sia Tablets, we ask you to try them at
our risk. If they do not give you en
tire satisfaction, we will return you
the money you paid us for them, with
out question or formality. They come
In three sizes, prices 25 cents. 50
cents and $1.00. Remember, you can
, obtain them only at our store ?The
Rexall Store. The Laurens Drug Co,
1 103 Mall street.
Laurens Citizens Cannot Doubt It
Doan's Kidney Fills were used?
they cured.
The story was tohr to Lnurens res
| idents.
Time has strengthened the evidence.
Has proven the cure permanent.
The testimony is from this locality.
The proof convincing.
w. J, Dendy, editor of Gazette,
1 Muskgrove St., Clinton, S. C, says:
i "During the past few months 1 had
, symptoms of kidney complaint and I
decided to try Doan's Kidney Pills,
ns I had often heard them highly rec
ommended. There was a dull pain
through my kidneys and the kidney se
cretions passed Irregularly. In a hoi;
time after I used Doan's Kidney Pills,
I Avns free from my trouble. I do not
(hesitate to recommend this remedy."
(Statement given March 28, 190S.)
\o Trouble since.
On March i?, 1011, when Mr. Dendy
was interviewed, lie said: "I gladly
give another statement In praise of
Doan's Kidney Pill?. Since I used
this remedy some years r.go, I have
had no trouble from my kidneys or
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Koster-.MIll/tirn Co.. Puffalo.
i New York, sole agents for the United
! States.
Remember the name?Doan's?nnd
. take no other.
HORSES FOR SALE: ?1 have a
young Lay horse for sale. Any lady
can drive* him. He ia perfectly safe,]
not afraid of automobiles nor trains
and will work to anything. S. W.
LOWE, Cross Hill, S. C. 24 -4t
LOST:?One heavy lojx cha:.n. some
where l> tween Public Square and over
head bridge, last Saturday. Liberal re
ward if returned to HICK'S STABLES
24 It
FOR RENT: ?Five room cottage,
sole:. lid neighborhood, corner Sullivan
and Martin streets
Apply to W. G. Lancaster,
24 3t Enterprise Bank.
For Sale?Early Dutch and Charles
ton Wakefteld cabbage plants. 20 cents
per hundred. Apply to Mrs. Geo. F.
Young. Laurens, S. C. 23-2t
Wanted?To rent a couple of good
milch cows for an indefinite period.
J. Wade Anderson, Laurons, S. C.
Notice to piano buyers Th > who
are thinking of buying a piano should
write Mrs. J. A. Wofford of Madden,
3. c. as she lms a very attra civu of
fer to make. Write at once, the offer
Is good till January 20th. 24-11 j
Fur Sale?210 acres, G miles north
of Laurens, at $15.00 per acre. One
third cash. Rented for next year for
0 bales. Apply to FJ. P. Minter. 16-tf j
For Sale?A scholarship in a lead- \
ing business school not many miles'
from this place. Will sell at : dis- \
count. For information apply at this;
office. 10-tf1
? ||sja
Stairs, Wainscoting Grilles,
Collonnades, etc., are prop
erly manufactured by our
expert mechanics, and we
can save you money. Our
stocks of Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Lath and
Shingles, in fact, all build
ing materials, are high class;
and our service is the kind
that pleases.
Write for prices.
Augusta Lumber
Augusta, Ga.
Start Nineteen
Hundred Twelve
With the right time by
purchasing one of our
watches?all of which
we guarantee perfect
time-keeps ? they will
not alone start you with
the right time but keep
the right time for you
all of 1912 and many
years afterwards.
If you have a good watch,
it needs cleaning and oiling,
have this establishment do it
and insure securing first
class work.
William Solomon
Will be here to entertain the parents
and children of thir. town ant! vicinity.
Don't Fail To S*-2v Them
They're the real, live characters, the
very op.cj you went to tee cr.d the
verv one. you ?.>:...: to see ana ..." ?skvaff jri ax fi t i VI I Wv-A''.*- /?!
children ,LuU fca alWsJ ,? 'V ? ti-*^#i.->*? V
Tuesday, January 16th, 1912
and will hold a Grand Reception to which old and
young are cordially invited.
Come and see these famous characters in real
life at the Opera House 3 to 4 p. m. After the
Grand Reception, Mr. Lavender will put on a very
fine notion Picture Show at regular prices 5cts
and lOcts. Don't fail to see these fine pictures.
You can't afford to miss this Great Sale.
Everything is being sold at Greatly Reduced
Prices. The Sale has been a great success, but
there are hundreds of bargains still here for the
wise buyers.
. Just a Few Sample Prices Given
Suit Department!
52T..OO Suits, red tag sale
. ... .$17.49
$20.00 Suits, red tag Bale .$14.99
$15.00 Suits, ltd tag sale.$10.99
$10.00 Suits, red tag sale.47AO
$6.50 Suits, red tag sale .$L99
Shoes! Shoes!
lien's Edwin Clapp Shes $0.00 and $C.r.O values
Men's $1.00 Shoes, red tag rale .$129
Ladies. $3.00 Shoes, red tag sale.$2.39
$2.00 Muster llrown Shoes for boys nnd girts
. .$1.09
House Furnishings!
Blankets worth $r>.00, red tan sale .$3.99
Beautiful Table Linen $1.26 value, at the yard
. ".. .9Sc
Beautiful Table Linen 30e'value at the yard22
Men's Sweaters, $1.00 value at .89c
Ladles' Sweaters, $2.00 value at.$1.09
Men's heavy r>0e t'nderwear .30e
Boy's t'nderwear 2f>e value .19c
Lndies' f>0c Underwear .42c and 39c
Ladies' 26o Underwear .nie
10c Androsrofcuan Bleaching, at the yard ...8C
immm*Mmmmmmwmvm inmmmm

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