OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 26, 1913, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1913-03-26/ed-1/seq-6/

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To Feeble Old People.
As one grows old tho wosto of the
system becomes more rapid than re
pair, the organs act more slowly and
lesB effectually than In youth, tho cir
culation Is poor, tho blood thin and
digestion weak.
Vlnol, our delicious cod liver and
Iron tonic without oil. Is tho Ideal
Btrengthencr and body-builder for old
folks, for It contains tho very ele
ments needed to rebuild wasting tis
sues and replace weakness with
strength. Vlnol also fortifies the sys
tem against cold3 and thus prevents
A grandnolce of Alexander Hamil
ton, over eighty yoars of ago, onco
remarked: "Vlnol is a godsend to old
people. Thanks to Vlnol, I have a
iearty appotlto, sleep soundly, feel
active and well. It is tho flaesVtonlo
and strength-creator I hlYp ever
used." \f
If Vlnol fails to build up the
feeble old people, and create
strength, we will return your money.
Lanrens, S. C.
Do you intond that your lifo ahall ba
WAStodP Dyapopsia rondora your ox
hitonco miaorublo nud prodisposea to all
dijoasoa. Invoat 20 oonta in a bottle of
and ohtriin nil tho bonoflt ita use inauroa,
Vit., inntant roliof from distross, porfoot
?? '.hui und a pormanont cure of tho
j-. ? V chronio caao of Dyapopsia, Heart
burn, Oaatritis or any fom of stomach
tii:u>rder. /
If you would bo strong and ,woll try it
at onno. /
Throo Sizes, 25o.. 60o. and $1.00.
8. GROVr" on aham co./iniOn/wbuhqh.n.y.
1.aureus. S. C.
The Latest Novelty
The Lucky Bluebird
(The Kmbloni of Happinesi mill Good Fortune)
The Bluebird bids fair to
be even more popular than
the Swastika, and is now
on display in our window.
Jno. W. ito-gnaoti a C. FeethorHtone
W. B. Bjriffht
Attorneys at Law
I.a ureas, S. C.
Prompt and cararful attention given
bo all haaasaas.
Office Over Pmhtaotto Bank.
Asthma! Asthma!
gives instant relief and an absolute cure
in all cases of Asthma. Hronchilis, and
Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on
receipt of prlco $i.oo.
'trial Package by mall 10 cent*.
WILIJAMS MFC, CO.. Prop*., Clavatand. Ohio
Laurent, 8. C
N. B. Dial \ A. C. Todd
A?orneyg at Law
Enterprise Dank Build In?, Lauren*, S. C.
Shlloh, March 24.?We make no ex.
cusc for writing up these dots and
dashes, hut only wish to hear pleas
ant relation in the correspondence
column of the dear old Advertiser.
The Shlloh school which Is being
presided over by Misses May Rolle,
Sara Raibb and Mary Teague is pro
gressing nicely. They seam to have
met the utmost anticipation of patrons
and students.
The cotton acreage will not he so
large as heretofore up here. Or, at
least, that is the present outlook.
Hence the fertilizer bill will be con
siderably diminished.
A super-abundance of rain has pre
vailed here of late.
If there are any old maids wishing
a honeymoon who will conifor with
your scribe, wo will respectfully sub
mit the address of two spicy widow,
era of about two years' standing.
The first thing that demands our
equilibrium here of late Is the blub
bering of the political pot. It is fun
ny to sit and read the papers as they
fold and unfold their respective can
didates for office. Hut watch 1914 and
a greater landslide will come than in
1012. And yet this will be no strange
phenomenon to the voters.
No wooden hub-man need to make
the race against Bolt for railroad com
missioner. The epilogue and the pro
phesy has been written and he that
cannot punctuate and read unto his
own liking is blind.
Watts Mills March 24.?Everything
is moving on nicely at Watts Mills
these rainy days and everybody Is
looking for some beautiful spring
weather after the weathers settles.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moore and little
daughter, Grace, visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore Sunday.
Mr. J. G. Qillesple visited friends
in Greenville last week.
A large crowd Is expected at the all
day singing to he held at Watts mills
on next Sunday. As has already been
announced everybody is invited to
come. A good day is expected,
Rev. J. A. Marler went to C'antey, S.
('., where he preached Sunday.
A singing school will begin at Lu
cas Avenue Baptist church the Ilrst
Monday night in April, conducted by
Mr. J. M. Moore and Rev. 1). A. Mor
gan. Everybody wishing to attend this
school please be on hand on the night
Lanford, March 21.?Quite a number
of guests were here for Easter. Among
the visitors were Mr. B. W. Johnson
and family at J. 1). Johnson's; Mr. and
Mrs. John Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Mower at L. M. Cannon's.
Miss Sallle Mical and Miss Flossie
Rion are visiting Mrs. J. W. Johnson.
Mrs. Allle Nelson is at home for a
while resting. She had to undergo an
operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. James Byors has returned to
tier home at Eiendersonvllle, N, C. Mr.
livers came down Sunday to accom
pany her home.
Miss Othella Johnson entertained
Saturday in honor of Misses Rion and
Miss Odessa Hembree and Miss Ro
bin Patterson gave an egg hunt Sat
urday for their Sunday school class
Mr. Tom Harmon and Henry Har
lem spent Sunday' In Union.
Mr. Harry Boykln spent Sunday at
II. M, oJhnson's.
Miss Ruth Martin ts visiting at J.
R. Patterson.
Miss Bessie Burns spent the week
end with her parents near Laurons.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Thomas spent
Sunday at J. R. Frank's.
Misses Nell Welborn and Marie Pat
terson were In Laurens shopping
A Lazy Liver Needs a Rose of Dod
son's Liver Tone?Guaranteed to
Take Place of Calomel.
When your doctor looks to seo If
your tongue Is coated, he is trying to
find out if your liver is working prop
erly. A fow years ago doctors had to
prescribe calomel, there was nothing
else to give.
Recently In many sections of the
country Dodson's Liver Tone has
practically taken the plneo of calomel
as a liver remedy. Dodson's Liver
Tone la mild, pleasant tasting and
harmless?-which makes It a flno medi
cine for uso wmon your children be
come billions and constipated. But the
most remarkable feature of Dodson's
Liver Tone is the fact that Laurens
Drug Co., who sell It. guarantees It
absolutely. The druggist will return
your money without argument If a
bottle falls to give entire satisfaction.
Price 50 cents. Wo suggest that
you get a bottle tt^lay and have It
ready for the noxt member of your
family whose liver goes wrong.
We are offering some extra values
In Side/boards and Buffets, they are in
Golden Oak, Mission and Mahogany.
S. M. & E. II. Wllkes & Co.
* Sixth Month. *
* *
Name of those pupils who have made
an average of 95 per cent on Deport
ment and attendance:
First Grade, Miss Emily Meng,
teacher?Robert Babb, Charles narks
dale, Harold Hudgons, Edmund Lake,
Edwin McQee, Tlllman Miller, Carl
Thompson, Jo Bagwell, Sarah Kath
rins BarkBdale, Jennie Boyd, Tav
Chancy, Nannie Franks, Laura Hud
gens, Margaret Meng, Floride Moore,
Malntzle Richardson, Addle Lou Sex
ton. Ruth Sullivan.
Second Grade, Mrs. Jeannle S.
Blackwell, teacher.?Doran Bramlett,
Richard Counts, William Dunlap,
Strauss Smith, Frank Wade, Rebecca
Adams. Marlon Blackwell, Beaufort
Copeland, Nelle Jones, Eula May Mar
tin, Marguerite Roper, Sara Eliza Swy
gert, Louise Smith.
Third Grade, Miss Ella Roland,
teacher?Margaret Lake, Mary OwlngS,
Frank Col well, Elbert Copeland.
Fourth Grade, Miss M. E. Barnett,
teacher?Marchall Maddox, Ruth
Thompson, Annie Wade.
Fourth Grade, Miss Annette Stover,
teacher?'Mtxnteith Caine, Caroline
Rankin, Emmie Sullivan.
Fifth Grade, Miss Annette Stover,
teacher?Robert Alken, William Lake,
Mary Blackwell, Anna Sullivan.
Fifth Grade, Miss Annie Davis,
teacher.?Dorroh Halrston, Charles
Hughes, Nash Phllpot.
Sixth Grade, Miss Dorcas Calmes,
teacher?Robert Lucas, Annie Barks
dale, Martha Barksdale, Mildred
Counts, Kathleen McGee, Lola McPhail
Fannie Foliakoff, Hattie Watson.
Seventh Grade, Miss May Delle
Barre, teacher.?Rebecca Lake, Strlck
ler Rankin, Belle Burns, Elizabeth
Young, Amy Wolff.
High School.
Teachers: Mr. W. A. Barton, Jr.,
Miss Laura Barksdale, Miss Fannie
Eighth Grade?Hattie Sullivan,
''"ranees Davis, Mary Sullivan, Sarah
Ninth Grade?Herbert Sullivan,
Hattie Gray, Inez Hudgens, Virginia
Tenth Grade.?Mamie Austin.
Mill School.
First Grade.?James Carter, Willie
Hill, Clyde Jones. Sarah Glynn, An
ne? Riddle, Lola Snoddy. Ruth Stew
Second Grade, Miss Irene M. Ray
Teacher.?Virgil Halrston, Ben Lewis,
Cora Lee Abercromble, Eiiie t'nok,
Allie Gosnell, Carrie May Vanhoy,
Bertha Knighting, Marscell Cook,
Clara Nelson, Edgar Knighting. David
Third Grade. Miss Mary P. Simpson,
Teacher.?Clyde Darnell Roy Jones,
Carl Putnam, Fred Tinsloy, Roy Walk
er, Lila Hill Henna Lewis, Mamie
Fourth Grade, Miss Mary P. Simp
son, Teacher.?Charlie Motte, Donnle
Barton, Macle Ledford.
Parisian Sage, the quick acting hair
restorer, Is for sale In Laurens by
Laurena Drug Co. and is sold with a
rigid guarantee at 50 cents a large
Parisian Sage has an immense sale,
and here are the reasons:
It is safe and harmless.
It cures dandruff In two weeks, by
killing the dandruff germs.
It stops falling hair.
It promptly stops itching of the
It makes the hair soft and luxuri
It gives life and beauty to the hair.
It Is not stieky or greasy.
It is the daintiest perfumed hair
It Is the best and most pleasant and
Invigorating air dressing made.
Fight shy of tho druggist who offers
you a substitute, he is unworthy of
your confidence. Olroux Mfg. Co., Buf
falo, N. Y., American Makers.
Wood's Seeds
For The
Farm and Garden.
Our New Descriptive Catalog
is fully up-to-date, giving descrip
tions and full information about
the best' and most profitable
seeds to grow. It tells all about
Grasses and Clovers,
Seed Potitoes, Seed Oats,
Cow Peal, Soja Beans,
The Best! Seed Corns
and all other
Farm and Garden Seeds.
Wood's Seed Catalog has
long been recognized as a stan
dard authority on Seeds.
Mailed on request; write for iL
\y Used in ever increasing
quantities, because the roofs
put on 26 years ago are as
good as new to-day, and have
never needed repairs.
Don't put on that roof
until you see them.
For sale by .
Local Dealers or Cortrfght Metal Roofing Company
50 N. 23rd, St., Philadelphia, Pa.
"Cardui Cured Me"
For nearly ten years, at different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks
of Treadway, Tenn., suffered with womanly troubles. She
says: "At last, I took down and thought I would die. I
could not sleep. I couldn't eat I had pains all over. The
doctors gave me up. I read that Cardui had helped so
many, and I began to take it, and it cur.d me. Cardui
saved my lifel Now, I can do anything."
Cardui WomanSTonic
If you are weak, tired, worn-out, or suffer from any of
the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache,
backache, dragging-down feelings, pains in arm, side, hip
or limbs, and other symptoms of womanly trouble, you
should try Cardui, the woman's tonic. Prepared from per
fectly harmless, vegetable ingredients, Cardui Is the best
remedy for you to use, as it can do you nothing but good.
It contains no dangerous drugs. It has no bad after-effects.
Ask your druggist. He sells and recommends Cardui.
Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dtp*., Cfcaftanooe* Msdlclne Co., Chsttanooia, Tenn.,
tor Special Instructions, and M-page book, "Home Treatment tor Women," sent Ire?. J 64
Condensed Passenger Schedule*.
Between Greenville, Anderson and
Trains leave and arrive Greenville?
corner Main end Washington Streets.
Effective Sunday, Jnnuary 12, 1918, ao
Leejre: Arrive:
No. TUuo No. Time.
1? 6:56a.m. 2?S:S0a,m.
3? 7:46 a. m. 4?10:86 a. m.
5?10:00 a.m. 6?12:36 p.m.
7?11: 4g a. m. 8? 2:15 p. n?.
9? 1:45 p. m. 10? 4:15 p. m.
11? 3:40p.m. 12? 6:00p.m.
15? 4:55 p.m. 16? 6:36p.m.
17? 6:35 p. m. 18? 7:85 p. m.
19? 8:10p.m. 20?10:35 p.m.
?21?11:00 p. in.
?Saturdays only.
Tickets on salo at G. S. & A. Termi
nal Main Street.
General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt
Engineering and Contracting
Land Surveys a Specialty
Concrete Work Skillfully done or In*
Drawings and estimates of all Kind.
Telephone No. 346
Laurens, S. C.
Simpson, Cooper & Babb,
Attorneys at Law.
WUl practice in all State Courts,
prompt attention given to all business.
Have you overworked your nervous sys
tem and caused troublo wltn your kid
neys and bladder? Have you pains in
loins, side, back and bladder? Have you
a tlabby appearance of tbe face, and un
der tbo eyes? A frequent desire to pass
urine? If so. Williams' Klrlney Pills will
cure you?Druggist, Price 60c.
WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Props., Cleveland. Ohia
Lanrens, S. C.
Fine piece of property containing I67 acres, 6
miles north of Laurens. This is a most desirable
piece of property, located in a prosperous section
of Laurens county, convenient to schools and
churches, only one-half mile from Barksdale sta
tion. This property is divided by the public high
way leading from Laurens to Greenville, has nice
residence, with necessary tenant houses and out
buildings, is well-watered and well-adapted to all
This property is being sold for a division of lega
tees and will be sold
For $45.00 Per Acre.
This property is well worth $75.00 per acre,
but on account of the fact that it must be sold for
division, we have reduced the price in order to
bring a quick sale.
If you are seeking a home and desire to locate
in a choice section of the county, see me early.
Don't Forget I Can Secure Loans and
Make Advances on Real Estate.
Gray Court. S. C.

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