SPLENDID EXHIBITS OE COUNTY SCHOOLS Sixty-Six Out of Seventy Two Represented. SURPRISING RESULTS IN ARTS AND CRAFTS Exhibits from a Large Number of the County Schools Showed what De velopment Is (?oing on In the Schools of the County. Creditable In every Way. Perhaps the most instructive fea ture of the county school fair Friday was the exhibit in the court house. Here were assembled the exhibits of arts and crafts from 66 out of 72 schools in the county. Drawing ( painting, needlework of all kinds, manual training in several different departments were shown here. The court room was filled with the exhibits from the schools and thousands pass od through to see them. Resides the special branches represented, .1 model school room was shown as well as a model rural community, both of these exhibits attracting a great deal of at tention. The tenth grade of the Lau rens city school exhibited a sitting room furnished and decorated largely with things made by them. The nee dle work and stenciling In this room were especiolly praise worthy. While the Lauerns city schools, be cause of the large number of pupils, was able to make the most compre hensive exhibits of any of the schools, the Sandy Springs school was deserv ing of unstinted praise because of its unusually splendid and extensive ex hibit. It attracted a great deal of favorable comment. The Clinton schools sent tip a splendil exhibit and it was examined with the closest in terest by those who visited this part of the building. Several individual exhibits attracted more than ordinary attention and so are deserving of special mention. Tho agricultural and mineral map of the state, the exhibit of Musgrove school, was especially interesting. The Unit ed States flag made of corn shucks and sent in by Youngs school was a very unique exhibit as was that of a cabin made of corn stalks and shucks Bent in from Shiloh school. The quilt exhibited by the Watts mills school and made by Clara Martin, who has 'but one arm, was a mcrltorius exhibit. Tho miniature steam engine made by VS. T. Tolllson, the rolllne pin made by Floyd Clark of the Langston school, tho violin from Sardis school, tho small auto b> Jake Rasor of Cross Hill, and the chair from Musgrove school attracted much attention. The basketry exhibited from the Shiloh school was splendid. The trash bas ket covered on the exterior with post ago stamps and sent by the kinder garten of the Laurons mill school was a very original exhibit, as was the vtombtnftblon settee and fflYlrbJvaatst box from the Trinity-Ridge school. One of the schools exhibited sev eral fine cabbaye dlants grown in the garden of the school, but this ex hibit was taken away before the name of tho sender could he procured. The judges exnmined the exhibits Friday night and Saturday morning, rendering the following report: Report of Judges. Hy way of explanation of the list that follows It is necessary to state: I. Owing to the crowd present all during Friday it was Impossible for tho judges to pass upon tho exhibits until late Saturday night. Some ar ticles had already gone hy this time. II, Wo believe that every honor able mention made is richly deserved ?'but there were others. Our only re gret is we can't name them. To pub lish all would swamp the capacity of the newspaper columns. Several articles, which should have received honorable mention, were necessarily thrown out because they ?wore not properly marked. The Judges. Plain Sewing. Stocking darning, Annie L. Wright, Sandy Springs. Plain apron, Alma Coleman. Cross Hill. Quilt, Ruth Terry, Oakvllle. Tear dcarn, Sarah Pitts, Shady Orove. Fourth grade apron, Donnie Hartin, Laurons Mill. READING, SPELLING AND ARITHMETIC Contests in tlie Graded School Build in-. Largely Attended and very In teresting. The reading, spelling and arithme tic "bees" In the school building Fri day morning, while hold under very trying circumstances, proved very in teresting and showed what the chil dren arc doing in those lines. The crowds interfered with the work in these departments to a considerable extent and made it hard for the teach ers and children to do consistent work. The awards in these contests were as follows: Heading First grade, Vera Lowe, Cross Hill, blue ribbon. Second grade, Sarah Eliza Swygert, Laurens, blue ribbon. Fourth grade, Sarah G?gging, Wade school, blue "ribbons; Marion Bolt, Laurens, red ribbon. Fifth and sixth grades, Maude Ellis, Clinton, blue ribbon: Mildred Counts, Laurens, red ribbon. Spelling. Fourth and fifth grades. Ruf us Wolfe, Shiloh, blue ribbon: Caroline Riankin, Laurens. red ribbon. Sixth and seventh grades. Addle Simpson, Poplar Springs, blue ribbon; Katharine McQee, Laurens, red ribbon. Seventh, eight and ninth grades, Clayte Roper, Laurens, blue ribbon. Arithmetic. Third and fourth grades. Wier Da vis, Rock Hridgo, blue ribbons; CJriee Hunt, dray Court-OwingS, red rib bon. Fifth and sixth gardes, Annie Barks dale, Laurens, blue; Nathan Wallace, Ora, red. Seventh, eighth and ninth grades, Rebecca Lake, Laurens, blue. Eighth year apron, Lois Brainlott, Woodrow Wilson. Button hole, Mary Units, Wood row Wilson. Doll dress, Ella Armstrong, Gray Court-Owlngs. Plain shirt waist, Clara Williams, Lanford, Doll apron. Catherine Pulley. Fancy Work. Handkerchief! Catherine Simpson, Age 9. Handkerchief, age 7, Mattie . May Cox, Youngs. Plain handkerchief, Bessie Blako ley, Bailey. Belt, Beatrice Teague, Lisbon. Bolt, 10 years old, Isabel Compton, Ora. Crocheted center-piece, Minnie Ir vin. age 1">, Trinity-Ridge. Crocked center-piece, Emmie Lou Washington, age 0, Laurens. Embroidered center-piece, Mary Lit tle, ago 1"), Sandy Springs. Embroidered center-piece, Mattie May Tollison, age 7, Laurens. Emoroldered center-piece, Florence Henry, ago 13, Patton. Embroidered scarf, ClemlCO Mates, age 8, Mountvillc. Embroidered scarf, Mattie May Lit tle, age ir>, Copolnnd. Shirt waist front, Marie Teague, age 11. Mountvllle. Shirt waist front, Benutrlce Teague, age 1.r>, Lisbon. Dross, Bessie Blakeley, grade 6, Bailey. Collar, Cleo Roper, grade 0, Lau rens. Apron. Annie L. Benjamin, a;;> 1". Old Mountvllle. Apron, Olga Simmons, ape 11, Mountvillc. Apron, Carrie Baldwin, ago 12, Ora. Eating apron, Mary Rlaekwell. grade ?l, Laurens. . Crocheting. Crocheted sack, Sarah Eliza Swy gert. age 7, Laurens. Crochet sample, Olive O'Dell. age iL Poplar Spring. Crocheted cap, Catherine Meng, age 7, Laurens. Crocheted sample, Mahr! Smith, ago 1J, Rock. Bra wftlg. Because of the large number of en tries from the Laurens city schools, tho exhibits from this school was judged by grades, hence the larger space devoted to it by the judges. Laurens school: Grade I?Tinman Miller, Fay Cheney. Grade TT. Sarah Eliza Swygert, Marrcaruite Ropor. Grado III. Eleanor Miller. Emmie Lon Washington. Grade TV. Catherine Crews, Grade v. Carolyn Itankln, Pat (Continucd on Page Eight.) THE GREAT PARADE AN INSPIRING SIGHT Conservative Estimates Place the Number of Children, Teachers and Trustees at 3,000. Conservative estimates place the number of school children, teachers and trustees In the parade Friday at 3,000. Besides those in the parade there were large numbers of children going to the schools who were not In line at all, bringing the total number of school children in Laurens to quite a high figure. It can easily be said that no such parade was ever held in Laurens before and doubtless any where else In this vicinity. Numbers of the schools over the county re ported here with every pupil In line and numbers of others were here with just a few absent. If it had not been for the fact that the weather condi tions were so favorable for farm work after a season of rain the coveted 1,000 would easily have been reached. As to the total number of people here, children and parents, it would be hard to estimate though it is possible that the ligure would run near the six thousand mark. Anyhow, it was a great day and one long to be remem bered. A noticeable and commendable fea ture of the parade was the uniformity of dress on the part of the children. All of the girls were dressed in white and a large majority of them in middy blouses, making a very striking ef fect. Several of the schools deserve special mention for their costumes in this parade, particularly the bailey school, the Watts mills school and the Laurens mills school. The Laurens city schools was especially noted for its military bearing, precision of step, etc. A large number of trustees showed their interest in the work by being in line behind the children. MOVING PICTURE MAN SECURES MANY SCENES Parade of School Children and Scenes in the City Taken in Hie Movies. The moving picture man attracted no small amount of attention at the fair. Because of the inexperience of those managing this part of the pro gram, as many of the school children were not gotten into the picture as was, originally intended. The auto mobile parade was left out almost entirely, Mr. Lavender thinking, after a large number of the children had passed, that no more film remained, when in fact quite a little bit had not been used. With the 'remaining few feet of film, however, several scenes at the athletic meet were taken. Besides the pictures taken in con nection with the fair, other scenes ov er the city were taken. The glass fac tory was visited, several views of tin business section were taken and some views in the residential section. A picture was taken of tho ofllcial rais ing of the "stars and stripes" over the now federal building, the cord carry ing the banner to tho top of the pole being pulled hy Miss Annie Rie.hoy. O'.her seenes in and around the city wore taken and these will be seen when tho film is developed and shown at the opera house. I _ Seaboard Official in the City. David W. Morrah, traveling passon ge?* agent of the S. A. L. railroad with Offices in Atlanta, was among the visi tors in the city Thursday. He was here looking after details of special passenger service for the Atlanta mu sic fotlvnl and the reunion in Chatta nooga. Mr. Morrah spoke Very pleas antly of Laurens, saying it always gave him a great deal of pleasure to make his calls here. The buslsess men, he said, always receive (he the traveling public hospitably and courteously, dropping the affairs of tho moment to extend a welcome and to give the Opportunity to transact, business with out unnecessary delay. Mr. Morrah made a number of calls on different h"8lnC88 men of the city, being Intro duced by Mr. F. .F. Nelson.. Honored in Charleston. Mr. W. 1'. Thomason, who went as a deli gate to the meet in:; of the Jun ior Order of United Mechanics In Charleston In -t work, was elected State vice councilor, one of the high est offices in the slate lodge. .Mr. Thomason spoke very enthusiastically of the meeting, saying that a most enjoyable as well a? profitable pio gram was carried out. THE TRACK MEET SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR Youthful Athletes Show up In Fine Form. Clinton, Gray Court and Trlultj-Ridge Win Largest Honors. Immediately following the parade Friday the high schools of the coun ty hold their athletic meet at the new Held on West Main street. The schools participating in this meet were Clln tin, Gray Court-Owings, Trlnlty-Rldgo, and Laurens. Some line athletic stunts were pulled off and the Im mense crowd that attended showed its interest in every event. Clinton and Cray Court-Owings car ried off most of the honours, the form er's team getting away with the high est score, thereby winning the tro phy cup presented by Fleming Bros, of Laurens. For Clinton, Clarence Galloway proved the real hero of the day, winning the 220-yard hurdles, the 220-yard run, the running broad Jump and the polo vaulting. He was close ly pushed for highest honours by Earl Brooks of the Cray Court-Owings team, who captured three events, the 100-yard dash. 880-yarda run and the 140-yards run. Trinity-Ridge high school came in for next honours, getting away with the shot-put and high Jump. The shot put was won by Harry Mitchell and the high jump by George Langston. The medals were awarded after the oratorical contest Friday night. Sam Prather, captain of the Clinton team, was given the trophy cup to keep for his team. The records showing the first three in each event follow: 100 YARDS DASH? 1. Brooks, Qray Court-Owings. 2. Galloway, Clinton. 3. Lynchburg Clinton and Sullivan, Laurens. SHOT PUT?? 1. Mitchell. Trlnlty-Rldgo. 2. Langston, Trinity-Ridge. ?,. Curry, Cray Court-Owings. HURDLES? 1, Galloway, Clinton. 2. Sullivan, Laurens. 2. .laoobs, Clinton. HALF MILE RUN? 1. Brooks, Gray Court-O.winga. 2. Crisp. 3. Holmes, Laurens. 220 DA SI I? 1. Galloway, Clinton. 2. Lynchburg, Clinton. 3. Mitchell, Trinity-Ridge. 440 YARDS RUN? 1, Brooks, Cray Court-Owings. 2. Copeland, Clinton. 2. Donnan, C, Laurens. IG'NMXG HIGH JUMP 1. Langston, Trinity-Ridge. 2. Brooks, Cray Court-Owings. 2. Ceo. Mitchell, Trinity-Ridge. RUNNING BROAD JUMP?? 1. Galloway, Clinton. 2. Harry Mitchell, Trinity-Ridge. 2,. Brooks, Cray Court-Owings. POLK VAC LT? 1. Galloway, Clinton. 2. Langston, Trinity-Ridge. 3. Brooks, Cray Court-Owings. INSPECTION FRIDAY. rraynliani Guards will lone Annual Inspection by Gen. \\, IV. .Moore and CupL McCnlly. Friday the 25th, the Traynliam Guards, will be Inspected by ('apt. P. K. McCi.'JIy and Adj. Gen. \V. W. Moore. This inspection Is held an nually and during the day there will be many Interesting events. The regu lar drill will bo Ptomotimo during the ,aftern'oon. and no doubt hundreds will be on the square to watch the work of the local company. The Traynham Guards, under Capt. W. R. Rlchoy, .lr., la considered one of the beat companies in the state National Guards and has always heretofore boon highly compllmontod by the In specting officers. Capt. Richoy requests that all auto mobiles be removed from the south side of the public square for that af ternoon as this will be the place of drilling. Voted sM'000 Bonds. Laurens school district No. 1, voted on the issuing of $4,000.00 bonds last Saturday and the vote stood 28 to 7 in favor of leaning tho bonds, The money will be used in erecting a new school building for the Trinity-Ridge school and in making other ncccS8ary Improvements, The handsome ma jority in favor of voting the bonds is a most encouraging Indication of the admirable interest the people of tho county are taking in education. ELEMENTARY CONTESTS IN ATHLETICS GREAT Young Folks Wont Iii the Fray with a Vim and .Made Things Lively* While possibly not accompanied hy that "statellness and dignity" char acterizing the high school athlotto contests, the elomentary athletic con tests for the hoys am! girls of tho county schools below the eighth grade proved equally as tntorestng and ex citing in tho extreme. In addition to the contests tor the children them selves, several events were on the program for tho teachers besides sev eral events introduced rather sudden ly which were not on the program, for instance when Supt, Jones was knocked headlong over the brick re taining wall on the east side of the graded school campus when two girls ran into him at the finish of an excit ing race. The younger children had a big time of it, both in the morning and afternoon contests. A feature of these events was the relay race, which was participated in by four hoys from each of three schools entering. The four boys from each of tho schools were strung around the school grounds at about equal Intervals so that there were four groups of three boys each. Each of the boys in (he first group represent inj; the different schools, was given a handkerchief. The starter gave the signal ami the boys dashed off at full speed to tho next group where each hundkcrchlcf was quickly transferred to the respec tive contestant in the waiting group and the race continued by the next throe boys. This continued all the "way around the grounds, the last group of boys returning to the origin al starting place competing the cir cle. Tho race was made in splendid time, the Laurens school Winning. Paul M?lmes, John M. Mudgens, Charles Thompson and Harry M,cAlls tor composed the winning loiim. 1 lido-bound rules and regulations received small consideration in these events. The boys and girls were of tor the contests and tho judges were aOler letting them have thorn ami thoyfind 'cm. Dash and pepper were tho rules here. When the events were called the youngsters and youngster esses jumped in. tok a chance ami won or lost: If, perchance, a wily potato refused to slide into a sharp pointed spoon with wonted speed, the said potato was chased until captured even if a bead on collision or a spec tacular high dive was necessary to encompass him, The object at these contests was to "get there" and the kids didn't fall >o make good. Alto gether, this was one of tho most en joyable features of tho day. Tho only records kept of those events were the names of those who "boat". Hero they are: 100-yard dash, Donnan, Watts Mills Low hurdle, David Copeland, Sardls. Running high jump, Sample Mit chell, Trlnlty-Rldgo. Running broad Jump, Henry McAUs ter, Laurens. 75-yard dash for teachers only, (This was a pippin), tii J. M. Powell, Watts Mills; (2) B. A. Fuller. Mountvillo: (3) (Only throe in tho race). 50-yard dash, girls only, Cora Lang . ton, Rabun school. Potato race, John Bonham, Watts Mills. ShOO Race, David Copeland, Sardls. Throo-loogod race for boy:. Clyde I Darnoll und Claude Franks, Laurens Mills. Three-legged race for girls, Esther Hern and Holland CfOWB, Lannn-. Relay Race. Laurens. The Piedmont Contest. in the Plodmonl Oratorical Con tost, hold at Oroonvlllo Friday night, Waddy Duncan, of the Walhalla high school, won rust place Hugh Alken, who represented the Laurens high school, made .'i very creditable speech, reflecting credit up';:: hlmsolf and up on the school. At the athletic- con tests hold the next morning, Herbert Sullivan came out third In the hurdle race. Special Tax at Rcnnn. An election on the question of vot ing a Special live mill school tax in Jacks school district No. 3 was held iasl week. The election wont 17 to 7 in favor of Voting the tax, thus put tin;; this district alongside all of those other districts in the county who have voted the tax. Thfl Is the district In Which Renno is situated. HONORS IN ORATORY TO DEWEY NELSON Cross Hill Man First and Laurens Second. RANDOLPH LITTLE IN SECOND PLACE High School Orators Give a Very Creditable exhibition of Oratorical Powers at (he School Auditorium Friday livening. Other Medals Awarded. The crowning event of the county school fair Friday came In tho even ing, when tho animal oratorical con test was held. Dewey Nelson, repre senting the Cross Hill high school, carried off the highest honors In this and Randolph t.ittie, of tho Laurons city schools, carried off second. Dew ey Nelson was the second speaker on the program and from the moment that he began his oration it was evi dent that he would In- a strong eon tender for the tlrst place. Display ing an innate eloquence ho yet showed the result of able and painstaking training) his splendid effort last year being remembered by many in tho audience, Randolph Little showed considerable improvement ovor bin work in the prelemiuary contest and made n splendid Impression tipou the audience. Ho was marked as a pos sible winner Immediately his speech was finished, But, as Rov, .1. B. Green who presented tho medals said, all of the orators acquitted thdmsclVOS well and with different judges it is possible that the result of the tleliboratlons might have been otherwi. e. The following are the names of Ihn contestants, their subjects and tho the schools they represented: Aaron Cannon, Gray Court-Owings The Character or Napoleon Bona? parte. Vans Waldrop, Lanford Sam Da vis, the Scout. .lohn Holland Ihinleiv Clinton ? The I Hack Horse and his Rider, ISugeno Mitchell, Mountvillc Tho Confederate (Jlrl Wife. Dewe.v NelSOlt ro:s Mill Death Of Lafayette. Randolph Little, Laurens The New South. Fiber! Freeman, Princeton Hora tio at the Bridgo, Robert Barnett, Trlnlty-Rldgo Tho Murder or While. The contest was pre id< d ovor by Hay no Taylor, of tho Lauren city schools, who is president of tho asso ciation. ThO judges we e |{c\. .1. B, Giern, of Greenwood, Supt. W, W. Nickels, of Greenwood, and Prof. Toy Con, of Purman University. A splendid musical program was furnished by the orchestra of tho Pro bytcrlan college al Clinton, composed Of Dr. Voting, 1st Violin, Ml Dan Brlmm, 2nd violin, Mr, Henry firlmm, ! flute, Mr. Neely, cornet, MIpi Curcolli ' accompanist and dircotoi During an Intortnlssion while tho judges Wore Coming lo :t : Ion, Hot;. R, A. Cooper call''; Aaron Cannon of ?he Gray Court-Owings school to tho front and presented him with the Ovo dollar gold piece offered by the Honry Laurens chapter, I). A, it.. for the host essay on United Slates history. II will be noted that ho was also one of the contestants in the oratorical d Iit08t< thus being doubly honor* d. After the judges had come t i their conclusions as to tho successful I cab ers. Rev. .1. It. Green awarded tbo medals. Beside, the oratory i icdals, he also awarded the medals 0f7>) i d for the different athletic oveptfi in tho high school contest. These iv sre as follows: Karl Brooks, Gray -r ow ings, medals for 100-yard tint I 140 yard run and 880-yard run; Clarence Galloway, Clinton, 220 hurdles, 220 yards run, running broad jump, polo vault: Harry Mitchell, Triaitv * Id ? . shot put: George Lnngalon, Trlnlty Sam Prath or, fee captain of the team. This cup Will have the name of tho successful team inscribed upon it and tho team will hold it until the v.evf, meeting when It will be again contest . cd for. Ridge, high lui by Fleming Br ag the In ichool athletic e Clinton high rophy, offored (?'in ' rnak ?0 in t ie high s awarded tf> nd handed .o