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The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, April 30, 1913, Image 6

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Former Luurens Comity Man Geta
Postofflce at Spartanburg after
Warm Contest Between Others.
?Stiartanburg, April 24.?Congress
man Joseph T. Johnson, who returned
to Spartanburg from Washington yes
terday, announced after listening pa
tiently in his law ofllco for sovoral
hours to tho claims of various candi
dates for tho postmastorship of this
olty, as presented by their friends, that
ho had decided to recommend Plcrro
11 Plko, city editor of Tho Herald,
and until recently Mr. Johnson's secre
tary, for appointment to the position.
Tho announcement was as much of n
surprise to Mr. Fiko as to anybody
olso, as ho had not solicited tho honor
and had not been mentioned In connec
tion with the postmnstershlp.
Mr. Johnson's decision whb receiv
ed with general satisfaction, how
over, and will doubtless end what
ever of rancor may hnve entered tho
contest for tho place.
Mr. Pike has been engaged In
nowspaper work in Spartanburg for
12 years, and Is acquainted, perhaps,
with mumi' people in tho city than any
other Minn, Ills ni|fi?Mlng courtesy
and fair dealing bftVC won for blm the
QBteern of,all who know him. II?
^was connected with The Herald for
ton years before he accepto dtho po
sotlon of secretary to Mr. Johnson,
and returned to this newspaper only
last Monday, giving up his desirable
OOOlip?ttQn 1,1 Washington in order
thul-i'/T ittlghl I'Osltlfl !n Bimrlanburg,
hl? home town.
Native of I,aureus County.
Mr. Plko is almost 10 yenrs old. lie
was Dorn In I.aurens county nnd at
tended Wofford college. Ho has spent
most of Iiis life in Spartanburg and is
familiar with the needs of tho city.
That, ho will make one of tho most
efilolont postmasters that Spartanburg
has over had Is confidently predicted
bty those who SHOW him.
W. II. Dllllngham, W. P. Young,
aaslstant postmaster. .1. II. Carlisle,
Kbor Allen and It. .1. (iantt were
among those prominently niontloned
as candidates for the postmastershlp,
after Postmaster W. M. Floyd with
drew from the contest. Messrs. 1)11
llngham and Young were the strong
est oandidatOS. .Mr. Johnson at hrst
recommended -Mr. Dllllngham for the
place, at the sumo time promising Mr.
Young an honorable and lucrative po
sition in the postal service from
which ho would have an opportunity
to advance t<? a pined even higher
than the Spartanburg postmastershlp.
Factional feeling between the friends
of Messrs, Dllllngham and Young ran
so high, however, that Mr. Dllllngham
released Mr. Johnson from his prom*
. iso to buvo him from embarrassment
Mr. Johnson then decided to com?
to Spartanburg in person, sound the
Sentiment of tin- Olty, and take such
EtOtlon in tho matter as seemed most
advisable. The selection of Mr. Flke
was the outcome.
The appointment will bo for a four*
yeur term. Mr. Floyd's term will ex
pire within a few flays, but It Is
hardly likely that President Wilson
will immediately appoint Mr. Pike.
Tho president, Mr. Johnson said, has
beertng moving slowly In many of hlfl
appointments. The COUrSG of proce
dure Is for the president tr> make the
appointment, after which . is sent to
tho senate for confirmation. The
Spartanburg postmastershlp pays $3,
100 a year.
Mr. Johnson has post masterships to
till at Woodruff, Landrmn and Inman.
In this county; JoneSVlllo, In Colon
county, and I.aurens, In I.aurens
county. Mr. Johnson said he proposed
to visit these towns and study (lie sit
uation and then recommend ofr ap
pointment such men as he deemed most
desirable for the positions. He said
thnt some of his appointees mlghl not
be the men whom the people wanted,
but they would be the men who he
Mr. Fike was the recipient of con
gratulations from hundreds of per
sons yesterday after the news of Mr.
Johnson's decision had been made
known. The news spread so quickly
?hat he even received a telegram of
' ongratulatlons from a Spartanburg
?nslness man in New York, though ho
was puzzled to know how the an
nouncement had reached New York.
Coughs and Consumption.
Coughs and colds, when neglected,
always lead to serious trouble of tho
lungs. The wisest thing to do when
you have a cold that troubles you Is
to get a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery. You will get rollof from tho
first dose, and finally tho cough will
disappear. O. H. Hrown, of MuscadlneJ?
Ala., writes: "My wife was down In
bed with an obstinate cough, and
?olds. Price 50c and $1.00. Recom
mended by Daurens Drug- Co. and
Palmetto Drug Co.
Notice of Teachers Examination.
Tho regular spring examination for
teachers will he hold in the court
house, Friday. May 2nd. beginning at
9 o'clock.
:8-3t Co. Supt. of I'M.
No turpentine in this POLISH
It s so easy
A t a 11 Pea lers lOcts.
Laurons Mills, April 28.?Although
tho Weather Is still cool tho people are
trying to garden.
A few of our families have moved
away recently. Among them are Mr.
.lohn Setzler and family, Mr. .lames
Wond and Mr. Casey Williams. Sev
eral new families have moved In.
Alrs.N, F. Cury Is very sick at pres
ent. Wo trust she will soon make a
change for (he better.
Eddlo Wade Is no better. He is not
able to be up much now.
.Mrs. T. 0. Smith is about welt
Oku ill.
Mr. Clayton Todd died last Sunday
morning and was buried Monday at
eleven O'clock at Rocky Springs
Roy Martin has been sick for a few
.'.ays but is better now.
Mr. W. 11. QOBUOll in in Tennessee
for a few days on business.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Johnson had as
their guests Sunday Mrs. L. S. ('In aly
(Hid Mr. U. 10. Thompson and family.
Mr. Robert Tinsley has accepted a
position at Wattts Mills. Mr. D, A.
Morgan Bucceodfl him here.
Rov. Mr. Burnett of Walhalla will
conduct a scries of meetings here this
week at the second M. 10. church be
ing assisted by the pastor, Rev. Mr.
Lewis. .
We note with pleasure tho splendid
Improvements being made by our out
side man, Mr. Montgomery.
Mr. C. C. Johnson Is now working
at Watts Mils but he will continue his
work in the Sunday school down her*;.
Woodruff Man Discovers Stranger
Peeping info l|<- Home and SIlOOtN
at Him.
Dr. S. U Parxoiir., president of the
Bank of Woodruff, and one of the best
known jiti/.< />. of that town, had an
unpleasant experience with a ?peep
ing Tom" Thursday night about 19:30
o'clock, in. Farsoni a/as :A*. bourn,
and happening 10 look out of the win
dow hi* attention was attracted to
ward a iiIn h.'h yard, near xh'i win
dow, and scrutinizing the branches of
the tree cioneiy, he discovered a ma:,
perched up, on a Utah, Inking in the
I house, He quickly secured bh; shot
gun and fired at the utranger.
I The load of shot did not take ef
fect, and the peeper, scrambling down
the tree, made good his eSCftps before
he could be apprehended or bil iden
tity revealed.
Or. Partons rushed out In the yard
directly after firing at the Intruder,
and a party of nelgl/bors gathered.
For several hours they put up a dili
gent search, but no results were
forthcoming. Or. Parsons has no
clue whatever as to who the roan up
iIk- tree was.
Ts Easy to Have, Natural
Colored and Beautiful
So many women have groy or faded
hair; neglect it until It becomes thin,
dry and lifeless, begins to fall out and
makes them appear much older than
hey really nro. If your hair Is In
this condition get a boUlo of Hay's
llnlr Health today. Don't wait until
some one snys how much older you
look. You'll bo delighted nt tho
results from even one or two appllcrv
lions. Tho grey hairs gradual'. dl>
appear and your hftlr will become full
of life nnd vitality. No ono can tell
that you are using It. It's not a dyo
but a nice, cUAn preprrctlon that
<|iilokly and effectively keeps your grey
hair dnrk, glossy and natural colon d
and that ail druggists guarantor* sat
isfactory or refund your monev. Al
ways nsk for Hay's Hair Health. It
never falls.
Free: Sign Oils ndv. nnd take It to tho
OllOWlng druggists nnd get a ?Oc. bot
le of May's llnlr Health and a 2Bc.
?nko of Harflnn Soap, for fine.; or $1.00
hottlo of Hay's llnlr Health and two
2Bc. cakes of Harilna Soap Freo, for tl.
For sale and recommended by
Associate Justice on .South Carolina
Supreme Court. Bench Made Judge
of Fourth United States Circuit.
Washington, April 21.?When Presi
dent Wilson sent tho nomination of
Charles A. Woods of .Marion, associate
justice of the South Carolina supreme
court, to the senate this afternoon for
confirmation as the successor to Nath
an (Joff, judge of the Fourth United
States circuit court, there was gen
eral satisfaction expressed here not
only by South Carolinians who know
Justice- Woods, but by others who
know p( his high standing and legal
Of tho members of tho South Caro
line delegation in congress who have
spoken for Justice Woods there was
but one opinion?that the president
could not possibly have made a better
or more satisfactory appointment.
They have worked for him from tho
start and never ceased to believe that
he WOuld1 receive the Indorsement ot
President Wilson, as tho matter ter
minated today, when his nomination
was made public.
Senators Smith and Tlllmaft said
there was little to make public re
garding the matter, Kineo Justice
Woods was so well and favorably
known that anything they might add
would be unnecessary.
It Is agreed that the president has
made an excellent appointment.
Don't he surprised if you have an
attack of rheumatism this spring. Just
rub the affected parts freely with
Chamberlain's Liniment and it will
soon disappear. Sold by all dealers.
. J Pou
Poultry Profits Sure
^J^* J when you succeed In raising
strong, vigorous chicks. Losses
^^^^1 Jiere are fatal to the business.
H Cut out the losses; raise the
chicks. Sample package
Chidf Food
is guaranteed to make
chicks grow at a rapid
rate, b i g - b o n c d and
husky. Feed it for three
weeks at a cost of lc per
chick and insure your
future sucee is,
"Money Bark if it FaiY'
In boxes and bags, 25c up.
<A-t Pratt* Proflt-shnrtntf Booklet
Sold nnd guaranteed by nit
first class dealers.
Office In Simmons Building
Phone: Office No. 86; Residence 219.
Simpson, Cooper & Babb,
Attorneys at Law.
Will practice in all State Courts,
orompt attention (riven to all business.
Sweet Potato Plants
Nancy Hall, Red Providence
and Porto Rico Yams
I can fill your or.lcr promptly,
for any quantity. $1.75 per 1,000
over 10,000 at $1.50 per r,ooo.
1 guarantee plants true to name,
and delivery in good condition.
Fort Green, Fla.
Laugh and the world laughs with you
Weep and you weep alone
Dress well and the world greets you
Dress shabby and your credit is gone
We Dress them WELL from Head to Hoof.
Suits made to order from $15.00 to $50.00
The Shoe Men
State of South Carolina,
County of Greenwood,
Court of Common Pleas.
B\ F, McKellar, Jr.
Jane McCoy.
Pursuant to a judgment of the court
nnd n decree of sale in tho above en
titled cause, I will sell at public auc
tion on Saleoday in May. 1913, (tho
same being the 5th day of May) in
front of the court-house door, in tho
County of Laurens and State aforesaid,
during tho legal hours of sale, on
terms specified below, the following
described real estato to wit:
All that tract or plantation of land
situate, lying and being in the county
of I.aurens, State of South Carolina,
containing twenty-five (25) aerer, more,
or less and bounded on the north-east
by Dora Watson, on the south-east by
Plus Brown; on the south by J. Frank
Ramage and on the west by Hiram Mc
Coy and Dugar McCoy and Willis
Llney Blakely?the said tract of land
being conveyed to the said Jane Mc
Coy by her late husband'Lindrcy .Mc
Coy. February 19^1910, deed recorded
in ollice of clerk-'of court for Laurena
county. Hook z$, page 20. Terms of
sale: cash. Purchaser to pay for pa
pers. .
W. J. Moore,
37--U Master in Equity.
State of South Carolina)
County of Laurens.
Whereas, petitions signed by a legal
number of the qualified electors and
free-holders, residing in 'Dials school
district Hrf. 0 Laurens county, South
Carolins; asking for an election upon
the question of voting an additional tr
mill tax upon the property in said
school district to be used for school
purpo&ps, have been filed with the
county board of education, an election
is hereby ordered upon said question,
said election to be held on the 10th
day of May, 1913 at Barksdale school
house In said district, under the man
agement of the trustees of said school
Only such electors ns return real or
personal property for taxation and
who exhibit their tax receipts and reg
istration certificates as required In tiw
general election shall be allowed to
Those favoring the 3 mm additional
tax shall vote a ballot containing tho
word "YES" written or printed thoro
on. Those against the It mill addition
nl tax shall-vote a ballot containing,
the word "NO" written or printed
thereon. Polls shall open at the hour
of s o'clock In the. forenoon and shall
remain open until the hour of 1 o'clock
I in the afternoon when they shall he.
closed, and the ballots counted.
I The trustees shall report the result
jot the election to the county auditor
? and county superintendent of educa
, tlon within ten days thereafter.
By order of County Board.
I 10-2t. my
Take notice that on the 16th day af
May, I will render a final account of
my acts and doings ns Administratrix
of the estate of Win. J. Copcland, da
ceased, in tho office of tho Judge of
Probate of Laurens county at 11
o'clock, a. m., and on tho same day
will apply for a final discharge from
my trusts as Administratrix.
Any person indebted to said estato
are notified and required to make pay -
ment on that .date; and all persons
having clalms/agalnst said estate wHl
present them on or before said dato,
duly proven, or be forevor barred.
Claudena Copeland,
Administratrix with will, annexed
April 9. 1913.?1 mo.
Condensed Passenger Schedules.
Between Greenville, Anderson and
Oreonwood. ?
Trains leavo and arrive Greenville
corner Main and Washington Streets.
Effective Sunday, January 12, 1913, ac
? Loayo:
No. Tlmo
1? 5:55 a. m.
3? 7:45 a.m.
5?10:00 a, m.
7?U:4ga. m.
9? 1:45 p.m.
11? a: 40 p.m.
15? 4:56 p. m.
17? (V:35 p. m.
19? 8:10 p.m.
?21?11:00 p.m. ,
?Saturdays only.
Tickets on sale at G. S. &. A. Termi
nal Main Street.
General Manager. Gen.* Pass. Agt.
No. Time.
2? 8:20 a. m.
4?10:36 a. m.
6?12:35 p. m.
8? 2:15 p. m.
10? 4:15 p.m.
12? 5:00 p. m.
16? 6:35 p. m.
18? 7:36 p. m.
20?10:35 p. m.

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