OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 20, 1915, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1915-01-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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Just Once! Try "Dodson's
Constipated, Headachy.-I
Liven up youri slugglsh liver! Feel
fine and cheerful; make your work a
pleasire; be vigorous and full of am
'bition. .But take no nasty, dangerous
.calomel because it makes you sick and
you may lose a day's work.
Caloinel is mercury or quicksilver
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel crashes Into sour bile like
dynamite, breakilg it up. That's when
you feel that awful nausea and cramp
Listen to me! If you want to enjoy
the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel
cleansing you ever experienced just
take'a spoonful of harmless 'Dodson's
Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or
dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of
Rayo Mak<
A Ple
TrHE full mellow glov
T your eyes and makes
absence of glare and harsht
to you. It is this quality
recommend the soft lighl
fection in oil lamps. No
light always.
Rayo Lamps are easy to I
pensive-yet the best light
Your dealer will be glad t<
Washinaton, D.C. (NEW J1
Norfolk. Va.
Richmond, Va. BALTI
It Alwal
says Mrs. Sylvania WVoot
witing of her experience
tonlic. She says further:
Cardul, my back and i
thought the pain would I
to do ainy of my housewor
of Cardui, I began to feel
gained 35 pounds, and i
as well as run a big wa
l wish everysufrl
The Worn
a trial. I still use Cardui
and it always does me g
Headache, backache
tired, worn-out feelings, et
ly trouble. Signs that yoi
tonic. You cannot make
for your trouble. It hasi
women for more than fift
We use the best loather tha
* work will please0 and that our at
Black Cat's Paw and Spring
Tan Cat's Paw and Spring SI
S O'Sullivan Rlubbor'IHeels..
HIonbachis Interchangeable RI
IHalf Soles, machine or hand
llalf Soles, sewed, women .
Heels fixed .. ....
hlalf Solos, tacked, men..
* half Solos, tacked, ladles .
* We put on any kind or rubi.
wholesale prices we are able to
* We have just received a new
* while y'ou wait. We do0 the work
*.New York San
Liver Tone" When Bilious,
)on't Lose a Day's Work.
Dodson's Liver Tonle underI my per
sonal iloney-back guarantee that each
spoonful will clean your sluggish liv
er better than. a dose of nasty ealomiel
an(1 that it won't make you sick.
Dodson's 'Liver Tone is real liver
mediciue. You'll know It next inorn
ing because you will wake up fcoling
fine, your liver will be working;
headache and dizziness !one; stomach
will be sweet and bowels regular.
Dodson's LivQr Tone is entirely veg
otable, therefore harmless and caln
not salivate. Give it to yog/ children.
Millions of people are usitig Dodson's
Liver Tone instead of A6ngerous cal
onel now. Your drut glst will tell
you take the sale of Caloinel Is almost
stopped enitirely here.
as Reading
r of the Rayo Lamp rests
reading a pleasure. The
ess will be a distinct relief
that causes scientists to
of the oil lamp. The
5 the highest point of per
glare, no flicker, correct
ght and care for. hex
at any price.
> show you the gAyo.
.RSEY) Charlotte, N. C.
~OE Charleston. W. V4.
MORE Charlestn w.C. *
ys. Helps
Is, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in
tvithl Cardui, the womhan's
"B~efore 1 began to tuse
zad wVou.ld hurt so bad, I
:ill me. 1 was hardly able
k. After taking three bottles
like a newv woman. I soon
>w, I do all my hlousework,
ter mill.
g woman Would give
an's TonI'
I when I feel a little bad,
side ache, nervousness,
e., are sure signs of woman.
a need Cardui, the woman's
a mistake in trying Cardul
b~een helping weak, ailing
y years.
is made and guarihtee that our
>les will wear..../..
Step) Heels ....'...40c
el) Heels .... .... /.50c +
. .... ................50c
ubber Heels .\.. .....5c
oewed, men's . .... .. 75c
.:.. .. 4.. ......65c *
... . .. .. . . . .....10c
........ .... .... .... ....40c
er heels. Buying ouri suplies at
ho this cheaper than others.
machine that will sew your shoes
iple Shoe Store I
, PJIOIPit1E'I'01h.
* *
* * * * * * *, * * * * * * * * * * *
Shiall $5 dinners be eaten with cot
ton tablecloths,; benieali the dinlers'
13aes an(1 cotton niapkins, across thle
dilnlers' knees?
"Never!" says Ernest .1. otevens
manager of the Iotel La Salle.
"Wly not?" asks oJseph lelfeld of
the 1lotel Shermatn.
And there they stand, deadlocked,
after members or the Illinois Com
mercial 1lotel association have agreed
to substitute cotton napery for linen,
to help telh sun11 to shine once more in
tho castwhile sunny 9Sbuth. The ho
tel men reachied their decision on the
co'ntm question yesterday at the end
of their tenth annual convention held
at the La Salle, and inmmediately
ground for the Stevens-Belfeld con
troversy was made.
When ir. Stevens was a-sked last
night If lie would give cotton napkin1s
to his guests, lie replied:
"I will not. I don't believe In that
kind of patriotism. Cotton napery
isn't so good as line-that's the rea
scn. It isn't so sanitary. After sev
eral launderings-and It doesn't stand
thc wear and tear of the laundry so
well, either-cotton napkins and ta
blecloths lost their freshness. They
look sfuldgy, even when clean."
Then Mr. lBelfeld came to bat for
his propaganda.
"I'm not going to throw away the
mable linen at the Sherman," he said,
"but as soon as it, wears out it will be
I replaced with cottoni. When he says
cotton Isn't as good as linen for nap
cry Mr. Stevens Is talking about
something of which lie has little or
:o knowledge.
"Let him go down to the Fort .Dear
born hotel and see the cotton 'lInens'
wc* are using there. Although the cot
ton napeiy there has been in use
since March, I defy him or any one
<-sc to tell It at sight from linen. On
ly by feeling it can one tell the dif
ference, and then one much 1e some
thing of an expert.
''Two 3mls In this count1 tiy are now
turni ng out the cotton Fabric used for
ipery which was made exclusively
in llohenia before the war. No one
-not even Mr. Stevens-Is going to
pay $5 a dozel for napkins when ofth
ers are 1".ptt i as ser0icable oles for
$1 ?3 a dozen.
"Anud wlien all the 8,000 Am1 iericana
1'els anld the -1 000) restaurants and
the dining cars adI the boar1-din1g
h wur5 es are indig, "ofttol lapely the
. h will ihave a miar3k(el. for 100.1000
v\Iura bale:s annually 0. there'll he a
dowal al l right!"' hiengo Tibune.
Sich'k lied11(hI'. ladll reath, Sour
Sto3ion'iih, Iielin s 1.1ier ai hnels
ar,e -lI e Theer up!
(,0 at 10I-('ent bOx.
Slek he' l a 3cho, hih.s1ns111 s , dizz 3i
Ii'331il Wr t uways trac'e them33 to
I i .i ho\ l or5 (3 our1 , 2a3 s Y- tofach.3(
l' 33onuis mi3uter' cho:gedt in the in
tine s-. t 3il is re -:3lisorbehl into I ll.
33)3io a3i33 that1 dul3l, throbb1in1g, siik
('ascarmsl 33 inneiat3ely- (el3anse5 ft
footl1131 a 3in 1 ou gaes, .takie the, e'x('es3
hleI f'rom the live'm3'&~il ('arry: t all
thle contipiated3 w t maltr and 133 poii
onis In t he howel s.
A ('ascar 3et t3on iht will surel,1y
ltr3a3ighiteln you1 Oult bly moin g. Theoy
work while you sleep--a 10-cent box
el Car, stomnachi 8weet. anld your I liver3
and1( bowels r'egular' for' months.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
H armnony, Jan. 16.-It is often saId
now that we are lIvIng in a fast ago.
By the tIme this app~ear's ini pint, we
month. Two is a pile. Thr'ee is a3
seap. Guess thIs beats any formolr
record. WVell, this Is the way the
world 1is moving, sonmc goIng while
others are coming. We do hope) no0w
everybody wIll attend to their own
business, go to .work and make thIs
One of our most prosperous years.
A hard year is saId to be a year
of moving. There has been some lIt
tle movIng, mostly among whIte peo
ple, In this cofmiunity.
Mr'. D. L. Compton, of near Tumb
ling Shoals, has moved on Mi'. John
A. Dalentine's farm, vacated by Mirs.
Texa Knight who has mnoved back to
hier home, it having been vacatedl by
heri son1, flen, who had moved to the
place lktown here as the Mur'ff plaec
b~ut - )elonlginlg to Mr. J. E. Knight
Mlr. Jlin Knight, of Greengville
county;' has taken charge of Mrs.
D~aniel Ilalentliio's farm near old
hlrewertIon. D. Cook vaclnted this
pllace and moved to Mris. alilentiie's
far'm downi near' Mt. Olive.
Mr. W. W. Diavis, wvho has been liv-.
lng at INdenton, Georgia, for' some
t~mc_ ha monedhi ba mily knalk
home. We are glad they have Coline
back among iomiefolla and old friends
Mi. Ilomer Halentile is repahiig
hi h. lolse. IlI an l h Ills bride r11 V eX
p)ctilng to go to housiekeeping Soon.
MIr. .1. It. Cook, of, 1,alrens. is vi.it
ing in this coilunity this wuek.
Tho school It this plave is moving.
along lin. e tun der the managemlt or
.\MiSS Mlillie Wallace aind Aliss sldio
MIr. Clarence G. ajevlkson has moved
from tsl' coluimuility into the Frietid
ship cou n1111111 ity. We are sorry to
lose \lIr. Jackson aid Wish him11 great
Success at his iew hoie.
This community was very w\elil ip
reseited a Magistrate Abercrombie's
court, last Tuesday.
AMrs. Larkin Hughes, of 'ickens, re
turned lome last Alonday.
Mr. James Robert Jackson, of Green
wood county, and Aliss Lela Henley,
of this community were married last
Sunday at tho home of .\I r. Robt.
Stuart, Rev. Jas. A. Hughes officlating.
The many friends of both the coi
tracting parties wish for them a long
and happy married life. Mr. and
Mlrs. Jackson remained at Mr. Stuart's
until Tuesday morning and left for
thiir future home in (reenwoo(i coun
A happy new yea'ar to The Advertiser
id(I all Its readers.
.achi "Pape's )lnpi " digests 3000
grnins iool, entding alil stomilch mt1is
er'y in five miniiitues.
Timo it! Pape's Diapepsin will di
gest anything you cat and overcome a
solr. gassy or out-of-order stomach
surely within live minutes.
If yourl meals dol't lit. comfortably,
01 what you eat lies like a lump of
lead in your stomach, or if you have
heartburn, that is a sign of indiges
Get from your pharmacist a filfty
cent, case of Pape's Diapepsin and
take a (lose just as soon as you can.
There will lie 110 sour risings, no
helching of undigested food mixed
with acid, no stomach gas or heart
burn, fullness or heavv feeling In the
stomach, nauseat, debilitating head
nhes, dizziness or in testinal griping.
This will all go, and besides there
will be no Sour food )Oft Over inl the
stoillach to ioison lmr blreati' wvith
niauseous odors.
I ,lpe's Dialmpsin is a1 cortaill ciu'e
for out-of-orlerol stoiachs, heean1se it
takes hold ol your 1ood and digests I'
jumst iho samle as 11f your stomachol
wasn't tiler.
lzolief inl five lmnues from all stoml
ne0I 1ixsery is waitinig for you at any
drung store.
These harge fifty-coent cases conltain
(Ilolgl "P'apo's Dia;'iepsin'' to keep.
0I1% vnt iro famlily free frowin stonnu h
ilisor ders and indigstion for manIy
mlont Ihs. 11. belongs inl yourl homel.
Whenever Voi Need a Gencral Tonk.,
Take Grove's
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill -Tonic is equally valuable as a
General Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic propertiesof QUI NI Ni.
and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drive.
out 1Ialaria, Enriches; the Blood and
Builds up the Whlioie Systmci. 50 cents.
I lii Sii'; (cinue in 1911I.
Gobi efin CI amo l Ing to 7.::.!:,7,s
tini at $ -!1 1 ' i s, :42 i i . In ,
tilltiI Ioi~l-to aI~ll inoo w:M 5l.
uIOaIte~ O $ .1 7 ,71.7l. lin(( 101 s 8naia
TheII~~i s~iivcinue w~s(ot nled(:n
ilig,. 25l tll) (' i ni. T he w l' N ,5.,ii~,li
oneCentII phic ecie.t ' Iitt
havuned yo M.'75,10 ?.ieces; tor 1'an0
alvado extensivel pivec~es: allt atonen
dro9,-tt ol sieies and eadr 200.0ft'
gotten?-'iun's Resnisew. i-tl L'
Gen~ine f Mtuer.t Ti apire ore the
Pinul'sy tonfmine.Ameina
whypartion that s hasnye routrtat
aret axlenstelladvetise, asliat ne
gen~~ Thne reason11 ie planthel ar
tbeneid, totfl thoe p remis eo or h
mAnufcroient This apis sare Take
frculal to ar jm er'ne SA med-Rona
apreaaton 1i i\ thahsorel cur'anyv
melu, aloiaI6st ltelfy aske an
endles cellnt sltm the remedy of
13reomlendeb tho wor hae see
verfied, tsiyoft hosarnnds iof
hA proinetenIt'ed~ragisltisay "TakeO
for lxameD.iler's Swamp-R 11 ot
yeas and o ner iatey live recom
mlfodl for in laueycases.(O''Ot5ii't
sh'ows~3 axcellet result'.s tas mrcac o
myi cutiners t'esntiy.Nothrkd
lag a saylece apl oteo
ofaDrootlm)r's S'wamrrlot. Asdt
the fact at tllOd flfills u almot ovr
wtio ilercoian kidee, liverd and
blddrdieae, ore'suinr
Croes d Soeu tr aiesth Wor't Cre
'hwich cases rhomato im.ngan~g
Iou maldy theceivoierfat oamplelbtle of.
Swmo llotbpacea ApletcIciig Ot. Ad-cIe~
N. .anad enal~atcsetlen cs;caloC
Old People Ev
Eighty Years Old.
"I had a great deal of trouble with
my bowels and bladder, and pain in
my right hip which felt like rheuma
tin. Weak back. Constipated. Urine
highly colored. Many doctors failed.
I have taken Peruna and think I am
cured. I have gained twenty pounds
in weight since I began Peruna." Mr.
W. C. Hemphill, Louisville, Miss.
Eighty-four Years Old.
"About fifteen or twenty years ago
I was suffering with pains in my
back. I could scarcely get about. I
got some Peruna and was relieved of
the pnins ever since.
"I have used Peruma occasionally
Vince and recommlnended it to others.
MAN is judged by I
,- He is likewise jud
This fact being true
best? You can be sur
by sending your next c
ser Printing Company i
Q1'-1.\ '.: U01 'ON;' wi! bI
l I ' S. o l p.
1 4I i werd :4 1o e c. .e n 4.:
lIInn.4)- . 4et bI* i s 1.4 1. e 1.0 i
'sl4 naL lon4 tro4(I thii l' . c te
1aW of th. los e , 4' i r 81 U)' :
for o rWill Ixin he l muic (!b (:
l o 1S:---Miupos yu can <er.e
SrEiNiu )-tht is. bEv e ,agune.
i\\ Oi' il'ie I i s Alubert lah
oosters get un!isheusi ane
THESals BlyOOer.
S hosers neailmentThere afets
ano her isoosters.fowihW
Nerv uie s irtios
This isei and aentyo thai afe
7 and dourerdod from whsatsfih w
j it ics poant t aervs quned rritaos
Sold by Druggista and Deal
erw y L"Say
'cruni is 4cod for
.oughs, Colds, Catarchoa!
iseases adl nif tr effects
f tie Grip.
Wl I first i-now\ of Pevrunai 1M. d
aill ke.Tp it.
"I have livoel M' thlin' plaen ghy.
fou TamI -M aL f %rr,\\s b
where I live. I have tiiE 1;vitir; ch.
(Ir1en1. Shudy. 11u~ls tis, in the~
PIapers it wvill realch 111ly of my old
fri. nds. Yot cai:l Une lily pJiture as
you i pllrope.". Mr. ( b. W. Rb
erts, 1t. V. 1. 1, 1B0:3, PIiclens, MISS.
Eighty-two Years Old.
"I hnd a ,;evero otauck of grip. I
suffered terribly while it lasted. After
my attack I i-ent for P eruna. My
wife said I must have a loctor, but I
insisted upon taking the Peruna, n id.
made a quick and perfect recovery."
Mr. J. i. Prince, . 1t. 1, Tuckahoe.
N. Y.
Eighty-ono Years Old.
"I had nervous prostrat ion. ono
doctor would say 1 had catarrhii of
stomach and bowels, anotler nervous
II.Ss, an( aiother Cllargemeit of
liver. Nothing seemed(it) ti 11e much
good. I commlenced takting Peruna,
which built ie right up." Mirs. Niartha.
Avery,28 Graliam t.,Leominster,Mass,
Seventy-eight Years Old.
"I had catarrh of tho head. Com
menced taking Peruna and gained
eleven pounds. It is a great me(icine.
A fair trial would convince any one of
its eflicacy." Mr. . M. Joffrion, Do
galusa, Louisiana.
Those who object to liquid medi.
cines can now obtain Peruna Tablets.
he clothes he wears.
ged by his Stationery.
, why not have the
e of getting the BEST
rder to The Adverti
it Laurens.
are a .a :'m 1 with 1 11 ow p
NS & CO. 1
mIwhr there ar ir reglaities
n for Women I
revi at oneune its poeru resor
lr.ice $1.00T Peo tle
5.. nior ~li sic. toh MI~ i ii

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