OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 22, 1915, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1915-09-22/ed-1/seq-9/

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.3r 19
If you will1 accept this as an invitation to visitoustr
on the above date you will1 have. the pleasure of vieiga
unusually, attractive collectio of the newest and smrts
fashions of Autumn Milliinery, charming new faldrse
beautiful suits and i~n fact everything suitable for telde
war robe.
Special Values
Just received, our fall ship
ment of Columbia yarns.
Your most important step in
successful crocheting and
knitting will be to ask for the
genuine Columbia yarns.
We have a -large stock of Ger
mantown in white, cream
white, light blue, old blue,
plink, red, green,, rose and
lavender; very pretty For bed
room slippers, sweaters and
Jackets. Price per hank .12 1-2
Columbia Floss and Saxony for
e11(heting infanbts' saiqles,
hoods and booties; blue,
pink, I red, white and black.
I'rice per hank .......121-2
Good ApronI Cingham ........05
:36-inch Dress Ginghai only , , ,05
36-inlch Sea Island, only .....05
Good Calico, only .........05
36-inch good Bleachimg, 14
.amds for...,.. .....1.00
Tisl t ighlam nI Pereale iA'
Im urens for the yard......10
16-inch plald Silk, special yd 1.00
-nch all Silk (rpe de (Iine.
hia k, white and colors, good 1.00
IinchIi silk l'oplin, brown. blue
an1d dark gr.(een, yard .-,.1.00
A11 wool 1-4411,g11kA rng
OIIIl ~\\'r,~e ii! ''-e:Un. bulaik.
0ndte dar"Ill shadeIs. The
heWrseto) bl, found at thll
.' hito Ratina 27-invh fr
tHie y (dnIY .. . . .. . .10
New Fall Suits Fall Dresses
When you choose your Fall Suit or Coat you want to se- A very charming assortmnt of Dresses is ready fov your
leet it from garments that. bear the stamp of style correctness. inspction. Tle smartest styles typical or Ill ; HOW odel
Yo I want to choose from assortments that afford a wide "nge il serges, tafretas, crepes and mannish fabrics. The Iliost
of models and materials. You Vill find your every wisn ill favored are sinart, oisl Comiatons of serge and taleta
our assortment of Fall and Winter Suits. The fabrics iost
used this season are poplins, garb'rdines, mannish mixtures,
serge0(18 Illdroidclotlis. 'flit' lain toailoredl and1 seiii-tai~lo 1 ar I'eA for you r selet ior. Each model ea is res ay i ivid
sulits you wVill (ild miost ly inl plaini fabrics, wilie thle dressy allit~y all1 its owni. ",-o distinct ive aInd exel 1itsve. ar 111,111Yn or'
sni its are in bll Ioadelotus a'Ind fa ney wveaves. T ri igs I pre t 1ereI tifes ad ie seph a variy of ' i s, Thilie alld
moinst13' of 'lia Ild 1( f'u r. Ave are showvIngp, at wide Page, feat - slia des I elil ed tddfesavioired a ritmIs ont of iestioi , so we
tIrviiig eve ry po,... new color for thiss. reillay cor y selei o. ac dresel'. fetiurs an " idivid
Special Values
The en111 isi ftor new Sport
Coats. We have i very spe
ni4 inl Cduroy Velvet. All
the new shales, special only 3.50
Ladies ' Ginze Lisle I Hoe; also
Imleditni -weight ; splendid hose
Ifmr drinability; high splieed
hvels reinfor('ed with extra
'Iine t~lIreads; ribbed Nip.
Price the Pair . .. . ...25
bIlis ' loot Silk Ilose, pur
kilk, sort, and lustrouls; Iigl
sphied heel and toe; black.
white, puttly and gr'ay. Price
the pair --... .. .....25
Lisle Thread 1111o for ladies -
Splendid fine quaU] ity li'sle
hii gh splied 1beel, re It foretd
grarter top); 1rgular 25:)( value.
blhek only. Very special the
pair .................19
Ji1e Lisle Thread 1ose for la
dies; spl(en1did (pud hity ; bla k.
white and colors. Price the
pair 15v, or tvo pair f'or . . .25
Pinte 1~h'ibbe 1lose for mtisses
and chiiren; Iedin1m weigh1t:
sof't and us"trvols ; black and
whito. Prie tihe pair . . . . .25
11 s:. Imr boys; a plentdid ieavy
rIib li; h \\ mI l of besiti'
r I i
p 12, w
annemnonnnunnanann ..
Fall Skirts FALL MILLINERY Fall Coats
A eitarming variety of new fall AW un su ll (list ilt t i l e iii
models, emilraintg the latest fash- A. untsuallt
ions of the season, will be On dis- att ract i e COllec= -prt ildy reatIitiga lot o4 WOU
liy Thursday. Ainterials are most
t I n o t i en eves c i ntiiIjerest iit', 111W\ S,1port
ly ot swres aI seotel and Eng-ti0u of the newest
lish Iixtures; Some of the skirts
and smartest fash- 'Isil l"
Itmve yokes; t11ay 11 e ill doleh ' ' - ~ ~ ~ Ipllhl4 inl', ea
1111triple tier efl'ets. Newitt' ions of Auitum n a!'tt~ L~ il.
kp ~ e w ot~W An bit tot I I Iw vw I I I ,i S.' LIIis blI ta-I
aI (.11 trittiiiws n1re hlaraw tor Th1 i i y xv t mti ues c t.atrl
New an1distnctive in il
atheay orimyour imeddite wear,
inspection. dvery express brings us i es
idea and artistic moodlels fromol s:e I adIn h, m4dls, o
and modistes of the North.
Don't Forget the Laurens County Fair Oct. 15th

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