OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 10, 1917, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1917-01-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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$ Loen an Personal enio. S
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Miss Ora Bolt is visiting Mr. and
rs. John Kellet in Woodruff.
Mr. E. C. Crows has returned from a
Mr. J. K. Thomason of near Boyds
Miii spent the day in town on Tues
Mr. J. B. hunter, who resides at
Lanford, was here for the day Satur
short visit to Chick S'prings.
Mr. M. L. I-lays was confined to his
hone yesterday on account of sick
Mrs. J. S. Sullivan has returned
home after visiting her parents in
Mr. W. F. Irvin, who lives near the
city on Route Six spent the day here
Mr. C. D. Robertson of Laurens
Route One was here to spend the (lay
last Saturday.
Rev. R. G. Lee of Waterloo was
among the visitors here for the day
la.t Saturday.
Mrs. J. 'MdD. Moore has returned
to the city after spending the holidays
in Morganton, N. C.
Miss Mamie Nelson and Mr. J. C.
Nelson of Mountville were among the
visitors here last Wednesday.
Mrs. H. E. Cartledge with her lit
tle child, of Augusta, is visiting her
1parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Huff.
Mr. Jim O'Shieids, an employee of
the Watts Mills, has accepted a posi
tion in the mill at Bath in Aiken coun
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Machen have
returned to the city after spending the
holidays with -Mrs. Machen's parents
in 'De Land, Fla.
John Law Anderson, who is now
making his home in Raleigh, N. C. has
ibeen visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simpson have re
turned to the city after spending sev
eral days with relatives in the lower
part of the state.
Miss Virginia Simpson, who is at
tending Converse College, has re
turned to school after spending the
holidays here with homefolks.
Mrs. W. H. Gilkerson, who has
been at the hospital for the past week,
has passed the critical stage in her
illness and is now rapidly recovering.
Mr. George Anderson, of Rock -ill,
is visiting his ?sister, Mrs. W. L. Boyd.
Mr. J. R. Redden and son, Mr. 11. R.
Redden, of the Ware Shoals section,
were visitors in the city yesterday.
Mr. John Gilkerson, of Raleigh, N.
C'., who came to the city last week
on account of the illness of his mo
ther, Mrs. W, 1-. Gilkerson, returned
to Raleigh Scnday', Mrs. Gilkerson
haven gotten much better.
Mr. Erskine Todd, proprietor of the
Peoples Drug Store, went to Balti
more last week to secure t reat ment
by a s;pecialist in one of the hospitals
there. It is possible that lie will have
to unudergo arn opert' ion before lie re
Mr's. ('. IR. .\oseley andl little son,
('arlo~s R., .hmr., returned yesterday
from Sparianburg. Mrs. Moseley v'is
ited New York with a party of friends
during the holidays, leaving her' lit
tle son with lher' parents in Spartan
Miss Ruth Fairy, the young daugh
ter of Rev. and Mrs. WV. E. Fairy, has
been precariously ill for several days
and much apprehension has been folt
over her condition. Yesterday there
were indlications of a slight improve
ment andi thme hopes are that she will
Mr R. M. Wasson and family, who
have been living at the Sullivan home
glace in the Hickory Tavern coin
munity for' many years, have recent
ly anoved to the city. They are oceu
lying the house on Church street
ibuit iby Mr. Tl.I u. Divver' several
wears ago arnd until recently occupied
by Mr. D. M. 'Norwood.
In connection with or
have opened up on Sulliva
ger's wood yard a first cia:
It will be in charge of F]
roughly excperienced in the
Laurens Hard,
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Roper Entertain.
At their hospitable home on North
Harper Street Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Houston Roper gave a reception Friday
evening in honor of their son and his
bride, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1[. Roper,
who were married in Tampa, Florida,
Dec. 28. Receiving at the entrance
were Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Aiken, while
at the bpse of the stairs Mr. Eugene S.
Hudgens directed the guests to the
dressing rooms. At the library door
Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Watts introduced
the guests to Dr. and Mrs. Rolfe E.
Hughes who presented thema to' the
receiving party which included Mr.
'and Mrs. C. H. Roper, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert H. Roper, Miss Carolyn Roper,
Mr. Laurens C. Barksdale, Mrs. Leland
Gilman of Westfield, Mass., Miss Nan
nie Kate Hudgens and Rev. S. I-i. Tem
The guests wer'e invited into the din
Ing room by Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Dial
and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roper. Receiv
ing in the hall leading to the dining
room were Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Balle.
Receiving in the dining room were Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Clinkscales and dirs.
Benjamin F. Roper, while the table
was presided over by Mrs. J. Y. Garl
ington, Mrs. Eugene S. Hudgens, Mirs.
B. L. Jones and Mrs. W. H-. Dial. The
guests were served refreshments by
Misses Emmie Lou Washington, Har
riette Hughes, Gladys Roper, Margue
rite Roper and Nancy Meng On leav
ing the dining room the souvenirs
were pinned on by Misses Mary Roper
and Bernice Meng. The guests were
Invited by Mrs. J. N. Hudgens to the
coffee room which was presided over
by Mlr. and Mrs. W. E. Meng and Mr.
and Airs. Albert Dial, while Misses
Lint Jones and Allene Franks and Mirs.
.1. H. Teague assisted in serving the
guests. Mirs. C. H. Hicks, Mr. John A.
Hicks and Miss Esther Fowler render
ed a delightful musical program dur
ing the evening.
The ante-bellum home with its wide
halls and spacious rooms was a scene
of great loveliness. In the library,
living room and halls the decorations
were green and white carried out by
a profusion of ferns, palms and vines.
In the dining room the color scheme of
pink and white was carried out in
decorations and refreshments. The ar
ray of wedding presents in the upper
hall in a measure expressed the pop
ularity of the bride and groom.
New Deputy in City.
Mr. J. W. Koon, who has accepted
the place of deputy sheriff under
Sheriff-elect S. C. Reid was among the
visitors in the city Monday. Mr. Koon
came up to take his oath of oilee un
der the apprehension that. Mr. lReid
was to go into office yesterday. Hlow
ever, under a construction of the law
as recently placed on it. by Attorney
General Peeples, Mr. Held does not
take oilce until next. Tuesday, when
Mr. Koon will also be swornmi in. . .. . .
P~eples r'uled thant (lie shierift' is a
state oillier' aind thiei'efor'e must be
sworn in at thie same tine that state
otli's are sworna in, viz., (lie third
Tuesday In JIanaury.
Box Suppel)r.
There ill be a box supper' at Sanm
tiago school house near Lebanion
chur'ch, Friday night, Jan. 12th. The
public is cordially invited.
Card of Trhaniks
We wish to express our' thanks to
those who so kindly rendered assist
ance at (lie time of the death of our
beloved mothei' anid to the ofilating
minister at the burial sei'vlces. These
kindlnesses will long be remembered
by us.
W.. C. P. Robertson,
Watt T. Robei'tson,
Miss Mar'y Robertson.
50c Flower' Stands at 35 and 410
S. M. & E. H. WILKES & CO.
tr hardware business, we
n street, near Eichelber
is Plumbing and Tin Shop.
oyd Martin, wh is tho
E 128
ware Company
'e " ee ***** " " *
** * * *g " " * " " " " "
Rabun, Jan. 6.-The sick of this
community are improving very slowly.
Miss Edna Owens, after spending
several weeks in Greenpond section,
returned home Wednesday.
Messrs W. 1). Owens and T. ii. Babb
were in Gray Court Wednesday.
Mlr. and Mrs. (laude Wasson of the
Friendship section visited Mrs. I. A.
Owens and family 'T'hursday.
We were sorry to see Mr. and Mrs.
S'axon move, but wish them well at
their new home in E'Iden community.
Mrs. Rebecca Owens visited Mrs.
Smith J. Martin Friday.
.Mrs. Florence League and son, De
vault, were in Laurens Saturday on
Mr. Claude Mahon and family were
visiting relatives in Waterloo Satur
day and Sunday.
Mr. Dennis Owens and mother vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Smith J. Martin Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Belton Owens of Gray
Court spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Houston Babb.
We are very glad Mr. and Mrs. Lau
rens Mahon are making their home in
our midst this year.
The farmers are very busy this week
on their farms.
We are showing the only complete
line of Window Shades to be found
in this section and our prices are
much lower than today's market.
S. M. & E. 1. WILKES & CO.
Notice of W. 0. W1. Meeting.
Mt. Gallagher Camp No. 471 W. O.
W. will hold their regular meeting on
Second Saturday night, .lan. 13th. Will
have some degree work an'd also in
stalling the following ofilecrs:
P. C. C.-W. .1. Manley.
C. C.-G. 'I'. O'Dell.
A. L.-J. C. Martin.
Banker-J. 'L. Martin.
Clerk-J. B. O'Dell.
Escort-l. L. Martin.
Watchman-T. L. Martin.
Sentry-J. F. O'Dell.
Camp Physician-Dr. J. L. Donnon.
Managers-C. W. Jones, H. E. Mar
tin, B. R. Redden.
All members are requested to be
present J. B. O'Dell, Clerk.
.Just. receivedi a complete line of
Onyx Enamel Ware for the kitchen.
This is the best Elnamelware made,
and our prices are no more than you
would. have to pay for.cheaper qualiy
at other places.
S. M. & E. H. WI LK ES & CO.
Of Interest to Widows.
Editor The Advertiser:
1, of course, have a list of all the
voters in my district, but I am very
desirous of sndintg different articles
distributed by the government free to
the widows In the district, and of
course, I have not a list of these. I
will appreciate it If you will publish
this letter in your paper, and will
beC deilhted to furn'llish anty widow with
gartdetn antd tiower i'ee d w ho sees lit to
wriite mte for1 themt.
'iiTak intg you1 inlf~ii advace fotr you r
Sincerely yours,
Saim J. Nicholls.
Washington, D. C'.,
January 5, 1917.
'A N'T LORE HiAl it.
'wntVt y Years f'rom Tn'oday a Bald head.
ed Ma~n Will be am Unlusual Sight.
One of the mlost prominent drug
giats of America tmade a stateent a
few weeks ago which hlas caused a
great (heal of dliscuission among scietn
tists in the medical ptress.
He said: "If the newv hair grower,
M ildrtedina I lair Rtemedy, increases its
sales as It lhas during the past year,
it will be used by tnearly every tman,
woman and1( child in America withitn
eighlt year's.
"When Miilredina Hail' Remedy is
usned almost utniversally, dlandrtuff will
disappear and with its departure baild
ness, itchling scalp, splitting hal r andl
all seap diseases will follow and twven
ty years fr'om now a baldI hlead will be
a rar'ity."
There is otnly otne way to cure datn
dIruffT, and t hat is to kill the germls.
There is onlly one way to cur'e dIan
dIruff, and that is to kill the ger'ms.
Ther'e ia only one hair plrep~arationl
that will kill the germs andl that is Mii..
driedina I lair Remedy. Thin unusual
halt' r'estotrei' with its recordl of thious..
ands of cures w ill grow hali' on any
htead wher'e I eye Is any life left; it
cures dlandlruf stops1 falling hair and
itching of the -calp in~ three weekn or
money back.
It in the nio t pleasant anel invig
orating tonic, I not sticky, or' ureasy
andl in uised. ex ensivehy by ladiesu of
refinement who desir to hlave and to
keel) their halt' oft, ustrous and~ lux
uriant. Fifty c nts or a large bottle
at IAUlrens Dru: C Mail orders filled
by Mildred Lou no Co., Boston, Mass.
dredina Halir Remedy acts, wo will
sendl a large sample free by return
Imall to anyone .who sends tI
Copnto Mildred Louise Co., Bon
Coon Ma.withl thedir' name and ad
dre ss.n ton cents in silver to'.
Real Mahogany Dining Room Suits
Period and Colonial Designs
We Offer These Beautiful Suits at Prices That Mean a Saving to You of at
Least 25 Per Cent.
SUIT . . . . $80.00
54-Inch Buffet---44-Inch China Closet---48-Inch Table---36-Inch Serving Table.
(Chairs Extra)
You only have to see these suits to agree with us that they are the
.....Biggest Values Ever Offered in the State.....
If you want a dining-room suit it will pay you to come at once and see these
values before they are sold.
S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co.
are too popular
The popularity of the Victrola talking machine
has become so great that the factory is unable to sup
ply the immense demand. The purity of the Victrola's
tone, the beauty of its woodwork, and the superiority
of the artists who make its records have all combined
to make this machine supreme in its popularity.
The following telegram was received in answer to
another telegram from us, urging the immediate ship
ment of more Victrolas to supply a number of orders
that we have:
Received B 6D 7 P .
Atlanta, Ga., Jany . 6, 1917.
10:08 a. m.
Powe Drug Co. ,
Laurens, S. C.
Regret unable to furnish any Victrolas now.
Elyea-Austeil Co.,
Southern Distributors.

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