OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 02, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1918-01-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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The auditor's office will be open
from the first day of January to the
20th day of February, 1918, to make re
turns of all real and -personal prop
erty for taxation.
For the conveniV ni(' of taxpayers
'the Auditor or Iii:- depu ty wVill attend
the followin n ameid past'S to rrei','
ret11itr s fol a Nt. to wit:
.\Monday. .!:I I !. ' -u]l towe : ."
1\'. )n': .
] i fiiiie
i~ ~~ I I~Itt':'
'h. ('.i !!Ili.
t 11 il ii II
.\ii'i l'y. . Io 4
\' i
. Cp. Thomi n'.
T'aarid . Jl. 1i . 1 u Ii'r i Il
V .A . r or -':=
'1'Ii'rIy :" i. I !, $ 'i:ivar) 5 tu isip
W. D. iv. f r.
Friday, Jan. 1x. i:nl. r ownsilip.
Cioan Coton .ill.
Th'. ull dian. ." . o ull a . ws:.
Thrday. JaN. .Dia-h township.
Thridy . .ala. 7, Young s tw n-ii
Pleasant Mound.
Saturday, .Jan. 11, Hanter township.
Please make note that the apoin
ents will be rilled just a advertised
sand to jplease come out. andI make re
turns. One .an, usually .nakes the
whole round and .some ay not under
stand thre notices this time, ats I have
-dividled up the territory in the several
All male citizens between the ages
of 21 and o0 years o the lrst of Jan
'ary, except those who are incapable
of earning it support f'romn being
manmed or from other causes, are
dQeded upltlh, Cotedorate veterans
Also all inalo cities between the
ages of 18 and GO on the rst day of
January, 1919, are liable to a road tax
of $1.50 and are required to make
during the time ol. ove rtecietd and
their return of saine to thme Auditor
Asll pay to the County Treasurer at
The same timhe othr' ltxes are paid in
lieu of workIng the ru0 , school trus
boes, studienits arnd iisters ,tee ex
-Jnpte 1 from road ax.
Alt tax$ aes are ru Hired to gie
toenshi and oumber tof t(h l di
'tcts; palto state CtylIete Troeperty is
tAu afed in to hn or old, ry. I ts
pac, ortudrent and minaisti.' are ex
terel ta'aratery.
After the 2ht of l i bruary .1u ;wr
Cent ai~'i.y wil bi e h i- aitll ed Eor :isil
ur'e to nahest ra't''n n i11 r' 1onalt nron."
erty and 'in per ( " i n r-al '<:ati'.
J1. WV. Tii1l.'I'sON.
(' in .\'du
Cou . , . ( .w l :.0 hod nI an
re'I c r lu e S tt eS p r
ll l ro s h lig li s o o
mand. .faykn gis th.on
to e aidattheanua meing ;as
VISr': O I i~J.i Diii. MOCKlie
Oflii(E aCk Oit e, aiiiiro
ty io iiVioiu p~ertedto i
w Ir. W e it: n/ Sin'
haP..h wt he. .ndfnee
..n . ..!' ,. .a l . . u t lat h.1 eIy 1 tith be
"a.svse i nt like thb ,-.(d :en of -m
I'it : i, rI i (t
" rohl nl y '. by I d u t to
see too sv I Ie 'u--tIn , has
there ben inyt hi ' il oui lif aIbt: I
".V 'IIL !'T:Iti til' ii hil~L ( lir (jilI It be
Cauise sihe did( not l ike the ideai of lay
"J.erroild. lily boy. 1 (10slot Wanft to
sewni too severe, but-tell toe, hats
there been an iythilng in youri life, aboultt
womlien that could collie out 111(1 hurt
Prudeice Iater on?"
Jerrold hesitated. "'Mr. Starr. I have
been young. and headstrong, and lin
pulsive. I have done some things I
wish now I hadn't. But I believe there
is nothing that I could not explain to
Prudence so she would understand."
"All right. If you are the man, God
bless you. And, do you mind if I just
suggest that you go a little slow with
Prudence? Remember that she has
been sound asleep, until this morning.
I do not want her awakened too rude
"Neither do I," said Jerrold quickly.
"Shall I go down now? The girls have
invited me to stay for supper, and
Prudence says I am to come back to
norrow, too. Is that all right? ite
member, I'll bo going home on Mon
day I"
"It is all right, certainly. Spend as
much time here as you like. You will
either get worse, or get cured, and
which ever it is, you've got to have a
chance. I like you, Jerrold. Pru.
dence judges by instinct, but it does
not often fall her."
Prudence heard him running down
the stairs boyishly, and when he CntIe
in, before she could speak, lie whils,
pered, "Shut your eyes tight, Prudence.
And do not ;cold ine, for I can't. help
it." Then he put his hands over her.,
aid isse l hr on the lips. They were
both breatlless after that. Prudenco
'1: laslt was :aroused fromt her slumber.
She Orders Her Life.
Thawa th begin of Pro
dentis Robb' 'u e.Sh a o
entosef-lulyis Sh -hdnt h
Sid b Sde Tlkings in Whiy pnin.
a inhlhE' pair:onage fwanly iven the
tokIt ardu :attd of08 crwni ofheo
i~ithtery'soic t T heas went
ut"icn te WO'ir Se kub ely tmppy
Ie hbnd hd atling touh quers
lesshackrehands.nahe wank, tatd hir
tmile ite hsamer ofcourlrium fShe
ligt. Prdenc te neor thuht ofe that
heis yt wiee th sofet bgesti
de os thesndmer and knew well
anhishlyd hadoathrlt. ouhqut
drem o the sura~nmpe and wda el
&andrihy otet
SQ th/.etinpse andida
Sm5lir, she swayed a itle. Jerry tool*
her in his arins. "Sweetheart I" he
whispered. "Little sweetheart I Do
do you love inc so much, dearest?"
Prudence raised her hands to his
face, and looked intensely into his
eyes, all the sweet-loving soul of her
shiniung ini her own. ,And JTerry kissed2(
'I'e twins seratiabled down from the
mnn1111e, specltless aind cold with terror,
:1in1 sa)w 1'ruilence .ill Jerry ! Then
they *:nw (onniie. stnr'in tit theni withI
i1t 'rest. mind : unuellent.
''1 think we'd better go to bed, ill
Ilthree of uis," dcli:red Lirk sturdily.
And they set oft heroicnl1 around the
house. But at the corner Carol
t nied.
"'i'Tike lily advice and go into the -
\ioo(:.bed.'" sIle called, "fot' till the Av
ery- 'In lookug out of their windows.''
I'rude'ni'e did not hear, but he drew
hi-r swiftly to the lhirkest cortner of 1h1i
sidet porbeh--and history r'epenltedI it
(10 V 11:111"'(';
At twelve'. .Jerry went upstalirs t,'
be , i) Iip l i ing veithl the ft-e
en ri(1 mi''s el' her pairting kiss. Ih'
;( ! ( i hb:Id' itulow , hadin:i stober"iy
111! into) 11h1 m1ouoii pursolnage yard'(.
"So N tinl 1u ', at pure, sweet, unserl'
ishl li!lie, :Itugel." he wthisplered, )ad hi-,
vo1iwe wa,:s broklen, :tint his ( ye; v\ere
w ,'I -adm sin' is going to le Imly wif(!
(h, 4::), Iteach ll' hotw to bie gtoi(n t1)
he r. :!fi 11-l19 ine muake her ats happy~ as
h At Iwo o'clock. tiniikiog uij.un the
soft shy words shte hiI whlispered to
hitu, he droplped lightly :sleep) :nda
dreamedj of her. With the first. !ale
strenik of diaylight stenling into his
reo:m he awoke. It was after four
o'clock. A little later-just a few min
ltes liter--he heard a light,tap on his
door. It (ime again, andi he bounded
out of bed.
"Prudence! Is anything wrong?"
"Hush. Jerry, not so loud 1" And
what a strange and weary voice. "Come
downstairs, will you? I want to tell
you something. I'll wait at the foot
of the stairs. Be quiet-do not wake
father and the girls. Will you be down
"In tvo minutes !"
P'eople who suffer . roi sour1 stoimacl
fermentation of food, distress after
eating and indigestion, and seek relief
in large chunks of artillcial digestors,
are killing their stomachs by Inac
tion just as surely as the victim of
morphine is deadening and injuring
beyond repair livery nerve of his body.
WVhat the sfomach of every sufferer
from indigestion needs a good pro
scription that, will budld up his stom
ach, put stre igth, 9iergy, and elasti
city into it, a d ma e it sturdy enough
to digest a hI arty meal without artifi
clal aid.
'Pie best pr c. R'iption for indigestion
ever written i - ld by druggists every
where and by aurens Drug Co.,, and
is rigidly gua nteed to build up the
stomach and cure indigestion or mon
ey back.
This prescription is named Mi-n-na,
and is sold in small tablet form in
large boxes, for only a few cents. le
member the name, Mi-o-na stomach
tablets. Th<\v never fail.
"JIM CHOW" (Alt 'i'O (,O
Ncg'ro Predlets Elimi nation Under
('overn ment llroad (Con'trol.
uplediging t1(1he lyalty of' the negro poop-.s.0 :'lo fi Ifa
uilatio of(I the l'nited sIini's ill if
1were'~ a leI l~ atI a an:sa114eetIin h d
No1i'lnat .\noriaii for 1 I e. ,d m .
(I in . of ii('ohr. l'Hl. T e r- u
hhi llwlin.;. of~ iha'y. e p
d ii *id i the limiaton of ".im Crl
AcarS'fmN STOMn ACHaono h
the' Imernmetl ha fs sued gany,
upfth liniv iuits
\o ly:.iion knren'it yo) surpyrse
othr. whfnyour stmu sn garevot
sses an ni Idres erucaeudgs
.\e. od Ti~t ol, twaue oted.
jPt ak tiPpe's Diapepsin xssor gassy
nuralie atolm and inve minute
YOu woner kn at beam of te ydiur
Mlomns-ofc ent an womf tfod
knod thtiti naaed sn? hae don't
other.eIpsyohr stomch sweetned anvdt
they at heifr nrted food tue
feur eddzyadnhs ec
Jed oud r soach fol, tok conted
ofeurlieai ylandit, wihou minutl
101u:wIfdyo i od at beamaogte inde
getiost aistess.tci sPa
illepons whif conan only6 cents
ko-at larg caseatdrusstorhav. dy
eia. Aodel-it Dtapsn odsuiong
anly sees thnfe stomacght sw etlye and
te~iy ea~ftei fvritey foonithout
IfYou stoomahchl d1ost yoke ceale
of your ber ad it withou rebel
f 'hlp remmbe thq iet sur
sultinler came.
It was Saturday evening. The early
supper at the parsonage was over, the
twins had washed the dishes, and still
the daylight lingered. Prudence and
,erry ,at side by side, and closely, on
the front porch, talking in whispers.
F'airy had gone for a stroll with the
!till titht'ii lbihhe. C'onnie and the
t-::.ins4 huh ev'idently viuteishrd. Aht
n.. q~uite that ! Caro :ain lurk cinito
lt'Hy; aIroundl the corne~r ofl the par..
" iGot i ng: L ." stil L. ark polli I t
..1. i 'Ire,,"! te itl 11i abrtu1luly. T h
-" .lited'. iinetillg
ie y'on imind if' we tiko Jerry
EIrnil' by tlit' w\ ood)i(hed f'tr a few lin
illes., I 'rtle?"'
I'rudencte snilfed suspiciously. "What
Itr' you golig to (1 to l him?'" sih:' do.
"'W' won't htur't him,'' gri-'n'l Carol
itu lily.
"MaybIe hte'" afr:'il to t nme.",' ;aid
1.:-1'. "E r Litee alre i \EE 11s, :n il
v i ea i Ihl i..n of valor.
h -l:;f'. l it r . ! " ' hlitr dleel'' :n
' u;r h;E,; , i w: h 1Et t:ti' i n isi~r l1
1o . 4o , uti , " 1 t o f e e t i n lh t' h
>. '"\ t alot1t n , ' l !11 t : -u I t.' I if
ney. "11' .i.:rr! bra ii st in, ilughlim,:..
T1l-, the tfwns It him to the -wood
gorgu. dlae besiiI the l shtigre a
tail :-ti ixuria in oti lle.
"DIP two ight ea this hloilir': idntga
.r ehit iting itih seie aridt i
solid honrd about two feet in length.
"Well, we found this over by the Av
ery bten. We've found t perfectly
gorgeous place up in the old tree where
we cnn mnke sent. We thought you
coild unil this on to the rlons-there
are two right near each other, evident
ly put there ot purpose for Ius. ane.
wIshti dandy h"gonnils we have!"
"from the Avery's woodshed, I sup
pose," he suggested, smiling.
"Oh, they are quite rusty. We found
them in the scrap heap. Were very
good friends with the Averys, very
good, indeed," She continued hastily.
"They allow uns to rummage around at
will-in the htrn."
"And see this rope," cried Carol.
"Isn't It nt dandy?"
"Ahe ! The Avery barn must be inex
haustible In Its resources."
"bHow suspious you are, Jerry,"
mourned Lark. "We thought when you
had the board naled on, you might.
rape it to the limbs above. Do you sup
pose you can do that, Jerry?"
"Well, let's begin. Now, observe1 II
loop this end of the rope lightly about
my-r-middle. The other ued will
dangle on the ground to be drawn up
at will. I bestow the good but runty
nails ki this pocket, and the hammer
here. Then with the admirablo board
beneath my atrm, I mount-"
And Jerry smiled as he heard the
faithful twins, with much grunting and
an ocEsiona'l groan, followng in ble
It wis a delightful locntion, an
they had said. The board itted nice
ly on the two limbs, and Jerry fastened
It with the rusty nails. The twins were
jubiint and loud In their praises of
'i's skill and courage.
"O h, Jerry !" exclaimned Carol, with
dee'p sntisf'actionl, "It's such a ble'ssing
"i!iili E~! hissiied 'lirk. "lit'rei yoes
'unfiiiei'n. tigur bet, E,'rry a
sw i.i t'he i lan iit'f han'whi'y fetd
111 iyi gllu-! en- gounte i- hot
fia 'ii f~'i . Site . wrs lELn(i nint ste
taw be.-nn..er 'oahl mttatn vinly
".o' n'oua-d the huseithf it :ybrlwng:
*'irlencesi Iok a.t Iany rope w".
-Prud ene rushde o i aro lh ar.u t
age. Te reli~ious sheke wi'dly, ay
theena' terioud theavrer of
the limb bnaeiut te bakndk he,
crung thf bnc he n leave Jav
wal gonl Icet.Rgtbfr e a
bi n1i1uloo horriy, rom oni abeen
swnlg.1 belo it Jry, thei e felt,
thenirlyghfto tine as. Conne ifnot
wit toe whre hathe was conithe
rand was. he jurst. gAbb ~en ht lse
pfaw teore nert, and hted vgIolntlyn
thek aoest limb hue reall ct lng:o
"Pruen sc ods adt mope inhs" er
lagudene ruhad ared the prsop
when The twvins sremed woldiy, as
therein wasra toerfromgan hee saw
"0. limb hre,"de cae, and then-he
ernohing ofe branched ondhsfe leaet.Jrr
we lted, belw ut erry, wrs e frlti
the fran agt oncengo Prdennce lIte
all rgte re, reawwall wascrmdng
the whihte hrdo itod the hae. drop
dednto th rdnxt, andhe heldaa.mO
Prodenc, whnte with wbldv byes th$
ars.trtcedou. twad. im
l ~~I al; .'r:; In evt ry'thing; for'the1 crne
f Ir:I%- aI best equipped mon
! "---'!al mill.; in lie Ca i num .
R ALL1GH, - - - - N. C.
TheJ man kwi
it pays to be
prepared when
opportunity p
oft r dinihs door. o l .
If a good business chance were offered YOU to
day, are you in a position to grasp it? You would be if
you had BANKED the money you have spent on things
you really didn't need.
Begin now. Open an account in our bank. Pile
up your dollars and it won't be long before your oppor
tunity will come again.
Put YOUR money in OUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent. interest.
The Enterprise National Bank
N. B. DIAL, President C. H. ROPER, Cashier 2
Tin, Slate and Gravel Roofing.
Cotton ..ill Sheet Metal Work.
We sel and ' stall Warm Air
Furnac s fur- leating Residences,
Schools 1:. Write or Phone
Ladies' Silk Waists
Another duplicate order just received
by express. These are unquestionably
the most. attractive and stylish on the
market for the mhey.
ric $2.50
Colors: Wh te, lesh, Maize and Black.
A suitable r cle for a holiday gift.
As only a li ited quantity could be
'had, if interested we suggest that you
act promptly, before the sizes are
W. G. Wilson & Co.
~1"P .i

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