OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 23, 1918, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1918-01-23/ed-1/seq-4/

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E1fje Ebbertiser
Subscrkiptlon l'rice Is $1.00 Per Year
. Payable in Advance.
Published by
Laurens, S. C.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Obituaries' and Card of Thanks: One
Cent a Word.
untere(l at the postofflce at Laurens,
S. C., as second class mail matter.
LAt'l'N S, S. '.. JAN. 23, 1918.
It is to he hoped that that hunch of
piblieity agrnts in Washington which
>t'is out ton of copy to the newspa
ters every day look the live day holi
day 1t apart by the fuel administrator
and thvt they will be kept idle with
'the rest of the folks on the following
Now. if we hIad a holiday every M\lon
day and if we 'lidn't have anything
r h'e to do to hiel p things along, and If
we had a way to get out to somebody's
woods that iedId cleating up at a
fair price, and if we had an axe, and
it we had soinehody else to go along
141 keep u. comp:any, hedoggone if we
wouldn't 4:o out atul (lit Some firewood
..cry we (ek.
Th \ dve rtis has; a number of sulb
a4 ritptionls among .the Laurens boys
ierving at the fIront or- in training
(aips, bt at timges these boys move
i otlier places without. sending a
cbange of a(1(lr(ss to this office. We
would consitier it a favor if the folks
back hotnei would advise us of these
hanuges as soon after they are made
nr possibh-. 'The boys either forget
sh4out it m)' tala- for granted that the
change will he made anyway. We
rlould i'.- tolitied hf letter. even from
the city, as t hs inithod tinakces for cer
t;'inlty and toln Anit]e e.
Ia mv .nil tit e one
It i n 11ar1uts the ihe iount'y
d'sis~on :13under c'onsidterationl '
! do aw; with t'u isttt eI' o on.
b.ll nd 1) III"'t the w\or~k frinerly'
<1 -,, t 1; , , I ru ral polio(,.
T": 1 1. tt l d hlmalion hay under
n ,.r "" l to "to ie h e lrl
SIie.t of
1 i i\ ' abou t im -
I . w : I d if: h1 :1, w
} ! "" iii . i Ii
t" kpt . S o A fi'1 4:. it on o f
I'+'j j' I41 ! i I ' :'. . 4 11 (4 ilt '
441.t n 'n p .s. *lan fo a. rei nedy1
and t i t it . pch N b y bee I ar-%
titua l hur an !ong :tio 1 1 i 1'
r ' e: I-::' y i id. so ' g I l et
li:t t. o :. t,- a e(1i ir hoc from
lieke ii.8.' r 1:in.~~ htono
IN. ~ ~ ~ .t * ')11 1y i
v~a ni p~~L'I.Nbd' be tipa th
I'ii ul l I..".. \' td conges t t i s,
id - 1r 44 i' \d, : s 'he ta (n
14:14!'. f tl 1' n a ion int o h tn ih
em iM? e 1444 1 notth. he in ht
susai te.if of her)4 peof e w
be. bldn whh.adha imewl
be a or tie o u.4
tiot las week(4 I dealt ith the tabustei
toda.cht hs' heon wut refuthe tolumeru
chariies I brAdong thel instncesited t
theg h tota ree wre around $75,000l
andlC~i lg 'h thene aaout teatize forlth
er asoe werei ited anu sheeso
An ticlosin the patrots shownup.
New as wek(nd l Chith tre abtute
great deas gow nfoutnc of the rmumorou
ofor a haritie.Aogte ndsthner ci-tr'
ties as baeaar held loca Necomkweei
raisdnghfundsshount realid frt the
cost ork andprhposed caretabteta
fnour ar cntariinmnn anthr une.
taking it. When people come to learn
that large parts of their contributions
are not reaching the proper source
and that some people posing as pa
triots are getting a bigtpercentage of
the proceeds they will begin to slacken
in their generosity.
Foretr Mayor C. 31. liahlt and Jno. A.
Franks so far .itnnotnced to Make
tihe .itaee. .lEdermanie Aspirants
The local political situation took on
added interest last. week when .Mr. Jno.
A. Franks, a leading merchant of the
city, announced his determination to
enter the race for mayor of the city.
The only other candidate for the sate
oflice so far a declared aspirant is Mr.
C. Ml. Ilabb, a former mayor. Specula
tion as to the outcome of the race is
ripe and friends of each candidate e
predicting a victory for their favorite
though the general opinion is that the
race will be a close one. The first lri
marty will he held Tuesday, February
19tii, a little less than a month from
Aldermanic aspirants increased
rapidly last week, the early announce
ment of several candidates evidently
having spurred would-be oilee hold
ers to throw their hats Into the ring.
Those so far who have deilnitely made
known their decision to run are as fol
Ward t - -C. R. Moseley. E. D. Easter
by and .1. R. Armstrong.
Ward 2---S. lloyd Sexton and John 11.
Ward 3--J. W. liellans and R. E.
Bllakely. C. 11. Adams.
Ward "I--. T. )unlap.
Wa'ird .1--1t. Fleming .Jones and A. L.
Ward -lhert )ial and J. Ihett
-In Ward ; .lr. Aug. Iiuff is spoken of
as U possible contender for the honors
in that ward but lie has not yet made
a i'ublic leclaration of his intentions.
ieath of Iobert H. 1illwee in Texas.
11 will be of inter'st lto old friends
and re'latives in laturens and adjoint
imiu count ice, of Mir. Rober t 1. .\lillw\ee.
Ito nlaow of his deathIt in .\ stlin. Texas
on .lanluary 12th, 1918. 1. \'. 1I.
\tilh'. , wh rel ly d:. t ied in (;rote
wd .', it aI a bi'rotl r of the drsus. : tcd.
Ar aister. .\Ir. I-a nle .Utnes. living
il .\ui In, surv"i r . 'tr. \lillw\ee
w\ tnt it> Texas: fromt -at P'arlina,
1t 1 afut, rith' ('iti \\'ar. ,.nd had lve
f1r th Ipast towen lity i nI a iii .\A tin.
1 '' ts old huiod inl (AfN a 'hortI.ry,
he h.'itm e" I li by 11 r t ' .
y , \ t', P lie :. t'f : li-h t t b.
a''lu tv :i 111 de o t m inN -.: 'l' i l~t'
\ . I 1. . t r of i I ' t : ! 2
ptly :0 iw o'l . i ai ay
.lan 1.th .li~.4 H l y 1'a. 1 ofv
I.ani' oar t and \t. Ilton n of Itrs
dale. were happily t. riel at thle c ony
jalforh bies rinimoter. \ls. ott a.
tol he badtlor. retCeptonal andm
dwithfen and ntathriSuervisor
The eremodn, ofnch r. wasrvld by
o.\urpi. .l.y1 M'trsoran C.\Lus, waer
dama.gad .shl by rnlef Satua n'coc
forsutr own as a slowae onfh
roof taondh todhve Aftrtd romi
tar'l ftot athoe toim e manyc ir
ri.-ndtinn aarkda (tie. un~11
\bihhnail tI heans. of the e'h n1
"h at ihmtfs diho mSl fred:- panrh:
b -i "s n t ' I . 'oni 1: re. to l\!r
lam tnb he fieisno ag enrrived t
Iui'~ity t' r . . \'. h.' mith .\be
WAdy Coas mi'r. . l o eatherst.
Ai lt ithex regla meeting. 'on othe
~bor wok.oisinr f arn
(Continued from Front Page.)
by Fuel Administrator Garfield with
the aiproval'of President Wilsoh, pre
scribing stringent restrictions govern
ing the distribution and use of coal.
It was decided' upon hurriedly by the
president and government' heads as a
desperate remedy for the fil crisis and
the transportat ion tangle in eastern
states. 1hcn nionition plants are not
excepted from the closing down order.
The order prescribes a preferential
list of consumers In whose interest it
was drawn. Thse users will get coal
in the following order:
Household consumers, hospitals,
charitable Institutions and army and
navy cantonlents.
Public utilities, telephones and tele
graph plants.
Strictly government enterprises, ex
eopting factories and plants working
on government contracts.
Public buildings and necessary gov
ernment, state and municipal require
Factories producing perishable foods
and foods for immediate consumption.
On the Monday holidays besides
manufacturing plants the following
consumers will be forbidden to use
coal: Business and professional offices
(except to prevent freezing) except
those used for government ofes or
banks and trust companies and those
housing physicians and dentists;
wholesale and retail stores and those
that sell food: all amusement places
and saloons. State fuel administrators
may close the bank and trust company
buildings if they think necessary.
Buys Pigs For Pig ('lub.
'.\r. .1. C. Burdette, rwho has been
farming in the Chestnut Ridge section
for a number of years, left Tuesday
morning with \irs. IBurdette for Face
ville (;:.. where lie will farm this year.
ilefore leaving \I r. Burdette sold a
larae lot of pure bred pigs to the farm
lenounstrator who will distribute them
amot10 tle pig ciuh boys at cost.
\Ir. Moore will be assisted ill finane
ing the transaction by the Enterprise
National I ank, w 'hicl has been giving
the boys muieli financial help during
Ile l:ast Itwo years.
'lakes First Flour.
'11. Irnest Ilralmblet1, who is the of
h ':." rteler :!t the' newtt rolb-r1 mill at
: lft's s1!n). staied iSaturiay that
1 ci the tia ri for. the4' roller
111 had arrivel end been pat tog ith
1r :'!(I that the first flour was turned(
m.r ii rd :y afternoon. On accoun'
he -aIr ihy of wheal. they have not
u a : t o r turn out muchrl flour1 as yet
\ re 1 trur Seners ('ioned 5
1 h: Iow I.; ar'te Ith ic SeI syst';1rpein
(,f ilt o(dl. o(u.5 1 -0n we'll inaille
-re e: Ittbwhn Ilwy are stopped upti as
Is the cae in cen :tia 'ion0. As a pi
, f Pilettn Chamnerlain'
Tblets excelent. ilh lie dmil andi
siltI in their a ction. 'They also im
prove thile digestion.
P.\I . TTO 4 LO4 . Niol.t4 19i . .\. F. .41
G1,444 . .F.114 31.11,t$' wilbe hel Fl
- .II i4 h5iy i g tA . lan. 25t, 1918,
in the Burn Blck degree .(10mb1r to reC
ured , I to tnd an27s-Ig r tn
iler. litndeso f n feit. Ize. N Cels,
Mc Sa',Luenstar. W. 31.5tii
$ SPFtCIh--.tO , codsCoI: f. i%'oh
oa *1 ime $a*t *nm ii'en* N. C.
Promptdeliver; o ivi - als contnc
hliofl ' . 'h i oi "irm", Mr Anle
Co. l~vdN. :27-5t-pd
F'or let-I stil havem fewbuselsn
Cook's Imved exg Boll ttn grsed
see hord\'erd fokri edligreed
nu keptasoalely9. perO acont of
Lvs earl purhrnso.se 27I-ant
hod then-e so futur deliveny
wn he othr plock, bringoo te cash.
'Iun con'i, istosre. Rent. snight,
LenL. 1. Cun. 27-4t
therih Suff inuferitiles we.ter
nted-2,000. cO-rd cash, balanced
"a ir cetintet. Cam Greene, . C.-t
PromptYo Neie; wil alsora onic
for 6l0tadaddelivery'rie wirtelor
Co DaidonN bC.a 265t-pdth
Coo's 1Imc~ ~ .proe Bi -'l ottoIn eed
the aparaen scarett of good aeed
Grat comec fit served .. . K0tngt,
I hereby announce miysel a candi
(late for the ollice of .layot' of
the city of 'Laurens, and pi dg myself
to abide by the rules of th 1 mocratie
primary. *
(. l.IIABi.
Ward One.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the ofilee of Alderman in
Ward 1, and pledgo myself to
abide by the rules of the' Democratic
C. R. 3 6SI IACY.
'I hereby announce m - f f-candl
(late for the oflice of A\ ian in
Ward 1, and pledge liy to abide
by the rules of the 1)e ocratic pri
I hereby annIOU co myself a ca.ndi
date for the olliec of A dertpdet'n in
Ward I, and pledge mys if 4(o abide
by the rules of the Demtpi'ratic pri
Ward Two.
I hereby announce myself a candi
(late for the ollice of Alderman in
Ward 2, and pledge myself to abide
by the rules of the )onocratic pri
ma ry.
.1. 11. Ct'NNINGIIAM.
I hereby announce miys if a candi
date for the office of Al ermtan in
Ward 2, and pledge 1Sself to
abide by the rules of the Democratic
Ward Three.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the office of Alderman in
Ward 3, and pledge myself to
abide by the rules of the Democratic
J1. W. IllaiLAMiS.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the olice of Alderman in
Ward :1, and pledge myself to abide
by the rules of the Democratic pri
'11. 1E. IIIAKELY.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the oilice of Alderman in
Ward 1, and pledge myself to abide
by tihe rules of the Democratic pri
C. 1D. Al)A3iS.
Ward Four.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the ollice of Alderman in
\\'ard I. and pdedge myself to abide
by the rules of the Iemoc1ratic pri
ma ry.
It. T. DI )'NLI.\PI.
Ward Fle.
I hereby announce mayself at candi
date for the (lili(0 of Ahlerman in
\\'ard -.aud pledge myself to abide
ly the rles of ih'. lemocratic t4ri
na ty.
A. 1,. \.\All.\l+'l'I"Y.
I hereby atnnounee myself ;I (andli
dlacte for the office of .\bclermaan in
\\ard :,. and pledge; myself' to abide
b t hie rules of the ID)emocratic prte i
Ii. 1i-:.\IN; .lO 1-:S.
Ward ix,
I wrebIy' atnnoun ce myse"lf at eandi
late for the otllee of .\ldormian in
\\'ard , ;and ( peldge mtyself to abide
by tie ri's of the lI)enocratie pri
.1. f l . i l:'1"TT It o I D.
I herely announce myself a candi
date for the ofliee of Alerman in
byte ls of thet D'emorais.
(lmin. tor litffr.osr o w
To t he I )efendatnt abovi)e tiltied:
Ylou are0 hereb)y. isunutIonll( and le
Ituired't toI anlswer'I thle (om( lal in~it Il int
abo4ve tted'( act ioti which wase tiled in
th otlice of the clerk of the court of
trlLs iln Ithe uci Sltte onl th 1( rd :: hiy143 of
JtiILanar 141 ', andl to. 4erlve a4 c:opy of
I Lme ~l( ube ibers lt th11 eis o tti of al. -
liina., 1 w iinR twentyI dayl.s fromi the ser
VIEice hereof (ex1lusivye of the dlay of
.1uch ser v it', and1( if I o fall to aniswer
1the ('omiinut with in t he time afore
Salid, thei l'ilitiff inI tis ac(tionl will
appl to11 thiIle cour t for thle rel ief deC
mandedl(( in tile ('omlinit.
1". P'. .\cGOWA N.
.Jant. tird, 1918. lalint iff's Attorneys.
C. A. Power, Clerk,
C. C. P., 1L .C., Sr. C2. 26-3t
We atre all at a danger point. On
the ttse of good common sense in our
1918 farmt and garden operations de
l)ends prosperity or our "going broke".
Even at present high prices no one
can plant all or nearly all cotton, buy
food andl graitn st present prices from
supplly mierchast, on credit and make
money. Food pnd grain is higher' in
pt'oportion thap are present cottotn
prices. .
It's a time apove all ot era to play
Rate; to prod ie all alsble food,
grain and forai e supphi on your own
acres; to cut 4own tiid store bill.
LA good piec of ,arden ground,
rightly planted rightly tended and
kept planted' t14$ar round, can be
made to pay near halC your living. It
will save you more ntoney than you
made on the best three acres of cotton
you ever grew!
Hastings' 1918 Seed Dook tells all
about the right kind of a money say.
ing garden and the vegetables to put
in it, It tells about the farm crops as
well and shows you the clear road to
real and regular farm prosperity. it's
Free. Send for it today to Ii. G.
IIASTINGS C0., Atlanta, Ga.-Advt,
$635 F. 0.- B. Flint, Mich.
After March 1, 1918
$685 F. O. B. Flint, Mich
Power, Durability, Economy
and Comfort
We have a few of these popular cars en
route. Secure one while you may and save
Phone 354 Teague's Old Garage
World-wide di, tributi( n and the cotitinai -
1y growi ng dem1and f1or Ford cars are the Iest
proofs of Ford! Value. Ford cars are utilities
they are positive nceessitie's--for they have
revolutilonized modern business5, b r o ut g h t
," 1 coutntr~y and city togefther and opelledl up1 new
life to the fanily. The Ford ar has becomie a
n I ltieessat part of every day I ife T 4ur i ar
$:Ent, Rlunabout $:1."), Coupelet ;:t05, t dan,
-. 'own (ar $595-1-all f. u. L,. II)i r( t. On
Lisplay and for Sa bI
Laurens, S. C.
THEPRESENT that gives pleasure, not merely
for a few days, but for long months and years,
is the ideal gift.
DESIGNS full of the beauty of art are found in
glistening profusion here.
CHOOSING is no longer a task, but a pleasure.
D/ M N D/S LE S s" /TTE
-1 :

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