OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 13, 1918, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1918-03-13/ed-1/seq-12/

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I -erior m JbIr io'
Lauren's Hardware Co.
Use Advertiser Want Advertisements
Sa ll e L our
; lk
GTyour money whn you WANT i t
L Lat ank, because we are a
MemerBal:o', the FEDERAL RESERVE System
of ban . W became a memnber because we showed
ourselves WORTHY.
Y usee, we can take our securities to our Central
Rserve Banrk whenever WE want to and get money
on them. You can get your money when it is in our
bank when YOU want it.
Put YOUR money in OUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent. interest.
The Enterprise National Bank
N. B. DIAL, President C. H. ROPER, Cashier
se tiu a n'beauewara
Thbaee i G moa moremerbcuewesoe
ouehse WOrHYb. I
in yo erow e canetake os riislol' Gnta
bece a h en verny wrafnt o ngtmoe
onthem. fryou can getayou. oe hni siu
banomend OUet esht.o
thoumbiaU Grafnea indORbak
epan 4t perit iterest.
Te mEnaysoeofrte Nainae-n
NRBEDAL, Presiden C.H-OERahe
A bi stok ofrecods ord
WMrci. S a ~Oa OMONe
be gla,>tomtoa rafonrbo$55
Come andiletrme o'o, you
|| li t ert o yu
How Scottish Aviator Dropped a
Wreath on Funeral Procession of
Man He Killed.
A trte iaIn'ie'it tlit reveals Ohe r"
elwt- sIteowil by itlifie! tiVIat or for tile
m1ier11 of tiing Ofen Iy ilier is fol
in "T:in e' "T it' eets," b' ligr Wal
Inc.e writilng, in -'vt':-yindy's. Tial, in
intre-4pid eN tehnnin11,11. was tol that thle
mn111:1 h' had broltlit down the (1.1y le
forewa a we'll-known Grtn:1n ivitr
11.11114 Vonl Zeidlitz, find( oil behalf of
the itmyal '!y!nig corps. T.-11t was .m.
lt'e' eli to wrInath to 1th. furli 1.
'"'owroath Inl at tinl box, firmnly
corded n 'at l'hed to it lt tlpari
httwsphreod Inl fte fuilalge of a1
small 3Merane-his o\mn Ilmehine4 l-,Ing
Inl the h1:111+ of the nilechaniles--- 1nd
rT12n lililede l 1nto tle sett. In flive
minute1(s ho wals pushing. up1 fit lite
sI e'( ii 4li' h i' Iiepesentel the t'ex
tre n111 2 le at which at 112n111 ('11 11y.
T-1m1 nevr'l' ernp1 le evil -1 lesser on .
"lEvi1llently fthe enemy scout realized
the buiesof tiln 14r1tis 11f0l Iyer
:11d tust have sIgilt'eIl i ls views to
t(e ie i' o fth niir4a.1ift ilt
terles sulhionly consed tIrle, lnd~ whenl,
a2pr11a11 11ing lUtle"z/e'l. T:in sie11d11e an
(2lyV , ulr2oni enga ge 'el in t praeti e
flight, thue' oenle'd oult 2nd a11d11e way
for him. oering to mtolesta2Ition.
"T:11i begni to 111:114 down. 11e
spotteld th lig whi1t'-spetklt'l' vevnv
tery 11il a little '11 e processioln itilk
1n1 Its w:y to the gr'tiniis. Ilil ( nme
lon11 .1 t :I I thiol 111 feet :1n i ilroppevl
his p)orneh01ut1. Ito saw It oplen 11nd1
lznll tarthwa-:r4l :tIl( ilion -omncon onl
thl-, _rilunfl wa :I white handker
"'iuld.' sul<1 Toni."
Showed Hc Could Do Some Shooting
When Sergeant Let Him Do it
as He Wanted.
A Vimnw h tehe (if 'l r uit etl u
fri thle ro- Iitfe' I ttit-i was a t1i
e ht h1 i1:Il ei .:ist t T ni sethe'n .
o1111' h'1bitt ii 4't'1 ll over iml.e
('41 111 1t 4, 111i 1 1-ie I : 111it 1wl : '11 e 4sfil
100 3:'1 l il lhe .11 n111 1n y w\(nlit to th'
oi ee tgre t (r1 oI ll I e I
fir ho w I he rl' cr it tlho rgu l i oll
j1"w lion1 for11 firin'c- -111ft olinw reslinir'
PndirSi the s ni' il l all 4hat. 11 li'
Ik disi.n: In( 1tinlent Itho T1t1w n
coubdimilt hlit the laritt :1 ranue4 of
100 y: 12 I ' iln lly in 'iseust lilt ser
geantl blurIteil otit:
"i : 4y. ini. I '1 holghtl till i- told ill
youl usedl to go onit In flt% 11norn ig';
unti shioot the( hentl off it s(Iutirel filr
your breakfast. andi now, yOu nn't ee
hilt t t target '"
To whilh eanme the( dra-1wiling re
spolse: "nAe, sergeaiit, we ill do dio
111a. 31' if you'll leit fill shoot tih Iyl.
I'e lsed to i i'1n knlok nill ht-] outlet
The122 aunse il :ergent I'21 ('rieed al ]'th
rteriit proleedet to spread his lg
wh' adat, extended hi lIoft arm to
Its ll le th - r ig e rio 1fl2 n11 13r'
Ihe intIzzle-ndhi pulIt-ie shots thu111gh
t lt e 'nte'1f the' t hIs oeyle211(I.
"J2lt's p' ef Itmi w'i'th the r1l.
was spcaclr. ieledl the narraor.
"2and i u onl irti l tih i 111 ho Ilr
giant's elfort.,; Io tl' -ich him how it)
s le:1 . I rs hei lt, t rrie'e'd oft
the ligi ' t'l so in honors I h'thre
y221r1 in: tue ssell~i'-w' tl ' i~li lil
fiinget huil nte as ai sprt , 12inw22.tr It.
its goI i t' ('fter Ibise~ .'in i'I mou' er' that
Ha xirmn s n w undeewty
a''e l ':lve thIi e c , sit 141re, is .e2.
lnir1 t ltin. w s 'eh 'smith sh3'i.i
thouhe li-'u it ofi i Ilirt' Iin''1 Sha'sl
''ve forl mt liht' lit 2224 11mi1th1ry ill.000l
shak h lkswee mYouith e ie
for the U'nited Staten government.rps
l'irn F trhamt ig the s ontrfrat
woul 1)npet theai forr I'y deicing s
fo0 worknl~ing dat F'ac'. night h wot
toetoi the enttres nignen co
thegovirernment gansintNew York
"nlitte mor than weaklf( thel'tme etled
fIn the contr'Iet.--Ahelvrine( "les
'nhman!t was Iedb i'thred polltman
the tinan eIn le, eidntwold proud of
nymint ,m
Was "Fine for Men and Ddas," but
Uncloubtedly Also Hard on
the Women.
"In Plintn'er* Famlilie's fi 1Missouri/'
1.4 pril a1)-. lett.1 wri1itten2 by i wIom
to herv v!.er i Kea:eky, the' KusI)'l
City S1:un- ys:
'"h'" wvi -til dogs liave i finle litue,
bult vtp1-0.0r wo:n11' Int,11-o to su4 'r. V' I
pick wat04-1 froin n -h ( - lttle to on1' 4 e
11h. 6:1. 'ook ir 2 l Wa 1)1 g. MyA .)'1-,
Vice is tay wh-rn y) r1'e. Hut. If y'ou
see .1y4114' (4n111ng to il tils ento 4ry,
11tal 4 plnk crdie o r poor littIe I'at1
rick. 1154 poor litle biack is full11 of
1:110 I ps, lying ill 1 erileI (h-11rge
(oi mut 4 it ioilw log, w\IIIh i 2t e
f44 ;( I2'm orI pillow. Geor'g :1141' It t
Aiik-d -vwilingl last wN\ Thel
prein-her, 21 har1d-.shell 11:tis 1 hn 1
long I, teksill overeont.I The gr1,4om1
was In his shirt sIeves., with white
4tM 1441nl 1 1 s 1tha1 t elltile Just 1e1441o)w his
kn e. :11d whitev cotItiln snel:s 11nd(
buick kin 11S li pi rs n h e.' Til)11 4414 of . ite
ilI \at; drIss i a low-n1eked, ,4hrt
waised, short-slvved white collo n
dress Ihat was 111onstr5 ouIs short for it
girl ilk(. h'r. Sihe' ha(d onl buickskin
slippers 1m111 her.hi ws lied wilh it
hlic'skin strin-1) , whichl Is f ill t2e go
heI re. Anld whenl thet preachier wavs
spelling 11d r''ing tie Cerelinony
'fromll IIth book, the girl commi11)en)ced
see1z'ITlg 21411 thel- bu1cks kin st ring
slippie) 44f fll14. 142411r, which fell ill over
her fNe, find 'ver'yb4ody laughed."
Ani earlyv mairrige eremony lin 11v
In 1g.l41)4 couny too1k pnee w\,ith thile
e441le)14' otii 1;)i'q sillv~ of 'hlfdi(ine ve I v k
1nd41 sIuir . ordo111 finl the other side.
Thei rk Aiv 144)nning. The young
1):11 s1wm he r11v a ml4'1 Inll brought the
4-(jI14r' down) f Ial his house. ThInll) th
yw4u1 111n11n swnn)t' bacek 11n)' I took 11)
phwo- in-side the youing womlanl. s(Iluire
Jor-ihiny couin't mwlin. IHe wanlteel1 to
poton he ceremlony a1 few datys fin
Ill thw "reek wint down. The yoln fl
fol4k9 w idn't h v 1 it. They j'oined
ha'uls.- -:n1 tol lt, :I ro to go lihevad.
Th- '111-16111- .Inld s:111wers were slin'l
(-(I nerws thi- creek and the knot was
-(It )41:V4V I S11411 1n -
4ier1. \! 411'1:1 4' r4 t 1 ot )4IIts naine,4' 214
rIN' I 11 - f to I t(Ii 4I , hfI 4Ie'II I S 21 0nntr111 'Y
1-1-41 1 inl I r--, Ili swIll) It lost his
"pill im'-s." as th'ey were enlied.
Hard to Obtain Sufficient Quantity of
This Most Important of
Potinh:1 1s perh'tps tile most impor
14int of f'il lizeirs. Al1hough potu1s
4111m1, In Its (n4 lunt)ii on4., Is one% of1' the
2ost wlely 4111i'llstried of 14 14
ments, It Is fouiwi massed 1in hltik In
only 14 f('\w plae. The Saxon (14p'l)is
ait tassf ti.1 424, : 11 ' the bels In Alsavel
aire tihl world's hf!)If siurces of sup
1li sewher1, pot)1h Is to he hall only
by the IrtnIment of grela t quinlitles of
m11114r1n:1, with nt-11:1 smal l ltanlt yield.
The cs' Is not fis ha14d 1as that of
rndium, wer 4 t (n f or' 111y gIve
onily ak fructilon of nt rrnlin of thle Pre
elos mlt1; bult It Is (h. 44 eu1th to
makw Ils I xI rti")1)on hin xr0)1413N' (OSt
13, pro ess. Th fimI'er's w 1 II l l
ways)3' known how ti l(nch 1insh from
wool l 1As1i4 In ll2e111'14e t n111:1111 y to
ma11ike 1114' soft soal4p for the14 f111ly
wRshing. blit thi.< me'llhod1 does not pay
.Horse's Jumping Powers.
(o11 V.) feetla iden of4:!1 24 ho4rs'"s 40ny14e
13' in this direc'(tion1 wvIll b44 gathered4'4.
oiv'er se'venI feet' In he4ight . The)4 sceneI)4
(4f such1 24n explo14it was4 at 11he 1Phoeni141x
142rk1. 1)ubl1in, and44 2144 hor)se' was4 enI1ed
T1urnII). The44 nu1lm)a4 belo4ngedu t44 SIr
E'. 1 rii fton1!, and44 21h4 (1uke4 of1 l4'1chmond,41
thenl lord 1lieu4 enant2) of Ireind.:II wn'
gered'4 ?500' ,tat thiis hei'ght1l (' not11)4
he4 ('h4:lIred. A wall1 of the4 r'e'(uisi4t' tIl
mens2)ions9 was4 bIl1t, 24nd4 when-I f1inished'4
Turn21p1 was r45ublen') 14t It. 114' 4114 what~
It happ~ened'4 1that 111s gra4ce, not) knowv
I ng that4 the4 f4.nt wa readyl4' 43 forl pe(r
formllace, was1 not4 lookIng when'4 the14
fore ridden'2 over2 iI aigin2, not4 4)nly3 su)e
cessfully b3.ut 4'asily.-London4)4 Tit-Bits.
Catching Monkeys.
Tfhe'1'' wel-known)V2 1habit (41 mon42key3s to
11mitate4 the4 nllon44fs of man11 is (elverlIy
uitilie I by.44 1 wild-animal enteh(ers '14'' inI tak
Inlg thle algi le, 14) 1 c ('1'ig '2reture44S capI
IIvt', 4ny' IPopular141 .'lechan211ies Mian
zine'. The4( hunters'4'' method444 12 144 wa11k
nhou41t for' s4)m)4 t1i4n within sightl of
the''4 ulkI mon41key3s, wear2in g .11hortt bo4)ots.
'Then'1 the boots)1 are'4 taken4 o2ff and4 gonil
is 14inced'4 In theIr bo'ttoms4, aflte'r whileh
thei m14'n wilt.hdrawlll from14 th44 scen'e. Hf'
fore long 21he (cur1IosIty of1 the' imiltaive~'
wa-44t(chers' in) th t)')ree's gets.114 the t tt'r of
theIrI caultionl and they de4.scend14 and)
starIt to4 try 01n the b~oots, whecreu1pon
they dIlscover that the footwear cannot
he removed and, being unnlible to clim1b,
Strong Negjatives.
There Ia one great advanitage about
keeping both glass and fllm negatIves
In envelopes made of transparent pa
per-that the negative can he looked
at and Identified without takIng it
out of Its envelope. More negatives
aro damllaged by beIng turned over to
fin~d some) particular one th1an by the
l1apse of timle, and( the transparent en
'velopI) protects thema frohm Injury from
thIs sou1rc'e. A sysItemI of filIng and1
~cataloging, by whleh nny negattve re
quilred eeni be found wIth) a inimum411n
of dlstrbance of the others, also tends
in rovent dnane..
All Kinds of Second Hand Bags
Such as those that have been used
for corn, oats, bran,, cotton seed meal,
chicken feed, etc. Will buy fertilizer
sacks if they are shed an4h good
Laurens Gin & Fuel Co.
Tin, Slate and Gravel Roofing.
Cotton Mill Sheet Met7l Work.
We sell and install Warm Air
Furnaces for Heatidg Residences,
Schools, etc. Write or Phone
New silks in all the popular makes and shades.
A complete line of silk, cotton and wool mixtures
in attractive colorings. White goods in all tex
Skirting Jincn and nice sheer linen lawns. A
special article in a fine all linen table damask.
New silk a)(d lisJ hosiery.
'e have just r.eved consignment of um
brellas direct froir a nohern manufacturer un
solicited by us. Iwas our intention to return
them, but inspecrion' provedl such unusual value
here that we have placed them on t he table. They
are made of excellent material, paragon frame,
all stylish handles. Will be ollered at the uniform
price of $1.50. See them.
/, 1She depenids u pon you to help
feedc her fighting men -to re-.
i of her allies--to help her meet
~~ the u precedecntedl demand for food
"stuffs i this country-and Europe!
Make every acre c< nt!I The~ way to (do it -is through
- : careful preparationi f the 11i. Use fertilizer of known
Ireliability-the old reliayt , timne-tested "'Giant Lizard
.1Brand" -because
It will mnake the soil richer and mor'e fertile, furnishes,
the plant with'a vailable and soluable food ut il maturit~
and improves the quality and quan tity of the crop. Dont
experiment with other brands -- insist uIpon Planters
Fertilizer, with the Giant Lizard'Trade Mark on every
bag. Look for it! Consult the Planter agen t in your town
--or write ua direct for free adlvice--informaitiornan
prices. The congestion of freight and traffi dlue to the
wanr, mnakes it imperative that you place orders early to
mnsure prompt delivery. Bear this in mind--order now.
Charlestnn.. .._.......Sot arol..

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