OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 29, 1918, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1918-05-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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Efe EIbbertier
Sbscription Price Is $1.01) Per Year
PayphIle. ini .iance.
'hlls ed by
Laurens, S. C.
Advertisi...: Itt on .\ppliction.
0bituarie% Iltd Ca rd of h'lanks: Ote
Cenit a Word.
tutered at the .itolice at Laurens,
S. C.. as seCon I class mail matter.
LAU'REFNS. S. C.,.1 Mi% 29, 1918.
SOM \11-: UB1+:lN.\TIONS.
T EA.( 1i1 Cro.ss div n this coun
ty broullt oit a number of thins that
at.", no:Ih niotinig. ;is 1. it has shown
tha:e peob :utire :-ake to the so
in. of the war . gain, it has
liown iat they art, allmost as one
belind t heboys it :h tPont. Third
ly. t a shown tha t a tight- -wad
-Jlackr i not to ho huinore d now ani
that 1: ma e olds- ou ..;till less1
for him. A.gain, i ha Shown that ithe
Ot0hi.4 !1n% ati1 h oo l tian is go
in. t do i s !-ar t an! do it smartly.
ib tit a ithat t! tnei(ocs have a
patriw i tnd! r al .Jr'. that is to
bw enonendelitd. Oflnitfing: mlany other
'hings. addini an imlportait thing
;I sv.. it ha the c peopil have
t-i" wi h-! w. hh-h to bach up the
.-tlic' :1nd hIat they x pect to back
:h'o . o i e l stpennily.
t * e
T n', !'nOM 1f 11. 1a. olimar into
I -- 1! ina :I his dist rict
mil I I th (-illfttss
wid V - 1n'e to
h ill V ouh
de I . ltform
: - t th art
h o n i r up
I I :h
A( 1' N )I I
1* UV t
.\ aliotiem
.*f n.e hi k .th lt .:
\!r. T er is aroml i rl well;)
know t bIvotrt\ r lam'sIt i
New h 01ni\ bu1att he is
l Ia \ el all ttntVi )lnat
tit, amp ien i noti relly
I t h ogwyoiadcnideing
the :-.:- ime re ainintremar al
l ittlehafvient itself. It)tiPadtl
'I' !l: a y ol ' ly ra itice.'l
't4nte4s ,: 1.3 .\ irpinnets ittare Beenl Sent
W It.: a .\i-y :. F l strength
of thi' re w atrmy. int-lditt .nat ional
a rmy. N. inal( Ga rd aid regul a rs,
no.s ti(.00 men, 'hai rtman Det.
nonntt -i iod::7 -in i i poti onl ther
armtoy opr': iaiion lill.
Th-t to: dik l.-ed that thte exact.
nintol . of Aterican al planes in
Frn5i 1.:00 of whh hI :itI2 axe comn
hat pla nis. Ther-Ie ar :- ,7(i0 planes itn
the Tnited States;, lhe report said.
TIhe total numberlt to(f ofileers in the
armoy was given in the report as I .10,
1 33, while the total of meni before the
April draft call was 1,506.152. The
drafts since flhat time carry the total
of etnisted men slightly ahove 2,000,
T'hre are 5041,677 men in the regutlar
army, the report said. 510,9631 In the
national army, 411,952 itn the natitonal
gunardl and 78,5Ii0 In the reserve eor'ps.
"Whiile some milstakest and delay
have oceinrred,"' thle report said), "onl
the whol e we thlintk the 'ottuntriy ls to1
he cong ratutlated that, after a lit tic
mnorp than a yea irfrom the dlate of the
declairat ion of war, our coutr y hais
eonittriieled n wondelrful militarty vs
Paris. Fida:, May '..-The Ameri
can forces in Frianec will be doulble
the linumber Sere ;tary .)f War Dtaker
rectl11y aln1011C ed a;; having been
senut he re, aniid by tlhe eni'l of 19IS they
will h iitcee tii.; ar:- r, said Andre
Tardien. Frech igh commissioner, in
a s a e 'mn t isted to the Frecnch peo
pLeen 1Lis arrival from the United
States today.
Secretary 'hakc r anno:nced on May
C that more Lt Jan~. Anorie'in sol
diers ailady hadr been sent to F'rance.
lsaiirt ns Sl'idevr Med In Franict.
Walter H'mter, a colored soldier
from this counoty, member of the 37ist
Infant ry, in Franc r, was reported
a~uimg the dead from di.4ease last Fri
day. It is undeUrsiood that he died of
pmumnia. Waltr llanter lived on
Mir. 31. 3. Pooie'-s place near Tylers
O.i and is sArvived by a wife and
.voral chiren. Mr. Poolo sent a
-,iam to tile president Friday ask
lng could th-: hady be bright hack to
.Ierica for '. ria right away. A.1
thi is agat the arn;iy ode r. it i:
hardly probahIs th it the roIuest w ill
be granted.
11ig shi ntI oll ji t ie ivc-d o
E:mlt'l am! Tin \\ire.
S. M. & . H. WLKES & CO.
Fret Porebh L.iarbts.
AtI the o - of, ' lt y Coli9
hmday nilh: 1 sa3 dCi !:l t) alow
I - ident -> hurn C' t(it I i-:.h inl 1h
ofteplani na nt
Ii :1 . i Y i:. I '
\l r. (1
i~~mi th n
ill I't , * ' , t
We effe:- h - u;. to l
S. M. & CO.
Shaitemtilt Fro M ( I att ,
I fi !' t ll
o I y it I ' -
(r ast a !i II ' - i h
-n y I 't! V.
'e e tof 1!h0 'X.4 a: e
r:i'd mo lo-r la d L)i :
ne(-. Sho i I I I 1 I i - 1
a Ie l ly a im tn n - I a
-rrice to 1:1i de s1ht -an
lework. A!Io as o ona!.~ hdt ii o
huet fothe slm..n:' to a:' ontu a-.
hlirv' that I wvoub!l maike ani em:-!ent
Se. our1 hiarly 'nnin2 OVi1tt.
S. M. & v. Hi. Wilkes & Cc.
South Ilaiarer Str'i-t. t3-1
For1 SahliTwo, For to1)1ini ar
(4 and Aer'oi'ort (m1a.1 ;.'
F-or Salt' (' -- I h r!wi of book
Fori 51ale---1 OneFor i 'anilt.' bueli
'Il Sa:turday afternooni, .1 une 1st, tive
lek shirell' pigs to sell ait. tighltdollrs
TI. II. Sumeirel. *45-i
('oleusi, lfor Sahl -*Iri ghlt colored
Coleucs 20) centis peri dozeni. im ien toes.
I a (cen ts per1 dtozen. A few 8;alvias
left. Mr's. .1. G. -Sullivan. S. Ilarger'
street. LaureinsI .. 45o- 1-14d
Foir Rtei -5-r ioom ('ottag ItLPOn Maritin1
street. Apply13 Miss M~aggie Martin,
413 S. Ilar'peri St. 415-It
For Saille- qa'resh Alfal fa lay, $35.00
per71 lon; e'loveir and wheatI hay, $30.00
per' toin. LP. 1. Dalley, La urena, S. C..
Notice yv P'*eheron4 Staillon wIll
make thle season (I 11 at my farm
fight iles i5south I of I anrensii.. W. L.
lFor Sale -One lFor'd, one Maxwell
Rtoadst er, one H ai y-DI avidson motor1
eyel'. ["or ensh al' on t erms. Reaison1
for selling, I am0 in nlext draft. l1. S.
litled to i-sistraition. . 1 expect to
keep onie al season1. (Grover' C. Roper,
I auiren'Is 1i. G. 42-10-pd
For Supervisor.
I hereby annunice myself a candi
dat e for th oIlice of Supervisor of
Lia 1ren o ur. y, subject to the rules
and re'"al" tic!).s ol' th( Democratic
rI Ity. J10i IN D. W. WVAT TS.
'tor ('onm.ress.
lorave 1. Joimy is herbly an
nto):1 t (1 a-- a e(udidate. for ('on'gress
fr i a the I Fr '1 nt ressional Dils
rt.ict, subject to the rules of the Dem
oeratici l'rimary.
Thi (c olh ne Oilice at Laures, S.
will be cluosed on Thursday, May
t0th. 1-I1. from evIght (S) o'clock A.
\M. until two i' ) *('lock 1'. M. and
from six tG 1'. M. until ten (10) P.
M. Said olice will be ClOsed for the
purpoSe Of all)win) g the elliployees of
tile telepitone calmipanly to go to'church
and take a part in the observance of
Thursday a; a day of humilation,
fa:sting and prayer in accordance with
ilh proclalation of the PrsIident of
the U'nited States.
Pres.. Secy. and Mgr.
State of South Carolina,
County of L~anrens,
Whtereas. petitions signed by a leal
nttib roi the qualified electors and
freo-holdicr4s reshiin in Mountville
school di.4trict No. 16t. Laitrens county.
So 0. roin1a. asking for an election
ip't 09 r!: Iion of voting an addi
!lina! : i tax up'on t ihe; property
vi said schol" listrict to Ibe used for
.ehool purposesZ havoe bon filed with
I le county hoard of edn(ation. ap
f' -io'n lt 'y ordoered upon said
ri-i 'ti S:'iid lction to he held on
IM 111 &t : ay of .lune, 1.11 . at Mount
vIl ii ckoo) hoi in :t'd listrict. on
d 'r tii, 'n t of C.:. lru'tees
of sadS~h"o! dist"rict.
ny Ae'Otors as ttrn real
c-- pernt.p1 properly fir taxation and
o it t i ta '13 te t and r i
t r as re uIllred in
Ten--I k- a I W il dto a
r~ab Ptnin ,inutioa
, I n inted 1- re
Qwlp! - nt enwo a ofM educan
C 0 ' I
4 Coun1y .ord,
'"'- t
91t I I I 01 IlL'TION,
S(U, d h Cirolitta,
0 - Aly of 1,4111r41ns,
\, i- ! Fn z i 1 d b ' lr 2al
I t' llled Ffl-etors and
- n- i Yo.n. 1 chool
N . ''itn eomily.
S -kn".for an ---icction
! o i ; hii
F 1 th IF1 'b ). tel: for
hav i)' 1n li 1w t
th - h'0 1 : . F F' ' IN ) a I )ethItmy
to ote.
ThI t av i-. h F~I 4l allt-a
Fn TF' l'e l again j'' 0 the boil a ti
of\ : ')\in the' f)oenoont andu shall
'''' ' p-F)'n util the *Loor of I
nF n- r th P fternocn w"hen thtey
ci''b 0:1 I id, a s t I'' rall t'.ou t
.I.\MES II. Si jr bbVAN,
i:y (rirl of ('1oua:.' 8oa.0 .
Whenever You Need a General Tonic
Take Grove's.
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Totnic is equally valuable as a
IGeneral Totnic because it contains the
well k nownt tontic properties of QU I NINIE
andt I RI)N. It acts~ on the Liver, Drives
out N ilaria, Eu riches the Blood and
Bidupthe Whole S3ystem,. 60 cents
'. PO i*l4 * S4t* N 4 * -:*W* , *
Po~a Sprn:U.May ':7. -> ir. IE. E.
'imhu;on w'eni lown' to (Columiai~ last
T'hurs'day and retu1rnied Fr'iday' withi
,Mur . Em; son. wh'to had been in thle
ho.(SplitlfOt' thie Past thiree' or foutr
wetek . Mrts. Simptlsonl is doin.g fine.
We are('i la d t o havie hter' hack hiomte
again andt horte she will have a speedy
rec(ov'e ry.
Mas5tr Clyde Simmuons was the
guest of Mtr. anid Mrs. J1. A. Sltmmons
fromt1 Thutrsday to Saturday of last
Mr. and Mrs. W. r,. Walker, Mr. and
Mt's. W. S. Walker, andl Messrs. J.
Franik and HI. 0. 'Walker wer'e the
guests of theIr mother, Mrs. 3. F.
Walker Sunday. She wished to have
all the chlldreni there, hntt somne of
fliemt faIled to comie. She was seven
ty-fiv'e years 01(d last Friday.
MIr. J1. RI. Elledge and~ familly were
the guests Sunday of Mr. J1. Wade
lbetson. Missts TLla Mae ntnd
Pol lie W~oodI spent Satu rday night
and Sunday wIth Mr. and Mrs. J1. A.
Mr. nnd Mr. B. La T~nford nnd
daughters, Nellie and Mary. were the
gutests or Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Simn
hlons Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Davis spqnt tho
<tay 'SItnday with Mr. and Mrs.. lerrv
Mrs. Eliza Coinpton Is not well at
thii writing, and Master Herman EI
l(eulge has the measles. We trust they
inay soo recover. Mr. W. A. Situp
soit, who has been sick for the past.
month, we are glad to say, Is improv
Ing and is able to be up again.
Ma~ster Troy ildgeway, who has
licen o1 thle sick list for .omle time,
was abic to visit his granIdIoth':,
.\rs. Josoplil Souh, Snday.
Master Arthur Wood spent Satur
day night at the convict camp with
his brother., iugene, who is one of the
Mrs. Purian Ileilams is at her fa
ther's, AMr. P. L. Abrams, real sick. We
wish for her a speedy recovery.
Mlss Ve'a Caldwell visited h1
brother, Mr. 1arle Caldwell, at Bo
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simmons spent
last nilght with Dr. and Mrs. J. L.
.Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Elledge were
visitors at Mr. Bob Reeves' Saturday
night and Sunday.
Four Cylinder Model, Roadster or Touring Car
$1095.00 F. O. B. Factory
Six Cylinder Model, Roadster or Touring Car
$1295.00 F. 0. B. Factory
If you are in the market for a new car, see
the new ELCAR models before you buy.
For sale by S. G. McDaniel & Co., 355 East
Main Street.
Now that the Liberty Loan is over and you have given
your share to the "Red Cross" it's about time you turned
your attention to your wearing apparel, and prepare for
the hot months ahead.
Light weight worsteds in all colors suitable for the
quiet dresses, fancy cheviots and tweeds for the young
fellow and the man who likes something lively.
for the hot days. Prices range from $6.50 to $18.50.
Union Suits in madras, soiesette and nainsook, knee
and ankle length, $1 .00 to $1.75 suit.
Beautiful line of shirts in crepe, madras and silk, abso
lutely fast colors, $1.50 to $5.00..
New arrivals in neckwear and hosiery. All prices.
See Our Line of Soft Collars
Minter Company's$ Man Shop
Agents For Full Line of

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