OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 14, 1919, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1919-05-14/ed-1/seq-15/

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H AVING been assured that prepara- Freedan's Aid Society; Bishop 0.
tions have been made for then, A. Carter, presiding over the A. X. F.
there are growing indications that Church of Tennessee; Dr. E. V. S.
large numbers of colored people from Hammond, editor of church literature.
the South will attend the Methodist Rushville, Indiana; Dr. J. W. Rob
Ceitenairy at Colutnbus. Ohio. June Insoi; Dr. 0. I. Bryant and Dr. E. M.
20 to July 13. This event, which is Carroll of Chicago, Dr. R. R. Jones.
calculated to bring the Methodist editor of the Southwestern Christian
Church South and the Methodist Advocate: Dr. NV. M. Brooks of New
Church Nazrtlh together in a degree of York; number or college presidents
cO-Opierl ation without precedent since and (ist sit Sn (onts as well
1847, has a peculiar significance for as a host of well educated, intelligent
the Negro because the first home men and vo lay representatives
m11issionary of the Metho(list Church of the varied fCeldh of African Moth
was a Mulatto, lby naie John Stew- odist Church activiies.
art, avho began his worlk of evangel- ('nininbus beais or pinh t African
izalion among the Wraliflotli Indians. M.i(st. a new Y. M. C
IrO I what is now Upper Sandusky. A. uilding 'ain ed at $11)0,000; two
in the stite o of Ohio. olliiinity social canter iot.t s, one
In the ir e lorniou plans, thle Meth. on te nax (iiote for $fchc IJ0, the
R h il n a D
.n on ) .. .t a a D . M.
Car. of Chcao .)r R. .0 Jones.. ..
one of the Many Features of the African Exhibit at the Centenary
odigtm of the two ihurches have cre- other or 20.00 ; a Y. W. C. A. war
ailedi a " ial depart ment to show corniimn y cnstc r: a itheater an wl
Itie work ul 1.11 NuWrt) ill c 'a iigel iia- inovie lhons s' antd two good hiot els.
tion, a (I to providea for his entertain- A thorough l organiad Afriient
woent at (l i, Th is de par t mment Centenary vom mittee is tively en.
is in "arg! of Pev. E'. I,. Giiliaon, gaged in perfecting plans for the par
pastor of St. P'aul's A. ANi. E. Church, ticiptist of nearly 2,000 negroes in
Columbus, anid chairman of the Afri. various form s of the celebration ac
canl Centenar1IY Bureau. tivities. This comlmittee iucludes
Among Africans of lprominoce who district superintendents and the pas
will be Ii Columus to take part In tors and lay luenihers of the Columbu; s
tho Centenary proeeedings are: churchies, who have charge of the
inshop Alexander ampor of Mon- enistment of Aricans for pageant
rovia, Africa; Blishoup Issah Scott of and musical service and secturing of
Nashville, Tenny; Dtr. eV A, 0. accommodations for the Centenary
Hughes ofet secretary ofh the Board visitors. Already a chorus of 00 col
of Home Missions; Drt. F. S. heaney ored singers, two colored bands, one
of he CincinnatiMaysviile district, of r-ii. the other of women and
and A. M. tJones, fiold secretaries of oiIu college quartets, are pledged
the Board of Sunday Schools; Dr. W. and in training. In addition 300 Ne
0. Sherrill field secretary of the groes will take part i the pageant
Boar of Foreign Missions; Dr. J. Ii. and assist in the demonstration ex
C. Coggins, field secretary of the hibit .
canl Cotenr M letdsa etnrySceuiw.As oB hw
Amound Aorilike to promfromcCairo
" rlbnn oubs otk pa to Taim
roofa.brahaca;ol isaacIofahJacott of
Hughes.beccadsecretarylfwhhe Board
of therCenchrnati-Mayhavelevdrstroct,
and A.eM.BJonesefiatdthecretaroes1of
the Boar of SundylSesoon; Dr.rW
S. Sherrilyufleld tecretarylofbthe
olthers forur 2.00rt al. W.And Jer
chomandnt Critran sete uardn
the out. and Oliwo gand thelade
of (thoruglyoranzn Arin
Tetnr Cpotuitteo do atvll tee
willgei prfectted anso the ethdis
vetaryfrso h celebration ac-mbs
Thoitas. Tavelouem"ith inlueh
REV. ABERT OGEL.i lstine.superintindtnts alk, theps
Centenar Celebraionrand stil whoorahv, thare f au
tenitmenetneA'rcs for pgint ul
Rev Aler Veeiof eantt, P., accredt osrver ofthis dahntgar
at heag o 12 . rain eer cmignrs. Aled given, of60 c
day hat is lfe ay b spaed orTey showrs the cogre miiarys oe
enale im o b iteslt t te Mth an.fo t bteginnin tomenand
odis tenry eleraton hic whn the trkg hadditen drive out
willbe i Colmbus 0..fromJuno oswl ak at the HoyageantsAloby4od
nterng te miistrybefoe ath Aspo t ening the dmnttiEopaex
C.e o is, h eldsocpedtep secretar of the haibitns.e an
formE tan8 years.E inlKESerl . "Wrman ALEvr.
where hoen etl ishe lientrendsy The shows al soh sare paesofn
Whenl 0eb ars Jldne 2 Jly that whic Mehdist haelerdtinc
thed cornerstoe tof Ate Methodist pae oktdyadhwtepol
Rev. Abert Vgel ofGennete.TPe.
aTthe aetnaia 1 h2s payiensne so lns everytig ha on
day Ithmand oliovma in spra(ed icnt oloaet eeo nwo ae
'some hom te het presn as t forth-tn-etil or hnayod
o ydt Chnear cerkratheonawinl nrchvlrcol e nhl
Eterigumnimard lsstep, teoo, in teuaihe noseeto h
spie of 2,hi s o uped the fim an lpit e or it.Teywl
siteay lo these thing hein atof era oubu uigteetr
trthecorelto ln ak n ie of thegra Methodist ebr
earl hmrin. belev iipacnem
someof te halthrule asset ort
Ameriean General to be uIlest of Gov.
ernment for Two Days iI Londom.
London, May .-General Pershing
when he visits London the latter' part
of this month will be tihe offilial guest
of tihe government for two (lays and
will he tihe ultoilelal guest of the
country three or live days longer. No
official notitleation has yet been re
eCived of the (date of his ar-riv-al o. of
the length of his stay and the plans
prepared are only tentative.
Arrangebnents are being made for
the American commander to hold[ an
investitu re, probably at Buckcingham
Palace, wheni he will decorate Brit
ish1ers who won honors with the
Alerican forces.
(e-neral Pershing will review Amer
lean troops bronlght here for the oe
('aSjiOn and who will march In a gro::'
.airade with British and Colonial
troo)s. The Americasn will hb-k
for home from E.ngland. It is ex pet
ed the troops Will arrive on May 22.
Take notice that on the 23rd day of
May, 1919, We will render a final ac
count of our acts and doings as Exe
cutors of the est-ite of James Simpson
(eIceased, in the office of the Judge of
Probate of J4lurens county, at II
o'clock, a. m. andi on the same day
will apply for a final discharge from
o01ll trtists as Executors.
Any iw'rson indebted to said estato
is niotified and r1 e(lirvd to naak )ay
' -lit on) that dat : a'ud nll .ler*SOnS
ldidig claims against snid estalt will
lresent theniIil oil or )(ore s(1aid fhite,
(11y lIroven or bw forE vr arrleI.
1i*. 1-. SIMPSON,
.\ prl 2:,. 1919.p .. ..
Colds Cause Grip and Influenza
cause. There Is only one "Dromo Quinine."
E. W. GROVE'S signaturc on box. 30c.
If T iV~
Speca Ma Sale
The Way to Save Money is to Buy Things for Less. The place to Buy
Things for Less is at This Store. Hence, this Store can help you
Save Money. Here are a few examples of our power in this direction.
2.000 yards A pr(n 1and Dr ilss Gighams, speela salhis --o(rv --tes v(lo;
weet. per yar1d - -- . .... ... . . ... . ....10c I v;I81e I ie5
1 lot A pron Gighmins, worth 23e, (limit 10 yards to a hi'niiuid \l til. slewiiil S.ile pice t his 18C
(listomler). 1ood quii ality .... .... .... .... . .... .. 15c I $
Mien's sumimer 'nderwear ..... .... .... .... .... ..48c \1 .......................................98c to $2.98
Alen's $1.25 IE ionl Suits .... .... .... .... .... ....98c or A li*. htfill fleaeh ',its. woli *14.,
Ladies' Ganze Vests .... .... .... .... .... .... ....13c oijl p .... .. . . . . . . . . . . .$9.90
Alin's Sox, all <-olrs ...........................10c \alic ili thiss ( .). siliiiI'. i at 'le
150 (liuality (lilireiIs Hose (blilack).... .... .... ....10c privs.
Special lot Mlen's W ork Shirts ..... .... .... .... ....75c 3.5: irs (d AlICS* Woieili 11d
Mfen's Scout IPlow Shoes .... .... .... $2.48 up to $3.50 1 81 i "; , !- . 1) a i. es idei tli market 'a1 iv.
Fine Laees and Edgings, per yard .... .... ....5c to 15C I ' s 0\eialls...................... . 98 , $2.25
Special lot Bra:Iids. white and colors ....ivalls..c .. .5to $1.48
Spceial vIIus ii e inbroidery and Insertions, yard 5c a nd 10c
$2.00i I I'r Sik................16loy 's (.I- as ......... .... ......... .... ..25c ilip to 98c
$2.00 a yard Silks -... -i.. .... .... .... .... ....$1.691.95
$1.25 a yard Silk Poplin .... .... .... .... .... ....89c $7.50 i id Pumps..$6.00
$1.25 a yard Wool Serge .... .... .... .... .... ....89c PU8) Alcn's Kid Oxlords..$6.50
$2.00 a yard Wool Serge .... .... .... .... .... ....$1.69 ill Alen's Straw and Panama Hats, going
I large Family Bible .... ... .... .... .... .... ..$1.98 at....................98c, $1.39, $1.98 up to $5.00
Bce.iitjfiil SirItwaists-'rep-deChi ite and Ocoigrette
1 soft back Hand Bible .... .... .... .... .... ....$1.48 Crepe and Silk........$2.48, $3.48, $3.98 up to $5.98
7c cake best Laundry Soap .... .... .... .... .... .......c .Just arrived-Come and see them.
Buggy Whips .... .... ...... .... ....15c, 25c to 89c Men 's Four-iiand Ties (wash) and Silks .15c up to 79c
30c yard-wide Percale .--. .... .... .... .... .... ..25c 25( qality Men 's Linen Col]ars..180
25c Percale .... .... ---. .... .... .... .... .... ....20c 20e qality Men's Linen Collars.. 15C
35c Cheviot Slirtings .... .... .... .... .... .... ..25o Tics Oxfods, lldk and whit, Men's, Women's and
Millinery of the latest creations are arriving weekly from Children's...500
our work rooms in Baltimore. Price $1.98 up to $6.39 $5.00 Eight-)ay Clock........................$3.75
Made in Baltimore and worn everywhere. $5.00 Siitwaist-CrepedcCliine and Gtorgette, spe
0cial at....................$3.48
25c Men's Heavy Gray Sox .... .... .... .... .... ..18c Ladies' Dress Skiits, all kinds from.........98C up to $8.39
2c Ladies' heavy Hose .... .... .... .... .... ....18c Men's Work Shts, good values.75c up to $1.25
25c quality Bleaching, Sale Price .... .... .... .... ..18c Men's big Sun Hats...25c to 48c
45c quality Table Oilcloth .... .... .... .... .... ....39c e ce Toilet Soap.............................0c
35c quality fine Dress Ginghams.... ....................29c 10c cake Sweetheart Soap.....7c
30c quality Dress and Apron Ginghams .... .... .... ..20c 7c cake Toilet. Soap............................ ...C
30c qinality best Bleaching (No. 70) .... .... .... .... 25c 2 Papers of Pins...5c
1 lot Ladies' Spring Silk Dresses, special .... .... .... ....$14.39 7 a per ie d les
Fine quality Silk Taffeta, well made, latest styles. Como p
quick and get your size. j 2 stics Blueing( special).......g.'......S
Calic, ort 2csal pic ~1 lot of Bleachling, Per yard...............10C
Special close out of 1 lot Callico, worth 20c, sale priee ..10croscogin Bleaing..23c
6 boxes Matches, worth 42c, Sale Price .... .... .... ..25c 25c quality Bleaching ( 6I
0 cakes Laundry -Soap, Sale Price .... .... .. ........ .25c Sea sland Cloth........................18c and 20c
Special Sale of Men's Work Shirts, worth $1.25, Sale 7e spool bt Threanl
Price ..-.----.----.----......... .... .........95c 2ppisHi is...............S
Special Sale of Men 's Overalls, A. C. l~. and F. Special, ~ oti etSo oih............3
worth $2.35, Sale Price.--..--... ........ ......$1.98 5jaTloetFcePw r...........c
15e quality Men's Sox, Sale Price.... ......... ......-.10c 25caTlumhoe..............o
35c quality Men's Hiose..... .... .... .... .... .... ..25c iecnTlu ove..............~
$1.50 Alarm Clock.-.--.--.-. ---.. .... ........ ....$1.15 ec~ olaesPwe..............
Special values in Ladies' and Child ren 's Hlose. .. .. .. ..c 15coteCstrOl................0
Other hose, all prices 20c up to $1.19 for the $1.50 kind1. ie.btlTupnne..............c
Men's Work Pants, Sale Price..... .... ..$1.75 up to $3.98 ~~ a ohrsJySleeic od n nuoi 3
Men's Dress Pants, Sale Price $2.98 up to $4.98 for the hnkrhes...... . . .o ~ n 5
$6.00 kind.
Bpca ale Men's Underwear Youn--adie'-Whi- -Midy-Sut-,.secial...........$5.9
Special sale Fancy Lawns and Muislins .... .... .... .... ..15 ellictii(l..................S
Men's Dress Shirts, Sale Price 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.69 for osLupSac................7
the $2.25 kind. Buy your Shirts now.Sveeg Ciaei(c).............7
$1.00 Wampoles Cod Liver Oil, the mnedi(cine you need 1lreRg~67 nhs............29
now to build you up.----.----.... .... ......... ..90c ensOfrs ht n bak..........o
$1.00 McElrec's Wine of Cardui, woman'sa best friend . .84oc~~iSWieSipr.............19
Special values in the basement--Tin, Glass, Crockery 1seilltLde'WieSiprszs~ o5...12
Enameled Ware.Me'sWiendPl BacSlpes...$14upt$35
Good yardl-wide Bleaching.--.---....... ........ .....20o0 i~i xod lwci) lc n a 19 pt 65
Ladies' latest creation in hats .... .... ....$2.25 to $6.39 Me'BognPwShspcil.........$12
Silk Shiriwaists...... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..$2.25 1lt fRboalwdhseilRbo ae ~ n
Pal Bac Sit fr en; orh 1' ~, urpice $90-hS bleality, stn se,.a sale pnce pct is ma-r -l 1c
No.1 toe 20 es Lares tret; No 2Stoe Norval sidres o Sqore iunwrons aBlocl .
LA R N , O T C ArO LINAs oe' n hh-- sS -
and lip ersgoin atpries uderthe mark t vlue

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