OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 17, 1919, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1919-12-17/ed-1/seq-13/

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If o want to dose on Medicine every
Will Strengthen the Bowels, tone up the
liver to normal healthful condition with.
out forever dosing on it. Buy a bottle. If
you are not one of the thousand to praise
it your roney will be refunded.
Ir. -1. C. ('halm iiers says: For many years I a-ve been I ronb1led
Willh 8h'. ih liver Ivul consiitn oftcin a s e r headache
with' it. A frienr" adivi!Cd ie to try 1holt.'s A. L. S. I d id
o ith .snehi gratifying rest1s. 1hat I low reconnatlenrd it to iy
rierids, as borjini a sp lenrlid liver diiile, nerve tonic antI appI
xz.. rel jii. ('onti pat ion lOn-.wr thani ynthing I hve ever Iried.
(Signevd) .J. C. OlAIAIlnS,
Ware Shoals, S.
For Sale and Guaranteed in Laurens by
$40.00 Overcoat in stock at $35.00
Also a few Suits of Clothes in stock
at Special Prices
Remmber to get your Tailor-made
Suit or Overcoat from me---you
get quick deliveries
J. Willie Henderson
* he Greatest:ator
Value Ever Offered
oigni.l eouniitries htave proa ed ( :hle sucTess8 ofi theI Avere 1 2-Z.
ii. P'. Trac't4r. A t t he( popuhuinie~r J It bis t int'e plow~ I rator
fered ini a sulccessfu mci n ~e le.
farme~trs. I'ulls I hree plaaws ireenlaritly -- pulls foii lur u le fay
orabile (cond!!iion. Also) wjil 1ull five or six dis' plo~w..
to eaJ v y r fio r rill lin . v ae il rul.w hn es hspe
othe beloti mA v' h iery It is )'t t'h ( ra r y~fou ennWil p rf ''~ ihl ue
eI ive y t h ) i e ' ea r. ' I i i h I~, 'V i i i Ilt
Leosenl rislAgeint gWandburniitrall Cowmaycthe
50b.elt. t, rmile S .
Coeinad e u 0 o abu hswmiru rco
Loca Agnts antd-Liera Conrac
i in Autehi
"A Visit From St. Nichola
Moore 100 Years
to Everj
4 "C:/-u td i em,
W r .444/.0 i -t- r~ite:
4 d Adtm0 ax4ta Av.4
h ot.tOi -A&lot' I .A10h tf,,
I Nf 1~.oda txr tv(bZ4y
tomg Ovwas OlA ard 1)e
'a efwtd 6&n pftIKA~td I
-Oo IOhcaA;
t taw- lfl ,fnoit c,'fi t:.-ie '
t r.o /d'hm ~ru t
1r $ 4314 1_ t--Qne
Oj o 1, oj I j - n
JVow d&a4l aLv,e c acu
LITL mok bunild in red
flhe'A ohiire'; 1eeL4brat in
theo worbi over of C11litmas.
'i'o ook ,A it no one woul 41rfen it-,
hiddenl words ar! evenl now vibrating"
inl the heairls of countio.s children,
yet the rnits bright covers em
brAce i perenhil. It. I the manu
script of the faillulis chiln's chwsie.
"Al Visit from St. Nirholas," writIen
by Clement C. Moore almost ii himOIrel
yealrs ::n, anl2 hledle'.0ol to his ('wniI
chibjirenin 2 i-h- ir, ill(and. i It has
sinice provel, to Childhood th wvo;bi
This Rensol it hslit hs Its colilplanionl
inl thle library of th' New York County
istoricaI Societ' y In (Cet ral Park West
a photoIgrahlic copy of th e urigilal
l(x\1 ,'ier:ed sutlicieilly to ermble it
to be easily real, for ihough Il the orig
inal chirography is quite 'em'air!aible
for a im of )r. Moore's years-ighty
lwo when lhe lidliell lthe pom-it
is lin anld o1ld-fanshi:ined, ald there
fore solliewli t clil'illt it) riliad.
The innova1tion1 has proveI :I rile
treat to the libirary paltons, ami It is
Iiterestinlg to note willt whiat rever
enee. it is handled by mewn m111 wollnen
whose Chilihood day- are long past.
yet whose holiday tiorin are still
bright. T'wo pages a a llf "re (oil
suliil in cominitting the iipoeil to
11 pntper, -mid fith repetition of? tie h( ol
Jthouiight.4 elf the season, for Ill one tias
The inswere wiitten a s a Chiiris t
mai~s gift for Ite auth lor's I wo youtng
(Ill lghters 1n'ar ly a' ct ury aii3';go, bu11t !I
hias sInce thed'n a21'1 progressive if t
to countless other girls and1( boys. Ac
A Christ
- *'
; "
S19' " ritte x. by Cfement C.
Ago andl . ivn
,tv,- r
c?'ld Jp y ic;
colI llilf !i r .ia i m zrp
who d I 1,1t'iCd 14 :.S.~~~
wrter t(!: L1 wx waa
t("0 \v4 11i I Of.,'1 t i 1(1 11 iysr
Y'(r.' Nlclro i iS 21 i t .!I, il' l I~
"fil, a 1 t(! lt 1:,' . alide 'n i to
tic AV M ! *. o 1,1:-111l l ith wa 1 i .I, (i t
it ' I. hi tW~ I2' ~~iI k, 1 1 -h ..(t liofs
(1111 1 lwill.11 whinol i t o M'
ili Owi he ilttit in l'r o t. Nichlash
tI~ 'tr. ~Imwoe Ait Iri) thril much tof
iNi' i~iF t'imsp 01' bisim I 11"i~o'e t I.~ flr.
Mom A wipwi 'III(,- fIol'' b121 lilt )iul("
eei'r lia ht I iisittiv of i 1 the i
11CII li ly. I 41 lbl 0 lich t
l t o l S1."is!o 1 1 ". ooe it Nv: II :2114 r41 ' 0 1 1r2
chee~iu liii IS (11for posterity.h
me-asii Kis asisTm. h
en.w. lli D . n -,oh.
(It( alcvA < a' i(Is il* fl z D kl
11 u-i , 'm s . ci v t fI lo th n vn
Special value is offered in 3lankets,
Comforte, Flannels and Underiwear, Ladies
and Children's Sweaters with a coplete
e o, 'osier.
Many of these goods were purchase,
in advance of the season and are offfered
below present market value. Make your
selection early and save money at
TMO cam f;M 5 y
1 nc w "41: :1 ;1 i s. :, - 1cm ', c h.1 Id o, b'ccd v-.0... - - .n b -
I i f r 11 p : -
oln olix e 0!, b11 llaka-S:
v'c ~ ciko * III-m;(I ...i'e **,?, c wc ida d ai
Z( .c - .- . \ . ; .c .~. .c c .i .I...
cc..... i.e .c' . .ciec .i .e .~ .i; . i
0ici ic'e 111) :I'ccic :!11(1i \i- vfw ccj'icci lp
cc cej(, c . Ipa c 1i, I .c)c ! c 11 Ic 4c v11 cr c- ~ c c
in cIlii' - i b" -" I i. .ec. ucccIcc, -c . . . .
c'cell -, w llc d cI i e' ,'1; c........................ ,
cc I(-. \N l (I
A il l i-* d"..1 wm)! ;i i c. - A. . . . . . .Ic
occia41' .44 ' .icv .u . (. ... . 4. c . .c- .1 ...e .'O.
an .. . U. . . . W
i , h ahi -) -- - 1 V% g
c oe a :- .-h t -L b;y :"ne r
..e\ ..y ..r, .\. .:....... .-. .... ... ..
S A I c-* "(Vi'l ' ( "' $9;.i 1. -- . A"ilkcl -non 'Cc -
Ary3 I .l \ri y h a1 a r. i : i coilit i , $in.7- [z 1 . y iv eI.
I. .\ m li <i:th wc l I i- c i l , I ood h I' Ii c n., l i
r, (it I m v. 14 a-c I c lit I i I t i , ~ 2 I; I . S'. A ii ny I ii; I hie).o e~~ !I di
-1 3 7 * Woorll fi\ . u-.:., <Ic;t kd iv 10: :a la :141, vood a
c:cihbor liin ci gr( c ai n y bZ I
1O' IN HACK ' 1We NOT SATISFi - :1I ). WRITli F01" Icl' 01 i!. ic
11(I i , \\cc .11 ii oc cieil ,cfod U :c4iiI- b~ iy ji11ct I posi.
ro .n--l. !mt' in Ac cnd Y 11. 1i S C
l re .. w~ Vis -1 -r, ill 1 .
_ _ _ ; -
Just hnt w-evicv .
r I 'a :v ., ::r. ie . C o! ;c'~ no c n it io ,p r a n.n . ... ...-.1
nWv, 0e c -nh. y- ~ cc- *- .
Tr oine: c~mb 'ith ort-r v.- (ieerc; : an' a k n f( cnce. ' u
Thiah-Lunsile:-.e when ord rii o :'nc byp rccpo.
W~ac.:rCmI . m .. s.I
Oh *h't i - V
Di'vef Got~~ My Ccce ..n w
Zi:erlds 19
'T'e'hi.'.!.'. -.\t..crc, .
Zc ief ed Feb f 0.
in e- c r~h-:, . . .
'I Lov Hi .. .. . .
Poor I litl ncc y .c . 08
CaroliI '~on Sunshin e . . . : . 73 c
B )ecze (?!w he.1 ;iEby c
The ic-c t L'asn d .ic ...1p er a ic fS tcceeO
ITr'i n c -, - - (3

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