OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 14, 1920, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1920-01-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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Ratification of Treaty Of
tween Germany and Al
ers With Single Excepti
Paris, Jan. 10.--latilieations of the
treaty of Versailles were exchaiged,
and peace bet ween (erntnaly, France,
(reat Britain and the other allies and
itaociated liowers, with the exception
of the United States, bie effective
at 4:16 o'clock this aft rnmi. There
were 11th hour runnors of a furthr
postpolnerniehillt but 11thest proiVel to b
groun diess.
Pollowinig th I xhag of rait
iont lPrnier le! t au handet! to
I laron Kurt von -Ivri r. head of the
G(errtan peace de .Ilega tiot. a lttiir eon
taining tlr-' Ilocirat ionts:
beeni authorized by* the -_ilrwniv conin-1
,-if to assure thev t'Irninl delegationl
that tlle interallieti coniittissiont onl
control and the comnission iot reptara
t!ons will (ttfotin vvith tlhe greatest
care to the :tateninttts in the not of
I Nerntbrr s relat ivr to saf:, iard ing
fithl Vital e(onloiniej interests of, (r
" eontd- Te x spe . ofI the' allied 1
and associated Vow(er. believing thal
part of the jiltritItiatiolt on wlich they
fouinded their denlland for 1410,110 tow;
(11 loating dock:;, tiiattitng craniei , tugs
an1d dtedgers may hlav ltn iiaietitr
1te 01n eerlain 1ilni andd1tils think
I hey have conm)[1i14wd an eror as: (,onI
tirns l 80,000 Wo .- () I uin, duck , :
I ia mburg.
--If tuie inv t- at :ilion 1> which the
iteratllid t i ji . o nt contl r l will
Ioceed shall show\ t h:0, t r ha:
ready, been -.It ;1w ror:heai ; and a -
t ociated it l will i t ittepared' to
tiit olt:lI hei dcitotdc trat ion:0(til
ii lanirt . )h wer th 'i to ::40il.011
tn:; it l roull i m hti . and etveni th,.
low that it the n c "it y of lcn h It
ductioall bdeall ter it. by con
vinlc'in. l*.L'men.1 Itat Im I otIs cotie
ltte fM ililiS honh4 t, (*e erorid til
ajlt~lithor ie allit'd 11nd as1;.o'iatld e-j
resn tativc. ii) cnabl e i mlit to make
all necessary imn iries,; wvith a view to
verlifying,. the Germ11anl assertionls hll
fore anly re4duetion froml the originll
deman.1lds of the4 protocol ('ani hv delin1
itely admiittedli by tli allied and a:tsso
elated powers.
"Thllird--The allied and -issociated
The Theat
he. IV
40 People .
A Show of
and (
Versailes Exchanged Be'
lied and Associated Pow
on of United States.
govertnntelits with referenee to t he
last paragraphs of the letter Which
contains their reply, (to not consider
that the sole act of sinking the ler
mani ships at S-capa Plow constitutes
a crime of war for which individual I
punishilini t will be exacted ili con -I
fortiity witi arliele 22X of the pecei
tIeaty. I
"On lit othetr' hand. lihit allicl and
assvialcd power., wish to poilt out
t1ut. .viltit losing siglo of the ital
economic inuterests of Gertany. they
have presented I (lematu(i for 100.000
tonls onI tie in ven tory establislied by
tihei. ( ein experts have furnished
details whihela we will verify and
which give a smaller ligure. Conse
<Inently there will eventually he de
ditetd ( toll tle .110.000 tons of oating
doenIts. eranes, tugs and dredgers
claimied by (te allies a tonnage of
floating docks. which afti veri fleation
w*e will riecogiize as havinug incinded
o)nI le interallied inventuory by mis
tk and which cols(pelntly does not
,exist, Nitverthees stcih dediet ion
.hall not x 2,t'00 tons.
"he allied and associated powers
add thu lite 192,0m0 Ion,; proposed by
the (N;ernuin goverlnment, of whicht a
list w\a; Iialed over dintiitg the (elih
i rat ti l t l technilial commjissioll,.
nUSIt b.In - livere-d imml lediatecly. For the(
u m I he tnnag., as shall be dc
terinitled b% Ohe commission omrn ar
Soatios, a1 delay will he allowed t('
%W1111erman v'e mt1 w (s hiCh Can no01 N
r dl :'.'I moni hs for delivcry of 1h it)
The ontISlainl41ing, crotument fonlight
1n1 lite Vilrem1ony, is thuat it leave:- the
V-nital statl(: the only power. which
was; actively at watkl with Gewrimany not
nOw 0in a :ae hasis. That was the
nlote -moletd b1Y \(on 1xl itsn , head of
lhe f lr an peace, d10-.,.legat ion, inl a
atliet'i to the A.::oiated Press im
mediately after, tht. ceremony011 .
"i 1 a niktula'Lly ' hap 11 that eac
ha.1, finially hrcomell effective, Baron
vont I'versnieri said. M.\Iy grteat regt'ret
is that ti I 'nitedl Stalte's is th1v only
counutry with whieb (Gerniy is still
inl a stJate of war. 11 hop', h w vr
20 Singing and
Youth and Beai
.anger--New an<
1 .00, $1.50, $2.00.
- --~~~~ /r . e . . m l
hat this situation will soon be
"Execution of the treaty of Ver
milles Imposes upon Germany the
eaviest sacrifices ever borne by a na
ion in modern times. We lost %in the <
vest and in the east territories that I
)elongel to ,Prussia for many centu
'ls. We llavq assumed enormous eco
ioinic obligations. Nevertheless, I
ti glad that peace Is at last, re-es
ablished, because it -will give back to I
:ermiany her best beoved sons still I
)risoners abroad."
Asked as to the execution of the
erms of the treaty Baron von LJersner
leelared that Germany was ready and
letermilned I odo her tititost. le col
"We have already, even without be
ng obliged by the terms of the treaty,
lteliv'erted a considerable iuantlity of
iroducts, including !,2500,000 tons of
.oal to UVrance. and I can siay that
1eimantiiy will go to tlie utmost limit
)f possibility in fulillling all the obl
a:1tions she las incuirred. It will
iteani haird times for Germany, but
it the recovery o our ardor for
ahora nd production we hope to meet
'very emergency.
"The recovery of our, economllic pro
letty i., as much to interest of the
.1iente as it Is to u1s, on accouit of
tie great econmie ditleilties that
b1reaten all hlurope. It is obvious,
--peaking chiefly of Prance, that her
contoml ic prosperity depends tipon thei'
?f'olomIiic rccovery of Germany."
4. . . * * . . * * . . * .* * * * 2
i.ANiOll) NEWI S.
L.nford, . Jan. 12. News. of ti' death
of .\r. .\larcus 1'. P'atterson reachled
here lriday. which cast a1 gloom of
sadness v o urI f l it tle placel . I.r.
Pattersonl Spent hlis bohoiin od days in
:.ar coinity andl lived here un1til
biut 20 year; ago. lI I ad his fain -
ilv mov4wed to Sparlnhrg. I Iis rv
mlainls were broulghtl here~ Slimhy alf
lernoon am tnlderly laid to rest it,
the presence of .1 large circle of
friiilds and rRlatives, llev .1 razier
ouiluetinl ug the ceremony, a'sisted by
ier. .\Miller. tolie leaves a wife,. who
wa.; Miss .\1 inie i0e1hims and fonr
s"ons and two idauigliters, tihree rtII
ra anad one 'sister, with whom we all
.symNiipatlize inl thl e .' great bereave
R1ev. (Grahamuu, of Charleston, preach
ed at Warrior Creek Sunaday morning
and also at Lanford Sunday. and made
a vmry favorable impression oil tile
'he Season--Har
ing Success--Pos
na Now R 'ni.
Capt. J. W. Lanford has returned
ron Tennessee, bringing 'with him a
ar load of mules, cat.tle and hogs.
Mr. B. W. Johnson, of Arcadia'Mills,
vas here a few days ago and pur
hased twenty-flye hogs fromn Mr. Lan
ord for his mueat market.
Little Bennfe Harlow has been very
Ick, but we are glad to say he is im
>roving some now.
ir. Nathan Littleflekt and 'family
iave moved into our midst. -eo is in
he mercantile business.
.\Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Garrett will
LIso move here next week.
Mr. Walter Prince has moved te
IN place purchased from Mr. W. A.
.\it-. and Mlrs. Wilbanks have moved
lere front Cross Keys. .
We are glad to welcome these peo
>Io and trust their coming will be of
nutual pilcam;re durling their stay
vithI us.
.\lr. an(d .\lts. Oscar Ilaynes, of
Natts .ills visited his muother,'Mrs.
inynis and sister. .llrs. Walter PrInce
ast week.
Pale, Anemic
Girls Need a
Blood Tonic.
Pepto-3langan Enriches ndil Huilds Ull.
the Blood.
'allor. leainehes and Shortness of
Breath 1) sappear.
l'eptu-.Mnngan Sold in Liquid and
Tablet Formin.
\1h should anly girl or young wo
imaun edntinue to lave a pale, sallow
(oillplex lonl and a istless, r II-downi
syst em ldevoll of 1ergy and'ltality?
Such young foil are ntinually
unhiappy, and dejee 'd sin ly hecau(tse
tihey accelt such a cound lon as their
mlisforthune. and etl-y heir friends
who are in the b) I of health and
enjoying all the g( things of life.
It' Such young wolel would ral
ize that t liir anei Ic n011(dit Ion is proh
ablyN dul1e to thin, imlitpoverished blood,
which could easily he en1r iched by
,ud,s l'epto-.\langan, how much
hai)pier and attractive they %)would be.
(Glude's Pepto-Mangan Is ia safe, ben
cilial anid pleasant tonic:fr aone
sufferiig from anily alient caused by
poor blood. If taken regularly for a
lew weeks it wil enrich the blood with
Ithiousanuds or the healthy red-blood
cells that are needed to carry nourish
mitent to every part of the body.
Pepto-.\langail is sold in both liquid
and tablet form. ioth contain the
samie ielichial ingredients.
1uy hepto-.\anlgan at your drug
gist's. le sure the name "Gude's" is
(n the package. Without "Oude's" It
is not P'epto-Matngan.
r y D. Orr's Big
itively Every thir
Li in Paris
.. 2 . - . ir-..m
Prtietad etDrse
Phruist tad Beslt Dese
York this Season
Powe's Drug Store
Chevrolet Cars!
Come and get yours while they last.
The best car on the market at the
price. Always ready - to run and
car y when you want to go.
Willard Storage Batteries
Miller Tires
Vincent Motor Car Co.
SJAN. 20th
New Third Edition of the
ig New
-" AN........ . .

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