OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, April 28, 1920, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1920-04-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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Present .lothes Pi
Compiiare Favoraly
With Advanlces in0 age and Pr'dc
Right now you are hearing a lot of talk concerning the high cost of clothing.
Clothes DO cost more in dollars and cents---BUT did you know that today, at pres
ent prices, a farmer can buy a better suit of clothes with a smaller quantity of produce
and a laborer with a lesser number of working hours than in 1914?
Most people do not realize, nor have they stopped to figure these things; therefore,
we are giving you a. few facts showing that it IS easier to buy good clothes TO-DAY
than in 1914.
-A Farmer had to market 4300 poundscents a It took 10 1)shel1 of Sweet Potatoes
pound will buy the following:
A~ ~~ F a m r h d t a k t 3 0 1 o l d ~ u d w l u h o w ng to b uy o n e p a ir o f S hio es . . . . . . .$ 5 .0 0 fo l. t h ol o ~ u
of -Cotton at 8 1-3 cent1 a pound to pay for l 'i n's Suit ..................$65.00 l
I Boy's Suit ..................$20.00 One
a $25.00 Suit of Clothes. 1 pair Men's Shoes ............$12.50 Two
1 Man's nt ........ .... . . .$ 7.50
1 pair Boy 'sShoes .... .... .... ..$ 7.50
2 Men's Shirts ... .... .... ....$ 5.00
2 Boy'O Blao.S.S$ .... .... .... .... $ 2.50
$25.00 $120.00 IN 1914 TODAY
1 [t took a painter two weeks' work (10 9 days' work (10 hour days) will pay
IN 1914 TODAY hour days) to pay for one Suit at $25.00. for an au-wool sui at $54.00.
A Brick Mason would work 62 1-2 62 1-2 hours' work ($1.00 an hour)
hours to pay for one Suit at $25.00. will 'buy an all-wool Suit at $62.50. IN 1914 TODAY
It took 25 bishels of Wheat to buy one 25 bushels of Wheat will pay for the
IN 1914 TODAY - . Man's Suit at. $22.50. folo
One Si...........$00
It took 40 bushels of Corn to pay for 40 'bushels of Corn will buy a Man's One
a "Man's Suit at $25.00 and a man's Shirt Suit at $55.00; a Palm Beach Suit at Two
at $1.00. $18.00; and a Boy's Suit at $17.00. Fou
Four suits Underwear...........$ 8.00
$26.00 $90.00 $22.50
IN 1914 T6DAY . IN 1914 TODAY
It took a common Laborer 25 days' -le only has to work 15 days to pay
workto py fo a uit t $2.00 foran al-wol Sit a $5250.It took a Carpenter two weeks' work lHe only has to work 9 (lays (10 lll1
work to pay for a Suit at $25.00. for a all-wool Suit. at $52.50- (10 hour days) to pay for one suit ata
$25.00. DAYS) to buy
It took 50 'bushels of Oats to pay for 50 bushels of Oats will buy:
1 Suit ...... ..... $50.00 It took 10 bushels of Peas to pay for
a Suit at $20.00. 1 pair of Shoes .... .... .... ..$10.00 alb-woo1 uit a s will $5 0.0
1 Hat .... .... .... .... ......$ 5.00 one Man's Suit at $20.00.
$20.00 $65.00 $20.00 $50.00
Wharton Clothing Compan
Laurens, S. C. "SUITS ME" Greenwood, S. C.

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