OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 16, 1920, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1920-06-16/ed-1/seq-14/

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Action of Chief of Secret Servicc That
Caused Retainer to Resigr.
His Position.
They tell the Stor y of Bruce Blib
laski. head of the United SItates secret
service, and one of his retainers.
In the old days-hefOre the lite un
pleasantness-the retainer might have
been described as a scholarly sipper.
He knew the brands, origin, habitat
and beading of every first-rate whisky.
When he drank he acted like <ne of
the old brantdy topers, who have been
statutorily oliterated.
1e vould eye and sniff arnd roll the
stm aroand Inl Ills mouth before
thd chuntoll0ti-s throat tIseles pul led
It down I l rreverd whisky. Il1 sole
rending was wh;aky rein. ib. was
not a d -runl:rd at 1y. will uli mindler
stiand-menol y an ent bu i st 1e cmois,
setir of liquor.
Bliela'ki had a room, full of wl.;skies
at hl- Washmington lhuallillirters. No
On1e goi't into tihat ronm, eith:r. Every
time ti;r was a raid tho stuff wvas
plaled min ter lock :Ind key until flie
lashi personally superintended its de
The connoisseuMIr of 1)0zo tel to
mourn this wase wit 1ears in his
SeSs. le saild It was a crime, no less.
lie sail he is now colnvinced that this
Country is harhlar:Ius, and that In its
heart it yearns to wear heads41 on Its
legs an( feat hers In its hair. lie was
orating in this strain one hitterly cold
(lay during the hig blizzard when he
saw Bielask colle out of hIs ohlice.
Bielaski had a coutple of quarts of a
celebrated brand undier his at-m.
lie stopped talking. Little flecks of
foam appeared In the orners of lis
mnouth, Ile b1-:,1n to dret-aml (if Tonnies
see Imeads and Kentucky Iistires. i is
eyes softened and his eleek took oi a
yoln11ger flush.
Th,1enl Biehiski ore thle lilquor in
the Imlitori (f his automlobilo, and
the enthusiast violently resigned from
the federal service.--lierbert Corey, in
KaaIs City Star.
Pepper e.nd Fiery Liquors May Have
Something to Do With the
Troubles Down There.
Pepper is the .eure of Mexiean
revolutibins, accordinIg to manlly pdople.
Hot tamleg, chiii ion marne, whieh
mleanls pepper. wih mnent; chill rel-I
lenas, chill c.-ol queso. or pepper with
cheese; all the other hot dishes that
delight the Mexican palate; Ire qlul)
posed to inelte these fiery Latin-India n
folk to a-tions that people of more
sober m111in NvQl o lI not- coutllinlate.
First s
plied fre
Fok fu
nlut tie vooiuer CRiuzens to t., -q.&1j
try place the greater blame on the
ilquih refrehitneAts indulged in by
our neighbors to the south. Aguar
diente, tequila, mescal, drinks that
rnm:e storimy passions in the Latin
Yfnd paralyze the senses of the Anglo
Saxon, are consumed in great quanti
Teqifla, father of comets, sea ser
pents, mnisshapen giants, juggernauts
and a thousand other mnonsters, is a
white liquid brewed from "bear
grass," a desert growing plant with
clusters of thick, hard and watery
daggerike leaves with needle points.
Mescal, a brew of actus leaves, is its
'omtpanion drink, mid, mixed, the very
STael will put even a prohibition en
forcoment agent in a state of coma.
Canada's Water Power.
It has been estimated by engineers
that the available water power in
Canada, both developtedi and indevel
'oped, is capable of generating 18,832,
000 horsepower, of which 7,398,100
horsepower are available in populated
The utilization of this water pow
er is rapidly increasing. During last
year the installation 6t plints was
conipiefed with a total of 0,400 horse
otict.~ Deyvgopinents now tnder con
struction will produce 370,000 horse
power; and projects contemplated for
the near future will add 750,000 horse
power. The waterpowers in Canada
already developed have a cnpneity of
2.400,000 horsepower. The "white
c"al," that for ages IEnd been rutnn in
to waste, is now being made to turn
the wheels of industry and to light
Canada's streets and dwellings.
The Noisy Guest.
William .Tennings Bryan said at ht
brother's house in Lincoln:
"It is splendid to see the good order
that nowv prevnlls at polit(tl han
quiets. There was considerable (Irunk
enness at these baInqieis in the past.
"At a politieal banquet one evening
the chairman said to a rather noisy
"'Excuse me, sir, but may I ask
your nalmie?'
" 'Mirgan's mne-bie---nnme,' %.he
guest answered.
"'I mean your full name,' said the
"The guest hlicoughed again.
"'It's just the same,' he said, 'full
er snom'"
The Way it Works Out.
'The Agent-lhive you seei the new
ordinance pnssed by the city council?
'It forbids rent profiteering under pen
alty of a hundred-dollar fine.
The Owner-Yep, I saw it. Raise
the rent a hundred dollars on each
apartment, to pay the faa.
~ale at W
y new buil
es. Sketcl
at the sale
rther infor
- B.R.YI
Agriculturist Asserts Ho Courts His
Sweetheart and Plants His Corn
by Luna's Light.
A contribujor to the New York Trib
une, living in the country, Is alarmed
lest the scientists blow up the moon.
He very properly says that the city
man doesn't appreciate the moon; in
fact, he seldom sees it. But out in the
country the moon serves a real pur
pose, and it ought to be protected from
onslaughts from the rockets of the sci
entists. The contributor's letter is so
delightful, and as It contains as much
wisdom as many other letters we read
we quote at length:
"Nobody knows what the moon Is
made of. Maybe it's made out of some
kind of mineral that will explode when
this flash powder goes ofl on it. And let
me tell you, Mr. Editor, that wouldn't
be a very funny thing for anybody to
have the moon blow up.
"Folks In the city don't know any
thing about the moon, whether It Is
anything or whether it ain't, and they
don't care. But we folks that live In
the country use the moon a great deal.
I courted m1y wife by inooniight, and
my oldest boy 1,i doing the same thing
with i huis girl. I've planted Iay corn In
the full of the moon for forty years anl
never hail i poor erop. Besides, we use
the moon in lots of other ways. I can't
hardly think what. life would be here
in the country withiout tihe moon."
Aye, aye, sir, we are for you--espe
clally since you sveetn to know how to
court. It Is been ia marvel to us for
years how a city boy ninaiges to i'all
in love with a girl whin the light eaine
from at electric bulb liustemil of from
the friendly moon.-Colunbus Dls
Elder Brewster Gave Up Much When
He Abandoned His Home for a
Great Principle.
Cone Is tle n nelent pear tree, and
no trae remnins of tihI Inullerry tree
plantel by Cardinal Wolsey. uniider (he
welcome shade of which Sir dlwyn
Sn tidys sal; in the long surininer' days
of 1575 :t Seroohy ma nor, but I'llgrinis
in Enighind itn 1920 need not iegl('t
to raise their hats to tein memory of
Eileri Brewster at his onie-time liome,
because speelil arrangemients live
been mauzde for escortlng partles to
thi haunts of Pilgrim Fathers during
the terentenary year. All the Fatheir
maliide great sarifiies, hut. one will be
temipted to think that William Brew
steor inade perhaps more than morrst
when one sees the ruins of his pala
tinl home ihe left. Traculs fe tha m11-1
) ldmings
dings and'
Lies for con'
by B. R.
nation, Wri
.Todd, Ch
m xit, atu some or rne -great
carved bentas can be found in stables
and cowsheds nearby. Tho size of
the house can be realized when it is
remembered that it was large enough
to shelter Margaret Tudor and her en
'tire retinue on her royal procession to
'Scotland.-Christian Science Monitor.
One Man Is Crew.
Recent naval tests have disclosed
the remarkable characteristics of a
new form of miniature torpedo boat,
so low In the water that It has almost
the invisibility of a submarine, ac
cording to a recent announcement in
Popular Mechanles Magazine, ac
companied by several interesting 11
lIstrations of the curious craft. It is
operated by one man. It is but 10 feet
long, and weighs 8.500 pounlds with its
single torpedo. The entire forward
half of the boat is 'the torpedo chamii
her, and that part of the hull is U
shallped to conform to the big projec
tile, while the (eck above is hinged
along one side to permit the torpedo
to be ht ols(ed in. To discharge it, the
whole roinded how plate is lifted up
like a gate, flooding the chamber and
permitting the torpedo to go forth on
the power of its own propeller.
Catch a Freak Fish.
A freak flsh, 11 feet long and weigh
ing 50 pounds, was brought to port by
Capt. Sieve Massa of the smack Ardita,
reports a San Diego (al.) correspolld
ent. The lIsh wis caughlit in a sea bss
net olf Point Lom at a depti of 30
feet. The ilsIh had a moothI two feet in
diamecter, 1o teeth, pur-ple eyes, a short,
blunt nose, with a sharp horn con
posed of solid hone and a skin like a
rititioceros. A. L. Mamnahan of the state
1ish and ga to 1 commission and Capt.
W. C. (.Crailil of the Callfornia ilo
logleal institute at La .olla were un
able to itlent ify the pisCt orilb freak.
Iho tograihts were t a k en of the fish and
were sent to the University of CaII
fornia in ani effort to trace its ncestry,
Again, Leather From the Sea.
Considerable interest is lit pr1esenOt
bein'z shown in the po~wsibility of utIliz
tng the skins of sharks and porpises
for the making of shoe leatelir. The
burenu of standards il-hs completed ar
rangemen(s to test the comparative
durability of upper leather made from
shairk and porpois skins its conpared
with that front calfskin and cowhlde.
fhe co-operation of tie National Boot
and Shoe Manifaet 1rers' lseodila tion
has been secured in the mnkinig of the
necessary shoe- for the test. It is be
lleved that tile results of this investI
gation will he wa telied witIi consider
able interest.-SeLeitifle Anme*ileau.
Engraved Cards and nvItations.
Advertiser Printing Co.
~andG r
~on School.
can easily
version int(
'. Todd.
te or see
ali'man of
Dixie Fabricated Bunows give every man a chance to own his
own cosy, substantial, endurable, weather-proof, enjoyable home.
F~our wall-layer construction with dead air space between effects
Insulation against Summer heat and Winter cold.
Shipped in easy-to-handle sections-quickly erected by any handy
man, by plans we furnish. What you save in rent will soon pay
for a Dixie Fabricated Bungalow.
tratod vatalog . , J 3
of Dixie Houses
Vriced f ronm
$364 to S3800. .
and pric s. - - -
1- -- 1-A
_ 0
tn g
Good old Luzianne is
not onk the best coffee
value at the price, but
it is also the most econ
omical. v Your mroneu
back, cheerfullj and
promptlu,iftgou are not
thoroughiy satisfied.
Goes Thice askar
Wm.B.Retin & Co Inc. New Orlcans
CiliAUSANT!:.- If, after tI11f .ltre~cofltotu F
Both of these are
be converted into
> homes will be sup
Building Committe

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