OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 11, 1921, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1921-05-11/ed-1/seq-8/

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Pay Your Debts
The Laurens Advertiser, like every
paper that is *orth a continental,
comes to the defense of Its heme city
when attacked, or when it thinks it is
attacked; but in the place of trying
to pass off the art'icle about roads of
S1r. Abercrombie appearing in this pa
per a couple of weeks ago as a joke, it
would be lbetter if that Influentiat
journal would lend its aid In correct
ing the abuses that exists in its couni
ty and not try to defend them. The
time has passed when buncombe and
hot air will appease the ipeople-they
want roads-not promises.
That the roads of upper Laurens
and lower Spartanburg have been dis
gracefully neglected, that what was
justly theirs has been withheld and
spent in other sections is a fact known
of all men. That the Advertiser would
relieve its town of any blame in this
matter is perfectly natural, Brother
Lee is a1 lmial of different calibre from
the high collar city editors who dic
tate long win(ed editorial on national
issues to their stenographers We can
understand how they can feel that
they are of too much impiortance to
waste their brain niatt6r on getting
justice done to a section that is re
Stateient of the Conduitioni of the
L1ocated at. Laurens, S. C., at the close
of business April 28, 1921.
Loans and Discounts .. .$425,20-.18
Overdrafts .......... 2,613.57
Bons(1 and Stock Owned
by the Bank ........ 27,500.00
*irniture and Fixtures .... 4,300.00
Bankinig Ilouse .. .. .. .. .10,000.00
Due from Banks and Bank
Ops.. .. .... , .... 12,247.3m
Currency .......... 8,068.00
Gold ..4............ 462.50
Silver and Other Coin .. .. 753.66
Cheeks and Cash Items . . 747.15
.Other itesources, viz.:
!', 8, Liberty Loan Bonds 23,250.00
Total .. .. .. .. ;; ..$ 1,14.37
Capital Stock Paid In .. ..$10,000.01
sirplus Fund........... 25,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Cur
rent Expenses and Taxes
Paid .............. 62,587.20
.Dtue to Ranks and Bankers 2,173.14
iv(ly(i1ual I(D posits Subject
to ('heck . . . .$113,335.09
Savings Deposits 4 0,115. 5
Time Certificates of De
posit . . . . . . 110,-533.37
C'ashier's Checks 75l.t2 29 1,786.0
'Bills Payable, including Cer
titIcates for .\loney Hor
rowed ..................30,000.00
Total.......... ..$515,146.37
State of South Carolina,
County of ILurenis.
Before me camIe C. W. Tune, Cash
ier of the above named bank, whd, be
ing duly sworn, says that. the above
and foregoing statement is a true con
dition of said bank, as shown by the
books of said bank.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 4th day of Alay, 1921.
0EO. 11. MlAKELY,
Notary Public.
Correct Attest: W. A. Watts, I. .i.
Jones, E. 0. Anderson, Directors.
27-inch Red Diamond Die
(10 yards
One lot Ladies' $2.50 Bec
per par .
Men's H-eavy Work Shirt
La,dies' Hose, black, w
for--. ---..
Ladies' Gauze Vests -
Men's Blue Buckle Overa
Men's and Boys' Pleated
.Men's $1.00 Silk Socks, p
Men's 50e Lisle Thread S
Men's $1.50 Dress Shirts
S40-inch Sea Island; fine
fine for dresses; per ya
25c Curtain Materials, ps
Ladies, come in and
rivals in new footwe
8traps and satins
Yard wide Bleaching, pel
J. & P. Coats Spool Thr
Men's $2.50 Dress Shirts
Boys' $2.50 Knee Pants,
36-inch White Cambric,
86-inch Cannon Cloth, pe
Dr. Posey's Old Stand
mote from their environments. We
can flgure out how' men of such im
inense mentalities cannot dAnd it in
.their hearts .to busy themselves with
a small natter like roads that they
never travel and none of their cronies
ever travel. WN can understand why
13 out of 17 of the Spartanburg coun
ty road gangs are working in and
around or north of the Air Line Rail
road and never a word of the injustice
of this division even when it has been
the custom for years.
But 'Brother 1ee is a man of a dif
ferent patterns. lie is just a iplain out
hardworking man. He even typcwrites
his own editorials. And how lie can
rest content with the disgraceful
neglect of the roads of upper Laurens
Is 1nore than we can figure out.
That they have been neglected we
Iwill cite Brother Lee to that stretch
of road between Young's store and
Huntersville. We aro reliably In
formed that nothing'has been done to
that part of this road laying inl Uau
rens county in eight years, except by
volunteer work by those living on It.
A gentleman passing along this road
recently had to get out ad fill up a hole
before lie could pass. Other roads In
the same section have been as badly
These are facts, Brother *Lce, and
it will be to the advantage of Lau
rens to see that the upper section ot
the county gets justice. In fact, the
putting of the roads of this section
in 1passable condition with a team with
a load and for Ford will keep this sec
tion In Laurons county. Otherwise
there will be an annexato movement
to some other county. Even 'par
tanburg with its 3 gangs in the south
ern part of the county and its 40 odd
dollars a mile given to the townsiip
commissioners might. b consbe I as
an improvement over Intilng in eight
years, Especiall, as the road ta;( i
one dollar in the place of six.
Let Laurens county pay her debts
to the upper section and not keep on
plunishing them because they voted
against a ijts Qoulnty several year
Tihe truth of the matter is that tht(
roads in upper liaurens and lewer
Spartanburg have been neglected be
cause the road authorities and of the
two counties an( other sections of the
counties flgured that Woodruff Was
and never would be in the running
again as a county seat and that the
people of these sections had a)SOhlutely
no way of helping themselves. Spar
tanliburg seemn to be awaking to the
injustice of this proposition---as evi
den1ce we cite the three out of 17 of
the road gangs working In Itie south
ern part of the county and increase in
the fund allowed the township comn
missioners. Spartanbu rg Is paying the
interest on the (debt die the lower por
tion of the county. What is the great
and gr.n l, and glorious an(] far famed
county of Laurens doing for the 0peo
ple of the upper section of Laurens?
--Woodruff News.
tper Cloth, per bolt $1.85
to bolt.)
I Room Slippers, all sizes,
s----------- .75
hite and brown, 3 pair
.... - --- --$ .25
lis, per pair$1 9
Back Caps-- - .$ .98
er pair-- - - -$ .50
ocks, per pair$ .25
quality, round threads,
rd-...--.....-.....--_$ .10
~r yard .-._..........$ .19
look at the new ar
ar, the new brogues,
at moderate prices.
Lyard.... .......$ .10
'ead, 150 yard spools, 4
-----------$ .25
per pair..- - - $1.49
>er yard ----$ .19
r yard------$ .25
Farmer Discovered He Was Not the
Only One Who Was Taking
Down Good Profits.
While Tom Biggers, the vlflage
blacksmith, tolled over the plowshare
brought in by old Peter Mullins, the
farmer, the owner told at length of
the remarkable success he had . had
with three litters of pigs he had Sold
in market that day.
"Now," said old Peter, "them pigs
was less than eight months old; and
they brought me ton cents a pound
or a little above $400.- Why, Tom,
only a few years ago them same pigs
would have fetched me only about
half as much. I tell you, Tom, the
farmer is gittin' his harvest, now."
By this thne Biggers had completed
the sharpening of the share, and he
handed it to Peter. From a well-worn
purse old Peter took forth two dimes,
the usual price for such a job, and
dropped them into the blacksmith's
"Say, Peter," observed Diggers,
"you'll have to come again. I charge
thirty cents since the first of the year
for sharpening that plow."
"That's an outrage!" sputtered old
Peter. "Why have you raised the price
on me?"
"To buy some of that high-priced
pork you were just telling mo about,"
said Biggers, with a grin.-Philadel
phia Ledger.
Frequently Within the Space of Three
Months the Material Will Be
Made Useless.
Major W. Broughton-Alcock of the
British army made some studies on
the fungi that cause black Aad brown
spots. en eanvas tents, awnings, ote,,
and thy' bring nbout a more or less
r.'apl dpstructton. of suh aeticlow. A
note 611 the subject by J. fRambotom
appears. in Nature. The investigations
We0 carried out partly in Malta,
whbrp, ft is said, aWnlings last only
4%0 year, 7he pilncIpal destrue
tive agente in the case Qf cotton and
flax-made eanvas were found to be
Macrosporium and Stemphyl19m. The
.YArlation in the color of the spots is
found to be due to the presence of
'vadottis othib fungi in association w,,'+)
first' 1 untappear
on theliie(r , 8Q o76 or-flong
of tents and narquee. Qften within
three months pressure oh the spots
11111do by the fungi leads to perfora
tion, or a strong wind causes tearing.
Experiments showed that the Willes
den (cupramnionium) method find
cutch treatment prevented the growth
of the fungl.-Sclentifle American.
Medical Triumph.
The successful operations on the
braini of epilepsy pailents performed
by Dr. Walter ED. Dandy of Johns
ITopkins univt-rsity, and by Dr. Cur.
tis Burnham have now been verified
by a number of other surgeons. When
a definite set of muscles are affected
in the epilepsy sisis, seizures, at
taeks, fits, convulsions or loss of con
sclousness, as it may be called, the
disense can often be traced to some
fluid nwtter, scar or cyst which cov
ers the section of the brain whose
nerve fihers lead to the tongue or
fingers. In othier words, -the fihst
cure on recordl of an epilh(ptic who host
conseiousness durinig the attack was
triumuphantlyr brought to pass by De
Tailked Like a Tailor.
The mnembers of the choir were
pract iclig the ainthiem "As the Hart
P'ants After the Water Brooks."
T1he renidering of the openi stages
was appairently not quite to the satIs
faction of the gentlemnan who wvielded
the baton.
lie considleredl it necessary. there
fore, to tendaer somie ad'viee to the
tenors, andl (aused gre'at consternation
andl~ not ai lit tie 'amhnrrassmlent among
his ilock by the following annoiuc
"Oentlemen, your expression is sim
p13 sp~elndid, but tho tline is very poor
-real:ly, your pnaits are fari too long."
-Fromn Idents, Lonadon.
Dried Flies for Fish.
A New York firim recently imported
three tons of dlriedl flies from South
America. Theuy were for feeding young
fishes, andl~ have found a readly Rade to
fish culturists.
Thle United States fisheries bureau
bought 100 pounds of them, for ani ex
perinicmt, butt results seemied to showi
that firfe-chuoppedl liver was better grub
for b~aby trout. On a (110t of liver they
grew faster, andl a i-ger percentdge
of thenm survived.
Highest Plountain in i4aho.
Hyndmian penkc is the only named
mountain in Idaho that rises Save
12.000 feet. It stands aear theo
Blaine-Custer county' line and has a
height of 12,07R feet. There are, how.
ever, se-verah umnimodi peaks near
Hyndlman peak whose elev'ations are
greater than 12.000 feet, as shown1 by
the contours on the Hfailey topograhic
map, pubhilihed by the United States
geologicnl survey.
A Stickier.
"Thtev say Wombat is a man w~ho is
insistent about getting his nioney's
"Yes, he'd put in a vaention ('(ount
ing thle Tihousand Isad.--Lusil
."I w'as rat a banquet wvheire Renator
Ha rdin Spoke."
"Shucks ! I've sat wvith huium on his
front norch,"
Most Patient ' Worhan.
Ju .Tunkins says the most patient
and rorbearmg woian lie wnows of is
the piano playe .who puts in the en,
tire day playing. reqpest. numbers.
Does morning 'fnd you IwIth a laio.,
atiff and eohing 'back? Arp you ti'red
all the time-find work a 'burd'en?
Have you suspected your kidneys.?
aurns p011eople endorse Doan's Kid
ney Pills. Ask your neighbor!! You.
can rely on their statements.
Mrs. D. 1. IWix, 428 Mill St., Lau
rens, says: "I had an awful time with.
my kidneys. 'My back ached all the
time and I felt wprn out and Utred.
When I bent over I had a hard time to
straighten up again and I got so dipzy
I had to bold onto a chair to keep from
falling. Mornings I felt sore and lame
an all worn out. I had headaches
and was so nervous it seemed 1 would
fly. ' My kidneys didn't act as they
should, either. Doan's Kidney Fills
were recommended to me and I got
some. I began uslig then and In a
short time I was entirely cured of the
60c at all dealers. p'ster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, -N. Y.
An absolute remover of
street oils, gum, sugar(
from silks, satins, lace,
gloves, coat collars, rug
kinds. "MUFTI," prol
without leaving a spot i
can be removed from tI
slightest Injury,
Special befitb
Minter Co..
get '
taloi -fr letters ,of Admioistration -0 0., onthe 16th dtyof May. 1921 next,.
State OX. South Crfina, a tt efbl ato hereof, at 11 O'clock
County of Laiirens. 'In the forenoon, to sho0w cause, Itfl ay
By- . O. Tho.pson, :Probate Judge: they have, why the said Adminitrat
,Whereas J. -A. tMurfnadle suit o, me ighould not be granted.
to, grant him Letters of Administration Given under mny hand this 29th day
with will Annexed. ot the eptate and of AprU Anno Doinhi 1921.
vff~ots of 0. A. Oaxon. .0. G. THOMPSON,
*Those are therefore, to 'ete -and ad, 42-2t-A - L. 0.
monish all end singular the Kindred4D
and Creditors of the said C. A.: Saxon, Piles CureiOln 6 to,0?to
o ee e b roba o treI c hI Blgo d i ou can
fore me, In the Court of. APr*bate, 'to be InatantlL0I S I, Jtbdin Pit d _ u
held at Laurens Court House, Laurens, ! sfue atr t ret oppo Price
Henry" Counts' Garage
I have a stock of used Maxwell parts for ,abdels up to
'Do You Know
that spots on your clothing belittle your appear
ance? Make it your business to call in our store
Friday or Saturday to see how easily the demon
strator can make the spots fly,
oil, grease, tar, paint, auto or
>r syrup strains, soot and grime
,. faney footwear, neckwear,
s, draperies and fabrics of all
)erly applied, will remove spots
>r ring. All spots or strains
e daintiest fabrics without the L
ntration Friday and 5aturday---All Day
Cash Department Store
Fellows, you've. got to
'em, so come on and
e've Got 'em
iey Aint So High

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