More Goods For Slime Money SILK LEG RT SILK 12 in Laurens 1in Greenwoc 1 in Andersoi 1 in Greenvill UNDE Our buildings ing with fall t the lowest m passing these ands of custor Don't hesitate; don' will have to enter prices. Come to F and save a large pa 15c quality Outing, Cheviots, Plaids and stripes .... .... .... .... ....12 1-2c 20e quality heavy Cheviota and yard wide Pereales on sale now at .... ..15c 1 table of Apron Ginghams, Chambray and 27-inch Percales, worth 15c, on sale at per yard. .... .... .... ....10c 1 lot Ii. Jj. Sea Island, 36-inch standard quality, worth 12 1-2c, on sale at . . 10c 1. lot Druid iL. L. Sea Island, best made, 36 inches wide, on sale at .... 12 1-2c 1 lot of Ladies' Corsets .. ...... ... .69c $2.00 value Ladies' Corsets ... .. .$1.48 1 lot Plaid Homespun on sile at . . . . 80 1 lot Sea Island, 27-inch, on sale at . . . . o Men's Blue Cheviot Work Shirts, full made, special prices . . . . . .75c, 89c, 98c 25c quality fancy plaid Dress Ginghams, special .... .... .... .... .... .. 19c 35(- quality fine Dress Ginghams, spe cial at .... ..... .... .... .... .. 25c 30e quality Lad and Lassie (best mede) for Dresses, Blouses and Rompers ..25c 1 lot Men's Sox .... .... .... .... 10c 1 lot 'Iiadies' Hose .... .... .... ....10c Big line of 'Hosiery for men and women going at .... .... ......15o to $1.98 Big lino o'f Boys' and GFirls' Ribbed Hose at .... .... .... .....15c to 48c Children's Hose .... .... ....10~c .to 25c I lot 'Men's heavy fleeced Uindershirts and 1Drawers..... .... .... .... ..49o 1 lot Boys' Overalls .... .... .... ..75ce Men 's Overalls..... .... .... .... ..98c Men 's best Union Mail9 veralls . .$1.45 1 lot Ivory Garters (the' Oc kind) for 39c 1 lot 35c Men's Suspenders, speerial . . 25c 65c quality Men's 'Suspenders..... ..45c $1.00 qjuality Men's Suspenders ... .75c B3ig line of fine Shirts going at 98c, $1.48, $1.98 up to $3.39 for thie $6.00 kind. uny Siirts now. Men's Pants..... .... ..$1.25 up to $6.39 Big stock of Underwear--Union Suits, 'Shirts anid D~rawers for the whole famn ily at low prices. Spoeiatl values in 1Meni's andl Boys' Caps at .... .... .... ........ ..50c Big line Boys' Suits-all ages, special pr)1ice for thiW sele, $4.98 up to $12.39 Mothers! Bring four boys in and~ dress them up. Y'vm ypill save money. Young Men 's fin D 1ress .Suits $15.00 up to $29.00. - nt and- workmlanship guaranteed. 'Same goods for less money. Men's Suits, special values, $12.98 up to $29.50. Buy your 'fall anid winter 'Suits no0w. Meni's winter weight Union Suits, $2.00) garment for .... .... .........$1.48 Come and F 2 STORE No. 1.-210 W. Laurens St., R 8 MAKE OUR STORI UR NS RBUY--UND are now full md winter go arket' prices, goods right ot ners. t wait; when these the market and b ted Iron Racket an rt of your dollar. Boys' winter weight Union Suits, $1.25 garment for .... .... .... .... ..98c Come in and figure with us on your fall and winter Shoes. We have a big stock to select from and will save you money on your Shoe Bill. Don't Worry about high prices. Just come to J. 1C. 1Burns & Co.'s two stores where they sell same goods for less. Men's Fur Hats ut reasonable prices, $1.48, $1.98 up to $4.98. Our Hats cover the peoples' heads of the Pied 'mont section like the dew covers Dixie. Men's fine -Dress Caps, good styles, at .... .... .... ....98c up to $1.98 1 lot Men's Silk Four-in-Hand Ties, 50c. values, speciul sale ... .... .. .25c Men's I4inen 'Oollars .... .... .... ..190 .Men's Slidewell Collars, ibest quality linen Collars .... .... .... .... ..25a $8.00 Lion Brand Army Shoe, goodyear hand sewed, plain .toe and cap toe $4.95 1 lot 'Men's heavy Everyday Shoes, solid leather .. .. ...... .. .... .. .$2.50 1 lot $8.00 (Men's Shoes, Country Gentle man, two full heavy soles, double stitched, solid leather .... .... ..$4-90 1 lot ljadies' Shoes, fine Vici Kid, plain toes and cap toes, sale price .. ..$3.9 1 lot Ladie'A' Bed Roam Slippers, soft soles, special .... ........---$.3.. 1 lot Men's White Handkerchiefs, 10c value for ...............-.-.--...5c 15e H andkerchiefs, sale price. . . . . .1 1 lot Roasted Coffee, makes a fine drink. per pound .... ...........--.-..20< 1 lb. Roast Beef (g~ood)...... .... ..15< 10 lb. Saek Sugar..... .... .... -...73< 1 gallon bucket fmne Syrup, worth 85c, our price.................... ...-591 1 peck good Parched Coffee, Red Hot $1.0( 1 box Matches, wvort~h 8e, Red-Hot . .5 6 big cakes Lenox Laundry Soap .. ..25 6 big packages Washing 'Powder . .... .25: 15e cake fine Toilet Soap..... .... ..10' 3 big cakes Toilet 'Soaip..... .... ..25< (0e size Vicks' Salve. You know Vicks; you know .J. C. Burns & Co. .... ..50 1' lb. can Ta~lcumn Powder, worth 25c, 10 1 can ibest Talcum 'Powder, fmne per .ume..... .... .... .... .... ....25 30e pa-ekage Vieks' 'Salve .... ...... 25 $1 .00 bottle Wrpo)let Cod Liver Oil, best made,......... ......... ..84 $1 .00 bottle WVine of Cardlui-Woman's friend...... .... .... .... .... ..84 'dust the samne goods for less money. 3 lbs5. Epsomi Salts for .... .........2 3 lbs. Sulphur for .... ......... ..2 Spc'cial 'Bargains in Hand Towels 100 to . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 'igure With Us On RNS&C S IN LAURENS, SOU1 ed Iron Racket Old Stand No. 2 SYOUR HEADQUARTERS ERSELL and overflow= ods bought at and we are i to our thous= goods are sold we uy at much higher d buy your fall bill Best made Table Oil Cloth, per yard..30o 1 set of six .heavy Tea Cips and Saucers, speccial .... .... .... ..$1.19 1 covered Steak Dish .... .... ..... 490 1 set. six White Plates for .... ...... 89c 8c cake Washing Soap ........ ....c 7c package Soda .... .... .... ....50 8c box Matches .... .... .... .... ..50 2 papers Pins .... .... .... .... ....5c 2 papers Hair Pins .... .... .... ..5c 5 ha'lls 'Sewing Thread .... .... ....5o 12 -Collar Buttons .... .... .... ....10c 1 pair Ouff Buttons .... .... .... ..150 1 pair good Cuff Buttons, sale price ..25c 1 pair Gold -Filled Cuff Buttons .... ..98c 1 pair Nu-Way Stretch 'Suspenders. ..75o 1 lot 25c Soft Collars for men and boys 15o Ladies' Coat Suits, all wool Serge, blue and -black, special sale price ....$12.98 4 'balls Sewing Thread, black .... ....5c 1 fine Guitar, good toned instrument $4.48 20c quality pure Lemon and Vaiilla Ex tract .... .... .... .... .... .... 15o $6.00 Eight-Day Clock, fancy carved Oak frame, Mantle Clock .... ..$4.48 $1.50 Lonox Watch...............$1.19 $1.50 Alarm Clock..... .... .... ..$1.19 Wake up and hustle now. Suit Cases..... .... ..$1.19 up to $6.39 Trunks..... .... .. ..$4.48 up to $19.35 Rugs..... .... .... ....$1.25 up to $4.48 Window Sh'ades..... .... .... .... ..619c 2 good Lead Pencils .... ......... ...5o Tableta, all kinds ..... ..o...5 1 fine Lead 'Pencil.. ......... .... ...5c I package Celluloid 'Starch .... .... ..5o 1 package -Lump Sjtarch .... .... .....5c I .big cake Laund-ry Soap. . ... .. .. . . .5 y 'Carter's black Ink..... .... .... ..100 y 6 Spencerian Pens .... ......... ....5c 1 package good Envelopes .... .... ..5o I package fine E~nvelopes..... .... ..100 3 Box Paper,......... .... ..150o and 25c 3 Tobacco, 'Cigars, 'Cigaretts, Chewing Gum, Candy, Jewelry, Watches, Clooks, Notions and Racket Goods. $1.319 large White Wash Bowl, sale. . .98c 14'4 Agate Shirt Buttons .... .... ..10~c I'aine Pearl D~ress Buttonis, per dozen, special .............. ..5Sc, 100, 15c I bottle Castor Oil .... ........ ..150o c 1 bottle Turpentine .... .... .... ..10~c 1 bottle Peroxide.,... ......... ....100 1 'bbttle 'Foley's Honey and Tar ... .25c C 1 bottle Goose Grease Liniment .... ..25c c 1 bottle (Goose Grease Salve .... ....25c 1 bottle Spencer's 'Healing Oil..... ..25c .1.10 bottle B. S. S.,for lthe Blood .... 84c c 60le bottle California Fig Syrup .. .. 500 Your Fall Bill. OMPANY rH CAR~OLINA W.North Side of Square in Burns Block WHILE IN LAURENS. sEC. Same Goods For Less Money 1A 4.4 5 STORES In Upper South Carolina