Even Careful Calomnel Users are Salivated Very Wext Dose of Treacherous DMug may -Start Trouble Calomel is dangerous. It. may salivate you ani muake you %utier fearf-illy from Bor,'neno of guins, tenderness of jaws and .teetl, -swollenl tongue, and excessive b saliva'dribbling from tihe mouth. Don't trusttIlonmel. It is nercury; quicksilver. If .you feel bilious, headachy, consti 1mstA! :and all knocked out, just. go to your 'iUIggist and get a bottle of Dod .Hons iiver Tone for a few cents which is r. harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Tako a spoonful and 'i it doesn't start your liver and imrbiightegn you up better and quicker 'than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your nioney. 'If 'you take caloinel today you'll be 'shdk and nauseated tomorrow; besides, Rt imay salivate you, while if you take TrAIIson's Liver '1'one you will wake up 'feeling great. No salts necessary. Give itto the children because it is perfectly liarrzhless and can not salivate. 1iabitual Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Days 4LAX-FOS WITI PEPSIN" is a specially, (prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual :(2mnsti Pat ion. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days tto induce regular action. It Stimulates and iRegulatea , Very Pleasant to Take. 60c 'per bottle. MOTHERI CLEAN CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Even a sick child loves the "fruity taste of "California Fig Syrup." l the little tongue is coated, or if your child is llistless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has 'colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bbwels. in a few hours you can -see for yourself how thoroughly it works -all the constipation poison, sour bile and ,waste out of the bowels, and you have a swell, playful child again. Mill ions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea qpoonful today saves a sick child to -morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine '"Odlifornia Fig Syrup" which has direc tions for babies and children of all ages -pninted -on bottle. Mothert You must :say"(California" or you may get an imi tsion ig..syrup. CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH TALK No. 4 Cr ao 'u thtin pinge; ndtht *;c comres irorsctore cauofte thajorI consqunnction sncalledosub-ne veain fteyrtebral seu h pn-t thich meansththatrthe areti-a surfas theuse bony nths mari tyr o dieses.oto lnet Tusondaitn thse bonec, "the Chioactor ue vnthbral ut hich maehans ta tee aimar sufacero thson tuntlesin ar the rless oofalignmenbtanc To freig thee trunks, the Choraoraesnsotohindgvbd ual fibers. That this contention is cor ?ect has alreaidy befen proven in thousands of mneta'cos. Men and women, as w cIm as children, have come to Ohiropractie ad justments as a last resort often S after their bodies have gone uin der severe =paln in attemp~ting to rentove the effect rather than get at the cause of the trouble, Chitopractlc helps Nature to 11he1) you. Drs. Coon & Todd hiropr'aetors *ura: 10-12, 2-8, Monday, Wed. narnday and Friday, ~nterprise W(at/i. Bank Bldg., CLOTHING PRICES MAKE BIG DROP -Retail Prices HaLve Dropped I Per 'Cent, According to Report of Na tional Industrial Odnfereno Board. New York, Jan. 30.-4Retall clothing prices of all kinds had drahped 12 per cent by November last bolow the peak of prices reached in -Alarch, 192Q, and the cost of clothing forin'an and W-ife, loni July, 1920, to November last,, dropped 39.4 per ceit-these ire out standing facts -in the analysis, jitst prepared by the 'Ntilonal Retall Pry Goods Associatton, 'of the Impressive research report'on'changes in the ecost of living compileol by the Natounal In dustrial Board. . The differenct- of 2.6 per cont be tiween the averacge fall in clothrllM pric es and the cent of clothing man and wife is due to the circumstaee that the clothing cost for the average cou ple is actual, as being, not thte cost of clothing items separately, but the cost of just such 4luant-itles of eich cloth ing item as the average caulle con sume In the course of one %ear. Previous invest.Igationv having shown that the cost for c.h-ildren's adults' the reduction applies practical ly to the cost of clothing the entire family. The cost of yard 'goods having increased in proportion i) the advance in ready-to-wear clothing, home-mnado clothing produced from yard goods iwould show about the .same net in crease in cost as ready-to-wear which in November, 1921, (emained 61 per cent above iuly, 1914, ablihough the ac tual cost of the liom-made clothing would be somewhat less than that of the ready-to-wear. The prices entering in-to the survey were obtained by the National Indus trial Conference Board.from schedules obtained from 196 stores in 77 cities of the United States. Comparative figures over the post armistice period are taltogether en lightening in view of the current dis cussions of retail prices. The largest Increase over any foiur-mionth period occurred between November, 1919 and (March, 1920, the rise being 18 per cent. Then the drop began. By July, 1920, with the retail prices ofelothing which had ruled for March reckoned at 100 'per cent, there was a decrease :of 4 per cent. From :the 96 per cent remalning, 14 per cent had disappeared by November, leaving 82.66 per cent, every successive decime being calcu lated, not on the original 100 percent figures of March, 1920, but on nwhat re mained of them after each reduction. tBy March, 1921, the 82J66 pei' cent left in iNovember, 1920, was reduced 24 per cent, leaving only 63.6 I)er cent. By July, 1921, 6 per cent came off that 63.6 leaving 59.8 per cent. .By Novem ber last, a drop of 2 -per cent from the 59.8 per cent loft only .58.11 per cent remaining, and that was 41.39 per cent below -the prices prevaillng in March, 1920. The percentages, however, fail ito allow for minor fractions running through the calculations as made on the actual price figures, which give the exact reduction as 42 per cent. As a rule, the fall in prices was greatest where increases had 'been-greatest and least wvheer they' had been least. Record Took 'Place in Now York. Wash~ington, Jan. 22.-4Representa tive Fred H-. Dominiok of South Caro lina declares tihe opinion that legal restrictions against lynchin-g in South Carolina have had nothing to do with a decrease in lynching wvhich, during recent years, has obtained in South Carolina. 'He was preceding in a speech in the 'house of representatives against the 1Dyer anti-lynching bill. HeI said "In tils debate, a great deal has been said about the South Car~olina ]awv. I am glad -that finally there has been some Ibody, especially on the Reipubflican sidle, -who could say something good -for South Carolina. We are proud of our state. "South Carolina has a section in its constitution regarding lynching, it was .put in our constitution in 1895. 'Lynchings took .place in South Caro lina before the passage of that law, and lynchings have taken place since. I htave no doubt that if certain condi tions and circumstances arise in the future, there will possibly .be oti er lynehings. And there would- be oth'er lynchings in Ohio or iMinnesota, or any other state. IThe law of South Carolina provides that in the event of a lynching the family of the person lynched may 'bring.suit against the county in rwhich the lynching occurred and recover $2,000. L~ think vossibly three cases have .been -brought since the enactment of the lawv. - Two of theni went to the 'supre'mp court, which sustained the constitutio'nality of tile law. But I want to' tell youl something, my friends. My honest judgment and it is the judgment of everybody else, 'I believe-is that that .provision ha the vonstitution 'has no ijore to dlo in' preveonting lynching thani if it was not, there. -If a mov aroused td frenzy by a heinous crime' apprehends the cubrit of thed4eed, it .will never -stop to conslder whether the county will be subject to a fine of $2,000 tw $10, 000 or tJ,040,000. I "You -can never stop Iching by leglilttion. We have not. %succeded in South 'Carolina. Enlightened public opini'on Is responsible fAor the success t.ha't we have scored." Dlh. Dominick, as a inember of the Aindiciary committee, was permitted to make one of the 'principal speech es against the Dlyer bill. Ills discus 'oion involved the constitutional fea tures almost exclusively. le was generously applaud'ed at the conclu sion of his address. Representative Stevenson of South Carolina in his specch against the bill, declared, to the surprise of the Republican personnel of the house that burning negroes d(d .not originate with lynchers but -with the laws -of ie states of the Northeast. lie referred to the record of a court "'holdent for the tryal of negro and Indian "Iaves at the Citty hall of the Citty of New York," April 15, 1812. The decision of the court In a cer tain case was thus- pronouncedi: "The defendt Tom bein brought to the lar & having nothing to say Tor him self why judgment of death shou'ld not pass agt him according the verdict &c. It is considered by the Coni't that he be carreyed -from hence to the PlAce from when he caie and "from thence to the .place of execution and thence to be burned with a slow fire that lie may continue in torment for eight or ten hours and continte -burn Ing in said fire until he be dend and consumed to ashes." The case iwas styled: Domn Regina v. Ton the negro man, shrve of Nich ohass 'Roosveitt, J. D. The Modern Spirit. Two little boys wv-ho prided thei selves on their courage were sitting over the nursery fire and diselssing -ipparitions. 'Biut." said one very con ldentinl I y, "sholidn't you really be In a miost awful funk if you did see a ilhost--a most evil-looking one, I eanm?" "Good gracious, no!'r was the boastful reply. "I should just say, carelessly, in a throaty voice, 'Good evening, Devil; going stvong? What?'" When Women Took 'Snuff. Queen Charlotte opened a snul account at the Old Snuff house in Hay market, in 1799, and onutinued with out a break until 1818. Princess Charlotte (in 1809) and Princess Elizabeth (1812) were rood customers. Truthful. There is a man who keeps a list of all the banks in the -country, so as to be able to -say !he "keeps a hank acceamt. P eS Pois Only Si Will you ] July after You need do it, wha machines All this in Departme .Watcl Call and Get Cl< Entern Gas, Indigestion, Stomach Misery -"Diapepsin" Rhilp' 1 iApepsini" bas11 proven itself W. suret Ocief for indigestion (, 'Ises, 'bilatuilence. 1leartburni, Sournem-, Fer anentattion or 14Stqmacvh Dijstress cell"d >Y acidity. A few tablets giVn' almoist immediaik, stoimachi relief and shortly the stomach 'is corrected s o you cain cat. fa vorite thXds w ithout. fecar. 'Large enso cist. a lht' l mfow cents at drug-store. Mil liolsl't tjd)ed &nnuafdly. Th' 'Laurens Dnig Co. *ays the cost of a 7rial by reinding 'your inoncy If HyomieI falls to relieve that cough Or Cdl' you 'have. You St. -Because Bread is cother foodis mad( Bread. is the Bread p arti< deliciousneus eind /Ask your 1procr. Mahaff on ire Way let them eat ug Syou have done not! 'We are t it will cost, and and the poison, formation is 0 nt and endorsed i Our Ad. for t Will Be Duri emson College's Lab< arise Na Lauren. ASSESSOWS NOTICE 1922 The Auditor's oflice will be open rom the 1st day of January to the th of February, 1922, to make re urns of all real and personal pro )Crty for taxation. For the eonvenience of taxpayers he Ailuditor or Ills dopity will. attend he following named places to receive 'eturns for said year to wit: Those wishing to" make tax returns or 1922 can find blanks on Satturdays, "eb. 1th and I 1th for ailreils, Youngs ind Scuffletown to*vniships, at. Mrs. 1i'uphemllie T. Ilrysont's. .\Make rethurns n111(1 lave with her at Ora. I'lease make note that the aploint mc'nts will be filled Just as -advertise(l anil to pleaze Come out- aild muake re tun;'s. One man usually inakes the whol4 rounid and somie may not under stand the notlee this tile, as I have illvidell up the territory in the several towr'sh ' ']S. All imale citizens between the ages of 21 and 60 years o nt he 1st of Jan-, uary except those who are incapable of eariing a support from being ma1111imed or from other cautlses, arc Bread is your Best F( irt Your Meal Witt real foundation food. Soup, better when accompanied 1 GOOD BREAD ,ular people insist upon. Alw rich nutrition. ey' s Bakery to Contr i> your crop in Sall to make it' poing to show 3 :I where youi c~ and how to US< K'dl by the A [ by it. the Day to ng This Month ast and Best Bulletit ational s. C. (01. ed 1)011. Confederate veterans exvepted. Also all m111ale citizens between the ages of 21 to 5~> are liable to a road tax of, $1.50 alld are required to make dur Ing the tiile above twoeitied and their retiri of tle samte to t he A id it or' siiall pay to the county Treasurer at. the samp time11 otler' tlxes are paid in lien of workiing tti' r oai. sciool truis tee:,, stidents aid ministr(.s ar) ex empt fromi road tax. All taxpayers are required to give towiship anid lumlil'er of ,c(ool dis tricts; also state whether. mroperty is Situiated inl towi or. couiltry. Each lot, tract or parcel of land must be en tered separately. After lie 20th of February 50 per centi penalty will be attaelwd for fail tire to mako returns on personal pro verty and 20 per cent on real estate. .1. WV. '1'HOM I'SON, 21 -td. Comnty Auditor. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE HROMO QUININE (Tablet.) It stops the Cogmh and leadache and works Olf the Cold. E. W. GROVE ES rlg!nture on each box. 30c. od--eat more of it! Bread salad, roast--every y liberal serving of ays the top-notch 'of eeve *1 Them. June and rou how to mn get the: a them. gricultural Come i---You Need It. Bank