QUEI3'IONS TO BE ASKED CANDIDATES Seague of Solle Toters Wants to SHeiar fron Legislative Candidates. h'rie State .-League of Women Votors is'aninioned that the questions will e asked of the candidates for the leg jlature in eacWh' coulnty in the state 40-ring they coming prihnary. The can 4date-will bzexpeeted to answer each 4nd evoiy question plainly and tt Newspapors will be asked to pu'blish 'Tlhe questions to be put to the can (idates are: .S 1. Will you vote for anl eight-how 'Rw fOr Women and ehidrent unilde dixteenl years? \Aswer. Will you vote for tile establish n11eit of a wolialns state prison farm vs providLd for in bill introduced il egislature last year? Nl I youi vote for a lill whici vill iiuh e a health certificate be ore the issuianc of a marriage 11 con se? Answer. . Will you vote for an increasel prov-Lilol for feeble-minded? . Vill you vote for a bill requir Ing media( examination of schoo children anid the saiiitary insp)ection o School property? Alswt r. i. W:I yout vote for adequate finall eial su:port of the State Board 0 ii ealth ,n( your county health depart meno lt? Answcr. 7. Will you vote for a county at tenidance officer? Answer . Will you vote for raising the agc of cons( nt for girls from sixteen t( eighteen years? .\nsw r. 9. Will you vote to place at leas A TONIc Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see ho.w it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will ther appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. one woman on the board of every In-I stitution where the welfare of women Answer. and children are concerned? 10. Will you vote for an appropria tion for the Charleston County Tuber culosis Sanatorium for the care of free and pay patients from the city and county of Charleston? Answer. MOOSE V1XR1O1IS TO OPEN TllIS WEEK Five looms Attrnetively Furnislied .Will bei Home of Locil 3loose Order. .,The local lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose is to have one of the best homes of any social or fraternal or .der In any city of this size, according to the plans now nearing combpletion. live rooms in the building on the west side of the square which was tun til recently occupied by the lloy 'Scouts of America and the Oriole Cliub have been diverted to the use of the . Moose Club. One of tle rooms will be used as a lounging room, while an other will be a reading roomit. In a third room will be two large pool ta bles. In another of the rooms will be shower 'laths. Much furniture hia.i been purchased by the Moose trustees and the interior of the building has been completely renovated. The club rooms will be for the use of members ald out of town guests only, according to a recent ruling of the order. Although the club rooms .wIll be open to members by the latter part of this wek, oticers of the local order are planning to have an olicial opening In the near future. Plans for such opening are expected to be dis cussed at the next. meeting which will be held Thursday night, .fuly 20. The local lodge of the loose now has more than 90 members and several moore applications are opending. ***** * * * * * * ** IIICKORYT.AVERN NEWS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ulickory Tavern, July 17.-Thtl farm ers of this section are very busy pick Ing up the punctured squares, but the cotton is looking very ntce. Mr. Luldle L. Abercrombie has sur prised his friends and neighoors of this community by bringing in his lovely wife, '.\liss ;Eunice Moore, of Ljake City. We are all glad to see Mrs. Aborcrom bie, and welcome her to our homes. Mr. J. G. Sumerel left last Tuesday for his usual work in Lake Waccaniaw, N. C. Mrs. lyae Rhodes, of Riddles Old Field, is spending the week with her honefolks of this section. Nir. and Mrs. Blank Parker and Miss Euee 1l3lakston, spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Bolt. liss Cora Bolt and 'Miss Sarah Roper were the welcome guests of Miss lucile Baldwin Saturday afternoon. Soveral of the younger -folks of this section enjoyed a porch party at Rev. W. A. Baldwin's Saturday night. Mrs. -W. S. .olt is critically ill at this writing -butl we hope that she ViIll recover very soon. ;.lr. 13. Burdine is sone better at this writing. No Worms lh a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy colar; which Indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there Is more or I ess stomach distulbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu larly for two or three weeks.will enrich the blood. improve thudietini, andWI actas a generalStrength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throoff or dispel the worms, and the Child willbo In perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. Statelmen of the ('ondition of the BANK OF OWINGS Located at. Owings, S. C., lit the close of busines .Jn June 3), 1922. IbESOURCECS Loans and liscounts .. ..$ 61,713.91 Overdrafts .. .........4,215.91 FurnIture and Fixtures .. ,315.6 2 Banking Ilouse........ .,287.54 1)ue from Banks and Bank e's.. .......... ...3907.19 Currency ............ 1,201.00 Silver and Other Coin .. .. 184.27 Checks and Cash Items . . 65.52 Total ..............$ 73,891.2 6 blAB.3I LITI IDS Capital Stock Paid In. ....$25,000.00 Suuplus Fund .. . . .. ..I1,000.00 undivided Profits, less Cur rent 1Expenses and Taxes Paid .............. 2,072.59 Individual Deposits Su'bject to Check ... .. -$15,081.95 Time Certificates of )e posit .. .. . . .. 17,729.57 Cashier's Checks . 7.15 32,818.67 Total.. .. ....... . ..$ 73,891.26 State of South Carolina, County of 'Laurens. Before tme caine Henry Etta Owings, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing s4ateunelm t is a 'true condition of said bank as shown by the books of said bank. H lN1Y 1T TA OW CINGS. Sworn to and su'bseribed -)efore mo this 12th day of July, 1922. (R. 'M. BRYGON, Notary Public. Correct Attest: G. W. Owings, l1en ry Iitta Owings, R. M. Bryson, Direc tors. Prices on 0 J Passenger CarTires and Tubes, effec tive May 8th, are not sub. ject to war-tax, the war-tax having been included. T HE G & J 30 x 3 "G" Tread at $10.90 has cured more people of tire dickering than anything that has happened in the past five years. When you find a tire value like this you're done with shopping around. This $10.90 price establishes a new record for tire economy in this community. THOMASSONS GARAGE We recommend G & J Tires and Tubes. Hundreds Have Taken Advantage of the Great Bargains We Are Offering In Our JULY CLEARANCE SALE* It's For You! A Wonderful Opportunity to Save! Can You Afford to Miss It? PRICES CUT LIKE THIS ___ Men's Boys',, Men's Men's Men's Men's Boys' $45.00 $25.00 $7.00 $2.50 $3.00 $5.00 $1.50 85c Wardrobe Suits Summer Suits Shirts Straw Hats Oxfords Overalls Overalls Trunk $18.99 $2.99 $1.99 $1.99 $3.99 94c 49c $24.99 Ladies' $1.00 Ladies' $2.00 Ladies' Childien's 75c 50c $25.00 Voile $7.50 White Hats $2.0 Table Turkish Suits Waists Suede Slippers Slippers Values to $7.0 ,Slipars . Damask Towels $12.49 . 69c $4.49 $1.49 $1.99 $59 49c 4 for 99c SALE CLOSES JULY 31, 1922-.C6ifl. TO IT NOW Minter Company's Cash Departme Stor LAURENS, A5.