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The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, July 26, 1922, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1922-07-26/ed-1/seq-5/

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IN P. 1P 1W 0
A Loesl and Personal Men'tion *
(Miss 'Fynees Kennedy leaves today
for Anderson to spend some time.
SMr. and 'Mrs. D. H. Counts motored
to Hendersonville Sunday.
Dr.' and Mrs. J. 'H. Teagge inotored
to !Hendersonville for th ie&"ek-end.
LIiss Eloise Claridy' 'eft laSt "elt
for Greenville to visit - Miss Caroline
Fergdson for some time.
-Mtiss Sarah Childress left yesterday
for Fountain Inn whre she will visi.t
friends and relatives for some tine.
Miss Eva Taylor returned home lNion
day after visiting relatiyos in Q(olum
bia and Augusta for several weeks.
(Mrs. Tolly Little, of Greenville, has
been the guest of #Miss Annie Huff for
a few days.
Mr. 'Daniel Blake, Jr., of Summer
ton, is spendIng alfe'w' days in the city
'with (1r. Otis Huff.'
Messrs. J. D. Sexton, Boyd .Sexton,
&,arry Boyd and Malcy Templeton
spent the week-end in 'Hendersonville.
IProf. Z. L. Voy, principal of the
graded school last year, has 'been -,
visitor in the city for several days.
Mrs. 11H. B. Humbert and children
spent the past week very pleasantly
in Anderson at the home of 31r. Jno.
B. Humbert.
Mr. L. B. -UlAckwell retarned last
week from Montreat, where he was the
"guest of Mr. J. ,W. Todd for a short
summet outing.
Mr. Geo. M. Wright, accompanied by
(isses Bettie and Mai-garet 'Richards,
spent the .week-end 'with 'Mrs. Wright
and children at Montreat, N. C.
Mrs. 'John F. Bolt left yesterday
morning for Dunbarton to visit her
daughter, Mirs, B. F. Owens, for a few
IDr. and 'lirs. Alva Weaver and fain
ily, of tLake City, spent the week-end
in the city as guests of Air. and 'Mrs.
Fleming Smith.
Misses Annie Shealey and Alary Os
'borne, of Charlotte, N. C., are visiting
5liss Jennie Sheakpy on lNast Malui
'Miss Sarah Thompson, of Anderson,
who has :been with a camping grty
for several weeks, is now visiting slrs.
John W. Bolt, Jr., on West 'Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. 'John Wells Todd, Jr., t
have as guests Mrs. Todd's mother and t
sister, Mrs. John G. Richards, of Li
berty Bill, and Mrs. T. 'P. MeCrae, of
Mrs. 'R. C. Richardson and little
.rdaughterv, iSarah. of Pinowood, arrived qN
in the ci'ty Friday to visit Airs. Rich
ardson's 'father, M'. Jos. Ill. Sullivan, t
for some time. il
Mr. Thos. C. Bolt, who has been
undergoing treatment. at the govern- E
ment hospital in Greenville for several I
months, is at home for a few days but y
expects to return to the hospital in a
very short time. a
Mrs. 91. B. 'Hluibert and children, t(
Margaret and 'Dorothy, and 'liss Marie
Stokes, of Mountville, leave Tuesday 1
for Anericus, Ga., wiere they 'wil'
visit at the hiome of T.s. i.umb~iert's;
sister, Mrs. 'W. H. Bowvers.
'Misses Elizabeth andl Mary Thomp-.~
son have returned home after' aA
months' visit wvithi their sisters. 'Mirs. e
W. S. Tuttle,. Mi's. iW. HI. Kessler and
Miss Annie Laurie Thompson, in At- -
Capt. W. R- Richey, Jri., who has ge
been) at Cami) McClellan foi' the past A
month, is expected to iretui'n to the
city Sunday and r'emaini here for' some
time *beorie returning in the fall toy
take u~p his work as military instructor
at the University of Tennessee.
'i'. a'hd Mrs. J. Warren Bolt and
family lef-t yesterday for 'Henderson
ville, N. C., to spend several weeks.
TVhey nyere en'eceded a fewv clays byli
Alpha iBolt, wvho went up last t
ases Mai'garet iRichards, of Liberty I
WiB. Copeland, of Clnton, and Mary
tof Albeoville, are house guests
th 'weqk of Mfss lNmmic Lou 'Wash-u
ington 'and are being shown much at
tention in the younger set of, the city. h
M4r. E, H. Wilkes, who has bee't con
fined to his home foi' several weeks 0u
On account of' sitkness, 'was able toh
visit at the stoi&for a fewv hours lastr
90jtk., Howev~ his friends will 'be th
Worry to learn th is improvement isth
rather slow a that it will be some
time yet beforeQ .will be aible to take
up active work ~in, at4
. Mrs. Robert "U4' ray and daughter,
'Miss gladys Gr of dray Court, re- s
turned last we te from an'/extended u
~tour Qt the West; going as far as Cali. I C
t frnth' where ~they 'Visited relatives. thu
'Itef Were gone 'from home a'bout six -pr
Weoks ahtd thoroughly enjoyed /the c
wonderful natural scenery as well as a i
?Lhel in inVade attractions of the west-- thi
~t lfof the egntinent, 5
-, Celebrates Birthday
* Lt1e Miss U nil so nlamon cele
~btid Iidr third 4jirthday with a patrty (
~ 'MtI~~attrnoOdnat which' , ieut eoo
'~,Ub~ti~e 'little %dests were enter- at I
3tf "fedettmber of childreni's oro:
eddjed, the fouln. folks rekd
M188 Barksdale Eliteri4ins
Ig4Ist Wedn esday morn jig Miss Vir
gilhia lBarksdale enterttiined with a
'Foty-Two 'liarty at her iome on West
'Maii stret,' in honor .f tMiss Hattie
Sul)ivan,.a bridle-to-Ibe, and Mrs. Fitz
hugh 'Marchant, who has. recently
moved to-"Laurenis from Greenville.
The house-was artistically decorated
'with garden flowers, 'iwelive tables
were arranged for Forty-Two. After
a number of games had been oplayed,
iMisse8s 4argaret Lake, Brucie Ovings,
(Mary Owings and iMartha' Barksdale
assisted the hostess in serving deli
clous refreshments.
Miss 'Barksdale presented the honor
guests with lovely little gifts.
For .Miss Sulilivani
'Miss Hattle 'Sullivan, whose mar
riage to Mr1. 'Harold B. Davis, of Ber
wick, IPa., is to take .place Thursday
afternoon, was the honor guest at a
delightful Forty-Two party given
Thursday morning 'by Mrs. Thos. C.
Switzer at her home on South 'Harper
street. Ten tables of -players enjoyed a
number of games after which a dell
eious salad course 'was served followed
by an ice course.
For Mrs. Lithicum
iSeveral informal but none the less
lelightful parties 'were given in the
:ity last week for Mrs. Wiiie Gray
Bithicuin, of Atlanta, .who wias a guest
'or a few days of TNIrs. R. El. labb, on
WVest Itain street. Mrs. R. E. Hughes
ave a pretty Bridge party for her
3aturday morning, serving a delicious
ualad course, and Suturday afternoon
irs. Babb entertained in a similarly
lelightful manner for her. Mrs. Lithi
mni, as 1Iiss IWillie Gray, of Green
rille, was a frequent visitor to Lau
'ens in her girlhood and had many
riends here who were delighted to
tave her back again.
0 0 0
A 'wedding that will prove of much
nterest was that of Miss Emma Jones
o LMr. (Robert 'R. Bishop, formerly of
his city, 'but now of Greenville, which
tas quietly solemnized at the home of
he 'bride in Green.wood Sunday, July
3rd at r:30 o'clock.
Miss Jones is the only daughter of
Ir's. Janie Jones, of Gre-enwood. She
as made her home in Greenville for
le ipast three years. '\r. Bishop was
eared near Laurens, 'but has resided
i Greenville for the vast five years.
re is connected with the Keystone
'ire Sales Company, 'being assistant' t
tanager Qf that concern. t
Immediately after the ceremony Mr.
rid Mrs. Bishop left for a short trip t
the mountains, and will visit Ashe
lle, Waynesville and Wrightsyille
each. They will make their -h1me
703 East Washington street, Geen
Ic on their return 'home.
'Among those -who witnessed the
'remony wvere: Miss Mary Kelly, ..\issd
i'ra Minta Ilishop, all of Greenville;d
r. 'IH. I~liler .Moore, r., 'Simpsonville; C
r. Sam ~Jones, Mr', and Mrs. Wilson, dl
'alter and Clyde Richardson, 'Mr'. and
r's. M. ID. 'Warner, 'Roy, Decwey and t
aile Warner, Mr. andl Mrs. G. L3,1.
rider'son, Mary Johnson and the moth-t
of the bride, all of Green'wood.
The many friends of this young cou- (
e wish f'or them much ha'ppiness and
cecess. 0.
Taxing Induti'rles h
litno' The Advertiser':
In yor last issue of last week, yout
t at certain candlidates for wantingt
put tax on certain industries to t
Ip the farmers. In other 'words to[l
isen the tax on lands I am very f
r'ry to know that you arc standing i
for industrial establisihments that
not a necessity to the farmers of
state, The land Is a necessity told
a but cigarettes, tobacco, cold driinks,
ah as Chero-Cola, 'Coca-Cola and oth
sotit drinks, and chewIng gum t
uld 'he taxed and lift the tax off ev- p
toot of land in 'the state except l
tt that is used for game r'es-erves.W
tave farmed nearly all my life and
wvalked between the 1)1ow handles C
eleven years,, of age, until I was u
'r,sixty, excepting the years tlat I i
in the armf of Wr'ilisn "Vir-- Fe
Ia in the "War Between the States. Y
m for industries, but not the kind ,
t Is not a necessi-ty, il 'believe in Iye
'gress, ibut something that is a ne-i 01
sity and not spmething that is not I m
Ocessity to life. The ely way that
legislature can help tihe formemrs e
0 pt a 4ak on luxuries. .. ' ClI
'You'rs truly, Bit
Abererjmble Iteunion
n Monday, tlly81;'1922Mthe Aber
hie Auhual' Roiuhton will '1edstet
he Jonie ofMr, and 'Mrs J, . iber-.
nbl~e, 101infon. All the friends and
4t es are ~cordially invit'ed to 4e
Solemn 'Warning to America Sounded.
Report to Church.
New York, July 19,-4ttering a "sol
emn warning to the men and women
of America," that "this nation will
decay and flally perish when Ameri
can homes cease to revere God," the
relort of the tioint conmission on
home and family life, which will !be
)resented to the-triennial general con
vention of the EpiscopiaI church meet
-ing in Portland, Oregon, September 6
next, has been made public.
"Advanced culture (lid not save past
civilization, did not prevent Germany
plunging into a gulf of infamy. Upon
Amcrica's consecration to God depends
her fate," says the report, which con
tains an exhaustive study of social and
4ndiustrial. conditions in the United
States with particular reference to
home life.
The commission was appointed 'by
the Episcopal general convention six
years ago, and includes in its person
nel sonie of the most distinguished of
the bishops, clerical and lay members
of the church. Among other subjects
which are frankly treated are those of
marriage, divorce and birth control.
The report contains a strong recom
mendatlon against the latter. The
Rev. Charles Noyes Tyndell, S. T. D.,
of Williamsport, 1Pa., secretary of the
commission, in transmitting the report,
says that the whole effort of the com
mission has been to present to the
country a vital message in as concise
form as possible.
"Even a cursory glance at conditions
in the average American home reveals
evidence sufficient to warrant the most
careful study of those influences now
affecting these homes from the stand
point of morals and religion," the re
port continues. "The attitude toward
youth, evenl more than the attitude of
the youth, will scarcely bear severe
"We touch the root of our family
problelm when we ivoint to the lack
of religion in the home. It is paralyz
Ing to think of the average American
ramily going on from the rising to the
retiring hour as if God had no exist
ance. Sunday is a day for extra sleep,
notoring, Sunday papers in many vol
lines, comic supplements. If Amer
!an children are not to bo taught of
lod in the schools, and He is unnamed
n the home, what 'canl we expect but
hat at this moment the 'United States
s actually developing into a non
Ahristian nation?"
Touching upon 'domestic life in
0merica, the report says:
"Where family lfe is dishonored,
vedding uinfaithfulness lightly regard
d, parental responsibility neglected,
ilhal resoect and obedience slighted,
here, we may be sure, society ig rot
en at the core. We tremble for. the
nture of a state or nation where lax
licories concerning domestic life gain
round. Even laxer practice will cer
linly prevail.
"The Viemedy for the frightful dis
alutioN of the marriage tie going on
1 America andi its inevitable conse
uence of race suicidle is to be foundl
Christian training alone. Rleme
mal legislation while imposing difil
titles .in the way of easy annulment
aes ont go to thme root of the evil,
attacks many outward symptoms of
to disease and is of undoubted value,
it it (does not dlestr'oy the germ of
e evil or cure it at its source.
"Iboys andl girls must be0 taught as
tyas possible that the chief Ipur
)5e of marriage is the lperpetuation
the race, involving the begetting
md education of children for the :work
'the wvorld. Marriage is a high and
>ly vocation because the married pair
'c cooperting with the Creator in
e continuance of the hutman race.
"This commiss-ion hca rtily indorses
e warning uttered by the great Lam
th conference of bishops, gathered
Dm all over the world in London in
~, against the practice of means foi;
avoidance of coneciptioni as in
ggrave dlangers to- phy1sical
Ith as wvell as moral innocenice, and
i~tening the future of the' liuman
e, We make our own the 'Evo~s. of
donference committee, as ap~plying
r4.luarly to the ,United. Statese -
l'he repor t is'signed by the 'Rt..'Rev.
Iam 1H. Moreland, D. D., 'bi'hop of
mento, wvho is chairman of the
n j~ssion; .the Rit. Rev..Sidney Cat
Pnrtridge, D. I)., bishop of WVest.
r;the .Rt. 'Rev. David Lincoln.
SD, -D., bishiop' of Western, New
rfr. the Rt. Sev. Charles 'F'iske, '1),
'bislionp coadjutor of central New
rle; the Rt. -Rev. Johm C. i d bish
of Erie; .the 'RSY 3. T. Mellish of
>oalyn; the (Rev, Edwin 8. &bane of
Angeles, the Rev-. 6 . 'Ifravers,
D.; of Pittsburgh; Robert 'A. .Woods,
rlten ~oget's Woodruiff, James*M
1 'and 'Frank' g'xittie.
Advertiser Printhig CO.
J hooe Ueat Ledgers, Etc.
Wnraved. Invyittions and Cards.
dvrtiser Printing Company
Cd6sCaise 'Orip gaG ldense'
** * * * * * * * * * .* *
* Quarterly Meeting of B. Y. P. U.
* * * * * * * * ** * o p
The quarterly. meeting of Laurer
County..B. Y. P. U. to'be held at Mount
ville, August 6th, beginning at thre
.OpeningChorister in charge.
IDevotional-7NMountville Union.
'Prayer----Mr. Stevens, Clinton Union.
Words of Welcoie-Mrs. Maud Bry
son, 11ountville Union.
Response-Wr. Carroll Wallace, Chest
nut Ridge Union.
Special 'Music-Moun-t Pleasant Union
Responsibility of the '1. Y. 'P. U. tc
the Community-Mri. Glenn Patton
Bethany Union.
The Personality of Jesus-Miss Katc
'Wofford, New Prospect.
Some of Our Failures--Aliss Sarah
Jou Bobo, Friendship ! Union.
'What the B. Y. 'P. U. Hlas Done For
Ale.--Mr. Chalmers Armstrong, Lau
rens; Miss 'Ruth Cooner, hanford;
Mr. Adolphus Robertson, Warrior.
('Four minutes each).
Special Music-JDurbin- Union.
Reports of Officers.
Awarding of ilanner--Miss -.\i le
Closing Prayer.
Work Day at Hleaverdam
Anyone who has relatives or friends
buried at Beaverdam church is asked
to meet with the present members to
clear off the cemetery on Thursday 'be
fore the fIrst Sunday, August 4. Ev
eryone bring -picnic dinner and spend
Lhe day. All .who are interested please
come and help out.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
sto a the Cou h and Headache and works off the
voad. E. V. ROVE'S slgnature on each box. 30c.
*'* 4 ~~ * * * * * *. * * *.
I. * . * * * * * *. *. * * * *.
L'o the Board of Health,
City of Laurens,
'Laurens, S. C.
I take pleasure in presenting to you
ny report fbr the month ending July
I have inspected and passed 367
I have ins:'ected and notified to
lean :39 premises.
I have inspected and notifled to
42 -Pie<
High grad
want a full Hi.
value at $8.4(
before all are
S.M. &E
. screen 19 closets.
I have inspected and condemned I
well for typhoid contamination.
I have Inspected 13 vacant lots
I have inspected and notified to
clean 4 vacant lots.
(I have reinspected 3 'buildings con
demned, and found they have been
put in sanitary condition.
I have reinspected 2 vacant lots con
deined. I 'find one has been cleaned.
Mity Water and Light 1lant
I have inspected the water and light
plant. I find premises clean.
I 'ind sewers smelling badly and
need flushing badly.
I find hydrants need flushing.
Street antid Water Ways
if -find the streets and sidewalks are
being cleanedi as fast as possible.
All streams and water ways will
soon 'be in excellent condition.
I have inspected the following, and
their rating is:
Laurens Hotel............ ..9g
Dew Drop Inn..............g
Jloarding Houses
!Mrs. W. di. Hough............
Mrs. J. F. Bolt ............ ..99,
Mrs. Allie Templton ..........96
White Cafes
Central Cafe ....s...........9.
-Sanitary Lunch ..8............
Try 'Me 'Cafe ... .. g....
Union 'Station Cafe .... ..9....
IBishol) Cafe .8 5..........85
Parks Restaurant .......... ..92
Woody's Restaurant .......... 80
Lyles .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ...
Maddens .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .....92
Soda Fountains
Powe Drug Co.............. 9
Putnam's Drug Store ..........99 i
Garlington's Drug .Store (colored) 82
Mahaffcy's Bakery.......... .4
MIreat Markets
Blakely's Market .... .....6
Armstrong's Market........ ..95
Saxon's Market .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9.1
Cannon's Market ............0 i
Iee Plants
Laurens fee Factory...........
Ilottling Plants
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. ........98 1
C liero-C ola B ottling Co. .. .. .. .. 9 c,
Lime Cola Bottling Co. ..........9 1
Wholesale Groceries
Swygert-Nickels Co. ..........95
.1. S. 'Bennett & 'Son..........
Dixie -Flour & Grain Co. ..9..5....95
American Chaina-i
Jnst the thing when
ndred-Piece Set, and
. Come at once an<
'W. Carl Wharton .
Retafi Groceries
A. L. Mahaffey .0 4
Carryteria ... ooo , 9o
L. N. Owens . .. + * .. 9 -
Owings & Owings .
fHunte' .Brothbrs .
J. H, 'Sullivan
Prank Bishop
Medlock Brothqrs. . ... .
J. IW. or "0.......
Laurenr. Cotton 1!! Store ..94
J. M..Adams . o..... ....94
Setzler -- .. ge
S. G. Mc.Daniel . . . ...%
W. R. Brown ...
Sanitary Store ...
J. C. 'Shell & Co . ..92
'D. J. Mad(l(jen ----.--......82
S. 13. Parks----.-... ....... 2
'II. Woody ...8
White larber Shops
U. D. McCravy .. . .. .. .. .. ..94
Caipbell & Setzler .. .. .. .. ..
J. V. Hellams .... .. .. .. ...9.
Whitner & yrd . .. .. .94
N. S. Torrence ....
Colored iBarber Shops
M. P. Gray...
Irby & Sullivan - .-.. ......86
Will 'Moore. .. ...... ..'2
princess Theatre .......
I find very little garbage onl pren
ses. The garbage truck is doing Yood
Water Shed
'I find iwatcr shed in vry -good shape
P1umipinig Station
I find inlet tanks have been niecly
I instpeeted and p)assed for slaughter
107 animals.
I inspected and condemned 19 liv
?rs, for Infection, abscesses and wO)rm
I have collected and turned over to
'ity Clerk $36.00 for Slaughter dues.
Fertilizer Tankage
I have tanked about 2"-.00 lbs. bood
md offal, which is decomposing nice
Health Repiort,
I case tyl)hoid fever; I case mercury
toisoning; a few cases of minor all
nents. No contagious d.liseases.
-lealtl-Very good.
Vital Sfttites
lirths, white .......... ..h...
lirths, colored ....
)eaths, white ........... n
)eaths, colored ...... .. ...
Respectfully sui"bmitted,
W. Des lRANKIm,
Health Officer,
uly 10, 1922.
r Set.
link Spray
you don't
a wonder
I get yours

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