OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 09, 1922, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1922-08-09/ed-1/seq-6/

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Even Careful
Calomel Users
are Salivated
Very Next Dose of Treacherous
Drug may Start Trouble
Calomet is dangerous. It may salivat
you and inke you sutffer fearfeilly fror
Soreness of gintis, tenderness of jaws an
teeth, swollen tongue, and excessiv
Oa!.*a d ribbliIg from the iouthi. )on'
trust calomnel. It is mercury: uicksilve1
If You feel bilious, headach y, const
pated and all knocked out, just go t
your druggist and get a bottle of )o
ror.'s Liver Tone for a few cents whlic
is a harmless vegetable substitute fi
dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful an
if it doesn't start your liver an
straighten you up better and quicke
tiai msty valomel and without makin
you sick, you just go back and get you
If you tako entomel today you'll b
sick and nauiseated tomorrow beside
it may salivate vou, while if you tak
Dodson's Liver Tone von will 'wake ul
feeling great. No salt's necessary. Giv
t to the children because it is perfecti,
harmless and can not salivate.
680 quickly relieves (olds, ('onslipt
Lion, ltllloun'4ess and llelin aches.
Filne Tonie.
II t##//////#///////#////////////
Is the
oIl foI
Snates I
of banks like togethe
feincilrspo bliyh
Wenl beormey is ien
curitieshanvouimeano ouro(
get MONEY.
We add 4 pc
Make OUR ba
The Enterprist
N. B. DIAL President
E. H. Aull in Newbe
I had noticed in the papers that
there were calls for ediational net
1inags or rallies in some of the coun
ties, at which meetings the trustees
and the' :cople generally were invited
to be uresent, but ewpecially the trus
tees so that they might discuss togeth
er the ' financial conditions of the dis
tricts. and see what remedy could be
applied to take earc Mf the defieit. I
e had been thinking of the same thing,
I but I did not want to have the meet
Ing until a statement could be submit
t ted Mhowing just how the districts
-stood, and then we would know just
how mmuch deleicit wo had in the several
(1istits. One of these meetings was
i to be held In Liaurens last Saturday,
r and another was advertised for Green
ville the same day. And both were
r held. Superinten'dent Wilsoni very
kind(fly gave eI(, an invitation to meet
r with his trustees and the good people
e of Laurens last S:turday. and I read
ily accepted, not so much witt a View
of being of any material lielp in the
ma tter of (izescsonsC , but to show mny
interest and to hel:, as best I might
he able, aniid to g't information mtyself.
This ieeting was held unmtder the di
-ection of te var:ous.C womlen's cluki,
. of L.Iurenst, and tley gave their intflu
olt, ad It ci r Coo.ration and lrs.
... .e1enntt presided and gave a
hearty welcome to the meeting. And
r your
Io:amoa m
ntllsMa ela hi
d to be round 0. K. before
er of the FEDERAL RE
e of this National System
te of a vast, strorg CHAIN
for the protection of our
-j our bank you can GET
~entral Reserve Bahnk and
nk YOUR bcaat
National Bank
C. H. ROPERashi.1r
rry Herald and News.
there was a fine attendance of trustees
'and interested citizens present.
'Mrs. lennctt made a very graceful
and happy r.Ieech of welcome sand ex
ipressed lin elegant terms the interest
the women had in the cause of educa
tion, and how glad they were to have
the meeting and to give whatever aid
the -women might he able to render.
She then turned the meeting over to
Mr. Jas. H1. Eullivan who explained
the roason for calling the meeting. and
he also discussed the various state
laws which gave aid to the common
schools, and said that there was
neceesity that something be done to
keepm these schools going, and tha.t the
matter should be called to the atten
ton of the legislature, and especially
should ( the trustees and those who
knew the conditions take -the matter
to Ihe lawmaking body, and tell that
hody either to re!'eal its laws or make
the necessary provision in the appro
priation hill to carry out the law and
keep tile obligation of the state with
the Varioi, school,districts that have
ceiplied -with lhe conditions. Stper
intendent Wil:oi then took a number
(it concrete examlples frmI-il Laurens
ecunty andt showed just how the law
w.:w wo:lhing in that county, andl how
under presrent conditions it was im
;ossible for the trustees of a nun
oer of state a'ded schools to avold
having .1 defleit exceIt by failing to
pay the' teachers, and thit was the
result in a number of d.tricts. Of
coirse that is Iot right. but as the
law is now operated it is impossible to
avoid a deficit, it matt. rs not how you
work it, unless the veople just go
eown in their pocket; and raise the
money. Both Mtr. Sullivan and Mr.
Wilson said that there had been no
trouble with the miembers of the leg
islature from Lauren', tha.t they had
not only voted but had worked for
adequate appropriations to carry out
-the law enacted by the legislature it
self. I then talkel to the people along
the same lines and me de sone sugges
I-t was a fine meeting and I be
1leve will..result ingood. The people
,re lacking in information along the
1:t'es of these various rtate aided
e -haols, and when they conic to under
derstand the real and true conditions
I aam persuaded they will demand
tIr . thei r legislature provide the
necessary funds -to give to the chil-I
dren of the state at least a seven
months school where the districts
comply vith the conditions laid down
in the laws of the sta'te. lResolut ions
were adopted callinlg on the legisla
ture to provide I[he money to carry
out :ts O/n actes. Taxes for schools
should noit be regarded as any other
tax, hut a-ther as an investment
which w Pl bring the biggest return,
if properly -. plied, of any money
.1c people can po-s-~.by spead.
Th i .: s' eluibs rcirved a (delicious
un !cheonl of ice teca and excellent antd
sub' t:thu::Iandw.iches and thle mEet -
ng w:. adijoun ied. I enjoy'ed myi
;'':i t ca:credingly much, an~d only
.0thia: T (Oald h:,: reaianed
lodgeri at er thle mee'it ing, but it be,
lng Satu rday I hurried on home as
id.1 ckly as I coul d, and though it wa
exceedlingly hoti I was home by :
o'tlwk. I am thinliig oi hiaving; a
nieetlng of truastets in Newherry
cunty .01ome time1 very sooni and
I would be very glad to have the co
r.peration andl help of the women's
clubs of Newherr'y, and I would be
pleased 'to ho~ve themn suggest some
orne or two speaiker's to give uts infor
mation and encouragement and poi nt
the wvay to get the money to run the
rur'a.l schools a little longer. The ramndj
inmum school term should be not less
than eight months. Most of the schools
in this county have had -a seve9
months term and onty about two had
less. Certainly lin this age we should
not be satiefied to have any of -our
schoola have a lesa term th~an seven
months and we should haye a minimum
of eight months,
Mr. Vaugthan, Farmer, Tolls How Re
Lost all His Prize Seed Corn
"Some time ago sent away for aome
pedigreed seed corn. Put it in a gune
ny sack and hung it on a rope sua?
pended from roof. 'Rats got it all
how -.heatasarme,-: but They d-id because
I got 6 dead whoppers in the morn
ing after trying RAT-<SNAP". Three
sizes, 315c, 65c, .$1.25. Sold and guar
nnteed 1 C. li. Kennedy & Son, .IAu
lona ,Hardware Co., Pntnam Drug
To Stop a Cough Quick
cough medicine which stops the cough by
healing the inflamed and irritated tissues.
SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and;
Croup ls enclosed with every bottle of
should be rubbed on the chest and throat,
of children suffering from a Cold or Croup.
The healing effect of Hayes' Hlesing Hoey ia
aide the throat combined with the healing effect of
G'rove's O-Pen-Trato Salve through tho pores of
the skIn noon stops a cough.
Both remedies ae packed In one carton and the
cost of the combined treatment is 38o.
Just ask your druggist for HAYS'
S * * * S *e *e . a a . * .a
* * * * * * * * * * * * S *
Narnie, Aug. 6.-The farmers have
about "laid by" their crops and the
battle against the boll weevil is the
order of the day.
Mrs. Law Mobley eand little son, Law,
Jr., of Greenville, spent -last week with
her father, Mr. T. H. Burts.
Misses 1Evelyn. and Arthur Maye
Whitton, of Georgia, spent the week
nd with their cousins, Misses ,Daisy
Boll and Sarah Owings.
'Miss Nellie 'Lee -McDowell has re
turned home after a two weeks' visit
with her uncle at Newberry.
Miss Reiell Reid .is visiting friends
ind relatives 'in Pacolet.
LAliss Connie Maye Craddock left
last week to take up work in August-a,
Miss E~va Bolt, of Westminster, is
;pending a two weeks vacation with
ier earents, 'Mr. and 'lrs. F,. B. Bolt.
Misses Daisy Bell and Sara Owings
mtertaincd at EC lawn party Friday
iight in honor of their cousins, of
Ieorgia and W'estminster.
Mr. and Mrs. E'rnest Culbertson, of
'hom, spent the week-end Ath the
atter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell and children, of
Peizer, and 'Mr. J C Stone, of Laturens,
vere the (111111 r guests of .Mr. and
kirs. .Will Stone.
Miss Louise Todd is visiting rela
ives and 'riends in Greenville.
IMrs. A. R. Bramlett and son, Wil
lam, Spent Monday In Greenville
risiting her sister, Mrs. Annie Wash
Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Bolt and family
and 'ir. and Mrs. T. W Barksdale and
:hildren 'were the dinner guests Sun
lay of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bolt.
Mr. and Mrs. lorace Nelson and
,hi~ldren we re the spend-the-day
;uests of the latter's parents Mr. and
drs. W. I. Sanders.
Miss Ethel Bolt spent last Sunday
vith Miss 'Mildred Burton.
A crowd of young people went on a
Ishing trip to Culbertson's Mill last
dfonday afternoon. They all report
iaving a good "ole" time, but had very
)ad luck flshink; didn't even get a
To Cure a Cold Ia One Day
itops the Cou h and eadache and works off the
old. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each'box. 30e
The Great
Shows Sti
This new
sugar-coated /
gum delights
young and old. o
It "melts in your
mouth" and the gum in the
center remains to aid digestion,
brighten teeth and soothe mouth
and throat.
There are the other WRIGLEY
friends tq choose from, too:
- C28
lay and FrdAyes
Ist 0 ad1
on Extra rdi ary
est Heart Interest Drama
of the World
Nights in a
r Room"
irt 2:00, 4:00, 6:00
and 10:00 O'Clock
ion 15e and 40c

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