OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 31, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1890-07-31/ed-1/seq-3/

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Local and. Special.
Beth Etei 1.lw eran Church.
Servico ever.- tw" wi k econk'. d : t1 'ur II
S 1i l:.vs, att I: a:. Ill. .*11 1 -l -.ati-. l i n 10 N t :. Ill.
wv. .\. .I i .1 % N. P':ru r.
l'o.totlice lotr-.
W filve OI)l:Ils............. . : i
Clowst"-onel-1::1tf 114artb'f";tw t!h. .:rrIiva:l of
TrIains per sehtt h-. v1/.:
1 or l O lulll tbi: .................. ......... . .. . I
Fo4ir Gre rIville ar-d tin WO e . . W N : ii
For tol ul nbi:l... . ............................... . ...
For l.aurens .. .......... 1 45 p It
Olrice will reitin11 wa tal:1........... 1. 1 I1
( itt'I ............................................ . . ... 7 ''I } III
Clos..... 7 :;+ y i
For Saie.
An S horse p)towver portable Enl:in
for sale cheap. For prices, &e., apply
at, The Heraid and New"s olice. 8.
Mr. WN. .J. Mills will give i first class
barbecue at Young's (rove near 'ruos
perity on Friday August S. The public
and all candidates invited to ie" pres
ent. "t.
The Build ing and Loan A..ociatlon.
The mernbers of the Neow berry Build
ing and Loan Association are~ leieby
notified that the 5"(t assessmen t wiil be
due and inust he paid Tuesday,
August 5th, 1890, alnI that the Board of
I)irectors will meet in the Knights of
Honor Hall on Thursday, August 7th,
189), at S o'clock, p. in., to sell the
rutoner onl Ianl.
J. W. M. SMMoNS,
It Secretarv.
An eler'utie Ili t.l wi ) tl:1 1 -:'stants
clothing or tailorin- t-> reprs -at us in
Newberry and vicinity, as s It a'ent.
Splendid fall and \winltelr a=st>rtmt'int
now ready. \\'anarna:ker .x Brown,
Philadelphia, Pa. 'he l:trge.t cl)thing
and mterchait tailoring house ill Amer
ica. _t
The Night Watchrnan Assaulted.
On last Friday night about two
o'clock, as Mr. Me ett, the night"
watchrnan at the C. & (. L. I. depot
was coining out of the iej)ot somie one
unknown to him gave hii a severe
blow on the head with a piece of iron
piping, inflicting a severe wound.
Mr. Meggett gave the alari as best
he could, which attratced the litteln
tion of policelan Bradley, who went
to his assistance.
He had his wounds dressed by a
physician, and went back to his post
and relained the balance of the night.
No evidence has been aIduced Ls to
who the guilty party is.
Ely's Celebrated Turnip Seed.
We have a large supply. None bet
ter. For sale by
Bi-Le11-:n, HOt"'sEA .l & K I Il.Elt.
Owing to continued advatec in the
price of Ice, and the unsettled eon
dition of the Ice narket, I ani abso
lutely forced to z.dvanle the price
of ice. I also earnestly beg to assure
my patrons that I will exert every ellort
to supply tlemii at the lowest possible
SAM B. JioNEs.
Free Scholarship Otfered.
Converse College, at Spartan burg,
will begin its tirst sessioni this fall. Tile
college is to be a high grade institution
for young ladies. TIhe board of direc
tors has p)rov'ided one free scholarship
for one young lady from11 each county
in the State who shall stand the best
examuination in thle commIfonl schll(
b)ranches, algebra to equlations of the
second degree, Latin gralumar and one(
hook of Cw:sar.
The total expenses, exclusive of thle
schlolarship, will be about $1S;h.0) for
one sessionl of nine mnonths.
Should there be two or' more young
ladies who wish to stanId thle examinla
tion, they wvill p)lease make the sarne~
known to tile Scho~ol Commuissionler at
once, and a day for the examination
will i'e appointed.
Rteunion of' 5ttdents.
A reunlionl of the friends and stu
dents, ex-studlents, and alutunii of New
berry College will be held at St. Luke's
church in tis counlty oni Friday morn
ing~ August 15, 189'. This will take
inl part of tile time of the Lutheran
Sunday School Coni venl tionl to be held at
thle saie place on 14 and 15 (If A ugust.
Adldresses of wVeleornle will be mlade by
D)r. W. E. Lake andl Prof. H. H-. IRi
kard and respondled tol by Dr. W. U.
H-outseal, President of the Alumuni As
sociation, anld 1). B. Wheeler, Presidenit
ot' the ex-students aLssocationl.
Tile following students andl alulnlni
oif the college hav'e beenl apipoinitedl to
taaike a(dresses: Virgil Y. Boozier, B.
.J. Ramlage, Jr1., Geo. B. ('romer, C. WX.
W\elr-h, WV. H. Hunit :and .Jn11. C'. See
ger's, Jr'. A pleasanit tiine rulay be ex
To) the readers of The Herald anld
News, will be p)leased( to learn thlat
thlere is at least one dIreadedl disease
that science has been aile to cure in all
its stages, and that is ('atarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the onIly positive cur'e
now~% knownl to the mzeical fraternity.
Catarrhi being a constitutional disease
reqtuires a conlstitutionlal treatmlent.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inlter'nally,
acting dlirectly upon tile blood( and
miucous surlfaces of tile system 1, thereby
dlestroying the foundation oftthe disease,
andI givinig the patienlt strenigth byli
building uIp the 'onlstitutt ion andI assist
inIg naturle inl doing its work. Thew
prpitr hiav.e so much fClaith in its
curative powers, thlat they' ofler' OneC
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimo
n. Iials.
j Address, F. J. 'H ENIEY & ('0.,
7' Toledo, O.
Wrirdold by Drutggists, 75.
Baist's turnfli p Se. d are f.ulnoas
throughout tile South fo'r their gre't
piurity arid fine~ q' tiity', atl ways cer
tain to grow. Always ask for
Buist's Seeds atnd take no0 other.
F'or sale at Ibibertsoui & G ilder's
corner Drug Store. If.
Eeyone should1( tuse P. P. P.,i be
cause at thlis seasonl nealy every'c' onle
needs agood medC4icineL to purIlify, v'i'liz.
anid enich'i the blood.
A Child Killed.
Anlother child killed by ile use& (It
opiates given in the fo'rm1 of 54)(tlhinlg
.syrup). Why miother's give their elildIi
r'en such deadly polison is surprisinlg
when thley cani relieve tile c2hildl of its
peculiat' troulesC by ulsin~g Acker's
Baby Soothler. It conltainls no( ()piuml
or Morphine. Sol by Belchler. H ouseal
& Kibler.
Remembter' thaI:t Joh F111. 'See'k does
aill kinids of WVat chI. ( lock, .Jewelr and(1(
The Corning Season
W\ill 114 doubt he au ine one for play.~
ing bail. (Go to the Book Stor'e anId
bov v'(url Base Ball goodsIi at thle lowest
onices. tf
W:tae" -m1 the .\niler"-,>n tr:an i:.coiue
Th ( . 01?CrlDminr re k
overseer- to wvork the r()ads at oric.
See no(itce'.
C_apt. John F. l;:niks IS ulIniunle'l
this wek as a c:riiiiate for Seb>l
('ar(lidates C:ardis :are :iliOlineeI i1
The Heral and -News f'r . the c:-ii
to areOnp,,ayl\ the inotiee.
The (iIngre-sional (:"anlilates in this
l)i-tric't wrill add(t(-- the people of A\u
ieviile at Jreie woxi.d to-day.
Landiul owners are notified by the
(-Ontty ('olunitission'.r- to have the
-tleanii (,n their land(Is (leaned All.t
A p:rty of young nien from Coluin
bia pa ed( th rOugh_ Newb,erry yester
(iay rouginlg it to the ItlOUntaiins.
It.'. W. C. Sai:offer returned on
Mondav friOIti tichniIhd, \'a., anl scr
Vices Will be ei(( in !Ie Lutheranl
church iext Sinrlay !nrino rini.
Itev. W. 1. \\i-lhtini:in has gon(: to
Iistriet Conference at Eiiurv Chap.),
Edg.-tield (C)unlty, and Rer. W. II.
Lawtonl will pri'ach in the Metholdi-t
chlurch'1 next Sunday niornin'-.
The UInion Sorvice n'xt Sunday
ni!t will be held inl the Lutheran i
chur111-ch! anl the sernlwt>n pIreachied by
1ter. G. A. WVright.
1 ev. E. P). IcClintock will be absent
next Sahbathi at \Vlf' d, Spartanburg
County, and there will be no preacling
in 'T'h(1rn1psni Street Chureb. Sabbath
sehool at the usual hour.
There will he several days' meeting
at (an11noi's Creek cliurchc, Iegiiiiiinig
Fridav before the first Sabbath inl Au
gust. Itev. .J. C. (alloway and Johln T.
(Ial iers have beei invittd to coule.
Other ru inisters will also be present.
Mr. J. R. Minter, of Union County,
:r(i a inenliber of tlht" tirin of Minter &
.Iarni(s,in of Newberry, has contribuhteI
.' to the ('rzier iuontiii'nt fuml. If
th:ere are :n \ Ot hers who desire to con
tribute they cnII scull iii the alnounts
to ('apt. W. WV. tiser.
We invite attention to ai article
publlishedl on the on tsiiie of The Herald
an(1 News, t his week onl etiquette in
church. It is a Ver;y imnportant subject
ai;(Ione that inany persons old and
y(iunrlg Imighit get s(ome information by
careful perusal. The article in question
colnt:ins rnuch truth interestiigly and
forcibly told.- Read it.
I,euben Ilarrington, a well known
colored man of Ntwberry, died on
Wednesday. 1;th instant, from a pecu
liar circuristance. He had been wear
ing a pair of shoes with brass tacks in
the soles. One of the ta(ks made a
sore on his foot siunilar to a ''stone
bruise," but which resulted in pytenia
and caused his death ini about three
Dr. .Jas. II. feIitosi returned on
Tuesday to New York.
Ir. J. A. Burton leaves to-day for
Hendersonville, N. C.
Miss Allie COzby has gone to North
Carolina for the sumnitnr.
Miss Claudia Norris is visiting friends
in Laurens Countv.
Mrs. G. W. Holland and M 1iss ittle
left yesterday afternoon for Virginia.
Mr..1. W. EarhearIt and family have
returned froir a m1tonthis' visit to Coluin
MIr. %. F'. Wright left on Tueisday for
New York where lie will spend several
MIiss Nainnie McCaughrin and Mir.
R. L. MeC:iughirin's famiily left on
Tuesday for ;leirii Spriings.
MIrs. W. P'. B. Kinard and MIrs. .
M1. C. Kinard, of Ninety-Six, are visit
inr MIrs. .1. C. 3Mvers.
Mir. Bartowv U. Rtamage will leave
Newberry to-day for Nashville, Tenn.,
where he will locate for the plractice of
\Iiss 'dini iie 3Icfeody, ant accomplIlished
you ng lady of Coluti bus, G a., arrived
here Tuesdlay, and is visiting MIrs. J.
E. Brown.
Mir. and MIrs. C. C. MceWhirtcr anid
their little soni left yesterday on a visit
to Mir. M1eW hirter's old home ini
Northeastern G3eorgia.
Capt. T. B. G;reneker returiied last
Thursday frorn his trilp across the con
ti nenlt anid thirough thle Californias. He
was lo'okinig robust and hearty.
Prof. Nathain K. .Aull is on a visit to
relatives in Newherrv. He will return
tio Texas ini the fall. HeI hia been elect
ed professo r of Lat in in the H ighi School
z-in oustion, Texas.~ The satne school1
in wvhi b Prof. C . WV. WVelch is teach
D)r. WV. E. P1elh-un has gone *o Ashie
yille, N. C., arni from thence hie will go
to Point Pleasant, N. J1., where his
brother Dr. J. WVard Pelhiam is. Dr.
Ward Pel harm's friendls in Newherry
will lie glad to learn that lhe is recover
ing froin his long illniess.
if viou are ini need'( of a pair 'if Spe'
taelis or Eye G lasses go to) .Johin F".
Speek's. 1y.
For Everybody.
hPiaiios and (Ormgaiis at low pries and
easy teriiis. I cst i nstrturnents on lv.
F'irst class Singing Schioo~ls taughit.
See rue 'or write for particulars.
tf L. A. H.twxtUNs, Newberry, S. C.
A Negro Shot While Rtesisung an Otticer.
D)ave MIoormian had been a fugitive
fron: justice for sorine timne. He was
waiited hlere, and there were also one
or two warrants for hint in Colunbia.
C'hiief Hishou) hadl been ntif ied to be on
lie lookout for hinii. He fled frorn this
learn inc thieni has served otut a sen
ten inthe founitetars fro,rnd Unio
Coun tv.
Onlast Friday evening MIr. J1. H.
'hapI pellI was inufirnied that lie could
lie found~ ini one of the tenant houses
on 3Mr. Pool's brick yard place. Armied
with a warrant. for him, Mir. (Chap
p)ell and MIr. H. H. Franklin went
out after MIoornani. They fouini
liii nat thle lilouse runeritioiied, and as
thev suirroundi(edl the house MIoorinani
rushed out the door at whuich was MIr.
Ch a ppellI. As lie reaoched thle dioor lie
ired his pistol at MIr. Ch'lappell w ho
the tire, as hiejumtped out of the door,
striking hiim ini the right hi p. He unm
dertook to run, whe m 3i \Ir. Chappell
shot at him i again, this t imre st rikinhg
him inii thle shouinlder. Nei therct of lie
wouinds(1 is daingerous.
Hie continiued to run, tbut was over.
akeni by Mlessrs. Cha:ippell and Frank
lini and brotiglit to town and( lodged ini
jail, where lie now is.
He is a dlespierate character, and the
woiider is lie dlid iiot kill 3Ir. C happell.
H is piistol was oine oif the "'Bull Bog"'
pistols, anid abouint a 44 calibUre.
Whet her oii p)leaisure bent or husi ness,
abouin take oni every trilp a bottle of
yi'uli of Figs, aos it acts most p)lea'Zsant
y~ aiid eth'(tunall oii the kidneys, liver
an'd bowels, pireventinig fevers, head
ehiis and other forms ot sickness. For
Soe ini .ie. andi $1.nuO bot tles by all lead
TU,:is, spices, laviirm u ext racts, e.tc.,
aie ai! sid cheap by 31'Inztosh & Todd.
impiiues on the F"ac'e
I >enote anm ilii pure state ii'fi. the b ldaid
arec lioikedl uponi by~ i:Ii with sushi
i'on. Aciker's Hbiiid Ldixir will i
iitiie all iupunrities and heave the en
plexioni simooith miii clear. 'Thlere is
iotlhiin. that woill -i thoriiuglyl bmuibi
strenlgthien the whiile sltern. Sihil
aimi glia'anteid lby !;ei:heir, hlu-cal ~&
ThJe E n-e"ultive. l'un, it itt..- A pli fint% AU
;u,t :,I fom Tie Firt P'rimuary anil
.\rruanes the Can, i1algnu Tile
One Kox Law Adopted.
Th'le 'ounlty Executive 'otimitte
met in th ('ourthouse on Tuesday.
Thty were to have met last Friday but
a liuoruinl was not plresent. The 21st
of Au.rust, the day appoilited by the
('ontgressional Convention as calpaign
udav tfor Newberry, wra= endorsei.
''he 22nd of August was fixed as the
date fur t he first primary, and the 29th
of Au.tust as the date of the seend
primarv. It was decided to have a
camui1pai'1n for the oe'unty und)er the
direetinl Of the Executive Committee
alnl the foillwinlg appointtients were
To'Wnlship No. 2, \Wadlington's, Au
:rlit 2'.
T'ow i-hip No. :;, \ft. Pleasant, Au
Tlowh-hip No. 4, ('rolers, August 6.
Iownsh ip No. 5, .Jalapa, August 7.
Township No. 9, Prosperity oung's
GroVCI, \utUst S.
Tow%nship No. s, I-topia, Au,rust 9.
T1owi-hip No. 111, .olly Street, Au
,u-t 15.
Iownship No. 11, .. C. and. W. L.
Lit"z-ey, .\Ugust f;.
low:nship No. 7, Williams, Au,ust
1: .
Township No. G, Longshores, August
lownship No. 1, Newberry (at night),
A ugust :'1.
I Eaci township neeting is to be pre
sided over by the rnenbers of the Ex
ecutive Comnnittee of that township.
The following managers of the pri
marv election were appointed:
Township No. 1, Newberry-It. 11.
W\earin,;A. J. Kilgore. C. L. Havird.
I'ownlship No. 2. (Gibsois-S. S. ('un
n in,hanh, A. I. ( ibson, 11. C. \Wilsoi.
'Tow--hip No. : , vaybintou-l). A.
I'homnas, W. 1. Whitney, .J. A. 3Iay
bin .
Townslhi P No. ., (ily mphville-J. 31.
Wicker, M. Ilul' J. F. Epting.
Township No. 4, ('roiers-J. C.
Abrans, .J. C. Duckett, L. 1). Abraims.
Townsh i p. Ni . J la pa-W\. C. Sligh,
.Jno. B. Campbell, C. W\. Buford.
Township No. G), Longshores-J. T.
)avis, i. T. Reagin, W. (i. Peterson.
Township No. 7, Williamts-.Jno. 1i.
Scurry, 3. .J. Longshore? \ni. Sari
T1'owlnslip No. S, Dead Fall-.Jno. H.
Wicker, W. I. Herbert, David Werts,
Township No. 9, Prosperity-B. B.
Sehunmpert, N. II. Young, J. L. Wise.
Township No. 10, Jolly Street-G.
31. Singley, P. B. Ellisor, XV. H. hibler.
Tiownsiip -No. 11, Ponaria-P. M.
Derrick, L. B. Eargle, W. T. Hatton.
TIwsiiship No. 11, Walton-Job. L.
Hughey, E. 0. Hentz, H. P. Weda
'lhe following resolution was adopted:
Isro/'cel, That the managers of elec
tion be instructed to call on the Chair
man of the Execu':ive Committee at
the ofiee of the Clerk of Court, at 11
a. iml., to get boxes and tickets, on Mon
day, August 15.
Each Executive Committee man
was instructed, by resolution, to raise
for camnpaignll purposes 75 cents per del
gate from their respective townships
this to conic from the clubs in accord
ance with their representation in the
('ounty ('liventionl.
'I'he~totltowineg resolution was also
Jicso/red, That the Chiairman be au
thoriz'ed to draw upon the Treasurer
for~ whatever amtount may be needed for
valupaign purposes.
The Conmmrittee t henr adjourned.
The following are the rules adopted
byV the Committee for governing the
pimiary election.
1xu-I:s (JovEaN1Na THlE I'IIMARY.
I. On 22nd August, 1890, there shall
be held at each voting p)recincet, as now
established by law in Newberry Coun
ty, a p)rimnary election for the nomnina
tion of persons ft)r the several offiees to
be filled.
II. The poils shall be cpened at 8
o'cltock a. mn. and kept open, without
intermission, until 5 p. mt., when they
shall be closed.
III. A t each election precinct there
shall be three (3) mtanagers of election
to be ap)pointed by the County Execu
tive Committee, any vacancy to be
tilled b.y the nianaiger or managers pres
I V. The County Executive C'omnmit
tee shall furnish t'?e managers at each
precinct with a ,allot box, for the
secure keeping of :hich said managers
shall l)e responsible, and shall also fur
nish to the said nmanagers of election a
uflicient suply of skeleton tickets for
thre use of voters at each p)recinect.
V. For the purpose of raising funds
for the print ingof tickets, all candidates
to be voted for at the p)rimary election
shall be assessed and requtired to pay to
the Secretary of this Committee the
sunm of one1. dollar each. ProvideId that
if any candidate or candidates shall fail
to pa~y the same then the v*otes cast for
said candidate or candidates shall be
considered as scattering and shall not
be counted.
VI. At the opening of the polls the
ballot boxes shall be emptiedl of all con
tets and exhibited thus emptied to
ayv persons present. The boxes shall
then be closed and sealed, and shall so
remaiin until the polls are closed.
VII. The managers shall keel) a poll
list and tally list, and for this purpose
shall ap)point a clerk.
VIII. Tjhe~ Executive Committee
shall prepare blank tickets for the use
of the voters, which tickets shall have
prin ted u pon them the several offices to
be filled with blank spatce for the names
of the candidates, amnd no ballot shall
be counted unless it contains the names
f a sullicient number of candidates,
who have been nominated and who
have compiled with these rules, to fill
all the otlices to be voted for.
IN. At such primary election all
white Demnocrats, eligible to vote at
the niext general election, shall be al
lowed to vote and i Ihose colored Demo
rats, who( can prove by two or more
witnesses that they have votedl none
but the Denmocratic ticket in the gen
eral election since I 5T, shall be allowed
the sirme pri vilege.
N. For the purpose o,f carrying outt
le req1uiremients oif Section IN, the
maa!.ers, or any one of themi, shall be
iut horize.d to challenge any voter and
pt any qutestionis to him wvhich
they are he may deemi relevant to the
)bet in view, and the nmanogers shall
determiine his right to vote by his an
wer~ or other proof and maty accept or
reject the vote thus oll'ered.
N r. On the close of the pmolls the
managers shall proceed inltinediately
andi conmtjinuously to cotunit the votes.
XWhenm the votesshlall have been counted
the managers shall make out, in dupli
ate, returns showing the mnurniber of
vots cast for each person! voted for, the
oflice .for which he is voted, and thme
otal number of votes cast; anid shanllde
posit one of the returns ini the ballot box
withI tIhe votes anid file the other as one
of the recordls of the Towvnship. The
returns shall be signed by all managers,
who shall likewise certify to the cor
rectness of the samie.
NII. The ballot box containing the
ballots, the poll lists and the certified
returns of the managers, together with
ay other papers they may dleemi proper
to include, shall on Saturday following
after such election be forwarded secure
lv closed andi sealed to the Secretary of
he Cotunty Execuitive Committee at
Newerry Court Hionse. For the pur
pose of this forwarding the managers
or anoy of ihiemi shall act as niesenrger.
XIII. Thre l-xecuitive (Committee
hall mueet on Saturdayv foillowing. the
elect ion :mnrd thle Secretatry, Ihaving in
ts p)resence, opmenied the boxes andiI
tabu.lated the retUrns, shall publish the
:ierentec ini lhe presence of the Cm
indIee ini pe sess51in.
v.e If. ,-pesn shall reeive aj
najority of all the votes :tast f'r uh
o:1ic" fir wvlhicht lie is a earitidate. he
shall be dt'lared to Ibe the IDeoii er:tti<
nominee for sueh oli("e: prt,vided;t that
inl the election fir the Iouse of Rtepre
sentatives and County ('oml,issionwrs
more than the requi-ite nutmher r,"
ceive a nijority, tho-e re,i",ivitl the
greatest majority .-h:till be dhciared the
nominees. But it t''r any otilie it be
found that no c:tnlidate has received a
majority of all the Votes ea=t at the
priat:try election for shit11~liee, theln
the County E:xE+"utive ('ttmtitte shall
forthwith order a set",atd piniary elec
tion, to be held on tw 'litIt day of Au
gust, 1 ST!. 1 - niet ~i Iprilmotry ele
tion to he heldi a1tl the letlrn- t:tle as
at the first, and t!h- ri4-+lt !bt rtd !
the I:xec'utive ('il.p t"e a- in tlh
tirst election.
XV. A t such set"on,l pr,:iiryl" tlet i",n
only the two aitiidat,"s reiceiving the
itighest numbier of viites i)ir e:ii" h s--1,
rate office at the fortier elect ion shall
be voted for, unhts there shouli he a
tie of the secotl ijhist, iln whiich1 tihe
parties so tieing rm:y\ be v,tli for and
the votes count'-d ft,r" thtrm as well as
the votes east. for the lie i:vitig ir
ceived the hi:hest number at ihe [irst
election, provided, that inl the it a,s's
where more than ote rt"r~si is to be
selected for the sate tlire ti," Execu
tive Cotmlitteee hall sele:t a 1c-ring
to the number of votes prteviouy ,re
ceived, twice as 11an1y perst)n5 is s Ihitre
are official positions to be filled A!1
votes for other part ies shall be coii d .
ereti scatteringitand shall not lhe iiunted.
XVI. Any persn rtceiviing he it h
est numherof votes at this set"otnd elee
tion shall be the noiinee of the I)lio
cratic party.
XVII. No person sha1 lie elegib)le to
election at the primlary election who
shall not pledge hiiselt in writing he
fore haud to the Chairian of the Ex
ecutive Committee to abide by the re
sult of the election.
XVIIL. In bothI the fir.;t :indl sttnd
primary elections whe I t, -ie("rli"arv
has published the re-n!t. ill the
presen("e of the ExIcu-iv ( -)ititte,itte,
as required tiy Set t tits 1: ani 14, said
Comntittee shall contittie in session for
two hours thereatter for the purlp~se of
receiving notices and grounds of pro
test or contest. A nd all cases oif protest
and contest sliall be liear :tn id deter
mined by the Executive( 'Comilttee on
some subsequent d(Iy tltetn to, to be
fixed by said ('ontmit tee.
XIX. The candiidiates for the olliets
of Treasurer and \uditor shall he votted
for at the primary elect ion, an1 ithe
(.overnor he req nested to !ppo)iit. in
accordance with the result.
The Lawn Party
To be given by the ladies of the Pres
byterian church was postponid on ac
count of the weather and will be given
to-norrow, Friday, Iii,ht in .Jthn
stone's Grove.
University of Suuth Carolina.
We invite attention to the advertise
ment of this institution. For any in
formation respectfng the cour e of
study or expense address the President,
Prof. J. M. McBride, Columbia, S. C.
The Senn Case.
Mr. Geo. B. Cromer returned from
Spartanburg yesterday, whither he had
been to look after the trial of Dave
Senn and HelNna Boland.
He says the case is set for trial next
Monday at 1t) o'clock.
There are quite a number of witnesses
who have to attend from this county.
The C., N. and L. Rt. it.
A passenger schieduLle was put on
this road on] Mondayt'~. Thlere will bie
a mtixedl traitn run for the present.
Later on there will likely be ptut on
two passerager trainis daily'.
The schedule ats at p)resent of force is
published below.
Capt. E. S. Motte, wholt( has been a
ronductor on the C. and G. R. R. for'
several years, has resigned and has re
eived and accepted the position of
agent here on the C., N. and L. R. R.
He will take charge of the offiee on
the 1st of August.
He was a ptopular anld ('flicienit con
ductor, and we hare no dotubt will be
very acceptable to New berry pleople
in his neCw position.
10 55 a mn Lv.... Coum bia .......\. 5 t5 p) mi
115 a mn ..........aludut.......... i 4 55 ym
1 2'2 a m .....Leaph ts..... 4 35 p mn
ll :3s a in...........tirmo.............14 15 p mo
1I .52 a mi ..... tt'iitttne M ill .. :4 55 pim
2114 p nm ......WhX'tie Rock... 1112 p in
222 p m ............Cha pit........... : IS p am
l2:s p mn ...LitTle M,,unt:in. 1; 0 p m
1)05 p in .........Prosperity...... a:; p lm
1 40) p mA r .........New 'berry ....... 2 (ii p mn
Coca-Cola at Pelham'~s.
'"Coca-Cola renews the vigor of t he in
tellect, and relieves mental exhaustion,
rendering the flowv of thought more
easy and the reasoning power moitre vi'g
>rous, conduces to mental elearness and(
ativity, freedom fronm fatigue and
power of entdurance.
It has gained an enviable reputatiton
s havinig gilt edqe mlerit, anti iiinmost
f the large cities otf the Southtl has
aken at positiotn at the veryv fromnt oif all
he leading anid moist poplular sodla
outaitn beverages.''
This popular suuitnner bev'erage fur
ishetd ice-cold, at 5e. glass. at l'elhamr's
Soda Founttain.
Personis adivanced ini year's feel
younger atnd stronger, as well its freer
from the infirmnities of age, by takinlg
Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla.
We Can and Do.
Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir for it
as been fully demonst rated to the pet)
pe of this counitry that it is superior to
all othler preparationts for blood diseases.
t is a positiv'e cuire for syphilit ie' poisoni
ing, lcers, Eruptions anti Pimpiles.
It purifies the whole systemt andit
thoroughly builds upI the const itutioni
At Belchuer, Houseal & Kibler's.
lI' Life Worth Living ?
Not if yout go throiughi the worldl a
lyspeptic. Ac'ker's Dy~spepisia Talblets
are ia potsitiv'Ceture for thle wotrst formtis
f Dyspepsia, Indiiigestiuon, Flatutlentcy
and( Constipation. Guar'anteedIt andi
soldl by Belcher, Hlouseal & Kihiler.
We h tve a chic e line of lToba'ccis
McIntosh & Todtd. tf'
A pileasant and 'ertain cure
for Diarihoita, Dyseuntely, Chiol
era Morbus and all affections of
the Stomach andi Bowels.
Prepared and sold at
Corner D)rug Store.
A bsolutely Pure.
A\ (ream of tartar btakinig powde'itr
Highest of all in leavening strength..
il is ""rff(I-:-TioN" I)E('LINES TO
w C.tatr:.- 3i, t but Did Not 'ut Out a
T"ictet - What Was Done.
I t he r;"tuort plbiislied in The
Herabi :wl New. of the County Con
V"ution lld.!(l onm the 11th ins(., it will
e eneii-ercd that we gave some in
foriiiatiin of a cautus Iteld that day by
the Ti!lii nwtn, in whieb it was de
terriiited t,i hold what night he called
a preliminarv prim:irv e!cetion in the
V::t rils T1illmian clubls in the county on
th _:1 int., ti get the sense of the
c11ub?. :is to the eheiei of a Senator and
Ithrei I hrc ntat ive, and that a con
i' u!ud - bhl at Newh,erry on
SIw hin1-t., t",tmplosed1 of one' dele~gate
for t"very tenl ,otcs e:tst, to tabulate the
v,et ndl :iinoi-ie tlhe result. The idea
w::- in this way to select a eanldidate
ftil the Senatte and three for the House,
who sho,uld b .ziven t lie support of the
T ii:i ime"n in the ointv.
iTh thi:, 1however, scents not to
hive w irked well. The electiins were
held1, but the \ ,ters did itot turn out
wetI. For listance, the Factory club
in N,'h:t"rry, h:al caut otnly about 21)
imtheiirs ottlI of IN. The W:arehouse
'lub at 'ros,t"rity only had about 40
votes east. At Mr. Luke's there were
iln,ly abo-iuit 1< votes east. In No. 6 none
'it Il ilbs vted, and it was the same
in No.
Any way the Convention was held
here last Friday to tabulate the vote
and declare the result.
The caueuls was held in the law offiee
of Blease & Blease.
The Herald and News man made in
;uiirv of several delegatesas to whether
ne\wsp:iper men would he admitted,
aiil lin mtg assured by a delegate that
the meeting was to be open, he went
up stairs to the otice in question where
thi d telegtis were assembled, but being
v oatture a iud-st man, lie insisted
on tie 'h-h- ate h v whose invitation lie
hl:al gin- t bus tar. to make further in
Ias to whither he would be a wel
lcme vi-i r. While this delegate had
(ne insi<tih to get the 'desired inforna
t i"n, til- .newspa:per man received at
very sigiiiicant hint that he was not
exlpeceted, by a delegate who was inside
clo ing the door nearest to where The
Herali and News man stood. The man
who soughit the information returned
dlirectlvunl informed the scribe, how
ever, that none lbut delegates were to
be adimitted. 'TIhat ended it, and the
scribe heat a hasty retreat. It might
he stated, hitwever, that another news
palier man. who was not a delegate,
was iivited in, and remained during
the session. But "circumstances alter
eases," you know, and we do not ,com
plain. We did not climb a tree or put
a telephone on the key hole to get in
formation. but it is very difficult to
keep a meeting of that kind entirely
Mr. .John . Fellers, of the Ware
house ('lub, acted as president of the
eaUcis. while Mr. Harry H. Blease, of
the Factory Club, acted as secretary.
There were some sixty or seventy
five delegates present and they did not
all agree.
The total number of votes cast when
they were first counted showed only
(;bo, but one or two other small boxes
cane in afterwards. That we nresume
will not be taken as the strength of the
Tillman Imen in the county.
Upon a i(,tion being made by some
delegate it was determined not to tab
ulate the vote, but it was read so that
each delegate could hear how many
votes each candidate received at the
differeint polling places. Some of the
delegates thought this action was not
pro~per, and as they had come together
to tabulate the vote, that it should lie
dbole, and upon motion this action was
reconsiidered and the vote was tabulated
after conisidlerabile discussion.
It showed that some eight or ten per
sonis had becen voted for for members of
the House of Representatives, and
some four or five for Senator. The
highiest nulier of votes any candidate
received for the House was 4491; the
next man got 442: the third man got
253; and the others were somewhat
scat torimnr.
Whether the result of the ballot was
not altogether satisfactory to the dele
gates or not, or whether from some
other cause, we are not informed; but
at aiiy rate, the delegates declined to
suggest a ticket, and concluded to leave
the matter free for every mian to vote
as he pleases for a Senattor and mem
biers oif the H-ouse of Representatives.
If we woulid be permitted, we would
like to say by way (of p)arenithesis that
this was a very sensible conclusion, for
any free white man would be very
foolish to allow himself to be bound to
vote for aiiy man that a caucus might
select, whietheir that man was his choice
or inot. 'The very object of our Demo
eratic primaries is to give every man
the privilege' to exercise his right to
vote as he pleases. But this is off the
sub Iject.
Sonie idelegate miade a motion, and it
was carriedl too, that the caucus pro-~
(aced to nominate a ticket for a Senator
and three Representatives itself, re
gard less oif the vote cast by the clubs.
Somte other delegate suggested that
this had better be reconisidered as it
was assuniming too much power and go
inig beyond thle powI~ers given the dele
gates fur the~ caucus to nominate or
suggest a ticket regardless of the pri
mary vite by the clubs, and it was re
cion sidered.
Several speeches wvere made, and at
times the caucus was not altogether
hariiioiious amid of one mind, but we
have not space for an abstract of the
By the timie the caucus adjourned
everyboidy was satisfied, and every
body left in apparently good humor.
Sonic of the candidates who did not get
as nmaiiy votes as they expected,
possibly are not leased with the re
suIts, b ut as the eaucus dlecliined to
smtgest a ticket a fighting chance is
left and e"ery man can make his fight
biefoire the people, and will not he con
sidered the caucus candidate. Several
person receivedl votes who arc not vet
annouinced :is eandilidates. They shouldi
noit lonuger delayv but come forward and
let their friends have a chance to give
them odlice.
lu t t lie t rou ble seems to be that there
are goinig to lbe more canididates on the
Tilnman plat form than there are offices.
How this is to lbe reediedl we are not
pireparedh to say. We have no remedy
to suggest.
There was sonic talk of holding an
uither camucus liut we hardly think it
will nmaerialize.
We trust that our report of the pro
cediings of the cauceus will be foundl
cirrect. and full and satisfactory. We
have tried to lie fair aiid implartial.
WVe will not nm'ntionl the names of
those who receiveil the highest vote at
t he pireliminitary proiary, inasmuch as
lihe caucus declineid to suggest a ticket,
for it would, not hie fair to the others.
We have dione the biest we could to
give a1 true report. TIt must be remem
hcr:id that this wvas a secret caucus and
that tIhis senribe was not adnmittedl, as lie
wa. not a delegate.
A:not her C;tauus toe bei Hekt.
We learn ini lie last day or two that
tlhe results of the caucus held lhere last
Friday bcy the su~ piorters of Mr. Till
mantu were not very satisfactory, amid
that another is tim bie held at Prosperity
thle last of next week tin piossily on
Monday, A tmgtust 10i.
Thei dit h'renmt cliib s are beiing notified
to imeet andii tiold another preliminary
What is the necssity of voting fan a
Senuatir so long as we ha:ve one whoise
terum is niot outt for two years yet.
Th] e State mnminatinmg commvent iin
idoes not meetc until Sepitemiber 10i, aid
we presume we shall nit know until
then whlethemr theure is to be a vacancy,
iand our pirimii:ries will be aver by that
I:;ut i'verythlin g will be fixed uip all
right we suppose, anti by and by all
wi ie well.
A. L. Wyse's barbecue was not of
the usual proporthios on account of the
rainy weather.
\Misses Hattie and Mamie Wells, of
Newberry, are visiting Mrs. W. A.
Miisses Lula and Nina Bynumh, of
Newberry, are enjoying . visit among
their young friends in town.
Prof. E. J. Brown, formerly princi
pal of Prosperity High School, is on a
visit here. There is quite an attraction
here for the Prof.
A short time ag ) we w rch rehed
and burnt up. Now it is just reversed.
There is entirely too much rain, and
the crops ac not doin, well, especially
in the sandyv lands. I.ed land crops are
very promising.
The Anderson train now runs from
and to this place daily. stopping here
over night. Captain 4 ;ibson and crew
are stoppin at Prosperity Hotel where
they are well provided for.
The present campaign has done nore
to unsettle the comrnfnercial and finan
cial cmndition of Sout . ('ardlin thln
anlythinig that has Iapi ened since the
days of 5ee5ionl.
On last Wednesday evening the
marriage bells anrnounced the ap
proachiug ceremony which united 1l r.
Hampton Kinardi and Mliss Callie
Summers in the bonds of matrimony.
The rite was performed by Rev. T. 0.
Keister in Grace church.
A foul murder was committed about
three and a half miles below here yes
terday. A party of white and colored
people were workiog the road, when a
dispute about some trivial affair arose
between Jim Ruff, a colored had about
twelve years old, and a big buxom lie
gro man named Dave Page. The boy
gave Page the iie, when lPage struck
him a deadly blow with a shovel,
crushing in the skull. The Iov lived
about four houlrs. P:ge, like his prc
decssors, L:(1g SinIleyaid )oc Moore,
madle good his esc,ape and has not since
been capt ured. A Coroner's jury, th is
morning, rendered a verdict in accord
ance with the facts. Ytml-.
MAR ti1 IEl).
On Wednesday nihriht, July 23, 1890,
in (trace Lutheran church, Mr. Hamp
ton Kinard and Miss ('alhe Summers,
both of Newberry ('ounty, Rev. T. 0.
Keister officntinig.
Have vou read "L ooking lBekward"
and ".larie BashkirtscL' If no t., go
to the Book store ail get themi at
once. tf
John F. Speek has the largest and
finest display of Spectacles and Eye
Glasses in the city. ('all if you need
any thing in this line. Eyes carefully
fitted with the best glasses to be
found. ly.
The long dry spell has been broken
and we are now having plenty of rain
Rev. J. H. Wyse, in closing his ser
lon at Bethlehem on Sunday, paid
a beautiful and touching tribute to the
memory of Rev. J. E. Berly.
The following delegates have been
elected to represent Bethlehem Church
in the county Sunday-school conven
tion at Prosperity, on the 7th and 8th
of August: V. P. Koon, W. B. Boinest,
Mrs. E. A. Boinest.
Mr. John Buzhardt, a graduate of
the Citadel, has taken charge of the
school at St. Paul's academy.
A number of persons who attended
the Alliance mass mieeting, remained
here viitn relatives and friends.
Mr. G. B. Aull proposes to furnish a
barbecue at Pomaria on Friday, A ugust
8th, in the grove where the Alliance
pie-nic was held.
Pomaria has only one candidate as
yet, although we hear there are several
others to be announced soon.
Mir. Henry Sense leaves for Concordia
College, N. C., ThursdIay, to attend the
next session of that institution.
Two of our young men have carried
new buggies home this week and we
would not be surprised to hear of them
earrying something else home this fall.
Time alone can tell. A.
July 29, 1890).
Distress after eating, heartburn, sick
headlache, andi( indigestion are cured by
Dr. J. H. MIcLean's Liver andI Kxidney
Pillets (little pills.)
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures
During the next two weeks I will
make a special reduction on Pictures.
Those wishing to ornamient their par
lors, drawing rooms, &c., will find it to
their advantage to call on me during
that time. Yours,
tf Z. F. WaRGT.
A Scrap of Paper Sav-e. IIer Life.
It wasjnst an ordir ary scrap of wrap)ping
paper, but it s-tvedl her life. She was in the
ast stageS 0f concsnin pt'nn, told by physicians
that she was incurabole and could live only
a short time :she weighed less than seventy
pounds. on a piece of wrapping paper she
read Dr. King's New D)iscovesy Hnd get a
samplle hottle ;it helped her. she bought
a harge bottle. it helped her mcore, bought
mnother and grew better fast. continued! its
ie andl is now sir rcng. healt hy, rosy, and
plump, weighing lie pocunds, For fuiller par.
ricuLrs send stamp to w. ii. Cole, I >ruggist
Fort $mitlh. Trial Bottle of this wondlereul
Discovery Free at Itobertson & Giilder's
Drug store.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50e
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any!
GINS?! l INS!'
Will sell our entire Stock of Goo is in the zore room under hotel
.Jerome, consisting of a choice stock of
To close out our fine stock of White Goods in checked, striped and plain,
And all goods in the Dry Goods line
For L:ilies, Misses, Children, Men, Boys. Youths, in endless varieties
and grades, in all sizes, to be sold
In all the lines common with
58 Main St., Under Hotel Jerome, Columbia, S. C.
POs-r OmFCE. N EwIcR RY, S. C.
List of letters unclimned and advert.ised COU A,SC.
July 3, 1Si0.
Anderson, A. H. R arris, G. P. I h ags oe ntect,adhs
Beigey. Pobe Harris, Piere uigtebe
Farour, G. H. Lauria Miss U.atyer hoogl
Eschmann, Mionsier smith, Newton D. rnvtd eoee n eitdwt
lenn, Miss Tilla Scott. 31ariah almdr mrvmns
art. Baxuer,~ 'pel M s irE1 . t .
Persons calling for the above letters willZVLIAW
please say that they wereavrie, adofr nuet o theacm
Disease lies in ambush for the weak; lgtadar apeRoso is
a feeble constitution is 1ll adapted to for o n odBts lvtr
encounter a naalarious atmosphere arnd&.CuieunrsprvioofM.
sudden chianges of temiperature, andE.EPotlaefLokuPinH
the least robust are usually the easiest tl oku onan en
victims. Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Sarsapa-Teprritrhesbsrctaen
rilla will give tone, vitality and strength tot h at fhsptost
to the entire body.meiashrofptng.
Eupepsy. Poreo. Mngr
This is what you ought to have, in fact, you
must have it. to fully enjoy life Thousan<ds
are searching for it daily. an<l mourningNbe
ase they tindl it not. Thou,.andsnpon thou-T LO~
sahdis of dollars are spent annually,by our ______
people in the hope that they may attain this
oon. And yet it may be hadl by all. W e I U'AT R .S
uarantee that Electric Bitters, if used accord
ng to directions and the use persisted in, will EGINSADBLR,
bring you Good Digestion and oust the <lemon
Dysepsia andl install instead Edpelpsy. We A ILS RSTMLS
commflend Electric Bitters for D)yspepsia
and all diseases of Liver Stomach and<Kiel
evs. Sold at 50dc, and $t.00 per bottle by Aeakolde ob h etee
Ro~brtson & Gilder, Druggists,.odi hsSat. W e o u
Bucklen's Arntca Salve,.htyuln.emd
The Best Salve in the world for ('tls, Sores, 10msae
Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rhteumi, Fever .Sores, Tret
tr, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns andWrtfooupics
ll Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteedl toCOTNGS
ive perfect satisfaction. or money refundedan
rce 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert- TONPES,
heaed Th bstremdyis )r COLUMBIA, S. C.,
Leans Sasaprills Hte Oarge aotl inFcity, Richhas,
ands ofrst.inducemcenti preparatioccom
I / ~ rodato of rints atrin abs sandus
lighte faoiryaer omsofirste
floor Htandtt CodPastr, ochvator,l
&c asnd nder ilsucipersio wofe Mr.
E.E.Pstcade of Lookou tht oints germ
tmes,sookut mInaybrei,ie denn. e
Th porito ops ysticnttn
t ioen the mont ofl chrpatr.t
meri a infalbrrefo r nuat ro iea s
suc a SEGRhemts, niEsto hEar OT
troub, each. LiM,Bldeandgr
ENGbPryiNs. Astma BocIRs
H CoghsA IcLLnt ConSmTon MILLS,oo
sond in hiseae, Femaen trous etc.
eondo of the loo are satised
fontha ut ose hve paequcl
-FOR diges~~~tio,cer b theom einuries.
Pimples, bols andootherhumors,earthen liner, kid .g.s
iabe t apea whn te oheges , st ngt to /t/, body an joytoth
Ieate .h bHeseeir. Mc- iLUs MBA Sihuavlrpe. C
[aeansSaraparila.oae f n Facthry , hmn
66 ,EI: r ~ falo cr,sn%tm orpitdmt
0 - -- r etfcts ec ti ont h
5 1I O ..CeigdTHE woH E rLN F THE nTINS.
i~urSereSevie. Exprin E Rneneesry . Pai clrsf.
Braan Detectle BureauCo. 4Arcae,Cicit aesoegllno edcn sAe i
- --~ ---- Irestuon aof mpar. ying' eachin boe and
~W A ~ ESS&HEADNOIES CREIb I re sentxrces s low ing afte r r gD
k'c~aL'VIBET REA is an not istupl yompes,wos.a
borsCsubstantiati, erselhebrdthcoFrenc
eel,, S~3harmless. beutTmay belrevivifbeedtbyedegrees

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