OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, August 08, 1894, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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Gov. Tillman Throw Himself into the Fight
in Time to Save the Convention Plan
The Boys -Who do not Enjoy the
Smiles of the Bosses Wfil have to
Grin and Endure It.
LSpecial to H4rald and News.1
COLUMBIA, August 8-8 a.. m.-At
the meeting of the Sligh Reform Com
mittee held here last night a big fight
was niade by Messrs. Lyles and Kirk
land, backed by several others, to allow
the gubernatorial nomination to go to
the general primary election, but it
was of no avail.
The following preamble and resolu
tion was adopted by an overwhelming
WHEREAS, The committee recognizes
that the plan adopted in April and reit
erated in July is not perfect, but after
full consideration of all the interests,
preferences, circumstances and condi
tions confronting the Reform move
ments, it is the best that we have been
able to devise; and
WHEREAS, We believe that if faith
fully carried out it will compass the
obJect in view when this committee
wa- organized, viz.: The nomination of
a man who shall be the choice of the
Reformers; therefore be it
Resolved, That we deem it inexpedi
ent and unwise to abandon the Colleton
plan at this time.
This leaves everything just exactly
as it was before the committee met, and
the meeting of committee has no effect
whatever on arrangements heretofore
The Reform precinct .:lubs will all
meet on Saturday, ilth, to elect dele
gates to the County Conventions to be
held on 13th and express by ballots
the preference for Governor.
The Reform convention plan of
nominating candidates for Governor
and others stand4. Governor Tillman
pronounced in favor of it in time to
save it. The kickers may kick, but if
they do not submit. they will be styled
"traitors." The bosses are in the sad
dle. The ring rules the ranch. The
people are not permitted to speak ex
cept through the*ring.. The candidates
who do not erjoy the smiles of the
bosses will have to go. It all suits us
very well Let 'er roll.
Hon. Win. C. Oates, the Democratic
nominee for Governor of Alabama, was
,elected on Monday over the PopuliQt'
ticket by 20,000 majority, and the Dem
ocrats will also have a good wo- kingf
majority in the Legislature, which se
cures the return of Senator Morgan to
the Senate.
Some person, unknown to me, has
taken from my shop a black memoran
dum book containing the accounts of
Fulmer & Stockrman. A liberal reward
will be paid for its recnvery.
"A False Report" Overtaken-Slanderin
Mr. Job Hughey-He's No Candidate.
Sunday-school Convention-After
Mr. Thomas for Stabbing Bro.
Sligh-Reform Clubs Must
Meet-Other News
In order to correct a false report that
has been circulating through our sfe
tion, I take the liberty to make
the following statement: The report
that Mr. J. L. Hughey, of the Broad
river section, would become a candidate
for the Legislature on the Probibition
ticket had begun to circulate through
this section pretty freely. I was at
Newberry on the 30th of July, the day
that the Prohibition convention was to
be held in order to put out a ticket for
the Legislature, and seeing Mr. Hughey
in town I concluded, in order to satisfy
myself as to whether the charge was
true or not I would go into the meeting
and see which way the wind blew. I
was not in the meeting very long be
fore I found that in all probability the
Prohibition movement was a gone gos
ling for the present. A motion was
made by.Mr. John C. Neel to oppose
any nominations. and at once the mo
tion was seeoded by Mr. Hughey.
Mr. Hughey then stated his position
in the matter, and I was not long in
finding out that this was a false charge.
He was true to the Reformers notwith
standiug ramors to the contrary.
It was quite a pleasure for me to at
tend the sixteenth annual convention
of the Newberry. County Sunday
school Association at BethEden church,
on the 1st and 2nd inst. For several
reasons it is always a pleasure for us to
meet with the good people of Beth
Eden. First, we have a large circle of
relatives in the upper part of the Beth
Eden section, and the secoid reason
is, the visits of our youth were more
frequerrt than they are now, and every
Lime we go into this community we
&re made to reflect upon our boyhood
days, and the last and best reason for
loving to be with those good people is,
they have no end to their cour
tesies. Some people oppose these inter
denominational ,:onveutions, but we
ave always been heartily in favor of
such meetings. How blessed it is to
msy with the poet, "Come let us all
anite to sing our Saviour's praise."
The topics were all ably discussed
ind the meeting was full of interest
from beginning to end. In fact, we
beard not a few of the older members
ay that this was one of the most inter
,sting conventions that has been held
ut of the sixteen. There were several
)> the Sunday-schools that were not
represented. W'e asked Dr. Pelham,
he secretary, to furnish us the names
f those schools, but he failed to do it.
'herefore, we are minus of this much
we would have liked to have reported.
Prof. R. 0. Sams, of Gaffuey, created
uite an interest in the rheeting. In
presenting the subject of normal tesen
ng, we believe that Prof. Sams' mode
)f teaching would be quite helpful in
.owns and cities where teachers can
ynveniently meet, but in the country
where teachers live some distance
tpart, it would be almost impractica
Ale to try to adopt such a plan.
On Wednesday night we were thrown
n the kind care of our old friend and
.ousin, D. W. McCullough. All who
now David know that be is very
,ntertaining. He is just jolly enough
to make a sick dog laugh; aid. Mrs
M. is one of those large hearted Chris'
tian women who knows how to enzer
tain a guest to make him feel at home
We have heard a heap of talk about
rolling and tumbling, pawing and
kicking, and people going with every
toe up; but if we didn't have a little of
that kind of stuffto contend with after
g ing to bed, you can just say that we
are talking in our sleep. Now old
Koon if it ever falls to our lot to bed
with you again, we want the halter
straps put on before we undertake tfie
The next annual meeting of the con
vention will be at Mt. Zion church,
near Prosperity.
Health pretty good.
We are having too much rain for
A better corn crop we have not seen
in many years. Fodder pulling will be
gin the latter part of this week, if the
weather will permit.
Don't count on too big a cotton er
yet, you are liable to be disappointe.
Miss Corrie Wilson is visiting rela
tives in the Whitmire section.
Timmerman and Jolly Street nines
crossed bats lasti Sat rday evening. but
the rain kept the bo.. s frolh fluibing
the game. We understand the game
as it stood was 15 to 30 ii favorof Jolly
There will be a meeting of tbe joint
cou ncil of Bachman chapel, St. Philip's
and Macedonia churchs on Wednes
day, the 8th instan-, at 9 a. m.. The
meeting will be held at Properity.
There will be a Weebration of Mace.
donia Sunday-sehool, held at Macedo
nia church on Thursday the 9th inst.
Rev. J. D. Bowles will bold protract
ed meetings at his churches as follows:
& t Macedonia on Saturday before the
third Sunday in this monthi at 2 p. m.;
at St. Philip's on Saturd-ay before the
r4th Sunday of this month, at 2 p. m.:
at Bachman chapel or. Saturday before
the second Sunday in September, at
2 p. m.
We want to say to our friends and
the public, generally, to watch a main
who will take the advantage of an
other and stab him in the back in his
absence. This is what Railroad Com
missiofts as did at Newberry on
campai y. He came into Sligh's
own county, knowing that Sligh was
absent on account of sickness, and
thrust his blade as deep into Sligh's
back as he could well get it. Shame
and dishonor to any man who would
be guilty of such dirty acts. If he could
have heard the same expressions on
what he said in reference to Mr. Sligh,
that I have beard, he would tuck his tail
in shame.
Let every Reformer in our county
bear in mind that he should meet with
his club on next Saturday afternoon,
I August 11, for the purpose of electing
delegates to our county reform conven
tion. Now reformers, we deem this a
meeting of much importance, so do not
i fail to turn out on that day in order
to have a voice in saying who shall rule
our State for the next two years, and
see that your very best men are elected
as delegates. Each club is entitled to
one delegate for every twenty-five
members or mejority fraction thereof,
which means their voting strength in
the convention. For instance, if a club
has thirty-seven members it is only
entitled to one delegate, but if it has
thirty-eight members it can elect two,
and so on up to any numbeir t
these delegates are only to be .- Q
gers for the clubs, and have no er
or authority, as we understabd # to
cast these votes otherwise th as In
structed by a majority of the meisbers.
Now, this is a free opportunity for the
people to express their choice for gbv
ernor and lieutenant-governor, add
they can also say whether they desire a
ticket for State officers nominated or
not, and suggest their preferences. .
- Dots from St. PhiIIp'9.
The season for pulling fodder is at
Preaching at St. Phillips next Sun
day evening as usual.
The bay crop is in a splendid grow
Ing condition. See!
It seemhs that it is the duty of every
community to have a barbecue. Y;.
Phillips will have hers this week.
August mut have borrowed last
Sunday from September. Hope Sep
tember will return the favor.
Our people did not plans the "Long
Allen" cotton but its "Ilobg" any way.
We plant the "Big Ba e,"the "Thomas"
and the "Peterkinl; it is all "tall and
handiome" yoa bet!
We venture to say that by the time
Mr. Hipp's "tweWe days" are expired
St. Phillips congregation can boast of
an excellent choir.
We are all about through "laying by"
down this way and now we propose to
lay by the watermelon patch.
Our 86iday-school as in a flourish
ind coudition. There are over sixty
scholars on the roll. This is owing to
the untiring energy of Rev. Bowles.
He is an excellent cburch worker and
Bachman Chappel and St. Phiiiips bad
better "hol' him tight."
Josh Trump--Saturday evening-a
mile from bome-daXk-and rainjug-a
ragged umbrella and a borrowed pf W,ee
albert-a gallon of kerosene-fluoded '
roads and still raining-delightful eve
ing walk-a certain corner of the road
bearing the reputation-of being'spooky,l
etc. Ugh! what else, tbat's all, thanks.
Some how or other we failed to get
in any dots last week, cou-sequently we
'ost the opportunity of touchatigon the
celebration. But asfrfeiid Chi
such an' excellent accou4t of t=w
we do not re-gret that we failed~to_*t
in." In tbiq connection we will say,
however, that this being a TINman cont
munity a large number of us attended
the campaign meeting in your city on
Friday following. On this dly the
undersigned had the honor and pleaw'
ure of seeing a face that he Is not likeFf
to forget-that of Governor T111Li
After hearing the other candidate"d
last of all '"TllrMaU and Butler" we
came home hitherto believing btuw
Convinced that Tilman is the mfn
that South Carolina needs in-Congress.
It has been about forty years since
the voice of John C, Calboul r(ver
berated through the-erowded halla and
galleries of Congress During aU, tboe
years South Carolina has teen $or*--.
in need of a statetman, one like
loved and immortal Calhqun, who
stand by his colors in detnse of $Ue
rights of the people. Such a statesmn
South Carolina now has in the perion
of Ben Tillman and when begetoto
the United States Senate ue venture
to predict that he will make a record
that will not only reflect credIt on
South Carolina but on the whole
South. JosH TMup.
August 6, 1894.

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