OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, June 22, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1897-06-22/ed-1/seq-3/

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bn'the streets of Nowbery last week
to ExOelsh4' Uteraty Soot,y badgo.
sultable rowar, can be obtained by
leavlug badge at th1is4llico,
Mlch Cow for salo.
I have a good milch11 cow for sale
cheap for cash-ealf two-months old.
t.&f.'lt Geo. Leonhlrth.
Colton J.loom.
,1 3let Cotton bloom1 pilaced Oi our
desk was yesterday I1oInilng by Berry
Neely, a colored fariner. Mrv. 'J. B.
C:try 0also, left 0110 Oil our (108k pulled
oil Saith 'll y.
anVo6l School. A pplications
) fo lidedI 010 of the board of
tees onl or before July 2.1, as teach
er will be elected that, (lay.
1). W. BARR1,
.J. W. I-,'PTING,
P'le.n at. isuh iver.
There will be a pienic at I1ush1 River
Chivch Onl the 3d day of -July ha t"o
Bush Itiver Sunday School. The pub
lIe i. isnvted and asked to bring well
filled basikets. Addresses will be mlade
by Dr. W. D. Sunn, Revr. W. C. Smit,h,
A. S. Leslie, U. A. WrIght and J . .
St.. ,Luuke'" Sthool.
'I'here wilt be a imeeting of the pa
tronls of tho St. L1uke's school at the
a(mademy Sattulday, Itmo 2t.h, at, ''
o'clovk. As businessof impoIt.ane is
to be tranisaet,ed, a full11eitance is de
Si red(.......
J AN V i.: W. liooz-m, (1hair mo1.
8. 1. IIAWKINS, Secretary.
Tho ltoyP4 at Newburry.
The Spartanburg teai of bal I players,
dter naiagemient of Lewis Thomson,
who left Wednesdatly 1101ning to play a
slwries of gaiies at Newlitmrvy vet.uniled
to the eity yesterday. . Thei boys made
no voly groat repitationl for tleliselves
as ball players, having lost two of the
tlrcee gallics played. uli"' eX)re!SS
theniselves as having had a delightful
time in every respect. The people of
Newhery, ais one of them expiressed it,
juls.t, tI't"ated them voyally. It Would he
well to add in ,iis connevtion that, the
t -am who went to Newhery weie o ) no
a conileeted with the ball teall
v.h ichI has been recently ptayin)g with
Ashpvilli. -Sbpltig eICald.
Conr1nsed Tetilmony.
Clia. 11. Hood, Bllrke'r and 'Mai'in
itactuer's Agenit. Coliilumbus, Ohio),
ceriltfos that Dr. King's New Discov
, ry halts n) IL(t ual a, a Cotigh remedy :
.1. ). Brow I, 'rop, St. JLines I-otel,
.I"t. Wayne, Ind., testitlesjl at he was
culed of a Cough of two years stiindiig,
vaised by La Orippe, by Dir. King's
New DilsCovery. It. I. Mer1ill, Bald
%%v1n11vVlle, MA11ts., t4ay14 thajt het hatS uISed
Rtd rcommendedQI(L( it and1 l 'C'l ever knew
It in' fait and1( WL wold rathier have It t hani
any d1octor, becaLuse It alwa1'ys 5 Lires.
.3lits. H-emmiing, 222 E' 25-h Hi., (Chicea
go, always keeps ii at l)hnd and) has no0
I(ear o'(f C roiup, becuLLIse it, instant)1ly re
l ieve cx.14ree Tlrial Ilottleks at, Rober t
sonl &3 (Ildter'so Drug Store.
The musi151 recitalt by thle pupi's h of
MiIss Jennings' M usic School was held
* laLS.t, FridayL ev'eninig in) the opera house
A large and( apprciaCiItiv adience101(, as
ullL, favored thlis, the lst of M iss
Jennin1 gs' Annua C)11(oncerts. The d if
f,1 ret, and p)lainig numlfber's by the
memberl)114.'of heri school0 were all well
ren1re(an sh)owed the aL bilit.y andl
at t.entionl of th)e1i ccompfli hed 1(1inst lrue
IA)r. MIiss ILaura Iriby . (f Laucenls far
or'ed the aui ence wit,h soyeraI'il well so
lecte and wel1 vol (101ivered recitation's
anid Miss Nevile I ope'11 of lihis eit.y sang
Iw charmi:11) 1ng solos.
M\ iss Jennings hadtu oflered two gold
meda1 ils. On)e1( for the greaLte,t prjogiess
and1 )1 POV impoveent, duLring the year 1 was
won by M\iiss 1 ora AnInii. Thle other'
fori -the besti genlerL e Lxcel lence Was
won b Iy .\li :s IicLsiO (Cal isle. T1'hey
For Infants and Children.
at wraper.
Rob SOt'.IS COmpollh
Syru,tp Sar'Saparill a.
This preparai'Ition)I i n' omlbit fin
of drugs having ailt.rti ve, tonic1
stuiulan)t anId laxativo action).
It contains throo0 drugs which the
med(1ica l'o fessioni rocommend11( for
skin dis(11ases, SOrofLlous afflectijons,
DyApopseI)ia, Liver' Complaintsa, Rh leu
Imlat ism,) ote.
It, is carefully pr'O)1opr fiumn thel
puries't dru'llgs anud is sold at' 7% cents
aL botte ait
Robes/son &Q Gilder's
Dru'x 8/Ore.
11. W. .r Reedor lhas returned from
Mr. 1]S,.Motto of GreeivJ1lo was In
the city Saturday.
A go-d aid refroshing shower of rain
fell on Sunday evening.
The Lutheran S'nday School at
Lut.her Chapel now mncets at 9:30
a. m.
M r. J as. F. Todd wont to Laurlens
yesterday In the interest of the exeur
stonl on the 29th.
' The rouid trip to Hlarris Springs via
Wiateloo Is only *J.95, ticket, good
to (jetober, 1.
LE .Oy 4Vlsit to go to the iloulitains
ks" at Asheville Is the place
'o lookitig for.
Everybody who can play ball is In
vited out to the Fair Grouids this af
ternoon to prnet ;co att 4 o'clock.
Mr. J'. M. Taylor had with hImIII on
the trainl yesteraty two bunehos of
apples wvIth about 14 to the group.
They were taken from a prolific tree.
At all annual election held last night
Gco. A. Langford was elected chief of
the Ilro departmont and 0. Klettner
and &'. W. Wh ito Iliest and second assis
R 1eunion at Aittle Mountain of the
atudents and friends of Newherry Col
lego will be held on 17th of July. A
larger crowd than ever is expected at
this mleting.
Glenn1 Springs advertises water on
sale at greatly reduced prices dttil the
hotel ais been greatly Improved and
added to and Is 110w a very l)ICIsttlit
plt to spend the-s: Il1eme.
Phie churches and pastors of New-.
tevry except, the Ale'"odist have
unit,ed in ai union servce for Sunday
evdelnigs during the summer. A very
happy and 'pleasant arrangeaeint. It
sILVes tihe pastor and the peoIC.
The Project,ing Kinetoscope Co. will
give entertalimnents at the opera house
on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday ev
enings of this week. T(he Spartanbiirg
Herald says "the pictures arle well se
lected and pleased tle atidience great
ly. This show, we are told, is some
thing new.
L Mliss Eala Jennings who hats taught
music in Newberry for t,he past sever
al years left on Saturday for helr home
in Virginia. Durimg her stay in New
herr,y Miss Jennings has made manly
friends who will regret that. she is not,
comling back.
Al. Pauil Silipsonl of Glenn Springs
was il the eit,y last, week ill tile inter
est of the GIenni SpIingr water and the
Mr. F. H. Dominick will leave on Ist
Jily for Charlottesville, Va., to Cake a
special course in the law school of tho
university of Virginia.
Aiss Mary G. Pope of the \Vinthrop
Normal College at l1ock [1111 is visiting
NIs. )Ir. S. Pope ill Newhorry.
,Miss Mary Law MWeClintock eame
hoiite from F'loida on last Friday
Mlisses Mary G ishaon, Nina ('arisle,
Mary lUnker, and Mary NanIce Fair.
w,hlo hlave b)eeni at,tend(1ing College at
Duce WVr>I. the past sessionl ret,urnedl
honiac last weeOk.
Ma's. .1. N. NI arti i s visitintg ini
ltuaklena's Arnic14a Salve.
'Ia'h bst Salve ini thet world for~ Cut s,
linruises. 8(orts, IT 10ers, Salt. hieti l,
il'vert Sore. Tl'.ter'. Chla1pd Iliands,
Cllhilas, (Corns, atul all Skin Kriup
tionIs, a11(1 posit ively eures Piles ,or 110
paty required. .It is guaranteied to give
per'fect satisfact ion or' monley rl-fr a,ded.
Priice 25 centis pert hox. For sa'' by
Rohobertson & Gilder.
A Comupete linle Onl handl at.
J,. L. M M N AIJGIH & (CO,
Coi. IMrnI A, S. C.
A Ple' aant SchIooi i'lente.
'.lhe patrions andl ch.ilren of tIle Dlead
li'al I Schouol gav e ia real anice plien1 i o
hI.st Saturay0 at. the schIoIolase inl t,b'
shtady grove and1( near a cool spring.
Th'lose whio we present, had' a very'
pleaosant, timte. Four I genitlemen101 were
inIvit.ed to dleli ver atddresses; cach on~
di fferent subjects. Abiout 11.45 Mr a. .
E. J1oh nstoan int,rod uced R~ev. O. A.
Wirighit, .w~ho dlel iveredi i' good add1( tess
ona the subject,, "Dobing your1 best, aol
ways'' NIrr. W. 11. Wallace gav,.a
read gofod speechl on "Charitatter I il d
ing."' Rev. D). TIiller ianade an addreOss
on1 a "Good namtie-whait, you are anid
wvhere you arae." .1. N. Kin1g dave a
very lileasinlg and( amuitsing s peech. 1Ie
teacherOI, Ali'. .. J iohniston1 froml is
1)Diner waIs annloulnce'd ando after 'dini
nor t,here were a numb111er of speeches
mialde by thle younlg men, each speaker
onl~y having one heatrer.*
ilowatre of Oiliatmenuts for (atorh'I tha~t
Conatahm MercuIry,
ais mnercury~ will surely destroy thle sense40 of
51mell aal)d cimpiletel y d('ran'ge the whuno sys
111, m when('lt en ti gI it. throuigh I hae nI Ileus
sua fae0. 511(11 ait,lelo1 a ould 31QV'er ho use(d
except on1 presipjtiolls froml reptab)le t1hy
510lans1, It ao he amage theay wiVll doe is tean
fold I,.) 11he good you can1 po0sibly derilve from
t hemt. hla' 's Unarrhl Cure manauifacturted lby
1". J1. Cheoney & l'o., Toledo, (1., coIII alus n1o
mer(cur y, alnd Is taklenI initernaltly. acting di
arecoly. lipona the blotod 11 an mcteos huI*Ines
(of the~ systemt. Ini httyling Ihiirs C'laarrh Caart
bi set you get thle gonuline. Ii. is talken ill
ternalhly, anti ma laiToled'Ot(o, Ohio, bly 1'. J.
C:henev & Co. Tpsti a oniials free,
amania lab oIrnlgsA, pk neu.. pci nottlea.
Tho Sons of Conifederate Vetenis Orig-kn.
Ize at Calitiel I4tet Omifrr.
Tiero has beon talk here for some
time of organizing a Camp of Sons of
Confederate Veterans, but not uti1
last week lid it take dollito shapo. A
mueting was called to be held In the
court house on Friday afternoon. Tiho
attendance was good. Mr. .11no. M.
Kinard stated the object of the meet
Ig. A. C. Jones was eleeted temporai
ry chalirian (1and P. It. Dominu1ek toi
porary secreto.ry.
Several names woro mentioned, hi1t
i was ililiinimously deided to call the
Lamip the .Jno. M. Kinard Caip, in
honor of 'Capt. Juo. l. Kinard, who
Wats killed at t.he batt,le of Strasburg,
Vi, October, 186-1, While acting as lieu
Lellant colotiol. It was at iice Compli
1llunt to his soin antid liamesake to be
made the first. commandant of th1e
minnp, which bears his father's name.
The following ollieers were elected
for the first year:
J1o. Al. Kinard, omilldanit.
A. C. Jones, Ist licutelant !olinmantl(d
Wn. F'. Ewart, 2nd lieutent,A com
Z. P. Wright, adjutilalt.
- .*.J. H. Mellitosh, surgeon.
Rev. Geo. A. Wright, ehaplalti.
MN. L". Spearnman, treasuror.
F. N. Martin, color sergeant.
--- , istorian13.
A const,it,ution and by-laws were
tdopted and delegates appoilted to
About 25 or :0 1lnaes have already
Juel enrolled, and thoy expect, soon to
luve ia large [Ild lIlourisliilg Camp of
ions lit Newberry.
The number of the( camp will he imidi
,ated after tile reunion ill Nashville.
Il'very son should join and help perpet
late and preserve te h istory and
ragmentsof history. The'election of
hLI listorian has not, yet been held,
ind it should he filled with care anmid
,vitl at 1111n who wVill take a pride in
1leeting and prev-ervilg the Correct
iory of t h1 is gra t tlg gie.
The County Teachers' lIsLit,lxu met,
nl the opera lhoul.e yesterday niornilig
it. 10 o'clock, in charge of Prof. 1'. L.
Iitghes. of Grveeville, and Miss Me
Lants, of Columbia, fall( Prof. 1'.
I laynvies, of t,he Counity.
The esio()nS wVill begpill eachI1 morinig
lis wveek at o'clock and close at. I
)Vlock. 11.the afternoon he13 will be
I seVSSion (-omml1entliin a1rt5t 'l,k
ILettures 1y 'of. A. G. VoigL oil
history will he delivered durng tile
The altendanle has been ver1Y g(OOd
for the first, day. The followinlg is the
Misses Lillian Gleln, Mamuie Me
Graw. Lillian Llther, Virginia Moon,
Minnie Wallace. imily Scott, 1Leila
Denniiis, To!.t1a Salter, Daisy Whialey,
Myl1 Clary, Annic Hpiyum, Rosa Kil
gore, 1lle Cainn1on, 1)aisy Cannon,
F'lorene WVaters, Sal liec Pu1gh, Mary3 10
IDoiieik, Ilari*y C olield , (03ra D)omi
nliek, liessie Doiniek, Loulat Work
man,33 Sal lie WVorkmaniI; M esdamells .1an1e1
A Long, G W Reid, .f (JIa il'ett,igrew,
Hfelen A Lhay; and1( Mes sI' C A ["eller13s,
() A Mlatthews, .1. 1 .1edenh1aulgh. A 10
'if liedenha 81ugh . .101hn HainsI 1, l"ranki I
MUion, W\ W Aleleories, WV K Sligh,
Geo H ( romer30, Geo A R iser, A l' 1)oni
iniek, J1. TP. Ilow les.
T1uII' AAN IN TlIIi A100N.
TIo n1ight.. Tue'sday, Pro'(f. 11lughIes
wvill deli ver' his lect.tu- on "I'The Man
iln the Moon" ini the opera'i house. Ad
m3issionl will he free and the 11ubli is I
inlvited. Th is is a beaiutiful 1ain31 in
strucOtivie I0leet,3r, andit y'ou wiill be re
paltid for' goinig (lut to hear it,. Hie wvill
ask anld answer'OI tihl fol low ing (131es
Is there a 3man3 inl the moony1'
I low didi lhe get, therey
Wht,t (does he (10 iherey
When (1id1 le see it?
WVhat did(1 le see?
Thec trustees20 of the sch'ool s are r*e
riues5ted to come1 inl on l"riday and1( spe
oial add(1resses wvill be made to thiema.
As maIIny of tIhe t.rus1teeCs as8 can aire r'e
cjuested to lie l)resen1t (on iriday.
Thel in1 stitLute st.arts oIf wvell, and3( a
good attendance miarked1 the liv3st diay.
It is cxplete1d and1( hioped thalt. otheor
teachers'3 will comie ini dilu-lng the week.
The sessions5 will Ist, 1111 the week up3
to) and1 inehiding l"ridaiy.
Annie11 LaurIe. the inifanlt da*uighteor of
Mr. anId Mrs. Aniti ne Huzhardt , dlieId
1n Sundal1Iy mlorn31ing, aged one0 year.
She had bleen sick forl som1e3 t imei. In
termlent waIs had yesterd ay at. I I o'clock
Mirs Susan nahi C. Dennlis dlied June23
:20, 18917, lat, her home in313 No.0 townsh3.1i p,
aged 703 years. Site was t he widow of
the late Jesse D)ennis wiho waIs k(illed
inl the explosionl ait .I ete'rsburg, VaU., ol
I8(1..Ili 01133 Werreiain w 1re -iterred at
I l'rosper0ity onl Mondaliy a ftea n1'om lat 5
c'cloc k.
JTohn Wallace, iunfanit 801n of M r. and
morn'3ling abhouIt 6 o'cloek alged 20 mon11tb hs
anid waIs laid1 tog0st, ill Losemiont (Ceme
tery' ye'ster'day3 moing atlJ 10 t o'clock.
Julsi t.wo vears ago onti hle 11a3 m(lday inI
thle week andu at tile same13 f0our these
par'enits were0 enlled( upo)03 to starienider
1 (10313 lit tle one. It, is hard to give
t.hese0 treasuersi' 31 bu)lt Chi st says'
su1 fer the little chiildren to come11 unlto
me1 and1( he wVouldI nott call these unl)less
he hIad need( of theml 1and( lie doet,h1 all
thlings well. Th'le HJerald and3( News
bng intomt2i ,ts 5ymm)at.3
The Veteranst LeavI, lu it e%aI tljn4-l ftor 11a
lOuni1on alid Expo,iltion.
The Vetorans and delegates loft yes
terday over the C.' N. & L. and S. A. L.
for Nashville. Their special coach was
decorated with hatmerts on oither sid.
bearig the Inscription, "South 'aro
lina, Nowbrry, .J unes I). Nance Catp
No. 3360, U. C. VF." It waus much10 mlore
prett.ily decoratetd than either the Co
lumtbia or Charleston .couches. 'There
woe streamers of red, white ard bll ueo
and an abundaico of palmetto on Hie
The following delegates lepresent
the .James ). Nance Camp: .1. W. G ary,
comimandaint'; C. P. loyd, adjutant;
.1. 11. Sumer and sen, It. C. Carlisle,
Jnlo. A. I"ddy, F'. G. WVearn, J1. M.ATay..
lot', J. 1). Smilh,. Kenneth Baker and
wife, A. G. Wise and wife,.J. Cal. Neel
I. C. Wilson, J. H. Rafl, 1). A. ll)f,
J.'.i'. MNaye.s, Wr. y. Fair., Thlot3. ,ok,
Ni. m. murord, . v. i. Simmons, v.
\. Kinard, Jor-lman WVright., tFrancis
Bobb, S. J. Kohn Iu-ad Rev. l!". 1'. Me
The John NI. Kinard Camp, Sons of
vetorars sent at delegates tI. H. 101vanls
and C. A. Bownm, NI's. lowimlan also
acc'oltl attiled the party.
)eatl of i Sweet Little l1nbe.
"God desired one of i brood of three
little ones and took unto
IHimself the least."
Tie communit,y sympathizes very
deeply with Mr. and Mis. John W.
Eat-hardt in the death of theii hand
some and promising litt.le son .1ohn
Walltace, who died on Sunday morning.
20th June, 1897, at. tie tendter age of
eighteen mt1onths.
This dear little boy was tenderly be
loved of all who knew him and sad inl
deed is the dut,y as
"To-day we cut the fragrant sod,
Witli tremblinig hands asunder:
A nd lay t.his well-beloved of (Got.
Our dear, dead baby iunder.
Oh, heai'ts that, nche, and tiche afr'sh.
Oh tears too blinldly vai'ling! .
Out' hearts are weak, yet beitg flesl.
Too strong for' our restraini ig!"
Yet we sh3a1tll be comlifor'ted; for', wit. t.
til eye of fait.h, wo are polrImlitted t ,
see im inin the icRedeemeir's ho.omt with
inl the gates of tihe beaultifitl par-adise
of God. A FRIlND.
.1 ine 21
l'1enint. Dancae.
Te plensitres of comm iiteemen t
Week were hroutlght, to a happy close ot
'Thursay evening whn the Annial
opera holuse. The parqIiut wis lloored
(ver, Inaking for' tho large owd( 11n
ideal dancing') Iloor'. F.rom tenl o'clock
until the wee small hout's of the mori
ing, dancinrig was induVlged in to) time
sweet strainls of the loston Italiat
Strinlg Itand, which has beenl delight
inlg Newber-1ry auuid i,lnlces for the past
week. At 12:40 the G;ermain was bt
gun and was gr(cfully led by Nir. W\.
C. Sehenek with Mliss Olive Otley of
(Aal'estoni andl(] Nr'. Chas. Jones of
Lantcaste' with Miss Lizz, G4le1nn. At
2.10, 110oi SweePt II ome was begun ami
till wer'e reminde(id t hat, ihe CJonamumnce
mtet1 ltl was soonm to be nm uber'ed
amtonig those delIghtful occasionts oif
te past, whichel hmave taken place' for' ft
many yeat's arid wich tihe young peu
ptle of thiis city atid otther ptu'ts of the
State have enjoyed so imneh.
MI iss (Olti e ()lney of (Charlestont wV it
MIrn. WV. (. Sehtenek.
Mt iss \ t'na Vantce of New ( )-leains
w~'t ih Mivi. .1 . 10. Chu-'y.
.t MIss J1anie Vance of (liniton with Ni in.
.1. tX. Noiwood.
Mliss t"ann iy C'irford of Sahl ta wiLth
Mri. M. I,. Spearmnan.
Milss W'allac'e of tLaurones wit.h Mr.
Al iss Smtit,h of Little llock, A rk., wi th
NMr. S. L . Cash.
Miss iee of Chappeitl)l' with Mi'. ( ).
If. 1)unctait.
Mliss L otu 1<iitgt hit''Il oaf Auguistai
with Mft. .1. V. Melta.h
MiIss 1)a isy O ' Neatle of ('ohitnhi a w itht
Mrt. C.. I. WVeeks.
Mi iss Carol inte G od frey of ( theratw
with Nit. 8. .l. Wooteni.
M\iss Neville t'()pe wit.h MrI. J1. 1.
tlI ss Nellie Mte l"all wi tht \Ilv. II askell
MNiss A\zile Il'ool with tMrt. I Ienriy
MIiss l lelen JIone,. with Mrt. .Iiuliait
NM iss M ab1elt 'at.h w~'t it . I). L.. llooz-~
MIiss Anit il 3[yiumit w i th Mir. Amno s
Mh1Iislila Jones with Mr t. WV. .\ . Wal
Mtiss lThyr'a Schmpert~ ci with MIri. G.
I". Weairni.
MIiss Ntyirti Schtimpr't wvi.th Mrt. .lais.
IIen wick.
NI ls Welh with Mrti. A. Sibumpint.t'i
MIt. M. lintiel1,.
MI i5ss Ia)nhenith t of (Coluia i wi It h in'.
F. ii. I)oimiek.
NI iss A nme t in I fathoni hl t w i th NI r'. TJ.
NMiss Laizzie Gletnn with Nir. (Chas.
J1onets of Lanictasteri.
MIiss LaurenC is (len wttuuIith .\li. NI. WV.
D)avis oif Clintton.
Na'. attd Nits. Wim. Welch of 'Texark't
ana. TIexaus.
Stags: B1. NI. Aultl, Wells I eiley,
Gr'eentwood; IrtedellI .Ioties, .tt.. Cotui
Ia; 11. .1. MI ilet', S. 8. Mauulin, (Greeni
ChIapr'ontes: Mrt. aind NIts. I'. Itoh
etson, Nirt. and Mirs. 0. 1L. Shmttnitpet.
Nit. atnd Mrts. II. II. WCatts. NIr. aii
Mrits. I". A. Schtumpmo c, Nit'. aitd Nit'5.
L. W. Floyd, Niri. and NMts. 1t. I '. I 'aw
Absolutely Pure.
Celebratedi for Its great kavening
strengt h and healt h fulnvi. Assres
tlt- food against ulum and all forms of
adulteration common to the cheap
ilt NEWlVHti1IiyOt.'iTOFiCI.
Pos(skilitler Daiidon Walnts at Highaer Hatlit
ry for lis Clerk. not for Iliimelf.
To the EdItor, of the News and (ou
rir: , In yestolday's Washington cor
respondenice of the News and Cotrier,
over the ini:ials of "I. INI. L.," ap
peared tie followilig paragraph: "The
postInastEr at Newberry wants IN.-.
Laidiner to get him an Incr-eaise of
I do not -.Ilow where "It. M. I." got
his inforinlation, for I have -vertainly
not, askAed Congrsslman Itl Ilt Ime lo sw
Clie for 111e t inlevase inl sauty.
Ilowever, I did write to Mr. I'atillner.
somle datys ago a1.skIing h1itlu to use1 hlis
ilillevne in gecttinlg the allowlnice for
(lerk hirv for Ohis oflice vatised, a1s only
reventv theclevk ihire for the Orange
hurg postollice was increased fr-om $1300
o $(100 per year. T11he saltry of tle
postinastelr at ( )range1b urg Ih as b.11
$1,600 per year. ant I increcased to $1,700,
to ttke offect .uly 1, 1897, while tile
alary lit Newherry has heen $1,700 fo
t,le 1pust two years and the allowance
for clek hit inI his ollieo is only *200,
p-r year. It, is hardlly Ive'sSary to
state that, $200 is inlstillicient. to pay the
cle-k'S hire of 1hils ollive. Since the
salary of the posttuasters at .-angeburg
atl N,Newherry is the14' samie. I vanl sq-1.
It) r1eaIsonl w1hy there shold Ih 14uch at
differnece itn tie allowalnco for vlork
hlir inl th t- -SI0 ti11e r pe i VS 4 Ii . UIen1C
I wrot' 'it, in , w1h,
l*V (Ve' 01 4 til S li-11iet1-1, aMid IN (t) i t ot
him t) take S vtep ii n ro-!rard L -,.I -to to ; I ng
Il im-roami for ch-pk hire and not. anl
ili-reaso of Sahlay.
I ,hinlk Alvr. Ii.t, honh) pay mnore
attention. to is anit re lpt )ld l , atI ill
1111el1 ill ili il'-i's,I '1a 1n ot give o)t)t
illforInallt,ionl to new'Spapoir vol-rOSponl
dents ea"ltdto do oneo of his con
Strit l.At at ilijust.ico. I wrotv t, MIr.
1,aimliel asking for' Stv info -m.ation
Istof 'May iv, nMd 01nl1y reveivo hIis
reply oll the( lIMth instat,t andi now. mly
It)t m t4{n1sti to hiy . writh.l! n' Shl un day
hltst, he gives itoullt, amlbigulio usly, which
appeal-, Ill Ilesdbay's papor.
1(4)1)etQ4l1.41 . 4t0 4 . Ifv i tr IN,
get N tt l)4wherry . stI'. .hi uneX 11,1 i st 1' .
Te pa44tos of'enralAcaem
scoo a e1 arnntfed htteewl
easint. er ho rentingathecol
t'lc hanp evr hefrpe- t
in the priehes oar t des
WheStw miRN 1evy. All peRsos.er
Crtlqued trco be Are e. Iv f wer.
Wesue Roicoe.temr
that. it i . fl . ti: il', n toi
llIJ11l you.l.f D.e S 1)-: tt, i
P~,(btillVeli '. ( W S(:riiam.f I~
thn vr eor
Cataogu I f. e Agent overywhere
Pres11t4 1ent Vttighen NnYps t1 hat -'' re ha
bJe'en (Ily 0he 'lte of 'T., ph1old Fever.
[ti reply to : tolet-f'atiin fromIn I he Sil
daty Nuws, askhiig fow al an at,hwitative
Sittemlienlt, ats to the ivalth e-i'lit ionsi tt
CIVilnsoil College, IPt'slei nt ( 'raigleati
wr vot v:
To the editor Of the SIldty News: I
have sent fill stteinent1 to G'overn11or
lIlhIe )for all daily papoirs. \'v have
iad sun lifty r t xt. vases or i a itxytaism al
rover; Onliv mit cise of typhi(1%*lever1.
C'ad vet Sail.rs Of A 1i.\'rOnl (ounty,
ie( 4 from it, Om yS (4,ter t. '
The0 VOnldililn is 1not 1h1r, 1n t b t.s
Lhe selhool was to ttlose for I he tu
,m) Jiy , the t !favuIty has decieti4 to
p)Inlit th0 net St tild IlhVir-0Xatli
iationls Itl go boliv tiext Pr<tid ,v
I a ted have n() unasinss,
'atdets tltentcedt wit.h Ilness will 1e
Ue1-11rit.teI 14o 4 hokle it. ollte. I eX ect
lo have retinet,' ratet o1 P'idny. A d
6iSO l tS to 1lV( Itte i ttiOln of
51Sl vonliling Ilionlo to lls, '11hw yeity
>f the Sick ar rapily recoveri-ng.
N. It. Cu('\0MAM).
('Iellisoll t 'ollt'i' I titne 19, I$ 17.
Od Yoot I-tveir
"'. l eelit l i it ters i it ni ly for
v. :.trotbe ? If 444,oI' J14t, get t Itle nlow
unld get. relief. Th is 4Ile<livi4o Itas
mell fOlindl Io be pectilia1rly winpteA to
be relief ail ut'e of an 1'einale Cou.
lit,exerting a% wonlderfiul direcvt inl
111411ee itn givilng r41engt b MI(I t t to
he organls. If You ha11ve I I .\
>Oti,e C'eConstipaition, Ifedtu he, F.ill
iig Spells. Or are Nervouls, Siveptless,
I0x0itale, lllelnmly m.ru tVhlilt
D)i"zy Spells, .Icleltil. Ifiticlr4 k thv
lielteliti yoln lie<. I I val' I aI I I (l
it rengt It -,rv glaanilced by its 1t1,.
li'Ifty ellts anil $1.M1 at t oh tson &
AIlder's I)rug Store.
Wall Papt.r.
C1aL ait Saltt""' s '1( )t ('h tap (1 a lle'
til Sme2.jI bo ks of 411 ki ph f the' '
hat e.t die.i-l inl wall paill-l, whbicb he is'
ei itprives that wVii p14a-'e pill
6Iena Spri
At Reduced
W. E. Pi
A ;I
t4ettble1tly the h.et 44441' 2444e'it rae ine4 ! 14n
(enIt hiwns444 ael Sin)(te t's; 4'ee ln uhI e -4(4
!tr(4ls; stree4t 44(r frta 4it4''4 4(to ( ho '.- '(rrace4.'
*IAtA.i8 to' $15 444,r We*
Dra w r}iG." I ' , A c . ,\T
J 115 V '
uses4 11h( cheaptI I'448' e s 114 neessit atedI
it, or 18( us1 at 1troger 1lens which harmt
.1h( ('y44. G oodt Spec'(tacle4s jimpop
A ff4r 80( years' ini th4 busin414ess I 1414
ha1ve~ 1an1i52.44 insroet for tin unper'''1
Assets . . '
Reserve Fund1
(4 tp'r (''n4. Sta 24(44244 l)
and all other
Liaibilities ...J
Su rplus, I per cen t. .
Outstanding Assurai
The4 Hoeiity Ihas p14id *$,4,I,94:~ 7I
nud<kIig at 1t11a4 of $170,i ,8 . Tih
11ha1n 88 year1s from its or4gaition.l11(
of its hlistory3. Thle liluitabeIi wr'4ites
wanlUt Ton)t1 inin, A n4)414 I )isl rib)41 ionl,
J'The .kptitable14 is abseoluitely sa4fe, at
11ind it to thIe'ir inter'est, .)(X 1 toa ine it
Tbci I'4initale44 issues(' policie on54 h<1 )
f-t. ($14.
e' -
W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe.
Stylish, durable, perfect fitting.
lindorsed by over z.ooo,ooo wearers.
W. L. Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $6.00
Shoes are the productions of skiled
voirkmen, from the best materials
:,ible at these prices. Also $2.50 $2
Shoes for Men, $2.50,$2and $1.75Boy
We useottly theboatCatfitus.as calf. rmei,c
yi t calf, Prevch Etnuel, VICI Rlds ete.
graid to correspod with prioe orthe lOf.
If dealer canniot supply you, write
Catalog free. W, L,DOUGLAS,Brockton IMass.
Ily WN. W. Hodge", Esq., ProbateJudge.
W t I i EA8, A. J. U ibson, C. C. C,
'., hath made sult to me to grant
him Letterti of Administration of the
'4tatte and tillects of Allen 8oott.
deeis d:
h'lle,s a1e. therefore, to cite and ad
monish til aid Pingular the kindred
id ereditor of the said Allen
Scott, decetocd, that they be and ap
par befiore me, i, the C mrit of Pro
iite, to bo held at Newberry Court
I ousH, In the 12' I day of July next,
flter petiliention hereof, at It o clock
in the forenooi, to show cause, if any
they have, why the said Admilstra
tion shoiuhd not. be granted.
(;1veo under my hand this the Olet
&i'y of IMay, Atmo Domini 1897.
71. J. P. N. C.
IIEA DAOH I cured Iut20 milnutesby Di. MUWe
PAIN PILIl. "Ono cent a doeo." At drugglta,
1is Water
I Price at
& Gilder's
12, Ashevile , .mC
ne Ii' ;~ ' p ieu . itw fi n n141 o ies;44agnia
ilk. Transtent44 I s's per4 Day.
.v 4444r en infr 44 1n11 pinsure'. Wr'iin or wire
aestamIhped out1 of dingy glassi by a
dlie~ that isi samelt shape of tlens as11114
at shet't of1 mtolton glass isi p)assed
undter it byv mahIinetry'; this leavei
Sihe sur tfatc(s of I hoso 1lenses irregular,
r' ngh andt Uupolisheid, and1( the re
frtio is) no nea1)1hr as8 perfect as
evenI anld pl)Oished', and1( tho 03y thnat
the ret inai andt I haslttens the decay of
ri y lit ted aire ui.4 had as cheaip ones.
I ,io)lins.o)l'H innho is the host, al14d We
feet visO!ioat,
i & CO.
] ., -1.39';
. . $216,773,947
. . . 173,496,769
. . . $43,277,179
ice . . $915102,070
to its poicy holders, andi~ mi addition)
(of' whlich $ I3,277i, I79 iM Surplus),
i's* rod (over'ing at period of less
is ioveri $2 I2,793,000)( miore~ than ainy
at 4l4 withli4'n hecorriespionding period
anyI foirm of poilicy the assulred may13
EndItowmen44'it, (Guiarnteed (Cash Valne,
ori hive V(Ntlsewhloe.
rid periisons wishinig insurance would
N pilans hoforo tking out a policy
,th mle anditit femalde lives.
LiR KTBLER, Agent.

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