OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, September 12, 1899, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1899-09-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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" to Mtvald and fflwo
The 1iattletuako's MAl,ter.
(Vorkvillo Enquirer.)
The story recently published in
the News and lCourier about the won
derful weed called the "11at tilesnake'.
Master." with whieb th,e borticultu
ral departmtent at (lemnson college is
et\l'elenrnting. is not so romantic as
nI w31\ \ould suppose. The veed
h:o. b)een hrard of aIl through this
t~in. atd theort are peoplh. who
llie acitually known it to prove a
speci1i' for snazikebito. l)r. Miles
Wa.kor. o,o the leading physi.
: )f this section. is fam liar with
1.o weed :.. I he has seen it used
Thtre a, t : ditTorent kinds of
'ed ti t arc klwn by ditTerent
toe as the ' t tio .-ake's al'tstcr.'
1 pDrt.: t o rt'dO or ut
5 ::. ' hewd of tuem t row
k n e . h ve..e i t r' e.t ith
It tor11. t 1
tlt,t11111li g Ox
c .t: 11.st .v. i pu11,tt'dI out
1s Pt" wd tust ion : lhut
o:1.o :.Pr 1 L;;\ 111or0 I-l0 itIVO
"It w i er in U1Onin County some
veans ",." cointd )r. Wilklr.
C f my3N Megbr.3ikk'eles
of Star l arim, w s t quiet. easy go.
ing Irishman, of few words. but of a
go1d deal o colnl:itoll 'mm O tvie day iI.
fornat ion. I 'issing by his loune
o:e day, 1 observed an unusual stir
among his peop and going in I
found 1ike lying on the piaza in
etavy v perspiratitn. with i a bunch of
herbs lying by Lis side anid it bucket
of water standinig on the iloor within
easy reach.
"'ha1t is the natter with vou,
like," I i:ked.
"S nake bit: that's 1i11." h rh plied.
"What kind:"
"Big old coplrh*"ad. albnt tlr,
feet lI_ g. I it ntt,". t :e . f t,
"u re drink::.g whl,. r :..
of cKurs.
fr altl,t"t . ',e. _. .. _ : I
no fuirther ieonG.:.ie:.c &1(.-jt t
entirely I efore the It day. I wa
very de(p ly ittere.te,of cr ..; .. andI
at the iir-t (onvenjienoprt::y
tolk occaiun to a'k Seilers houw tLe
weoed affe.ctedI him. li? 5-aid that
w,ithin about live ruiinute- a.fte.r chew.
there ci.me~ a burning irresi.stibh
thirst, to cool which he felt like i
wouild requiiire it ba'rrel of water. TIhe
muore wa,ter he drank thle morI' he
wated, andi b)efo)re ruany rainutes
the p)ersp)irattion began to flow freely
from every p)ore. This was about all
there wa, of it."
"'Somnetimie after that,'' ouncluded
D)r. Walker, "1 was sent for to attend
a case of isnakebit e-h ighland muocca
sinl, copp1 erhead, or rat tiesnake's coin
panioni the samouu kIind of snauke that
had1( bit ten Sellers. .1 sent to Sellers
and got seini of the "Biattlesnako's
Master,'' which lie had since begun
to giow in his garden, and had the
patient to take it as Sellers had done.
The interval between the bite anid
the coimmiencemnent of treatmenit wias
somewhat, longer t han in thre case of
Sellers; but thle patient recovered all]
right, and there wero no bad aft.w
The i' i hare fro e, ii tiuic.
That there are live thousand the
aitros in A.merica, and t.hat one miu
lion and a half people attond( then'
each wooek-daiy night, spond1 iny
severnty millionsi of dlollars a year or
theatre-going, are thre surprisin~
facts wvith w,hich Mr. F"rankl in i"yles
the dramatic editor of the New Yorl
Sun, wvill pin ani impiortant series ii
the next. issne of The Ladt(iot' HomIl
Journal. T1he "Orios will be callei
''The Theatre and Its People," and
will run through seven nminbors of th(
magazine, lavishly illustrated witi
pictures made by twelvo different
artists. The articles will treat ot
ov'ery phase of the theatre, the play
and( the actor, from the inside, andi
will toll how a theatre is managed:
the actual money which plays havc
-made; howv (an actor is trained andi
.what the aotors are actually paid:
how a play is rehearsed; the firsi
night of a play; how the actresseF
"make up" and what they use; and
in a miinute way the t.wo inst nart.o
tvill ihoW what goos on bobind the
Sconhs on in ts igo during a prfor
lanro. It is i curious fact that this
will bo the first time that. the tloatr
and the actor have over been ex
hiaustively treatt: in a magav.ine,
and that there is no hook on the sub
jot!t ill xstellet .
1'ta.f anid liltutory.
|Philadelphia Post,]
iuring tho visit t the arm-y oap
in avinnahi;l enieral 1oseph \ hoolelr
'a, olitertaino'l hv part,\ of North bi
erll Ilin a li t le otSo. When. in
goodi hlnlor of after dlinner eigars.
one of the Intl saitl laughingly:
low is it. general, t hat t he sleepy
faris of t he Soitii produce such
w\'hirlw\inI lighters in such sm all
package;ts t"
"Well. gentlenan," said the little
gerl,1111. p ulling at a largo man's
eiiar, "'1 believe I'll have to give you
the niswer an old 'crackor' wollalln
ol1e gWt\t' lie wlilen I asked her a
simnilir quiestionl. Not many11 years
ago I had occasion to make a saddlo
journiey ilhrough the pine barrens of
Georgia, where most everybody is a
'cracker' a:d inighty shiftless. One
day, however, I rode into a little
c.mnility" that showed such signs
of thrift as to be quite out of keep
ing with the general character of tlho
barrens, I do as-kme you, gentlemien,
I rode ui1p to a culin w\'here a gaunt.
ohl woman stood in the doorw\ay, aitnd
asked her who owned these little
farms that was so well kept.
"'Ihi t farm on the left. belongs to
My son J abez,' said she, 'and t ho
next one to mly boy Zalin, and the
next to Im1y lad Jason, amid the next.
is Iiiy boy Potilhar's place, and
'1old on, sister,' said I. 'How
dhI you inanage to raise such a line
lot of boys way off here in the
'Waal. st ranger,' she answe' C,
' an a w\iddy "oian, and atill I lad
t )1 rai ' i( a- peraver a:,l l iek
ory. but I rs.sei em powerful fre
MMr I'l 4iu(k
a tra:gr t. the harg.:ar. In tle
y ee e..urt a :e:.rl of 'L.
Li- na v c........plar TLa ti.
C-je 'E afact whe ao on wtr..c
Jin'.f- The4 famy kitt'.d t')getheor
byv the~ st rAnge-t afiict ion-: its nwrn
bWrs .-how oach tther very dune re
9Jpect: aiJ1 reverence for the eldeQrs is
an aviolate law of tihe house. Thei
'Jew :- not a bumrdeni on the charities
of the State nor of the city; thiesc
c',uld cease, frorni their funct iomi
withlouit afTecting him. WNhon tie is
weill enough, hie works; when lie is
ncapacitated, his own people~ takc
care of hin. JHis race is entitled tc
be called thle most benevolent of atE
the races of me(n. A J ewish beggai
is niot impossible, pterhaips ; such
thing may exist, bunLt there aro fev
muen thait can say they have seen tha
sp'ct acle. Th'le .Jew has lhoon st age<
mn imaniy uncomiplimentar*y forna
nto dramatist has done him thne in
just.ice to stago him ats a b)eggair
Whenever a Je0w has real neod tt
bog, his peoplo save him from th
necessity of doing it. The chiarita
bl1e inst.itutionp of the Jews are sup
Iporte)d by Joewish money, and amt
ply'. The Jews make nio noiso abon
it; it is (10no <ilietly; tA..oy do no
nag anid pestor anid harms'. 'us fo
contributions; they give us poec
and sot us an example-an exampIl.
which we have niot found ourselve.
able to follow.
Select specimns of your choices
grains, vogetabtlles, Glyl lbred stocli
including pioultrmy, for exhibit ion a
the State IPair. A litte ilo lTort on
your part will secure one1 or nmore o
handsome pr1omliumtls.
Rous thfor pdliver, andl Cur
billousniess, sickC he diCI(achle, Jauindic<
nausea, indiges tioni, etc. They aro in
vailuabilo to prevent ai chd or break up
fever. Mil, gentle, certaiin, they aire worth;~
your tcoilc(e. Purely -egetable, thlem
cain be t aken by children or delicato wvomell
Price 250, at all medlcine dealers or by mat
LOf C. ~. HooD & Co., Lowell, Mass,
Boat the toilol
Iet thero b
Nunting p'oad abunlantly!
1'1ing 1h.
Stal I-y en1sign oult!
l'1r1v:1re t VI
1ell and ht and hnt
1,l't 1much
Pill riot ismn ilow
Fromi~ \t,% York to 61r
Spanr1' nt powd\er'1 no,, n1or stt'amn,
.et the nois,y vhist les
Turn Ihe pa'ceful eagle
Alti watth him soar in
l'rid' profuse!
1'cl yourselves in
Gay ttire;
ling the bells up in the spire;
Kill the fatted, j11iey
] [e is 110110 too good
By half;
Let the fe'tive corklet 1)0);
On your gladness put
No stop;
hurl your
Bonnet in the air;
Nor your lungs a monent
Seek 1)0 meagre, poor oXcuse,
But whoop 'er upl
And turn 'tr
For yonder, o'er the
[(olling wea,
('ones t he Olympia,
See her ploughing
Through the
And, wow! She's
How to encourage and keep the
boys on the farm: Take them off
of it occasionally for recreation and
sight-seeing, where such oplortuni
tie- as the rext annual State Fair
L i- ral r:3;lroa l rat"s t, the great
State Fair will be ma de fair
M. H.DeLong,
of Schuyervile, N. Y., who servl in
C.~ornpan.y E, 6th V.errn',nt, Volun ,teers, hati
ot her foesa toi b ttle .I wIh afte-r his ret.urn
frorni the late war. Hie recently wrote:
"I have used Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine for nervousness brought on by
the use of tobacco and too close applica
tion to business. It gave me prompt
relief without leaving any unpleasant
effects. The result was beneficial and
lasting. I heartily endorse it."
is sold by all druggists on guarantee,
first biottI~le enets or monety back.
Ilook on heart and nerves sent free.
-Dr, Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, ind,
Published mlonthly
Stadard Pattern
The only reliable patterns, because
Subscription Price: $1.00 a year.
I10 cents for :single copies.
LIberal cash oommission. Wrie for
sample copy and terms to Subsorlp
tion Department,
32 WVest 14th St., Now York City.
Uouustablo 1ust tu tigroul.
(('olumlbia Cor. Nowv and Courior.)
(iovornor MoSwooy had on his
dtesk tits niornilig the tog ott which
the constables soized a oaeso of olarot
wine sent to the houno address of one
of t he best known citizons of Colut
bin. (iovernor McSwoonoy saw no
eartlty excuse for the seizuro aid ho
will instruct. all constables to be
more judicious in their seizures. Ho
proposes to have the tlisprnsary latw
enforced to the let t(r tnd respeetod,
but, on the other luattl, ho tlot's not,
want nnct'essar friction and ill
te,ling towards the law without
provocation. If constables do not
know whoso liquor to lot pass, un
der the decision of the Court, as in
this case, ioverntor McSwoeney will
see that constables with discrotion
art pat on the force. Some const i
hles seent to tuko it for granted that
bank presidents would allow liquor
to b) shipped to their home address
when it. was intended, as they say,
for "tigors." Governor McSwooney
says the constables had botter ask
express agents, if they do not thoem
selves know, before seizing liquor or
wines manifestly for personal use.
The dispensary law can botter afford
to let such shipments be made, ho
thinks, than to have friction. Of
course, liquor for "tigers" is not in
this class.
"Every Cloud Has
a Silver Lining."
The clouds of b.ad blood en,vclopting
hum.anity h.ve a . i<vr lining in the sh.ape
of a specific to renov'e them. It is Ifood's
Sars.p.arilla. Arnerica's Gre.est Medicine,
which drives out all impurities ftom nthe
hlood, of cither sex or any agy,.
F -om 'Maker I:iroct to Purchaser. 5
wl' last a
-i e i n o
A Poor Piano
. af_t i. ta
. Mathiushek iV
- e . i ''at r: jr ' :e- 0e retai4
u,nuh. E .. nne ."w Yo.rk ('ltr.
Conden.ett shedurejI. in Lmeet
hT I<>Ni s2i...-...7 41 aliy
" Jurnz,evi..... ........ 7 4 a in
" (ram,.hv,u,....... ............ 8 65at
" K o;vg{o -10 15~ a in
....'..um............. ............ 11 05 ajm
Newru, 1,iy................ 1 25'pn
(4rt-enwooud..........7 40 a in 1 65 p im
Ar. IHodges...... 8 60 al in 2 15 p in
~r.Abbe,vilI,......8 40 a in ~2I45~.m
Ar. Unton...8 55 ~ a m 10 p
Ar..Aidor,an,..n .... 810 a si 8 85 p mn
A r. (lruon villo......1 10 a i ~4-16-p--in
Ar. AUtie. a'5 iO 0
STATION8. E. Sun. Dili
. Greenvlle..i....0..65a in
PVinmntg........... 6 00 p in 10 40 a in
Wiliam ton...... 0 a lp m 10 65 a mi
Zidrsotn .......... 4 45 p mn 10 45 at mi
v. olon ......... 045 p ~l 15~irj
Ar. l)onnaldH...........7 15 p mn 11 40 a in
v. bhoil ..... 0 10 p mi 11 __0____
"r ( ioj d-..-...8 00 p in 12 20 p in
Ninuty-six-..---.............12 66 p mn
Newbeurry-. ..--.-.............2 00 p mi
PiT -- - ------................ 2 14 p mn
raohi.-..- ... ......0 178 p in
7 anae1Vg......rleston..6.Ar piin
865 " ...ranhvilo... 0027p 852a
.80 . 40iar".. Clumoa... 8 70p 980
I07 12p 00I4..... ('.A tn.. ...Lv 280p 850a
00a2p " 1 .....nntuo....v111.. " 712p 70 4p
10p 54a3 " . .....l i Paieo..... " 12p 84 6 2p
11 025a80 Ar...Oprncburg...L 119 45ai
eaa11 40a " Lv.. Cpartanhurg..A 8l 280p
12a 200 " A...Ahio.....Lv.820a 805Op
"P'," p.m. "A,."ain.
~Puilman,aIace leeinig ears on Tratins 34and1
80,87 n d, o A.ando.tilvision. Dining oars
on these trains serve all iieals enrouto.
T'rains leave spatrtanburg. A. & 0. divYislin
northbound 6:4U a. m., 8:11, p. mn., 0:18 p. mn.,
Veostibuile faimited); acuthbound 12:20 a. mn..
w:I5 p. m., 11:84 a. mn., (VostIbule Limited.)
Trains leave Greenville, A. andl 0. divisin,
lor thbounad, 6:50) a. mn., 2:14 j. mn. and 6:22 p. in.'
lVestibuIed Limited) 'sout ibound 1 :26 a. mn.
Trais 9and10 e rry elegant Pulma
aleep.1ig e- 1t ween Clumbnia and Ashevillu
""' a toonJapksonyIli, and QIggbia
Trains 18 and 14 earry super.b Pullman parlor
oars between Oharleston anid Asheville.
FitANK 8. (*ANNO. 1. M.OUILP
Third V.P. & Gean. MJgr., Traille'
Washington, D). 0- WVashinigton, . 0.
SGen. Pass. A ='t Asai.- Pa-s. .At
.l misinummuinni i nin'nln ll in ll uumnImmmmum.
AVegekablc PrcparationforAs
simtilating (he Food and1Regula
ht, the Stouaichs mulBowels of
Promotcs Digeslion,Cheerful
ness and Rcst.Contains neither
Opun,Morpline nor Mineral.
AtpreofOld.-S.4VFJ.PI11C2 R
i unpkin Strd
AAx.Jrnna +
A'o<i le Sll.r -
ipmnint -
h Czoniee Jo.a
Ivn Sed -
Apcrfcct Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
ness and Loss or SLEEE
'FacSimile Signature of
Florida Central & Peninsular
Tine Table in Effect June 11, '1)9.
Leave Now herry .....................................2 CO pn
Arrive Colu lbtt' ..............................330 pmu
No. 33. N o. 33.
Lv. ColnIubhla...........11 35pa 1 47aum
(Eastern Tiine.)
I.v. Coltnbhi .............10 35atm 12 47amn
Celtrat Time.)
.v 1)nutruk ..............1210pm 2 15an
Lv Fairfux.................12 5tuam 3 (12pm
l.v Savanmli.............. 3 O7pm 6 t8am
Ar lireus wh.k............ 6 03pm 7 -1\aum
A r Jacks<mville......... 7 4Optu 11 0am
Lv .Iacksou vil lc......... 8 0pmn 9 20tuu
At' Lake ('ity.............. I1 28 n
Ar Live Oak ............... 12 thpmtt
A r 'i'alhthassee 3: pm
Ar River .Junction .... 5 2hpin1
A r Mobilh...............,... :(,);tm
A r New Orleitu,........... iu- im
Ar W ahIlo ............ putt 11 ;,amu
Ar Gainesville ........... 12 10pnt
A r ('edar Keys .......... 7 2>pm
A r Ocala .................... 1O15am 1 0pm
Ar Vilclwood .............. 2 -1nn 232pnt
-\ r Orlando .............. a 21atn 5 Uptti
A r TaI pa .................. 6 3thain 5 3('pi
N o. 31. No. 36.
L v Tam pa.................... t;0pm 801111
Lv Orlanio............... 6 3upn 8 2 )utn
Lv W ildwood .............12 30m 10
Lv Ceder Key .............. 7 1m
I.v ( a esvill ............ 2pm
Ar atl~ ................... 5 03am I rn 7p,
L.. I i 1: la 2 ............ Lp
Lv I.iv.. Oak ...............4 p
Lv Lak e City .............. F p
Lv .Jac,so))ville........ 20arn 7 15pm
Lv ltrun 5 ick.... ....... 5 30au 8
Ar .avanwn ............ 2 2; l um up
Lv av:n)aian ............1':: ;4 I! lpn
y 'airfax................ I 1 hpm
L.v I)':nrvirk ........... 0pm In ii
A r Co:um;,i:................22;yu.
*i.:k,mi~e ; "ii bt wi 8 2i InatI an
.S':i Yok lId 471,d x
k IEAI.U.pi
8o5'>in ..
1'A( J h.op.In.
8aV1)p, i .
'etren ar.--'arnelet and Columbiat
Uppilo;er:oth . aro-ina. N orthnl3 Carry
i'nfast, .-.h:-n.1 :and hAtlaentNwa. r u
.Jar VIr J .,.9, y a;rNA N. Cy..i , Nolv .t e)h 1897.
an( 'ar,ra,aro oYT rii Ellel trin.l 00on0 E awr.
N'o-. 62 18 r.,in RoiHepNo. 6ar
7 >4):tir- Lv.Irtga lO:tonvile..A 8avannah
8211 . ).A1Y Lv. T. s A I 211)
II Wiuna i~r.CClolumb.a, iS. 11.
12 Ihin '~ r ().9)(*rty .va 2nh 17 ).)
122. A..Nl.\fAzN,y. G. 2P. A.,
I 2 p0 Ar1.)1lr1fl.Lovl Fb4t.ll
ilul Ar8pa41) Jackson.v i.1 a
Between1 ~Chariesto, N Columbia,5111
U ~pper Aouth ICa)rovlinac, Not CIaro.1su
tna,An and bvilvi AtIlanUta tLn
C We,, 1)14, .NwoN, N.4( C.,i N ov.) 20t. it. 1897.
OohrN e~ST:, In14 Elet an15 4o. o EAir,
*N.o.52- ~1S~ ' .i.4SC 189 j No. '.
7. 0 . aan I,....ha 1eson 8. C.. ..r 00N
(2 I 7 a m I r.........o Tcr af..,. ..L 2 47 pm
C22 m A J........ Neo w e S Pr l ry.......Lv 23 pm
ROCKpi A 11........ Gar COu......... I i 45. am
Newbp eAr.. ersoile .y N3.: C.
NlosD. 52Iami 5N Soid PAtre.is btr ChIAlo
Pan an h nilh v)la Ailnt.i PastPl. Ln
11 .1 Mi /SN 4014114'assenv erArnt.
Gon i Manager. rlicMn. agor.
fd Talem.oier push t sal ofcap S tge-uit ft,,
DL. 3. Oht Iy8 50acla, deaer Kj Alana in
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
' In
For Over
Thirty Years
SmMW m an -ns una
Central Time Iletvcon Columbia and Jack
"onville. Eastern Time iletwoen (1o
lumbla and Other Point".
Effective June Ith, 1809.
Northbound. No. 34 No4. 3d
Dalily. 1)ity.
Lv. J'ville, F.C.&P.Ry........... 8 20 a 7 45p
" S yavann nh................... 12 85 p 11 51 f
Ar. Columbia .I.................. 4 88p 4 109U
Lv. Chnrleston, ho. 1(y........7 00 a 0p
Summrv"il......... ..7 41 a 0 09V
lranilivillo ......... ........8 7 50F
Orangeburg ..................... 23a 8 247
i gvi . ....0 i 1 20
Ar. 'uitimbhin..... ..11 00 1 10 1 1
rv. A t sl t:, So. ky...... .. .- ---I1i '"4' U0p
" (r:i0evillo 0p
" Aiken. ......................2 60p:
-T i entoni.. . . . ... .... 1
Ar. Cohimbinln. dep't... 26p 2 10a
Lv ('h1'1in md1:uil'g Ht . . 4t51) 5 603
" 2i2 tu.h..ru. ....... . t :181 0 49 829
.. ( Ii":; t"t'...... 7211p 7 It,a
" 1o I:11 11 ... .: :.. 7 681) 3 I t
Ar. (' luti ....... _1)
"' ..v.. 12 6a 1 24
Ar.l. 1(inuutl.................0 00 a 41 25 p
A o..' ..hin 7 on
ilt un2orie Pa. R.......R 2a1 6
Ni V \ok.............23 aI 8 24 a
8110 12b2111. 10 15' ae 310
141' Nsw YirkPa.11.1.......1 00 a 10 10 1
652 40 p230
Lv. Hxh ) y..12 0 p 115p
(har1o~~g,.....2..0.p........ 41 0
iloe lii)..............49 p 11 20 y
1028p 2 112a
I2*4.44022 48p a.19 4112
(~2o2j).vjhj7 20 7 37 1
8 5 4)51
4 ~'44222224, 5). 11 2 , 1 4224
()~.~ 2''22~'. . . . . N2 a 2l 251
1(new) \iork............2...434 p 6~ 23
lhih222-'1 hh)........... 54p 350s
Lv. \\ ah'ton . y .. ..--.. 10 p 1 12
ALY. R414iC'4Ino d.......... .. 100 2)04.
FLV.or i lle --- -----...........o 4evc 15 tr CO
pr4 nn4 h'>ro-------............ I i 1 0 ( 21:bt 121712)
Ar Cg 'ita 41 la(1 N 'w Yot.. .... 1 ;> i
v. Cobuhn1 nd ep't.......... 11epn C45 n 422 W01
No4 3 nton --'---.- --- F-------. 1'iIrm6 4)
Ar( . 1~i 4ron -114 2--.--........... 2 1224 1'i1
Grin anitley ing o nt--.--............ 2 .l i
Ornnevil-----................a6A0ibp 8:EN..
A r V. o. g.... .... ..... 8 IV 12200fl
Lv. A.> TU K 8.1 1.12.'i'c
Ex. l.eA.. daiyaengto.r(.P Aer.c be)1te
Nos.A RAD. 34--e Ynork 4bo nnd Florida 2iyx
A.ug1u9.Esta n ew Yoa~rk. TIC
Tam 2)efl, acsoviloSvana, nsinto
anoow I' Y ark. P ~ '4 '11o2
No.A5aM6U.) M.PM Fas 2nl Throw.Ah
1ote. 44)n ears e v me -1 not
and4 Cou Ia, en (Arout o Aly 1 :1 Ie Jae
(11v41 and 14n1innati,kvi A'hei I .. I 4
G.. 7P. 1.. Washinton A. 1 P.4A. 112a 4
10., 11 2J. Easern Standar 1Time.1:4 9
7'gt D'1y 21g' .. ngr i'? y1 F4
80 8601 LVCharicnry I 2 2 )
8 1 )84 23 .1 rs,rt 2 427 3'ir
810 910 26 4 .,." Parks A1 i 1:42)I
900 9:14 .202 Gb odv in i .2 l - -
92)145 4 8 12 ..Kinard-1.. 12 I 32 .
78 2 )0 318 1ii..G ry.. Pa3 ii I
70) 8250 ..Jaap. it.31 24424
88 1 4 rosprity 7 2 i
98 100 38 lig i ttn 1s
L314 91itt e Rock(4 11 I 1
9 6 In 16 3 2 2222le 6in l4 egr,
10L 1 0 3fl42 tr ..e ph r. 04 1 .
103 (fh00355 lmb n Lv 14r5 2
P0 roeiy 7ej 201
Chap 11( re2vile. 2
Uol 2llI.on ?1 ume for ilP3g
Moantins. ino 5A 45(I1,~
North, South and Southwest.
c' ohodulo in olleot Dec. 11, 1898.
80UTII IOUND. No. 408. No. 41.
Lv New York, via Penn. I.i.*11 00 am *9 00 ptn
Washington...................... 4 40 pin 4 80 nin
Richmond... ................ 9 00 pm Q
I'v Porlsmouth It 1' 1 )20'
Ar Woldon, via M. A. L,. .. ; 10 3ln 11 50Ian
Ar liond,rson. '' --- 12 b7 1n *1 1
R ialeigh " + 216 aml 33i1n
Southern 'inacti ', 4'2:3 5th il
Sllamlet Q. -t.- 6 ,7 " f
Wilmington.....,...... .. '1205
Monroe .......... ....... 3 7
Ar Charlotte, ia 8. A. L......7'60 "10 25 p
Chester, Via 8. A. L.......... 8 08 am 1e 56
"Uroen'ood " .......... 10 85 " 1 07 am
" Athens .. .... I 1 ))) 3 4311
Atlatata, S. A. L. (Union
Depot) (Central Time) 36 0 i)n U 20
T.V Newberry *7 5 pm *122
Ar Clinton " . -.... 9801 167
NOTIIiOU1 Nl) No. 402. No. 38 -
Lv Atlinta,(Central Time) *1 00 pn A n K5 m
Ar Ahen........ 3 16 pm 1119 l
GUroonwooi ". ..... 5 41 " 2 t3
Chestter . ..... ... 7 b3 " 4 2.,
Ar lonroe, via 8. A. 1,....... *9 30 pim 5.
ArClarlottc,vm 8. A. L....*0 25 p '70
" i ain let --........-.---. . ......... 11 15 " 7 4r, it
Ar Wilmingto.... ......
" Southern Plinec-....--..... 12 0811111 1(0 a
Ar Haleigh, v:a 8. A. L ........ +2 10 4am 11 18 ai
llond'8on, " -........ 828 atnl 1260 n
A rWelden, via . A. L......... 45 am 2 opn
Ar r'ortsn-outh " ........ 7 25 am 520 ,
Ilchmond......A.C L...... 8 45 7 12i
"Wvashingtl'.vi,l'eni. It.Ia. 12 31 i ml 11 1u
" New orlk, '" " " *023 " + F),f
Lv Cl.nton 2 10 " 0 30am
Ar Newber.ty 2 64 pmn 820,tn
* -1'ly. y t U'y, ex. Sunday.
Nos. 403 aned 402.--"Tlla Atlnuta 8piu'cl,"
iolld Vestiblo 'Trailn of Pullman hleecre
and Coucnea belltw"e1n Was,uhingtoln a(1 At
latita, also IPulin. an Slee ers between orts.
.louth and Chester. S. U.
Nos. 41 and 38.-"The S. A. L. Expres,"
'3olid '1'rin, Coacelles and u114lm111an SeecjW
between Portsmouth iind Atlanta. Coal.pny
Sleepers betaween Columbia and Atlanta.
littli trauis inake Imlnediate connection at
Atlanta for tont 'omery, lobile, Now or
leans, ''exitas, Call fornia, Mexico, lIiattat.
noogat, Nashville, Menph'is, Macon, Florida.
For 'I'ickts, Sleepers, and Information, ap
ply to A ents, or R . It. 1Cleumnta, ( P. A., or
Joseph W . Birown, Gen. Agt., P'ass. Deop't.
Atlanta .a
E. ST. .JOHN, Vice-Pres. and Gon'1 han ager
V. E. McBlE1;, lin'l Superintendent
H. W. It. ( iA)VEI, Trallle lanager.
L. S. A l.,-1 EN, Cen'l Passingc Agent.
'TltE ('IAl:ENTON 1.INE.
Time Table in ct'ect .Jnn. 1, 1899
(East bound-Daily.)
L.v Columbia --.................. 6 45 and
Ar Rranchvill,"..................... 8 -2 am
I.v 3ranelhy il o ............ ..... ... .1 05 amn14
A r Charlosto .l .............. .......... I i n00
'v Charleston ...................... 7 0) atn
Ar Colum bia -.........-.. ............ 71 0a
v Ciharleston... ..................... 7 S Upm
Ar Cliavle hle. m -
I.v rianrhyllle ........................ 7 f pm a
A r Colu,.sbla ......................... 10 16 pm
(La:st bound--Daily Except Sunday.
i.v C:olutbia ...................... 120ain 8 55 pm
Ar Uaid n -.-...................11 40 aun 6 0 1pIn
I.V C tdltlen - . .................i -10 [am lt
A r iLanictar................... 1 2-i 1)m1
Catawba' -----............. ... It) pma
.....k...................... 2 15pm
3 ork v ble --............... 1 -1 pmf
HtiItCk4abta rg ............ 855 pm44
Shelby.......................- 25 pm1)
Marion.--...-............. 30 pm14
(Westbotund .)
I Mnrilon)-~--.-.--......... 10 amI)
Shte) by---- .............10 lb am46
i(laiek slbu rg-................ .10 -45 amt
Y osk Vile ...................... 52 a1 m
a t e 1 .. ~o.......12 25 Ipml
Catt a wa ...................I 20 pm1
I Cat adotn .................... 0 pm1 l t)
At- CoituIn tbla - .--......... ......3) 1pm 11 00(411)
IA Coutnhi a-......~..... . -l 4t1)am 3 55 pm1
A r r ittltt,hvI tic.-.............. 62 am 5 02 pm1
At- A tgusiti.-~.................t laa. 10 45 pm41
(East-boamd, )
I. Xtugusta...--.--............ 20 am1 8 10) pm
A r rtantent)ie-...............6 8 621 41m1 1tih
IA Ot attnolt vii lo .-............... LA 05lam 7 i>U pm1
It (:olmbli.--.. ............. 00 am1t 10 10 pmt
-t -) -""----k... -. ---. . ....~......... 00 -
Lv Dexnark(........
, r AlIken ...........
.A a ugiasta,.......
Tr4a11n. eaivbtig C.harles
m 44 tt 14gI alt 4-) n I a ai
II we Charle ~ttt1stoni anl
14 i onagh leepOer 0on
b'.t at 4.: lIp 4s for A
It ehvlllVo~ with) tain
T~ la ieaivli,g CJolumI
IliteOksbuIrg andlal a.
I IIOI-.. l-l- - I- 'l- 0 1'lll
?iWusta and Asheville Short Line.
%tc(iedule In Effect July 23, 1890.
IT-.u'ave A uguastna........... 910 am I 40p m
A -rI V v A ICreenw ood.....12 jr p
SI rn -........ 2 0 p mi 6 35am
Greenville.8... 00 3) mn 1116 am
G en8 ins....1 00 P m1
Spa11 14) an urg...,..1 10 p m0 I t 1r
ida................... 5 33 1)4m
fIIendheraaonville.. 03 p mn
sh__v111e.............. 0. p0
l-a ve A s-ille........... 8 20 a m4
S p a tbig ....11 5 a m I41pm
Glin 8 rltgs,...10100 a4m
Lnulrnls--.......... 1 p mn 7 03 pm
G r~eoI w(od.2... 368 p m1 .
A l)deOrso n..................... .. 70
A ugilati11............. 5i10p mn 11 10Oanm
Nt i arfolk.----h .... 1 0 a ra
Pietersbu)r ......-V 83 a1 )m
- -.---...... uI 20 p
lOn(i~l.....-.......... 10 pml
, tl-atx...................... 4)25 pm1
Y.e n assee .........0am 420 pm
Ittauf0....t..........5 14 6 20 pml
ie ve ort R oyal.. . - 8 T 410 - 3g pi
neaur,, ort ................ 1 00 pm 7 10 pml
, u'niat0.............. 80 pml 8 20 pm
. . ........................920 a
ArriveAngn-ti --......... . ...... 11 26 pmn
I.- If r. m0. tralin from An nlAta inans uAosO
('onntuec it at Calh,onn F"aIl for all pointo on1
(:Ioqc conneton ait Gireenwood for ll
pto41n's "'I .. A. L,. and C. and (4. Itailway, andl
at Sta'. t;nbnr with) Rout hern Italilway.
Foran int) 14ermattioni relaitave to uOkota~
ratesl, ' Iedales, addres
W. J. itAIG,Ge .ta A g .
E. M NORmN. Sol. At. Auua
'T. M EMitSO8cN, Traftle Marnagor
fldadin~Nno i r.a ak-G

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