OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 27, 1900, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1900-03-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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Knights of Pythias,
Newberry Lodge No. 75.
. tis Lodre will bo held the 2!1d
and 4lth Tuesday tights of each month
at 7.30. Visi ilng Kilghts cordially
welcomed. TIIOS I. F PTI NO,
K. of R. and S.
Cro-Awell Hotel lBuilding.
Ten bales of 3-in. Sea Island, only
5c. yard at Mimnaugh's. 2t-t&f
Telephone Subscribors.
Please add to your list:
Ellesor, Dr. P. G. (Residence) No. 102
2t. And oblige, L. W. FLOY).
Mouldidgs, Lumber, Laths and
Shingles. STUAwr Buos.
E. H3. LESr.LE, Manager. t&ftf
The Sunaiy Night hpaacoe.
Rev. Jno. C. Kilgoro, President of
Trinity College, Durham, N. C , has
accepted the invitation and will do
liver the address to the students of
Newberry College on Sunday night of
f ,commeneement week.
No matter what prices are quoted
ou, I will always be lower. Min
augh. 2t-t&f
Look out for Purcell & Co.'s ad
u vertisomon L. t0ftf.
S.If you want to buy the best shoo
n ado for gentlemen call for the Lilly
Bracket Shoe. Jamieson.
Lo-s by Fir..
On'the night of the 21st a negro, Ben
Igsby who lives in the upper portion
the county had the misfortune to
o 175 bushels of corn, 3000 bundles of
' and 30 bushels of peas by lire.
houses were burned at the same
No insurance.
naugh is doing the leading dry
usiness of Newberry. 2t-t&f
goods don't suit our customers
ke new ones. That's *hy we put
d-by price" on all goods before
son closes at Jauieson's. tf
you seen those Ladies' Ties at
s? Prettiest in the city. tf
irli tnity to flet a Good uin,R.
rne wislhiu to go into the
rocery and Meat 1lusine"ss will
pey by addressing "X.," care
raid and News, Newberry, S. C
u need any columns, balusters or
'ork get our prices before you
o will save you money. Satis
n guarauteed. STUART BROS.
LEsLie, Manager. t&f tf.
have just received a lot of col
shirts from Wilson 3ro's of
est pat, se.s. Jariesoo.
1'eston Notice.
County Board of Pensions will meet
Newberry C. H. on Monday, the 2nd
y of April next.
4'he Board consists of M. A. Carlisle,
RM. Taylor, J. T. Davis, D. A. Dick
*~tand Dr'. R. C. Carlisle.
ie ChaIrmen of the several Town
MWBeards will make reports to the
ty Board any changes in the pen0
hers on the rolls of their townships.
Mar'ch 22nd, 19C3).
o catn show yo'u more milliniery
all the other stores combined.
-t&f Mimnaugh.
W.3e want your tr-ado; we will save
0ou monley.
Et&ftf. C. J. Puicoll & Co.
Mimnaughi underbuys-Mimnaugh
undersells. 20-t&f.
Price our Corn, Bacon, Flour, To
bacco, Molasses, before purchasing
elsewhere. We will save you money.
tftf. 0. J. Purcell & Co.
For Service.,
A Standard bred Jersey Bull will be
at my lot during this season.
Zoiglor Bro's Shoes for ladies are
.the best made. Jamieson.
F4Ive Grains to the Hi1lN
~iT, is corn planting time in Georgia,
and the farmers are dropping five grains
to the hills:
"One for the blackbird,
Two for the crow,
One to dig up,
And the other to grow.
-Augusta Chronicle,
-Aunut Flower.
"It is a surprising fact," sihys Prof.
Hlouton, "that in my travels in all parts
of the world, for the last ten years, I
have muet - more people that have used
Green's August Flower than any other
remedy, for' dyspepsia, deranged liver
and stomach, and for' constipation. I
find for, tourists and salesmen, or for
persons flilling office hiositions, whore
headaches and general bad feelings
from . irregular habit,s exist, that
Green's August, Flow6r' Is a grand
remedy. 'It d:es not injure the system
by frequent use, and is excellent for
sour Storbaehs and indigestion." Sample
bottles free lit W. E. Pelh am's.
*Sold by doalers in all civilized coun
tries. t1yr
a f yott need. columns, balusters or anay
u ldoil get out prices bt4ore buy.
it .We illsavo 'you .monody. Satis
If you wvant don,"Flour, Molasses1
:u gar or l3acon, tept into 0. J. Pur
cellI & Co. and get pi'I#dM .bfore buyiiig
Wo wvill save you good* wiopoy. ta&ft
of6w a the opportnnt~ to cloth~
both-legs for the price you d generall3
1ay fotdone log in panta at
VAI10U3 '.11) ALL. AilOUr.
Sunday was certainly a rainy day.
See notice of Prosperity shoo shop.
Miss Maggie .Jones has a full school
at Helena.
Tho ltayor had a $1236 court Monday
Mrl. 13. l') Julian, of II3lena, is ill
with grippe.
The parrots at the book store attrac
considerable attention.
The city of Columbia has a case o
smallpox on her hands.
Remember "Faust" at the oportt
houso on Thursday night.
A few of our citizens will go to C.
lumbia Friday to see the game of ball.
Mr. W. C. Cromer is announced in
this issue as a candidate for Auditor.
Prof. A. E. P. 13endenbaugh, of thc
St. Luke community, visited our city
Mr. Ss S. Cunningham is anniouncedl
In this issue as a candidate for County
Supervis 'r.
Mr. W. F'. Wright, of Tylersville,
spent a fow days last w wk with rol
aties at Helena.
Mr. Eugene S. Werts is announced
as a candidate for County Superiuton
dont of Education.
Professor S. A. Merchant, principal
of the Whitmire 1-igh School, spent
Saturday in the city.
Mr. J. B. Walton, harness-naker is
overhauling the Hook and Ladder
leather watcr buckets.
The Grand Lodgeof the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows will meet in this
city on the 25th of next month.
The Newberry Shakespearean Clul
will meet at the residence of Col. W.
H. Hunt on next Friday evening.
The N-wberry college team will play
the S. C. College team In Columbia
next Friday. It will be a warm game
of ball.
Mrl. J. E. louklight and wife, of
Irmo, epent Friday and Saturday of
last week with jhe fatily of Mr. S K.
r3ouknig ht.
The li-ture at, th' op"ra house to.
morrow rright, by Chas. Lane, of At
lanta, will 1 L a t rea Don't fail to
hear it.
Mrs. J. L. Aull, who has been in the
city on a vi it to her son, Mr. H. H-.
Aull, returned to her home at Dyson
Mr. T. Griff Williams is agent for
the best trick we have ever seen In the
shape of a pea dropper. It does the
work accurately.
Miss Ella O'Rourke, of Baltimore,
arrived in the city on Saturday and is
in charge of the millinery department
at Mimnaugh's.
Read the local In an another column
concerning box-rents. The postmaster
informs us that thec- rules will be
strictly enforced from this time on.
Capt. J. N. King, of Ninety-Six, is in
the city agitating and working up the
question of establishing a toll bridge
across Saluda River at Kempson's
Dr. McClintock spent yesterday in
Clinton and presided In the moderation
of a call from the Clinton and Mount
ville churches for the services of Rev.
Mr. Plaxco as pastor.
The Carolina Manufacturing Coim
paniy has a new whistle-and It caused
a. man to run from IIelena the other'
djay, thinking it was the power house
whiistle sounding the alarm of fire.
County Superintendent of Educatlor
Higgins informs us that most of t,h
schools of the county areistill running
and that nearly all oif them will carr)
over a cash balance for summer anJ
earliy fall work.
Don't fail to keep an eye on Mim
naugh's adlvertisements. HeJ has bar,
gains to oiTer in every branch of hit
business and mosRt esp)ecially does h<
want the ladies to examine his stock o1
Mr. J. Monroe Swindler. who has
been in business.for the past fewv year&
at Ninety-SIx, stopped over In New,
berry and spent Sunday. He was or
his way to Hlartsville, S. C., having ac.
cepted a position in theosewing machine
The Hon. Cole L. Blease, of New.
berry, has announced himself a candi
date for Lieutenant Governor. Mr.
Blease has ably represented New.
berry county in the Legislature fot
quihe a number of years. He is well
educated, a good speaker and a mnar
of attractive, p)ersonai appearance. -
Oconee News.
HIow's 'This?
We offer Onie IJundred Dollar4 Reward fot
any case of Catari h t hat, can not be cured b3
Hail's Catarrht Cuire.
F. J. CHIENEY & CO., Props, Toleudo, O.
We the unde(rsignedl have known I". J. (Ch,o
noy for the iabt 15 years, and believe hini
nerfc lyl honorable in all businees transac
f.ions and financially able so carry out anU3
obligations made by their Item.
WEsTA& TR IUA x WholesiDoTruirgle' Toledo 0
Druirgtsts, Toledo, OhIo.
flail's Catarr'h unro is takena Internally, act.
log d,rect.y upon tho blood and mucous sur,
races of the system. Pri'co '15e. per bottle
nIdbyal Dru gIsts. Te,stlmonaials fr o.
Ia'sFainly Pills are thnebe.
A Oreater Newberty.
The development of the resources o'
a community are dependent on the cilti
zons. If they give a wide publicity t<
lts advantages others will be attractoc
and now life infused int.o the body-In
dustrial. It Is by thIs means we cat
build upl a "Greater Nowberry" on th<
foundations so well lain by those of to
day and the past. The "Greater New
berry" cdition of The H crald and New
furnishes the medium, and If our citi
zens co-operate with us we can spreat
1 4io fair fame of Nowberry to all sec
t,ions of the nation and thus add to th
txnitorial prosperity of our city an'
MAlD l:ENi;.1N ('A(;i o1 '1 it.I N
Th l'nseeohgers Shed Tears-A Scene That.
Will Long Ho totemmbered by TIttm
Who Wit,esed It-hlow it Oecurred.
There was a mete upon t,he incoining
trainl on the ('oltumbia and :reeiiviihi
diviiion of the Southern raihway yes
terday afternoon that brought tears to
the eyes of many men who have per
haps not shed tears before for it (lecace
or so. It served to demonstrate how
dearly all mankind lo,'e an innocent
little child. On the train was a beauti
ful little ,even-months-old I::>y. lie
was a particularly bright and lovable
child and was in line spirits. All the
passengers fell in love with hhn: this
was why the shock so soon to come was
felt so keenly by them, and why they
shed tears and turned their backs on
the sad and unusual scene they were
forced to witness.
At Newberry 1ir. Albert F. Counts,
accompanied by his mother-;n-law,
Irs. IIavird a'rd his sister-in-law, M1rs.
laigler, boarded the train. They hat
with them M1r. Counts' little seven
months-old1 boy; its mother had died at.
its hi t,h and the little- one was b)ei ng
taken to Pennsylvania by the ladies to
be raised under theb- loving care. At
this point the no'thboilrd train was to
be taken. After getttng aboard the
train the little one was very lively and
attractive, being apparently in perfect
health. Very suddenly a change came.
The little one was taken with convul
sions as the train approached Alston:
there was nothing that could be done
for it, atd in a few minutes it died In
the presence of the passengers who had
crowded at ottnd trying to do someth ing
for the child. A leading railroad man
who was there told a representative of
tho State last night that it was the
saddest thing ho had ever witnessed in
his life; that he would never forget it;
that the passenger"S almost, to a man
shed tears and turncd away.
The grief-stricken lady who held the
little on. In her lap when it died did
not relinquish the little body, but it
was brought on to the city. Arrivitng
here the par .y went into the wait.iog
room; the aunt of the dead child still
hold the body in her arms. Soon the
Colatbia, Newberry and Laue .;s up
train left and still keeping the little
one's body in her arms 41hc with her
mother and the st(icken father left on
the return trip to Ncwberry.
Those who were about the union de
pot were affected as much by the scene
as were the passengers on the .coach
at the time the little (no died] so sud
denly.-Columbia State. :.Q,h.
Volcanic E.ruptlons
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions roh
life of joy. Bucklen'd Arnica Salve,
cures them; also Old, Running and
Fever Hores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons,
('orns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns,
Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.
Best Pile cure on earth. Drives
out Pains and Achos. Only 25 ets. a
box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all
I iss Ella O'Rourke of Baltimore, the
linest trimmer that ever came South,
will show you the latest st,yles in hat,s
and-bhon nets at, MIimnaugh's. 2t-t&f
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A s a suggestion-a warm overcoat for
the cold weather, at, Janmieson's, tf
Call for the Messenger Sho3 for
boys. Jamieson.
F?irst Match Gatuo of i(useba'l of time Sna
Ruta NeI. FrLicIlay.
'rho first match game of basebail of
this seaisoni will ha p. layedl at the South
*Carolina college grounds Friday. Theo
college nine will go up against a hot
propositIon from the up-country, for It
Is said that tbe Newberry college team
plays good ball and has a strong
pitcher. The college battery is a good
one this year, and Manager Brooker
promises that local rooters can bet and
holler the same way this season. The
ad mission willl he 25 cents.-The State,
Don't buy your Master hat,s unt.il you
Sec our line. Mimnaugh. 2t-t&f.
Call for the Messenger Shoes for
boys they arc tho best made.
.) amieson.
Now lot of Now England Watches
just In. Come in and see us.
t tf Daniels & Co.
A Startling Scenic Producion or "Faust"
Lasit Evening.
Last eyenIng Hubnert Labadlo's com
pany played "F'aust," to a large and ap
preciated audience. Mr. Labadic de
serves special mention. He has a
good stage .voice, and did Mephisto
well. Ils "makeup" was surprisingly
Miss Mary Van Tromp)-Labadle, as
Marguerite, gave a fine impersonat,Ion.
The scenic effects were elaborate and
in the act where Mephisto calls forth
the demons from hell, the (dancing of
the fiery sparks, the racing of eleet,ric
bolts and t,he general filling of the
stage will all sort,s of weird pyrotech
nics made a si,art,ling field for the shades
of the nether world to wander in. Thoe
last scene of Marguerite in Hecaven was
exceedingly pret,ty. "Faust," to the un
iItiated, Monday evening must have
en ver ~impresslyc.Nor'th Star,
.At the opera house next, Thursday
night. Prices 25, 50, 75 and $1.
!The entire store !s one hi g bargain
counter at this time. It will pay you
to buy a suit or an overcoat now to lay
n.side for next season at Januiesons. tf
lie l)ieet iat State,,ton, Vt.,Tht ilortug at
1) O'clocke-A Matt Atluch --
A telegram wa; receivetd here this
iorning by MIr. .. '. Mayes anntonne
ilg the death of IRev. J. 13. Fox in
Staunton, Va.
1)r. Fox left Newberty about a ye'ar
ago to aecept (the p:+torship of tile
l.uthcran chnrchl inl Staunton.
Ito was a man beloved by all who
knew him, in all d.-noitnittions.
None of the pi ..eutlars of his deat Ii
had hien reetived up to the time for us
to go to pres'-, and it is not known
where he will ha buried. The tale
gramii was rceciVed nnnill nt cii ng the sad
death just, as we were gol eg to press,
which pre vents a more extended no
The sympathy of Newherry goes out
to the family. iu t.ho death of this good
and saintly man. t
Lilly I3racketts & Co.'s 1'ine Shoes
for Mlen in all the latest toes and lasts
just, recci ved at Jlamiesol's. t
f& t,f t
Co ,t AItt e tel 1'.) It.
'ersons w', iiasally attend prayer-e
meetlin e/ Ir; Wedetlsday evening
will be in nlple limo to attend the
lecture after prayer meeting tomorrow
nigh I. Tihe hetIure will he sotiething
extraordinary, and it will not. prevent
you from atediing yout pIrayer-Ieet
ing and ti l,en going (.) the opera house
to hear it.
The U p to-tte Stean Iianidry,
t&f-tf Newberry, S. C.
Tu Vh.l11t Iieu Schooli,
1on. John J. .McMahan, State S11
petintendentt of l;iuc..tioir, will comae
into the cotsttty at Little Mlountinitt on
April I Lh atndi v'i-itsomtte of thesehools
of the eoutytr in counection with
County S11pie riitendent iiggius, ar
rivinlg in Newb1-iry to attend the teet
ing of the (ount v 'Leachers' Assoeia
tiou llie ting oil lie 1-t.h.
A good Second-hand three or four
horse-power engine and boiler. A pply,
giving full particulars as to condition,
price, &c., to
11. S. RiIorr'M1I'E,
EscatptiConvie. Capinre1. C
It will be romembered that about
two weeks ago Al i llon U Il fi , who had
just, b:'en sent to the peniteuliar'y fromn
this county for Ii't'en ytars, Inde1(l his
escape. A reward of $1(10 was oflered
for li-s4 capture, Mnd several persons
have been on the lookout for him.
Yesterday lotiuing Mr. Jamnei Teml
pleion, w ho lives at Chappells, received
a telephone message to look out for a lie- I
gro coining up the raillroad who was
wanted fir stealing potatoes from an
other negro. M r. T1'empleton walked
down the railroad a short dist'nco and
soon met a negro coming up the track. C
Finding that he could not get Ii arm's. I
reach of the ne,to, he called to him to (
halt. The negro broko and ran. Mr.
T. shot aLl hiim to se..e him. iThe le- 1
gro ran1 through a wirO fenlCO and1 cut c
his face. WVheni he struck the river he
took to the wvatler and1 went out until
he st cnck tlhe cu ren t and floated down
unttil he struck a log. Hie remaIued on
the log and camne near freezing to, death. s
Finally a rope was secuiredI and lhe was
puhlLd out. Hie was carriled to ai Ihe,
dloseup and11( thawed out and conf-sedt
thatt 11e waIs' ]Miill G iauii, wile had 'I
escaped from thie p)enitent!ary aulthorl
ties in Coltumbia.c
Mir. Tlempleton brotughit, hm to New
blerry yesterdaiy, anid Sheiff Du fo,d
will car-ry im to Coumbia todtiy.
Superitendet, Griflithl was telc- C
graphed yesterday, andi Mr. Temple- r
ton wilt receive the $100 reward, which
he certainuly deser-ves.
To Tihe PublIe,
I have pur-chased the interest, of the C
late Dr. Peter- Robert.son In the dr-ug1
firm of Robertson & Gilder-, and will
hereaftr ccnduct the business in my
own niame and at t,he same st,and.
Mr-. Wm., G. Maycs atnd Chias. J. Epps,
Ph. G., late of Drz. F'rlorsons of Char-les- c
ton, S. C., will be in charge. I ask for t
,b em the same l iberal patr-o age that
was bestowed upon the old firmt.
'I will devote my time excluisively to
mny prIofession. My ollce will be over
Jamiceson's store, front ecot-e room.
Very respectfuilly,
JAs. K. Gir.oan,.
Theo irst Unmot of Hall.
The fir-st match game of ball wvas
p)layedl on the now dtimonid at the col- C
loge on F"-iday eveninig between the s
(llnton College team and Nowherr-y e
College team and r-esulted in a victory
for the Newberr-y boys. The eameo
wasi played under groat, diflicultIes ase a
slow rain wvas fallIng all the timo duLr- 1
ing the game, maliking the gr-ound mud1- r
dy and slippery and1 the ball wet and
heavy. J1oh nson and 1.tenwick, of t,be
Newberriy nlno, did some fine batting
and Ilon wlck d id some good work In tbe y
box. The ofli~l score, at the end ofr
the sixth innitng, wvhen thio game was
called, stood, Newhberry, 18; ClInton, I1.
May the boys continue to win.
Story of a S' ve,
To lie, bound hand1( and( foot, fot- years
by the chatins of dlisease Ia the wvorst
form of slavery. George D). WIlliams,
of Manchester, MIch., tells how such a
slave was made free. Ho sta: "My
wire has beeni s) helpless for five yer-its
that she cold( not turn over In bed
alone. A fter using twoe hint lloq of Elee
trio Bitters, sheO Is wonldet' uly imi
proved andl able, to do her ownvi work."
Tis supreme.remedy for- female dis
eases quickly cure niervoultsn , lee-)
less, mellathlohily, headache, backache,
taIntIng and( di-zzy spells. This miraicle]
workinrg medicin ito aq godlsond to weak,
siekly, rni dlownh people. Every bot
tio guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold
by all .DrnugIal.
AN A1.1.-4)IJN I) SUUci:.
% 0ot1 ait Sutccesstfull Farmer ant a Spini
lid in,uranco atut.
(>ne day a.t. week, we had the lehaN
ie of t i:itin;; the hospitable home i
\". and I rS. 'Tos. F. 1i ar m1on1, of New
Jervy. ,
Mr. IaIttrmton is it st.rong adtvoctate 0
Iiversilied fartining, and, as ian evidene
>f It is silnectity. put-s into pratilce what
we til vovate's.
11e takt :i;,t t intertest in p)oultr,
md stock, as well its in tield prodh'ets
V were shown it line lot of \V yandott
hiiekens-fifty or mot)rt,---also it t nbe
f .jersey cows. whichi prodnee abholl
hirty pounds of choice butter ever;3
Iu addition to all thi:., Al r. llarm)ot
aises, annually, plenty of m11eat amt
rain for his own use, and at considera
,le uanlttntity to sell.
1l is muodirn three-story, rat-prool
arn. is kept well-lilled with hay, cot
on seed mea"l and hull,, and corn fol
Iock, all of his own raising.
Ilesides his farm"ning interests, he if
he general agent1 of "The llomlle 1u1
unl i"ire Prot.eetion Association o
outh1 Carolina.
I,very farmer in South Calroliill
hould follow the example of Mr. ilar
1on--should ratise his own Imeat and
ra"cd and let cotton be his su-plus crop
N. 0. l'yv.1:s.
Wa r - d.
1li_liable atreni in Newhecrry to sell
rst-class $:5.X) and $:0.0) I tileyles
td ress A. Ml. Schelf y & Co., 2 I eade
1.., New York. 3-1:1 2t.
A -i Exception I tio iulu.
A shop where you can get what you
tant and when you want it.
S'rUAItT 13tos.
!I, H 5.tt :11 anager. t&ftf
No Iatter what. prices you atr
(toted, we will always be lower.
t&ftf C. .1. L'urcell & Co.
Det o i Prif u 1onuttent .Lt.inier.
AX telegran was receited by .ev. M.
. G. Sherer yesterday annonnting th
eath, itt MIt. Pleasant, S. C., of Iev
V. S. 1Bowman, ). 1). )r. Bowmar
mas one of the imlost prominent
4utheran iniiist,ers of the South. IH
mas a very eloqucnt preacher, and a
lost. successful iastor, having success
illy served churches itt Clhtrlcston
iavannah and Charlotte. On several
ccatsions he has preached in New
erry, and will be pleasantly remem
lred by oar people. His rematits will
10 buried in Charleston tomorrow.
if you care to exchange $12 18 worth
f Legal Tender for $1'.00 worth of
vercoat you can have the chance t<
o so at .1amieson's. tf
Ziegler Bios'. Ladies and Misses iim
hoes and Oxfords jnst, received at
&Cur. Jamieson's.
Meetilg Cou'nty liblo Aocllty.
The Annual meeting of the Count.3
31ble Society will bo held in the Luth
ran church on next undtday i.ight
tov. M. G. G. Scherer will deliver t,h(
The tmeeting was to havec bcen helt
rst Sunday night, biut was postp)onti
n ancount of t,he bad weather-.
The ptublic Is Invited to attenid.
Deaith of Mrl. I. N. (Jnry.
Mr. I. N. Gatry, after lingering fol
ctveral days, died at the Cr-otwel
louse In t,his ety ycsterdiay mot-ning
u the 76th yeari of htis a-ge. ils re
mains will be but-led this afternoon a
o'clock at Rosemont Cemneter-y.
"Uncle Newt," as he was known b1
vetrybody here, will be missed. Il<
'as kind, pur-e, and of a gentle,'forgiv
ag disposition, tand in h is early dapt
1(1 many acts of kindness and mana
har-itable deeds of which the putblic
ever' know.
'He spent his life int Newbci-ry, and
:>r several years was onec of our sue
essfutl butsincss mten. Hie was a mczm
oer of Aveleigh Presbyterilan church
this city, and for sever-al year-s servetd
is churchb failthfutlly as one of it,s of.
BI3g antd lit.t.le boys arec equally fitted
utt here, ftrom the toddler jutstaisptiring
) "'pants" to t,he long trousered youth
nt the r-agged edge of mnanhoodl, cycry-y
bing fr-om hats to shoce'.
t,f At Jamicson's.
AnX Eduti 5'onti in iliy.
Tfhe dIislahy In mtillinery goods5 at
ameis A. M\1iminau:gh's for thtis sensor0i
one thtat willl beo educatilonail alonp
rillihner-y lines. The exhibit of patt ertil
ats, whIch are lte Ocations5 of thle fam.it
us moties1C in Par-is, is at showlt'g 01
tyl 3, muaterials and combinationts o1
olors that Is delight fuli. Hius counten
re ladlen wvit,h Parisiain flowters, nev,
fTects5 int feathters, cholee novellties In
traw braids. In tmillinery, as well a<
thter lines, ho watt y-our triade; lhe
vanits youir conifidenece. HeI hats ant im
utenre stock of everythIng requlsite fr
alliinery lines, fr-om lte loawest pi-ced
ntr-imtmed hat, t hroutgh thle vat lottu
-rade(s of trnimmings, to the novelt,3
todbel pattern lhat-. Miss Ella O'I&-mrke
f( Baltimnore, Is In charge of the mil
nery and1( wIll etndeatvor to p)lease:y-ot
L Mllmnnaugh's.
Linoes to My Child.
re-clons darling thou hast left me,
In this and world all alone,
3ut Indeed, I shoutld not mourn thee;
F"or to Heaven thou art gone.
['here your' dear mnothetr did aw'.it you
Antd In H-eaiven you can rest,
NVIth y-oura Saviouri arid yourt mother-,
You forover wvill be blest.
lut to me, how hard the part,ing,
Oht how my heart does ache in pain
ilook alonc to God for comfort,
Inailcaven I hope to see you again.
Adam F'orr-est, Counts.
Mnach 29, 1000.
A SP '!0 'oart
Th'e sene at the C'o cil Ch nb ller.i
Monday mlorting was a lively one
There were Iinete''. different p'rson>
before His I1ontot, tih Mayor, ott
e l arge's ranging I1rom anl urninary
iink to t".hat of Ikeeping disorderly
houses, itt i n iies ranged from 50te.
ft o $2.5.
Tl'here were two fellows that got $ or
two days for p)leading guilty t. becing
{ cruunk, atnother '-0llc., amd st-ill another"
$2 or fot' days oi anot.her chiarge.
Two hoys got I each or two days for
hi ht-ing. and still tilothelr got $5 or tenl
days for lighLinlg. Two eases for minor
otfenss werte .i'.i.ssed, aitl one COn
LiI)tWd. Ottl i:'lov., It white tantn, was
given $25 or Ihity tlayy for heing drti k
and attenlptiig to and threatenin)g to
strike his wife withlx a iroel. Three ne
gro women were fined $25 or tirty days
each for 1u1niing a disorderly house,
two othert:: on it simnila' ciarge wetr
fined $ 0r tLet days eahex. it pt ('ole
muan plead t,uilty of runnuinrg a disor
derly house and was finied $5 or Ltn
days while Ihtn llirowI1 on a siuilar
charge was fined tie samo.
I f tho town Itathorities (Inl stcceed
in breaking uI these nuisances it will
be wOrt t great deal to the ety. They
have made it good start., and right
where it was needed most.
Toll dollars reward of!ered to ally )et".
sitn, who will retItrnl to m11e at. .1. A.
5enln'S store, It white, 8 ltonthis old
I)ointer" with yellow cars. Lost about
ton da.vsr aigo- IS. 11. (iolematn.
f'&t 2t.
"(Iell1 1 Sl1lllt Time Comes,
G011t18 Aitiio."
For anything you want
Good Quality,
Latest Styles
Lowest Prices,
come to the
14 t.
How Are Your Eyes ?
Only Two Weeks Moro in Which to
Have Them Ii Examimed and
Fitted with Glasses.
= I
Got a pair of Becker's glasses, hie
mnakes tihem in all the latest styles
and shapes. If your eyos are imnpor
foct, or your glasses that you have
nOW (10 not fit you, avail yoursolf of
this chance to ho fitted at ->mo. His
customers speak in the highest terms
of him, his pricos are rensonale, he
makes no charge for examinations.
Offico hout's from 9 au. mn. until 5
p. mn, except Saturday and Monday
until 9 p. mn.
36taf 1m nRIoomn 1, Criotwehl Hotel.
Thursday, March 29.
GI rand Scenic, Spcectacutlar' and Mechan
ical Production of the Imm,ortai
Il'R8siEN'r'~El y
Mr. ilorhorl Laldic, as - - - McDhisto
Mary Vo!l Trompu, as - - -Marguorito
Muxppor'ted by a CJarefuldly Selected Comn
p)any3 of Dramat,ic A rtists.
/i.rThe enltir'e stage cleared for t,his
sumipt,uous prtoducetion. Evexry picce of
scentry (over 20,000 s1jlnaro feet) rc
qiredC( for thc platy, carried by the coin
i"AUS'r's STUI)io! Siging th ot pa ct,
Vision of Mlarguer,ite and Tr'ansformna
t,ion of i?anst.
Ti'iiM G^uDEN SNN1! WVith it,s Ilu
mninated Flower Hoeds, an 10iectric Mys
'rT CATPI11nDAL, SCE~NE! With) its
Beauxtiful Chimes and Cr'oss of F'ire.
The Duxel.
Entire Stage JFilied with Fire and the
D)evil's Imps and Demons Obeying his
Every Command.
Trui PEiSON SCENI Delt,h of Mar
MEP>ms'To's DEhSCENTg Into the Infer
nal Reogions, En veloped in Fl~amec.
fuli Allegory.
UJnder the management of
PmICEs - - -25., 500, 75e and S1 00
)i often ai warning that the liver Is
tor>id or inut'tIve. Moro cerious
1roubles may fo low. For a prompt,
(eli('nt t"ure of IlIe inehe auti aill
liver troubles, t.tke
While they rouse (it liver, restor
full, ri'guitar nction of (fti ho i els,
they <I+ not t;riit or >:in, tto not
irritate or influ ue th+' intrminal organs,
but have a iositive tonic efect. '>5c.
at all dlrnt,-ists or by nainl of
C. 1. 1.1ood & Co., iowe1l, Mass-.
-WOlRY- OlllP EMsPtA
We have a splen
(id( assortmen+'nt.of
S'T'YIh'S IN- - 1
O.ur. Showrooms
arl'l: c0w ed w ith
New Spr"in1 \Iil
For House of Represen
It. .1. C. ('ilALMI Ie:IslS i1110R'
by nominted its i anitlilao for
the lHouse of Ioriesontat.ives, and Is
pledgeri t abide the resutlt, of the )em
eral.ie primanury clelion.
For County Treasurer.
. 5s a candtidate for Treasurer of New
Ierry ('onnty andl pledge myself tontbidO
the iesult of the I Dem1o11ratie pr"imatry
eleclion. JO.. N L. l'I'iTS.
I lI':(I;\Y A N N(),NCLid lSI'LP
. t as t candlidate for t.ho ollieo of
County 'I'rasll'el of Newburry' County,
andl 11lelge m11y-Silf to ahide the result
of the )emocrat i! p'ilary' eleetion.
W. W. \It\lOlilIs.
. nominated fOr 'ireiasurll'er of New
b. rry Counnty, Jill will abidlt the result
of hu Ih )emocrat.ic Inrimary eleetion.
V( 'TI'h tS.
1! A,NIEl, 1B. WVIXE"1AElIU IS IIlElitl':.
i by nomlinatetl as a ('tanddilato for
'lrtasuree of Newberry ( Unt,y anod
is ph-dgledl to alb110 the res.'it of the
I)vrmo -art,ie primnary Ellection.
For Auditor.
Mr. W. C. Cromer Is hereby an
no11unced ay at em(lidlate for County Au
ditor, subject to the Democratle Pr1
mary. cletion.
ats a Candidato for County Aut(itoe,
sub,ject to the 1)emocratie pr'initry clec
tion. E0. I. LONGSIJOU,
For County Supervisor,
'S S. CLJN NiNG ilA M IS1 U4 lRE13
County Supervisor and41 is pIledged to
albido theon ut of the D)~eoratic prI,
n1 il y.
aL 3 I cnidal for1 (I'te001 Coun- erio
tysubje sl, eIjc to theorati)priary
as eancan idte for ie 10lice of Couny
tySprvisor, subj41e ci te Demo
ct c imary, fth onol'te1)'
For Supt. of Education.
1.of Ia mu nber' of fr'iendis thlroulgh
out the c!ounIty, I haLve dleCided to offer'
myl~ namen t.o t ho public as I a can1 diato
fort Coun4t,y Super03'inItoendent, of I'd uca
t,ion, and1( pliedge m4ysel'if to abide the
resutlt of the Demiocratic pimar1l1y.
For Coroner.
ja (cand(1idate for' tbe oflico of'CoronerC1
forI Newherlry County, and44 pIldge my
seif to abide the result of the Demio
Phione 13 Night Calls, Phone 94.
A dollar(I's woIrth for' every hundred
cents spent with uRs,.Ia our motto.
With (ovC er 5 Itt, l pucase we givo a
coupon3, 111nd w~heni you spend at $1.C0
wIrth with (us (we cash our3 ownl cou
pons34), we giv yo 100lO. worth of any
thing you want.
NOW IS the time to
prepare for such pests
We are now selling a
preparation that -*we
guarantee to do the
wor;k by thoroughly ap
plying. It has never
failed yet.
Bed Bug Poison.
25 and 50c. per bottle,

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