OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 30, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1900-03-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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siIAUtlilLJ SUP Ni IN COU f.
Two Iawyeis in the Oo,el CHHo Quarrel
and Act as they Wero About to
HI 1 nacia Othor. Canusing a
ai'antle Amog the
Frankfort, Ky., March 20.-The
most thrilling ovent of the examining
trial of Ropublican Secrotary of State.
4";lob Powers occurod this afternoon
'nortly after 3 o'clock, and for a fow
minutes it lookod as if sorious troublo e
could not be prevented. Col. George
Donny, for the defendant, in an ar
gument upon;the competency of a
question, said: It in perfectly law
ful for people to come here and to 1
como armned, I came here several
times myself."
He was referring to the crowd
that was present at the mass meeting
held in the State House yard just
prior to Governor Gobel's assassina- 1
Col. Campbell, for the prosecution,
replied that he did not consider it
lawful and was suprised to know that
Mr. Donny had come here armed.
Donny having made such statement
and said that ho did not come armed. I
Campbol insisted that he had made
the statement. Both men were very
much excited and spoke with vohorn
ence, and, with arms shaking, comn
monced to advance toward oneh other.
The court room was crowded and the I
audience evidently thought a fight
was on, and made a mad rush for the i
doors and windows, people falling I
over each other in thier eforts to got t
out of the room. Several policemen 1
and deputy sheriffs wore crying for
order, and Judge Moore was bring
ing his gavel down with torific force
and urging the people to takk their
seats. After five or ten minut s of
the most exciting scones since th0 as.
sassination quiet was restored.
Col. Campbell then arose and
apologized to Donny and to the court,
Col. Denny replying in a very happy t
On an inspection of the record it I
was found tht Col. Campdell had mis
contruod Col. Denny's statement.
Ex-Governor Brown, in a speech,
asked the Court to adjourn and give t
the people time to cool off, stating
that it was only by the coolness of
several officers and people around
him that dozens of people wero not c
killed. He further said that it was
not that he feared any violence, but
he only spoke for the protection of
his client.
County Attorney Polsgrovo object
ed to adjourning, stating that it would
be an admission that the Court wvas
unable to protect the prisoner, and(
insisted upon resuming the question-i
ing of Golden.(
Col. Denny agreed with Mr. Pols
grove and the examination proceeded.r
At the conclusion of the examina
tion of Golden the Commonwealth
rested its case.
Golden as the prosecution's star
witness, created great interest. When
placed on the stand for cross-oxaimin
ation he said he learned about two
weeks ago that he would 1be arrested
if he did not tell what ho knowv about
the assassination, and that if he did
tell the attorneys for the Common.
wealth would try and save him from
Tbomas Cromwell, who swore out
the warrant against Powers, was the
first person he talked to about the
assassination. Cromwell had been to
the mountains and heard that he was r
connected in some way with the
murder, and sent for him. GoldenI
told powers of his conversation with
Cromwell, and told him (Powers) that
he wanted to get away from the State
House. He got a leave of abse'nco
from Republican Assistant Adgt. Gen.
Nixon and'left.
He said ho could not remember
that he ever heard Powers say that
he intended to harm any one. Dick
Combs, thex alleged assassin, was C
brought to F"rankfort, ho said, by WVil- E!
lianm Culton, one of the defendants. C
Golden said he told Judge Flein
irig, of Winchester, that he intended1
to ~tell all he knowv about the affair.
Whil'e he wvas in Winchester lie said
he was stopped by two mnon, Dr.
Foster and William Steele, who
grabbed him by the arms and cursed
him for exposing the Republican 0
party. Gelden replied that he had r
not exposed the 'arty. Governor g
Brown asked hits. tie had not told S
the two men that he knew,nothiing r
about the affair. Golden said lie e
might have told that, ais he would h ave ti
said1 anything they wanted him, to.
Governor -Brown aked him if ho c
made a habit of sayin~g anything a
personi desired, to which the wit. 19
toss rosponded: "Not when I am or
gnall tormis with them."'
Gloldon was thou oeused for
Ow inultesj, owVilng to i!!ttt'. "
The wvitness, resuingllc, t lid thatl
vhlion ho hoard, on his way to Louis
illo with Powers, that (oyoruoi
loebel had been shot, ho told 'ow
trs wlhitt had happenedl, atid I'ower
aiid thaLt it was at dirty sli1 am
utrago. \hiei askcd al olt tlhi
nan who was givon tho koy th
norning itoebl)l was killed, (oldet
aid ho- 1 did not kuow his namnoe, hul
oulld recogllizro himl) anyvwhero. 1H
aid le sa\v iii liro Sat.irday.
Corbin, Ky., Marci 20. --Capt
tobert Noaks, for whoml it is re
)ortedt a warrantIt has b,('oI is :u l
harging comnplicity ill tho Goohe
issassination, wr'-lis the( Oimnpal: o:
his place, that. hlo is inl Norton, Va.
Ittenling hiis diutlisoi as Con(tdIltor
and roadv to ho arrestt'd wlouvie
)ro1)or otlicers Cotmlo aftor him with i
Watshtington, Maurch 20(. -LIieuten
tnt Governor Iarshall, of Kent uc(y
vio has beonl iii the city for a(boit I
voek in confereuco witi Repuliicar
eadortri tUlli;lllli, (11otiitllition ill tlha
itate, left here tonight, presumal1y
or hii hom)o. Diring the day .Ir
darshall haid a coltferenco with At.
orney General Griggs, it, is suritisoc
egarditg teim (uestion of tho pos
)ility of Federal inltoferonco in tlh!
>tato. Mr. Griggs refised to sa1
mnything, about his ttalk with tib
..ioutlenanlt Governor further tiIan
hut th ei r interviolw was inform al an
3oars the lhe Kiad Ym llav Ahiay Ba u.lit
OUr1iIE11N 1(AIn,WAY N W vO I
(II ICK -'
Since the reorganizatuion and con
olidation of tho varions rail ways o
ho South into one great corporatio
-the Southorn il Iway Comlpany
inder the adrirably condnetedt lan.
gement of the I)ankiig houlso of j
'. Morgan & Co., and I ho c'o1 'lluq uit
)residency of ir. Sii inl h Sponcr,
his trunk system has taken its plact
s one of the greatest of thris country,
L'ho ronarkablo industrial and tiator
al dovelopnent of the South, toget h
r with the dovoloped comforts of v
tiinter sojourn there, have given tc
L enormous passenger t iihe, whic"h
'oar by year increase:. To moot the
Imands and to further the convem
nfces of t ho publie, th(e conmpany hau
(cently esMt aiiThCd ani u p towni otliC(
*t No.118 Sn1roadwayv, wvher' the
ironeral Eatstern Passuenger A'ent,
Ir. A.~ S. Thweat011 t, is localted. TVhe
'flico has been1 handsomno]v and luax
riouisly fit ted uip wvith every aIccom
rlodationl for tho pait 1ons of the road
n the transaction of businless, purch
so of t ickets, oecuring of b)ert.hs, ec
'hese tichots may bo p)rocured h0
Juban, Mexico, California, or any ot het
oint in the great South and West.
io an old-timor of thirty years ago,
ocalling tho discomforts of a trip'
brough the Southern States, the np.
o.dato luxury of travel over the
touthern Rail way ined its connele
ions is a gratifying surpriso.---Town
'opics, March 135, 1 000.
"Natiloamlin N:amei a:i and Prp,.
"TJhe Natijonah Magaz'ino"' of B3os
on has a dalh, go and spirit, anid a~
ofreshing Ilavor of originality that
olds tihe readers at tent ion to t he
ist pag.e. It, is oneo of the few mtagaz
aus that a pe'rson reads, rat her than
lances t hrough and1 it isi Iaid asid(
vhen the laiet page is tu rnod wit h in
Dling of having indulgod in a liter
rv feast.
Iin '"Affairs at Washingt.,"' by3
00 MiLchell CJhaijppl, 0o.o catchu s
ivid glimpses of the mnen and af
I'.ire uponi which puiblic itorest i
enterod1. "H-omno life in Porto Rico'
ivos a pleasing view of a portion of
uir niow insular p)o'sssions, anid is
lust rated wit h the best collect ion of
'orto Rican viewmirer published.
illt Jhn1 (ary igtt sl&innyane
(Greenville N ews)
It is reported that the Hon. John
ary Evans i ow a resident of spar
irburg~ and that he hat' come back to
1o State toe enter pulities again. It in
3por'ted alsoC that he, witl run for eon
ros9 against. Stanyarnie Wilson and ex
enatoor Joh1TIn wrence Mannling lrby.
Pith these thro shiing ligthts in the
1oo for con1gr~ss the voters ofC that dIis
'let will have ai ;'lenty of fun duing~
to hot summer don.yr
riy the way, wvhi we ar'o tal.king~ of
)mgreisionail cand iate's, it would he
torestinug t ki ow who is goeng Into
to r'ace against the lion. "Jeoems"
orIon, of this distict..
\Thnt i (Ito oo of Stkvaing i Mule?
Ma;ried(,- Atl'lvw, Iek Ii e:hape,l, by 1}
fcv. .1. -. -M ft10 t, S:abit h afternoon .
arebt! 11, k1() .\!,". (' I;cb in-on and
Till lbvoi
(Chester lanltorn. I ov. J. S. M\inltt f
t t )1iiithr of t Iio Associato {oforlil
Il ('h11rrlh arel yot ho I1o:!rri(el tisi' I1
I-t o't -')a l ih aftrn11oon. Ti h ao
il 'o the en1410 ee t Ii Ile l l iiter t 1i
a(ftr proper warn1tingI ttllll ndO ob)ject.
mnii is t o solemn il'.e) nllar irin O ''ofo ro a -i
'omll)('nt1 n)It11ub)r of credible wit- wvl
nsses, on any lly of' t110 ynr, (ee>t 1o0
tg t ord's ;ay iel days of "til
publ1. ic hlumiliattion .'
011(1o lill O ago it conu>le it) "ed tot !
re(v. ,}. Hood, of Newberry cOunty, t
It K'ced elr !>re'tnch'r, bul)e)tt, 1(1 (0
o'e'c>: ono Salodsth nlighlt, to ho
merridl. ie dh ee!ined to lo no n
2(1 L Cl (1(1 111 eC. i'li' l i
lo.a the coul wohl!(I Wait int il af( r i
kul' e'l'ck. They cons1enlt(ed to do no t1 l
:(t ) t111 ertin thent M: r. hEood 111
broug ht ont s'veral coies o f tie b lb l -"
)on;: In(l 'lil h y aill :,atng isatlnl, until 0'
"'11i IlI o--1i~ 1V(L o el
mlidn'ighlt wthe'n Mr. Ibru)l peorformlted
it n'roemo'y an t y h11-1vo lived in
b11>ily 'v ' Sie . A- h bl v1llo Me- si
hli II
He dl ('DI1 e :1JlitF . Ilt
Oh 11iarv"e," it s,''1lms, is c reatin a
en:ation in NewheI,vrryv ats witll as of
Wi1ln,ns (r as a et,Ionl buytv r". T1he, fol- .11
low.in11g wast rec(eivnd yest.nr(aay' by Oo
if ouvr yo'nit is ps: p l
TelegraphI'll 1y1"- Say. n11ister, .ouiCln
know hi er 1 crnn tint; .'}prtlnlt's man?
G tlt:nti (,n t nor-ner-1on't.,c
kn:w hlim. 0:1, yoni til1 tile n)tln C
with no heels on his hoe'
' "leg:raIph b ---e sI r.that 1 him.
rent lernan W ll he is at Smnith's )
01;(ngth 'p)l Oo .\l
1clgraph1 bo - u1t wh t 1 'lowed.
Gvt;a-Ayhn wron:g?y
'T'tlt'traph hoy- -No, only cotton is
just he in1. I must btrnt the wind. Ti
G:entl1,nan--Thu'ltuu eratie,n: sold mny
eoi tou t(( ioon.
Tceh ,;ra; h boy- h boughrlt, it?
T hO; boy\h. lIw; that man
Carries 1 ; . fI bi o1'.
-"Now try't Teolphon1, l :XChange in1
Winnsboro Nos ,trul tliraldl.1'
Cuddle Doon.'A
CThis, swe t in t :lene little poem for
th(e nur iL is by ' Stufatenai n" (Alex,
aie r.n'derson ) in Contenlpo>rary Scot
tish Verse." It is very pplar in Scot
The hairnie's etile i o t at nicht
\'i'le licle 'tughlit 1to dinl;
"Oh1 try and sleep, y;! w\aukrife roges,
'YI ur. lfIatler's Conint' in." e
They never u. ed at wordi% [ .pea1k; t
I tryv to 1;ie at r)(1oon,
But ye I ap tht up an' cry, i twe n
"Oh,d ~o hai rn rouddle doon !"
I Ii a y s.. tee211i1 pn x the b ', .I
Th ra.(speatil starts teta fa'.up
I'rh, andlr feth thenil pIces drinh(a,
The stopae the sou'..2rl2 .1 n ar
\V'en (rew1tthe1 l10l11tthei alt('ey
aut er ie whoitiutes gan,bee ab es
Ahe misph,ci's i'l'theirTam'for'tricks
"Oh haIirnlies, cuddle14 doon i"
A'length'c they hea'r thei athrsll IiI;~i
te,' ash1 te sted oIt
Thaytui their'( face)1 s ithe wa il
Whsile b Tin retlnd tl~ o tsore.
"is nl a'lther was bee gudlIe?"s lie,ak
And liutt fored ned hosel' thtco. h
Wee(1 lo at bour e ainths,til lla
An' as strai eah con.e D
The bairnie cuddle doo Alays nich
Wi'r mitheta' ert e
Mgay Ire wo rlsabo
Aye hispr, toug thi posbeh
l:ichanl ii. (;rtrker, Ir., \ Io wt'
I I.'1>w.! t o hu new.'l1 paIt.-r fratl"-rlli'y
u is Stat, dii'iIl ti wei!, at Ii
Sl i,i ta, in th e l'i.h ..' if !h i:
i 1't st l 't, tu Iii !< l4:.t ;t 1: i\'t "
;;t't u tl lt l Y'1 oIi 'i ;htr'1 it l"tl1t" I n (I lt i t'. -
thuy eal ao Io lngatline uuhe nio
por lo1'inc"s with l;' h rothe' r. thl.
fIwa: yrsI': i; 111 ' lhe(en 1ot;net, t;fl w'.tht
It'l :;al I t s of N .wIr,:ti :.
it'1l intinll i r-- oIl ' t lil i- itr ,['. ' I ij t
ts an intlutrlious. wtrit"r, an!,i was
ft. ':ith at i nu rl;-h l(! m nory
iich i;I t hi i n111111 a tliralyi in tt1.h
- al fihl. i i ini, 1 -.t. r'tiring (li po
) in wa in hart'mon 1'. With a pri aitml
i';-h lifte , a ti hi e t h i- !am r.1 ! tl
those whou 1 I- te . ' i' h!e qulal
I Liti I l 2 li t:t' 1 t I !h 1i , I I t r : l I
c s Ih Ith ;t i(1-i ,u'ed I ('har hactcl'.
I ('nVillu I)untainlt"r, lth.
) it:n 1 r (1 t" ll q i. i tr1+ .1-t Im
it In w1tL 1rofo)nll srr:.w t '. we,
ro 'IiClt t. t , t hat the Ih';-a: t .\ n,1 I
'i4 i'ited rtthe h11 1 of our fri 1 11 S .
'ra: and itken frm him h i.( h
11 a;! tin a i) ttt' wifo. She was at htr
u ( ptlI l a:-t! 1't chir b on ;i nshty, a -
W\r(l yte y, the . th of MIu'!h, 1h,
-w ri ir l Ig ht h i i lilt anl)tl a 1h w;:
it. 1 wa) ; ut o ktlow &IlIa, i1)ich
1(1 you l,Vi herld . 'ih m:n- l O e;t
mI1 , "inl^t :.lbit'( a:'i -,h:1 w.-.," w',
ve 4-halrt'i mI)tt r' her') I!(:-p;;1ita l roof14,
iy \" 1 ne-, r of t"l l: )1 -11 pi. t ml".la' i,, 1)i.'
htau Il I 0 in. Sh;Il, avs aV hu.an ,
't' ml IlehiIren, rt:;tit"1-;ia llahu-r
111n)itr (If fr'i'!!h. IO i l;I'lrn ( th de t a t
on 1 v:ho al : h:I( .' l t ;. -11I
d t' c rfutl wta'" rt- for all :.biI o . .
1W Was et,r r(': i. .t l it) l a- -
t)lin '. rt i elin41'-'h at ra ern!1
is she v. bH I)' rea'';tly wh:-dl . "( To
t reaV'd l.t w- o:It.-r om.t i .
lV t ti' thiy. .u, tru: thl-y II y hO
Is el by0 tr 11 h it b;,,e tuu anive ; 11.t
t!y ''an1 ;rt to hIr, atlthoa;:hi -h1 can1
V(''rtmore r-"tur t1 1 o th m and t^t c(1rn
n(l the: t o r ; ct';t;I 'ti r
to d!oetih 11 i1in ".-: t(II
1mbe r, <1 - ( . -t, wf i 1 o l, e
)tl t II"il' : tIal'\ 1 illiul;l wa:tV; l;
1 hl fo hy 1w mni beatt. o
-itu a rt i( 1:'t,; : ll , tw '' tI i ' l.l it ll -"
>iI1'pon, ali l:g lr':a(,-f i t, hby ilotp
. n a i:e:i n: 1Vi ic0(1.
Tfh o P'cb bl1es' LOss(.:1.
w 0motht the tta-beach iebbles are!
Rut, dlo you1 l:nOw.;,
e Ocean wo'rl:t<I a iihumtredl yeartt
TIO m11ake theml so.
t1d( o,ice I sa iw" a little g'iro
sit lon" a :r- crv
cause She couIh nl oCure a f cult
With one Sndracll "try!"
- Fa caltoge.
t.l and r,cov is meel at mate ; of' . .i'
t -have fcu CN ..n. h.11 b eMfI
if!luence.i A C- of c ro . . I : .'e)1 u ,d , r
1tk cf Motr'. riend btfor $1 alt
d Iame, v:4 --~i1io -O,Altia a
ait tl a ,.'' ~r.d: Itucdstrat o
h-'.-. Ro r. u - --
a i th grad
I dfrcyrwoawhat i idfr h
anst ote h rie h aoe(t
trk t e pa i forind(1 a,a a o sufe ig
mg boyad la.ntlet.wihi
f;.n ? i1~.LCc;:trin ;n'Ji-, Of
I, e , 1 , -
J ,,' [I'S.11
IiApcrf(,ci iiernc(i; for Constip--'
f\ '1 1 ... O l VI t0i 1 LC hF i 1 .y : i 1'
7!: 'Situ' Si;lutt\nrcP'L o
1 I : .. ,..CP.F.M A P 3L i..
O':ic\";are, tha ci; .l3ttt.
-tf'. Y-iTJ i '!tofI
'.3'ill. l rn(Nr ',t
A 'L' A '2ONIS1I
(i 1 1,c ,"r
the 1;raxllcv.t and( ,: tctLC:r,- ;. cc1. l'r
OR LtI'iNOT TH[L'T114 If4)i~!t HED I) ?i'S
( '011t3jill "'%f ' r. 1lO D1'' t,--". S r nu ':.1S(
tIhILIl; 4torcI( Jllst, I',:1 04 .43 ti ll't. , _:_l11~
Boars the
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"i ,' li, '.4 t4,t
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u6 1'.I. t N vi ir-r I1 v, ilt .
(I-:n i'.t ru St a nlaurd 'J1ii '.)
h,! hu n::d. Northbound.
M'.. I'M. A,M) A.I1
23 i 53 62 85 3
i 7 t I .i.l I,v I.nires" Ar 1 3' 4:10 11 )0
r; nl ; ' i ! 1'11rI: A r I 21 1 20 1 I S
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(i :: 1 - .bvId l i'l :I 3 1 i 21)
S !' I :I'iin rl.. 12t3 32ll 8 1
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"i ti;'. ;a!nl+tn.. 1'2 13 :3(11 8.'42
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9:Iil' N :1II.rot:1no I1 as 1 14
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t. -.':. ' iI: hnr ., I ; 14 12 10
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ul( -Litur('yntily
.I 11 r1 c . ': ' 4. 4 4. II 3 ~ ; 4 ~l 41
+ .. t": 1.;';N ,wherry >:u Iu ! ,, III I.In
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. ti .. A ..... i .N l '. i )
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a n4 4')).r .vill.. 9h.ilv
T r \ ," .,I . 4l. 9 414i 1....
r nI:1I (.1 t ' , l ...-w h ..rry ancil) 1 +) 11. 1
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NFo ry'. No a-.
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