OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, February 12, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1901-02-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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4111 "T-M I -w 4
~1 . v - - -L,
th a a i
fl, ; h, : t./ wj I
j t !. : I ne.v. :
tCo 1n.- . 4 , r i k f -
legid t:o. /.1.e:.. o *a.e
t ill for r. '.> 0 -
ha,i ot lit '..N--rr : 1 - to b
m ~ %I or I
1-> (in a oll' th o -r /ar:k ;1.. <. . U ,(:
t d . If it. (ollli:,. I 1',P I ! . .v.,!;1 b4: i
each sh~ a oa to b).: fol f- e ii -r
be t;la Of the Ht:4to. T.
!Ia. ol t wj t
I t> Tf M ay a. ' 0
n any fat ory.n ':o .. n.a
it : or. t::s e :.a a o: to i.
tae: h at fro2 ar!a'o.. a
le.iySars aba b : 'apoy- in an ia .
t.ory.' 12, itr': .- . x~ ti e' '-- b 2 h ine- t.
noi? hillia und tO : aic: I' f 2a . h:ar '.',an
nih atr onura at -r -G. f l rki th
i t ,'t.l i Tha ', rron ani. t a f t.: the ir-t
a ay f .ano:t y. '., fj.- ar , e .ih f t, ,:
tinanyaire fac t,tr.ti. taeim ,. , r t. tile -a
of: n nt I f, thi - .af-. n i i. ab
chl id, or it':?. arent :c or,a- i yo trrl a,! t -sh l
aUpon ar . pi b . a: . ah i t j I. i , ta < :e
.rhoriti.--:2 cihtl that fo tic h -.' IIrptel: tjo-'
eta i ficat4tE: 0. f l .a I'a: er orI a a I te ral
ofte h faar hool~.a wh/ r Wai < h' i b a tte uled,
shal i bell pira2 tf 2aci pr ac at 'ha I ahl
ci ld mtol cornpl:tie wih h pov-io ,
-)t . i .' rT h12yat'2 * i a: evey o n r uei n
Ifa t>ry, tin:.irt hr a aex , 1 tile : ufa t.o inge
Jic'talishinat, ar'l any'i t c :- eronini
ch l air ' thereof, or:lt a,, ro- it ad there wctlh,
whoiks sh.aa cuploy'~a'at any --o.ch hii, a'on-a
tll galityl. I O 'of a rni 1s 'c'rn Aa ir, ii'ad for
a:avery sugh.e:ai otea' e i a' lll, hfI' I. o vi' e.a
Itioni tere f el'a liae: Jlno t - htanflI.
nt longer, atha 0dis a h ic
Hc, . li.i ia T hfat, ain)iy parent, gulf'aia, i
ora oterl :irl.n having.a~t iea hii orher
conatrol'11 ay chil. whoillI itonsrt, slfOi
tor hfrits hen e(.n pl eet o heieis orI~
wiluly maiigerephiresent aythe age Li7 ljcaucha.
Linmtd i ataln o a hirnt,' ode
t'..tain eployment forhith Zhlid orii
ormeanr pandcau for very asuc 2'hi orlfese
nohrt iirutha d-, or mre than wi,ey or
wilfinllysoned ot t( Lpnge than: .'Y <hits,
iat te'zi~ d ia'rtions of te icourit.,lio'l2
14HieLi., i.Thato unay fiowii,ei i wh shllt'
fardn is o ay of athej~j pesliofn jamlei
dasor obyr beajforeom ovo mpco eretcom.
tat h is actuii a:Ly u d Liendent for ha'I p.e
Pot, upolnLi ithe2 311 carni Lof chid or
ch0 idin shaloIE!l bei perittediiu t obain
DL mpilym.aent~1o fo aLi hit or~a ch'L ire
wido. who sIhla wiow whar falily
tunieo any ,nsaid h atiav)i, sIha be in
dWictbeforh ii, perjur a poid d bylwi law.i
So.t hat a utrily at so and parts fo acts
pi conon wet (teipovifin of11 th'
onoy e,itnd tae aril horchy, ert,
Theo bwlo exemptwheing graues f he
CharOco Medicatal colege fmand.1uLuo iL
ing an examinat,ion boforen the State
bnard of medlal examinora bofor'e on.
Woring upon tho pr'actice oftmedicino ita
also pased both houses and if approveoI
9 '
(7s o ' 'the (.jo~lje- wi ta Lve
o 1 (7 r 34 30
r -.7 - i rj(.
7 *aL.-is
1.-t b * 1 .
- -... 6.. a y * .
- - -- a ary
- -- . t a r: 7 t iLr,a L
I,a- fi nd. 82J,; praial Ing of
I 7}7r:iil iadarit of r:duaentiii, $j.000;~i
prninrg ,abook--, ate , 1 11:9 S',at..
fj7o-irr *.x Il-a-':'. -93<a d: staitionry, $300:.
-17-D)o;!rapuh,:r, l')i; L.raavel ing r:xpiIl:H,
dj',UtrjI. L.':Iair-IaI, $1 ..,00: agiij tarat
;ai.a,? i'Eei:al f1.:10a: .7-tua iarm,orer,
t r:a ' a r.' e x :u:rns-- , ' 75 : c7ontini
p'L ur F,;! ar-r:rti at? lianafort, 1300I: for
(bI ro' li~itiai, * .l.000
- .',re: vene',L'r~rl, i j.900.): a.Vi,dtant,
il ..;:',: r-outij~igt-L faun', $ I:,: as'atLion
7.ry. 1 -'j lsigationr expiri.2:1, $1 ,a0:
fo,r aerI-:r!':nay. $,')l, if liQr.r-.iry.
i ': --71r:tatry, $1 .'l$:'ntinagr.nt fundl,
i l . 7.
I15 Lta. ilne ry, I 3I)4: oth er :x pen ses,
rn 'lt h - an rd $ :!' for liv VInthL-a: L.wo
libr*ee at $85 pier ruinthb for fivye
ni.iiathi: kao-per'smL conin'gent fumnd, $200.
.Nla'i1reta:(jourt, ( 'iefI ..7t.ica, MeI V,r,
f.,l 1:. Jusiceja7 ,ary, $2 I5:;7 , Ljse.
.1 (afa-, 2,8-5' : Jii-4IcIea~I' l'ope, $2,~00; ch- ark,
- aO obararia, $)100a: reporter, $000; ait
terlaihal, $2:11): nl-aainlger', $200: conft In
l'iat fauia, jws: b,ooks for library, $500l:
100 opi, ofa ,a. h a) nd mm : I(Lh repiorLts, $1,
i''or each i of the a ml it ht crcuait judgesftt,
I lb0 : sollel:1torM, $11 ,(a7'; itenotg rapha
Ilis ral of 1licult.hi for (riuaran iI tin
liuarpo(ises, $1 5,01:0; for State boardt, $2.
''0: I 'faa 1stoain <jiiaraui ine: staLl .n, $2,
I:>,h: St.. I Ieln's%. I90.a: 'oirt, lloyal, $1,
';:,: a - Irguetown, f.fl75; I ,t.z eret to, $300);
el17rk bire foir Nt,'a,e hOardl, $300.
Si 'as of conuty aud itor-, $25,5' 0~;
pri i atig for acomn ty and Ii'tr, $2,500
"1outhL ( ui'arol Iina Co)ll ge, $2H, 107, and
1l 1,100 for saeward 's hall.
Winthi ropi C ( Ii'lgei, $ U3,000; for slcol
arIis, $5,-.156; foir uiew dlori'nItory, $20,
The Ciit( adrl , *25,4000; rep;ai rs, $750:
Drundry.''~' $1 ,50i0: Iabt.orator'y, $750; libra
ry, *2:!,50,
H tah te(col)o ed col 1lege, *8,(::a.
I-or I he puli c aichiools, $100 000).
I'INA l, A N I) 'llA,gT i',,
(earuu Springs~a de(at, dumbli and hilnd
asHylum , $1:0,( ), t,d $20,000 for' the ere.c
tiona of a now building.
Salarulos for' the Xtaito p)oniteJntiar'y
(iilIlitls, $5f,-100.
(Catamwha idilans, $800) und $200 for
TheIi State haospital for t ho Iuano Ia to
get: l''or rnnin g expeunses, $100,000;
buin iIag p)urposeC, *10,1.')0; Wallaco
prop)jerty debt, $4, I20; salary of suitnii
tndent,, $3I,oG3; hoard cif regonts, $1. ,20
l''or time comnpletion of the Stato capi
tol, $15,000.
Cha arleston ox position, *50,000
ITe largest sinic Itom Is $285,015 45
to meet the ito<tonl the public debt.
JIn the Iamne conn uectioni 1s $20,000 for
the payment of past dute intrest liable
to accruea on) Old bondsl and stoeks liable
t> b e founded under tneo laws of this
Htia to,
''r the penIsionH $100,000; $000 for
clerk and $120 fort piost'igo, et,c.
Pubhlic printing, $12,000;olhms,$8 000;
gtover'nor's mnanilon repair... $250; water,
$2.000; ligh ts, $0,000;' fuol $1,200; pihos
pahato tispector, $i1,500.
A numtbor of improvemeonts on tho
Staito houe aro contetnplaated, among
the'mm $2 000 for' rowiring. Tho amount
for repairM to root Is $250
l'hosphate insapecior's salary, $1,200
in onal andc. charitale infstitut,ions,
Salary of colo o>maiknisioner, $400.
bKexIxm- of O. cti.ar.; m .
E Y*t't Of %...."A. e':'re: V-.
-! fi a 1 t ' }. j tl
i76 1, 14. - 1 v f T. dmi f .
J ~ i; P!O'4 I 1'fdsHli
1 -,'.t' 0r1f ihi. '-0.1 1f)Lf'
l It ;[ 10 V l 111I- s'c I
r.if. f; L f4. N w r. r
-f b .1*.. x
-S. ' S **,..S't:b,'A
- L. a.d o
H H *. i a-. Mg'rte
H-:..-:.- C.a-bl e:. Newb-:rrs:
* Ja at': .ar' H.2a a m r
-: - 'l: t: w bY
P,Y :: r.t: W vr. :f. rr.
v : Er. Evn, .c:r- or ae
* .: 1*.'r. .e r: J 1E."v- T arr
r- ar '. ar,i r. ta?rr.r: i
i -a'r v .e lwal aility ar.
r .,.' , r L:a' p a o ar hir
: on ary - tion f b ighly r e
,'d f r r.it.cllgs*. Mnre: hr a
a r.ibr Havr. e. e r
t .n..*.-r . sa has. Ftrd .u - a i-l
t peol e r 1, ih bee r inued
to th n xt r.a. Al r. i- ib er bil
t'a. cr- - ar ' nu r i: urispect ,or in
th t t il pss Air I)ominik as t not
n frieand d- pr:rir to i and bis
v:.r.jf. h Aregarde by highly re.
It'i y not te mm(:a . Mwh r ot kiri
anto Mr. r efo er have both been here
whor wids t had expmot rience in legis
t on.4 Mi% B. an kt haIi odt i ced a bill
ver hav county foi,peraieu meetmd by
tObV I)f'-0)I(!, IUL it biA4 beC11 CONU1i'iud
to ths k (:XL Hf-Slor). hif'. o toiblew' bill
to c(oiat in I asmen e limpector lut not
Y e b(t biec-114e , out it. Isiot likely
th e I ntt Will JbHH. N. Dominick lt rot
I'avor wtied ano doill , bt h4 ha1 what10
uja iny fri (wi f1 le-Ig tihim tisli,i andio N
very hiighily i-(!gw-dled by hitic-ollIeuguies.
Id k riot the omthe. who tlks ost or
rtiitod aicesi ge g yeitesH nhor of I.14
Who wilds tO kelot I il ieaicre It i a
vet eidw mgtter for it you,heg iStinbei
tr L-Allc 1Jum#-s'f out of irollijence.
be assedr at. hi eill n thu hsev
erproposed tamesde the benttie
hre bhah been continudrable plang
for phat,it rmogo themnr at ti
sesin, and uo he wtis aty nwot ya
badorecaodher toection, yeteth,rfory
quite am numer wheolaren ahrav eeng
rtied poiian siulso by n thenr
people not liken th at ny vea,ure aso
vidheyor rlaeititic theater dtayt, wild
b asinesa at this s,thogh ofev
graml prsdad aue chance ofbeng
* *
Plirshaetbver cniderablr Governor
afor th Uitihnod Ste ms at arhis
thitk as wnt,heredh ad fallead feelin
the Ijal ad pmlse aond will drop byi
tees waiobr the r acmpbign. 'h
pThpe presenth whakitl of voting one
and )nate adjournet thisl bte had tne
Senator Mive hadts nrocernabil
aro fno tha Unitdo Sttf teatow aofa
thickl aMounthern snduatlln Leeino
countyido Newborry Thee berens.
four votesenat weeth wilt et,on buy oey
and votaldornnt illbehn.nx
.* *
Mssantt Mocrhaumpnroduscsedaill
taeasi the pocion ofithher fthero
armsnof the Nenaer. There were oen
aloted Nfworiannexaion.te ydrn
them. Juanitari Wuere hs pndig
atowy in the crsity dwpthen fahe
Mr.cent redxpert sowrthattat
othse Nofwfoodsiay bnte cmpyetely d
gted wby. aprealayso cald todsee
them.s Mrie webeh asutelyi
contion eegosanl dhenatrmet
dros rivht deito the work.and fo tAs
becn exrime.nts how neher fald
combiatonrel the ver wostrase ofdiges
tion andi It always gives-instant relief.
Gilder's Corner Drug Store.
7'.1 A. 1'!f.'.'b!& I A'i' f p'9r , Itg %. l \
-.,I I -o rf $aV 41 :1 . 1 -i. 1f. W ke: l Im I . , 4
iI A -Iain a ,. ih ti :ll I t i .
I t1t (::w I 1,i 6,s- - (-- ist i t t
"Ther aret t Lii wich wi:r;1 e.
.:: It! pi-t',w.; "tr wc- r& ' t-e c~
twv l it.l. th l i-e h L Cr pCa -, ti e
htc.e.Th i 5daw' toi -ke hrc
rn ~.t r, M 0-OOI '.-i- e c-~; 7 t
e - - h:ee pApropr iao ' .
Twc, ' lw-el hT(: .,L .l--d
Tha 1--d -a)lt(>"1ay takze -it;, th(.
J nW A. N-ROP rmo S.
In approprition Lill a-, it passed the
hou .e the following increases over the
appropri;ltrjon of syn were niade:
C Iernor-ste nog:aph-er $4r x xtri
c2erk hire sec:etary of State, $ic>; print
ing, r:rTiptro lf:r geleTal $2cr; printing
r-':ds, state tre:%,urer, f ,5 , 'necessit
ed by change of officia> ; rent fur offi.c
State superintendent of tducat;ol, $4r.:
Ste::ogrpher and tvpewyiter, same office,
printing., same ffice, $719, and
stat:onerv and stamps. $175: adjutantI
general $3,:-, c,erk, $3'r: repairing arsen
a, at J'aufo-t. $ya: att-rney general's
::d -.o p-osecute I sts, $2.5c1; pintng,
ra; :oad comniss;on $.5; State ibru r ian,
- L.tlge::t jd, $rc: increased sala. two
wa'.ch-en at .:a.e house, $-r) each; con
t':gent fand keeper of State house, $:e o
Tr. ta ,
pher, supreme court, $4c
to secrerary of State boar-d of
hea:th, $36: repairs quarantine Statio
St. Helena, $i' ,: Port Royal $rca, and a,
Georgetown, $75. Total $9,5.
South Carolina college, $.-.) and $1 1,
r--j for stewards' hall; Winth,-op coilege
j ro, and $20,9.10 for d dormi6ory;
the Citadel, $5.r, .:, and $rc . 'or coi
111011 schooli. Total $147,540
Boneds and interest, $2,212.50 more than
last year; Charleston exposition, $5o,-;
completing State house, TO5,c-:. TosI
$67,212 50
1.ightinl.g State builid;::gs in Colunbia
costs $3,()) more and fuel $2r-> more;
anld $3,c:.-) for insurance on South Caro
lina college buildings. Tota! $6,2(.).
The total of these increased app opria
tions is $229,271. T'ls dloes not include
the il tiofnal appropr;ation of $vy>,r;u:
ill a separate bi for the confederate pei.
sions. It does however, include the $50,.
co for the Char'eston e:cDosition alld the
$ 1(,L02 for the colmolln schools. The
hoise last yea - votfel t o,. for the
comnion schmools, but it was me,-ly a hill
then, or was so re:4ardled. This .xear it is
"straight goods '
J.A.ss Tni:.srtsov r. 1r;.
To offset tbis emndous ine:eased ex
penditures there were a few items of un
usual e-.pense ini lhe approp.ltiionls of
19r/ which did not come up this t ear or
they, too, wouldi have received liberal andI
perhaps bountiful appropriations Aniuong
these are tihe following:
Secretary of State, books and blanks
for general election, $5rx2; general elec.
Lion expenses, $15,c-'>; for advertising
general election, $2pcn; othier pr inting,
secretary of State, $2<.->. Total $;7,7.o.
State board of educationi, $2co; salary
supre:ne court justices was ,6.8
more ini 1900 thani for this year; th<i
Citadel in u<r>o received $6,250 for dIe
ficit for precetding years; thle State fail
will not neced its regular $I,200 advanci
this year; Cedar Springs last year gol
$rop> for a building for negro childre,
andI Winthrop got $35,r;>o The WValacc
p.-operty notes cost the State Ilinstl
hlosp)ital $480 less this year. Total $54,
Clains ordieredl paid in 1901 are $,o
less thlan inl 1900, and1( the appropriatior
of $500 for- the "liack papers'' was no
uientionued this year. Total $5,500.
This shows ai a g,andl total of $78,o:<
explendted in 1900 for i;.ems which were
not presenited th is year, a nd redutces th<
grandl total of increasedl appropriation ii
190! to $251,261. This amoutnt repie
sents tihe $r'x),cxo for public schools, the
$Ico,ooo for pensionis and t e$5o,ooo f
the Charleston LIC(position.
In other wordis, although there lae
been a general denmand for pittances fo
the several deptsrtunenits of the govern
mient, the ordinary approp--iations fo
1901 wotuld not have exceecdedl those fo
1900 This is dtue to the fact that WVin
thirop) in i90o got $35,0co additionial, ani
this year butt $30,cco; the Citadel, ii
1900 got $6250 for pa.st indebtedness; thm
expenses of the general election adde<
nearly $20,'xco to the appropriationis fo
1900, anid there were a few miscellanieou:
items which were not diemnisdedi thi
year-repairs to State house, etc.
The Increased taxable p)roper-ty of tIe
State Is $4,5o2,8o9, and at 5 mills thmi
will give $22,514.05 wvith which to niee
the $25o,coo a(dditionmai for pensions, ptub
lie schools and Charleston exposition
The total amount of taxable property i
$179 ooo,ooo. At 5 minilis the revenue o
thmeState would be $R95,ooo, enotugh t<
meet all expenses of thme governnment ex
cept the $25o,ooo above particularized
An additional mnili would bring In $179,
However, the State Is not bankrtupt
The report of the comuptrollher genera
shows that there Is now In the treasury'
ot..". I I v.- 7lc n: .i. S: o -
The fu o;owig :s 'he levy i-::hee
eral coun(ties, and7. wher.ever there s.
change it >-sotd
Abbeville 2 c mills; Aiken, : m4.
AXnder-4n, 4 mills: P,amnbe;., .B Parn
well, 32, dlecreased ;: Chat 1eston, no
change; Cher jkee. 4 2. redutced .1
Chester. . 0 Ciarendon. 3, reduced I:
Colletotn, 7 ; D)arl .ngton, 5. inicreased i
Dorcheste:, 5 -, reuced o ; Edgefield,
4, reduced ,;I-airield, 4; Florence, 3
r teducer1 1: Green%il-e. .:, increased
aeorgetow, 5; Greewood, 4;
A:ieptotn, 1.; ilorry. 5i; Kershaw,
6l, reduced '; Lancaster, S.', reduced
C; Laurens. 7, increased for road pur
porches; Lexington, 4; larioI, .; Marl
boro, 6; Newbfelrry, 24; Oconce, 4's;
'rangeburg,'2(l , reduced .; l'ickens, 7,
ncreased1 i; Ricliand, 3 '. ; Spartanburg,__
-; :Ganuda, 5'l, increased ,; Suter, 3,
reduced ; Union, 7cst, reduced 2; Wil
lia rnsbu7rg, 4: York, 4 f
This is mserely for the county levy
and does not incl;de M y in certain
townsh ips which have voted bonds in
aid of railroads, etc This, too, is mere-1
ly as it passed he house, but the senate
will make few changes. B
Lr.r,isJ..vE EiiNSi;S.0
The report of the comptroller general
shows tue legislative expenses in i, to
have beens $.40,895.79.
The legisl-ature this year will he equally
as costly. The bill to iake appropri- N
ations to pa the per dhemvt a nds mileage
of the general assetbly will tcoe up in S(
the house today It p -ovidIes $S,c:3, if
so much he necessary, for the senators;
$25,ak fos the representatives; $4,2cB
er the engrossing department, and clerks
and Ettaches get about $6,c.-s more.
A Conrincing Answerr.
"I hobbled] in to JBlackmon's drug
store one evening " ays Wesley Ne
soun, of Hamiiltnn, Ga.. "and he sked
me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for --
r'hi.umatism with which I had suffered T
aor a long time. I told im I had no
faith in any lnedicine as they all failed.
He usid: 'Well if ChamberlaIn's tain
iBhn does not, heslp you, you.need Hot
pay for it.' I took a bottle of It home
and used it accrding to the directions
and in one week I was eured, and have
not since bieen tr'oubfe~d with rheuma
tism " t'old by W. IC Pelham.
Contract to Let. fr
. bIdder contract, to build a flat at
S(rothe(rs at 10 o'clock a mf , February F
22, luNd. HI ght r'eserved to rej-et, any
or all bIds. J. M. SCUMPEi',
t 2t County SupervIsor.
-itors of WillIam Langford, de
cese, re hereby requIred to ' enderTI
In and establish their claims against
said deceased before me at my istilce in
the Town of Newberry, on or before
the fifteenth day of March, 1901,' and1
all t,he credItors of said dcCeused are
hereby enjoined fro.m prosecuting t.heir
claIms except as herein prmovlded. S
W 1). IIARDY, Master.
Master's Oll1ce, Feb 8, 1901.p
A ,Y Gibson, Clerk, as Administrator,
&e , of Vincy Gallman, deceased,
PlaIn lIT. againstF
- B3rooks Clark and othere, Defendanta. -
r n, Iwill sell at publIc auction,
to the hIghest bidder, at Ne wherry N'
Court, 11ouse, on saleday In March next,
that house and lot of which Viney Gall
r mnan died, seli.d and possessed, lying
.in the Trow n of Helena, in the County C
r atnd State afrsi,contaIning One 0
Acre,more r les, bouded y lots ofSl
r Rev. Nathan Chiles, Anthony WrIght
-and others, upon the following terms,
I t,owit: Iwi
One-half of the purchase money to be Ico
piaid In cash, balance OH a credit of
t welvec months, wIth interest from day.
of sale, to be securecd by bond of the
r putrchaser and mortgage of t,he preml. of
ses sold, wIth leave to pdrchaser tOlpay do
whole amount of bid In cash. Purcha- an
ser to insure the p)emises and assign
policy to Probate Judge, and also to
pay for stamps and panera.
teray~ Probate Judge N. C.
NFebru(iary So, lmo190dDi1.r~
I that"I will make final settlement
. ont the estate of Peter Robertson, de
ceased, In the Probate disurt for New
- berry Count y, M C., on Tuesday the 5th
-1 day of Marell, 1901, at 11 o'cloe'k in the
forenoon, and wIll immedIately there.,
after apply for letters dismissory as
ExecutrIx of saId estate.
,Feb. 2, 1901. Executrix. ?
r.dour batner nineteen y
e 1'c .e d the patroigo of a g
S werts ere tuado to ii
rctt t miracilous offer; <
1%-z to trade anid to re
sl e..h aud all wo ext
2. .1 . as l.t'wu given us.
Our First Considerc
C "'N'k Ihu ) .011 fr whalt they P
b .'-n but to le
is :'a:,. ~ .Y:~ ~ And I
s Our Bond.
A Fair and
The Fair and
Price, your door, $12.50
Guaranteed and for sab
R. Y. L
o come and see the
eautiful Christmas
oods, consisting of
latches, Clocks,
zwelry, Silver and
lated Ware.
ovelties of every de.
;ription, and prices
-e right.
Will keep open until
mas every evening
Itil 9 p. m.
Ednard Sclioltz7
ust Received!
Aseptic Vaccine
omthe laboratories-of
'arke, Davis & Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
Ask to see the
A/ire Guard, Padded,
pecially designed for
rotection of the arm
Eter vaccination.
Otio Mai of Newbleny, S C
pital-- -- -----$150,000.00
rplus and Profits - 96,865.88
Teneral banking business Iransacted
I,h proropt,ness. Special attention to
lections. Correspondeonce solieit,ed
Savings Department.
)eposits allowed interest at t,he rate
4 per cent per annum from date of
riosit. Interest, payable January 1st
I July 1st of each year.
M. A. CARLISLE, Prest.
TP. S. D)UNCAN, ('ashtes
J1. WV. M. SIMMONS, Ass' C'r
uid alid SecurittjCo.
otes, Bonds and
~ocks of all kinds and
B eal Estate.
0. B3. MAYER~I, President.
i. M. KINARID, S00. and T5080.
ars ago, and through all these years
roat many of our first. customers, al
iduco thom to trado elsewhere. In
)f competitors draw them from us
main with us. Many customers are
end our thailHks for the many favors
ition is Our Trade,
ny. From the very beginning our
id them all, and we ask nothing md-e
>rices with those of any other house
t. to trade with us means a javing of
itable to you to trade with us during
snd xperienceo has taught you that
More Goods for Less
Square Deal to All.
esr of 1910A. Every train brings in
wth s Yii.m and is always, we intend
square Dealer.
Nolons, Sewing Reqffmtes
and Linings
CI&GSIm0or Cog*
Notions! Notions!
Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,
Corsets, Gloves,
Linings and Trimmings.
The best Hosiery and most of it!
The best Handkerchiefs and most of
The be8t Corsets and most of them 1
The best Gloves and most of them!
Come and see us.
C.& . S. OYER CO.
Your Notice!
It is a fact that
we are selling
our stock of Art
Uncle Sam's
souvenirs will go
a long way in
our store now.
Pay you to look into
The Riser Mflflnery
Have everything ar
ranged in their new
store, so that they can
serve their custorners.
They are selling their
entire stock at and be-.
low -cost in order to
make room for the new
Spring Goods before
th'e season opens.
Oay ext we will receive applica-.
tions for Beer Dispenser at Newberry
8. 0. All applications must be handed
in to onp of the members of the Board,
filed according to law by this time..
The oath req i red in this ease is the
same as for regular dispenser.
JACOB S1INN, Chairman,
J. D. SCURRY, Clerk,
County B3oard Control iJewberry Cot. /.

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