OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, September 23, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1902-09-23/ed-1/seq-1/

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A N,
& 1..: mThous
cheap ks mortal man can buy. Bough
aS ch (except p romises) for your money as you car
MILLINERY and SHOE business of the town this F
1odsand Silks.
&AsA STOCK of Dress Goods and Silks for a Newberry
bouse toshow. My Dress Goods Business the past week
that of a year ago. Don't buy your Fall and Winter
until you see my line. The largest stock of Black Goods,
stock of Colored Dress Goods, the largest Silk
ever shown it towi.
. HAIR has returned from Baltimore and New York
and is now showing all the latest things in Millinery.
* ' eyou from 5CC. to $1.oo on every hat you
and look at the styles. If' you buy your
-int find its duplicate on every street corner.
Misses Street Hats, not a hat in the lot
wort $i:oo, take your pick of the lot at only 65c.
isvu ukQta. State board of education at
the e Sg last night thought so
but,ghey will be sugg+estion that Governor MI
eand Superintendent MoM
geetie tha Pas.
Uigev t. tr appointed a special on:
Vrginia D. Young, in themaeteranmnt
~~ W~oman's Journal] issitobenrlyaee
gein I went into the gar- Pcesdlgto,adi
*~ile ~odaw was on the leaves ta r twr,wow
~Soersfor the breakfast fin ftelt r rg
JINthe egntre of the archligtacetteofe
intertwining vines of sgetdcniin.T
~ aterro and Lamarque roses, til otuuulcs
befront piassa steps, sI foundbeudasacmboc
gg2 ened perfect flower. Itthwoasurgst,h
- m nits petal robe ofhabenthruei
was atisfid a mg paign forh hom ti pst."
no fubr,at Ipluced teugTesto hat over.no
~~J#o~md, and giinupTerNendn Curi
~ter a lim geen apointed ined. ispia wom
it onthe rekfaetmable theoranlgalmensab
~4bs itsbeauy wasa beedicion aier be caatires aghe
fwibiar gaps ad fgs.inPickens delegation wni
Sth roe ws a insiraionthea sMpriStendert, wo e
f~j hi werefeshd orien wofmte cathe wor.rg
~apstagap in his mo n t o isndtep the ofaiy
W~gs ape sts y ingrsirrs bei willing." ub o o
to te leer herey Iput y.he womank Mur.ahnts for
~ ~t etra~ot wth y bloed our savembeno act hic
~uaI reae. wTh paagapine The stagn forsoe tnfirnes p.
orier ha froe the hadn of woenr.cas IKohev,
~7~'M Augstnoh , This gntlm n SoThe Crna awydr tari
m awel kno n mli, bngreaser piuteindtee.I wis be r
of i o onSat thPres akfat, tande,inWaw n'ic lgl brisabii
oumi beditro The. eandio we ivess mothiters me
a gCdourie ti,h reies n dao- thrthers,a husbds tat
ibinar gapeslciy and tes n thelne oeulty-. Eo
th enodailyabllein'spitereat toibe ar sKpern'nde wfedll
pprin hr w reresed nr to onmen' eyes o the r
Msr.August Kit is beote oly at resent ou fdat whc
recncae and pagrable iTe cstoandth lnars.r
but an earlema ais ano thepen- Firfa, eas C. Sept.v, 1
delt tikown for wehi trasuhnrr siutin there_wll_bea
Thlrebisa. edithorit of hewNews ad iven. motes f~ me
Toia, t ed piacty antivece the plane o ffeclt.
sendh Carlbeina t the area lieMroon'wrewl
quite,r inumbrfyng lai o Aopew mn eyes tote
Mr. an Acgetal Kohn ilsh na for present oftthe date
tdet thinker foprtwhich htrat oo T h ero ha re ie
"Therebisa oathrt.oa fr somg Geore- Debney, to
Bright the superanteletv offerc-fo tofice Tad wouldt
deth Caolna bajut thee are noi butn---whc i
quted fo tuber ositon.gpo haies of himnelf an thas motered
dhoth the acetbl Seil cmehp out for Coederte fterUns,
*th eiosuggesatonta her Brts o-Th.oeno"arcie
tw ugia. rfromhGeorgeDebaney,lo
cometent, bey alge o do W W.e Ind., Frs!ingthat hew
Borigt the upieinterm,enodnafo that yourlea tould St
-in toheke County,b adied d n elp.bia, Oebe 8h
dery the lad, jstm be eould yutnee upot whiclais, asp
bed afointe wpositon.d Upon thismo hmelad toe yeatto:
th the sug ngeo that Mr. Brihe' mth."
ends O Dollors
offered too large if the pric
with the cash and not on time. I have repeatedly told y
i get here. I do business on as small per cent. as any m
&Y, September '
Don't Worry About My Profits.
HOW OFTEN do you hear the qestion- asked, how can he
make money selling as he does for less than other dealers?
His Goods are better than I find elsewhere, and yet his prices
are lower.
5 cases Standard Calicoes (full pieces) 5c. quality, for this sale
3c. yard.
3 cases 36 in. Percales (full pieces) 8/.c. kind, for this sale 6c.
io bales Celebrated Sea Island, regular price 6%c., for this
sale 4c. yard,
z o bales (Riverside) Plaids to go at only 5c. yard.
2 big wagon loads 40 in. Newberry Mills White Cloth for this
sale 5c. yard.
i big wagon load 36 in. Drill for this sale 5c. yard.
4 cases Indago Blue Calicoes worth 5c., for this sale 4c. yard.
ioo Large Rugs (slightly soiled) worth $4.50, as long as they
last $1.98.
The Leader a
of Low
its meet. CHILD LABOR IN PE4NTLVANIA. double itself in I
ell of the --last five years. A
SSweene tnt au11seen Children not Conned that child labor is
to the southern Sttes. but to be
ban were Found in Ohio, Illinots, New the public cannot
mittee to J**'e,"lana either uninformed
This plan sates. It is a ase.of sav
ble to the --cept a reduced ave
is stated [From the Pittsburg Post.] eiency in the next,
15 quite a Not long ago Dr. Harris, United One of the blaci
~t, is wil- States commissioner of education, ?vania today is ti
upon the said in a fonmal report that the pn. child labor in the
iS is cer- pils in the first three grades of the regions when'the z
and may St. Louis public schools were 72 pe The avarice of gre<
>mfort by cent. of the total number enrolled. guardians is largel
a em Similarly Superintendent- Smart, of this, but it is just
their OSam- Ohio, said that only about 50 per should intervene.
cent of the school children of his but it is important
n's article State went beyond the fourth year be enforced. We
r is very of their studies. The reverse side coming genleration
ded thus: of these facts is seen in the statistics by guarding the r
lities and of child labor. The reason why children.
arply con- children do not go to school is fre- PHOSPSAva
occurred quently that they go to the factory.
,n canDot Labor CommnissionerLacey, of North Report shows That II
ation, but Carolina, in a tour through 261 miles, are as
of a man found 7,605 children under 14. But [Columbia
,if he is North Carolina is not alone in its 'At the meeting
. shame. commissioners in
this clear There are shown photographic day the report o
I demon- groups of working children in North-nghmsoe
ticell on erm mills and factories, the oldest monghshend t
i soon as- being 11 and the youngest 7. These meeon andn
te in the were in a New Jersey mill. . A more ron agand6,
evolution stunted misshapen set it would be; same,perindlst 1,
e sstes, ardto find. Neither the North nrhad received in ro~
alongside the South can say they have done months $19,340.6C
d oson their full duty. The revival of man- 416.13 for the san
tateentsufacturing or starting of new indus The business is
calculated tries makes the worst showing for formerly on accoun
absrdtythe South. In the North we are do. down of the Coos
rejudices, 'ing much more to stamp out childaneotwlbem
labor, and there is one reason why work in the same
902. speculative cotton industries are seek- State geologist wil]
IKr . ing the South, where they are free tion of the entire
to employ child labor. On this sub- back to the comm
lor,or to ject the Chicago Tribune says: mission will then
It is true, of course, that just at legislature the out
present the opening of the new cot- in and make som
the race ton mills in the South throws a more an increase of revel
ed States. vivid light on Southern conditions.
I a letter Also it is true that Georgia, South Hendee,,, N
E Osgood, Carolhna, North Carolina and Ala
candidate bama have been singularly remiss in Duhuque, Ia, Si
appreciate the enactment of compulsory edgeca nounced here tha
encloses a tion and child labor laws. The not intend resignini
hotograph Southern States, as a w hole, are many for trie coming ses
"Pensions years behind the Northern States in The statement w
$20 per this respect. The fact is, however, speaker's secretar:
that child labor is a danger every- say anything furth
- where. The activity of Mr. Davies,
Ithe fruits head illinois factory inspector, shows Select specimneE
e Fair at pretty clearly that we have condi. grains, vegetables,
31st, and tions here which only activity can including poultry,
many are cope with. If our activity ceases the State Fair.
can beat ,child labor begins to thrive. Even your part will sect
j a i imw have seen' child labor the handsome pres
Worth 0 New
J WITH SO MANY GOODS? Such are some of the e
e is right. I can handle a car load as easily as ,some hou
ou that there is not a store in this entire section--all clait
rchant in Newberry and depend on the volume of busine
4th, The BIG S
ioo Large Rugs (slightly soiled) worth $2.50 as long as they
last $1.39
50 pcs. Jeans for Men's and Boy's Pants (slightly soiled) to be
sold at half price.
ioo White Bed Spreads for this special sale 49c. worth 85c.
ioo White Bed Spreads for this special sale 95c. worth $1.65.
roo [1-4 Blankets, not a pair in the lot that's not worth $2 00,
your choice for this sale $1.15.
Jackets, Capes and FUrs.
A BIG LINE to be opened up in next few days. Underwear
for Men, Women and Children, Canton Flannels, Red and
White Flannels, Bed Ticking, Sheeting, Table Linen and
Towels at 25 per cent. less than any house in town. Every
department packed and jammed, up stairs and down stairs.
Lnd Controller
lindis during the -ITIABLI: SCENE IN ANDERSON. A Ti
1 of which means A White arrl. Over Right Years Old, who Cou.ins ina
a thing on which had Never been to School and did Not
afford to remain Know svat It was to Pray-Imme
or unconcerned. School L.aw. ! A ia
the child or se from Ha
rage of adult eff [Anderson Mail.] affray the
generation. A sad and pitiable scene was wit- twveen Are
spots in Pennsyl nessed here last week at the pro- on the on
ie prevalence of liminary trial in the court house, in and his br
nthracite mining which a littl.e white girl, 8 or 9 years Archie Go
ines are operated. old, was a witness. It developed in and later
~d of parents and the examination that she could the Keari
yresponsible for neither read nor write, had never differed iu
~ere that the law been to school or to Sabbath School, tween the
We have laws, had never heard a prayer offered, thought te
that they should did not know until that morn Ilagood
mnist guard the ing that God made her. And this for the lea
>f men and women here in Anderson .County, with manes, an
sing one of little churches and free schools dotting in the firsi
every hillside. To our certain knowl. a majority
edge there are three churches and second bal
)OMMI8sON. three schools within reach of this feated. Il
eBusiness Is Not as little girl and yet she had never been charged ti
rormerly. in either. Would her condition have bilitis for
- been any worse in heathendoin? Is ing~ was th
Record.] ithere any difference between her and ton. The
>f the phosphate a Hindu child so far as spiritual C. &- W- (
Beaufort Wednes- knowledge and enlightenment is
! Inspector Cun- concerned? We very much doubt if
it for the eight there is a negro child in the country1 [C
Lugusta 31 there of the same age who has never been The con
38,736 tons of to school or to Sunday School or the Farme
39 tons for the heard a prayer. And yet here is a hold a w
ar; that the State little white girl almost within sight Wednesda
alty for the eight and. sound of churches and schools pseo
, as against $18,- who might as well have been "in ps of ee
.e~ proof10- DretAfrica" as far as any bnft This mi
not as large, as to her is concerned. If she is reared ance as a
t of the shutting in this way nothing but a miracle can change hai
SW company, but prevent her from growing up a for severa
de to take up the vicious and immoral woman. And about fon
field again. The yet we are told that the law must the farmer
make an inspec not interfere with the right .of a siastic ove
field and report father to control his children. What quite a li
ission. The com- right has this father to rear his child farm imp
lay before the in this way ? What right has he to The exchi
look for the corn- disregard the claims of society upon something
e suggestions for him to rear his children for useful over. Th4
iUe. and honorable womanhood ? Has finally du
- - not the State a paramount right to' gan an aj
,t t Ke~1gn.see that he does regard the claims of divide the
~pt. 19 -It is an- society upom him?i Has not the alliances
tHenders~on does child itself some rights in the prem money to
gthe speakership ;ises which the State is bound to pro- A great f
sion of congress. tect it in even from an ind,ffersnt successive
s made by the and careless father? Has be a right matter, bi
, who refuses to to bring into the world aad rear ways won
r ou the subject. children much as an animal would ? ,spring, wb
Never! We need~ a compulsory secbool 'new boar<
s of you choicest law and need it badly. chosen at
finely bred stock, -----'winding 1
for exhibition at The premiums offered this year at change ai
A little effort on the State Fair have been greatly mi the sub al
~re one or more of creas~ed and competition will be s.harp. The mo
e. Be snu-e to get a premium list at on old Ftainm
Goods -
xpressions made at both depots. No quantity can be
ses can handle a few cases. All my big stock is new
ns to the contrary, notwithstanding, that can give you
ss for return. I am going to do the DRY GOODS,
&LE Sogins.
Now For Your Fall Footwear,
A LL ROADS lead to 14imnaugh's Shoe Department. Hun
dreds of cases of Shoes just landed, bought with the cash
from best markets in Annerica. As we lead in Dry Goods so
we lead in Shoes. Every argument that can be used as to
quality, elegance, styles and economy from our Dry Goods de
partment will apply to our Shoe department. I have just re
ceived a big shipment of :Drew Selby & Co's. Fine Shoes for
ladies, unsurpassed by afly on earth. One side of my store
packed and jammed with nothing but Shoes for men, women
and children.
MESSRS Jno. W. Norris. Henry D. Havird, Levi W. Mills,
Jos. T. Hutchinson, Jessie J. Hitt and Misses Joe Jones,
Alice Cannon, Dora Watts, Effie Parks, Mamie Parks and
Mrs. J. H. Hair, all this force of salespeople will be glad to
see their friends.
.AGEDY AT H%6!!')VO. which has been merged with the
Phootng Affray-One of The*3 Palmetto Bank and Trust oomPauy.
is Killed. Dividing out the money will be a
difficult job, if such a dispositic n of
tch to the Columbia State itis made, and it will no doubt ke
pton tells of a shooting more than a year to accomplish the
te Thursday afternoon be
his and Hagood Gooding
a side and Perry Kearse eRmhoIA.q.
other on the other, in which
oding was fatally wounded (Oag,V,boveJ
lied. The Goodings and Thristeanbidtecon
es are cousins and have tradtemnbhn h-gn h
politics, the. conflict be- a eidtebuzswad h
,m in this respect beingma beidhson tema
have caused the shooting. bhn h ie n h a e
Gooding was a candidate hn i et,temnbhn h
islature at the recent pui-ponhar.ndtemnbid
di, though he led the ticket tefne n.temnbhn h
primary without getting witeadtemnbhn h as
of the votes; yet on the a' h a eidti o* n
lot he ran last and was de- h a eidth as h a
t. is believed that Goodingbeidhswikradtemn
~e Kearses with responsi-beidhsft,adveyinbe
his defeat. Archie Goodhidatigietrdonhels.
e town tr.arshal of Hamp- Btte aesipdaohrtl
fight took place at theloofwo nthghsbe ai
3. railroad depot.-teflw.whisvnoruta
lettle wak ahed whos oany.
loney to B.DvDividino what the sadoe ill is
oumidifreimprtantb tha suh manwpo so
itytrusee tookoldesio behinde Andl we l noae eoplae
rs'Aliane xebng wil nmrhant anea the acoplishoth
v~ Otobe 29 forthepur-exiTene o thshoest Abe man.
otin upn thdisoluio Heep s all man businessh an- i
ans.teri anve theadbehnd the yu, -the
hrks the closebehof the abiaeyu azzt h aw and whei
behiears.eItimas argatizemaa oe
s fheSatwree th e fene;an's tHormn.bhid]h
r th orer,andit idwhte ano e leshindthoutrs
irge wholesalembnsbnesndin puredhearts
lemets,fertlizrs t he trean knoledgte iasn thea
rnge finally accumulatedstree ofelife
businessiod hhe eictangedanvebbingntide.
indleddown,adthn hbe d No trthn be eresd n the it
Smony beweenthe u t tey ameskelyt anosher l
bih ad onriote gain thnour gifts.ghsbensi
the toc of he xchage. The riest prwoise re or uthe
ight wastmadewat severalwpoorestypeople
aonnual meingsiderd, i o doha t t be.s adWhoe obihl to
r' Altne exbange ol l emr hnw
utilgi the meting Hoase o' rmyu aps elul
, ofrcto rs wasfo then hrceriar-bs omeca
dtinpow h disoaletioasti ewrd
ipk the affaise of the eallimyinleneatin-bti
Setnnga one oneytionnohnecaatr
janyes. The anaho ivrsgandvetis
ney as dposied wthlte ahs haityedhas bharity worthtd
Lersndnderechanicsndathe wertisiog

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