JUDGE BENrT To PRESIDE. Will Hold The Lexington Court At Which The James H. Tillman 'Asc. Will Bc Hea'd. News and Courier. Columbia, September 12.- Special: Several days ago Judge townsend was appointed to LAd C'eurt in Lex ington County on, sc4cunt of the i- i nuess of J ndge G age, who was relivt%ed of duty by Chief 31usTice Pop,. Tn, order assigning Jndo wnsend to hold th- Lexington Curt was pui. lished at thetim1e and attrai ed ats:. tron twaus the ease aginst 'Ies H fillman is to be heard at the sp proaching term of the L'o! irt in . ington County. unless soMMe;hn% unforeseen happens It appears that 1udge Town.e:.3 was assigned to hold t'ontt at W'N.S boro at the identic'a. time hb was assigned t.c, hld 'Court in Lin ington County. The t Cnr: Winnsboro opens on the t the same tim, the l.n begins. Ti . o un,el : . laues ii inls' I. Ai.' is elktn t tu h s n o i i t I. Tme r a d :sUer Ieh S Vs C . ' i S , p 11 Uni ted-~: S ae-- ILtrict Atto rt liesch r f, n: L*.dh.. T i t I .1 i: . h-t 0e A is w t el kn p t -e-ts amet i th :ev iti\ lytesents nja re otrI r'i 'g113 ,e W : llear,uch !SIX "uLNIS" IN 71L TOILS. mer hi f!tei diviit the ualare andI allowances. pocstolliee depart. ment; August W. MIachen, former general superintendent free delivery' system, postohlie departmwent; James W. Erwinu. formner pos-totliee iI*spee tur, wvithl headquarterS at San Frzan eIseO: G e:rge II. ll atntigton and Isaac S. .\leGiehani, both of New York cit v. owners of the. Columblia Supply Comnpanyv of that city, and Eugene 1). Schebile, of Toledo, O hio, a dien-tist and interested ini the tirmi of Mlay bury & Ellhis, of Detroit. Mi' 3., letter b ox miarnufact urers. ieavers, Maclhen anid 1-',rwinI are nineiid joinlt ly ini one inrdictmlient for consp i racy to dlefraudt the United St ates. Anrot her intdict men t is againlst M cG i harn, llunt ingtont and MIachren for conispi rac*y to defraud t he Un iited St ates, and still aaot her is against the sanae three for conispi racy to commriit bribery, both under Sect ion o4,-10 itevised St atuates. Seheble anid MIa chien are inidicted jointly for conispa. racy against the Untited States anid again for conispiracy to commit bribery. Anrot her indict merit is against McGieban and I Iuntinigton for bribery, and the last is againist Machen singly fot acceptinig briber under Sect ion 5, 5)1 , lHovised Stant ut es. A barrel of alcohol ble4w uip on t he U. S. Cruiser O)lympjia in dry dick at Norfolk on Sat urdlay, kilIlinig t wo men andI injuring a nuibrr of others, The sailors had stolen the aleobo. fronm ashore arnd spirited it to thi Rhip. While two of themi were get ting a drink onie struck a matech causing the explosion. The maste of, arms of the cruiser is miissing an< some think he was dealt foully witi by some outside party to whomx th sailors who stole the alcohol were t isposea of th loot TERRIBLE STORK' IN BRITAIN. Ik'astation t r Throughout the ltnl"t Khngdom-All COast Towns Sum:ed. Londion, Septembe)r 11.-While the details of the haro, wrought by the great storm which raged over the British isles yesterday are ne. sar-dy incomplete, the reporls coNm ing in from all parts of the United XiIngdom show that the devastation was general and it is feared that the o of life is much greater than was at tirst supposed. L'- d1s already report over fifty serions casualties to shipping. A'I s rt.s of r-ssels were caught in :he gae a n many foundered, ser - era with their entire crews. A great nmber of minor craft is believo I to -o lost and the bodies washing a-hre continue to swell the terrible of fatalities. It gaTe sprang up with sudden !r\ fro,m the southwest aid the % i N w with a velositv at tim es roh:ng seventy-two miles an hour. I in.:tinued for several hours Athe ooas' towns suffered more or ' a .I !.e agricu',tural see':i n in te:r ri0r hnesarei still iin n i Te erh compan:es r r r h ie i raL p e'5 I r ! here Great Fumbers ne t s in the parks of ln don aal ;her tin wet-re it-rn up by the r c 1 r !-Ii ,1r0- Ji i i bra: et,s aJ te hst of minor diaae ald i is amazng n ad ht ion tihe de u irom drnvn'iL, report !r.t the inlatnd givye miaux fa: inei bent to the s~tirn,. TI A1 sil. oN THrl C.NTrINrN I. London, Sept. 11.-Di-patches froin France and GerLmIaNU k indicate that wide spread damage has been caused by the storm at sea and land. Tehaphone comumut sat ion bet ween I -ion and Paris has not yot been restored, and tere is much de-lav in elegraphie dispatebes, owing to nlIIIaaig( to the Contineital land A 1OY ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. 1right Little Fellow Has His Neck Broker I.v an Unusual ComMination of Circumstances. The State. Laii t a, Sept 1 2.-Sam, thbe bright lit. !e 10-.x ear-old son of Mr. S. L. Page, a mnagist rate and a prosperous far nwer of t be Campbell's bridge see. ion, was accidentallyv ki lled Thu rs day abuout noon. The unfortnnat( h1ttlec fellow had been inidust riously picking cotton all the morning and had bieen. doing his utmost, trying tc see how tunch he could pick in oni day, lie had come' to the house foi, diinner, and before eating he rain tc the st alls to feed the stock. Having hrzown down the oats frilm thei lift of the stalls, he hurriedly rat out anid slaimmed the door, the .shock of whiebic jarred down a little shelti hat protected the door st eps (ron the weat her, which struck hi in or the headh and broke his nmeck. lHt was a bright, promising little ft'llIow Dunrinhg the past school term lie mradt remnarkabile progress in his stundies. F rank D)ay, of D)et roit, w-a= k ille/ in an ant omobilec accident in .\i! wau keo on Sat urday while racing against a iti record. The miachiti swe rve'd, rain into a fence, and topph It ovet'r. W.C. Buwle--, a railway rtsi elerk oin t be S'ouit herni het weeri W a.,h inlgtoni and Gireetnsboro, hias be[r arrteated at D)anvi lie, V a , c'ha rgedl with robiniig thei mail. I Suthetrni Florbidin was swepijt byx ii st.rma Sunida anid Stundtay night. The ('it iis of .\ iami arnd Tamipa suffeI.rted so Vt'rely and( there were mnshp 1%rt'ekS along lie shore. ITht st rm l diot reaich Ky West or St. Alglust inc 'l he 'range hund grape crop,s weiru' bad ly injjnred. P rt'-i dent lP o-i'-vl t , after consid. oratti)n and1 ('onMiitaition with mititmi her of te Setnatte and thle H ouse, , aa deelde-d not tu call Congress into r ex' raordlinary 5&ession at this time as I it would oblige too miany mnembers of .i both H oust's seking~ re election to e leave their St ates in the tuiidiut of a o catmpaigni. A session will proball hn callnd Novm.ier.. THE MACDONIAN MA%SA4RS, Every ay Horror is Pl,J on Pitwror in Soda Tekgrams-- xty Tbouan4 ChristiAns !F.aughtered. Soia, Bulgar. September 12 With the arrivA f new and sensa tional reports he who e mass acres of Chris: ns in Mace'lldonia, the sitniation hort- is hourly btvoming more alatn . If the latest me sages., uM; state that (1l,AX) Bill, garinmm L.. 'lanighlre-' in lihe districts-. of Okrid.a aid Lren, shAll be contirmto no doubt xists that the (ovirnn.ent will be frxti to o.or the lobi7 iton of the Arm\ imIIa dia K e1 A(ormiig to Information bronght by a courior to the revoitionarv ipaper, Antonomye, a foroe of Alban ians, assisted by Turkish regular forces. actng under orders droti froi, Y-dir Kik, m rssa3ed the tN tire Bu:gsain Chrisns' pp'na0 -f the Okrida and Lr,n districts 'earful desciript ions are g.iven of4 K he ig h ts seen here, the s. -ers slangblering mtr:, wom-e' and o1.. dren in ever- diriion, 3,spla,sm a barbarisn, never before w,i nk-ozed. The number of kile.i not stsied inl the ebrer's dispaths. but so cording to reports from ier f ntees the tota numbter f the vitim w reach t '1i . WashingtLon. September Il.-The followiug bulletin was posted at the navy departiment to day: "Admiral Cotton telegraphs from Beirut Sept. I0, that the Governor enlethl of DllamasUs has beetI ap. pinted actikg G,-vernor General at Beit tal has oxprossed a desire to tette the case of the Aierican vIce emu, satisfact.,rily to the United States G,veriment. Beirut quit-t, unins iproving,z centiden ce in creasing. The State dop.artment h ai anthen t io advices t hat (woveri.or Geoeral Ntiz in, of Dainu-n-. who ba bee appited actng ovL 6 oror of Beirut, is a tru-t w,rthy and bro:hiiinded man, an A Millister L -ishman haw I.t-ii i:istructed to advise the Sutlime Prte that the WashingtO.-I ( or. Inmet.t is greatly plea-el at the il - med inte gratijng of it- requiest for the reioval of the (lovernor of Bei. rut and the appointmlent in his stead of a responsinle prsoi al onie fa vorable to foreigners. A long a ilegram rwiched I he St ate departmetit to day from Miis!er Lishma ti he genr T rkih made UrKe l'[he pre-:'e of Mr I.eishlK.at, at C(nt : e has 1greatI.s incr ea-ed ice the a rrivaEl of t he Eumreopean squtadr .t'Be-i rut andi the. seaye of bis rej re-el.:stin o the l'orte also have c: eres- ed in the last few days lI - un ler oud that our (A 'vrr.mie:t WI1 pu-h to an early eetnelusion al it- jelling claims against Tunrkey. '...hek ib Bev, the Tunrk ish in ister, was at early calb-r at the State de part men:t toe- d ay,1 bri:gtng furthber reasunring advice- that a "con litiion of absW nte peace has beon seaNi-hed at Beirutt." SOl'TH LA RuL1A YEws, Items of Mlore oir Less Interest Condensed In the State. The l -pe:.-ary di:rector. have gratnted three extrai reta!! bee-r priv ileges for t he city o.f C'harbet n andt Onie extra retail I et-r j'ntviegt for the e.y f C umiIa Tw, e- r.-d ir .1tier. tiam.ie Swin tot, hrvitig ' i., rac, it l>arling toni erunty. fu--..i ah ut a boie of (cit toni... * etine rriang the yonigir -hut th- lh-r to death. It isre ortl from ( 'mn-.r ('',. boge t hat a larg.--r :iA.a-r tin usual of the f'-rtrizr '--iparK.-. hayv fail. I tto oip to th. -tan trd roqui redt byv law in the~ trrtfactur, of theirt g l-. This (ot ha- .-.n ropOrtOl to t h" attKorn.y 'eroral who willi lIrosecu'Ite t h.. (-tt'ach-s. The ner wortn-itn in Anetr-j n nes" Yo,-I her '9t:. (bi a y sacriib:i- . - L >rd, i it. the State] lIospital .m-.. Wil- rati onl f.or r a fewv ino :i--- -I-- sai t her hu'sband c carmittu I tie I,.- T he hual still 'ay- n.- wife th,riw the baby , aga:n-t a wel kilIinig it instantly t lias Sold a P1lk of thambe'rlain's tOugh I have- aold Charnberlain's Cough Rernedy for more than twenty years and it h as given entire satisfactior,.I have sold a pile of it arid c-an recorrmredl 1it highly. - J1ose ph Me Elhiniey, Liit'n ' Iowa. Youj will find this remedyv a go'I friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always affords quick relief arid sa pleasant to Lake. For sale by Wmn E. Pelham & on P>.o,.-.i.. [)u -o WRItE BRUTE IN GREENVIlLE. bastm%ily Crtminal Assault On A 1.ittl Neg4r iri W'ur Ycrs of Age, Gtroenville, September 12. -- One ,Nf the most daatardly tlds ever No1mitt,od inl thiq section took place last nlight in Wemt r-eenville, about undown, whon Robert nnwells, white, criminally asalt.i a four yeAr old mN4ro girl. Ommolls was Arink, ani -while passing the yard where the girl was playiing, under Iretense of giving her sme fruit, look her to a nearby body of wotx-ds, whore he ao mphshed his urpose Ilh child was fond later in Anl u1n V,1sci 'ns 1 nMSdit ion anid anlerig. 1'h police and sherif were niot tied qn a seamvh for the guiity party ,Vs bryginn. li, WA fennd alot I 'oNk Iv mg aslep in an old mill .Nain, t 1huniT yAnI-s fron 4 hore the .ea was cmmitt ed. un lois was arrestedM and plat in the -onnly isvi. 'te ngro\s oarnnog 'f the affair tNUy and this atrnon here is gn 1t e1%itemvn t amollng hem. 0 ' a Ti yn 1hing the shmiff :S 11 r 1tX11 the risoner t.o the Spar Sr.burg jil l'hie esionc amast 1nnne. is is eenlsive Gmmels has t"en basck only. a ,,wv montths frem- the Philippines, here he servtd in the army for bree years His hrAbts were vet v \adt on hiw return and he was a vie im of delirium tremens. He came iear losing his iife a few weeks ago I colliding with a trolly ear while n a drunken condition, and in gene al he has been a soro trial to every mt, connctle with him since his dis. -harge from the army. It was feared from emphatic state u30nts made by Ni'liite metn that an %eitement might ensue as it was 'reelv assorted by whites that they would aid the negroes in ly nehing Lunnells. and in order to prevent this reult Sheriff Gilreath dedided that it was best to send the prisoner tI Spartanburg for safe keeping. THE THIRD IN SIX MONTHS. Young White Main in Kershaw Convicted of Murder and Sent up for Life Imprisonment. The Staie. Camuden, Sept. I1 .--Another ver diet of guilty of murder, although it be accompanied with a recommenda tion to mercy, can be placed to the credit of Kershaw county. For the past three the days court of general sessionas has been occupied in the trial of Aaron Wialliams, a prominsnt white farmer of t his county, for kill. ing his brother-in law, Won. S. Liardnmer, on March 1, 190'l The ease was tried last Jnnie a year ao it which time the jury co)uld no't igree on a verdiet. In empaneling he jury in this case last Wednesday, >nte of the jurors who had been sworn in the case before taking his place on the panel announced to the ~ourt that he was related to the rison.er. The solicitor asked the oinrt to stand the juror aside, bnt uefendant's counsel contended that he jurors having been accepted by he prisoner and sworn, it was too ate nmow for thbe St ate to object to he juror's serving. The juror was illowed to remain on the panel. It iaving developed that a kinsman of he prisoner was one of the jurors elected to try his case, the predic ion became general that this rela ionship would affect the verdict and hat a mistrial would be the re sult. The juror proved to be a nan of character, who could ise above thbe ties of blood, and he mg:*ed withb thbe 11 other jurors that uis relative, Aaron Williams, was ~uilty of murder, and should be con inied for the remainder of his life in he State penitentiary. The prisoner >ut up~ the usual plea of all murder -r-, tiiat of seif def.ense, and al liongb his e >unsel, Mes-re Eugene takeney and W. D Trantham, made ogenious and( able arguments in sup urt of this defense, the jury would tA acc'-pt it. The State was repreaenterl by 1Wlicia r Thurmuondl and M. D. Sm it bi, -.. At 11 o'clock tonight t he ju ry em. lered t h'.r vor1het aS ~above r'e ord', has been sg.j t-.l fir oanrd.-r fromu thlis counIt y a'. a m the : et six mon)ith4 F'. P. C. It is repo)rt.(d from- I~rme ta. the. -xhibijt a. t he St J,g j. t. -,, :>rovIide it is in.viIA.f a. 1 A . empo Vral powr. 'I bs -1-, ,,a hE-n asmred' tha'. ,t 1. ,c .- -, vi tml(1 GlIBRAL NEWS NOTBS. Items of Mom or Less Interest Condensed Outside tht State. Wilford losebor, a negro, wav hang