OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, September 25, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067777/1903-09-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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V. It. AMA1.. RI-OR.10
"More than anything (Ite I',aurens
farmers need a fuller appleeintion of
tire attractions of their own calling,"
says the Li.urens Advertiser, and then
it goes on to show how the fa'-rmer can
be the most. prosperous and indiepenl
dent of all persons. This is true and it,
is the saiel doctrine we tried very hard
to iiplait. in the campaignil which we
had in this county tire past summ111er,
The farmer should magnify his calling
and endeavor to improve his condit ion,
and instead of trying to get into posi
tion to Ilove to town to have the ad
vantage of church and school and soci
ety he should go to work and have all
these things in the country, and he can
possies them if he will. And we pre
diet that during the present generation
the slogan is going to lie back to ti he
fiarm, and instead of thre vo1nr men1
flocking to the cities to wear their lives
olit inl stores as clerks they are going
to becomle intletentdent fariners, and
ile Iur1'al dist ricts are going to be the
dosirable places of residence. Manv
things are going to coitribute to this.
We now have daily mail facilitits in al
most. every section. and w e re:1 tToiig
to have road improvIeeIlt, 3nd wi!t
good roads will vollit good sehools and
clurchts and society, for neighlbors will
te able to get froin placv Ito phace and
to chirclh and Ilte vlildron to sch14ol.
Vv will also h:ive betthr shtools and
loiger ter 1ims. and it will not Io n(ees
Ioar\ t move to town Ito et'dtnate yotr
chibirnl. WVhenl Itilling the soil po
pvrs. and tihe farmer farnis instead of
plailts onlty., all lisint'-s will pros[ler.
I'amd is appreciating every .e.i We
say lasten I lit' glad I in wihten I le
fariter becoimles independent and is n1o
longer the slave of' thc lien and i1uder
bondage to tle t'redit sYsteim.
Mr. N. V. Itliani-s hats sIiggestId
that I Ie banks of hI li StaLt' hi-' net dI
to raise $25,titi for tihe lit p srpose of' ha -
ing an1 exhibit :t I e St. I .41111S 1'l o
sit ion. Tli banks will seartel tal to
the proposition favorallV. And why
sliould they h asked to cintrilbute tt
this purlpots y nire th li,u I iany
(ithe c) . lass of srop)t y ' hI fact Is,
the State will :4carcoly hlave anl t'\hibit.
The mo1noley ;m it lit' raise'd bh pr'ivatt
substcription. aid it i! niot at all proba
ble that tIh' Logislat rIlv will make :nv
appropriat ion. h'lie I louse was r
largely opposetd t t Ie appropriation at
ilit' last session, and we hiavt seti Io
r'easion Wyli it should reverst. itselt at
lie next session.
We extend our sympa I Iy to (iov. and
Mrs. MeSwkieney in the itdathi of thecir
little dauightert' athlaine t hibioek. he
was a swcot little babe. .s w, - it
ieI for six nint I).* s of a r
young lif"ke in Ihe ti.Goveinor's malnsib1n.
Life Is its sorrIowvs as w'll as is
pIeasrures, its b it ter as well as s
sweet, liut now~ all is well withI thn'
child. 'The Master says suit'er t lit lit tl
Ot' course' we read t lie I)aily Mall :mid
read it ireguilarily and iinjoy remluinig it.
It is a good paper' iublishied ini a good
owni and tromn its :advert isinig pa tr'on -
age is appre'tciate'd lby t' mert.;ant s ot
t he city. It is a little of trio its pn-tsi
dential canduidat e, hotwever.
TillE jlEWlSii NiEW YlEAR.
rhet. Ilotiday,~ Which lBeg'an At Sunrset
Mondayr3, Observed iy rlhose of the
FI:ath In Nc~eberry.
WitIh thlit settIing of t he stin tin Monr
dlay, It'i'e wvas iishiei'eid in, accodinig to
the J1ewish c:denidai'. Ithe nti;th y ear of
the existen'ce of thle worildi. The b egini
ning oif the yecar marks an imiportIant
Jlewish holiihay se'asoin, be'gining with
the festival of l ishi Iiashonah,. or the
religious Nt'w Year, and coniltinin ig to
the close of Siucolth, or the l"'east of
Itosli1ashioniah is a season of ghlneitss
anid tIre occasion for family reuniionis
and the exchange of giftts arid (other
siaii obserivanices. "'I,.ushone tofot'
tekose f," thIIe J1ews gr'eet e'achI other,i'
"Ma 0ou 1be iniseihedi'i for1 it happyt
year." 'Th''e Or)ithltdox .Jewv~s retgard( thei
dayl as one set apart by t.he 1,ordl t o)
c'ommrfemnorat.e thle crieation, and whewn
he sits in judgn.ent. to mete out re
wardts ori Ipunishmients for' thre ensuihng
year - t.o dlecide upon01 de(athI antd the man
tier of' death. Tlhey, ther'efore, lotok
upon01 it as a day tor' replentanceP.
Th'Ie Or'thodox Jews rnot. only obser've
from sunset t.o sunset, but they cont inue
the ob)ser'vance for two dlays, whrilt' the
lReform Jew'~s observe ontly the first
'Ther'ie aire not mranry oflth lieb oIrew
faith iln N(eberry. Anmonig thoses. w
be'long( to that dlivisionr kiiowni. :u Ihe
lieformn Jews': ai'e .Josephl Mann anid S.
Gooadsteini, and( MeI(ssrs. Mlainm antI iodt
oinly on Tu'esdaiy. A mon)if'; it ( )iI ho
(dox inuiim'e re Ia. Mo'iis aiii TI Vi
godskl{y, and t hey closed Iteir' st o's
both TJuesday and Wedniesday. Itesides
these four namredl and thItinrtimnilies
there are~ few othrs' in Ne'whr'iry.
Tfh're is no( temprle or sylngogue hr'
,in which thre <tuiint c'ermoiny of bloiw
Sig the scho(fari maiy bet ob>st'rved, b ut
the few Jews in Newhiei' y ar'e still tiene
in all the greait esn'ithuIs t.) the old
faith, and( everiy c''erImonty is ohner'vedi
by them which it is possxi iblt' o obsertve
w ithiout a temple aind asiiritu ial leader.
T1hore will Ibe several other festival
dava un't daynu o nutil(fle therm
harvest festival. the Peast bf the Tab
ernacles, which is a season of thanks
giving and which closes the season.
The most. important of theRe is- Yorn
Kippur, the great Jewish holy day,-'
day of fasting- and of repentanceo, a
dty for becolning reconciled with one's
enemies, the gr6at Day of Atonement,
which occurs this year on Thursday,
Octoher 1.
T. J. W. Writes Interestingly on Union
Academy Subjects.
I Uion Academy, September 23. - r.
1,. 1,. Moore was thrown front his wagon
hiLe returntiig home from Newberry'
Ian received some very painful bruises.
Tihe only child of Mr. and Mrs. Usten
Werts, of Jolly Street, died Sunday at
3 o'clock, of throat trouble. It. was a
bright little girl about. tweity months
of age. The bereaved parents have
the heart-felt sympathy of the commu
Mr. and Airs. T. .. llayes, of New
berry, spent hast Sunday with Nir. 1,. 1.
Feagle and family.
Miss 1lanma Grilfin is spending the
wek with her sister, Mrs. R. E.
Mr. B. M. ). livingstone is with the
Newbei:ry dispensary while i)ispenser
Mayer is conlined to his room with sick
One of Mr. E-. 1'. Strauss' mu'les go(
its leg broken some time ago and died
trom t-he efrects.
Mr. 1). W. luzhardt lost ont of his
mules last week.
We are glad to say ir. M. M. Long
is considerably improved.
'I'lie bulls and bears and speculators
have figured up the last report onl the
cottoti crop to be about twelve inillion
bales. Now the farmer's report is
seven million bales and five million lies.
Mlr. ,1. K. Epps went up to Mr. S. A.
Rikard's last Saturday and 1 spent the
night. retuni-niig home on unday with
his mother, Mrs. Il. It. l-pps. vho had
beenl on a visit in that section for seve
ral weeks. Mrs. lpps is suf fring wit h
chills and ever siice returning home.
I will say to the public g--nrally and
all t hose who may have any husintess
with the Board 0i, Supervisors of Reg
istration, hereafter t hey can be found
in the Maaster's oiiCe next door to tle
national bank every first Monday inl
each tmtont h. This chalget. has len
made for better "Oloveniielce.
Thiert have been sonie ip I oet1ellt.1
going oti for the past while In th way
of bu11illing. Mr. 11. M. I). Iivingstont
has bilt a new cotton house. NI r. J. I).
Quat tlebaum is putting ul a wood shop,
Mr. E. I,. Strauss is erecting a tenanit
house ald Mr. J. P. Kitnard is putting
ut a barn and stobles. T1his, with
t1lnmber of other repairilg which is go
ing on all over the coumlry, has causet
a considtlrable detmatidi for lumbelr ant
In my last letter I said that tlie cot.
ton crop was cut oil' at least 20 per cent
Now we can safely say 25 without ex
aggeration. Thte pea crop) is also goit
to be short.
I )r. 11. C. Kibler-, of Atlantta, is bael
at P rosperity itn thle cot ton seed busi
ness. lie wants it understood that lit
is repiresetiting that good ol reliaht
iim. .Moseley' 1ros. , and will always
p ay the topi of thle miarket for seed
IProsperity is a good live seed and cot
tn mattrket. -if New,berry don't keej
hetr eye open mid ball slipping Ptros
pertit y will get the cake. Tlhte fttrmer
arec watching.
Letter to C. C. Dlavis, Newbierry, S. C.
I )ear Sir: If it took 10 gallons t
paint your house last tinte with sonic
bodytl else's painit, andt takes 8 with 1)e*
you, wte save you $8 or' $t0: for- paint
ing costs two or three timues as much as
Mr. ixzra lRathnell, Williamosport , Pa.,
always used 11 gallons of mixed paint
for his house; 1)evoe took i.
lI ut that isn't all; that's only litrst
cost: how long will it wear'.
The paint that goes Curt hest ini cove
in,wear-s best too.
All paitit, true paint, andt full-meas
mie, arle Ott one side; part plait, false
p ainitt, and shotrt mueasur te are ton the
ot her. What cani you expect'.
Yours truly,
F. W. I4:vot.: & ('o.
P'. S. TLhei Newbet'ry I lardware Co.
sell our paitnt.
Thie aches and paIns will disappear- if the
idv'ice otf this Newvberry' cItizen
Is followedl.
.\ w~toman's biack hats' muaty atches and
Motst. I limes 'tis thw kidniey s' fault,
ti'katcht is teall, k idn''y neht;
I'hat as why Dln's IKidney I'illis eure
NM any Nowher-ry womnit kntowv t,his.
| ~itl what oethas to say about It:
MI rs. J. M. W \ heelor- r'esIding at. I 'ros
poirity S. (I. says: "'I us-edl D)oan's KICd nes
l'ills for toy kidn1uoys whIch had both
cred mue for' a long itmo and t.hu'v dhl
tme ta great tamuoiunt oft t,oodi. I had
t.orr-iiblt paitn Ibru'igh my loins im.i
dlowni mty ilin so ovre at. limtes thaii
1 culd li enirtely get. tabouit, attd mty re's
wais dlislturbed'u during~ the u,tght, ont ,an
count of ihe tooi fre<pwint. ''e'In th
kidne iy c-a'ert' I jol,s I ti d aniy ti i
iof in-y remed't ii. andI h- dI ilphsici a
atttnd met lbut no' ti.in it 'mt <i'i tI ' d im
anyi istodi. MIv ccuon -i-biw who liv. j1i
N"aowha',-'-\ sa'I- ir,.t I)ttn's KC idI,,a l',cI,
adlvet-tisted andt h rl in' 'hltom' spiok n ti
Sh l t oc- In , t 'in' t'a ~ c i. I' t)o t y s. ii
I alidt andti h' rtesi.k ntas ver crati
t'.cig. indel ti T h--'I.. tat-- of twot lto
rehuh Ii<c Ithe na it' of te tei h,m.
fcrtmihe k ia'n\t'tni'na'uitdl - hii. hit'I'na k
.who (to dalo nelii i eli it)an c,.
alr.ah cl lima od-le ti-e.'ieb) r. s,
na't itafrh ft. and w- II 'itiln - t da .
I ttm ebe t.he inante I)ansa antd ttake
Pright... Pure Castile Soap
Prescription WGrk. 10 cents Cake.
Fair Prices, Everything
You are never charged For the Toilet, Bath
anything else here. and Sick Room.
All Advertised Medicines.
Particula' Pharmacists, - Corner Drug Store.
EveTrybod-_ Iterested
Pelham's Boro Talcum Toilet Pow
der at $1.00 dozen is a very tempting
offer. We guarantee this powder to
equal the best which sells elsewhere
at 25c can. Highly perfumed.
Soaps, Perfumery, Toilet Articles
of the best quality at the lowest
fzYou are pleased when you take
or send your Physicians Prescrip
tions to us. We employ the best
skill and back it up with ripest ex
perience. Mail and telephone orders
~ promptly filled.
Wm. E. Pelham & Son,
Prescription Pharmacists.
TheBs1Efforts of a Silver TollvrnstOrator
Would be required to do justice to the merits
of our large and well selected Fall stock of
General Merchandise, which is arriving daily.
Not onl.y he ve we bought long before the ad
vance in prices, but we have bought direct
from Mills and Manufacturers-"No Middle
men's profit." We' are therefore in a position
and hereby propose to supply youir every want
this fall, let it be what it may.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes,
Groceries, Crockery or Glassware
for less than present wholesale prices. We
have never allowed ourselves to follow or even
drop back into the same class with any firm in
Newberry, S. C. We must lead as we have
always done, and promise to continue to make
our store the place from whence all bargair.s
originate. Our motto has always been More
goods for less than elsewhere, no matter wher e.
No one can lower our prices or excell us in
quality and General Mercantile Progressive
you wats Ery deprtment is ben
and ht aev wich gtrati
tees p er I t a es lnllY ad tis
the dollar to our ' $
cu-. oniers that
coun:ts People
custmerswant their
ulioney's worlth
. r and no t p intteh'
li Yours an fo"bsnes
The Pric
One of the Fullest Lines of (
DISE Ever Brought to
Realizing the Fact that the
tiis Fall was going to m
We have put in an Extra<
and we take a Just Prid
it is the Best and Fullest St
and that is Saying
Our Friends ani
To Come i
We Will Be Glad To See Them
They Want To
Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoe
Groceries, Candies. In
of 00003
Newberry County.
High Price of Cotton
a<e Business Hum
rdinarily Large Stock
e in the Fact. that
ock we have ever had,
a Good Deal.
I ustomecrs
md See.
Make A Purchase Or Not
10.00 I
es MElramSEIDB
s, Hardware, Cutlery.
Fact Everything.
AIN. S. C.

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