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Orangeburg times. [volume] (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, May 28, 1880, Image 2

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51ELLICIIAMP & EUWAUPS* Proprietors.
Terms oi' Subscript ion.
One Copy one Year.$1 00
" " Six Month., . 70
Knies of Advertising.
WneSqititrc 1st Insertion.?1 00
Each Subsequent " . 50
Xoticcs inserted in Locol Column at 2Qe per
Alt Subscriptions and Transient Advertise
ments to bejntidfor in Advance.
Wc are in no way responsible for
Hu; views or opinions o' iur Correspond
FlflPAY, MAY 28, fsSO.
The Democratic Stale Convention
meets in Colttmbin on next Tuesday.
St> far as heard from the ditferent
counties, there is almost universal
opposition to Gen. Gary, and a large
majority of the delegates are la vorn
hie to the nomination of (leu. Ha
good. There is a disposition in some
parts of the Stsite tit put up :i thin!
Candidate in the interest of party
harmony, hut we do not think that
it amounts to much.
()n the subject of .Inno nominations
there is considerable dillcrencc of
opinion, with a preponderance, we
think, in favor of early nominations.
We believe, however, thai what
ever is done will be for the lu-st in
tcresi of lh<' State and putty, for we
are glad to see that there is an im
proving disposition on the part of
public tuen to rise above private in
terests and look to the good of the!
conn try.
From n survey of the field al this
particular juncture it looks very much
like Grant, on Ihe Republican side,
and Bayard on the Democratic side
will be the Presidential nominees. It
is true, as Hon. XL P. O'Connor said
in his speech before the Charleston
Democratic Convention, that XIr.
Tilden may muster the largest vote.-it
first, but the South has fallen out
with Tilden, and bo en il not get the
necessary two-thirds vote. XIr. Fitdd,
i-p-ioh.-i bJLv_JJja^ju?xtr<111ggst candi
date to XIr Ilayard, inconsequence
of his late published judicial opinion,
will be put in the light of an advocate
of Strito sovereignty which impairs,
his availability.
(ion. Hancock will be put in tho
category of a .Southern sympathize]
so his boom would be weak.
So that, considering ihe abuse of
Tilden by the South, und the weak
points in Field ?ml Hancock, and the
lack of prominence of all the other
candidates mentioned, llayard is evi
dently the leading man. His peace
speech during t he war we believe is a
weak point, ami on that account we
think lion. David Davis id* Illinois
would be the most available candi
tlatc before t he r<at nt ry.
Rut, before the Democracy, llayard
stands first, and wc think w ill get the
nomination. It' so. it will be a clear
light between military and civil
supremacy, and iu tli.it light we
think it would be fortunate. Granl
is die embodiment of the military,
und Bayard of the civil idea. Ifthis
question could he kepi clearly before
the count ry, unmixed wil h side issues
of any nature, we believe the result
would be favorable to the Demo
eracy. Let it be the uiin of our lead
ers to keep this idea clearly defined
and set forth.
The meeting of the Democratic
County Convention of Charleston on
Xlonday was a"very harmonious and
satisfactory one. The delegates go
io Columbia instructed in favor of
.Inno nominal ions, but left free lo
the Gubernational choice. The dele
gatioit however is anti-Gary. XIr.
dos. \Y. Barn well was made Con uly
Chairman vice G. L. Btiisl resigned.
Resolutions were passed endorsing
Hon. XL P. O'Connor for re-election
to Congress, and XIr. Jcrvey for Soli
cit or.
XIr. O'Connor was culled upon and
made mi eloquent address on Nation
al polities. His first choice for the
Democratic nominee is Bayard,and
his seeoiid Field. He thinks how
ever thai Tilden will show the larg
<?-( number of votes on the llrsl bal
lot, bul he ean'l be nominated. Al r.
O'.Connor thinks that Granl will be
noininnted by the Republicans, bul
lie says thai he bus assurances from
Ohio, Illinois and other Northern
Slab's liuil Ihe opposition lo him is
so greal that lie can,l cafry ihose
States. He t!.i:.!vs be is the easiest
inat! to beat.
The Courtroom was crowded last
evening to witness the annual exhi
bition of Molliohnmp's school. Tita
stage was guyly dressed with llowers;
vases, pictures and mottoes greeted
the eye, showing the lively interest
of the scholars in the occasion. On
the singe were the Revs. K. Cooke, J.
I). A. Brown, O. A. Darby, Lawrence
and Then-ell, Dr. A. & Sal ley, Gem
Izlar, t'ol. Frederick, (.'apt. S. Dibble,
W. J. DeTreville, Major Whaloy, W.
L. Glaze, John A. Hamilion. ,f. B.
aiid W. B. .Much, Ksqs. The brass
band, of twelve pieces, headed the
procession, add the principal, S. B.
Mcllichnmp, ICsq., ebntlueted his
school of about sixty .to the south
side of the platform; Mr. Julian A.
Salley, his assistant, following. The
girls looked lovely in t heir swiss and
pink; the boys were heat with their
blue badges. Alter a prayer by Bev,
(). A. Darby, the baud furnished :i
treat of music. .Mr. I>. 15. Owens, of
our town, has had the band in train
ing- a short time comparatively, and
the public are getting the beneiit of
his success. The exercises of decla
mation, dialogues, addresses, music
ami singing by the scholars occupied
about two hours and :i half, ami may
In- summed up in a hearty well-done
to (.'.'tellers and taught.
Tin: programme was diversified
with every style of selection, 'heroic,
sentimental, comic and grave, it
were a venture that i considerately
decline to name the best performer;
in fai t even if it had been an occasion
lor criticism 1 would honestly have
been puzzled to Bay who did best.
Mr. Van Orsdcll, by request, per
formed upon the "zither." His tom b
is exquisite, bringing out at times
the clfect of a lull orchestra, ('apt.
Dibble presented u special prize?
Tennyson's poems?to Miss Ollie
Wannamukcr, ami so ended n pleas
ant evening.?CjuclqucfoiH in News
and ('ourier.
The speech of lion. B. II. Hill, of
Georgia, against the acquiescence of
the Democrats in Kelloggs retaining
his fraudulently obtained sent, was
"itllT Willst n sworn hie argument; aTuT,"
however we may admire ('arolina's
statemen, Hampton and Butler, we
oaiino) endorse the flings that have
been made at Georgia's brilliant
The majority of the South believe
Senator Hill to be right. It is ;i dis
grace for the United States Senate to
sanction fraud under any con'sidera.
tions. There is no excuse for it. To
put ii on the ground of policy is des
picable. We should do right if Hie
heavens fall. We don't like to hear
oven whisperings of bargains ami
agreements. It is this kind of thing
that is ruining our country, ami. un
less it is slopped, we may as well give
up ail hope of free government.
Mr. Hill took the ground that the
body that elected Kellogg was not a
Legislature, which is true, ami that
allowing him a seat is in violation of
(he 1'. S. Constitution; which declar
es that "The Senate of the United
States shall be composed of two
Senators from each Stale, chosen by
l he I .ogi.slnl uro t hereof."
hi t1. . > ;>u.iit\ Democratic Conveu
tio'.i of Cu'vlo* on, hold on Monday.
Iho following resolution oflbred by
Mr. J. J. Pringle Smith wits uuaui
111? msly adopted:
Rest lyod, Tb.al the exeetitive com
mittoe be. an I they are hereby, re
quested to consider the practicabili
i v and expediency, at future elections,
of choosing I he eandhhits of the
Democratic party by meaus of prim
ary elections instead of nominating
conventions, mid that they report the
result of t heir conclusions to the next
< 'ottnty < onvontion.
Biehland and Aikcn have also
I adopted the Primary system instead
of the Convention, that is, for the
puiple themselves lo nominate h\
ballot, instead of by proxy, as is now
tlojte in < '(invention.
Senator David Davis says:
"The ballot box should hothosnfo
gtiard of the Republic, for it isin
tondoil to express the free will of a
free people: therefore elections ought
to be exempt from the presence of
any menacing force, and to be free
from the contamination cd"corrupt re
turning boards. No parly deserves
confidence thai seeks its candidacy
by striking down honest suffrage
either bv the use of troops, or by
fraud or by iiitiiuidal ion. I
There never was a more i>rojpisi#g
future i'or tlit; Democratic party of
the Stale (find County. In the State
no one will dare to oppose the Demo
cratic nominees, and fii'tho County
the Radicals, if they raise their heads
at all, w ill only do Bo'to receive a
Waterloo defeat.. The inlhtence of
good and honest Democratic govern
incut-, is ftdt, und the people will not
allow the country to relapse into
Radical barbarism. 'All that is ne
cessary for success is.nu absence of
selfish motives, and the exorcise of
pure and genuine patriotism. Let
men think less of olllce, and realize
that material prosperity will do us
all more.good* Good government is
of first importance. Then follows
immigration, railroads and tho'gener
:il building up of the country.
Gen. Gordon has suddenly resign
ed as Senator from Georgia, und
Gov. Colquitt hats'appointed Fx Gov.
.loseph K. Brown in bis Stead. Bx
Gov. Brown is rich, smart, wily, and
without the best of records as a poli
tician. Iu fact he has many enemies
in Georgia for his conduct during
Radicalism, and the indignation of
Democrats cannot be restrained.
Brown is a rich Railroad President;
and wants honors. Gordon Is poor
and needs money and a Railroad
Presidency. Singular to say they
have both got what they wanted. It
is said, however, to have been entire
ly the result of accident.
The Charleston Democrat which.)
has been suppressed since the 2St!i of
April under a warrant taken out by
the City Council of Charleston for
the satisfaction of a judgment obtain
ed in 1S7S tor n license alleged to he
tine the city by W, J. Oliver, the edi
tor of t he Democrat, for a business he
was said to have been carrying oil
during that year, is out again ami
seems to be saucier than ever. The
Democrat calls Mayor Cdurtenay the
bogus .Mayor, and claims that the
execution was made because Ihe
Democrat was .uncompromising in its
advocacy of Sale, ami is too bold and
dejhtnt in '^y'l^i1,'^'1^ of the Gourt
enay administration. AW know
nothing of the truth of the matter,
but we can hardly believe that in the
nineteenth century an attempt would
be made froth an ihtelligeiit source lo
gag the press. May there tint be two
sides to the question V
- i?l ? - ? ? ?in
The General Assembly of the Pres
byterian Church of the United States
held an interesting meeting in Char
leston during the week.
May 2Gth 1800.
Hereafter any jparty found removing, or
in any nianner tampering with the Street
Lamps, will he arrested, and iipon"sufficicnt
proof, will he heavily lined. As several
Lamps have Leen taken from their places.
All parties are Warned ugy.inst having them
in their possession.
Hv Ortler or,
J. 8. ALBERGOTTL Act. Mayor,
r. R. .Ioxks, Clerk of Council.,
taxVaykIIS l taxpayeus!
' Notice is hereby given diet the time ff?r
the collection of Town Taxed without the
penalty is extended t.j the first (1st) day of
.lunc 1880, after which time the penalty
will possitivtly he added.
C. R. JONES, Clerk,
may 21 :'.t
Editor Oritpffvbtirg T ones
I hereby announce myself a Candidate
for the office of Sheriff, and will submit to
the results of the County Democratic Con
Very Respectfully,
May 19th 1880.
tibi: woitKixd; em;oi?i,i;\s
Mr. ILirpin Riggs is announced as a lit
Candidate for the office of Clerk of the
Court for Orangeburg County. He has
Itecn tried in office and has never found
wanting in Ida duty.
For Judge oi'Probate?.
Mlitor Oraiigeburg 'lime*:
Please .umonnce Mr. (diaries B. Glover
as a caiulidate for the above office. It is
usclc-s to .-ay anything in his favor, as his
ability is already displayed by the man .er
in which he hnn discharged the dudes of
that pogitlnn darilig his term of service.
YVc further urge our claim in his behalf mi
the ground, that the ineiimbenl of ilia'
office ought to have considerable experience
i.l the practice of law, iih the office is not
ministerial, hut is beyond a doubt, judicial.
Any persons, desiring to satisfy themselves
on tili? point, can do so by referring to the
Constitution of our State, '?Article I, Judi
cial Department, See, '-'<>." Also Itcvised
Statute', pages 07- tii ">7X, ''Tille I, Pro
bate Court," mid to the "Rules of Court."
In uothiiuitiug Mr. (Hover through your
columns, wo phdge kirn mid ourselves, to
abide by the decision of the Democratic
County nominating Convention.
Maxv Yomts.
? ?Would Respect fully inform the.Citizens
of Ortuitfcburg, '/hut' ho lins in charge the
Stock ami fixtures of Z. J. King, af Wallace
Cannon's Ohl Stand, Main Street?where
he will beglad to serve his friends and the
puhlic with anything in his line of trade.
Every thing fresli and pure, and guaran
Iced to give KUtiKfaction, A full line of
GOODS Kept constantly on hand.
Rom and raised in Orangcburg, I hope
to recive a liberal share of the patronage
of hit l\How-('iti/.cns,
may 'Jl ly
Sheriff's 3ales.
Ry virtue of sundry Kxeeutions to me
directed, 1 will -oil, at Orangcburg C. II.,
S. t'., during the legal hours of sale, to the
highest hauler for cadi, on the lir.-:t Mon
day (7th)dune 1880, all the right, title and
interest of the Defendant in and <o the
following property to wit:
All that piece or tract of land with tho
buildings thereon, situate in the County of
Orangeburg, containing Sixty (GO) acres,
more orless, and bounded Nuith and South
by So.Is of T. K. Reukcnbaker. Eait by
lands of Mar/ A. Rush, and Wed by lauds
of Maty llaiglf.'r. Levied ",on as the pro
perly of d. C. Bast deceased, at the suit of
V. <\ Dibble.
.V. 0. C.
Sheriff's Olfi'Ce, Orangcburg Count}*, S. ('
may IV til iN><'.
may 21
Great flews!
Calicos at six and n quarter cents.
Calicos at six and a quarter cents.
Calicos nt six and h quarter cents.
Calicos at six ndll n quaVter cents.
Calicos al six and a quarter cents.
New an Fashionable
received every week;
Line!) Suits. Linen Ulsters ami ( ir
ettlas, white Lawn Ihtsques,
neat ly t rimmed from
!j>l ?>."> up.
Croat Assortment
Of Embroideries, Laces. Ribbons,
Gloves, Parasols, Uuchings,
Neck Ties in all the late
Styles und very
in Trice
TO"? Invite
Particular attention to our immense
stock of
Latest Novelties being eoustantlv
Selling fas ami cheap.
We have the Finest, liest ami Lowest
Priced Clothing, Shirts. Hats
Shoes and Gentlemen's Neck Wnrr
.A 1ST I>
Don't you forgot to call at
Fashionable Dry ( roods Emporium.
Notice to Creditors.
All persons having claims against the
Estate of Florence Glover, late of Orange
burg County, deceased, arc liotebv request
ed to pie.-ent ami prove the same before me
un or tiefere the lUtii (lay ol July, 1SS'>, or
else thev will he debarred payment.
Orangcburg! S. ('., May 15th ts^o.
may 21 8l
A r
Respectfully informs his customers and
the public generally , that lie has just re
ceived a full stock id tin- very liest Mat ?
rial and Latest Style, just suited for
Spring ami Summer, which will he made up
in any style at from ?'?<? to I 50 for Shoes
and (jaiters, boots from ?7 up.
Repairing done in the neatest manner
nnd on tin- shortest notice.
I also keep constantly on hand a full
stock of Leather, La-is. Pegs. Awls,
Thread anil all other Material used in this
Having many years experience in the
business, 1 guarantee satisfaction in my
work and prices. A trial i-* solicited.
tiK/V 1 will not be responsible for werk left
with me longer iluin three mouths,
fob 27 ly
riMic llnoHl it ml cltcnpcRl
1 Liquors in Oraiigebing, for sale at
1 vYal'aec Cannon's old stand.
Dry Goods
1 }f f
i :? 1 L i j/t: :ij. ' " I> -e- '--:-.:>r./ . i !'
Tin- protracted inactivity of Trade has indicated many Manufacturers of Dry Goods
to work oil' the imincnee Stocks on hand by a general
Taking advantage of tho opportunity now offers
500 Pieces Calicos
j\ rr sevejST cents.
These prints arc all new and choice standard makes und fast colors.
All other goods have been M AHKED l>OVfi'A" hi proportion.
Spring and Summer Dres3 Goods.
AH kinds of Fnncy and Ulnck iWcss Goods Ironi f>\ cents per yard to thr Finest Goods
Imported, scllliu rapidly ut mir Low Popular Prices.
White Dress Goods
Including Figured and Dotted S'wise I.ace, Striped and Checked Cambrics, Nansooks,
1'i'pies, etc., ai-remarkably Low Prices.
The he-t F.nglish, German soul French make in Gloves and Stockings, in plain and
fancy Colon, Lisle, Uall riggan and Silk Checked for MisseM, Ladies and Gentlemen
m ear.
In this ie I am Ihe acknow ledged Leader as regards Styles and Low Prices. Goods
are better ndidp. better trimmed, and cut in better Mvles than can be found in other
Ladies, Children* and Gentle men's Shoes
Our reputation in keeping the lust Assortment and best Quality for the IjEAST
MONEY is still maintained. Ask for the celebrated II;;iul Made Slock,
every pair warranted.
Always on hand, at terms to suit, the King of Sewing Machines tho
White Shuttle Sewing Machine
Also BUTTEKIOK'S EATTERNS for Spring and Summer.
fjirff-* AYc particulurly invsto you to come and secure the II A [{CilAIIVS now offered
J. I. Sorentrue,
ft 5
Th.e Lowest Prices!
SHOES of every quality.
.All First Class Goods !
Itottlcd Pieklos, 1"> cents
Li t neb Sardines, 1"> cents
Fredi Cod Fish 8 cents per lb.
Large Fat Mackerel S for So cents.
IV.-l itio Coffee <*> lbs tor $1
Light Uiown Sugar 11 lbs for $1
Ihst Jlysotj Tea T? ets per lb, worth $1
i>V>t White ^ iuc Vinegar 12 ets quart
Alsoa Good Quality of Plug Tobac
co at I" ets per pound at
J. I. Sorentrue.
(Next Door to Dr. Patrick.)
Would in form my friends dial I have
opened a first class
On my own account, and would solicit t! eir
Kept, and sold for the
ho west Possible Prices
for ( ASH.
may 14 3nt
(llioico imported port nntl
) Sherry Wihc, for sale low, at Wallace
t 'annon's old stand.
Oi'uiigo'biig, S? C
npl i s so 3m
I am |>roiM?ro?l to xiipply
I. Families with the celebrated Philadel
phia Champagne Lager Jlcvr by the Dozen
cheaper than Charleston market. At
Wallace CanhortN Old Stand.
J. 1>K1<: .?NL>R\\S, Agt.
The undersigned would rcspectfnllv in
form the citizens of this ' and adjoining
Counties that ho will furnish, on the most
Reasonable Terms, .
the best of Vehicles anil Harness or Saddle
Horses well Broken and warranted to bo
Stile l>rivoi-m,
Also always ott hand nnd for sale LOW
DOWN; well Broken
MY OMNIBUS will continue
to meet every train
Done on thefdiorteit notice by careful and
trusty hands, Hive me a trial
At the Old Stand.
_-/ .
Dress-Making &c.
The undersigned respectfully informs tho
public that she is prepared to do all kind ;
of Ladies and Gentlemen? Sewing. Patron
age solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Dresses made in the latest Stvlcs.
Over Store of P. (J. Cannon, and next door,
to !>i. DuIcch' Drug Store.
Orangeburg, S. C., Match 23, 1880.
mar 20 If ?

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