OCR Interpretation

Orangeburg times. [volume] (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, November 12, 1880, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067804/1880-11-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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Carriag: Factor f.
Tbc undersigned reaped fully in
fotnis the public t hat he is prepared
to do all
Kind of Work
in the above line <>n the shortest no
tice and ut
Ijivira^; Prices.
HUKS1C.SLLQEI.N1G done in the;
best possible manner.
1 also have in lull operation my
All work in this line done without
delay ami on reasonable term-;
A share oi the public patronage is
inly 25 11- RIGGS.
A I '1 11 K
Established in 1^71 by tie- Propri
etor, who is still ready and willing in
till orders in
q a k i: s
Of nil descriptions.
l$v the BAH1LSL or III IX.
1 >> i I ! \ I >
For Ca tup-Meetings <u- any other 'dial n(
Jast received
l?"*!-?*?? !? ('<>n i.'vi ioiiarios,
i'a?<'.v tbloosBs
And .Voliuus
Which will be sold as LOW as any thai etin
he bought in t Irangehurg.
Thankful for the past patronage of my
friends and '.he public l still solicit a d>ii
liniiaiice of theii' cu-ioim{
T. \V. A ll)! 'i Li' .t t i.
Itiosell Sticet. in \i door '??
si pt I I, LS7S- ly Mr. .! I*. I tail. y.
; I L t f ? 1! \ . . \ A .
Having recent I v in ?ved into mt
New Store, 1 \\ o I I beg leave !.. ii
form my <?M friends and flm n.i liiie 1
generally that 1 Imvc ;iu i will con I
Iliitt* to keep .in Ii ii.d i !m
Purest Pin.'-.
Rest Paints and (>i!-.
I mups and pi.N i nr> s,
Fitus' Cigar- hud To' a??'?.?-,
Piaitt and \ not < \i nVie*.
And in fuel evervthitii ismiltv l:?ni
ill a hr.* t class
I ulsii occupy, with hiy fuini'v. t.liv
nouns liver the store, ami therefore]
will be able to put up prescript! ms
at any and ad hoursdiiring tie- night.
Sec hell on I roll I door.
A. C. DUIiKS, S3. ?
ocl ?l 1ST!? ly i
Would l.'c-peiit'ully inform lie ("iti/ens
of Orangeburg, /but be b:?s in charge die.
Stock and lixtures tti'A .1. Kh/g, Hi Wallace
Cannon's did Shied. Main Sir ? ?: when
he will he glad to serve hi- friend- 'i \ ihc
public with anything ill hi- Ii
Kvery thing fresh mi.! piire, ami ;:uai\ui J
teed to give s? I i.-faction, A mil line of
I AH IDS kepi eonsiatil \ on hand I
(lotn find raised in Orangcburg, I hope I
to receive a liberal share of )?<? patronage
of inv Fellow-< 'ili/.i iim.
.ay 'M ly
F. DeMAES, /' gt.
J.^riciids and ('Oltlil l'J mt'ii
UlK'Ild !
|")n not wail unlil ii h spend
l'.verv et in in phices dear,
JYIiike DkMAKS your < oncer hero!
Ask him for hi- II \.MS so nie.,
?{mining al the LOW |>T l",:i< i;;
*Oop ind try Iii? Flour s.. lint',
< Mo ese, and A LL thing* hi his lim*!
11ave sonic IM'TTBIt sein aroum!
ICvery man should have a pound!
i\ ml if voti'd leel Well and aide,
?in hi*.'.MACK KU KL on your Table !
(aootl are all things in hi- Slore,
|{casoii cannol ?sk f< r more !
<}nlv try his Llt^'OltS one
< an'l he i i|ii:iI h d any when !
livery man who know- l?i;.M AI!S,
|{uslies for his gooil Segars!
gn his Sample Koom I hey ||y,
P. v. rv time that they tiro dry !
Some ihing teils them II K'.S the linn !
And he always leads tlit ran !
J^'cvi r yet did he ret real, -
|)on'| yon kuo'v he can't he heat'.'
| ,ook within his Store so grand,
P ii Ii in Ikir-booin near al hand;
4(ue>tioil him and von w ill see
4)h ! wait not till you are wher,
|{enson points to Mr. It IS ICH,
?felling lam v Dr'n.ks to all ?
tfjiive him then i general call,
liest assured, DnMAKS sells ( heap,
A't'l die finest goods will keep.
Kevei cease to bless your stars?
IJown with ad?except
1 1/71
MA * Ml )T 11 ST< K'K of
Is now in store.
All <?! h?y friends, fi?.*ti)iiiors ami
C\'i in I >< it I v Will tli? \". ? II Iii rail milI
examine ihr LAUGEST ASSOll P
M I >T of (i. oils im rr exhibited in
Orangohirg, which won* piiichn?cd
with li e im? m|i -t ear- in regard In
Style, Quality iiml ( heapm-St, in tin
I'rincipiil til irs North.
My slock of
V.\> is kina ijle lim.ss goo?>s
ot.ii?prises everyIiiiin? in I >ri l-' ih
sb?s. Ail ihr now Shades ; ml t oluvs
in Silks, >:>iiiis, Velvets; Casliuieros,
.A in.ii < ii .li.-. Hivcndes, Alpm-i-os,
anti, in fuel hi i viking thai con I.I In
lui'.ml iloiiiiil Iii ' l liis stork okjioei
n Iv Si II I . ? > S I anything ever
I'll up lit ii i" tin1 Uitig. Conn, lake
m look Mini he edit vi.u > d.
a \AWGY GOODS, ? .a ions. N< k
b "* \\ i nr, llilihoiis, ( oiVeU. G Iii von,
I itdio- V? sis; SI aw! . t I- uks, Zfjiliyr.
/. j l;\ i < iuiuls, iiuttiuis, jot (iooils,
Luces, Knihroidories, uc, A;*, in
hioi'c lhad ?Huil v irii tv, Sjinpiy
< rand. Iii i-iioil: and l.intitensit.
4 V-VLNLVil Hi S. .bans, l iai ;>?'-.
i Villi ii ti.'d?. Cnliros, dirt-el
lt. IC till 1 : < lull. .-, Ill ill!- Vr rv I.I f\V
1.-1 ' i It V;: , ji'hJ in the beat t^oal
i' if.-.
I iini noH ike 1;?>CA I. AG LINT
lid ? i ? ? ! in I .iiriii -i I'liila (olpliiit
5 i.i e A ttnuijieioi ii s: jor Mehi Ladies
tiuil i Itiliii i-itV i hiiul Sewed Sli-ios?
v. In i In U is ill Iii .-t in In- Ion till
;n il . A .-'iiii. I i.l.Mi hav< Soul burn
mi.ii )' :i 11 ?ii ii ai'o SI;* t;1, suitM.liii.' lor
\i -.?. -!\ ? 'i a.-ii-and I'm kvi.
v A I I I I S . > tUl.? Mi.d l!:i*.-.m-k> in
./ t .n ;.i Y ii i< i v.
< -1 ? /I ISING !. ?? lie MILLION.
^ ./ ii \? ii i!i ii i kelioyi' ii ju i o.iinti
. ud Ii' a paiiijj : iuire til ihi-lin^C
ill.- rim I.i ii in llie Sli*re.
m i:
- i;i:ij \ n.e
iw'l 1 r.LNS.
Tlo 1 ! ; |,i ii'.'.n.r
Ei hicj Lie ! (I:.aehiiiG
: Av 111 s L N.. i in < ?d. Aitiudi
jL-fj'i li.iuii.-:, nod j ii11ii r nil Ma
) JtiJ ^lUXaxiCi l\ .?lii\ O
]NiA.MMi 'i'll
i f, k r./v tv t*; -i :??? & s ^ ?*:
t r It 5i k A} ? ? > B , \ * 1 )
|! s k a 6 D g 1 ; i? 1
i_ Ii S y M J 6 & hJ j 2 i s
< > I ; A N ( ; i-: i M 1 i f C :
I?, I
G, 'NX?YHEW & S0l\T.
on i; t i'ii i: i awr < >i-'
Dr. J. G. Wannanuikor.
\ ' ; i l . i : j ? i (? I i ; !?' t'iSj'bl a id
I )en V? i s m ti I kiiul.- A im i it an ami
Tonil stours.
.M <iii ii ini-nts,
Murliti- .-.ml Skit. Mantels,
A in I till kin!.-.'*' St oho Work lurii
i'slh d Iii an . d.-. ign.
Polislisd Granite Work
{.'ithrr Na.ti ve ni Kni < iga Id <d?il<,r at
Ln\\< st Pi ssili e I ru t s.
( 11in -p..11 11 nee so i' i led witli t Itosti
in waul "I any work in tin- it In w
lino. not I 1 v
( A u LO A 1) * 'F
i'ini<; \ ronsios
l-'ltOM iiii:
W I :s TI , l; N MA IM< I ,TS
Will, i i: iti ' I in ll> AT
sta 111 ,ks
xi-xi \\h v.
jlliy ?-' l:-.-u ii'
shaving ai\jd fiair dress i IMG
Done in the inosl approved <tv h hy -' . II.
M AT I'll lOWS, an KxperieUfcd' |tarhef.
Marke) Mu ri, in rear of tin- I'ostollice.
I in 0
rn^ii?' lin<-st iiud c*li?%ti|?CM<
1 l/upiors in Ornugchiirg, for side at
Wallaeo C'aiiuon's old i-iatid.
In these ?lull limes, win :i scores of
voting iin-n are '"ii of employ tiuml
sind i?i her? iiro cm?dibg in fr< un ot her
phn-t-s sci'kiiijs for KO-oiiile? gohtei'l
Situation?, it is well Io give wide ptlb
licity i<? stielt fuel i n? uro sot forth in
Uli! following; oxiruei frOoi the .New
York Journal of ('(iniiiicrco: Otteof
t he greuTc.st problems iifonr iIii*.*. i<? ?
litt h* discussed by (hose who have t he
ear of the public through the pr<
hi the forum, is to furnish t .heiy?tiiig}
id" 11 (if I his generation with rouitiitor
alive cMnph^yiiiiMil. Td,M*:|>rhfoSjsifiiis
.?lie nil dvcr-croWih'il. The shop ,
keepers .?hi- by far ion nil uorniis;
Agoileics <?!' .-ill Kim1 . ?Ire so iniiifi- j
plied that I lie occupant s in-.:'! mi
each other* ? toes a ml are a bore :linl j
nilisuiieo I < > tin- gj ::t-.:i I public. < '!?-i k s
en! of employment ami jw tiling* |t*?l
serve for n pittath ?.? ai'o ;<? I"- ret lion |
cd hy i heir tens of t housaiitls. Boi'ild |
keepers with hhttgry eyeshrc read'
iuii the advert iscinotil lists in iIif'
vain hop*> of an opening for their
.-' i-piii a! ii'iis. I '<?!Ice!(ii ?;. i?c-r i ?>. i
iioor-kci j >' ?; watchimm. conduct? ? t-i-, |
.?m i tile great variety ofoth.ers al- l
reailv expei't, seek hi** t in ploy im i".
kindred callings; are an.\idiislv wait -
i ig I'm- some oho tochgiigo I heilt,
i-'. i' \ ]> issil It- iorjii ofservice 11.1 nj
I oa m tie f( el. ? : i- ! i ? the lisi of getliei'l
I Occiipiitii us i.. eiiii'i rly son?Iii hh'i r
j by tile multitude;- who have midtlii r
: phiVisioMs for | heir daily hi eds. " I * 11 i * j
' nu n v,'!.. have I??'***;s t r_\ ii.o* io lived \
? I heir wits hin?! go to work a! Iho
; liilni'll fil" lil 11; ? 1 ; ; of I hi-si! i liCj *^?'?i.I
J oilers I In- ii nstm ksil'ije aiul hi iirsi
: the titost ivinunen!t;ive,eiii}?hiv.isie!iii
'I'lie muss ? >I" I he u tioinphiyoil ihitsl
. seek sie I on a hoc IVuiu t lie I-oSofh Of
I in.ilher en; tii. Lain! is cheap, anil
f heile is ;i wide ?reit it hut :i wait s ,1 h'e!
* iIh r. tin I riek limy m In- itinl ;h'e
! skill l.ilis lor mi I h<- - nil, I.in i! e;l "eh I :
?'?{ill h<- ui.iile wit hot it fcaf of Joiiiire|iiv
j I'm- Labor- ;? will he faithful t!ii hi.
I citlliiig-. ii mods less wir-dont hud
: fiiretlioii'ihl limn patient imlitst ry.:'
am! ;hi- in jii with n eoinn?hi miu-l .
inay etit his h:irvi.st ill ileuco.
, SIXTY 3:ikl S \ Ml\l'TE IN A TIS
l'ASr ^.- vl
I Ai i In':-' Fit '/Aiat I'iilk. ivho i'i1!ilriieii
( ??>?!! 1 ('oldr'h' io a sho' l Lii.'iir ago, g'i v*'S 1
j til ? fpliiuyif,jf i.. i dUlii of on
I iTonivin.- in the mini:!, disi i ic'l ;. ? >':
1 \i hii ii ho was an eye witiieSs: ? .\
r :i;t(l - ?nie i'iiuipai'.ioi^s \\t ril
1 . ? ? ? i lirj : hi-' ? :l i n ?:?!.; i I )i- ith whi'ii
? ? ?. ??- . ? ??. ...
: ?<? ' . ? . . !'? 1"
!'.<:'\ tivi"; lU'gri'v'S, ileirjin lM>?'i*l*od
I wilii iypz.-'ii siiow. lay tin spot ;!.'?;.
los.ii'cil in reaeh. \yli;h to i^j roitm)
j fail wits iifieeii iuiles. I ii hiihj 1
' i'r !(????< n '.in jiti'ii. ttsi'il !'?!? wnsiiiiig .
goiih -p c.;-i hij. lilnnkri Over it, g-i>t I
iii hiiiisi'lt, i 11 h sjipi.-ijt inu^ poi-itiuii oirl
I hi- Ititiim ht^. hie' I llie i.ht ikel !
ni'Ottii:!, hi-h'l h;isii'rillesithl trnp ?< oviu1 j
1?S hiMtil, :i:i-l gdl ??*?:- ??i his 'colli |
: p:i:iid:>.- i ? ..!"?<? hi: : i jVttsii, lie in :
!'oriiie>l pie he weiil .0 wtt -it ; In- ? po.? \ '
j of si sly inih-s n 111 i; 1:1 i t? -i hi shot far .
? .?::! iitt!? fits' v.iiley : : tin- f"<<' ..i .in
} n.-ouil!: Jh. V> h"U iiii .stoppe I he
[ fon'itil i hi- -??! ;>::.. ;ln- pun ni I:
heil 1*11011 iViel ich lit: hiauket iiii '::?<-.
I ami il was hi . itnpressioii ili it h i I
: h.- gp.'.c i, :?;; ;!:, r he WO!|!ii \>.'.\
V w I - lvKllilV. Si <'.. Nov. J. IS-:.
I /./,/-,/- ('/./;,,./../ ;/ '/';?i-.-: ;
^'rayoiihg; along its hsuiil, on I hi i
'? evening of liie i'iectiiii?. I ilisi-ovor.fiI
I'whei'e the liitilic.-iis iiml lorn ilown j
. uhimt sevi'ttt\ li\t- palu-'s of iheir
liroth i- l\.-tiiio:ilrs leueoj .-n. i hroke
ilown :v.i;.- 11 iiil liitrs, thihkitig it id
I lie :i 1 >.-im>? 1 a: I 1:1.1. They ?> i-tv
:*? ? hi; t in lower 1 * i 1 -.if tin- Idwitship.
A ler ildiiig vui ietiei! to iiihur hrol !ter
Uadieiii's farm nod lejieiiig^ givihg
sidcli fiio ;o?<??? -> in crop ii-innii!
in-; in lit-i 1. flU'V vvi'iitViii iheirway
rejoicing*. Veiling like -.?:!?! deinon.s,
r'i. 1 < 1 t;s 1 i. ? 1:1:.
Sotne \ e:trs ago i !i ?>:? \\\ ?? i in t >gle'
thorp eotiiit,v :> l>:i[> -1 |iieacher ivlit*
.viis noted not only fo; Ids pii-iy; 1 ? 111
1 also f..r i i ?> pr? t;i.sv?ii*.ss in tuatiiu 1
and eonvers.'iti(itn <>::'? he Itiitt
I .u'easioii |o denouiice itsuitlu 1 parson
1 who lind innitieidod Itittl iiml lie did
! ii in rtiiihd tm in -. Not hiiig alter a
I frii'iiil it>t t hi in nn'I .-? |i<istii(iiii-il wi t h
; him for his h:ushr.css 1.ir.h the
oiie who hiitl i\rouged him. Said
Iii?: -'Nv hy, broi her, I o.? lit1.1
that \ ? u 1 said -v tiii wished - i- was in
lo ll." ??< Hi. no," replied I lie pretu-h
ort "I ?.-is ver\ nngry, i":'. 1 did not
say I wished him m hell, I merely
-ai l I expected lo see him sliding in
Ilm) tiiit t iii'ii."' Athens' (?iaj) llaii
A lio> will think In- is killed if lit
is asked i<> rtiel" Ihc hairy brother;
lint ho will rink the. hens in the next
yard til! his arm ac hes
S IM it L' I KOI) :
Horton is vi i v much exercised |
overOhoquestion of corporal punish
im i.f'i'i ihepitidic .soli???ls; ln:in -
rifiit rejiori to lilt; school hoard, t.ho
sii I ?MU i: toil'it'll t culled httuutioii to
this matter, sintinij timt in rim?
st'iinO) t!na tilt ml >?*r of whippings iii
liit'lfjl nil iln* scholar^ rcuclo'd in ;i
inniltji i.i;:li IIS - I i ]>? v cent, of t lit!
nvcrnjjd at ?! t ii ii :ihd tlmt in other
-i h? 0>U tin; peleoiittl W?tS hearty ns
:;:t'it. Huston wiis Ifiirrilit ? !. iltltl \ in
si-1 idol lio.'iril u ,i" r. in p. 1 !? ? i \t\ t i. ? -
ws'itihl >?!' ptildic opinion tu ink** i-iiiiic
:i? i?i?i in the priunises. After? loitjv
deiiofeHiUoii, t in \? th ei<le i thai here
jirtt'i-Tt-tii poitil ptinisiimVni -hall he
ii'lmini.'.i-ii'l cinly ' > principals i?d;
schools, iiiid t'liit only oh iho'ilti.v
niYcrihe ulft'itce is t omihitted. 'I he
tenile)iey 01 ti\ ili/iitioii i- towards i he
entire! :il!*tdisli!:h'!-l *?!' corporal pit ie
ishin?nl in ??cid ads;- .?? ml >\ i.( liiivH
in ili:i! eilroi exist. they have liven
|V)tiu<) '"!! hu i ve ;?? l!if hi!vnhceihetit
t?i' liit- eliiiieiiey Aft In- od in alitiiial
instiuitions. in Kraiic?* eorpi >i'h' pen
isliiiiulil wits fil?'dif 11 < m 1 |?y I it vv in
IK?l)^,jItdhiihl :iut) I'rtissiii folhivvCd
nit ti Iii t Uvhttor: l Iii? so tue Ist V> exists
in An r-lriii. Neu dorscy. whose
? ( 1 ool ? tiiiiilni'd is ii!"li. i?rt - ?'.-.? pi n
ii'.' iipkV i< _i 'ni ion i;: I SiWt; 1 lie City
, ? Sy:.-:. in I.S'i7.; iiinl New Volk
t i' \ jui i ii ii \ ??.-!i ?? Miil'il. Tic.' results
n;a\ t :i.-i!\ iii-;isi'i'ri:iiit: <i hy i'idei"
i in- it. ! he >t r. ports id' t hi*
American :i'ii- minotl: ntnl i' i-; !?
- iii itit .?' ni i'iit i i!;..; :i pri lit i j .?: i ? ii'i >'???
ei :i Now York selmolk wlij. f.tuqbi
( lie hu'M! ti !'t t't ir I he n lit?! it it hi bf!v\ hip
pi :'v;.'.\ ii irtiiv inmost vi." !. lihS fciitco
- fine t-"1 with it st.'tti'inent iiiljriuiih:
liio(lutire KlicccS.? of ii:i- Uo>\ sysiohi.
.? :.'! *?\ i?hdei i lion1 lid rod.hi over
'.?ii M- th- :!:.:.?? i I,i - pi j i ti I s; liiitisoif :i it I
Itis ?rhjlin'ii t.y riijsiild; hi* tirui 10
stiiki'.-i i'iiilt!.- Ni w- ntiii ti'idiiieri
WliA j \y a", i'Mit\;Ki) M.\} :
.John A. lironiliis, 1 >. I).. tlitis
? !t: eriliev; him :
!. "An I'thietited 111:111 i> i?iit*whose
mint) is widened out, so Unit In- enii
tnkt; luo.'ul yiews, instead of heitii;
v.*i?f.i?jr-inii:iifdx-.*t? tiint ho t an ?-? <
tlitr'.ditleri'iit siih> fd'a ijii'i -? ion. <?!"
ilt li'.-s- r ill ki:?,W t Iiii: Ml! tpi.vi '??!!.
have diirevi'tli >i '.'
'2. An oitiii'.'iteii m:t:i is one w;h<| ha.*
t lie p >\'.. i- o|" pittionl tliihkini}',' >v.li??
t-nn ftlstt i his initi'! tin i stiiiji \ \ ikuii
hohl is liiert? vyliik ho|dhiist's: who
i .in keep ii>"iv:i! > -;l .-; -ni'it ??! till hi'
si'ti's iiito itnml sees tiindi^h il. |!
aiiyhfii.lji iiiin!?'iiies ii t'tisv i<? tliink;
in -iii- sti'iiilv wiiy, In- hits no' hiod i:
iv-lio !i.-!s M'li:, i j'i '...'on HI : v. i:t? kntii'i -
l;tr.i ? ? ivii.'ioil t'u rijjfhl e*iI?iHMits.hhrsi
tin 1 so i-i :(i't>no toi'litivini'ti ntheo
ih.it liv i-. nj;-|it..
!. And ii?.'itiy - 'nit to speak n<">
of inl:ii>iu:!!h?:i I ttisto; iinpiirlttlil
a ? ' h \ m ? e i i at i*d; I: :i'i ;?? nut1
i.. . IIA.V.S 1.1 FTKIIXK'SS.
t>l' the r.-.i'jo.io.M ill.- rholiil'it' id' I li<
t?ilatb'r? steatiiiy rises iw 1'rver lieaii
Kveri its find m ^ta!o nie.li !li';Seeri>
i a ^hi't'iiia ii t \ i 'i . t i. hi I't ti^ iiiii
\!.ii!i-T is aoiihI i.ot !:.-;\. hee'ii wi>u
fui1 tlit* i-.'. p Ulif?tis t-. hayd haniii'il
.lidi l.kivis. deli bnvis iiiarkb ttii ex
liviiit j??ii!:i til' Itopitlilii iin invoeti\*e.
W lu-n tilt' e.'iinpiii-'M I't'aidlt's that tie
.;n ?'.? i' t:::ir<>! ve'r.v IVt'll jfoj hi?rl'K>r.
Ni? ?>??>??? \iti>)\\H Im in.in .MrShtT
iiiaii Mini In lui ve littiijit'ii ?iolf I):ivis
would have l.ei'ii as 'rallovrainl saitl
ihe i-xoi mi toil .f i he I ?'i" tl' ktiirii
ieii li\ X.ijinlcuu wi?rse lli.in :i oi iiiie
;i 1 ?!'i der. -N. 't . !!eruhl.
"Your visits I'oiiiin I hre of t h?
Ll'i'tiWtll <?.' :' Hi'?.-?'. i: i :i;vim per."
?m id I no I .1 .i !???/.. I-, a hi hi! i:i> thin oil
his. ; ahd Itt;tt??> On Williiilii
11 en it. '..! 111 \\: i - swoos en Angelica,
??V [\\ so?" impiii'vl Wiliiaiu lion
i' S.
"Wtdl. tili v ?? ?!!! Iir llff ! us m Wi t k
ly, jji'hw li> he l r't deekiyiaud ha vtt
liuw heeoiiiv titl?v; w il h Stintla v
?? Vo ." .-aitI Willitiiii lli'tfryi Itrhe
iiiji ilj?; "mL'I :>.\'u v wi nri1 iiiarrit'tl ive
.\ ill i. fiw :::t i'>Jl in- - - -
?"?d. I .' s:ri?l .\h:.i iion. 'iml thoy
vvi ill ti::! iiii- si ft-i!.
i ieiirjje Wl doiies. uf 'i'eViiiessoe.
dll'erk in he "Mine t?f ^.(lOtl1' to pay nil
.In- Si ai?' dcf?t, >v hit It w?uihl iliako t ho
iditii'e id'etitdi; ilt I hi? rtit?! ereditors ar<
Willing t?i neei'pt,.f s,iii)0. There Ita
heen nt?i!iiiiv. like I Iii- display o
pulvjotisul siiiee Ihtuiel NVehsfer. at
an <ii'ti r itiniit*r -pift h in lioehesler
I..-! in.- Hiroii11 til' one of his i^resii
sen ten t es Oil IliOtleld^ slopped, inin
ining his lutiul into his trousers poek
oi. wenl on: "The National tlold
thedeht, how shall it l?o inetV \\ hy
d-? i. it. I'll pay it myyeltV'
[>| Cl 1 >S V. A 1)1 i\L.
Tin.* recent eccentric II. II. Brock
en Vit Ige, Min- ?l' ih(? dlldgos ofthe
Sil prcuie < 'ourt 6f I'?Mi ;:> vh :iiii:i. ;
v. heii m yoiiugf mini ?ns < 11ntJ?? n? ????t toj
fIii :i i!11(? i willi.au lOugiish ni?ee . j
whom ho,answered as follows: "1 lltiyo
two objections :<> tIiis diiei.'ini.itI
The o: .ii is lo i I should limtyoli: ihc
other i- lest von uhoiihl hurl ine. I
ddii'l soh hny goiiil ii would litfitonio
io |'iii ii I in 11 through your body, i
ruh ?hake uo usoofyoii when dosid |
for any culiuiiry |)ui'j u Us i would
." rabbit Or turkey. ! suit no canitihnl
im food upon thcllosh of men. Why. j
I hen, shiioi down n human orosii lire
of whom I eiiiild make lib iiseV A
|i'.il';|)o iviiiild liiiike belie'" hiont: for.
ihough your llosli ii'iigbi .luj jUdiealo
sind lender, yet il !::;.-- tlii' iiiiiiiii'ss
aid consistency wish Ii tUkesnud re
l.'iiiis suit; A: .!::;. rate, ii wihihl hoi |
do for si long' >".?? vbystgo. Vbii might
m.'iki':i good barbecue, it is.true, be
ii:*; Of tlii1 u si t il re of si rin'pbii or i>po.4
-'.::?. biit people sire not in ihc lml.il
i?!' barhociiihg sinv!l:i:ig that islet
lu.'in in ve. Am! :.- tu yoi r hide, it is
hot worth fakihg (t$!< heilig: little bet
ter : liiih il i wVi \ en i' old colt ! Sm mm h
for you. As to Tay self. I do tint like
i" -':11;? I in the wa\ of iinythiiigthai
i- hilft tub i ??? m i: iii Ii r I lie ihipros
sidii ihal you miii'ljl hi iiie. This
i>. in j ; lie rase I ihiiik i; liiosl rid
i- : lilt'; to . tliy in ! !??? ? ii>tlice. 11
yon ii i'e|i ii t m i y\ your pistol. Like -a>im
object, si tree i?r harii iliitiH about my
diiVieiishihs. !!' \ "ti hil l hat. send
ihe word und i v.'.!! siektipv.dhdgo
t iiUl if I had been i'i '? be sanie place
\ -n might also bin ?? hi1, nie.',
( Oi ?v!; 1.5? HEMOTitA 1 ?( VO. '"US.
Vv? sire i i my : in jii isi'' and grate
I'd ti. lea''il l lud t lirdughoui this
' '-i:..:\ large number of colored
i.:i n openly yoti d I lie Democratic
to ket hist' Tuesday. At ti:.?? box
between three and four hundred such
'< independent votes were east, while
at n large liiiuiberoi oilier boxes a
proportionate nuiuiier of colored inch
threw off the slavish shackles tlfat
had bound them hand mid foot to-tljc
imeiiiirs of themselves r.\r\ fieignltbra
1 an made common imusc with us for
lioabsj LiqviTniiioht. iii?di|iiAyjiieh the
peace and prosperity of both i noes
wii| !>- noil iinlh preserved aiid pro
leeteil. All honor to] the brave; aiiii
! iiiV'rpeinh'iit nil..red liieli who voti'd
\>it!i ii-. I.i'i in prove to thein that
11:.. 1 >i mi lern I jo white uieii of the
-??mil their best olid Irtiesi
: :'i i.-n.is. Lei its stiiiid by iiiirU'diored
; flit'livb nsthi-\ slilild I \ n -. add gi\?'
; i.bi'iil :dl lite ideitiehs in idlr jidwdii t..
eh'Vat.e fhefifselves socially, morally,
iiitiijh'irtusil!v ami iiiiUueiiiliy. As
:lu v h'eiriiiiie h'iiriVieit'ds we must
lie their steadfast friends and pt'o-j
:teeijil''k Ih.ilh races; r hiiyt'ii'uieciini
; in;?!! iiiji !.? .t i.i tic- \\ i;ifiii;eof ihe
'-,;;!;? th.' |! !"i is p.'i'i iV lit' ..tit' rUCC
he tin- prosperity ?'?f Ihe
i "\ Ii r. Laiindisti ill.' 1 lornld;
Uli- fOiLK'i' a! E| i ?; \\( i;.
i . r prt'serviilg tin- I i?isiplexio;i
i * * - ? 111 ???::! liei'.
I '.'i- v.. iiiteuin*! I !i>' hands ? I loii
. -i ..
K??r sweeieuiugjt bedireUi h -Triitli.
'l.ro reiiioye st si ins -l?i'|>i'nt :i ?ee.
h'or iinproving thesighl ( ibsi-rva
t iiVii.
A beautiful ring Tim fiifhihfir
Koi iniproviug I be voi<;< ?.('iviliiy;
T!i.'ln'st eoiupahioii !<? the toilet ?
A v. if.-.
i: is !<? be regietieil I(jaI at the
idosing meeting id' t he grand eiini
puigii which has b?-'on c?induete<l so
siiei't'ssfiilly b" ' "!' h'.-id-'is. I hill a
-a i siei'idi'iii oeeiirreil .at Uenuetts
villi' in tic- presence of a vast eon
eoiirsi' id people. Tin if was great
i'lithusiiisin, inn si (isill of gtooiti \n:i<
cast upoii sill b' a s.ol :i< eideut cans
nl li\ tin sd'enisit nie; ilisehsirgedf I lie
csiiiiioii; SViiiisiin Itowyer lbs! Lot li
arnis, sind \rehii- Mct'sill. si briiiher
id" Senator' MeL'albbist Iiis lefi sirui.
i hos aif hol h duing well.
Dr. Tanner, ihegrosil faster, is soon
m begin n las! in London, under ihe
allspices id' hi I). \Vj Uichnrilson.
j a In. has ".niiM'd cotisirUlili! rt'ptitsition
jni tii'coli'ni of I lie stand ho has made
against ihe Use 61 iileohiil a- n liiedi
i n'..'. A idia.lleiige is to !:,? issued to
distiller^ and iloeiors, that they may
select si\ uieii sis iiear Dr. Tanner's
physical condition sis po.-.. Ii de, the
? i\ to eiiter a forty days !'::-d agsiiiisl
him .in'! lake wine, beer oi* liquor,
while Tanner i-- to take only water
and see whal flic r< - till will bo.
J .Julius, were you ever in businessi
In course I was. Whal business? A
i >ng:ir planter. When was dat. my
j coloured friend'r 1><- day 1 buried
j dat old sweet heart of mine.
\Vhnt isexacted of an editor iibw-a
diiv? seems t<> a sort of general
omniscient (*. II?- iniisl keep ilie run
i.r ( vi i \'. Iiihg?polities, science, ro
liuioo, hrt, agriculture, general Ii ler
nt tire. i* 11et world is alive'and iii?v
ihg everywhere.; and lie must know
jii-l w'hnl's going n;i Mini be nidi' to
have mm opinion ready made a ml
ready i>> go id 'press'at iiiiV moment.
II.- inn-! toll to a T just what they
ui'e doing iii -\ shah ice ami Dahomey,
and w lint they <!< n'i do and. ought to
do in New York. Ileinusl be wdsd
and instructivojalioui currency!and
taxes, and la rill's, and able to guido
(.'ongress; and i lieii In* lit list tu he ear*;
of ibe < hiireh?know just what the
!)!!< at holies are up to, the last new*
kink of i In- Uitualists, :iml the righi
and wrong of It11 the free lights in
the diifcicut demuiinations. It.
really makes my head spin justLlo
hehi what they aivgetiingnpuriielc's
about. Then there are all sorts of
wriiitig men and women sending
peeks Mm! bushels of articles lobe
prihled, und getting furious if they
.'. i- m.'. |>:int?>?I, though the greater
part nt" ih.-in Mic -mh hopeless trash
that you only heed t" read four lines
'.<> know that the\ are good for noth
ing; I'm they till expect tliein to he
romh iled with explanations ami criti
cisms^ and the ladies Solhot inios write
letters of wrath that*_are perfectly
The i huuocratic < 'ohvohtibh nt San
Krai tdsco, last eveiiin^ noininnted for
Superior .'ittlge, Kobei'l V. {I by tic.
This is the: grhudshirbf the famous
UtdierijVotiiig lliiyne.'ofSouth Caro
iimi. ivhasej muster pie.-e of oratori
cal f-hujiiehee, eulogising Sim;h Caro
lina: culled forth theiinnior1.nl reply
<i!' Wehs'er in the United States
Senate. Santa Uarhara (Cal.) Tress.
A country school master is a good
deal like :i nictliodist minister:
"JJendquarters in the saddle," place
of residence." nowhere; term of ser
vice, doubtful; stflaFy, insutlicietit;
hiifiirospects for t he", tu tute, typhoid"?
YVl I hhVcbmm Tnougfit fnsit if Hier.i
is a man on (Jotl's green earth who
i< entitled lo m seal nt 1 he sight
hand ot? the Omnipotent, it was the
man who teaches the multiplication
table without breaking the seventh
e tminaudiuctit.
When nature would imike anything
specially rare .-Mid beautiful she a I
ways makes it little; litilo |iearls,
iini<- d'nimouds. little dews. Litlhi
fortunes bring the most content, ami
litlje hopes the least disappointment,
nut lilt le songs are the dearest loved.
-i ? i.ivjh1- ? ? ? ?aap? ?
A voting wife remonstrating with
ii \r husband on his dissijih teil Int hits,
was answered: "1 ahi like the prodi
;! sttii, m\ dear; I will reform by
und by." ??! will belike hiin too,*'
-he sliid; "i will arisoaiid go tbiiiy
o? ? ? ? <r'
A -Ti \m< (dergyhiaib about to lib
come chaplain of :i penitentiary,
prcaehed a fan well sermon to his
congregation; who liad illtroaied him,
from the following text: ' 1 goto
prepare a place tiiryou,':s^i* that where
I alii ye limy be ti I so."
Mas just returned from the
2T O E T H
Willi ;v Large und we'd Assorted
Stiii k "I < Icucriil
iM reha.M'ii at ihe y? i y I DW ICSI'
1'iiiui of the Mai ket, and will
be s.-ld at corresponding
('; hie one .-nid all und sea for i*our
Helves, the IJAUCiAlXS to Liu ob
IT UN I I I LL of tlte Laleist
I'm. ics. I). LO?LS.
si pt :; 1880 :bii
IL' 5 :CJ rr S3 J&>
KOiTCE .".MD u ATT Lv? WOWt. ?f?S
n\ i-t*?
/ v-r- y.<r-^^-r. FOUTZ^
*\ -?????(* ,i? |., event PlnCAflQ^
* ?> u ilia of i olio, Hots <-r I.I'SO V
? ? -. . i intr'e I'., viler* nr|! need In tllin'.
i iv-lom Will run; mill i<ri<vcnt Hoc* Cnbii
i'..? .- I f mi? !. ,k ? ill ptl-H'llt OU'KH IS' l'"n\
I p ' l*i--> ? :> v* Will In. ri..-ii tin! i|liiilitlt.V i>l ).
ii i nr. i.ii.iy pi'r teiit.i hint..tj^iih- huitt-r I
111.I *tt "l-t
i .? . |'o vil~r-i u ill nirnor pi*i-vont ntino'si svi
'llisnANK i ? ? . -Ii llorsi'h .t.i l i -i...? ^ ii. ? I-'.
: -i ? - - i'.in* xvii.i. omt satisfaction.
(Ulii ? i cl j i? 'ii-ri-.
.Ti v.. KOfl'Z, T>rrnirlf-lor.
1. \ i..; lions, Ka.
K?r Kalcby Dr..7. ti. WANNAMAK
niul L>r. A. 0 I>' K l'.S hftvl? 1
\.-U' I .'ft >N Market hcefi best ever tas

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