?$* Caliteli ani) S&utkm WEDNESDAY, APBIL ?, '92. ?rgot ano mildew in pastures. Ab KngKsh Authority Warns Sheep Breed ers' Against These Two Diuij?m. - .? j C?ie ought to be exercised in the se lection of pastarage for sheep, especially the ewe flocks, owing to the prevalence in certain localities of ergot and mildew. Thos?^vbose acquaintance With ergot is slight may not know how'to detect its preee&ce in their pastares, but Professor Thoager says in The Mark Lane Express that if they notice any of the grasses, especially those around the borders of the field, to have a sooty appearance, they Would do well to examine them more closely. The ergot fungus is cylindrical and curved, resembling a horn or cock's spur, and varies in length from one third of an inch to an inch and a half; externally it is dark violet in color, in* ternallyjrrayish yellow. If but a small (juanrity of the grass is affected by the disease no importance need be attached to its-occurrence, but if much of it is observed the stock should be removed to acme other pasture. The most serious danger of ergot ted grass lies in the fact that it is very liable to cause abortion in breeding stock, andauere is -another trouble of which the authority quoted believes ergot to be the cause and one whicK is not generally known. He gives this illustration "from his own experi ence: In a sheep breeding district with which I am well acquainted it has been noticed every autumn,, more or less, that the flocks are affected with what is locally called "foot rot" The symptoms, how evergare ^not thoso.of ordinary foot rot Abscesses' oecur on the extremities; geh- J erally on the coronet, and occasionally about the knee and fetlock joints, and in some instances the nose and ears are at tacked. Examination of the layers on which the sheep are grazing has always shown the existence of ergot, and re moval of the flock to an unaffected pas tare ai once prevents the appearance of any fresh cases. With regard to mildew, this is always present to a certain extent during the autumn season^ and it is only when there is more of it than usual that it needs attention. Last autumn it was phenomenally abundant A cold, wet sommer, followed by warm days and dewy nights in autumn, is sure to be the cause of large numbers of parasitic fungi attacking vegetation. Mushroom hunt ers are well aware that conditions ap- | proximaf?ng to those described result in ! an abundant harvest of their delicacy, j and what favors the growth of the mushroom is also conducive to an abun dance of fungoid plant diseases. If we go iato * "seeds" layer, we shall not have far to look for a plant of knot grass or of 'plantain, the leaves of which seem to be covered with finely powdered chalk?this is one of the mildews or molds, if we walk through the .grass for a few yards we may notice that our boots are covered with a reddish brown powder; this is another fungus?one of the rusts. The first sharp frost will kill both mildew and rust, but we cannot wait for that before turning in the sheep. Ina short time several of these will most likely become affected with a bad scour, the result of eating the rusted and mil dewed forage. This scour,nnless checked, will soon teB~ou the condition of the sheep, but fortunately there is a remedy, I cheap, s?r.iple and thoroughly effective. In meet instances the fungi give a very decided s.kaHne reaction, and if, on testing the faeces of a scouring sheep, we find they are strongly alkaline, the remedy Je give the pat?ent a dose of common brown vinegar, dilated with water, which by neutralizing the alka line matter in the stomach and intestines soon stops the scour. If, on the other band* the faeces are decidedly acid, give an alkali. PLANTS UNDEfT glass. Opinions of An Expert on ti.e Proper Night Temperature for Plante. The constanti}' increasing use of green houses in the cultivation of plants makes a knowledge of the best methods, for their management of general importance. In growing plants under natural condi tions out of doors it is well known that th^y undergo wide variations of temper ature in the changes from day to night It is not, however, as generally known that euch changes in ?temperature are equally necessary for successful plant growing in glass structures where arti ficial heat is used. On this subject Mr. . William Saunders^supcrintendent of the gardens and grounds of the agricultural department at ^Washington, say* that one of the most prevalent and injurious errors in the management of green houses and other plant houses is that of keeping the temperature too high during the night. To maintain as high a de gree of heat-during the darkness as dur ing the light is a practice opposed both to science and- the results of experience. It is also-told that plants grown in a nearly uniform temperature under glass seldom ripen or mature their wood in a thorough manner; the buds are immature and make feeble growth, and the whole plant contraete a delicate nabit of con stitution which renders it incapable of withstanding the slightest neglect with out injury. On the contrary, plants con stantly subjected to a suitable lowering of night temperature are more robust, have short jointed and matured growths: flowers not only expand more fully bnt remain longer in perfection; fruite are better colored and flavored and more perfect in every respect than those de veloped in an atmosphere of uniform heat and moisture. Greenhouse plants require no heat during the night f urther j thau to exclude frosts. ?nottter injury consequent upon a high night temperature during winter arises from the extraction of moisture from the atmosphere. To maintain an inside tem perature of even 50 degs. when the ex ternal is near zero involves a rapid gen eration of heat, and as the capacity of air for taking moisture increases in pro portion to its rise a great demand is made upon the plants and everything in the house capable of giving np moisture, The quantity of water thus carried off may be seen by the deposition of ice on the inner surface of the glass after a night of severe frost Ice one-fourth of -$& inch in thickness is often found under these circumstances, the result of con densation and freezing of the water car ried from the contained moisture in the atmosphere and from the surface of the plante. The parched and unhealthy as jject of the plants subjected to such treatment is sufficient evidence against the practice. _ Pressing and Shipping: Poultry. With the exception of the Boston and New England markets poultry is rarely drawn. For the New York market neither crop nor intestines are drawn, though; the former must be free from food, as the city ordinance prohibits the sale of poultry unless the crops are empty. Section 1 reads thus: "That no turkeys or chickens be offered for sale in this city unless the crops of such turkeys and chickens are free from food and other substance and shrunk close to the bodies. That all fowls exposed for sale m violation of this ordinance shall be seized and condemned-; such of them as shall be tainted shall, upon examina tion, be destroyed and the rest which is fit for food shall be used in the public in stitutions of t?ie city." To insure the highest market prices for poultry thebirds must be wel t fatted, croas empiy when killed, cleanly picked, with the skin unbroken and free from bruise or mother blemish; carcass thor oughly cooled, but riot frozen, previous to packing. Pack in boxes with a layer of clean straw?rye straw is best?be tween the layers or birds placed in the same position in which they roost. Ship poultry for the various holiday seasons so as to reach the commission merchant from two to five days in ad vance. Avoid having your poultry reach its destination on a Saturday. Mark each package legibly, specify what it contains. Send the invoice by mail. Carniolans versus Italian Bees. The editor of the Missouri Beekeeper says that for three years he has been comparing the Italians with the r is also boxed off and filled with sawdust. The ventilator is 6 inches deep. Four inches of sawdust surround the inner boi. The tauk is filled with boiling water. The eggs are hatched at 103 degs. The heat is regulated by drawing off a bucket of water night and morning. Poni try Notes. Edward B. Thompson, Ament, N. Y., is secretary of the American Plymouth Rock club, which was organized at Charleston, January, 1891. A. W. Gardiner, Springfield, Mass., is secretary of the American Buff Leghorn club. Nowhere will skimmed milk pay bet ter returns than in the poultry yard. Dust baths are now in order, and happy is the farmer who has a big supply of dry road dust on hand for his fowls. The hen, like the cow, must be given bulky food. Give her all the chopped clover, scalded, that she can eat If she is fat the clover, with one ounce of lean meat per day, will soon compel her to lay. Separate the layers from the others. You cannot keep old hens, pullets, fat hens and lean hens together any more than you can keep dry cows, heifers not yet in milk and fres.i cows together, for they do not require the same food. The Woman's building of the Colum bian exposition begins to assume the ap pearance of a finished structure. It is inclosed, and only one-fourth of the en tire work remains to be done. Some Simple Drees Styles. One often has breadths of black cloth or silk put away; these may be used this winter to advantage, either made iuto a skirt to be worn with a bright colored coat, or just the opposite, made into a coat to be worn with another skirt. The jacket shapes for basques is still most prevalent, those for street suits being in cutaway or smoking jacket style; those for indoors in Louis XV and XVL There is more and more of a tendency to do away entirely with the foundation skirt, many of the winter woolens hav ing been lined throughout instead. When light fabrics are mounted on a j foundation they are not tacked at all to ? it, so the outside can be lifted, leaving the foundation, which is shorter, and finished nicely with a knife plaiting or crossway band. The polonaise grows in favor for day suits, while the princess, or some modification of the princess, is much worn for evening by all ages, ex cept the young girl, who looks best in a half low necked pointed corsage. The popular full skirt has five breadths at the foot sloped to three at the top.? Brooklyn Eagle. Sknok Skin* to the Front. Skunk skins will be fashionable while seal skins are as hard to get as they are now. Since the British and United States governments put a bar on the seal fisheries, the supply of seal skins has greatly fallen off. Prices have risen, and strange to say the demand has in creased. The prospects of a hard winter will make furs very desirable, and deal ers will ha* e to find a worthy substitute for sealskin. Skunk skins, to be known as Russian sables, will partly fill the bilL Real sables are as hard to get as seal skins, and skunk skins are plentiful. If they are well dressed they are as stylish as any furs that can be worn, and they are a great deal cheaper. There are half a dozen big skunk farms in this state alone, and a score or more elsewhere. There will be no stringency in the sup ply of them, and they will be fashionable. Skunk skins are already being sold in Paris as Russian sables.?Globe-Demo crat. Woman Suffrage in Boston. A curious phenomenon is the rapid de crease of the women's vote in Boston. Only three years ago 20.252 women reg istered and ail but about 800 of them voted. There was great excitement that year, and the women were induced to avail themselves of the privilege by all manner of appeals to their feelings. But the next year only 10,589 registered and 10,000 voted. In 1890 the number was still further reduced to 7,925; and at the municipal election of 1891 there was less than 6,000 women who could vote. Opponente of woman suffrage undoubt edly see in this a confirmation of their opinion that women do not care to vote except when excited and are, therefore, by so much disqualified from casting an intelligent ballot. And if it does not mean this, what does it mean??Boston Commonwealth. Home Work. Young women of leisure are the most enthusiastic and the most dangerous of amateur workers in this modern crusade of work, because in their eagerness and happy unconsciousness they rush in Where wiser visitants would hardly dare ; to go, and it is the fashion to applaud their doings without regard t? results. It was formerly the custom for the daughter to be the helper and companion ! of the mother. Now the daughter is j emancipated and the mother solitary. If she is ill and can afford one she may have a trained nurse to take care of her, but otherwise there will be little induce I ment to protract illness or convalescence. There is, in fact, with all the desire for work, a great want of real work done at home. ? "Thrown on Her Own Re sources," by Jennie June. She Does 5,e*?r?l Thing? Well. On Saturday afternoon Miss Hattie West, a recent graduate of Wesleyan university, at Delaware, Ohio, went gunning on her father's Little Darby farm, near Unionville, with her broth er's shotgun, bird dog and rubber boots. The result of afternoon sport was fourteen quails, three rabbits and the bird dog's tail. The latter was shot off by the premature discharge of the yoang lady's gun while she was climbing through a wire fence. Miss West is locally noted as an excellent house keeper, with a passion for good litera ture, and writes very pleasing verse when she has time to indulge her taste in that direction.?Cincinnati Enquirer. Spangled Fans. The new fans, like the new dress trim mings, are spangled. A pretty example in black gauze, mounted on carved ebony, is thickly strewn with silver disks and stars, it sparkles splendidly by ni^ht, and looks well with any kind Of ball dress. Ostrich feather fans are now made in three or more different colors to harmonize with the new shot silks and ganzes. The prettiest fan to carry with a flower trimmed dress consists of a bunch of rtees and poppies with silk pet als that open and close with the fan. Dainty and inexpensive fans are of white gauze with lace insertions and borders painted with flowers and figures in me dallions.?New York Herald. She Will (in Aronml the World. Mlle. Saint-Oiner, a French lady sixty four years of age, is to join the ranks of lady explorers, and will make a tour around the world, following a course south of and parallel with the equator. Her purpose is to collect data regarding the life of women and the training of children in the different countries for the Geographical Society of Paris. She takes no luggage with her, and expects to extend her travels over a period of three years. She has already made a voyage around the world, paying her own expenses.?Paris Letter. TOO FOND OF HIMSELF. So Much Interested in the ? Passen ger That He Paid Doable. A pretty young woman, dressed in the height of fashion, got into one of the Fifth avenue "busses" the other day to drive up to Central park. Some of these busses still run on the old "bobtail" sys tem, that is. they have no conductors to collect the fare, and passengers must themselves drop their nickels into a box at the end of the conveyance. The driver is supplied with a quantity of small coin to mJke change for passen gers who have uot the exact fare. As this handsome young woman took out her purse, several men bent forward ex pectantly for the privilege of passing her coin up to the box for her. Ignoring their readiness, she made her way up to the box herself and dropped a dime in to it Then she waited for her change. No change came, however. She looked at the box anxiously, evidently thinking that perhaps she needed to pull out a handle or press a button somewhere in order to see her change fall out, but all she saw was a little sign, "Put the exact fare in the box." The men whom sho had overlooked only grinned. She ap pealed to the driver for change. He told her he could not open the box, but that if she would wait until another passen ger got aboard she could have his nickel instead of his dropping it in the box. Pretty soon a typical "chappie," wjjh monocle and English covert coat much too large for him, stepped into the bus and offered the driver ten cents to be changed into two nickels. The driver explained to him the predicament the young lady was in and asked him to give her one of the nickels. "Certainly, with all the pleasure in the world," said the young fellow, as with a "ain't-I-just-in-it" smile he raised his hat, bowed profusely to the young woman and dropped a nickel into her little gloved hand. He beamed into her eyes as he did so in a way that evident ly embarrassed her, but he grinned wider at her blush and looked around at the others as if to say. "Watch me mash her the first time." Then with a jaunty air he dropped the other nickel in the box. Then several men snorted and the young fellow looked up surprised to see what they were laughing at. He could not help seeing that he was the object of their mirth. He could not understand it at first, but pretty soon it struck him that he had got rid of two nickels for one ride. Then he blushed up to the roots of his hair, got very hot indeed and went out on the roof to cool off.? New York Tribune. Funny Incident? at Marriage Service*. Some funny stories are told about the marriage service in the Isle of Man. One of them relates how an old man, brought rather unwillingly to the altar, could not be induced to repeat the re sponses. "My good man," at length ex claimed the clergyman, "I really cannot marry you unless you do as you are told." But the man remained silent At this unexpected hitch the bride lost all pa tience with her future spouse and burst out with, "Go on. Say it after him just the same as if you was mockin him.** The same difficulty occurred in another case. The clergyman, after explaining what was necessary and going over the responses several times, without the smallest effect, stopped in dismay, whereupon the bridegroom encouraged him with, "Go ahead, pass'n, go ahead! thou'rt doin bravely." Upon another oc casion it was, strangely enough, the woman who could not be prevailed upon to speak. When the clergyman remon strated with her, she indignantly replied: "Your father married me twice befoor, and he wasn't axin me any of them im perent questions at alL"?London Satur day Review. Peaches Worthy of Trial. A Delaware grower of extended expe rience with peaches names the following as peaches among the newer varieties worthy of trial He says of the Elberta that, all things considered, it possesses more of the qualities uecessary for the make up of the best family market or shipping peach yet introduced. The Globe is a large yellow fruit, with red cheeks, fine quality and shaped differ ently from all other peaches in having a depression rather than a swollen point at the apex. John Hass is a freestone, good size, fully equal to the Mountain Kose in size and color; tree a good bear er. Peninsula Yellow will doubtless be come a standard sort. The Wheatland is one-third larger than Crawford's Late, quality superb, very high colored. An Around the World Outfit. It would seem that Dr. Alice Stock ham, of Chicago, had reduced the amount of clothes with which a woman can travel to a minimum. Dr. Stock ham sailed from New York a few days ago for a six months' trip around the world. She carried a small square hand bag containing her entire outfit except what she wore. The sum of these latter garments was this: One uniou suit of light woo/.; a divided skirt of blue serge, lined; a biackcloth gown made in one piece; a long serge traveling coat; a black bonnet and gloves; heavy soft kid boots, and black wool stockings. In her bag she carried a second union suit like the one she wore, and one a little heavier; a pair of equestrian tights; a second pair of stockings; a black silk princess gown, and a bedroom wrapper, also of silk; one cotton nightgown; two neck handkerchiefs of black silk and two of white, to fold inside the necks of her gowns, which she wore low; half a dozen pocket handkerchiefs, and a black scarf for headgear in crossing. That was all?not a bandbox, not a petticoat, not even a frill. "What under the firmament are women coming to?" says some man under his breath. "Solid com fort, good sir, and less nonsense about it"?New York Sun. Persian Lamb in Faror. Persian lamb is increasing continually in favor and grace, especially for cloaks. A few years ago the dealers had hard work to convince customers of its beauty and elegance; now the demand is daily increasing. Some woman of place and taste bought a dress on the other side, with a bit of the curly black fur foi decoration. Some other woman of equal discernment and wisdom, but who couldn't buy gowns on the other side, copied the decoration and the spark was kindled. The fickle, capricious public fancy was won and now no fur is more popular for deiniseason wear and for decorative pur poses than this. Russian sable {s re moved by its great cost and elegance alone from outranking seal in favor. It is the decoration par excellence for seal garments, for linings and collars, for mantles and capes, to all who can afford it. A new "manteau de voyage" is of mouse gray cloth, cut so as to fit close to the waist behind. A large point of gray velvet is inserted to form the back, and the collar and bottom of the cloak are trimmed with gray fur.?Chicago News. A Leader, Sinre if? first introduction, Electric T?ifter* has gained rapMly in popular fnvor, until now it is cIcjirly in the lend iim ng pure m?dicinal tonici and alterative*?containing nothing whioh perrr/itu it? use hs beverage or intoxi cant, it \f rec"jrtii7,??d us the beft and purest medicine f -r ?11 ailmt nts of .ctomach. I.iver ?r Kidne-s ? it will cure Sick Headache, Indiges tion. ConfMp.-ttion. jind drive Malaria from the aystem Satisfaction guaranteed with each b-t'ln or the uv-nry will be refunded. Pri?e onlv ?fc. per bottle. Sold hy J. F W. D?. Loriue. 2 enteil Commenced March 2, and ends April 17. The following list 4 Will enable housekeepers always to know where [something nice and suitable for a meal, at this most difficult sea son for them, can be procured. READ OUR RECIPE FOR MAKING GOOD COFFEE, This is the principal accessory to a Break fast, and deserves SPECIAL attention : Ammonia, Axle Grease, Almond". B&iog Powder, Barley, pearl, Bath Brick, Bay Rom, Bird Food, Blacking, Blue and Blueing, Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Borax, Broma, Bread Preparation, Batter, Buckwheat, Candles, Caody, Cao Openers, Caper Saoce, Castile Soap, Celery Salt, Cerealine, I Chalk, Cheese, Chili Saoce, Cigars, Cigarettes, Codfish, Coffee*. Coffee Essence, Coffee Mills, Coffee Pots, Crockery ware, Deviled Meats, Dried Fruit, Dannau/s Coooaoot, Kg g Costard, Enamaline, Evaporated Vegetables, Evaporated Fruits, Extracts and Flavorings, Ex. of Beef, Leibig's, Ferris* Hams & Bacon, Figs, Fish Roe, Fruit Puddine, Gelatioe. Ginger Preserves, Graham Flour. Glassware, Lampe, &c , Halibut, smoked, Heao Tea, Herrings, Hominy, Hooey. Horse Radish, Homes & Coolt's Biscuits, imported Groceries, Improved Jelly, Ink, Jams aod Jellies, Kornlet, Lard, Lemons, Lemon Sogar, Lentils, Lioe Tablets, Lye, concentrated, Mackerel, Macaroni, Maple Syrop, Matches, Mince Meat, Condensed, ? ? " loose. Molasses, New Orleans, Mocil age, Moshroome, Moetard, prepared, ?' Colman's, j Nuts, Oatmeal, OaiCakes. j Olive Oil, Olives, O & O Tea, Orange Marmalade, Pates de foies gras. Pates of Game, Peas, Green and Split, Peas, Freoch, Pepper Sauce, I Pepper, Perfumery, Pearline, Pickled Salmon, Pickles. Pigs Feet, Pipes, Plora Padding, Polishine, Potted Meats, Preserves, Pronee, Raisios, Rice, Rice Flour, (for table ose) Roasted Coffee, Rock Caody, Rock Caody Drips, Root Beer Extracts, Royal Egg Macaroni, Sago, Salad Dreseiog, Sal Soda Salt, Saltpetre, Sardines, imported, " in moetard, Sauces, Saimoo Steak, Saratoga Chips, Seed Irish Potatoes, Seed, garden, Shoe Dreseiog, Shot, Powder aod Caps, Slates, Shrimps, Smoked Beef, Snuff, Soaps, Laundry, 44 Toilet, Sa polio, ? Soapioe, Soda, Bi-carb, Scopa io Caos, Stationery, Stove Polish, Sugars. Sweet Pickles, Syrups, Tacks, Tapioca, Teas, Tio Toilet Sets, Tobacco, Tomato Catsup, Tripe and Toogoe, Truffles. Van Honten's Cocoa, Vermicelli, Vioegar, Wooden ware, Wicks, Yaokee :ans, Yeast Cakes, Best Varieties of Coffee. Of conree one necessity for the making of good coffee is the coffee bean itself. Of these there are many different varieties, chief among which are those produced in Brazil, commonly koown a9 Rio coffee; that which comes from Java ; and tbe Ara bian coffee, known as Mocha. Of these, tbe two latter are most highly esteemed ; and a blend, or mixture, of Mocha and Java is considered perhaps better than any other, although there are many favorite blende and mixtures suited to different taste? ; one of the must celebrated of those is called Momaja It is composed of the fioe?t varieties ef coffee carefully blended bet?re roasting, so that tbe various flavors are deliciously combined. -:o: MAKING COFFEE. Tt should be fresh made. Fifteen minute3 will dissipate the delicions aroma, and render it comparatively worthless slops. This is the reason why it is so difficult to get good coffee at many hotels and restaurants The persons charged with tbe duty of making the coffee do not like to take the trouble to make small quantities often. There are many different methods of making coffee. The simplest of them are good enough if the coffee is ftesb roasted, fresh ground, fresh nade. The ordinary French filtering coffee-pot is perhaps the most convenient but good coffee can be made in an ordtoary tio coffee-pot, pail, or cup, if the foregoing conditions are observed as follows : Grind moderately a large cup or small bowl of coffee; break into it oae egg with shell ; mix well, adding enough cold water to thoroughly wet tbe grounds; upon this pour one pint of boiling water ; let it simmer (not boil) slowly for ten to fifteen minutes, according to the variety of the coffee used and tbe fineness to which it is ground. Let it stand three minutes to settle, theo pour through a fine wire sieve int? a warm coffee pot ; this wiil make enough for four persons. At table, first put the sugar into the cup, then fill half-full of boiling milk, add your eoffee, and you have a delicious beverage that will be a revelation tc many poor mortali who have an indistinct remembrance of, and an intense longing for, an ideal cup of coffre. Jf cream can be procured eo much tbe better, and in that case boiling water can be added either in the pot or cup to make up for the space occupied by tbe milk as above; or condensed milk will be found a good substitute for cream. :-: SPECIAL :-: Choice Pig Hams, Cut loaf Sugar, 5 lb Bucket Preserves, New Evaporated Apricots and Apples, To Ensure Satisfaction, Use Superlative Flour. New California Raisins. Vestal Oil, absolutely safe, 20c. gal 1 lb. Cans Corn Beef, 121a, 2 lb. Can 20c. Egg Custard, 16 Desserts for people only 40c. a box. Cross & Blackwell and Gordon & Delworth's Jams and Marmalade, only 25c. per jar. Panacea Cigars, The best in the city for 5c. $2 for 50. California Pears, Peaches, Apricots and Cherries, Sutler Brand, Finest in the World. Try a can. Chipped Beef, Lunch Tongue, Boned Chicken, Crab meat with Shells, and Dandicolle and Gandin Sardines. Plantation Supplies. Wholesale prices in whole Packages. Pic nie Hams and Pickled Corn Beef, Duke's Durham Smoking and Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. "Momaja" Fresh Roasted Coffee, ground line if desired, 35c. per lb. Fresh Crackers and Cut Cake received weekly, Respectfully, Suinter, S. C Charleston, Saiterat? Nt?ern . R CHAS. E. KIM BALL, Rbcbi7ER A EFFECT MARCH 2, 1892". daisy EXCEPT sunday North Bound J No. 3 JNo. 27[No. 3l|No. 33 ? Lr Charleston Lv Pregnall's Lv ffarleyrille Lr Pecks I Lr Holly Hill Lv Connors Lv Eutawville Lv Bel vid ? re Ar Ferguson Lv Eotawrille Lv Vanees Ar Vanees Lr Snell's Lr Parlors Ar Harlin City Lr Merriam Lr St Paul Lv Sommertoti Lr Silver Lr Packsville Lr Tin dal Ar Som ter Lr Sumter Lv O s we g o Lv St. Charlee Lv Elliotts Lr L?mar Lr Syracuse Lr Darlington Lr Moot Clare Lv Bobbins Neck Lv Manderille Ar Ben net's vi ?le Ar Fayetrillc a. m. 6 50 8 00 8 2? 8 28. 8 34 8 42 8 52 9 0 9 20 9 26 9 35 9 43 9 56 IO 12 10 15 10 29 10 43 10 52 11 08 11 25 11 40 11 56 12 08 12 23 12 d? 2 57 p.m. a. m. ja. ni, 8 55 9 08] 9 20 00 11 23 11 33 11 55 . . a.m. 8r 08 8 28? 8 43 9 00 a.m. p.m. daily except sunday. South Bound [No. 2 {No. 28|No. 32|No. 34 Lr Fayettville Lr Beonettsville Lr Mandeville Lv Rob bin s Neck Lv Mont Clare Lv Darlington Lv Syracuse Lv Lamar Lr Elliott Lv St. Charles Lr Oswego Ar Sumter Lr Sumter Lv Tindal Lr Packsriile Lr Silver Lr Summerton Lr St Paul Lr Merriam Lr Harliu City Lr Par lore Lr Snell's Ar Vanees Lr Vanees Lr Ferguson Lr Belridere Ar Eutawrille Lr Eutawrillt Lr Connors Lr Holly Hill Lr Pecks Lr Harleyrille Lr Pregnall's Ar Charleston m. 2 11 a.m. 25 39 54! 06? 20 35 53 06 15 30 43 45 59 10 20 33 39 51! a m. 8 07 8 19 8 25 8 32 8 35 ? 50 9 00 10 20 p.m. 9 35j 9 50 10 05 a.m. .m 7 15 7 37 7 48 8 10 05 fi 35 5 40 S 00 a.m. I p.m. THROUGH SCHEDULE C. S. k N. R. R. Leave Charleston M Pregnalls " Sumter " Darlington " Fayettville " Greensboro Arrive Richmond " Washington M Baltimore " Philadelphia " New York 6 50 A. M. 8 00 " 10 15 " 11 40 11 3 00 P. M. 11 54 u 7 40 A. M. 8 38 " 10 30 " 12 35 P. M. 3 20 " E. D. KYLE, J. H. AVERILL, Geo'l Pass. Agent. General Manager. "OLD ESLIA BLE" LINS. South Carolina Railway AND LEASED LINES. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Receiver. SU Passeuger Department?Condensed Schedule. In effect Jan. 17, 1892. MAIN LINE. west?daily. A.M. A.M. 6 00 6 50 7.30 7.45 6.50 7.28 7.58 Leave Charleston, " Summervilie, " Pregnall's " George's Arrive Branchville, ^8.15 8.30 Leave Branchville 9 00 8.35 " Bamberg 9 28 " Grahams 8.4? " Black ville 10.00 " Aiken 11.02 " Gr*HiteviHe 11.15 A rri ve A ugusta, 11.50 east?daily. A.M. P.Si. 8.00 8 36 8 50 10 00 10 20 10.31 10.59 11 00 11.31 11.45 12.27 1.15 AND P.M. 5.00 5.57 6.39 6 53 7-25 Leave Augusta, ?? Graniterille " Aiken " Blackville " Gratinine " Bamberg Arrive Branchville Leave Branchrille, " Georges M Pregnall's, " Summerrille 10.25 Arrire Charleston, 11.05 COLUMBIA DIVISION 9.15 9.40 9.52 P.M. 4.30 5.05 5 25 6.28 6 48 7 00 7.30 7.40 8.1fi 8 28 9.07 9 50 P.M. 615 6.54 7.25 ?8 00 8.15 8.4i 8.56 9 15 10 23 10.37 11.15 P.M. 815 * 8 58 9.36 10.20 CAMDEN BRANCH. daily. P.M. 7 35 8 10 8 34 9.00 9.45 A.M. 8.35 9.11 9 32 10.00 10.05 10.30 10 45 11 25 10 50 A.M. 8.55 8.20 7.58 7-33 Lr Branchrille Ar Lv Orangeburg Ar LvSt Matthews Ar Lr Kingrille Ar Lr Kingville Ar Lr Cam. June. Lv Lr Claremont Lv Ar Camden Lv Ar Columbia Lv ^6.50 P.M 8.10 7.36 710 6 3 6.?9 5.46 5.33 5. 0 600 ?[Meal stations. * Will stop to let ell pas sengers. Additional trains dally leave Colombia 9.00 a. m., arrive Kingville 9.50 a. m. Leave Kingville 6.43 p. ra., arrive at Colombia 7 35 p. ci. COLUMBIA, NEW BERRY k LA?RENS RY. daily?except sunday. P.M. 3 30 4.21 5 37 6 13 6 44 8 30 Lv Colombia Ar Lr Irmo Lr Lr Little Mountain Lr Lr Prosperity Lr Lr Newberry Lr Ar Clinton Lr CAROLINA CUM. GAP k CHICAGO R. R. daily?except sunday. A.M. 11 00 10 09 9 00 8 24 7 56 6 30 P. M. 6.10 6.49 7 05 7.15 8.00 8.15 A M. 9.15 9 15 9 00 8.45 8.00 7.45 Lr Angusta Ar Lv Graoiteville Lv Ar Aiken Lr Lr " Ar Lr Trenton Lr Ar Edgefield Lr THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE. Through Trains daily between Charleston and Augusta, between Charleston and Co lumbia and between Columbia and C.ttu den. Through Sl<*ep*?r3 between Charles ton and Atlanta, leaving Charleston 6.15 p. m.?arrive Atlanta 6 30 p. m. Leave Atlanta 11.15 P. M.? arrive Charleston 1.15 P. M. Pullman Buffet Chair Car daily be tween Cnatleetow and Columbia?Leave Charleston 6.50 a. m., arrive Columbia 10.05 a. m. 1/eave Columbia 6 p. m., arrive Charles ton 10 20 p. m. Connections ?t Charleston with Clyde Steamship Co. for New York Mondays Wednesday and Friday. For Jacksonville Mond?_\8. Thutsdays and Saturdays. At, Columbia dully with R k D. R. R. to and from Washington, New Yotk and points East and North. At Columbia daily except with | R. A D R R (C. k O. Dir.) "to and from Green rille and Walhali.-i. At Augnata daily j with Ga. R. R, Central R. R. and P. R. k | W. C. Ry. At Cnmden daily with C. C. k C. R. R. Through train to and from .Morton. N. C. and Blacksburg. Forfuitber information apply to E P. WARING, C M Warp, Geu'l Pass. Agent. Gen'l Mautrer._ FIRST MS JOB WORK AT BOTTOM PRICES wATmiAin ms mutism m office Atlantic Coast Line* COLUMBIA AND AUGETSTA ?. R. TRAINS GOINxJ SOUTH. Dated Afcircb 27". I8tf2. |No. 23j2i.?. 27|Ne. l> L've Wilmington.. Leave Marion..? Arrive Floren Returning: eave Fayettt ville 7.30 a. m.. arrive Kowrand 1215 p. m., Pee Dee Junction 4.00 p. m. Daily? >xcept Sunday. Train? on Mandater Angosta . R. leave Somter daily except Sunday, 19:50 A. M*. ar rive Rina ra i 11.59.* Returning leave Rimisi 12:30, P. M., arrive Snmter 1:40 P. M Trains ob Ilartsvflle R. R. leave Hwrtvi?fa daily except Sunday at 5 55 a. m, arriving: FNyds 6.40 a. m. Returning leave Floydf 3.10 p. ., arriving Uartsville 3 50 f. m. Train8 en WSmngten Caadboura and ?? way railroad, leave Chad bourn 10.39- a. ?. arrive at Conway 1.29 p. m , returning leara Runway at 2-29 . m., antre Cfcadbonrn 5-2? m. Leave Chad bonra 715 a. a. a* ? Sj?>9> p. m., arrive Hub at 8 SO a. m. ?od 925 p.m. h et urning leave Hob 909 a. a?, and 6.45 p. m. arrive at Chadb?nrn at 945 a. m. and 7-30 p, m. Daily except Sunday. JOHN F. DIVINS, Oeaeral Sn^t. J. R. KKNLY. Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Traffi - Manager. Atlantic Coast Line? NORTH-EASTERN R. R. or S. C. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Jan 31 r92|No. 15jNo. 23|No 27|Ne. 6I|No. 53 Le Fl'nee " Ringst Ar Lanes. Le Lanes. Ar. Ch'n A.M. *7 42 9 08 9 08 10 52 A.M. M. 10 35 11 49 12 15 12 15 2 40 A. . A.M. *1 35 2 50 2 50 5 00 A. . A. *8 05 9 32 10 00 P.M. 10 00* 8 2 11 59 A. . 10 30 A.M. Train on C. A D. R. B. enee with No. ? Train. cou sects at Flcr TRAINS GOING NORTH._ jMo. 66?Xo. 60|No. 78|No. 14|No. 52 Le. Ch'n Ar Lanes. Le Lanes 44 Kiogst. ArFl'nc* A. M. 9 47 11 45 11 46 12 05 1 16 P.M. P. M. * 4 29 6 35 6 35? 6 56i 8 15 P. M. A. M. * 1 ?0 3 25 3 25 3 43 4 45 A. M. P. M. *7 01 8 38 8 38 8 56 9 55 P. M. A.M. 6 50 8 27 A. H. * Daily, t Daily except Sunday. No. 52 runs through to Colombia via Central R R. of S. C. Nos. 78,66 and 14 rnn 8ol;d to Wilmington, N. C, making close connection with W. R. R. for all points north. J. R. KKNLY, J. V. DIVINE, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Sop't. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. CHARLESTON & SAVANNAH RAILWAY. Schedule in effect Jan. 4, 1892 Time at Charleston, 75th Meridian. Time South of Charleston, 90tb Meridian. SOUTHWARD. 35 23 27 P. M. A. M. A. M. Lv. Charleston 2 15 1 45 4 00 Arv. Wnlterbo' 5 10 Arv. Yemassee 3 38 3 09 5 04 Arv. Savannah 5 5 5 05 6 44 NORTHWARD. 14 66 P.M. A.M. 2 10 4 30 1 55 3 41 6 21 15 A. M. 11 13 1 40 12 07 1 5$ P.M. 78 P.M. 9 ? A.M. 12 56 36 A.M. Lv.Savn'h 9 15 Lv. Walt'bo 9 30 Lv. Yem'stett 08 P.M. Av.Ch'lsfn 3 38 6 36 9 32 Traina 35, 36, and 66, stop at all sta tiene. Train 15 stops on signal at Jackeonbrro and Hardeville with recolar stops at Green Bond, Vernasse and Ridgeland. 23, 27, 14 and 78, 15, 66, 36 and 35, dai!**. Connection for Walter no ro made by trains 15 and 35, daily except Sunday. Connec tion for Beaufort, S. C , made with P. k A. Ry., at Yemassee by trains 15 daily and 35 daily except Sunday. P. McS^INBY, C. S. GAOsm.n, Q P. A. Sopt. Mestoli, -Ciaciiati & Chicani Railroad. D. H. CHAMBRR?.AK, Receiver. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Schedule in eff ct FEBRUARY 27, 1892. North daily 33 Sooth daily 32. 6 55 a m 9 00 a ra 11 10 a m 12 49 m 1 20 m 1 44 m 2 20 m 3 16 ra Ar Lv Cnarlestoa " Columbia " " Ca roden 41 " Lancaster 44 " Catawha JcL 14 " Rock Hill 44 44 Yorkville *' Ar Blackshnrg m 10 20 m 7 37 m ra m m m m 500 3 41 3 11 25S 2 20 1 10 Daily except Sonday. North No. 33. Sooth No. 32. 4 00 m Lv B?acksbnrg Ar ra 12 40 5 00 ra 44 Shelby 44 a a 11 40 6 50 ra 4 Ruth?rfordton 44 a m 9 10 8 05 m 44 Marion 44 a m 7 30 Sondar Only. North No 33. South No. 32. 4 ?)0 m Lv Blacksborg Ar m 12 40 ?? Shelby 14 ra 12 02 14 Rt?herfordton 44 a ra 10 50 M Marion 44 am 9 40 No. 32 connects with R. ? D. R R at Reck Hill. No. 33 connects with R. & D. R. R. at Blackshurg C. M. Ward, E P. WARRIKG, Ge". Man P A. 4 5 m 5 50 m 7 00 a m GAMECOCK Cin MARKEL Beet Pori. Sassaie ani imi M EVERY DAY. Give me a Cali. W. J. DAWSEY. LIBERTY ST.NLXT TO POST OFFICE.