OCR Interpretation

The watchman and southron. [volume] (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, September 25, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067846/1901-09-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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HP Alf Y,
The Fall of 1901 promi?e? to be one of ilse nio?t active in the history of
In the City of Sumter. The lateness of the cotton crop means a short season, and every merchant will be forced to do a season's work in a few months. We do not believe there is any one
better equipped for the emergency than we are. It is said by those who are familiar with mercantile houses in the State, that
Our facilities are second to none-That our building is the most modern and convenient in South Carolina.
If these statements of the knowing ones be true, then certainly ought we be satisfied-the only other requisite is DO THE BUSINESS. Our customers are responsible for the erection of
our new stores The building formerly occupied by us became so inadequate to intelligently and satisfactorily meet the requirements of our steadily increasing trade, that, we felt it but justice
to our friends to provide them with as "comfortable a place as our means could afford, in which to patronize us. The question was frequently asked us when building, if we expected to occupy
both stores, and on being assured of the fact, the next inquiry was, "how do you expect to fill them?" ? glance at our present stock will answer that question.
Our floor space is probably among the largest in the interior of'the State, and we can say truthfully ;that we haven't an inch to spare. We are
actually crowded, and with clean, fresh stock,
Bought as cheap as moue j and an experience of twenty years coeld buy them.
Remember, all our old stock was sold at a sacrifice previous to our removal in the Spring. If our Fall trade increases in proportion as did the Spring and Summer, then we will have no
regrets for the investment made,' and no doubt as to our ability
OUR STOCK Will be found in keeping With Our building. Probably inj here. A boy's suit from 50c to $5. A youth's pant from 50c to $2.50. A youth's suit from
, , , "4.T ;^^rr?w^+ +1,0? in /MIT.' $2 to ?8. Men's pants from 50c to ?7.50. Men's suits from $2.50 to ?18.
HO department have we made greater improvement than m our; MR, ROBERT D PULGAR has charge of this department, and from his long experience in this
Wfc?frr?fetffetfl?. r&i*Il?$?*?'llllPlii?' ^De' ouont t0 be as we^ qualified to supply your wants as anybody. If he can't fit you from
1/1 ?J5S WflfV"T "^F**1 1>MMIHL stock he will take your measure from our Order Department and guarantee you a fit from
Here will be found Dress Fabrics from the cheapest to the Highest Clas3 Novelties. In con- ?15 to $35. Give him a call,
?ection with this department we have been forced to open a a ?flS
it ir* VatAhiiehmpnt 8hoe?! &hoe? ! ! &hoe?!! !
vre?smaKing n.?iaoiisiiioeui
# There are few exclusive Shoe houses in the State that carry a larger or more complete line
rr * i J * . j r . r j u^u- -rTT "a ro?r? fa+naA tn m oleo than we /do. Our leaders for medium grade goods in Women's and Children's are the
Heretofore our lady friends who wished to buy their ^^^%^r^r? GODMAN BRAND. The Children's start at 50c-the highest price being $1.25. They only
where where hey could have them made-No excuse for that now Mrs. Kirk of Colum- and ^ $* ?d wg ^ th?Dk ? ^
b^aladyof long experience and established^reP?f^^ ever better value put in a shoe to sell at that price. vor - higher class ladies line we handle
we unhesitatingly recommend her to our friends Her work wdl not be conhned to material CO'S. The price on these run from $2 io - ?-They are up-to-date in style, and
bought from us, and her prices will be regulated to suit the character ot work required. -T ^ ? . f HT . A ^ TU? DT?V\TMTTV;3 AMni^v
uvix8ui, iv/iox 0,0,^0 a none better for service. In Men s goods our leaders are ink KLYNOLD7? AND BAY
Clothing Hats and Furnishing Goods STATE BRANDS-a team that is hard to beat. Bear in mind we guarantee every pair of
This stock will interest any one who may need anything in that line. these brands we mention to give perfect satisfaction. We could probably fill an entire news
BOY'S AND MEN'S PANTS-If you want a boy's pant from 25c to $1.00 you will find it paper with interesting reading matter for prospective purchasers, but enough for the present.
Come and see us, and if you make your bill with us we guarantee absolute satisfaction, or refund your money. Our motto shall be :
"Sell as cheap as we can, not as dear as we might."
Chicago Tribune.
Precautions of the most unusual an
extraordinary character were adopte
for the protection of the young king c
Spain and of his mother and siste
when they left Madrid for San Sabas
lian the other' day. Not only were th
railroad stations all along the lin
cleared of the public and occupieu
by the police until the royal train ha'
passed, but the entire route from th
metropolis to San Sabastian wa
lined on both sides of the track b
sentinels, stationed at a distance o
ten yards from one another, with or
ders to shoot any stranger who per
sisted in approaching the line after be
ing challenged and called upon to halt
These precautions were adopted ii
deference to the queen's wishes. Ii
proportion as the time draws near fo
the surrender to the son of the rein:
of government cn the attainment o
his majority next spring the more ap
prehensive does she become lest some
thing untoward should happen to pre
vent the fulfillment of the task whicl
she took upon herself as a sacred dutj
at the time of the birth of her boy
namely : the preservation of his throne
to Spain at the conclusion of he:
regencv with a king qualified both ir
body and in mind to assume the gov?
ernment of the most sorely triec
country in Europe.
Unless some unforeseen catastrophe
occurs between now and next sprinp
she will be able to step aside with the
knowledge that she has nobly fulfill?
ed her arduous task, that she has
steere J the Spanish ship of state foi
sixteen years safely through every kind
of dancrer and of difficulty, including a
disascrous war, for which she was in
no wise responsible, and she will be
able zo feel that he has not only done;
her ?uty toward the boy, bet that she
has likewise fulfilled her trust toward
the Spanish people.
For no sovereign has ever assumed
the reins of government in Spain who
^$ou?d~boast of bein? so well equipped
for the task as Don Alphonso" XIII.
He has been brought up among the
most pure and healthy surroundings,
whereas his father, his grandmother.
Queen Isabella, and everyone of his
predecessors on the throne were
rear3-l in an atmosphere of profligacy
and rice, to which they w^re initiated
Ion? before they irrew up.
Tho yo un ir k?nsr, instead of bein?
spoilt, has been educatedwith a decree
of Strictness altogether new in the an?
nals of Spanish royalty, compelled to
^ submit to a discipline which would
La ve been resented by many a lad of
less exalted rank, and taught to ab?
stain from posturing and from
manifestations of conceit and of
vanity, and remain modest, and above
all frank and unaffected. Not only
has he been most carefully instructed
in the history of the past and of the
present, so as to be able to form a sen?
sible opinion of things around him,
but he has likewise gone through such
an excellent physical training that
his former delicacy of health, which
he inherited from his puny father,
has disappeared, and he has developed
into an unusually well set up, stalwart
and tall lad, who bids fair to become
in course of time as big as his
mother's brothers, who are the tallest
and stateliest princes of the reigning
hon s 3 of Austria.
He has a clear, frank eye, and a sym?
pathetic manner, which are extremely
engaging, and wins the good will and
friendship of all with whom he comes
in contact.
He has, for instance, completely
fascinated General Weyler, of Cuban
fame, a soldier whose relentless cruel?
ties in the Antilles won for him
throughout the civilized world the
! unenviable nickname of "Butcher,"
and whom nobody believed to be
burdened with any such thing as a
As governor general of Madrid he
was brought into frequent contact
with the young king, and the latter
in some strange way developed such a
strong liking for the general that the
latter, moved by the manifestations of
good will on the part of his young
sovereign, has become deeply attach?
ed to him, and imbued with a mix
tur? of fatherly affection and loyal
devotion to the young king of which
I no one believed in the "butcher" of
Cuba to be capable.
j The winning over of Wey 1er is a
fortunate thing for the young king to
have achieved. For, with all his
faults. Weyler is undoubtedly the
most forceful and influential figure in
the Spanish army today, and com
j mands a following of both officers and
I men which no other military leader
j can boast in the peninsula. Indeed,
it is no exaggeration to assert that
I Don Alphonso, by winning over Gen
; eral Weyler to his cause, has virtually
assured himself of the fidelity of the
army and diminished by a hundred
fold the chances of any military pro
; nunciamento in favor of a dictator
! ship of Don Carlos or of a republic.
One little incident will show how
? carefully young Don Alphonso has
j been brought up. Under all previous
1 reigns not merely sovereigns but even
1 royal princes were accustomed to wear
the uniform of field marshal from
their tenderest age-indeed, from.
^ their fifth year-on all official occa- j
! sions. The only uniform, however,
i that King Alphonso wears is that of
i the cadets of the military school of
? San Idalfonso, which is a sort of
' Spanish counterpart of West Point,
j The uniform, while neat and natty, is
! exceedingly simple, being of dark
? blue, slightly trimmed and faced with
i red, and without a bit of gold lace
j about it. The king wears the uniform,
! nor. of an officer of the corps of cadets,
i but merely of one of the rank and file,
. and there is no indication of his rank
; except the miniature badge of the
Order of the Golden Fleece which just
I peeps forth from his collar. It is
not only by his mother's desire, but
likewise by his own wish that the
! young king restricts himself to this
attire, and he wishes, in Iiis own
words, to be a soldier before becoming
an ollicer.
Of course no one can admit that a
boy attains the years of discretion on
J his 16th birthday, or that ho has ac
! quired by then sufficient experience to
; qualify him for the rulership of so
j turbulent a country as Spain. Still,
; since the Spanish constitution de
' mands that kings and queens should
be considered as of age when 16 it
must be admitted that no 16-year-old
youth could be more splendidly equip?
ped for the kingship than Don
Alphonso XIII, thanks to his estima?
ble and sagacious mother, Queen
j Regent Christiana. ^..vu " ^
She Will Be Admitted to the S
C. Asylum.
, It is nearly a fortnight since the be?
ginning of the correspondence between
the governor of Georgia and of South
Carolina relative to the disposition
i of Miss Concha Belaguer, the unfor?
tunate young woman who has been
confined in the police station in Atlan?
ta on acount of her diseased mental
condition. It has been decided to
bring her to the hospital for the in?
sane in this city, not because she is
a citizen of South Carolina, but be?
cause she is in need of care and atten?
tion which the Georgia authorities
will not give her. She has relatives
in Charleston. The governor yester?
day received a letter from Mr. James
C. Gilliland of that city giving the
information that Miss Belaguer's
brother is auditor of the Charleston
Consolidated Electric company. It is
said that the young woman is in a de?
plorable condition physically and
mentally. Mr. Gilliland writes the
governor that she was well educated
and was highly regarded. Governor
McSweeney wired Governor Candler
that he had instructed the police of
Atlanta to send the young woman here,
and the following was sent by Gover?
nor McSweeney to Chief Ball of At?
lanta: "Have Miss Concha Belaguer
sent to Columbia, S. C., under a care?
ful and prudent guard to be delivered
to Dr. J. W. Babcock, superintendent
State hospital for the insane. Actual
expenses assured."
It is not.pleasant to give publicity
to such a sad case as this, but it shows
the deplorable amount of red tape nec?
essary even in such emergencies.-The
Gen. Funston Has Appendicitis.
Manila, Sept,l 7.-Gen. Hughes has
expelled the agents of Smith *fc Bell
and Warner & Barnes from the island
of Samar, for rendering aid to the in?
surgents in Manila by buying hemp
and other produce, knowing that
the money was going to the insurgents.
Gen. .bunston is in the hospital
suffering from appendicitis. He will
probably be operated upon. Aguinal?
do has written to Civil Governor Taft
and Military Governor Chaffee saying !
that he regrets, with the rest of the
American nation, the great loss suffer?
ed by thc people of the United
States in the death of President Mc?
South Carolina at West Point.
The first five cadets in the order of j
merit in the fourth class at West Point j
for the year ending in June last, ac
cording to the official register just
published were : Chas. R. Pet tis, of
Mississippi: Robert P. Howell, nf j
North Carolina: Robert M. Campbell, ?
of Maryland: Henry H. Poliert, of
Mississippi, and Robert C. Richard?
son, Jr., of South Carolina. The class
contains 154 members and the distinc- j
tion won by the five boys entitle them
to he placed on the army register.
?ia? .?.?.. i
A bad complexion generally results froaj
n .five liver and bo-v*-id. Ia al] such cu^,
?.-Witt's Early Ricers f^ace i;rjtiKyi?? r*
euits. J S Hugbsoo & Co.
The Census and Our School Sys?
To the Editor of The State.
From your "South Carolina Census
Revelations" in Saturday's State 11
send you the following figures that ?
may be of interest to those of us who
have been advocating compulsory
education, and especially so since the
State is beginning to see and feel its
own interest in these matters.
In your total of school age for
whites, you give 218,323. I find in
the superintendent of education's re?
port for 1899 the number of white
children enrolled to be 123,398 with an
average attendance of 86,725. That
would leave 94,925 white children not
enrolled in any school ; consequently
they are not attending any school.
Perhaps the average attendance 86,
725, would more correctly represent
those who are really deriving much
benefit from the school fund. If that
be at all correct we would be confront- j
ed with the appalling fact that 131,
598 white children are not attending
school, or, if attending at all, they
can be doing so only at short intervals,
or the average would not be so low as
If we admit that all of those who
are enrolled are attending some school
will not the fact that 95,925 of our
white children are not attending any
school be enough to startle us? Then is
it not a grave question for us to ask
ourselves, how are these children ever
to be brought into the schools?
The public schools have been in i
operation now for about thirty years, j
With voluntary attendance we find 94,
925 children with not even their
names upon the school roll and not
likely to be there. Then why not try
the involuntary or compulsory system?
W. A. Brown.
Marion, Sept. 17.
We had intended to direct attention
specially to this matter, and are glad
that the same thought has occurred
ot Senator Brown.
The revelation made by the census
of the great number of white children
in South Carolina growing up without
attendance on the public schools is of
a character demanding thought. Of
course it was known that a great many
children were not receiving the benefit
of the public school fund, largely as
that has been increased in the last few
years, but it is safe to say that no one
suspected that the number was nearly
so great. Instead of solving the
problem of public education it would
seem from this that we have only be?
gun to do so.
But it would not be accurate to
assume that as many as 04,025 white
children receive no education whatever
because they have not been enrolled
in the public schools. In all of the
cities and most of the towns of South
Carolina there are private schools for
children and youth, ranging in their
scope from primary to collegiate in?
struction, which are attended by
children whose parents desire for I
them a closer personal supervision
than is possible in the crowed classes
of the public schools and by thousands
of girls and lads, young women and
young men, who receive academic and
collegiate education without aid from
the State. How large these numbers
may be in the aggregate can only be
guessed, but they are quite considera
ble, and it would not be fair to leave
them ont of the account.
There is another and more potential
circumstance that must be taken into
consideration, and it is this; The
school age in South Carolina is from
6 to 21 years. The census states the
entire number of whites and blacks
within the range of these 15 years.
But it by no means follows that there
are, for instance, 94,000 whites ?be?
tween the ages of 6 and 21 who, even
without taking into account private
schools, academies and colleges, can
be classed as uninstructed. It is to
be remembered that the school in?
struction of a large majority of the
youth of this State ceases before the
age of 15 is reached, and thus those
who have concluded their school-going
at 15 must be considered as having
already received an education-such as
it is. How large a percentage of those
enumerated as of school age belong to j
this class it is impossible to say, but j
it is certain that a very great deduction j
must be made on their account from i
the total of 94,000 white youth indi- |
cated by the census as presumptively j
illiterate. The scohol term was ex- I
tended so as to embrace all minors j
over six years in order that those
youths of both sexes who had not re?
ceived the benefits of the schools dur?
ing the years usually devoted to study :
might be privileged to attend them, j
even to the verge of the voting age : ?
but necessarily those between the j
years of 16 and 21 actually in attend- j
ance must constitute a very small
proportion of the whole. Had the ?
census given us an enumeration of I
those between the ages of 6 and 16 we ;
would have had a much better basis
for estimating the numbers without '
public instruction.
It is to be hoped that the State !
superintendent of education will be ?
able to furnish some information on j
this subject which will tend to show
how large a number of actual chil?
dren, white and colored, are receiving
no instruction. This would relieve
the impression made by these census
figures, which on their face are shock?
ing. But no matter how large the
deductions from the list of those as?
sumed to be growing up in ignorance,
the remainder will certainly be enough
to give a fresh stimulus to the cause
of compulsorv education. If even
15,000 or 20,000 of the white youth of
the State cannot be reached by the
present system it will be desirable to
resort to some measure of compulsion
to assure them a fair start in the race
of life and to elevate the standard of
our population.-The State.
A Raging, Hearing Floo?
bashed down & telegraph line which Cha*
C Ellis, of Lisbon Ia., had to repair. "Stand
ing waist deep in icy water." be write*, "'gave
me a terrible col i un 1 cju*h. lt -rew worse
daily Finally tho In-.-; doctors in Oakland
Neb . Sioux City and Omaha said I had con?
sumption am* could not live. Th^n I beg:in
using Dr King's New f?i?covery and was
wholly cured by six bottle*." Positively gunr
nntced <.?r Coughs, Co?d* and a!! Throat .?n<i
Lung troubles by J F W De Lor me. Price 50c
Huntington, Ind., September 17.
Joseph A. Wildman, a United Breth?
ren minister, was tarred and feathered
by a crowd of one hundred last night
for saying that McKinley was a
demagogue. JL^i^^a^
Sumter, & C., Aug. 22, 1901.
Crosswell & Co. beg to an?
nounce that their business af?
ter September 1st will be con?
fined entirely to the wholesale
We wish to thank the pub?
lic and our many retail cus?
tomers for their kind and gen?
erous patronage, and assure
them that should we ever enter
into the retail business again
that it will be our aim as in
the past to serve them to the
best of our ability.
We invite merchants, here
and in adjacent territory, to
get our prices before making
purchases, believing we can
save them money.
Tours truly,
Aug 28_
For Casi, or on Approved Papers.
2 60 Saw Lamm us G?DS wiib Feeders and
Co Dd ec sera.
1 60 Saw Hall Gin with Feeder and Con?
1 Extra heavy Winship Press, a fine one,
40 feet of 2 inch Shafting.
All io good repair
Apply to W. W. DESCHAMPS & CO ,
W?sackv, S C.
Or to A. A. STRAUSS,
April 17-tf Mayesvilie, S. C.
Estates of Mrs. Frances L. Din
kins and Miss Williametta Din
Mns, Deceased.
I WILL apply to the Judge cf Probate
of Sumter County on October 12th. 1901,
for a Final Discharge as Administrator of
aforesaid Estates. ROBT. B. DINK1NS.
Sept ll-4t Administrator.
Vigor_of Men
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Ee
stored. ;
HINDIPO, Dr Je*n O'Harra'a (Paris)
Great French tonic and vitauzer is sold with
written gu?rante? to cure Nervous Debility,
Lost Vitality, Failing Memory, Fits, Dizzi?
ness, Hysteria, et ipa ?ll drains on the ner?
vous system caused by bad habits or excessive
use of tobacco, opium, liquors, or "living
the puce that Kills" It wards off insanity,
consumption acd death It clears the blood
and Druin, builds np the shattered nerves,
restores tie fire of youth, and brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks, and makes yon
< oung and stroog again 50c, 12 boxes $5.
8v mail to any address. For sale in Sumter
by Dr J F W LaDorme. 3

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