OCR Interpretation

The watchman and southron. [volume] (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, August 12, 1903, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067846/1903-08-12/ed-1/seq-7/

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Birth and Early Life-His Ele?
vation From One Dignity to
His Ability Combined With Modesty
His Liberality io Politics.
Rome, August 4.-Pius X was only
23 when he was consecrated a priest at
Castle-Franco, the birthplace of the
great master'Giorgione, acting after
wards, for nine years, as coaudjutor
to the parish priest of Tombolo, pro?
vince of Padua, a small village of 2,950
people, who were the first to appreciate
his virtues. His kindness was untir?
ing. He sought to fill their wants and
* never a murmur was heard when he
? was caUed in. the middle of a winter
night sto a death bed which proved to
be noshing of the kind. He gave free?
ly of his small means, until he often
went without meals himself, but he
kept many a poor family from starva?
Ion 186? he was appointed parish
priest at Salzanb which was consider?
ed an important promotion, being a
village of 3,341 souls. Still he was ex?
ceedingly sorry to leave Tombolo,
having become attached to the people.
The peasants, when he left, made a
most enthusiastic demonstration, cry?
ing, "Viva, Don Guiseppe" while
many women, whose children he had
nursed, wept. He distinguished him?
self so much at Salzano that he was
. only kept there two years, which is
remarkable in the career of an Italian
parish priest In 1875 he was elected
chancellor of the Bishopric of Treviso,
then^spi ritual director of that semi?
nary, judge ofrthe ecclesiastic tribunal
and finally vicar general.
Pope Leo, who had highly appre?
ciated his cleverness, piety and mod?
esty, appointed him in November,
1884, at tiie age of 49 years, Bishop of
Mantua, where he remained nine
years, until 1893, when he was made a
Cardinal and appointed Patriarch of
Venice. He there distinguished him?
self as a thorough reformer, suppress?
ing all abuses, restoring the dignity
of the clergy, and the earnestness of
religion. To him is due the revival
of a Gregorian chant in the -beautiful
churches overlooking the lagoons, and
to him is'due the strict return to li?
turgic rules.
Sarto became the idol of the Vene?
tians. When his gondola went through
the canals the people rushed on the
bridges and along the sides of the ca?
nals, kneeling and saluting, the
women exclaiming, "God bless the
In the few years in which he came
to Rome, on returning, when asked if
he enjoyed the gorgeousness of the
Papal Court and the magnificence of
th? functions, Sarto answered : 4 * When
l am there I feel like a fish out of I
He was modest in his tastes, having
- retained almost the same habits as
when he was a mere curate at Salpazo.
He was severe, but was just with his
clergy. There is nothing he dislikes
SD, much as publicity, detesting the
praise and compliments of courtiers.
Frankness is another of his personal
qualities, although he is somewhat
The relations of Sarto with the
House of Savoy are well illustrated by
? what occurred two months ago when
the King of Italy went to Venice to
open the International?Art Exhibition.
ISng Victor Emmanuel gave orders
that the Patiarch be given precedence
over all the local authorities, but
Sarto, having arrived while the King
was speaking to the perfect, *who is
the highest Government official in the
province, he refused to be announced
and said he would not disturb his
Majesty. He remained in an Ante?
chamber after favorably conversing
with tbe generals and admirals gath?
ered there. When the King learned of
his presence he came to receive him
: on the threshold of the chamber and
} kept him in conversation, accompany?
ing him afterwards in a gondola, while
all the soldiers and guards rendered
Sarto military honors.. Naturally this
does not mean that Sarto, once Pope,
will fundamentally change the policy
that the Church has adopted towards
> the Italian State, but certainly his
personal feelings, will be favorable to
Advices from Riese, the birthplace
of Pius X, and a village bf four thou?
sand inhabitants, state that the
Pope's mother, now dead, when living
there occupied a small peasant's
'house, having, in her humility, al?
ways refused to live with her son,
Guiseppe, as even his modest estab?
lishment was considered by her to be
too luxurious in comparison with
what 'she was accustomed tc. The
elder brother of the Pope, Angelo,
Clives in the village of Dellegrazie,
province of Mantua, being the post?
man of the district, and receiving $S0
a year for his duties. He adds to bis
income by keeping a shop in which he
sells tobacco and pork. His two
i daughters are the belles of the village,
' being known for miles around as the
* *4handsome Sarto sisters."
When Pius X was Bishop of Mantua
his brother, Angelo, used often to go
there for reasons connected with his
postal service. The other clerks
would ask him, jokingly, why his
brother did not find him a better posi?
tion. Angelo, with sturdy independ?
ence, said he, preferred only to be
; what he could make himself. Still,
following Papal precedents, the tobac?
conist and postman of Dellegrazie
should become a royal count.
Examinations of over 200,000 pairs
of eyes and careful tabulation of the
Jesuits in the Boston public schools
show that nearly all children enter
the primary schools with normal eyes.
In the higher grades one-fourth of the
pupils are myopic and in universities
this increases until from 60 to 70 per
cent, of the students are myopic. In
other words, nearsightedness increases
Steadily from the lower to the higher
grades, and in exact proportion to the
length of time devoted to the eye-strain
of school life.
Oklahoma is still revealing unknown
and unsuspected riches. Not long ago
a fanner near Shawnee was boring for
water when his drill at the depth of
sixteen feet struck a stratum of red
lead so pure that all is needed to
make it into paint is to grind it in oil.
The product comes out in hard chunks,
(but when soaked in oil it becomes i
liant and adhesive, like putty, and |
[?jben spread on wood, iron or brick j
will not rub off. Gas was struck in
the same well.-Exchange. ?
He Had Murdered a Little Girl
in Asotin County, Washington.
Asotia Wash., August 5.-Despite
I the efforts of the victim's father,
Sheriff Richards, of Asotin county,
who had sworn in twenty-five deputies
to guard the man, Will Hamilton* a
well-to-do farmer, the self-confessed
murderer of little Mabel Kichards, was
forcibly taken from the Asotin County
jail shortly after midnight and lynched
by a mob of more than one thousand
men, which had been congregating all
day from all parts of Asotin County.
About 12.15 o'clock a band of men,
their faces concealed with handker?
chiefs, marched to the jail. The
officers and guards were swept aside,
and tiie keys taken from the jailer.
The bars of the cell had to be sawed
before the door could, be opened.
Hamilton was then dragged from the
prison and into the yard.
Meanwhile another band of masked
men had marched to the jail. They
kept back the crowd which had waited
all night for the lynching. Guarded
by several masked men, the mob came
from the jail with Hamilton, follow?
ed by other members. Then the men
who had been guarding the jail form?
ed about captive and captors and kept
the crowd away. When the lynchers,
with Hamilton, reached 1st and Fill?
more streets they halted under a guy
wire connecting electric light poles.
Hamilton was asked if he wanted to
confess. He did so. Finally he asked
that his jewelry and trinkets he had
be given to his father and mother, and
it was promised that this would be
Then there was another delay. The
manner of Hamiltons' death was be?
ing discussed. Some wanted to tor?
ture him, but it was decided to hang
him, A mask was put over the man's
head, a rope around his neck thrown
Over the guy wire and seis.ed by many
of the lynchers. When they were cer?
tain he was dead the body was left
suspended. The crowds then left.
A dispatch from New York says:
Senator Arthur Pue Gorman, of Mary?
land, who with his wife, has been in
Europe several weeks, returned last
evening aboard the American liner
New York. The senator was affable,
but diplomatic, not to say reticent,
with tlie interviewers. To the ques?
tion, "Are you a candidate for the
democratic nomination for the presi?
dency?" the senator said :
"1 have not, and never have been
considering individuals, including
myself, as candidates. It is not the
man, but the good of the party/ that a
good democrat should think about."
To a reporter who asked the senator
if he would support Cleveland if the
ex-president were nominated by the
democrats, Mr. Gorman said :
"We have never quarreled; we mere?
ly differed."
About the attitude ot President
Roosevelt toward the negro, Mr. Gor?
man said :
"The negro question is.now outside
the pale of politics. It is heavier than
a political problem."
** Will President Roosevelt's attitude
make the South more solid?"
"Oh, the South is solid enough."
"How about financial legislation?"
"Well, I don't know what to think.
I understand that the banks are op?
posed to some plan proposed. This
year, besides, I think it is up to the
republicans to frame the necessary
"What, in your opinion, will be the.
issues of next year?
"So far as democracy is concerned,
it seems to me that tariff reform,
economy and honesty in public office
are issues enough."
"Will you toke a prominent part
in the next national campaign?"
"I am just a soldier in the ranks."
Senator Gorman intimated that
Baltimore had small chance of being
selected as the place for the democrat?
ic convention. He epxressed no pre?
ference for any democratic candidate
for governor of his state.
A Sensible Governor.
Governor Terrell, of Georgia, re?
commends the enactment of a law pro?
viding for the adoption of a Torrens
land registry system in that State. We
hope that the recommendation will bo
adopted, and .that the General Assem?
bly of Virginia will follow Georgia's
example. We know of nothing in the
way of legislation that wculd help
land values in Viigmia quite so much.
The system has been tried in other
States, and so far as we can learn has
proven to be entirely satisfactory.
Our legislators have been quite right
in taking time to consider, but when
they have thoroughly investigated the
subject we feel sure that they will
come to the conclusion that the Torrens
system is all right and desirable for
Virginia.-Richmond Times.
Bluffton, Ind., August 5.-The Em?
pire-American Nitro-Gylcerine com?
panys' magazine, three miles northeast
of Bluffton, exploded this afternoon at
12.45. The entire plant was destroyed
and Wm. Howard, Edward Radabaugb
and William Steffy, employes, were
blown to pieces. It is also believed
that a stranger who entered the plant [
just before the explosion, was killed.
Oyster Bay, L. I., August 5.-In a
driving rain storm this afternoon a
brass band, composed of colored boys
from the Jenkins Orphanage, at Char?
leston, S. C., marched from the village :
to Sagamore Hill, about three miles,
to serenade the President and his
family. The band did not reach the ,
President's residence, being turned
back to Oyster Bay by the secret ser
vice officer on duty.
Berlin, August 5.-A dispatch re- ;
eeived here says that 700 persons were j
drowned in the disastrous floods which <
occurred at Che Foo, China on July
27. The bridges within the city and
many houses with their occupants
were swept away in the torrent. Two
thousand of the inhabitants are left
without means of subsistence.
London, Angcst 5.- Andrew Carnegie ,
has made known his intention to ,
donate $2,500,000 in United States ,
Steel corporation bonds to Dumfer- ]
mine, Scotland, his birthplace. He ,
stipulates that the gift shali be employ- ,
ed in keeping up the estate of Fitten- j
crieff, which contains the house in ?
which Malcom Canmore married <
Princess Margaret, and which he re- j
gently purchased as a pleasure ground. ,
Jude Speer Says State Should be
Policed-System of Crimina!
Law imperfect.
Atlanta Aug. 5.-In the State Agri?
cultural Society today in the interval
directly after the president's address
Mr. Whitehead of Jackson .county
offered a motion that Judge Emory
Speer who was present as a vistior be
requested to address the convention.
The motion was announced unanim?
ously carried by the president. The
judge arose and humorously said that
Mr. Whitehead must expect him to
have the same facility of speech that
he had some twenty-five years ago
when he was the counsel for that
gentleman in the courts of Jackson
county who sometimes was on the
wrong side of the versus. He regretted
his inability to address the convention
on any agricultural topic.
One remark made by the president
in his valuable address suggested a
thought he believed to be most im?
portant to the people. That was the
fact that so many young farmers of
fine character and ability were leaving
their farms and repairing to the cities.
Was not this he said ascribable to
the fear of such men for the safety of
their wives and the women of their
families? Was it not true that the most
anxious thought of southern men
?should be addressed to improvements
in the administration of law which
would result in the protection of our
loved ones? Considering the vital in?
terests at stake were we not the most
careless people anywhere in the arrest
and legal trial of offenders and did not
this produce the frequent reappearance
of that '"many-headed monster the
What provision did we have in
Georgia for the detection and arrest of
criminals? One sheriff for a county and
an occasional bailiff was wholly inade?
quate. A crime of a revolting char?
acter would occur. Having no arrest?
ing officers to rely upon the people
would rise in their might and run down
the criminal and the lynching would
He believed that legislation should
provide for a rural police, men not un?
like the Texas Bangers whose duty it
would be to at once take the trail of
the criminal and pursue him until he
was arrested and brought to trial con?
formably to kw.
The judges themselves were paid the
most ridiculous and inadequate
salaries. The result was most pre?
judicial to the proper enforcement of
the law. It was a sign of hopefulness
that the senate had passed a bill in?
creasing the salary of judges of the
superior court to $3,000 and of the su?
preme court to $5,000.
This would secure men of great force
of character and high ability to pre?
side in these most important tribunals.
There should be a longer term of ser?
vice accorded to judges. They should
be made independent to these consider?
ations which prey upon the mind as a
result of frequently recurring elections.
Every farmer in Georgia who feels
that his family needs the protection of
the law should support these measures.
All felt that - necessity. There were
doubtless many men present who had
made provision for the protection of
their families while they attended this
convention. The terrible danger to
unprotected women living in the coun?
try was violently affecting not only
their own lives, making them nervous
and wretched, but was most seriously
affecting the character of the rising
generation, increasing the intensity of
race hatreds among the youth of both
races with the most alarming portents
for the future.
Nor were these crimes chargeable to
the great body of the negro. They
were usually committed by tramp ne?
groes who lived lives of the most
loathsome and degraded character al?
most invariably men of one type the
descendants of the vilest of the Afri?
can tribes.
In many respects we were in a more
unfortunate condition than were our
forefathers when on the frontiers of
civilization. They were confonting
the ferocious savages. They could tell
that the Indian was an enemy, but
among multitudes of law-respecting
and kindly negroes the beastly and
desperate savage could not be identifi?
ed in advance. Delays in the admin?
istration of justice in the trial of such
cases were the certain precursors of
mob law and yet our system of judicial
trials seem to be carefully designed to
occasion delay and new trials.
The dumb act which makes it error
for a judge to intimate what has or
has not been proven was the most
fruitful cause for new trials mistrials
and the delay of final sentence. Only a
day or two ago a learned judge in
Savannah had felt obliged to order a
mistrial in an important criminal case
because he had as he thought incauti?
ously said in the presence of the jury
that a receipt for money paid was high
evidence of payment, and said Judge
Speer : If I should draw a pistol from
my pocket now and shoot the president
of this society where he sits and the
judge of your superior court should
say on the trial the shot was fired in
the chapel in this county it would be
under the law reversable error which
would cause a new trial. The judges
of the superior courts should be given
the power to sum up the evidence to
aid but not to control the jury as was
the practice at common law and is
now the practice in the courts of the
United States. If this were done it is
probable that nine-tenths of the new
trials in criminal cases would be avoid?
"'Surely no subject is more vital to
Dur civilization, and if the wives and
daughters of our farming population
2&Ti receive the protection of a rigor?
ous and effective enforcement of law
the waste places of our fertile and pro?
lific soil will soon be populated, the re?
sources of the state immeasurably in
A Good Liver.
A bad liver means a bad breath, bad
complexion, poor digestion and often
constipation. A good healthy active liver
means a tine clear skin, free from pimples
ind spots bright eyes, buoyant spirits, m
Dther words good health. Make the Liver
wealthy and keep it healthy by usin^ Ry
Jales Liver Tablets. They act specifi?
cally on the liver as a mild stimulant and
tonic, arousing it to activity. They gently
stimulate the muscular walls of the bow
sis and intestines and thus assist nature
:o restore a regular habit. For sale by
ill dealers. ".
creased and the happiness and content?
ment come to thousands of homes
which are now the scenes of constant
apprehension and terror."
At the conclusion of Judge Speer's
speech there was vigorous appluse and
then Mrs. W. H. Felton arose and
said that while she agreed with the
distinguished jurist in what he had
said there was one question that she
desired to ask him. She asked if there
could be any way devised whereby in
the trials of such cases the unfortunate
victim of the violence of the ravisher
could be spared the double humiliation
of appearing in court and going
through with the ordeal of testifying.
She declared that this forcing of the
woman to testify was one thing that
had a great deal to do with lynchings
and that while she was an advocate of
law and order still this question was
one that cried out for solution and
that must be solved.
Judge Speer in reply said that the
remarks of Mrs. Felton emphasized
the urgency of action along the lines he
had suggested and that it called for
the best intelligence of Georgia to
solve it correctly. As a mere off-hand
opinion he thought it could be ar?
ranged so that the court room could be
cleared of all persons except those
absolutely necessary to the trial.
Augusta Clironicle.
Makes Silver From Gold.
Merlin, Ore., Aug. 4.-J. LaRix,
chemist and metallurgist, has made
silver from gold and developed a new
metal from slate from which he ex?
pects to produce gold.
From his notes, which were scanned
by the government inspectors, it seems
he has developed a new metal from
commercial slate abundant here,
which has an affinity for atoms of gold
and silver which he calls 1 ' rixum. "
The process consists of a strong acid
solution combined with powerful elec?
trical currents and long exposures to
their action, causing the destruction
of a portion of the atom by electrical
conveyance into a similar solution of
Clemson's Gold Mines.
Columbia, Aug. ?.-Up to the 1st
day of August there has been collect?
ed by the State Treasurer $90,993.65
on account of the fertilizer inspection
tax. The law requires that an inspec?
tion tax of 25 cents per ton shall be
paid for fertilizers offered for sale in
this State. This entire tax is held in
the treasury, subject to the order of
the board of trustees of Clemson Col?
The sale of fertilizers this year has
been greater than in a number of years,
and before the end of the year this
source of income will give Clemson
College over 8100,000.
Pekin, Aug. 6.-Edward T. Wil?
liams, the Chinese secretary of the
United States legation, has made an
extensive investigation into the execu?
tion of Shen Chien, the reformist
journalist, who was put to death by
Drders of the Empress Dowager on July
31, and has banded Minister Conger a
detailed report, proving that the ex?
ecutioners, after beating Chien for
three or four hours, despaired of being
able to fulfil the Empress Dowager's
orders, and, yielding to Shen's plead?
ings to end his misery, strangled him
?vi th their hands.
Explosion in a Mine.
Fairmont, W. Va., Aug. 6.-A
terrific explosion of powder at Mon
mga mine, No. 2, this mdrning, re?
mited in the injuring of eight miners,
three of whom cannot recover, and
probably two others will die.
The accident happened in a peculiar
manner. The men were in a mine car
joing down the slope of the mine en?
trance. One man on the rear of the
3ar carried some cans of powder, strung
from a coal auger. This rested on his
?houlder. A short circuit was formed
when be accidentally touched the
electric trolley wire over his head
with auger and the powder exploded.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a pre?
ventive of suicide had been discovered will
interest many. A run down system, or
iespondency in va iably precede suicide
and something has been found that will
prevent that condition which makes sui?
cide likely. At the first thought of self
iestruction take Electric Bitters. It being
a great tonic and nervin9 will strengthen
;he nerves and build np the system. It's
ilso a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney
regulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction guar-.
mteed by J. F. W. DeLorme, Druggist.
Seoul, Aug. 6.-An agreement has
Dractically been concluded between
Russia and Corea whereby Russia
icquires 200 acres of land at. Yongam
3ho on the Yalu river, on a 99 years
ease. The application of M. Payloff,
;he Russian minister, for permission to
;rect telegraph and telephone lines to
t'ongampho has been refused.
jots of Claims Like This But
so Different-Local Proof
is What Sumter People
'here are a great many of them.
"very paper has its share
tat?mente? hard to believe, harder to prove
tatements from far-away places
Vii at people say in Florida
'ublic expression from California
?ft times proud indorsement there
tut of little service here at home
uniter people want local proof
'he sayings of neighlx>rs. friends and citizens
lome indorsement counts
t disarms the skeptic; is beyond dispute.
This is thc backing that stands behind every
ox of Doan's Kidney Pills. Here is a case of
E. McCloud. farmer, residing on the out
kirtsof Sumter, says: "Roth my wife and I
sed Doan's Kidney* Pills procured at Dr. A.
. China's drug store and obtained a lot of
enetit from them. I thought it must be the
limate which did not agree with us or the
.ater. for we never had the backache until
re moved hen? some four years ago from
ennsylvania but we certainly have had it
ince. The secretions from the kidneys were
.regular and much too frequent in action, es
ecially at night, when our rest was much dis
iirlK'd.* Since we used Doan's Kidney Pills
either of us has the backache and the action
f the kidneys became natural and normal
nd our rest is not disturl>ed at night. Doan's
[idney Pills are the l>est remedy that ever
ame into my house."
For sale by all dealers. Foster-Milburn
ompany. Ruffalo. N. V.. sole agents for the
'nited Mates.
Remember the name-Doan's-and take no
ulistitute. , .>
Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
^^i^f^y sonal supervision since its infancy*
Y0 /'U/?Ju6? Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" just-as-good "are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment*
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare*
goriCj, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep*
The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Frieud*
Sears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Artope & Whitt C?#,
Gr. E. RICHARDSON, - - Manager.
Marble and Granite Monuments, Head?
stones and Iron Fencing,
Large Stock Finished Work on Tard.
You will find our prices much lower than you
have been paying. Investigate, call or write
for designs and prices.
Special discount for the next thirty days.
Office and works 33 E. Liberty Street, Sum?
ter, S. C. Aug ll
Corn, Oats, Hay, Ship
Stuff. Hulls and C. Seed
Meal* Carolina R* P.
Seed Oats at
Also full line of standard grade Wag?
ons, both one and two horse,
Buggies, Harness.? Carriages.
We also have on hand a full line of building
material, such as Lime, Cement, Plaster Paris,
Hair, Laths, Fire Brick, Terra Cotta Pipe,
Stove Flues, &c.
We wani to give you prices when you need
any of above, and we w?l get your patronage.
Yours truly,
Aug 8
? ^'?MMER^ ll
Complete Summer Resort Folder
^Ju-tn?""**" Mailed Free to Any Address. &
w ^W" Pass. Traffic Mgr. Gen'l Pass. Agent. Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agt.
-_ I

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