SrctTlAl WATCHMAN. ?Utabllslied April. 1*30. Consolidated Auk 3,1881. ?lU' Jii< mm.I rYnr not?lx>; all the duls Thou Aims't UM be thy C ountry's. Thy God's and Truth's.' THE TKL'fc SOTJTHKOX, Established June, 11 SUMTER, S. CM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1913. Vol. XXXV. No. 39. BETTER LABOR ?IONS. \\ \im?n \nks i-i?h r-m k.iu:ssi\ 1: ukg ihu\tjow. araasdlng Kroger*? in Improving or ? t*rr>vlnloiM far KnfOrrvmtwt of b?w- l u\ MTorkmrnN C'laapen In line with hla advocates! policy of "'a prop** wad desirable ?md logical developseea* of a mode4 .programme af social dad economic 'legislation.'* Conemisetuner of Agriculture E. J. Wat sow, ta hie report to the General J^NbbaV r takes a aamher of recem m?nda?*?B regarding the Improve meats a' labor oesadituraa in the n>an afactoetaa of this ?taai, I Bays CommlaaaaavHr Watson: i awoat earasaatly recomrnead that ? provisions be snaaV hr law as folkaua: To reejadr? all manufacture s to fife reports evtth the comsahiAloe or at leaat on* saonta earlier than !>?? earn ear 5, ae as now required. "(1) To regjulaa all factory' Build? ing? to be eajuWMSBd with Baa escapes wher peraaaas avre aaaaanped above the ground flour, and to aeuslre all doors to cgean outward, the oommka ? toner beeng ?ttven full enhnaoplty to aaforca tier regulation*, with ?uiequat? panaitiea psoeaied for aaJUme to com* ply "(I) Taj na? julre taw pauper aafe itng iff ?oll dangirr? nie machinery d bearhas* In all mamufacturtag; ants aaansaorkAhope, tk?"comoniaairnn r t * hag ejlven ample propre anJogaiardlng ami to prasaaa* penaiticv f>vr .failure to comply, "Ml Tft. confer aranm she ? onaaain eknw r authority eaaaalnston under pen? alties rfiah?TH for proper vsatiaatlom ami sanitation ?a? saanu facts rtrw pleats aa*d workr?LK*.jo? To provide for at vtgoroew bl? and regatta ?ou *>t bakes hop*. ehop-^od^aX >ao V^MsVV r*?r\iltlel or Staltet r?guleb>rne a* to aamltarv conaWaaas. "(UTo prevent the auppearaace df. chlluanti uiuter II yens* in any pr?? PMaaaaa) perform*, n ? t- oj?>n the stag of eats aheatre er place* ?? enacted aien fixing a definite horr for starting tee mill in the momitig. for a amlaathra of clreuiuatancesisurround ?ng doseas of eomPtnints inrilcaier that thisyatatter nu W- hanr '? .1 s.itU factor II y fa no ether way. *?(?> Ti. rnaka th< act relating U the ?anpJ'gment of meu 'n mer cantile ?ata. liahmeaiWs ag>ply tu women serving a* cashiers r? r?-?M m ants, barber ahopa etc, snd ,v?irkln?. In bus "(?' To prvvent engtloy^r* fr??m keeping w ?ui?n clerk? an work aftaff It o'clock at alRht, though the #loor* of the eatabliahment m.?u? have . I cload at If eS'Asck. ? 1<)> To apaho employment agen? cies subject to Ih-ense by the aaja> >r. who aha 11 pre pane anil en pfSjfpajf ruloa and regulaiiorkt Cur the comlu? t of sueh | -ll?hmoi.t?, ander oroper poaalties. "11 To provide tor the registration .of births. "It. To provide for workmen"? t-om penaatlon nml Innu an-oj in msnu faeturlng plants, up<>n the line of the Wisconsin Compensation A? t. thus raring for th?- human machine". "11 T.. U\ (leflmtr atot ?? re rnl regulations applying to al. manu? facturing pjaajtl In th?- msttt r al tho holding bio k of wage* of ogapp raea, if that be possible, 'it. To i-:o\Mu ajtanaats peaalttea upon all m.inufaetur fa"' ng to tile statistical r- pafta\ an i? r .1 \>y lnw. within Hal -M" ha ?I ttiue. *if?. To saaks tho Act ipplylmj la mess4 ng*T ImiV.m WorkiiiK it' n . I.' a|? ply to rhildfen working in mercan tile r*tAbliShment*, Iii- r. ofll BS and manufacturing palBl "t n?l? r UsS ??? \ ? ral \< ts relating to labor thai ha1 bang aaaeted and put Into operation in th?> lust four .> - maaufa'-turing in South Carolina hat advanced ..r? Iv und inaterUlly, li bor condition* era far bettet und the enfon ? no nt bus beel without fri ? m TAKr WOfTLD MBPSR \\oThi:k TILXN HAI K TR JIM \\JL TO II KAU C AN AL t/ONTKO VKHSY. PreaHlrnt Winikl lAkv to Nee ( itSMfl Of i'idled MSUSBJ aiul QffJM JKi'taiii < on for. Wa.-hntL??> n? Jan. 5.?-"President Taft ls wfclliag tu ssnmit to 'arbitra? tion the questions *it issue between Oreait l^ritatrt and the Unta d States over tmrtal tolls, bet no does riot favor arbitration by the Hagu? tribunal Tab* fau t became know fcvre tonight up*m the president's rethfn from New Fork. Althougfh he has ?aot yet glWh th> Tsattter of a tribunal mU-?h .lUtfa*. the president probably would prdfor a spat lal bAard of arbitration composed of an equal 'number of vritl xens of the United Shutes and Great i^ m in. Sse'h was to be the cosnposi thm of the arbitral court he pro? posed to sattle'any trtal qneetHV* aris? ing; between nations.'when he -spoke in ?Infhalf ?0 the atiji.tration treaties. The president has expressed to fi iend? r.he views that at the Hague an Kurtpe woufrJ'oe against nnls na? tion and that the motal prosnure on the coart would S?a ehorss/eins "becauss t?l 'tBnropo Is interested in *ftte Pan? ama tolls Jost n m u< b a ? 3i f?ngl&n<. In a court osa'ernlch only Great Brit tarn and the TJrited State* srere res resented. It tsj 'Argued, thrtfre would rs a much better * chance for fair de cvSTin. Se-vera. 1 ?nnocia. re settjgdSJgfj have voiced Ifta? opinion that a S|ie ? creates! ?t? arritsute tats dispste. T\FT> Di:t I.AViKTU)\. ? den Rm lvod With Ifearty BUWttV1 Acres* the fitter?Vhirr* Comments Are Mrtiir Londcci. Jan. 6.?Th* "London nam? ing papers are heartily jteased WHtU Preasmsit Tsft's declar-aftou ?l his lntenthm to sjbmlt the TOknamanjl should SaII. The Dairy mail say*. "If i the ?essnta 'follows rru&ldent 'Vu/Ci lead, the "Panama queethora is u? -good as tstflod." The 1>aily "X'ews desfTfbne the tt cla ratVtm as a snout wssesssn) foeeanjge to Ore-at Pn-itirii. and the world. "It places fhw uriitration iftea in ltt! true asp. , i b?'ior? the woi'ln*' udih the pnp?r. The TvVeKTioh r? Kurd? "Mr. Tla't's ?speech us altogether w?r-tb> -of a statestnem and a frlenC of n gee throughout the world, bin fails mo see how nrrj epeeu?l trlbunsJl would not he open to the -same objection a > the 1 Insist oosrt. The standard consider* rh?t al? though "President Taft may not nave time te? carry sut any arrangement, there is ne need to doubt that -satis? factory solution w< 11 be machen Mnrrhiajc Ll?vn>e lt?rwd. A maxriA^e .lheasre was issued la> to .h?sej*b Do* and Ella Stew* art of Hagi? '1 Mr. Robert 3Aaker,his been api?e?a;? ed post master */ Silver to .sur< eetl ' . ?C Thum?? deet.i-ied. i ? damage to's business Ji> deed, conditions that :vere a re BJ*oncb to tbe StkJe hnv" glVOU w-4i? I.ndltlOM t to eoufoMtnl lb- self-ct nst it ut - ed social and ecorotnu invest^'ator." Tbe ro ormnendations 1 have made look to measures designed to oirry forward Miis Work without injuty to any indu*ft\. but with benefit to it and With huntpi 10 the thousands of workers. n<* IsOy, morally ami from tiie st.imlpoin1 of health. Thejf mem> i> eaii for g anpper and desirable and lofftonj de\ ? loptnent of a neoeVsl pro? grnnstne of soonM and eoonontU legis? httlon that is in full keeping With the suhstnntinl prosjrena thai tbe state Is making In ersry line n th?r p>v( jnment 'for study and ?nvntt :fi irthr rnatrue-?Uons and wJH suggest adjournment of the con f st** t im* do. arming V? demonstrate to Qm pome thai resi!?t.uiee woald only JeiuJ to graver lOSPug. The impresrton is that Turkey will end by eeding Adrisu ople aad that tail Will he do n- without ay seri ot*? rosUJis, BUrh i * are always pre? dicted by Tursish sympathisers or fJansanksnei by Constant inople when ? ever Turkry is engage** in a * ontllot with ?* Christian state. Adnunneoient kas b* en muo-e by Kuknu and Praia-o in rholr t-fforts to induce Italy to -ise her good offices at Vienna with the object of turning over Scutari to Atvntenorro initead of including thai town in Albania it is belieeed that Italy, as the ally of Austria and afae beta US S ?. f relntWm shij) between the Savoy arul Monte? negrin royal families, may sucoeed in acCOmpitStsae; thi?v While if the same propoaltkaai were urged by tke IdmlnlatraiiOh'J at Paris and St. Pe? tersburg, it might assams th* char? acter of the triple entente opposing the triple alliance. n.V/jm PASHA riuiaes in his army. Leader of Ottoman Ftotvea at Confldesil Thai ills Men will be Equal t*> Demands Made. Paria. Jan. 6.?Nasim Pasha, the Turkish ministet of war, who was asked recently by The Tempi for a atatemenl of his views on the war, baa asnl an interesting declaration) after talcing time for full reflection. The generalisslmo judj.r the real value of the Turkish army by Its lack of success in ths first battle. The t'u garlans understood this before Toha? taij.i NS'e consider the affair ol Kirk GINNING REPORT AWAITED. OPINION is THAT IT WILL AF? FECT THE COTTON MARKET. Roar* Relieve Last Period Was Heavy While Rails Continue to Stand for Light Ciop. New Orleans, Jan. 5.?This week the cotton market will probably be chiefly affected by opinion concerning the pending report on ginning by the census bureau. This report will be important, for it will go a long way toward confirming bullish or bearish ideas regarding the correctness of the government"*' estimate of the total crop of under 14,000,000 bales. Proba? bly no report of the season, thus far, has caused mch wide divergence of opinion. As the matter now stands, the bears are of the belief that the ginning of this last period, tl\e two weeks which end December SI, was rather heavy and much heavier than could possibly have been were the crop as small as many built daim it is. Bears started in with estimate? of over 600,000 bales ginned for the period, but are now talking of figure. < a little under 500, 000 bales. Some bullish claims are that not ever 380,000 bales were ginned during the period but probably the average conservative bullish trad? er thinks that something over 400, 000 bales were turned out. It is safe to say that a report of 400,000 bales or under vrould cause a good advance, unless manipulation should step in, while a report of 450,000 bales or over would cause a decline. The report will be issued Thursday morn? ing at 9 o'clock, New Orleans time. Probably considerable liquidation will be In evidence the first two days of the week bcause Wednesday is a holi? day in this market, it being the anni? versary of the battle of New Or? kens. Rumors of the talked of January squeeze in New York market and tr. turns fad twists of Europeanjmlf fcics are bonfflPto nave more>rf 4e?s Intluence on the market, although the votton trade has at no stage given the importance to the Balkan situa? tion ths;t has been accorded it hy the 1-stuck markets of the. world. Any fur? ther developments tending to show Important bullish operations In th>? spot market in New York w dl have a tendency to cause the future market to work higher. FOUL MCRHER IN \ NION COUN? TY. dames Edge's Throat Cut and Ills Storv RobtMnl. Union* Jan. ?>.?J?.nics Edge, a white matv, who has f| rioss lly Tin-.- Tiirkc} VTU1 Retain Iririnn opl<\ It i? SUid, Constantinople, Jan. o.?it Is stated nt Kirk Klllis aeh on the northern frontier will be abandoned. WILSON CABINET UNKNOWN. I NO ONE KNOWS WHO WILL RK OFFERED POSITIONS. 4 _ Will Canvass Field Thoroughly Before Muking a Beiectloa?Ma> Im? Late Announcement. Princeton, N. J., Jan. 5.?President? elect Wilson tonight made it clear that nobody in the United States knew as yet who was going to be in his cabinet, or wn.U would be the programme he r.oul I suggest for the next congress. He declared that he had not offered a single cabinet port? folio to any one thus far and had as yet reached no conclusions as to plans for the extra session. Mr. Wilson stated that while he had canvassed a variety of subjects an? ? had talked over many names w" O Democratic leaders, he had not t ^ . a definite intimation in any AT on either as to what his selec* or his course with respect to i elation would be. He indicated, however, that he expected the extra session would not be devoted exclusively to tariff making and said he would, In a special message, specify some of the subjects upon which he would like to se?j legislation enacted. The president-elev,t admitted that he was finding the task of cabinet making very difficult. He said he would delay any announcement until he names his entire cabinet. "I don't like to make scattered announcements," he said, "and it may be that I will not annoulWc the cabi? net until the last minute. Sometimes I hear somethlhi about a man whom 1 had not considered that makes me prick hp my ears and want to know more about him. The field of choice j is constantly widening." tl was suggested to Mr. Wilson that ' if he delayed his announcement until the last minute some of the men chosen might find themsselves embar? rassed for time in winding up their **0h, 1 probably shall choose men who are footloose, ? said the gover? nor, "and then if they should need time to wind up their affairs, they could he sworn in on March 4 and spend a little time o,n it aftrer that." He indicated that h* Intends to ? -ecupy as mvih of. his t?.ne as possi? ble between BOW fuul March 4 m can? vassing the Held, from whic'n he will pick a oahthet. He said his mind 1 was st.111 t.pen and that as soon a* h?- rt^chi (I deeisiotts as. to all the men he wished, ho probably would makal K*?.?>wn the oftricers simultaneous ly. The prvsldere-elect -was saked it' he intended to f.elivtr his inaugural kdifl r?s? ext emporaneoussly. "I think I'D iprepan the inaugural addrvss/' he. s*\t"i, ":?s< these address I *re more lake documents than npnorhin 1 The only *fice?h the governor has hntnpajrad in advance ahnen his nomi 'nition at Baltimore wj?.s his speech ? of a<-eoptun * .-, as he d Poilghl si r.h-i-. ltortugal. Elvaav Portugal, Jan. S. -One per? son wa^ killed and nine others se? riously Injured tbis morning by a group of live terrified maniacs \\h<> had been released by tlremen from an Insane asylum In the outskirts ??! this city, which had caught Uro. Although 35 lunatic* were set free and these rushed howling through the streets for some time. Thirty of them, hoa'cver, were eas l> gathered I together and confined in the muni? cipal building, bul tin other ti\<- se ? ii red ? ?nie Iron rod fi om crap heup find attn " i il ? ery one the) met. Several hour? patsed before they were I <>?. rpi \\ered. MEXICO 1H FERMENT. INTERESTED Di M?VKMEXTS OF UNITED STATES. 'Only the Resignation of the Presi? dent Fan Save Is." Declares One) Newspaper. Mexico City, Jan. 5.?Anticipating; early developments in the relations between the United States and Mexico, the keenest interest was shown by Mexicans in the return here today of the American ambassador, Henry Lane Wilson. The ambassador was besieged Hy reporters at Vera Cruz and on urival at the capital, but was v _ amunicative. Sf of the more sensational news Pf ?tf print strong criticisms of the W . .. .nistration charging incompeten? ts* & . One paper published extra late ast night, an edition with a big cap? tion reading: "Only the resignation of the president can save us." The article set forth that this de? mand is contained in a note which Ambassador Wilson will soon de* liver. The administration continues to as? sert that the relations between the United States and Mexico are friendly. The senate, however, has asked the sub-secretary of relations, for a state? ment, and as to the American-Mexi? can status. The sub-secretary has asked for. time to prepare the statement, for which, however, he says, there is no rason. A request of the executive that the 40,000,000 pesos bond issue recently authorized by congress be increased to 100,000,000 pesos, has not yet been granted. Skirmishes between the federals and rebels occur almost daily in several States, Villages, are raided and towns sacked. Many ;rbels captured recently have been summarily executed. Denial is made that Francisco Car bajal, president supreme court, has i been appointed to succeed Manuel IgCalero as ambassador to th* United States. It is generally DvlieVW, how? ever, that he will be named. NEGRO (iVARDF.I) BY TROOPS. Negro Preacher is t liarged With As? sault Ag"insi Wile Of Florida Or? ange Giowcr. Ocala. Fla., Jan. 5.?Troops were tailed out here this afternoon to pre? vent the lynching of-J. J. Johnson, a nego preacher charged with assault? ing the wife of a Oitra, Fla., orange planter late yesterday. Tonight the prisoner is being guarded in the Mar? li n county jail here by tho local mili j tat y company. Johnson was arrested earl:/ * 'i5* morning. The sheriff s posse was guid? ed to his home here by bloodhounds end the negro is alleged to have made a confession. When news of the negro's capture Waa made public, citizens from the PUrrounding country began to assem? ble here. Fearing; a concerted attack on the jail, the local trCT* wara Diet1 ?dout Wi? - The ?oman was dragged f>,,> '? which she wt rf ?maV" the alarm. ** h",m' ??? FEDERAL STOCK IAKV. BqmrtHMc a. From ???? Washington, Jan. 3.? Tf Secretary of War St imson's recommendations arc adopted the War 1 Vpartment will seen have at Front Royal, Va., the niest complete end beat ennlpped [Government horeebreeding and train ting fnrm In the country. Mr. Sttmaon sent to Congress today a recommendation that $150,000 bo appropriated for the pur pone of es? tablishing st il us for horses and colts, barracks for enlisted men, quarters for officers and < building for officera at the Front ROyal remount station. The recommendation was sent to the House Mill > -' drs Committee, of which Com ~ ti lames Hay, of ?h. l oit Royal district, la chairman. The floverni in already bought considerable lund in the Valley of Virginia, near Front Royal, for its re? mount station. Men ?han $r::?,ooo i i been Invented in buildings con - ti teted or now under construction. The :irs? Monday in the yet r trough! in u ^r?; . many ? >f the do mquenl taxpayers, who had to pay me p? i cenl penaltj on their taxes lecause they did nol paj before the rat .i the year, [*he tn teurer Ig tili busy g<>tt " his bo >ki In shape fter hla two hard days las! wa k.