THE PARK PARADE. No Procession Through Main Streets. THE CEREMONSHS ARRANGED R. P. Hammond Will Manage the Ex ercises instead of Irving M. Scott as at First Intended. It was announced by the executive com nii:tee of the Midwinter Fair on Tuesday that Irving M. Scott had been selected as president of the day. The first and only intimation Mr. Scott received of tho ap pointment was the announcement in the niorninu papers. The committee amended its action yesterday by naming R. P. Ham mond as president of the day, and Mr. Scott has b^en asked to deliver an oration. J3rief time has been allowed most of the speakers for preparation, but they are making tbe most of the brief interval at their disposal. The programme for the exercises is now complete. Rev. John 'leinptiill, D.D.. will offer the prayer of invocation and Rabbi Voorsanger will pronounce the benediction. Addresses will be given by R. P. Hammond, Director-General M. H. de Young, W. H. L. Barnes, Irving 11. Scott and Rev. Dr. VoorsEnger. • Immediately preceding the turning of toe earth members of the Catholic clergy will ask a blessing upon the exposition. As soon as the ceremony is accomplished, a light battery from the Presidio will give a salute of seventeen guns. Owners of carriages are warned to k*ep their horses at a safe distance to avoid the danger of being frightened. The committee has selected as poet of the day Mrs. Charles Freeman Johnson, widely known by her maiden name, Esther Vernon Malcolm. She will recite a brief original poem, entitled "Califor nia." Her selection was in deference to the Grand Parlor, Native Daughters of the Golden West, and she has been prominent in that order, as well as the Rebeccas, Pioneers. Grangers and other organiza- j tions in San Jose and Santa Cruz County, j Her selection was indorsed by the Cali fornia School of Oratory, of which she is a graduate. Contrary to the general expectation there will be no parade through the streets. The invited guests will be driven in car riages from the Palace Hotel, escorted by a troop of cavalry, but the other divisions will form near the panhandle and will march through the park to the grand stand, west of the buffalo inclosure. The orders for the procession are as follows: Tho first division will consist of a platoon of police, which will form at the entrance to the park on Baker street, facing cast; next on their left will come the Presidio band, then Battery D, Light Artillery, Fifth United States Artillery, Captain Morris iv command, and posts from the Grand Army of th" Republic. Second division — The second division will consist of the following: First Regi ment band ; next on their left Signal Corps. Second Brigade, N. G. C. ; First. Regiment Infantry, X. G. C, Colonel W. R. Sullivan ; the Third Regiment Infantry, N. G. C, Colonel Thomas F. Barry; the First Troop Cavalry, N. G. C, Captain S. P. Blumen burg. They will form on the west side of Baker street, facing east. The Naval Reserve, headed by the Third Infantry Rfcime?t band, will form on the east side fer street, facing west, right resting •Vl ] street. The carriages coma j ; nvit«d guests and the executive com- j k*e will tojrta on the east side of Baker i -t. right resting on Fell, lese carriages will be formed in a sion at the Palace Hotel at 1:15 p. m. will be escorted by the First Troop v^i-. : Iry to their position in line. Third division— third division will consist cf the follow Yonder Meliden's band; Garibaldi Guard, Captain A. Olmo, Pre9iaent F. Zeiro; Alpine Sharpshooters, Oajtain S. Dionvannini, President J;>e Valente; Royal Carabinieri, Captain T. Babbioo, President C. M. Postiglione: Cavalleggi«*ri Lucca, Captain A. Martinelli, President E. C. Paluiieri; marshal of the division, G. Bacinalupi. Tnese will form on the north side of Grove street, right resting on Baker. This division win be followed by Battery A, Light Artillery, Second Brigade, N. G. C, Major D. E. Miles. Fourth division— The fourth division will form on the north line of Hayes street, right resting ob Broderick; Juarez Guard, Captain A. de la Torre, President A. P. Alvarez; Swiss Sharpshooters, Cap tain Felizzetf, President F. Berta; mar shal, Frank L. Noriega. This division will furnish its own band. I Fifth division— fifth division will be composed of the following and will form on the north side of Hayes street, right resting on Bak*r, facing south; Borgels band; French Zouaves, Captain J. Des champs President P. Bellegarde; Lafay ette Guard, Cat tain J. Milly, President M. A. Vauthier; marshal, Julius S. Godeau. Carriages containing citizens will form on the south side of Grove street, right resting on Broderick, and will follow and constitute a part of the fifth division. All are invited. All divisions and parts of divisions will be in position at 1:45 p. m.. and as soon as they come in position will report to the general in charge of the procession, who will be stationed at the northeast corner of Fell and Baker streets. The route of the procession will be along the main drive through the park to a point opposite where the exercises are to be held, and the procession will turn to the left and march up to and halt opposite and in the rear of the stand. On arrival, the Light batteries will be assigned their positions to fire the salute, and all of the bands as they Arrive oppo site the entrance t ■> the stand will fall out and take positions upon the grand stand, where they will all be consolidated. Ail commanding officers will at|al) times move by and await orders from tv»- general in charge of the pro ese of •tlie Honor conveyed by the kind inquest. But as one who entered emphatic protect against :>tter.ri:iDce upon "The World's Kali" ;it Clu cago because of the violation both of national aua of divine laws, duty la clearly setting be fore me the necessity of avoiding even so much complicity in this enterprise until assurance It had that its gates shall be closed on the S.ib bath. Such assurance I do not have at pres ent, and therefore must beg leave to decline with regret the Invitation no courteously given. Very sincerely, E. B. Stewart. Aug. 22. 1893. liev. E. B. Stewart, Second United rretby terian Church, 817 Guerrero street, city— Dear Silt: Yours of August 22 Is at band. In com mon with all oilier clergymen of all religious denominations of ban Francisco you were m vited to be present at the Inauguration of an enterprise whose importance to the State, to the general education and to the highest ex pression of Christianity— charity to the poor and labor for the laborless— cannot at tliU time be exaggerated. We regret that as a teacher of the people you withhold your sanction and presence on such an occasion. The celebration will nevertheless take place. It will be onened with prayer and Bnlsbed with a benediction implored of that divine power wnose aid in our work we seek. We hope he will be present. it you are not. and we believe He will. With this assurance of our faith believe me, dear sir, yours truly, W. H. L. bahnrs, Chairman Finance Committee. San Fraucisco, Aug. 23, 1803. The Ferries acd Cliff House Railroad Company has extended its steam lino on D street, from Seventh to Eleventh avenues. Cars will be running for passenger service to-day. The company will apply to the Paik Commissioners to build a spur line to the site or the fair, in opposition to the Southern Pacific branch. The carriers of the Postoffice Depart ment have prepared a note which they will distribute all over the city to-day. It reads as follows: The employes of the San Francisco Postofflce welcome the opening day of the California Mid winter International Exposition, and congratu late their fellow-citizens on the memorable event of this date— August 24. 18'J3. Rev. H. 11. Rice, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Oakland, who spent some time in studying the Colum bian Exposition during his recent visit to Chicago, will deliver a lecture in the First Presbyterian Church of this city, on the corner of Sacramento street and Van Nest avenue, this evening, entitled: "The World's Fair Through a Camera." The lecture will be illustrated withstereopticon views under the management of Rev. J. W. Lundy. Mr. Rice hopes to make the lecture instructive as well as entertaining. Archbishop Riordan has been invited to attend the breaking of ground for the Midwinter Fair. Owine to the absence of the Archbishop from the city Very Rev erend Vicar-General John J. Prendergast ha* sent the following letter to the com mittee: THE Cathedral, Aug. 23. 1803. Alexander liadlmn. Executive Secretary Midwinter Exposition— Dx&fi Siu: Your In vitation to Aichbishop Ittordan to as«lst in the exercises at trie commencement ceremonies on Thursday afternoon lias been received. The Archbishop Is in ( lie country and out of the Hue of telegraphic connection and 1 reciet you can not get a reply from him. 1 can say lor ever, that the enterprise of th • Midwinter B« --i Dillon has his hearty sympathy and best wishes. Sincerely your*. John J. Frendekoast. San Rafael in Sympathy. San Rafaki, Aac 23.— Sao Rafael merchants have decided to close tneir places of business in honor of the com mencement of work on the grounds of the Midwinter fair. CITY ADVANCEMENT. The Work of the Federated lmprove- ment Clubs. The Federated Improvement club 3 met last night. It was stated in the report nf the exeou -1 tive committee that the Fourth-street bridge had not in all respects been eon ! structed according to pians and speclfica i tione, as one abutment Is six feet inside ' the wharf and is not in line with :hestreet, j nor is the abutment plumb. In justice to i tbe taxpayers it should not be accepted I unless fully up to ooniract. The scarcity of gas lamps in the district from Guerrero to Market and between j Fourteenth and Seventeenth streets was ' discount, and a committee, consisting of E. B. Carr, W. A. C. Smith and A. -Wiuttnte. was appointed to secure lights for that neighborhood. A promise was made by the Fire Com missioners that the fire engine company | for Eureka and Noe valleys would be in ; commission by next December. It w,is stated by several delegates that the >~oe Valley residents complain of an insufficient water pressure in their locality and that often the water is not obtainable for several hours during the day. A com mittee will visit the Supervisors aud en deavor to K"t them to take thu matter in hand, as the danger of bein? without water should a fire occur was said to be great. A committee of seven was appointed to confer with the aiithoriticsand s?e if some thing could not be 'ion* by the city or the property-owneri holding frontage on macadamized streets to have them watered and sprinkled daily. Secretary Wioautg read the annual re view of the merit Rccomplltbed during Uie year by the aid of the federation. Mission street ha« been cleared of the long-stand ing obstructions, tod tlm widening at last accomplished. Cattle have been prohib ited from being driven through the streets and a special routp has been laid nut and fer tain hou:s defined when they can be transported. Tne expediting of the eon- of the Fourth-street bridge has. at the request of Potrero citizens, been ai! vanepd. The security of life and property has been added ;o by an increase of elec tric llchis, and the attempt to that r>ff the lights for ■ period in several localilies lias been defeated. Tiie railroad company bus phif-ed guards at the Mission crossings, additional tire protection has been secured nnd o;her imDiovements furthered. Secretary Winanfs was civ/Mi » vote of thanks for his atierUiorj to the needs of the city. Officers were nominated and will be elected at the next inueting of the federa tion. KNOWS NOTHING NEW. Hawaiian ninister Thurston Here on a Hurried Visit. Hawaiian Minister Thuruton reached the city yesterday morning from Wash ington, just in time to meet the passengers who arrived from the islands on the steamer Australia. He says that he knows nothing new in the affairs of the island*, «nd that he hus receividno communica tions that indicate a change in seu'imput. He lias not yet seen Commissioner Bluuni, nordoeß he imagine the contents of tilt report to the Department of State. In all Mr. Thurston is singularly devoid of infor mation on this trip. He will return to Washington within a few days. The Board of Health. At a meeting of the Board of Healih yesterday the appointment of 11. Steward as cook at the Twenty-sixth-street Hospi tal, iv place of H. Relebordson, was con firmed. On motion of Dr. Itegflnßburger the (jate kpeper at the County Hospital was allowed $35 a month and the niiiht gate-keeper ?;>o. The salary of the foreman tailor at the Alinshotise was raised ti> S4O a mnntU. A committoft from th« San Francisco Women*! Council and the, California Women's Alliance urged the board to up. point a woman to the posiliun of health Inspector, but no action was takeo iv the matter. The board appointed Millard Johnson milk inspector, without salary. A Practical Man. Of all tlie prnctical men of wliom America Is jusily proud no one holds a higher place than the Lit* Cyrus W. Field. His gon shows tuat he Das lnlieilted the niirewd common-sense or the niau who laid the Atlantic cubic, lie writes: 8 East Fifty-Sixth Street, 1 NEW York. May 8. 1883. J Several times tuts winter 1 have suffered from severe colds on my lungs. Esjch time I have applied Allcock's .-I'omocs Plasters, and in every Instance I have been quickly re lieved by applying one across my chest and one on my back. My friends, through my advice, have tiled the experiment ana also' found It most successful, i i ee i that I can recommend Cli Mii most hisuly to any one who may see fit to try them. Cyku9 W. Field Jr. •: hrandketh's Pills are the best medicine knowu. • THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1895 A CHESS REVIVAL. Rendezvous of the Local Crack Players. MOST PLAYERS WEAR BEARDS Scene in the Chessroom at Mechan ics' Institute— Significant Facts About the Players. There Is a dense cloud of tobacco smoke. There is a big crowd of well-dressed men, men not so well dressed and shabbily dressed men. There are chairs and tables and books. When your eyes hnve been accustomed to the rather opaque atmosphere you see that the men, the chairs, the tables, the books are arranged with some regard to order and regularity. Enough, at all events, to bespeak the original presence in the room of an orderly and designing mind. It Is the chessroom of the Mechanics' Institute that you are viewing. The books Mr. Waphburn. are on shelves on three of the four walls which inclose all this tobacco smoke aud chairs and tables and men. The men are mostly divided into quartets. So are the chain, and there are not lack ing evidences that once— early in the morn- Inc fnr instance— the chairs were so ar ranged around the chess-tables that regu lar passageways or aisles were left lv twecii the quartets running the entire length of the long room. You have to wind iv and out consider ably aud tread your way carefully to go from one end of th» room to the or. It is yet early in the afternoon, but the chess-players have be» n at their work so long that the day is < 1 ! for them aud the room coi respond! ncly disorderly. Recently there h»s h»en a reawakening of local interest :n the abstruse game of I'iie^s. Lascar, the champion, is coining out here, nna the consequent revival is vigorous and healthy. This is the only chessioom in the city. That is why it is crowded. It you itay a whole day Id this room you will *e« all the chess-players in San Francisco before you leave. Go there at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and you will see most of them in half an hour. They are a strange lot of mortal*. Silent as so many sphinxes they are. A season of silent prayer in a Methodist church U abnut tin? only thing that will compare at all favorably with the chessroom cf tbe Mei'hnniC".' Institute. Not a word is spoken. For long minutes not a sound is heard. Then the click of a bishop is heard on the hart table. Then another click. Then a silence. ••Checkmate." is whispered lowly in a suppressed voice, choking with self absorption and material unconsciousness. Once in a long time two playets arise and go out. Immediately their places are Mr. Orkl9y: "You go there." filled by two men who have been merely spectators. This makes a little noi-e, re lieves Boiiiewl:at the qui^t monotony tlmt pervades the big room. Opcii«k>nally. too, akineor a pawn is shoved off the board and strikes with an awful din on the hard floor. In an ordinary crowd such slight disturbances as these would scarcely be noticed. In this chnssroom they punctu ate the stillness to the point of startling one almost. If you go early in the morning you will find only two men, on an average, at each table, for r«nlv a conple. you know, can play at one table. But in the afternoon there is not a game that ha> not a! least two spectators and many have more. Though you know little about the game, you can. at this hour, readily iliitinguish the tables at which the crack players are at work. You Imvp only to watch the crowd. Wl.ero there are six, eicrhtora dozen spectators there a brilliant game is in progress, and there you will find snme couplu out of the dozen or more crack ctipsftmen in town. At none of the tables will you find Joe Redding these days — though for years he Mr. Allen. was the local champion— for he has given up the fascinating game now for the still more entrancing one of Hip law. You will probably find Dr. Walter Love prove, who took the lust championship chess eatno in this city, at one of the tables where the group of spectators is largest. And Dr. l>njuniu Marshall. The doctor lias retired from the practice of medicine and juts taken a hearty interest in the practice of chess. He finds it even more absorbing than the game of human life and health. . A. .V. Man sou, A. Heinemann, Captain Scott— you will find either or all of aem at some of the tables where the crowd is tho largest or it will be a Cold day for chess at the Mechanics' Institute. Miller, Hendricks, Howe, Walsteln. Levy— these complete, or nearly C"mpl<-te. the list of players who can give you a couple of knighta aud all the rawns and then beat you in a few moves. These men are permanent fixtures in the chessroom. They are more than that. They are players of such recognized ability that their name* ate known, and well known. In the literature cf chess tluough "iit the United States and in Europe. Does Dr. Marshall visit New York? H» has only to make himself known at the Manhattan Chess Club to be greeted as a brother. Does Dr. Lovesrove journey to Europe? At Paris, at London, at Berlin there are sumptuously appointed clubhouses and intellectual club members waiting to wel come liiui as an honored guest. Truly, there is no game like chess. Its origin is as old as that of history. The Hindoos have it that the game originated in the fertile brain of an astronomer who flourished several thousand years ago and was possessed of supernatural knowledge and acnteness. The Greeks claimed chess as the inven tion of Palameties, who employed it to be guile tho tedium of the siege of Troy. But the Arab legend is more likely. It is that chess wi«s first devised for the in struction of a young despot by his tutor, a learned Brahmin, who sought thus to teach the youth how a king was dependent on his subjects for safety. Probably all of these are wrong, but it matters not. No other game is so absorb ing as that of chess. No other game ex hausts the gray matter of its devotees at such an alarming rate as does chess. If you look but casually at the face? of the players iv this big room you caSi judge the intellectual character of their occupa tion. There are strong fnces here. Some of them are stronger than the others, hut none are weak. Brains are the chief re quisite lor chess. You will not find low foreheads nor narrow chins in this room. At least you ought not to find them here, and if you do the chances are that you have found a physiognomical exception. That is fi.r more likely than that you will find a weak mentality in this room. And mark this fact: three-fourths or more of all the. players here are bearded men. Does the beard signify mental strength or intellectuality? Mark this, too: you will not find one clean-shaven face in all the room. One or two youths you may rind who go to learn chess, but no clean-shaven men. Is this a significant fact or a mere coincidence? There is another fact worth noting abitiit the faces in this big chessroom. They are almost to a man tne faces oi Mr. Miller. Americans, so far. at leaßt. as may be judged from a mere exterior acquaintance. All day long they sit there a:id i lay and play and play, and iiev-r speak througn out It all, save to 'Vhecfe" or to "('heck mate." Do they get tired <>f it? Never. Aie they dull ar.d heavy? Not in the least; on the rontrarv, tht-y are intensely excited, and when the day's work is over as much exhausted as ordinary folks are after ten hours of remunerative toll. It is not play. It is work. It is absorb ing work, that demands the whole indi vidual as much a* even literary composi tion does. Ami it neiuan is all one's time to nttain even a local prominence in the game, sr.y those who ought to know. And after a long lifetime spent iv chess playing tho devotee dies when he has readied the point where he is beginning tn realize how little he knows of the great game. This is chesi. These are its devotees In San Francisco. A MAIMED BURGLAR. He Confesses to Housebreaking and Robbery. A young man, from whose right hand the fingcMs had recently been cv', was ar rested iast nigut by Detectives Bee and Harper for burglary. The maimed pris oner entered the house of Mr?. P. J. Mar fee, 617 Bryant street, at 2 o'clock yestcr dnv morning and stole wearing apparel and jewelry valued at $1000. He was dis posing of his plunder in a pawnshop when the detectives found him. They had re ceived a description of him from people who had seen loitering in the vicinity of Mrs. Marfee's residence. The prisoner, whose name is Kdward Dwver, co& fort led his guilt and said that he had been forced to become a burglar be- i cause no one would givo him employment. I He said tnat his ting«*rs were cut off a few weeks ago in a mill in wt)tcb%e was at the time employed, but thU part of his story is not believed by the police. Distribution of Bread. Mr. T. AlthofY has purchased the cafe at 1306 Market street and he says them are hundreds of loaves of bread in the place that he cannot use which he wilidistribute to any Door persona applying lor them after S o'clock this mornincr. STIPATION, / Afflicts half the American people yet there Is only one preparation of Sars&parlila that acts on the bowels and reaches this important trouble, and that is Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. It re- lieves it in 24 hours, and an occasional dose pre- vents return. We refer, by permission, toC. E. Elkington, 125 Locust Avenue, San Francisco; J. H. Drown, Petaluma, Cal.; H. 8. Winn, Geary Court, 8.F., end hundreds of others who have used it in constipation. One letter is a sample of hundreds. Elkington, writes: " I have been for years subject to bilious headaches and consti- pation. Ilavo been bo bad for a year back have had to take a physic every other right or else I would have a headache.' One bottle of J. V. 8., put me in splendid shape. It positively control* constipation." V *'- ' 111 f^ Vegetable y § As J. V. S. Is positively the only Barsaparilla compounded to control constipation, insist on Joy's and don't be talked into taking any other. lyl eodtf GR A %-7 or FADED HAIR RESTORED to n VIF ill TST youthfulcolor and beauty by Orug;ri*ts 60c bold by J. G. Steele «v Co.. l'ai»co llotel, S. K. I aplb' If MoTti MISCELLANEOUS. ißaOEadsil §DdIU Iltdusi| <• \Vhat 13 the condition of yours ? Is your •> Y. hair dry, harsh, brittle ? Does It split at the •> Vi ends ? Has it a lifeless appearance ? Docs it .V y fall out when combed or brushed? Is it full x 5? of dandruff ? Does your scalp itch ? Is It dry j& X or in a heated condition ? If these are some A X of your symptoms be warned In time or you X o will become bald. X I Skookum Root Hair Grower! X j^SF*^. a a^ yon need. Its £? •* 3&ri'i tK production is not an ac- o \» *''?*?'&& cid^nt, but the result *>£ <• flfmftnX ot scientific research. y v HPliitvlflil Knowledge of the dis- X 5 BiWViv 1 ! I '^ east>3 of tho hair and <& <• AmfiflilAwL scalp led to the discovery ■& V JkIWI^SixI of now to treat them. *> O £IZQH^M\^L. "Skookum" contalnso- 9. t**ii¥ Jhmllf' tftil It is not a Dye. but a de- « & iik™KlSlf?lii«i\ li^htfully coolint? and A V #«(»^Vi l>«(*«Sak\\ ri'fn-=hni(r Tonic. liy "/ Vi / Krik V'TT^A stimulating the follicles. .> Y. > A /""IkMlilKi 1 *UM I 1 it ttops fairing hair cures .V «> Ii W *\f"^, i)! Wtf.- I dandrujr ami groin hair & $ V C2r^ «>jfv J ffKeep the soilpX V V» rl**^.«l',f«| \y clean, healthy, and freo '> <° / l iilril3{"Jr.\ from Irritating erup- .> y / ieWrt 1 f? «/' ;'\ \ tions, by the us& of ST X //' M/,11^,^ i lil \ Sk'H'kum Skin Soap. It *! cV / // TimWlMlW '■ 1; ■ \ destroys parasitic in- A <" / /'/ /Tp? IkW» IM I 9eet *' uhichfeed on and <•> <• I l/i /' t'J Kffl/If 11 ft' I cU*troy the hair. Vi i iVi'S ■' HHh .in j I If your druggist can- X* V I I/" '! llfiff ' fcl i 'i\ I not tiupnly or X send di- *« 5 Il< ii 'ii' '"r* • m! A \ rect to us, and wo -will Vi VI 'ft 'j! j *"1 ' m J ' I forward, prepaid, on re- i <& ' I .'■■.■ ;'' '■ ceipt of price. Grower, X x Ji.oo per bottle; 6 for v X TRADEMARK 45.00. Soap, SOe. per jar ; "A X Registered 6 for S3 JO. *> ? THE SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., Iv < 67 South Fifth Aye.. New York. N. Y. | . . - ■ aii la ly Mi 1111 li AMUSEMENTS. CALIFORNIA THEATER. AL BATMAN & CO Proprietors J. J. GOTTLOB Manager Last 4 Nights ! Matinee Saturday! I A \Tp JENNIE 1 J\ lV YEAMANS •J l\L 1 1 -f as JANE. Preceded by the one act comedietta, FAREWELL TO "JANE" SUNDAY NIGHT. NEXT MONDAY, AUGUST 28th, Leonard drover's Comedy Drama, THE WOLVES OF NEW YORK INTRnDI'CINfJ THE ORKATKST MECHAN- ICAL SCENES KNOWN TO THE SI AUK. t^~SEATS NOW ON SALE. BALDWIN THEATER. aL HAVMAN & CO Lessees and Managers. EVERY KVE'G. MATINEE SATURDAY O.VLY CHEERED TO THE ECHO. .The Most Intense. . . . . Play Seen in Years. THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME. FROM THE KMPIKE THEATER. NEW YOKE. MTME CLIMAX OF DRAMATIC EFFECT. C3F* Seats for Next Week Now on Sale. STOCKWELL'S THEATER. L. R. STOCK WELL Lessee and Proprietor ALF ELI.INGHOLSK Maa»*er ONE WEEK ONLY THE STARTLING SOCIETY DRAMA, CORALIE! A Play ix Fdi-e Acts, Adapted from the French of Mons. A. Delplt Dy Peter KOBERTSOK. NEXT MONDAY, AUGUST 28th, HENRY GUY CARLETON'S Romantic Drama, YE EARLIE TROUBLE ! GROVE-STREET THEATER. i\rs3. .A.t 1O Cents. 200 pieces A I.L-SILK No. 10 MOIRE RIBBONS, in all colors, value 30c, will be closed out at 10c. GLOVES. GLOVES. .A.t 25 Cents. „ 50 dozen LADIES' 5-BUTTON KID GLOVES, in tan shades (broken sizes), regular value 75c, will be closed out at 25C per pair. LAXHES' 3F33Lj^31.0X51 HOSIERY. -A.t SS Cents. 100 dozen LADIES' BLACK MACO COTTON HOSE, extra fine grade, high spliced heel 3 and tues, warranted onyx fast mid stainless back, will Da closed out at 25c per pair, regular price $4 50 per dozen. *-^»ti>To:Ei.CjE3::ixr Xjaoes^*^ -A.t 5 Cents Per Yard. 200 pieces REAL HAND-MADE LINEN TORCHON LACE, regular price 10c, will tut: closed out at 5c per yard. 1O Cents Per Yard. 300 pieces REAL HAND-MADE LINEN TORCHON L.ACE, regular price 20c, will be closed out at 10c per yard. COIjOR.EII3 2DR.BS3 GOODS IDEI^'IU'T. At 1 5 Cents. 50 pieces 35-INCH FANCY DIAGONAL CHEVIOT SUITINGS, choice collection of mixtures, «ii, Tired led- M l\\ '/• \) \ Fftin* in the Back, .Debility, Pimple», Head- » S **&/ V» «^f9W ache, Seminal Weakness, Xightly Emissions. lmpo- C VJ^^t \ a^7' tency, l>espondency, Varicocele, l»rematureness H N. J Vv V and Constipation. Cures where all else fails. Tin- doctor KB • ->-^ 1 fcas discoverca the active priuciplo on which the vitality of the BEFORE and AFTER sexual apparatus is dependent. The reason why sufferers are not cured by physicians and medicines is because over 90 per cent ' »re troubled with l ro«ital!ti», for which Cl'l'i DEN is the only known remedy to cure the com- plaint without an operation. A vrillrn Guarantee to refund the money If a permanentenre is not effected by the unoof six boxes. ux> a box, six for $5.00. Send for circular and testimonials. Address DAVOL 2XEJDICIXE CO., l\ O. Box 307 G, ks.ii Traacisco, Cal. FcrrSalt by J?tt. WIUBEK. corner ihlrd and Market streets. ail* tl coil (.\Klil i i a- l,M.(.\:r, )-Ul Uroatlwav. cor. 14th. Oakland. I will subscribe the sum of $ to .the CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, and will pay the same when called upon by the proper representative of the Exposition. Name Address i Cut this out and send to | Financial Manager, Room 31, Mills Building. I fCALL.I PRINTING PRESS FOR SALE ! A TAYLOR 3- REVOLUTION DOUBLE CYLINDER PRESS IN COOD ORDER. SIZE OF BED, 57x40 INCHES. Just the thin? for a country Newspaper, l Will bo sold cheap for cash. For further par- ticulars apply to Bulletin Offic?, or 4 address X.i P. 0. box 2528. my 27 jj PALACE HOTEL. rnHE PALACE HOTEL ncCJJ?!KS AN ENTIRE 1 block in the center of San Kranclsco. It >* the modri hotel of the world. Fire ana earthquake proof. Has u!n« eloyators. Every room Is larg<\ light and airy. he ventilation it perfect. A b*ih and closet adjoin every room. All rooms are easy Of access from broail. light corridor*. The central •ourt. illuminated by electric light. its Immense class roof, broad Balconies. cn'rla^-wav nnii trop- leal plants are features hitherto unknown In Amer- ican hotels. Guests tnxrt talned cd either the Amer- ican or EDropear. plan. Ihr restaurant Is the finest In the city. Secure room) Id advance by tele- trapbiiiß. THE I* ALACK HOTEL. lKttf San Friiuclico. C»I. 7