..if r -í rt 4 OARRIZOZO OUTLOOK. 4 si., -ir , STORY OF YEAR MARKED BY SENSATIONAL EVENTS Most Momentous Twelve Months of Modern Times Roviewed-Great European War, Mexican Troubles and Other World Happenings. tUt year of our Uinl, 1!tt. I" unique II íl6ísj not full lulu tin- procession of II' yjqim with tho iievuslomed HlitR. That wfitili h triinefnrmed It lulo n liormr wUlffilll precedent III breath nnil mnllg. titúr Id wnr wnr which U devastating the ,fiT world muí IIxIiib It sinister Impress uij llio iitw. II raine Hwirtly nri'l lili n terrino i latli. On July M. tlii A.islrei-llungurlnn lipwrnmeiit sent (in ulllinntum In Borvln elfinatulliig I he punishment or the per eon rfmcermd In tho iiMnhslnnllnn of lilt' Arthdtike Frnnz Ferdinand mid In tiMnl suppression of nil null-Austrian pri'isignmla In Hint enuntry nml giving 4 hour fur toiuddrrullon. Tim llelgrndo government ngrccd lo Hip Austrian do mated Willi a nltiRto exception Hint which would hnvti empowered Austrian ofllplnls In tnko a Icoillne part n Ihu punishment of dm inurdeirrn, nml naked for further Intcrnintltin on Ihl point. Tlia reply win not ntlsfaetnry tn Aus tria, filio promptly declared wnr . I Ser via nml began lo moví' t round toward loider. Tho I'nlm liegnn active innb f(lrnllon nnd removed Ihrlr cnpllnl from Ilelgrnde lo Nlsh, In llio Interior. In rlnnlly tho cyi-a of nil tin- civilized world 8H turned lownnl Itiinsln. The lny after Austria declared wnr on Kjrvla, Ilia Hussion mlnlstur or for tali nffnlis warned the Or inn n nmbn. Bllilor Hint If Hervía wero Invnded Hum. din woiilil lint bo ahln In remain neutral. (Irent llrllnln pronoun! lo Ucrmnny. Kliini'i' nml llnly Hint n council iliouli! IM" ntreinged In modlnte between Hip two disputants, Clcrinniiy declined tn become pnily In such mi arrangement. Tin czar IIIiihI I he kaiser In lili" his Influence rvllli Ihe AiiKlilan emperor According In llio Herman ncrounl, llio kaiser e-oinpllcd Willi IIiIh icqucst In llio lipHt of Ms nhll t ty. When lio discovered, howi'ver, Hint iiiohlllziHon wnH going on nrllii'ly In Itlisstn, lio wired llio rznr Hint tils course wax making mediation Impossllilp. Tho ilit w lulrr Hip knlsor prorlnlmpd innrllnl law Hiroucliout tho roiinlry nnd i-riit n tiMiily.fuur hour iitllinntiiiii tn Hip Mimrovlln Rovirntnput riPmnmllmr nil llillinl iihnniloninpnt of nil wnr prip uintliiii. At Hip pxiilriitlon of this ultl milium. AukiikI 1, Hip Imlncr Kiivn Hip onlpr for mnhlllintlnn to liPKln nml on Ijif Hfiiup ilny Count on t'ourtnlps, Hio (icrinnii niiilmssiiilor nt at. I'rtcrsiiurKi lnrlpd lioiurwurd, Mt'iinuhllp Ihp inolilllznllon of the pn lire I'ri'iK'li nrmy wnH Iicruii. Mnrtlnl :iu wno dpcliirrd nnd. Aiiituat 4, Hie Ur innii miilmHHndor nnuotineeil Hint tlio wnr lirlnofii his country nnd I rnnce wns on. IJiirWiiiiI luid nuked lm(i Prnnre nnd (Ipriniiuy. If they wiiiild rpsppct Hio lu-u trullty of HrlKliim In casn of wnr. Tim former hnd nnswrrpd In Hio ndlrmntlvp, Tlif IntliT inndp nn dlrci't reply, nnd Del clnii inolilllznllon hi'Knn nt once. fin AiiRiist S a Cli-rnun nrmy miirchPil Into Hio Clrnnil Duchy of I.uxpiiilmrR, whitKi iiPUlrnllly Imd Imen RUiirnntPPil dy Hip piHiiTs In 1SC7. A ilny Inter, tho (Itriiinn Kuvcrnnipiit Kent a note to tho llfluhin Koierninont dpuinuilliiir pnonnRp for Ih'tiiiiiii troops HiroiiRli the counlry mil ihoiiiIhIiik iiiupIp eniiippiisntlnn for nil (Inmune nt llio ctoie of Hip wnr. Tills wus In tho form of nn ultimatum nnd t.pwllh'il twelve hours ns n time limit. Til icply wns Hint Iklxlum would dp Olid her neulrnllly hy force of nnns If It Were neeessnry. Great Britain Declares War. At llila move of (Irrmtiiiy, Clrcnt Ilrlt nln Iipriiii- nrtlve mohlllznllon of her fort( mid nil Hio imvnl rpsorves wpro cnllpil mil nt nncp. Wnr nRnlnst Oermnny W(ID iltt'lnred on Aimust 4, n wnr liudRet of lif'.li.io wns voted, nnd within n few (IflyH a llrltlsh force of J2ii.rnl men hnd hrrn In mlcd In Krnnrp. On AiiRUKt ft Am-Irtn-'liiiiKnry dndnred wnr nn Itussln nnd her troops crossed tho Ilumino iKir ilrr. The MoutmicRrlns Joined tho Sorhs niwllisl Austrln nml Hnxiilo, wus Invnded, oh AiiRtist 10 the Trench Rnverninent litoel'iliiied wnr nRnlnst Austrln, nnd two iUyn Uler lCimliml followed her exnm i)e. .lupiiii nnnnuiiced her Ititeiitlcn to Mile Hllh her llrltlsh ally. Hrni.illnnvl.i nnd Iloltaud nssertpn tlielr iipiurnllty, hut nt once put nil their mlll Inry lesounes Into re'iulslllon for dp fi wo. I'l'iliuml nunnuiH-ed her Inten tion tn fulfill her treaty obligations with Omit llrllnln, hut she did not heeoma a llllplTnt nt oneo. Rpnhi profpuMd Rh Willlln liculrntlly. hill tu'Kun lininedlnlu HiOtilllKllloii of lilt her foiees. Turkey dp rlnrnl fm neulinlliy. hut lool.lllmsl her uriliy nml htsnii to ndvnn' i tawnril liul (Hrf. li '" not until the Iml or Ocln lier Hint she misiIp hr Initial dimonalrii Hon In the lllnili lea ngitlnsi Hussla. (Irpppe. m well ns the minor TMk.m Uli a. was In n enmllllnn of srnnil -H-ilnniy. As fpr Italy, sworn hII of (Irrilinn)' lllul Austrln In Hie so-i'alliil jinpllond. she took advanlnire of the riot Ihnt her imrliwr were not eimiiRi.1 In a defensive war to remain neutral despite leona itrrisuire tram llarlln nml Vletimi. At Hie outbrwli of liMtllUlti. n ronor fildp tlMek If tüo I0 elTectlw- ever finown wus Mtilttllllid In nil the wnrrliiK roiinlrtes. Alieul nil lliat was nrtiuilly revralrd was that Hie kalaer's forcea load, their war tlirouali ttalclum with u Irt meiidoui log Of men ami property, Mo- rdlalan dafemlrr of I he Hule IiIiir ikim I'thlattlUR a power nf reilstnnre nnd H tubhornnrM which ainauil the world The forts at I.Iikp linllml the Oeritmii legtera for a wk. Hut tho mhls were Ion treat. Ily III end of AuriisI the ter HkV norman war machine had lllernlly mowed Its Way Ihrouuh liajaluin. ami hy Mlt)siii!ir ( had rwtelied n point wllhln Iwvntr rtillM "f Parla, which wns In nc tU aWparaUon for u aleas The sen I nf aovrrnmenl wns lemnv. I to llordMUX BUaMrll, on (laptemher 4. Hie (lerman rmr O' th ''at tnrned eaatwiird Hluee i. Ilia kals't's forees have lsn fSNIWiy, flRhlliia with n iwrsls rT Whir noril.il In the his inndtrt) wr h mohlllutlon hy the middle of Was iinullenllv romtdoled nnd im Mri armies were in nip u ntivnnco jawnni Ilia Herman nflü Ausirian iron desnt foreM nppoae.1 Dio filarle Mie aaxl mi ny. hiood' contKiis reh lowed In rnpld succession, until Inte In Hie nutumn, I ho greally outniimhercd Teutonlo allies bvsnn lo show slims of ilcellnlnR olTonslve nhlllly. Tho Jnpnneso confined their mil tnry oprrnllons entirely to Asln They lin- mcdlntciy proceeueii URninst ton Ucrmnn forts nt Klmichmi, Chlnn, which were taken hy assault nfter ten weoks' nttnrk. llusslnn nml Turkish llects hnve hcen en. RnKeil In tho Muck sea, Hiero has been llnhtliiR on n sinnll aculo In Kirypt, unit the roitiiuueio 111 Africa hnve mndo lev- trill nltncks upon (lermnn colonists, In dian troops limn heen ciiRUKcd with Tur kish forces In nn effort to keep tho Buez C'nnnl open, ! rom tho first, Hiero hns heen n prnc tlc.il dendlork In tho nnvnl sllunllnn. Tho llrltlsh licet sailed utulor senk-d orden Ail Rtist 4, nnd a big nnvnl uitttlo In tho North sen wns confidently expected hy tho wnllliie world, It soon heenmo np pnrent Hint Client Ilrltuln's purosc wm to dwil n rntnl blow nt Clerman commerco, Kiiti'Kiinrd thut of lictidum, rriinro nml Its own nnd lender tho enemy's fleet luopera tlvo by hnhllnir It In tho Ilnltle. A week Inler. tho port nuthorlllea of New York wero notified Hint Hio Atlantic lines wcro unnbstrui'tcd, nnd a few iluys afterward tho 1'ucllle lines wcro pronounced "open mid snfe." Sixty llrltlsh war vessels Riinrdcd tho exit of tho Kiel C'nnnl and prevented tho thirty aermun battleships anchored Hiero from comlnR out. Within n few dnys, more than thirty of the Rrent Oennnn ocenn liners wero Inlcrnod In neutrnt waters nnd a number of Clermnn inereiinnt ships were enptured or do stroyed. Ily tho middle of November mora Ihiin four hundred wnr vessels nnd merchant men on all sides hi. I oecn captured or In tcrned In liculrnl porta, Tho Ilmden In tho I'aclflo and tho Knrlsruho In tho Hiiulli Atlnntlc, two flcriunn rnldcra, preyed sueeessfully upon allied nnd neu trnl commerco until tho former wns put out of nctlon, DurlnR tho pnst three months tho (lermnns have destroyed n number or Jlrlllsh cruisers hy means or lorpedoes, In nn action off tho const or Chile, n squadron or llvo Herman wnr ships snnk the Monmouth nnd flood Hope with nil on hoard, On October 17 ill thoiiRli It wns not known to tho public fur u fiirlnlKht nflerwiird-tho llrltlsh siipcr-drendnniiRlit Audacious was sunk by n mino off tho const or Ireland, Hhott ly nflcrward, tho llrltlsh admiralty do clnrcd tho North sen a closed military area, On December II Hio Oermnn erulseri Bchnrnhorst, anelsnu, IIpzIr nml Nuern- norR, under Admlrnl von Hpce, were sunk ny n llrltlsh squadron under Vlce-Ailmlra Hlr Frederick Bturdeo, off tho Knlkhiud Isinnda, Tho Oennnn cruiser Dresden es caped, badly duninRed, December 10 n Clermnn llert bombnidcd the KnHllsh ronst towns of Hartlepool, Whitby nnd Hcnr boroiiRli, 1(1 1 II ni; ISO and wnundliiR SCO citi zens nml raushiR much property dnmiiHc. Threo Ilrlllsh merchant vessels were sunk by mines laid by tho bombnrdluir fleet. At tho clono of tho year operations In tho west seem practically nt n standstill. December 17 tho Germans reported a vic tory In I'oland. As n result of Hit tiiimcdlntn pnrnlysls In the lliianelal world due to tho sudden embroilment of Hio Ktiropenn nations, Americans nhrond wero subjected to Rrent Imoiivenh'iice nml not a llttla actual hardship. Much relief was atTordeil tho Ilolrlin sufTcrirs mid Inrse sums of money for llio purposo wero raised alt over tho country. Tho American Hed Cross sent llio relief hip lied Cross to lhirnpeuu waters, with a mil equipment or pliysh Inns nurses nnd supplies, on Hcptember I.'. Chaotic Condition! In Mexico. Early In the yonr furelen nntlona lieunn to bo critical nf tho iidintnlstralloirs "hniids-ort" Mexlcnn policy nnd to Insist Hint the Job of pnc!f)lnR Mexico belmmed loRleally to the tTultvd Hlutes. Victo riano Ilnerlii bad held the provisional presidency for n year mid Imnstrd In Ids dips that he Mould hold Ids ofltcu loimer than I 'residen I Wllsor would remain In the White limine. Meanwhile tho bnmlll elder rancho Villa wns steadily KnlnhiR Krouud In the north. The tlenost bntlh' or the levohitlon, which was foiiitlit tor nlmoai two weeks, onded In victory for llio rebel foroiw There was an npnallhiR low or lire In this long continued flRht, nnd moro Hum four thousand fUBlllviw eiussetl the llio (Iranite and tmik re tuce In American ter Ittory. Here they wero enred for by the United Btatis authorities. On I'ebninry 3 l'reildrnt Wilson re yoked nn order by bis predecessor In of fleo to put a slop to the shipment of arms and mninunhlnn Into Mexico hy citizens or the I'nltnl litotes. On Anrll II. l'resl dent Wilson usti noted Beeretnry Daniels to nsaemble an ImpnalnK naval force nt THinn en. on the Mexlcnn const. This was due lo th refusul or Hut Mexican president and his mil I tnry nlds tn snlule tho American IbiR us nn essential feature of nil niKiloRy for an unwnrrnnled nrrest ti ml Imprisonment or sene nil American bluejackets who hnd landed on Mexican soil to obtain n atintuy ut Rasniine. Allhouuli the rnlsnde was Hie result or a mlsumlrrstnndliiR In whlrh all the par Hen concerned shared nbout counlly. It was mnnlfest that Huerta was In no mood to comply with nny renuest of Hie U'nsh liiRton authorities, however politely mid even dellcnlcly made. Ho I ef lined to or der the salute, and tho naval demonstra tion followed Congress passed a resolution niistnlnlnu the piesldent In the position which ho hnd taken. On Aptll !! Admlrnl t'lelchcr H'lsiil the custom hnuso nl Vera Cruz The Mexican resisted the occupation or the custom house nnd the reaiill was u flRht, In whleti 10 Ameileans wre killed nnd 71 wour-ied. Clenerul Man, tn rom mmid or Hit. Rarrlann, withdrew und left tho Americans In possession. Nelson O'flhniiRnessy, tho American rep. resentnllve, was Riven Ids pnsspoits and rrnucs ed tu ivavi Hio country, un. Otn. ltederlck Kunslon. lonimniidor or tlin Atnerlcnn foicts nt Vera Cruz, wns rend? to enter on a vigorous ontnpalgn Ik foro hostilities were curried further tho diplomatic representatives nt Wash ington of Arffelitlna, llrazll and ChUvmnl In to tho offlio of the department of alatn a formal tender of Hu ir servici a na medí aton. 1'rcsldonl Wilson iieei pli'd the or fcr and laith Huerta and CnrrnlKU ac cepted the prolTered medhitlon. The mediatory con Ten mn was held nt Niagara Tails, Cnunda, mid opened on May CO. On June I.' Hie conference had agreed upon n plan accepted IkiIIi by President Wilson nnd Huerta. Then a deadlock r. roso over the choice tor presi dent the American delcRntcs declined to accept His mimo of nny iinnconstltiitlonnt- ist. Meanwhile, Hie constitutionalists were making unmlstnknhle Hilvanen toward th capital, Their success wns so pionouncod Hint It was c blent they would soon bo In control or lh Ruvernmcnt, On .Inly 1 the confcrincn ramo In nil end without definite result, nnd four day later Huerta wns re-elected president by his partisans. On July 13 tho dictator ro slRned the presidency nnd took pnssiiRn for Kuropo, leavinK mo executivo nutlior- Ity In Hio hnmls of n pioinlnent citizen, Francisco Curbnjnl. Tho now president nnd Cnrrnnzn eou d not ngreo upon tho surivndei of tho rov- rrnmcnl lo tho victorious runstituiloniil Ist nrmy, nnd on AuRiist 10 Curbnjnl re sinned and tho chamber of deputies dis solved. Flvo dnys Inter, the coiistltullon nllst nrmy entered the Clly or Mexico without opposition. Vcnustlnnn Cnrrnnzn Immedlntcty took upon himself tho otllco of president, nllhnuRn ho soon nnnounied his purposo or turnliiR over Hie executive runcllnn In n provisional substituto and hlmseir becoming u cnndldate, on Hcntemiier 23 viliu declaren war up on the provisional president. Thu consti tutionalists held it meeting at Mexico Clly on October 4 nnd refused to ncrept their chief's reslRnntlon. At n cnnvin Hon of tho nnrty held nt Amina Callentes nn Octnber II, Cnrrnnzn ngnln presentid Ills irslRiintlon nnd a few dnys Inter Vina promised to support a provisional presi dent named by tho convention, At that, Cien, Kiilnlln Gutierrez wns nppolnteii by tno convention, but Carranza rcruscd in recoRiilzp him. Tho new president ap pointed Villa commander In chief nf the government forces and ordered him tn proceed nt onco nRiilnst Carr nn. As Villa and his men nenred the capital, Carranza nnd his soldiers wllhdrow. On November 3 tho American forcts wcro withdrawn from Vera Cruz nnd soo ' terwiird Cnrrnnzn mid his follow ers look possession of tho seaport. Villa nnd Zana I a united In support of tho Oullerrei Interests, nnd the prospect of penco In tho Immediate, futuro Is fur from enrournRlnir, On December 13, 3,000 I'nllcd Btntes troops were sent to Nnro tn stop continuo! filing by the Mexlcnn ructions Into United Rlates territory. Tho stniRKto between the (omhatnnts In northern Mexico con tinues tinnhati'd. Longest Congretelonnl Seiilon. Tho first rrRiilar session of tho Klxly, third rmiRrrs wus tho longest since Hint Rrent Inw-mnkliiR body camo Into exist ence rrom December 1. 1013, to October :i, 1911. After Hio holiday recess both branches wcro addressed by President Wilson upon tho regulation of corpora Hons. In Ida address Iho president recom mended tho rormatlon of a trade commis sion, Iho doing away with Interlocking dl rectorales nnd holding companies, and nn antitrust Inw. On January :l tho señalo passed n bill authorizing Hio government to construct n railroad In Alnskn. On February 13 Hm house panned tho bill. During this month, nlsn, tho adminis tration Introduced a mensuro Into both louses to establish n rural credit system by menus or co-onerntlvc bunks. On Feb runry 9 a hill was Intiodii-e.l Into both branches which provided Hint the Rovern ment might mino or lenso on a royully basis certain eoul lands In Alaska. On Mnrrh B Iho president delivered nil other uddress to congress In the homo chamber. In which he urged the repeal or tho provision In Hip I'muium Canal net or August, ini;, exempting vessel en tinged in cnnslwlso trade rrom the pay ment or tolls, Willi n actinic amendment to the effect Hint the t'nltrd Btntes re- lluniilshrd no rights under treaties will CI rent llrltnlu mid Willi I'unainu, tho tolls repeal bill becumo Inw. On April VI tho president ngnln nil dressed congress, Rllng tho facts In Hie Himplen affair and asking nulhorlty k use forro In compelling a settlement. Until house panned the necessary mensuren without delay. On Juno 5 tho Ihr mensures pioinlnent In the president's nn thrust leglslatlon-tho cieallon nf a trad" commission, tho Clayton hill, nml thn mil lond caplliillzallon hill -wero passed, bu it wns not until August that the señalo adopted Hip measure rronllug a frurrn trade communion. The Clayton nntltrus bill did lint become Inw until October. August 4 both house iinnulinously ndopled nn amendinent to tho federa serve net. hy which Iho secn tnry of the treasury wa glen power to Issiin addi tional bnnk currency In such amount as would be necessary tn protect the liusl ne sltuntloii nml nioht llunnclnl panic. On Hcptember 4 Iho president mice nmro nildressed congress, pointing out tho need or raising additional revenue to meet the dtllelt cnusd by the decllui In Imports duo tu tho Kuropeau war. The closlnR dnya nr tho congress pnfsed In nn uetlve effort conducted by members rrom the rotton-grnulng state to obtain legislation for the retail of tho grower of the staple, On October 31 thn first regular session of tho Hlxly-thlrd congress cuino to an end. American Qovernment and Polltlct. On J a nun r y 3 Hecrctary McAdon mid Recietarv Houston began a series of hearings to determine where Iho now fed eral reservo bank wero to be established. Tho federal reservo bank system went In to ofToct NuveniliiT 10. on Jnnmiiy m tho Wnshlngtnn nuthmltle nnd lh New York, New Haven nnd Hartford railroad ollli luí enmo tu nil imminent by which tho railroad relinquished Its trolley Huns, It control or tho Ilostou and Maine, mid most of Its steiungilitp Hues, tu order la nvnht further conflict with tho Rliermnn antitrust Inw. President Wilson nomi nated John Hkeltou Williams, then assis tant secretary of the treasury, tn be comptroller of Hie currency nnd cx-nfllclo member of Iho new federal reservo board. On Jnnunry !7 Iho president signed on Important order whlrh established n per manent civil Rnvernment In tho I'annma Cnnnl Zone, tu go Into effect April 1. A few days Inter ho nominated Col. Cleorge W. nocthuls tn bo first governor. On February It Ihe Rnvernment brought suit nt Halt I.nko City to compel the Southern Purine railroad to relinquish Its control or the Central Pacinc. In Mnrch government proceeding wero begun ngninst two railroads: The inter Into commerco commission aceuml thu Chicago, Milwaukee and Kt. lMul road with overstatement of Ineomo nnd other Qnnnrhit Irregularities, and suit wus brought ngulnst Iho Ililgli. Viilly rond under tho charge Hint It wri indnopnllz Ing Hie anthracite cnal Industry through subsidiary companies. In this month, ntso, Iho department nr Justice announced Hint a pluii for breaking up tho transportation monopoly practiced by Iho New York New Haven nnd Hartford bad been nr rn lined satisfactory to nil purl lis. l;nriy In April the Rnvernment met wltn efent In lit nltemnt to prove Hint tho lie la ware. Iickawanna and Western road ml the ronl-mlnlng company nf the same name existed ns an Illegal nnd monopolis tic combination. On April 2 the commit tee Appointed for Iho purpose announced that It hnd selected twelvo federal re. servo districts, with th"lr central hank ing cities, under Ihe new currency law. On June a the Amerlcnn Thread com- puny, which wns proven to no n combina Hon nf manufacturen which practically ontrnlted Iho output, forestalled iho ac tion contemplated by tho department of Justice by dissolving. In June, also, the t'nlted Hlntes supremo court nfllrmed Hie power of the Interstate commerce mm- mission to nx rates, turn nciu inni pipo lines nro common cnrrlers nnd must carry pindurl nt rale fixed by the commission. On June in tun president mnue punim rhnrga thai big business Interests had been trying tu forco congress to ndjniirn. He dcclnrrd Hint bo should do everything In hl power to keep congress In session until the proper business legislation nau iiccn enacted. In July the commission round that the former management or tho Now Haven nnJ wns criminally wasteful nnd ncgll gent. President Wilson directed the at torney general. July ;i. to org n civil nml cilmlnal proceedings ngninst the New York, Now Haven nnd iinrtrord road, and two dnys later the suit wn begun In tho United Btntes district court at New Tork. On tho first dny or August the Interstate ommerco commission denied the petition or tho eastern rallionds for n general in- reuso or C per cent In freight rates, but nllowcd ccrtnln Increnses In the inhhllo West. On August 13 the dissolution nf the International Harvester enmpnny, deslg- nnlod ns a monopoly In restraint or trade, wns ordered by tho Hulled Slates district court nt Ht. rnui. Minn, Tho Pnnnmn Canal was rormally opened ror work! truffle on August 13. The steam Ancon, belonging to the Pnnnmn rail rond, pnssed rrom neenn to ocenn In ten hours. In Benlenitier the railroad rnto roso silo eil Increased nttlvlty. The rond enst or the Mississippi nnd north or Ihe rotomao nga u Petitioned (lie interstate commerce commission ror permission to ndvnnce freight rates S per rent, nnd the cnmmlsslnn consented tn reopen the cue. Tho commission grunted the lúcrense, with certain excentlnns. on December 18 in October the court dismiss' u nil nut ono of tho government' charges In Its suit lo dlsHnlvo tho Atlantic stcamsiuii trust. Final argument In Hie suit to ills solve tho Hteel trust wns mnde nt Phila delphla, nnd tho discussion or Increased rcllrond freight rule was n sumen nvrorc Hie Interstate commerco commission. At Iho elections held on November 3 th Democrntlo mainrltv In the house of rep rrscntnllies was reduced from 117 lo 33, although tho Democratic majority In the senate was Increased rrom 10 to 10, con stllutlonnl amendments Riving the sur rrngo to women were carried In Nevada nml Montuna nnd prohibition triumphed In Washington. Oregon, Arizona, nnd Colorado, In Missouri the so-called "full crew" Inw pnssed by tho legislature wn rejected, Política in Other Lanai. On Jnnunry 37 Michel Oreste, president of Haiti, warned or Ihe approach or large liody or revolutionists, nbdlrated has tily nnd took refuge on n Clermnn cruiser. On I'chrunry S Orestes Zamnr wa elected president or Haiti, nnd on the same dny Joso Vleento Conchr wn elected presi dent or Colombia. On Mnrch 17, ns Urn flnnlc tn a bitter political nnd personal controversy, the wlfo or tho French minister or finance. Mine fnillnux, shot nml killed the editor of Figaro, Oiislon Cnlmotte.' Her hus band resigned his nfllco nt onco and n new cabinet wns formed. The trial or Mine, Cnlllaux resulted In her ucqultlal on July It. On March H a treaty ot peace between Tilikcy nml Servia wn signed nt Constantinople, n sequel to the ltntknn wnr. On Mny 1 the now Chinese consti tution was published. It nbnllsheil tho premiership nml Kino I m reused power to the piisldent. On Mny C I'llnco Alexan der of Teck. Queen Mary's brother, wu appointed Rivtornnr-griicrul nf Canada. On Muv 1 Colonel Deniable, leader nf the Peruvian fnillon whlrh expelled President Illtlhighurst, wn elected pro visional president. Three day later a group or senators nnd deputies declared ltoberlo 1 .inula provisional president. The Peruvian supremo court, however, recog nized llcnnvldes. On July I Ahmed Mir tn, sixteen year or nge. wns crowned shah or Persln. On August CI the French rnblnet wns reconstructed nn a commit tee or nnllonnl defense basis, TIpiio VI vlanl, Roclallsl, remained premier. On Peplcniber ti the Albanian senate, which hnd driven It recently dieted ruler -Prlnre William of Wled-out of tho counlry, chore a Turk for king Prince Iliirlinn-Hddlii, son of the deposed Abdul llnmld of Turkey, The Huropenn powers plotested, hut their wishes were dlsie gnrded, On Octnber 4, nfter fuir months' exile, Kssnd Pnshii. accompanied by nn nrmed foice. entered Albania and tnolt possession or Iho government. On the dny following the deulh or King Charles or lloumnnln hi nephew, Ferdinand, took tho oatll or nfllco ns sovereign. Industrial Trials nnd Triumph. The Ford Molor company ut the begin ning or tho year adopted a prnlll-shnring plan hy which ftO.WO.Coii Is to be dlslrlb tiled annually among the M.onO wnge-enrn-cr of that ronceiu. The great Couth Aftl ran railroad strike came to nn end. On January 19 n strike or the Delaware nnd Hudson railroad men, ns a protest ngninst the dlsehnrge or two employees, wns set tled within sixteen hour hy the federal board of mediation nnd conciliation. Two Rrent labor conlroversle hnd been left over from Iho preceding yenr ono In the MIchlRnn copper mines, which began July 33, 1313, and nnnther In the Colorado coal fields, where H.'iO men linil been on stitko since Hcptember S3 of the previous year Violence ensued and federal a hi wn demanded. On April 30 the striking miner lushed with the slnto tnllllla near Tllnhhiil. Colo, nml twenty-live eraooa wem killed or burned to death In n fire whl"h followed. President Wilson ordeied redernl troops to the cene It wa not until September 13 that tho striker and their employer necepled President Wil son offer ror n settlement or their dis pute, but Ids pHn wns rejected. On the Inst dny or November the president imtnod a commission of three, headed by Still Uiw. to dent Willi the strike. Shortly af tl r tho strlkn wns declaras off. On April I all the coiil iitiues of Ohio wero closed down nn account nf lliifall ur lo unite nn an agreement as to a basis or payment to superadlo tho o already In tisf. On tho following day Uiñ Yntkshlre coal miners, lo tho number of 170,000 men, went on strike lo support their demand for a minimum wnge. Juno 13 a strike among tho West Virginia coal miners, whlrh hnd been on slneo Ilia pre vious September, wa declared off, the miner waiving recognition or tho union In order to obtain other linpnrlnnt con cessions. On July 17 the federal board or mediation and conciliation ngnln proved It nhlllly a a peacemaker. The engineer and firemen of nlnoty-elght Western rail- loads accepted Hie mediation or tho hoard. uaiuaiuei on uana ana ue. F.nrly In Jnnunry tho second nliennm- eiml storm of the season added largely to Iho destruction or property nlung tho ocean rront or New Jersoy nnd Iong Is land, on Jnnunry It, n Jnpnneso vol enno on Hakurn Island burst amlnenty In to activity and destruyed three town and killed mote than a thousand persons. Dur ing a perrormnnco at a moving picture theater at Surabaya, Java, 73 women nnd children wero burned tn death. Tho stentner Monroe, from Norfolk to Now York city, wn rntmned hy thn Nantucket during a night fog off Cnpo Charles, Jnn unry 34, nnd 41 person wero lost. On Mnrch II more than n thousand persons lost their live during a slorm which Hooded several town in Bou them Hussla, and nbout tho same time many persons were killed by nn earthquake at Aklta, Japan. on March II the scaling steamer Newfoundland stranded on nn Ico tloo In the Rtralt of Hello Isle nnd 77 nf her crew wcro frozen tn dent!:. Tho amo day Ihe steamer H'Jtithern Cms nnd her erow disappeared. On April 2 nn explosion In a tnlnn shaft nt Fccles, W. Vn., caused Una death of 110 miner. Knrly In Mny Hlclly wn vl Ited by n aerie of ahocica which did great damn go nlong tho enatern const. Tho steamship F.mprcs or Ireland wa struck by tho Norweglnn collier Rtnr- stnd in the Ht. IJtwrencu river, May 3, and sanlt nlmost Immediately, moro than a thousand passenger losing their Uvea. Mny 30, Cnpt. Itobert A. Ilnrlett of Ihe Stefonssnn nrctlo expedition returned tn fit. Mhhael, Alaska, Willi tho now that Ihe Karlule sank, January II, after having been crushed by Ice, mid Hint her crew was marooned nn Wrangel Island, On Hcptember 7, eight member of Hit crew were found by a rescuing party. On June 13 inoro than two hundred miner wero lost by nn explosion In a coal mino nrnr Alberta, Caunda. A flro nt Baleni, Mass,, Juno 33, destroyed hnlf of tho city. Including sovcrnl thousand homes and many largo industrial establishments. In this month, also, American consuls In va rious Clilueso cities reported Hint floods In southern Chlnn hnd destroyed tho cropa nnd made 3,('0,ooo persons boneless. On September 18 tho Francis H. LcRgett collided with nn unknown vessei oft tho Oregon roast nnd 73 of hor passen ger nnd crow wero lost. In Octohor on earthquake In Turkey destroyed inoro than 3,000 persons In a few min utes. Hdlson's Rrent electrical plant nt Orange, N. J. wa doetroyed by fin on December 9. , Notable Cventi. Hnrly In January tho firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. unnoiinced tho with drawn! of It members frntn director ships In 7 largo corporation, thu complying with thn government's, now regulation condemning Interlocking di rectorates. On Jnnunry 9 Harvard uni versity nnd tho Massachusetts Instituto nf Technology arranged to combine their engineering departments. On Februnry 10 Andrew Carneglu novo 33.000.000 townrd tho propaganda car ried on hy tho Church Penco union. On prll 13 the International uurglr.nl emigres met at Now York city. Water let into thu new canal across Cupo Cod on April 31. This canal shortens the distance, by water between lloslon nnd Now York by seventy mile nnd cut out ihe danger of rounding tho cnpo In stormy wenther. Tho canal wn formnll" opened July 39. Piesldent Wilson youngest daugh ter, Hlcanor Ilnndnlph Wilson, wn married, Mny 7. nt Iho White House, to William Olhbs McAdno, secretary or tho Treusury. Tho Norwegian celebrated the centennial of tho Reparation of Norway from Denmark on Mny 15, On May ID tho Panama canal was opened ror bargo trafile. Tho Kngllsh Darby wus won by Durbar III, a horse be longing to nn Amerlcnn, Ucrmnn II. Duryen, on May 27. Tho monument erected hy Iho Daughters or tho Con federacy In thn natlonnl cemetery at Arlington wn inivulled Junn 4. On June 10 Kugland captured tho In ternational polo championship at Meudowhrnolt, N. Y. It wns mndo pub lic on June 24 that Mrs, Morris K. Jemup hnd bequeathed $8,500,000 tu piihlla In stitutions. Tho American Museum of Natural History was a bunellclary tn tho extent of $3.000,000. That, nlso, was thu dny on which tho reconstruct ed Kiel canal wa opened by tho Ger man kaiser. On Hcptember 3 Cardinal Olacnmo delta Chican, urehhlshop of Ilolognn, was elected popo to nuccced tho lato Plux X. The new pontiff assumed tho tillo of Tlcnadlct XV. Tho government crop report, mndo puhlla Octohor 8, an nounced a record wheat harvest of I 832.000,000 nnd a normal corn crop of z.iim.uuu.uou. 'i no world ciinmpionsnip serle wn won October 13 by llio Hui lón National Icaguo baseball team. Gn October 14 ono of tho most com prehensive llunnclnl Relíeme on record formulated by banker nt New York clly Involved tho raising by tho hunk of a fund of $130,000,000 which wn to bo limned upon wnrohoiiso receipt for cotton. On tho Inst day of October Iho Putin ma ranal wa closed for traillo n second limn on account or nil mirth atldu Into Culebra cut. On November 6 tho Chicago stock yards wero closed on account of nn epMemle of foot-nnd-iuoiilh disenso which hud already led tho federal au thorities o establish quarantine In eight states against tho shipment of cattle, Ijiter till prohibition wn ex tended In several other stolon. The so called "house of governor" met in li seventh annual session at Madison, Wl.. November 10 After a period or suspension covering; 15 week, brought nbout by Hio war, the cotton exchanges or New York and New Orleans opened ror trading nn No vember 10. Tho Now York stock ox changi whh'h wa closed nt the break Ing out or hostilities, wn reopened for restricted trading November 31 A red letter cvont In tho history of American athletics wns tho forinul opening ot ihe I great rmo nowi. seating eo.ooo persons, November 21. Tho nnniial Ynlu-Har-vard football contest resulted In a liar- 1 vard victory, 30 tu 0, I