OCR Interpretation

The Gainesville star. [volume] (Gainesville, Fla.) 1903-19??, May 01, 1903, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047242/1903-05-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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1 I IlJ UIJ n rrr 0 oj e et I
t r U J I THE tWIfieAAVEBK twiCI W 1 IK StAfldAINEdVlt 1AOAINE VI I H FLA rii riiJ
7 L 1 w J AI 1
c Health Healthfor eat
7 t i < rY
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Hl10t for 25 years I iht IfiaM havVl 11 n nfvef nvefmised vcf
missed taking takth Avars ers SafslparHlS SafslparHlSevery SatsipalU14evcr SatsIpzUI4every
11 every spring it I cleaiisea l athfcam9 my mr
1 blood makes mo feel strong and I la
does me good In every way
John P Hodnette Brooklyn rooklynNY rooklynNYirC1 NY NYrich NY9arrlcs
irC1 iinfridt rich bldocl bldoclEarries brd 1 1arrlcs
9arrlcs arrlcs new 1ftct life to o ery eryart eiyatt
Earries art of o the body You Yo1iare Yourc YdIIInvigQratcd
are rc Invigorated refreshedrPu refreshed refreshedYpu rtheshcdtI
Ypu tI feel fc l onxious nnxl usto to bo boactive batlveY bea4tlveYoubecomestrong
active a4tlveYoubecomestrong a4tlveYoubecomestrongtdycthir tlveY You ou become strong strongSf trongtea
Sf tea tdycthir eadycciurage8us yc ur ge ci U Thats Thatswhat T ThatsWJat t1ts t1tswhat
> what Ayers Sarsa Sarsapri11a Sarsapri11awill arllla arlllawill nri1ltwUl
will do for you youiic youb3UJe
11 b3UJe ttJt All drPcalls drPcallsk
iic k jour J lt r wlldll tUnk 01 Ayexs ri r rSa
I BT Sa 8 patllla fp Mlta MltaoldfkinlTf h tI Jnon kflT kflTOIdttnfl lUtUa nl1
oldfkinlTf 01 OIdttnfl I1t mtrtlclno Follow F IIowbIidy1cena IIowbIidy1cenaWi 11 LU dilc al1l1 al1l1III nil nilVomen
Wi I1flL III st14flr st14flrJ IUnr IUnrJ
J CA CATE1C01 110 rC LqivU4tu LqivU4tuI LqivU4tuVomen JJX JJXWomen
Vomen ard 3rdtho tho th Food FoodOupplrf FoodOupplrflIanufnoturersa Supply SupplyManufacturers Qupplanufaoturers
Manufacturers appeal oal to housewives housewivesbjr
r bjr 7 overy Advertising cbnnnei practl practlcublo practlctt
cublo ctt tb lIqllt nok your grocer KNCerI or send sendus ondu
us u the namo of your our grocer for ar orUclca arUclos arclee
Uclca nowly put upon uportho tho mnrlcotlt mnrlcotltbeing market marketbeing IJ
being t a recognized tact that though thoughgrocora thoughgroc thought
t grocora groc ra are aroalwa alxvayo ready to order orderany onlQranytblg orderr
r any anytblg anythlgacq thing r3l 1 1l < Qd d for or It is not easy to toawaken ttaalcon b bawaken
awaken tho housewifes fntorest In fnanything Inanthhlg Inanything
anything out of tho beaten track of ofotaplea1 otlItAplesl ofctaples
otaplea1 Tho Tho1nllnuf manufacturers cturer8 do ap appeal apopealdlre appeat ¬
peal pealdlre directly t1r to housewives tohbut vvel is I an ac acknowledgment lCknowlQdlrDlcnt c cknowI ¬
knowledgment knowI n1ept lhnt hut they tbeyhQusowhes tbeyhQusowhesrcht thyhousow1vesctu housewives housewivesActually
rcht Actually ctu Ur ll control the thcrtJQd foodv fQc1 supply supply4U9stloh JIupplytU supplyqucstloh
4U9stloh tU tlOhi How coufd c t41tQCtl1 i Itjoothrw1o Itjoothrw1o4Wat Jja otherwise otherwiseWhat rwlso7 rwlso7Wbat
What the housevlfiJ h l lWllItngto VilUDs U1ng to uso usotlojraanufnctUjor usOi Usoznnnurnurot
i tlojraanufnctUjor i rpan znnnurnurot n Jo suppUqa slP lQ wh whaf what fsbo fsbor sho shoreuses ahocUse
reuses r cUse ules to uao u Q finds ftlds no nom market rket There Therela ThenJathe
I Jathe JaihofoO4Mtuaton la the food OO < situation lIgU at on In l ft i nutshellt If Ifyoraajx Itwoman Ifwom
woman wom woulfl w Uldbutr ttt but burcog rlcognlta lzc Us wholo wholofrlgnlflcanco wbolopI whologTIflinco
frlgnlflcanco pI ic 1nco there would bo no more morequestion moreqp moreI
I question qp tlOn of O r tooltaauheratlons food adulterations adt4teratIonarraua adt4teratIonarraualilent fraud frauduient traul1lent
uient lent rnothgda pr inferior Trodticts TrodtictsTho vroductsr produetsTho
Tho r grocer stands st nds ready r dy to t command commandthe
the t e diit ltII1t put of the manufacturer manuf mannfact ct rer and andtho andtho andtho
tho manufacturer mli Ufadurer Elands ready to tomeet tomoot tor
meet all demands aeman demand5lald Ball1 laid K upon him himmy hIDJmy hlm1rny
r 1rny my ladyW l dy V apathf P lJf nlonjSj oop o1o6 afandn anda ln lnthe If
the way of t tforfecl ortoclllv Ikying 1g7E11a Ella Mor Morrls Morrla Mo
4 rls KretJchm KreticbmaflfG KrctchnafIGood rln Good Od Housekeeping Housekeepingj Hou kecplngj kecplngjFijPL
j FijPL L v A Ji L i i s sI JIunderstnnd
L I understand his hlstrlends friends have A1 A1deserted a adH
2 deserted dH rtt1d rtdhtzn rtdhtznycs him himVes hlmI k kYes >
< Yes you OU see they discovered dtscovoredhq that thatho thaliI
iI ho h < yras as actually goln going to t need JhI their th h as asjlstinco s sJ
7 jlstinco letuicoHCoorado Cojorado otol O Sprlngs SprlngqGhzetto SprlngqGhzettoT P I Qazette QazetteWhat G zette zetteWhat
> T
What He H Gets QotsOut Out of It UDorql ItDorol v vDetroit
< Detroit Dorol Fro4 fle rfSFJ rc Mr r Cleveland Clevelandis CleYCllgllfscerlalnly CIoye1 CIoye1I
is certainly I having all the fun fudtbat fudtbatotl that thatcomeVfrora thaouAIom
comeVfrora otl lltrom keeping everybody guesa gueS3Ing gue guetug
tug IngI
I c I
AClMII Uonu 6htr ZIr11ZI lq 1nlin 1nlinau lcbln ticInz lcblnJrltIJimlt
z JrltIJimlt kthMmpkJ4tIii I tl t thue au tl tlJf Klo Klolc
Jf 11 10U IVD wvo JIAJlP1e0IOITnh nplej lc ot o Offentire Offentire6r i1IP i1IPtlon irvpflou1vltchdip
tlon flou1vltchdip llli Jr 6r LopperCo CQpperto1c1 red ec1 firup firupPains lruptlons11ar rup rupUonj
Uonj tlons11ar r b 1 j th kiD Frtjd catlrtot S lTell IwUIngej lTellID38
ID38 Ua6tTh la6 lH t2Cfl > 11erl U1 U1I qr IJn 411 4P 4Pof plft plftof
of t tGbdOd 4 dtlr od sot s 1J i31lCarbunalts i31lCarbunaltsPalM llt < Cnrbunelu CnrbuneluPall18
Pains and Aches Ach s In DOOM or Joints Hair Hairor
or r Kjebroitg b1011 falling cut persistent Ijore IjoreMgulh fotMQut Ot OtMcuih1
Mgulh Qums O ms or Throat Th1O t then you havo havoBlood rl havdBlood r rDtood
Blood PoIsons Take Dotanio IJot lnlo Wood Jl od Balm HalmBBB llalmBnJSpon BalmBBBjSpon
BBB BnJSpon Soon allBoreo a l BOffll 1impleaand Erup Eruptions EruVtiOblwlll Eruptoni ¬
toni tiOblwlll will heal h lIt perfectly Ache end andrAtns andrAtnsce 1atns 1atnscease
cease ce e Swellings subcido s bido and nnlla a perfectnever perfectneverto l lto
to return euro made J JJBD > DB curci Can Canten Cancers an ancell
ten of nil kind Suppurating Swelling StvelHngEatinj SwellingElUni SweiingEating
Eating Sore Ugly Ulflcff 1 r ar fcr er all clio cliofails lioto Tsofails
fails healing tho tfptes rej 1 iVcrectly to crlect tetlt 1 If you youliavq youIiav 011 011havQ
liavq a pcnlitcnt pimpie mp1q wart Art swollen swollenglands swollenglands fallenlIauds
glands shooting slinging palm ln take Ulood UloodBilm DloollIm hllootiBalm
Balm Im and they will 111 disappear before they theydevelop tbeydevelop theydevelop
develop Into Cancer Druggist 01 1 per perTarge p perrg r rPrd
Targe rg bottle jlnct Including i l i conipjito m pW tc directions directionsfor dlreeUoulor
for llomllc homa euro cire teSamplo Samplo free trcoh by Writing WritingBLOOD WritingBsoon nlttn nlttnBWOD
BLOOD lUui Co 10 Mitchell St Stj > Minnie AltnntiQa AtlnntOa
Qa Ductile troublo and free medical ad advice advlco advice ¬
vice lent In n sealed litter litterThe WterThe letterThc
The eye cyeli ia moat mosuenaiIivQ sensitive to green colors colorsTwo Olor1vo colorsTwo
Two boys boy aged a c l fourteen and tllteen fllt en re reicntly retenl1 iceantly
icntly committed nlinlt ed suicide I eldo in Berlin with the thusamo tho14mo thesame
same revolver reolve1ISCOMPLAIN1 I I II
is > J < i I
I I nm n n n 8iizYE4IoYen bn bnI y tolove1 oloveu months old and andnearly andnearlt andnear1tIW
nearly nearlt near1tIW VOTQ out ut ut already alr ndy Ploaso lot lotmo lelmo lotme
mo alonoV alonoVI a10n a10nI f fI
I nm amno not no a prodigy prodIycoptp jxcoptot tpb tho thoextent thoextent thoextent
extent that not havln having anything a thlng to tosay tosny tosoy
say I dont do t talk Two T o big persons personsclaim perGonsclaIm poraonaclaim
claim to bo my parents parentowhy why cant cantthoy cantthoy cantthey
thoy let it go nt ntth3t7 that I havo novcr novcrdenied novr novrdenIed noodn1od
denied tho th chargo I havent much muchdata muchdllt muchdlkta
data to o go o by but b t 1 do think I am ameither I1Wltho amQithor
either ltho a magician a learned pig or ora ora ora
a virtuoso lrtuQ I Idoit dotit hanker h nker for np apClause npplnu80 npplauso <
Clause so It It will bo b an appreciated appreciatedftvptf uppreclatedftYQ appreciatedfp1yot
ftvptf If you wpnt wpn put p t mo q through throughany1 throughanlliar10r throughan
any1 anlliar10r an parlor tricks tricksIf b bit
It I Il1nvo havo my wealthy old Uncle UncleSirafl UnelEZrAi UncleEr
Sirafl Er nose nos congratulato c o lnclo Vn l Ezra Ezrabut nzrabllt Ezrabut
but dont blamo mo I may Ir bo a Itlpp Itlppomantac kl p ptQma ptqmanIo
omantac tQma llIc lQt Or all allIknov aUlknoWbut Iknow but I cant Icaut1olpft canthelp canth
help 1olpft 1olpftTh h Ip it itTho ItThO
Tho Th pain I have Is not in mystom mystomach rnyaornach <
ach but in lnmy my neck I dont dontw want ntto to bo boentertained b bontertnlnedor hoentertained
entertained or mystified or medicated medicatedor
or applausod appln > B9d And if you dont Want Wantmo wnntmo Wantrue
mo td t jrbw jow up to bo a hypochondriac hypochondriaca
a stamjhcolloctor sta ifcolloctor an awful example examplea
a plngpong enthusiast or a amlsnn amlsnntllropQ misau misauhropq mienuthropo
hropq you Just lemmo bel belMny belMnySmart1Set bolMayaSet May MayIf
Smart1Set l aSet tAi tAiIt L LIt >
It by byanychnncetho byany any chance jtho tho Detective DotcctlvoBureau DotectlvolJurcnu DetectiveJ3urcati
Bureau officials get hold of Talbot TalbotSniltha Tnlbotslpltb TalbotSpItb
Sniltha sftory slo y IIA A Perfect DIsappeararice Disappear Disappearnrfco
nrfco whlch la one on9 of tho thotoatuzes foatures in inAfnsloos InAfnsloos inAlnalooa
Afnsloos for May thoy thoywlll will bo likely likelYto
to o congratulate themselves on having havingan havtnrLti havIngoplaqatIon
rLti an explanation ox IIaUon to o offer rte tor ql ortheIr tholr t olr many manyunsolved ufanyunoivod any anytinsolved
unsolved murder ln rdo nysterleslILs tyat mysteries rIeu rIeuklta klta its not nota notabnd
a abnd bad explanation cxpll nrttron and thoy ought to towelcome towol towol
welcome wol omQ omoit it 1 i j I Ij
o r +
i 3 3L <
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1 1i
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Miss AgnesMiller Agnes Miller of Chicago speaks speaksto
to young wqmen about dangers of the theMenstrual theMenstrua theMenstrual
Menstrual Period how to avoid pain and andsuffering andn andiffering
> n suffering and remove the cause causeby by using usingLydia usingLydia usingLydkt
Lydia E Pinlchams PinId1 mts Vegetable Compound CompoundTo
To YOUNG WoxmnI WoMEif I Buffered for six 8lxycars years with dysmenor lysIncnorrhea dysmenorrhea
rhea painful periods BO 10 o much BO that I 1 dreaded ovcry month aa I Iknew IT Iknow
T knew oW It meant three dr r four days d sof of IntenSo pain The TJlodoctor doctor said saidthis saidthis saidthts
this was duo to an inflamed condition of tho uterine ut rine appendages caused causedby causcdbY causedrol3atecI
by lopaated lC > atcdBlid and and neglected colds coldsIf coldIt
If young girls gr only realized how dangerous jt is to take > cold coldat coldatthis u afc afcthis atth13
this critical crltl l timemuch Buffering Would w uld be spared them Thank God Godfor Godfor Godfor
for Lydla Ly tlaE < E PlnkhamH Vegetable Compound that was the theonly theonlym3dlolnO only onlymdioino onlymc11oth
mdioino which w lchJ10lped helped mo any anyWUhtn Withjn three weeks after a terlstarted I started to totake tot
t t take lt it itInoUcedqmarketlimprovoment ½ I noticed a t marked improvement in inmygcncrnl my general health heBltbnnd and at nttho attJiQUm
1 5 the tJiQUm timo of my 11 Y next nextmonthly monthly period POrlodthopain thepain had diminished consider considerably considerably considerably
ably I kept up the treatment and anawls was cured a month later IRtilliko IRtillikoanoUier J am th like likoanother likenother
another person einco1 nm in perfect rJO fect health my tnyeyes eyes are re brighter brighterlbavo brighterlbavoddcd I have havoAdded haveddbd12pM1nd
Added ddbd12pM1nd 12 12j peanda ndJ to rayweight J my color c lorls Is good and I feel light and andhappy andq nd ndhlippyMW
q happy hlippyMW M 3 AGNES MILLEB MILLEn25 25 Potomao Ave Chicago HI HITho mTho IllThe
Tho monthly sickness reflects tho condition of a womans womanslioalth wbmanshoaJth wOmanShealth
> health Anything unusual at t that time t1molS should onIl havo Jun prompt vromptand promptand
and nd proper attention Fifty thousand letters from women provo provothat provothatLytUaEPJn provethat
5 that thatLytUaEPJn Lydia E Plnkhama hams Vegetable VcgctabloCOIupound Compound regulates r BlCB BlCBq ca icaSS cagtf
q SS gtf uatlon ti tf n and nd makes those period paralew paralewBEAD pal llcM llcMxt les lesBEAD
3 3V u I DEAn MRS PiKKirAMt > HJYcJlaE Iydla Lyd Ia E Plnk Plnklinms PlnkJuuns Pinkhams
3A hams Vegetable V Compound has hnagICnt1y greatly benc bencfltted bencflttjd
A 1 < fltted t1tt < l nto o I I will tell you y u how ho I suffered Jly Jlytrouble 31 31I fy fyl
l 1 I trouble tro Dlo was tiS painful menstruation I felt ad each eachmonth cachmonth eac
V L month went by that I Iwastetting was Aettinff ettth worse I had hadsevere badlOyero
1 5 severe bearingdown be3rlI1g doWI1 jabs In my TUYback back and andsbda andsbdalnCn r abdo abdoA
> 4 men lnCnu u A Wend frlcl ftdviscd mo J11 to tojiiedlcuie try trMrPxkhaina trMrPxkhainap 1rIn Piilkluuns
5 I p jiiedlcuie I i did so s and am now free from air airpain aUp
1 4 l pain p n during d my periods perioWa4rs5m riod JESSIE 0 LWDBJCJC 11NDzTCCei
1291 1 < ei 1 ltl eth th Bereet S e Rockford Itocl id HI HIPJIEE DIFltEE S SS
1 iH Remember D e lcJRbe reve every evtryWOaafl fY woman W ot1lfnJsrorcuaJJY ot1lfnJsrorcuaJJYti Jy cordially conllallyiHrjtcd cordially1k
1k m c iHrjtcd JHvJteItwrIte t ti write t tAMIIPIRkhNIIftJeere tAMIIPIRkhNIIftJeere1IIIij 1lrlP Kr Piskhaw kha If there therenot tit ere erej
j 1IIIij I 1 iaaytklJIbQR aayt lCaltq tller hieray fIIIP 4mS sle eelDCB eelDCBJ deesS
< J I I not JU t aBfI uLdeNthsL hMb Mrs PJnkl PJ PinkJeMl Baf lR a Ridfl RidflS Jldr JldrLJRBxk dre fe fewoman
S J S LJRBxk Lpaii j XIM kcr r acl aivic l ifre4 heetI k e1eerfeaUy t T j1 giveet te every sil silIK I1 I1Ir
Ir woman who aafc 4 f fer r rfQ 1 tlH etvk lems r r4ored r tQ J1ea1tk J1ea1tkI JetJewero
t1o tliournd ftd WIlY iOt 9f01l oit 1 1I trypt
I JM wero fQ th tijA oneS oneShundred flC hundred hundredIt g drcd wme f
It I pt my y 11 JI sk2csj le 1 44c f f t tcr tcrfiOtt 0 0JI t 1 1w
w nMITJti RFIT < OallMHttl rvnnt frtsrtt 1I1I TO4I3 w 1 J 1tte tt6rt a4 tpfriur t tU 1
u fiOtt 5 0fJt ZUlu WV WYkIJI8oatL Ji hcltlIIHfl IUfr IiMfJIIM lMII lMIIoJ kAI5
oJ 1 1bJ rkbkaM ci M Mj 4 4fu
k fu l I <
In Inl t <
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W lJ u t II IIc I
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When the back ncbca ncbcaniul nc el elnlul
flCL flCLits niul pnlns so badly badlycant 111111 111111cnnt
cant work cant cnn t ivst ivstcant rstCltut
cant sleep sle p cnnt cat catits l1tl l1tlUs
its Imrd hnt l t to 0 bear Thousands ThOUl IHs of ach aching acbIng achIng ¬
ing backs hrvve been relieved and andcured nhdcured nfldcured
cured People Ico I are learning that back backache bnrltncl1e backache ¬
ache pnlns conip from rom disordered kid kidneys kIdnrJ8 kidfl3S ¬
neys thnt DonnB l liidncy ltlne Tills cure cureevery cureIcryklducy cureevery
every Icryklducy kidney ill cure Bladder troubles troublesurinary troublesurluary troubIeurInary
urinary derangements dropsy din diabetes dinbatcs dinbOtca ¬
betes Urlghts disease Head this tes testimony testimony tenStimony ¬
timony to t the merit of o thogreatcst of ofkidney otkhlncy ofkidney
kidney Specifics SpecificsJ pelflcJ
J W v Walls WnllsSuperlnt VakI Superintendent Supcr1nt ndlnt of ofStreets otstreets ofStreets
Streets of Lebanon JJ bnnou Ivy living oh East EastMain EastMnln EastMain
Main street in that city clt stirs stirsWltla inysmWith snysWith
With my m111lshll1 nightly rest broken owing owingto
to irregularities of the kidneys suffer sufferIng Sl1rr stiIring r rIn
Ing In intensely fjoni tlOllisocro severe ° vero pnlns in the thesmall Ibesmnll tuesmall
small of my buck antI t through the kid kidneys kiltns kidnys
neys and nnnoycd by paluful passages passagesof
of c abnormal nlmo Junt secretions BcCtetl l1s life was nny nnytiling nnrUilng flnytiling
tiling hut pljnsnnt for mo No nmount nmountof
of doctorlngrcUcvod doctorlnlf r lIecd this conditionnnd conditionnndfor condItion and anltror andfor
for the tb vcnsu lelu tl thnt nothing seemed IIcemcdtoslro to togive togive
give mo oven temporary relief I be became becatnnbout e ecntn ¬
came catnnbout nbout discouraged One day dnyI dnyInotlccd I Inoticed Ihotlccd
noticed In the newspapers new lnJltr tile case of n nman nmnn aman
man who was mulcted as I was and andwas nnttwns amiwas
was cured by bJtbo the uso of Donus Kid Kidney Ihlncy Kidney ¬
ney Tills Ills words of praise rnleo for this thisremely thisremedy his hisremedy
remedy were ore so sincere thnt on lie tbostrength tll tllstrcngtll liestrclgti2
strength of Ills hl statement I went to tothe totho tothe
the Hugh Murrey Drug Cos storo and nndgot nnllgot andgot
got n box I found that the medicine medicinewns
wns exactly as powerful IW rtll o kidney rem remedy re1ledy retuedy ¬
edy na 11 represented I experienced ctllerlcnccI1quick experiencedqilck experiencedqtick
quick nud lasting Instlu relief DonnA Kid Kidney 1 KltlflOh ll1 ll1ney ¬
ney Pills will prove rooa a blessing blessl to nil nilsufferers allsutTeirs i isurrClJrs
sufferers from kidney lhlneydlsQrdera disorders dis rder whor whorwill wherwill wlicvili
will glrotbem n fair tl1lrtrln tl1lrtrlnA trial trialA trInA
A FiHSBTnUi Finn lnJ TniAL L of this great kidney kidneymedicine leltln icidneymedicine l lmCltlclnt
medicine which whl b cured Mr Walls will willjo willbo vhIibe
bo jo mailed to any part patQr of tho United UnitedStates UnltcllStntes UnitedStates
States on application Address Foster FosterMllbnrn FosterMllbt11n IiosterMilburn
Mllbnrn Co Uuffnlo nurra N Y YI Fof or sale saleby 81110by sub subby
by nil druggists prlco prlca5O JI BO centst cents tel > cr box boxA
A Lively Sporting j Season Ahead AheadAH AheaiAll lIad lIadAU
AH signs point to a great summer summeror aurmmnefor u mer mertot
tot or sports Baseball Dnoobnllinterflt InteroMa agree agreen agroOIn grc grcIn
In n predicting a recordbreaking fc r bretklnc season seasonor sQIIOnfor eeaonfor
for or that national game g me Tho men who whohavo whobnvo whohave
have invested Inve ted much tmnoy In the thosport tMsport thesport
sport think just as tho players them themeolvos themolvestto themtolvos
eolvos olvestto 1rto to about it The ThogQnorl1 general o opoctatlou opoctltJon ox oxpocthtlon
poctatlou will hardly be disappointed disappointedGolf
Golf was was never 30 well assured of a agreat 1great agreat
great army ot devotees Tho Tbochibs TbochibsorganIzed clubs clubsorganized Clubaorganized
organized wholly or partly to play that thatgamoaro thatgamo thatgame
gamoaro game nro stronger than over and full fullf fullat
01 > f enthusiasm A Agood good many gclfern gclfernn
In n various parts partsor of tho country havo havoplayed havoplayed haveplayed
played moro or less all winter winterIt
It is Just as a certain that automobiles automobileswill
will bo more used both for ordinary ordinarypurposes ordInarypurpose ordinarypurposes
purposes and for racing than they theyever theyoYer theyever
ever were before in tho United States Statesas tatcea
as a it Is that golf will contlnuo to gain gainfavor gaintavor gainfavor
favor and prestige rho horseless horselesscarriage horaolcllichrrlago boroleachrriago
carriage seems to be b in tho way of a atoom nboom aboom
boom toom something Jllto Iko that which the thobloyclo thebicycle hoblo7Clo
bicycle enjoyed about aboilttSDG aboilttSDGYot 1890Yet 1890 1890Yot
Yot U Is also assured that horse horsoracing horlerach horserACIig
racing rach will bo as popular nq afloerTha afloerThaprices evcrTha evcrThaprices oicr Th ThprIces
prices paid pnldtor for flno n racehorjeanrp raceh tasnrpovt tasnrpovtdenco ovi ovidonco ovtdonco
donco of that So is tho activity acttvitytrack ot ottrack 1rtrack
track ovmern own ra and managers of1 blp blpracing tilrracIng Ulgracing
racing stables Nowhere Nowherolsthoro la there any anysign anysIgn anyaign
sign that Jtho he racehorso Is being beingcrowded beltlCcro beingcrowded
crowded cro ded out ot his old placo tn the Jn Jnorost Jncrest n ntorest
crest of the American people peopleYachting veoplYachting peophYachting
Yachting will havo a big year bo bocnuao hICIU40 becnuao
cnuao tho increase of wealth eaUh and popu popuatlon popuI
I atlon in In1t1cm cltlc3 and toWns tOWnAwhlcharo tOWnAwhlcharoconvenIent which are aroconvenient areconvenient
convenient to largo lariobodles bodies of water In Inalono IAnlono Isalone
alone sufficient to Insure Jn uo tho growth growtliofa growthofa
ofa very flno Hnt bnt5costly lIt costly os lr sport nnd nndalso nd
because bG auao of the tholnlorost Interest bntorostwbch which tbo tbonternatlonal boInternational
International race for tho th Americas Americascup Americacup I
cup will wlJl4rouso nrouBO Thoro U I not tho least leastdoubt toastdoubt I
doubt that more yachts and better betterones hotteropen
ones will bq sailed this year than in inany innny Inany I
any other season seasonTonnls seRSOnTon seasonTonnIs
Tonnls Ton nls rowing fishing hunting and andother ant antother
other outdoor pleasures of otlllcona otlllconaturo like na nauro anturo
turo uro never loso1 their hold on tho th Amor Amorcan AmerIcan AmarIcan
Ican can people Thor aro uro jU O of steady steadypopularity steadypopularity teadY1 teadY1popularltr
popularity Nowhero Is there any anysign anysign r
sign of otd11ng dying Interest Jn a popular popularAmerican popularAmerIcan popularAmerican
American sport It will bo a lively livelyseason Uvel1senson livelyseason
season indeed IndoodClovoland Cleveland Ledger LedgerOSCULATOJIY LeClgorOSOULATOItY LedgerOSCULATOItY
Well I Hko that said the thomnld thomnldwith maid maidwith maidwith
with an assumption of vast vas dignity dignityafter dlgnltyafter dignityafter
after she b bad badlured Jurcdthq lured UIQ hqlad lad on to kiss kission khlhor kisbar
bar ion
ionI dl I flont mind It either said ho holets boolots hocte
lets have anothcrrNow York Bun BunVERY BunVERY suna
a S
Hes a hopeful soul soulYes BoulYc soulYes
Yes Yc Indeed I lie was Just ust saying to today today toclay ¬
day that hed dono moro hoping and andens andJens andlens
Jens ens realizing than any an ono ho knew knewDetroit knewDotrolt knewDetroIt
Detroit Free Press111TS Press PressPITperraanentlromidKofltiornenroai Prea8IT5permnnenticnredNo
PITperraanentlromidKofltiornenroai PITperraanentlromidKofltiornenroaiceisafterllnt 111TS IT5permnnenticnredNo permnnenllr urldNo nt nil or norton nortonIluflerflnt neronineasalterflrst
ceisafterllnt days day daysuse IS use of otDIClIneg Dr Klines Qti QtiferreneslorerfHtrlalbottlQnndtreatUefra Or OrN OratNerefleslorertStrLaIbOttlonnd
N ferreneslorerfHtrlalbottlQnndtreatUefra ferreneslorerfHtrlalbottlQnndtreatUefraDr erienMtorer 92lrlal b Ulonnd treatlJlI treatteetre treatteetreDr trn trnDr
Dr HUKtimt ILIJ l us Ltd Ml D3lArch Arch BtFbllaPa BtFbllaPaTbo 81 fhllalaTho PhuiataThe
The beauty about diplomacy is J hat tb it itcnsblcs Itenablc Uenables
enables both bolltldes sides des to claim a victory victoryof vlctoTYBur
Bur Wre of Olntmvnd O1nin u For JlorCaIh CaUrrli Tlmt TlmtCnnUIn TJI TJICnnt TIitCnntI
CnnUIn Cnnt Meroar Meroarus Jteronrr JteronrrII
us II mercury morcu will surely destroy c1Otro the eenso ol oljmell 01moll olsmell
moll aad andcomptotelyderanotho completely deranftotho deranSto Iho whole wbole1 wlzoiesygtorn sys sysem
tom em when onterlna It through thr URh tho mueotu mueotuearnsej mueoulurface mucoaqnrZnes
earnsej BuoharllolesshouIdocTer Suchorllcl ho ld neycroo bensod bensodexcept used UIIMexcept usedoxcopt
except on prescriptions from reputable phy phytlclanjj 1hyIlclal15 phyzic1an >
tlclanjj as the tb damage they th will do U 1 teu fold toldt
t 9 the Rood you OU can po polbly Ibly lbl derive from fromneat troulhem fromItom
neat Hills Catarrh Cure manufactured manufacturedby
by > y 1 P J Cheney A 4 Co CItfoI6dO Toledo 0 contains containsmercury eOJltalumereD
1 mercury mereD and an is I taken internally acting
directly dlrodlyupon upon tho blood and raucounsurfaceii raucounsurfaceiitbcsystotn JIIUCOUuurtaceflr
r tbcsystotn In buying Hulls Catarrh Cure Cureo
J losurotogettlie o euro surofo o get tbo Iholcnulne genuine It is ii taken In Inenuilly IntemA1Jr internnlly
enuilly and Is made Id Toledo Ohio by 1 7 V Vr 1J
J r Cheney A t Co Testimonial free freetsrgoldbyDniKKliti lreeItiJSoid freerroid
tsrgoldbyDniKKliti ItiJSoid rroid by Dn1IJllltal price prlce76d 7 7e per bottle bottleJialla bottleIIail8
Jialla FAmily IJUa are tho best bestA bOJltA baitA
A new kind of lightning Jightnlnio vortex rtex light lightilnz Ugbtjhi lightJh2a
ilnz and jhi has been een photo photoraPbd aphcd in SivitrCr SivitrCrand SwtqJI
V n QEEH Bon of f Atlanta tl4nt Oa 04111 04111th Ia are nrstbo arethe
the th ottlysuecessfal Dropiy Drop81edlIfI BpccIalUU In tb tbworld tbWorJd the theworld
world 5e6 e e their theJrllbetl11 liberal offer c ttlLln in ndvertbe ndvertbeHM AdnrtLsoJHt
HM JHt GM t ia nnotbof A anoiborcolumn ther column ofthU or ofthfepspor ofthfepsporThe tbLe paper paperThe paperThe
The laid Ijddhtaded beaded man m ne4 r rttihes itea that there therei
It i pleat pe t1ofr60nU of room at t tba top topYon t tr tYOl1tAn tOPS
r J
S Yon YOl1tAn cant blow y your > > or r own own horn unless unlessyou IIOJC IIOJCrflu uiilcuyg
you are ruble able to oriiJo rail t tTbQs th thwmd ind indC
5 TbQs Caw C csauot s a Bot otbe be betoobigtJIysIGkunof betoobigtJIysIGkunofC too hJgbtyi bl fclyipekunot fclyipekunotfsacough GkuQ > of oftlb
fsacough tlb C Li C cough ughpurel pare pnreJ J W < OlIJ1I1 OlSsisxCSa II 3AvenuoNthunopotW null ThjrdATenqoK nullAnnuoNU
ATenqoK AnnuoNU AvenuoNthunopotW Mlnncapoll aoapoUflIIUIi MlBH NiflLjfIO < Jan a 0 O1m O1mSome 09008oie ItW ItWBoot
Boot B aiM ere tn e atllr naturally 1l1bseatm ab entrouiileJ mbeentmhuledta4 entrouiileJdo utd utda
a ta4 traf JC i il J1 J1trr
rKAfrALyanTth trr A X J ttt Jr1f do d not notthe no t Mea Meathefl ra rathl
the 3cdlor band or spot po the tb kettle keltkex except t green greenand I1Wialld veedjiuil
and djiuil purple pur te > > 1 11t1ue
1t1ue T1xcriSnoi 1 or lunMfi fli futr fPi the World orLI tbt Ihiq tbzat
q t 5 i st eae k T ulfa by1deaOI by1deaOI7ff lt
7ff 7ffijl J JI
< J <
f fJ
ijl J 5 5 j
4 1
W M1t 11 J r1f
S + J
It If I H Coed Helper lIelit of r ile bIUUOl1 tlon ami AIIIIAItllOr i an anApptlzer n nA
A AItllOr AItllOrltl > i > tlitr tlitrM3smcoodtliqlpcr S
M3smcoodtliqlpcr ltl lt80 ltq cio of digestion U Is Isin IsIn IsIn
in npicTzcjk nptlcrtzclnnt hnd n stimulant some somevbat somehnt somevliat
vbat on Old id ordcciofwustnrd ordcciofwustnrdIt orl1ei tilustnrd tilustnrdIt
C It ItIt i iIt
It Iron be bedOtlciemItln deficient t nclel tln In tbo tllor tZiorcujcorpu tZiorcujcorputies rgd corpus corpuslc OrII OrIIlc
lc ties lc ot the tb blood then thenmd paleness i1I i1Imil jynyo jynyoind
mil nnnemla will result To tho rescue rescueomcs cs611 cs611Ol11cS
omcs the Ii watercress vhlclt ImSsyckpd ImSsyckpdil hns kCtl kCtlIII
il > Atomic articles nrtl lcs of Iron from tIm lliovntcra t tImunters lO lOntcrs
vntcra In which Its rapid growth wns wnsauido vn vnilude nil nil31I1d
auido Only spinach of nil green grconjlants greenhints r n nIldnls
hints contains morn Iron mtsnendod mtsnendodu
u Its juices than docs tbc useful water watertress wotClress vntcrtress
tress tressThe ressTbe
4 4The
The Mood Is not add II chI hut nllcnllnc nllcnllncdt nllcRlllleMn alkalineilmCzi
ilmCzi Mn it becomes b9coll1el acid it h out of ofi ofnnfl orl ofr1es
l nnfl fries r1es to throw out the acids ncldst
t does i not Want Tbcn the whole won wonlerful wonlerrll wonlerful
lerful fnbrle of otte 1 till 1110 skin s skinsuffers ln suffers surrc s l9iigh Jt9ughJCSS Jt l9iighloss tigh tighes
loss es comes CQtl1clll1110n c 1fl08 upon tlio dellfcnta Ihll nh sllps flcs of ofbo ofhio
bo sweat clmuucls blotclilncss spots spotsind spotsand spotsIntl
and smnll Inflnnunntlons In follow The Tboikln lhoIkl TheikiiI
ikln Ikl In fitct Is I IIi disorder disorderAltTii disorderrt
rt 4 4Acldti
Acldti ihJ In f Ihc IIi 0 green food hnvc tlio tliojowei1 thoOW tltoowQr
jowei1 > OW l to counteract Adds In tho blood bloodLike bloollrlkcl1 bloodtIkcp
Like rlkcl1 i conscious agent the body known knownliln
liln and the appetite cries for such such1ccn aucltfleen suchIredn
fleen 1ccn food Watercress holds ninny ninnyicldf monyIclll manytcidF
icldf formed by h the union of f Ha dlf dlfcrort dlrcr dltcrrt
crort cr rtlll snits in tiny particles thin thinrrccn thl thl1reelltooll thisreen
1reelltooll rrccn food holds portions of otthe the eight eightllffercnt eightUflcrent i ilInercnt
llffercnt minerals required vequlretlly by the body bodymd bodymud
md these finlliia atoms mclco tnc o chemical clicmlcnlombluntlous ch chemicalbiubluatlo llcnt llcntl
ombluntlous l blnntlo sjllllt e jliflt ate most healthful healthfulSp
Sp ft vrlicn vheu wntcrcreja atcretc 8 Is eaten en ten the shin siInB shin4Ievl
II B t relieved < lb d from trlnt tile outthrowlng of oflie othe ofthe
lie Irritating nclds IIcillathnt that were elo rowing rowinghrough romhllfhrouch comingiirougii
hrough ltd channel Then blotchlncss blotchlncsspimples blolchlnes9plmvtc blotelilnesspinde
pimples Irritable spots nil depart Ono Onoiccrct Ono1ccret Onoiecrct
iccrct of keeping n good complexion complexionIcs c0111lle < lon lonlies
lies In eating enl1 tender watercress grown grownn Iown Iownn
n fair waters watersMany watcrsMnny
see seeMany
Many reject watercress wt rcress on account accountof
of Its harboring lInrboln tha eggs oC nowts nnd nndrogs I1l1llCrogs ntmdtrog
Crogs rogs in h cunning lilChiR hl hllt places In crcv crcvdcs ere erel crcvlaos
laos l esor of its U itsleAves IcAvcs le vCB nnd n stalks such eggs eggsbeing CIIlIelng eggsbeing
being so SQI11lnutQ S minute iInutou oiid nit so attached to tho thoroenery thowrcetlCry theroenery
roenery by their tfiimmy ninmy unturo that thatt
It t Is I Impossible to 0 dislodge thorn even evenafter eVCIl9t even9fornany
after 9t 9fornany orIDnn1 mny waslilngg waslilnggThis VI1811Ing8r rnsldngeThis
This r r80bJe objection 1 ln pny only applies to water wateress wnttrcres watereres
cres ess grown In sluggish streams where wlicvoUch wllcIoltch whereaitch
aitch tggs gs moy IUd bo swept Into the plant plantAs
As the growth requires cq lrcs a swift stream streamn
In n ordci orl1eLto to do Wellnllll well and elaborate itself itselfBpcedlly lseltflPcedllr liseifspeedily
speedily tender watcrcvegs Is pretty prettymiro tneltyHUrl
HUrl to t have coma fro froh1 In a good stream strcnuiBo strenmBQ
Bo Q tjic tIend91n tt tciulcineo 8it of the plant Is a test testq testqt testut
q qt ut Its ts hihl Iwvliigfirawn r Qwn In a good water waterSalt wntcrSalt1It waterShtiyilleject
Salt Salt1It Shtiyilleject Trill eject anti nillloosen loosen all eggs fg how howocrlf howther howoYerJt
ocrlf there Is any suspicion of their theirbelorf theirbelnttprcst
belorf belnttprcst prcacjit prell t Wash W4shlng Ing In In salt wnter waterIn
In anY casasliotild case should not bo omitted ns It Itadds Itaat1
adds to the edibility of o tho Wntcrcioss Wntcrciossrbllndolphlft VatcrcrosLhhlndehptii ntelCcasrhllailolphln
rbllndolphlft Telegraph TelegraphCIoKiiilngtlie 1elcgrnphi 1elcgrnphCJoaullnA TelegraphCIcaiisingtiie
CIoKiiilngtlie tbe JCeltlc JCeltlcTl0 JCellleT1t ICeitieTUe
Tl0 clchuslng clchnsl got of K i kcttlo in which whichoatmeal whichoatmeal hlch hlchottn1oal
oatmeal or some such lI ch sticky substance substanceins
hind ins been cooked Is mndo as easy as aslie nsIIle asIiC
IIle lie by thoDimple 1110 hnIJlc process of putting n nIttlp nIIUlI alitthp
Ittlp water in tha utensil coveting U Uvlth I IWltb ItWith
With n nUtItflttlngllt tightfitting tIgl fitting Hd and placing plocl lg It ou ouho onhio
ho stove to boll Soon tho rcninnntu rcninnntuof
of food will come loose in soft rags niul niulribbons IIllltILlbons niittvlbbon
ribbons Theso may mn bo removed with withtho willitho withthe
tho dishcloth Scraping a cooking utcn utcnill lIcllIII <
ill il thnt thnt1ath1cku Is fliuck uu with lib mush or Qr other otherofi othetolft othicott
ofi olft food foochsiuhm Mitjo Mo not n l only hard and tlrc tlrcionic tlrcI tireotIte
ionic I 0111 but It wears nway tbo bottom bottomind hoftomlnll bototiind
ind sides of Q1tho tho kcttlo kettloanil and Is likely In InUIQ hiIhQcnd luthe
the IhQcnd end torulu 19 fllllt It Itroo It ItFooFor IU IUl
roo FooFor l Tor o J BT ffhJ IElrea BK Mother UtoUifrSuch arolhauchn Motherfinch
Such a selection lieloctlono of o food Js de demanded demandedas nnhlcl1ftsvUIIHJep
as ftsvUIIHJep wilt keep both mother and child in ingood hiooll litgooti
good ooll health This condition will bo bosvldcnccd 110ldcn luotvhdncctl
svldcnccd ldcn elthl In 1r path oth cases llse by weight The Thospecific Thepoclfld JI JIpocln
specific things to t bo bctguinvtletl gtmidcd ngniunt ngniuntnro
lire constipation Indigestion h l1l ll Uon und amine nimemln fIllneltlri aminenun
nun A generous g nbrousJ1lht nCrO1is diet nnd I l dally cxei cxeitlso c1JCCIHlo xer xerl
tlso l o In time open op nnlr air arc Ar of t the utmost ulinontImportance utmostImportnhc lfll1ofttrmJlor1afic
Importance Ten ert nut coffee except oxcc t oc occnslonnlly OCtt1s1I1nnli1o ocCasionnhly
cnslonnlly ia small quq qU1ntUlesatld qujlltles < ltlcs ntid nIce ntcohoi aleohol nIcehal
hoi In all forms C r 1lt should bo discarded discardedPlenty d1nrtIPlenty I1 I1JODtt
Plenty of fluids t1 ldll nro needed nccllcllbut but tbcso tbcsoihotld tbcsohollld Ihesohoqld
ihotld bo In tlio 1hu form formo of milk It If it itngrecs It1IeI18 itagrees
agrees soups broths cocoa pod fld puro purowater1 puroIYntet Iurowater
water It ijTiouh llo1tltJ be remembered flint flintmilk IlInttnllknnlt flintmilk
milk tnllknnlt and cocoa cQCotflro are foods to too < 1s s Vegetables Vegetablesnnd egetnbfcnand
and fruit aro admissible ndmlll lbte if they tli y entice enusono ell ulla ullano
no lb disturbance to t tho child Keeping Keepingtho
the above In 1IUllm1 mind nnd iic1 discarding l nny nnyipeclnl nU1peclnl niiytpeclnl
ipeclnl article that disagrees f1Iar e8 cat at what whatever whntecr whataver
ever is prpparcd tlr pnrcd for other otbclIICmb members r of oftho ortho oftime
tho family A Achll child should not notho nothonursell bo bonursed hotmutseil
nursed at night after nCtcrH It Js two months monthsold
old Trpvloua 11r rloJ8 to that lint t rico ItoOll one feeding feedingnt toel1lu toel1lugt
nt nightie siifllcfent lIumd nt A child from tour tourto
to ten tenniontba months should lI oUld be c fed nt inter intervnls hlterRIa iuitorvnls
vnls of JCflhout about thrc hour Dollon UoHol1Cool J3ooaCooking DollonCooking
Cooking Cool IDg School S hlol Magazine Magaziner IlJozrne
r e RECIPES RECIPESDclmoiilco flE C I P S SDelmoico
Dclmoiilco lotntocSI1lnt Iotnlocs Hcnt two tllll tlllllulsot Up Upuls ifpluls
uls lulsot of cold boiled po potatoes < nbc j cut In dice diceIn illcoIn
In n cup nut n half of white sauce snucowhen saucewhen l1urowhrntlJoroughlyJlcntM
when whrntlJoroughlyJlcntM tljorouslily heated put n layer in ina ina
a buttered dish aprlnklp with naif IInltolul IInltolulILratcd saltandgrnted nnd nndgrated
grated cheese arrange in nltonmtc allsrlntc lay lajera hi hiIrfl layCr5
era spread bntlcved crumbs over r th thtOJI thetoj the thetop
top topCodfish tOJICott
Codfish Cott 8h on oiTonat Toast ToastPick Pick info small smallflakes ilmal1flakes emailt1ake
flakes enough taft codfish co ifihto to make two Ivrozupfule twoUpCUIE twouptuk
zupfule put It over the th Ire with wltutollr wltutollrtupful four fourcttpfuls tourcupfuls
cupfuls of cold water let come to o boll bollnnd bollImll boilant
ant cook coo1ct1tfecn fifteen minutes drain off tin tinwntir thwottr timevnttr
wntir nnd pour UUC over the milk let cook cookfive cookfire cookfive
five minutes then Add otto tablespoon tablespoont
t tit > t flour in n o lIttle cold milk add It to toHie toth tolIme
lIme th boiling l1illlngtJlb fish then odd adlton one egg f beat beatsii bentoaU
sii n nlitUoacasonlng little seasoning with salt nnd nut pep pepper pelpcr popper ¬
per pour qvcr vcr tons strip stripCheese fltrl fltrlClteco tr1ptCheese
Cheese Fondue Iondudon on TonstDcot four tourgs fourtggs fourgga
tggs gs until very veryhight light JI hti then tlt n add rt l1 to toJbcm toJbcmtonr them themfour themtour
four tablespoonfuls ot milk calf pep pepper pertper popper
per and cayenne to season lint oio oiotabtcspoonful qJI qJItablepoonful qnetablespoonful
tablespoonful of butler la frying a pan I1l1nIIJ panas pnnos
os soon con as It begins eJiln to thicken draw drawwith J1rB J1rBIt drawwith
with It a fork tt toward bo side Me of the thepun thepunwhen pan panwbeB panwhen
when creamy add four to r tablespoonfols tablespoonfolsof j jor
of grated cicceo have h v six JI TQU rounds d of ofnicely otnlcel ofnicely
nicely nlcel iitasieft tr ute I fcfld f l ready Icm4r on plotter plotterand laUet laUetsnl lnttcr3nd
and poor J1O r the fondue Cnn uoqcr over q rscrvc l servo hot hotApfle hotApfIo ot otAptll
Apfle Cr Crqai < flBJCrjflrn lII gfp1 t1Jn ITTO tf r level J vel tca tcaFpoo t Ca CasposIa 4 4Fpo <
Fpoo Fpo sposIa f0Ia el t of button add two level leveltablcKpflOBfuIs I IcyoltabbgoifuI cl clt
tablcKpflOBfuIs t bJC tuf of Itllojtr floor afl Jl pour l1O1rn l1O1rnRclHUYM1a on oncradttglly onrmi4alfy
cradttglly RclHUYM1a OBC g cup cupotsCk1et3 ot ot8ek1ed scskled cream ABC ABCono anti AJ1dono antione
ono cup of milk cook In lime doable doableholler aobleboUtrlJf tobleboIlCr
holler boUtrlJf six IX mluutci add the theoU yolks yolksthree f fthree lLbrce
three CM eHl c b btftl beele3 nfea J1it w ati tH tWdc wfl1l 1111oJM 1111oJMcjlot M Mcolored
colored cjlot H remove zCMvefr M fetr fre M it tu Mfe t a44te a44tefoolog aea aearonlng t ttronlug
tronlug MM e Tvfcke eIe tk J e f fUlff gw bHttR bHttRUtt beattatift
Ulff aMy aMy1a iare t trqiwr
rqiwr 1a Saae II IIA JMt1f
m A JMt1fr kI kIt r
1 t H
5 u
1 rki 1
l tb 1II II
I S S s S S S Or Or M M 0 G Gee S o Of San San FrandsoQ FrandsoQPGrtJna Franc1 anso ansob itsijrh itsijrhf 5 5I
f b t f I PGrtJna is is of Esp EspseiaJ c 1 llIn60 B BA ene enece 1 1I
ce > IiJ t r fitl > f
I A fo < to W WornQn omQn
ROBERTS MD MDllolicrt ftDhtohed
llolicrt U Hcberti M U I Vnth Wuttnaton Vnthlotion VashIogtun <
lotion D I 0 wrllcii wrllciias
7 T rll rotiph I U tll lull II QUIt CrlJHI 015 015all cetic
as iccU an that of o maiti cUt of n my myifjiia iii 11 11I i irfcmda
I rtelels CItll 1 Phi tllurHcflloes ifjiia fncc uio uiohdve lttOlutve 0 0IICtvO
hdve bom bc oiiffd of 0 relic mcI cUrllclln IeLci vctfnf 1 ca catarrh CIJarth caturt
turt tarrh by tIe usa o of llnrtmttn llnrtmttnlVr JIIItl1INr 1ntmInI4ler >
lVr MO 1 cnU coutifciUJi C ror rorit tcrC icromnteiid
omnteiid it to o tIoIO iosa stfeiliu stfeiliutlior aisjlerliu1roiitCI uncluI
I 1roiitCI OI III cl citaomileia tlior < ler ft nnillwe a amid Id JI Iusvc 10 no nou smoliCntlaot 10 1011CIIM
11CIIM liCntlaot Uon u Ir050ILIIU iresor < 6inp Ii to lotllll mil militnilel tugit S
itnilel 1Inubol Hubert It Jtobcits JtobcitsA llabclsA JfoticiA
A CONSTANTLY CONSl CO > ST11Tl4Y TJN InormlnR number of ofphytlclani ofit
A it physicians proscribe 1cruiiA ill u their theirregular theirrCllulRr theirregular
regular prnMice tlr rCtIco Cllce J U lifts proven roellt IU nurlti nurltithoroughly mtltthorllllllhl memitso
so < > thoroughly lliit even the doctor hnvo hnvoDVOroiiic hn1D liavsovCrOiil
DVOroiiic D l nl hide prejudice Pt JlIItlCI agAInst Jr lnllt loeMlcd loeMlcdparent goeabodpVent llIo1 llIo1111lnt
parent medicine and iccomincnd it t to toUiilr lo111lJr toIhmvlr
Uiilr paticnti paticntiIVtuna pallentPtIlIl paticiitaletiima
IVtuna Occupies a imlquo JAQ JiAjUlon ltfon In Inmedical 11nlllical Inmriknl
medical nlllical iclcnco It U 1 the onljrTTtlt oriltoWRAICII onIf1mtyttenmic m myntcmlc
RAICII yntcmlc e citnnh remedy known to tnv1 tnv1iiidical t tdiul tf tfmudicaI
iiidical diul piofoulon todnv CfttArrh ni niovctyone IIIClcone usovolyone
ovctyone will ill admit U the cnuio ot one onehalf nnehal oneS
S half the dtacaifi dIAC Alt hlch nllllct mAhkliui mAhkliuiCutAtih mankliulCatirih
CutAtih and cntnrnml dlnneo nllllct one onehhl oneIIbl onelithe <
hhl lithe of the prdplfl of United Btatci BtatciV
S V It 11 llrand M D of Ttlokcnn HI IIK IIK1erunA mmcci e elel <
1erunA lel M In tm hli bl prtctlcp The following cniq cniqti entjIlan cnmqIi
ti Ilan on VXiimpId of lie ludcea aUcC 4 bo 110111111 hu through throutylithe thro1 h hthe
the ii IIIOOt uco o of 1enina efllnI110r for catarrh catarrhlr
lr llraml rant laym 8 1plIMr Mrs 0 ago 23 had
been A itilTerer from CAtarrh for the Ilnl Ilnlcen m n nseven t tccn
seven yearn car could not no heAr plain and nil had hadwntery hnllwnler httvnIery
wntery wnler eye She came to the nlnloit n niilijiicAl nlhllkfll aidysicaI
iilijiicAl wreck i She had tiiud tile he Cone lo1ea Copelaud
laud a 1111 cures and various other localltd localltdipecUltnti oc4lJtdIfllci1bt ocAiIcdcpcikete
ipecUltnti And had derived no benefit benefitfrom lJl1c lisnefitfrom t I
from them Sho told mo BOO rho bo aid d hI hot hotcartridgo 110tr 110tI 110tcartrldgo notr
I Icartr1dgo
cartridgo and shot shells shellsare shetlanre chellsare
are madoln In the laraest and andbest andbea andbest
best bea equipped ammunition ammunitionfactory ammunIUonfloyln ammtmnltfonfactory
factory in n tlio world worldAMMUNITION worldAMMUNITJON
of U M C make Is Jsnow Jsnowaoooptod now nowaccepted nowoooptod
accepted by byohooto ohootora o ao aotho notho aethe
tho worlds standard for forit fQrIt forIt
it shoots well In n any gun gunTourdealer gunrourJtaler gun2ourdealer
Tourdealer lIb II itTho IITh IIThii
Tho Th Union U 101 Motallle MotallleCartridge MetallieCartrli1
Cartridge Cartrli1 Co CoBridgeport CoBrldgoport CaBridgeport I
Bridgeport Conn ConnRONT ConnL ConnDNT
L 1 J Jt JD t
c J I
VroWEW5atmtnts TOWtJt fWmelb li1 li1u f
u wemwkof wemwkof1l MC md ofthc ut utmWnrln
S mWnrln 1l In black b ck or ytllow yJI0wPII
1 frhIkindeowetwork r bll 11 klndaof < wet work II II3AT131ACTION I IlAturACTIOH
It i1A5 J U k k1t70ur
w I ii lJUu i
th lid am hJOlJcJln I
k jf toPfr clrAU h Clll CllllJres j
lJres D
Rootbee JOtbeeJ
2hoNatl r rA
J A JltrPeranef JltrPeranefoJ
nJ Z uini4 uini4IIINt oJ 11
iIlhn PI 10 10h 0 0AN
1 r
AN DjN 0 V CA bIA 7IC 7ICsu1no
h i4i C CCC C Co Kersr Iftrw i U to i bttt btttBewsre WcltJrarc hikvarsotbedea1rwh
Bewsre varsotbedea1rwh ot tJisleaJf the < eaJ r wko tiles Uiettoss UiettossltbdNt trl to s NIl NIlt H
ltbdNt t Jilt UW4 UW4PuiIre eMo eMoJ eMoG
G 3 apu PuiIre PuiIrecwiaNiiiysnass dln 1 tt
CurwHerWsisriess CurwHerWsisriesso Cwr HirVfMSrt ss I IAIIIIIEIVIYS
J 1op A t 1r wstorCl ltOr ltOrr
o a t V
C Cr 5
r r S
1 f f4lfl
4lfl tWU tWUwant e
want to ipcnd unynioro ally mor umorO money mOM on fled rcedttmltM fledclnr iuedtvine
vine tmltM I could nieuro her relief r 1icr
1 put rjll iUt her t on oni4 P Pruna Ifrllua >
runa and toil her herto hertb
1 i4 to come Uck b ek iii JILIo iiibyo
L two wteks eb Aha ri of offects otfeett ntfects
fects worn vcreAl wod WO1du1 WO1du1fill i ifal
Al fill lli Xlme catlidijwn catlidijwnlook CIU cMbdtwn cMbdtwnj3 d U Ulolk
j3 look ilia 11t had hidt y vmn vmnI n nf
t i I I tint saw her liCeft had hadUf
f i Uf ft I her and ln n smile smileAdorned nlltet mthct
t Adorned her Ire acotold IreJ
J t ttiho told me m ihe ihea 11elI
ttl a djlTer lllhr nt ntA n t
1 1 I I r IArln
I 5 1 w Wr L1 nOli I
5 5i hol rfe iffd iffdIi
Ii i 11 nr liraittI l1d 11 n flS trouble tlcr tar fR fRInor n n1iWvtS
A vvwwvwvw vvwwvwvwTliU > Inor moetide
tide fi dilly ly one bil entc oT7th6manyl oT7th6manylhava oTiii inany i ihave
have treated with wit It ymir valuable YAIUA l fnadl fnadlnc Inl1411 Inl1411cl ine41scln4
cl cln4 nc ll JJraml J tnd > pr J rD rDCatorrh D Datllrrh Dtstarrh
Catorrh h iniiy niityiddyj lII y nvart any ol organ of U thc thcJulin IIs IIshoily f
iddyj inn dc dCirO ro roy any An nl finiftUan of qtthq qtthqbod tho thoody tqbody
body bod It t tnoit iuo1 cfenunonly dttAcki HltAcktthf thtf thtfhrtui 11mgbead
bead 1I 4d noio and mitl throne hronrlJu but thduvinui th I I1 VP9 ppit ppittliouttnda ppttoueitul 1 1thoIlIlAJlI
tliouttnda of ofCdCIl cflic of catarrh of oUIhuSI oUIhuSIAvery otI bo lung btingAvory > t tAvery
Avery Company
OlrOD floiitli Forsytli l 1th St t t Atlanta AtlantaAM MiifltaALhhCIi4DSQr p pALL
5 5nl
nl nlRcIIabfo
in ariut > wi > jjo Bpw Bpwnollable
nollable prick Engines blurs all all8lze allSizes
Sizes Wheat 8eiar Seiarstor SeiarstorBEST tor torBEST
Large Engines and Bollen lolt i i supplied iupplltdpromptly suppliedpromptly uppIedpromptly
promptly ahfngU IhrngliMIIIOlrri Mill Cern Mllln MlllnCircular MJIIClrcul MillsClrcuir
Circular r aawi8aw Sa Saw Te Tttl TathIPMent thPatent tnt poggi poggiSteam pogteam DagsSteam
Steam Qov aovrnorfJU Goverpors rnors > Pull line tI bin Engln Enlnia4 Enlnia4MIII a A AMill AMill
Mill Suppllev Send 8i1n for orrnC free Cataloaue CataloaueQuick CataIouDropsy lolJu lolJuJ
J J JOro
Oro Dropsy DropsyRemnayel S Y Hcllsr HcllsrInBtota CUR IItHrJletnlt Quick QuickHcllsr IJvu k D
Jletnlt ci 1 aw1II II It fri InBtota InBtotatttnl tON closetayI tONfte
tayI I efreci fte a PntlltlltcuUI PntlltlltcuUIIf 1ernsnat tttnl cure curerenr otlicIoIoodcys
If IoIoodcys 3D fR daJ Tria TIsIIrcaIment TIsIIrcaImentgtvefreeltthlngeas rtalmt t t1CIrtltlt
gtvefreeltthlngeas 1CIrtltlt renr < tntartWrlU tntart It tutu tutuwni It ItWrll
Wrll WrlU DrMH6f Dr D II Ht 14 Gfttf tVl tens tensi flf flfepielillslOi IJ
1 i epielillslOi ptehllt1 BM B BpCER AIIIII AIIIIICA 45 45A
pCER CA A uANCER CE CUKWWrTOlT CURLDWIJHOITrCUjIIPi A Hew Ve YeoetaWe cfaW Curn R Manii4y m tly
U 1Ai Al IllM lliluln j anil ntl ntlCure sos sosCore > J <
Cure Guaranteed M Every very COM C4MTr Tr TraMi TraMimATIwtA M MNA1IQfAJ 4 d dMI
AuiklUlullliifrlUnU0 AuiklUlullliifrlUnU0thA AuIU JIuIIiImg Iul dllljf tllan iiaii lJa iJaI iJafj
1 I IOlvlt
Id Inttse ai1bvdr1 ai1bvdr1wmq1s
wmq1s 1 1woiGthffi
woiGthffi Olvlt thA namoof nama 0 Wj t1ta RfP RfPwrltlnff nair a r WI wits witswriting en enwrltl
writing wrltl to ftdyortl advortlsoreAte orgAt IUO3 IUO3Coronation IU O3 O3CQronAtiDzi sJ sJI sJC9ron
Coronation C9ron llJD medattmade utejati ro < dal made of pis p n 1111 1111huo ns4miimvo Ul Ulhave
have teen nrmnteil by Klnc Klncto YAtearJ YAtearJto ftlcl ftlclto
to the houwfiold police p tie a at t Windiioc WJI C Castle Ue
stomach I utomnachkhlnoig O ta h kidney kidneyorgnus khln If bl 1 M Morflll ivfeorgans
organs have h been cured taredrctuns tUrllIW fl Jtdh JtdhctlillA Ierufllcfima
orflll rctuns is Able to t curi1It curs vntmrzIvIiercTer vntmrzIvIiercTerit ntlmhO II eTCl eTClIt
It may bo b looatea l by b IU tluwt tiiae t utloa tc DILupon DILupontIao upon uponHio uponthe
the oucous ucotii jnttnbinBtSi m IIIRP e Wwrrh Irrb lIt < snealme snealmeihfhaucd nea neant ah ahIhll111ucd
Ihll111ucd tlllIlOIIlUitJ mimlicopi llirntttit ecrtpf llIe acts actsat ctsrit
nt rfhtM d dc to ereonid ereoniddrrliil rll1l1 iftJ fld aVvJ lbviroraIo r ii1td Uhf Lh 1 1fdtrhRl t4 t4tmrrhmal
drrliil condition of th Writ jnuMuAamcmb1 jnuMuAamcmb1no muou mmzcouIIICqh1rq11T mmzcouIIICqh1rq11Tno I1rnhN1
no rlhlnl1t matter rl vhtva v o It way o breur qiiur wr J in inbod it thq thqbodi tt ttbod
bod W HI kaion at1OO w j nllr UtS t ho IC ink SlIIcOUi 6 bli the themuqou 115nhtICOUS ne neD1U
D1U muqou OU lining IInln of the Ih now mmoc d as o llf thlS thlSIlurous thurmucous w wmucous
mucous lining of th lbltliowt lowls It curt Hi Hicutarrbal tIme Ih4cal tImec4tarrbaI
cutarrbal cal trhOl lining Inflammation trhcrour 4fc t may mayt mayInnn 1111119cclr
9cclr 9 ceur S
4 Dr f l J htobbint tob lnl Musl Qs 9 gce e J T writct5 writct5j11crdn tltCt 1 1t1c
1 j11crdn t1c n r Iha bttrttt best iifteIhO ti lh6 t kt ltto b V Of OffoCOtIm t tIt
foCOtIm It 41111 tt1 0 IttrerICLhcIt oeJttl1f II 14tk 14tk1imfm mYdIctbmnicli
tbmnicli and JJn 110 to BI give U ll1pllte epp tuc Jlesltte tJtCrl pee peeCr
1imfm Cr r11iD tjfItUf ll toftlirarrlf tinrriI J 1 t V4 oriMrNJ I IA tf
f A caIctmuI tnlliL ththiiJit JtlhlM Iel d r p IIn1llId oje and hllo hlloII lie a ahot
II hot Dig LlffiTIIL I lhIjll aIti II d1 1thieJmct heI1IO t bunt bunthi 1 1Jt
Jt t 1IAI t l l1 U i IsI 1111 1111InAnt L lit iO iOinan
Innn InAnt cl < cncsT e eI V S SI
InnnI I 11TC afi aficlmnce a nLT to J1I Jtlfif ht htelmgcc hie a aCIIROCI
clmnce to Trc rccriuehilr cr crou tll tifil 1 I l A I 11oP Imoayou
you ou mny live Ions to toand oVp go i t ific b hl c1LCflIt hlMId
and 1llTumg 1llTumgWe ull ting tingWe iJQ iJQWe
We say 1 Pcnma rerMCllre cures ca t catrrh catrrhiC tftrr ilr ilrpie
pie iC lay Vcruna cruna cure lA I MlnII nhli nhliinen Pjotm r II uWjlt uWjltltjCfl t tIt
inen It en mid women all IIIIOct over tlifrl tlifrlfrom tb tiotinitclIbts tiotinitclIbtsruin nlteNjl I f fCrollI
from ruin Mnlno to California mtirnl drf il not lic hul hiccOifli hiccOiflito f fDr j jlb
lb Omt out In lb pvblmo haprJi1 prJmt 10 u s HJ HJcrUM tIiii tIiiileruun
leruun crUM Ja wh what t it II a iClQ coiu1thndci q llndcll to toIntcrnnl be mui muiInternal
Internal cyctemic tmi fntJrrh reltledy reltledycllrc lnt lntcurce
cllrc ctUlh vllercer It II II Uq J 1ocacd 1ocacdDr cletl cletlDr
Dr Mi 4 C 110 bees ij1f1e PLeLc PLeLcDr y o oDr
Dr M I C Gee U 1 one of lhe 1 hyilciDn llhleillIlvlio hyilciDniwlio
who cndario 1mipa In a letter lcftCl AvntiPii AvntiPiifrom 1 writiamfrom0l3 r tllu tlluICrQIJ1plJJones
ICrQIJ1plJJones from from0l3 CI3 Jonoj Mr Ireet I San Fraqef lrr 1raneiucQe l l c0i r Cat CatHa CIILljo a alie
There tThcrofid is n c uc lea ofJfrCl lt II IItltl welrio
fid pent tltl o rJt f he fl rIcHillqIIlOIIJIJIt hlI UOI1Olil o juIesfefri i is < rn K KDUO isru1vocn1
41 ru1vocn1 IJ tltftjt tlIt1ll9e nilU nil IisrICII
rICII U alalt I Ill DUO inr isscIicIio ltlCfljO < cta ctaof cites la laIIiceln Aimmi Aimmiifiiittd
IIiceln of n pen 2JcnJlrc pi f H Ituoltlltriir ieiiIoiiNi resrc th thOltll fI fIsuch
such tshiia I1r14 atitt I ellJ4t daca ot tltilerlIQrt tltilerlIQrtto ticcflfeo cI cIdouioimlegmt
douioimlegmt to ll c nJtlltJII n Ilic pruPJcsitInhs pruPJcsitInhsJOgIltlfL Ir 1 1I
I JOgIltlfL II 1119 I 21r er0iiiett IIHlIomihl IIHlIomihlIbOllllijlt BO miltu miltuu miltumiit niit niitUiOnZcmfimi
IbOllllijlt cUt cmlos < In u San H ZcIr Fgemclsa FgemclsalhnUti tii tiiu
lhnUti u lj cetlvlcecl corv1ceiItIdtIttii4ialW corv1ceiItIdtIttii4ialWtb41 tltCWH JK JKlllR +
lllR tf HACstg If fI I 14ltO qlJri iitii1ciit1W IIH au autieti iI r rtfll
tfll tieti eJ tie It u lineor noIimo Ii JtI tC8JI s1L flimui ll llulIrtlf ft ftIiiailrd
ulIrtlf r rSyHhAI lI dI fflH4 0 ut4 Itli I iiea eu HUH HUHitllwHtet rf rftla14tte
itllwHtet tla14tte ctrsJpiesiroe lIirJNe j rt r1 r1rtC im4 im4t
rtC t atvHs 1ft 1t S vtiiWit I b l ktI I suta t wpq wpqcpiUre JIHf JIHfentire
entire iitoiui t 1 ciao l o < oniUr oniUrof tim h hoj
of oj 0 Ac tthCtc hued tuc t oiidtri oiidtriO ctI4riJe l jkrtHt jkrtHtdl1 irAeUvi i iIiditi
Iiditi dl1 O Of 1 r MIftr fft > fllv fllvJ v rmtciubse IUd var varmiecIcIiifoh1 I
tl miecIcIiifoh1 chlJl4l J o i Gee IN y yWomen 1j h 11 11omen
Women omen ro cpecMly urt I lr lint1 fabk ty pelvic pejrlbtarrli pefratl pelviccntrrhi
btarrli tl tlltrh female wakocM ai U irf ft coninOrt coninOrtft CQI11 romitmonytIed 1 weorty orty ortyjttfUUi r1 Y YIoalloJ
IoalloJ ft jttfUUi tIed od Koteldlly jwiVVHijr JJI cIIIY inUGr 1n it t1 nw1 nw1of ijrd it i tIV uv v we wttllIJf wttll weeLcof
of warm iveatlicr tIl1te do ii the theyrrtbini lie arAJlrr mbuamrCCbe mbuamrCCbeaymptomnt Lif Lifjiynfrllb1nf
yrrtbini or < > C female r tn l WC eaurifsi 1U1ta h make makeIlittfnlo k1II t1rm t1rmicIye tQ tQcht
cht olln aptnietut lIt JI1 ttlp cold old webc webc1hrdlll eilur eilurmhirdnIO
Ilittfnlo stiitrvrs > utTtr r Wlni thhpeJ peliopUtr peirun 10 1IIIattkdo 1IIIattkdoHellj ettarrk lo < rtftt rtfttol i1Ifeel
feel o il Lwraiitoimiiy u4o I1UY time dlbUlItIIlItIf debihittIng ffeeis ffeeiscit I
Hellj ol the t 10 drain Upon the eercfi yedU 1 leflhU1t but it th thluproacb tJl thtimiproirhi
luproacb 11110 alb of ummet with Ith iti Its ltllI Milt iischtted MJ pii piitIrcI fI1 fI1Urd
jfrwl Jtellni f < clln the lie auffiirej with hlf ph phurrh pehie hI c ctArr cA cAtairhi
urrh tArr feels lC la limO ll n nbca cII ot actresgtIieahiz actresgtIieahiztonic MtWi8ti MtWi8tint Mr U1trf1 U1trf1QI1I
tonic toniciCttmna < QI1I nt
r retnna tl1Jl U r not nO only onfr f tho 6 tWsprnc fCt < t sprlna sprlnaor tOllld tOllldC enfU enfUmr 1
C mr or nrIel iiclt cawii lIC but If I ptrilited tI1t1ll0If la will i ii egect egectI t
i compUae c mlltJle cur Clint Wrtt yr rte te for A co colUaltli coprft copy If Ifhealth
lUaltli health I il1n amid ntl Jlcnuty Jl l1utr wtteft fc 1 tipeciehly tipeciehlyfor pt ptfor cln1 cln1lor
for women by h i Pft Jr U JIrtnman rtmqn J H you want wantto wall wallto
to read of conic cncf she II Vrltc vrltc to tow for it itFactl t t1gtiyni
1gtiyni w M Factl anti Incea neesl Hint b BII will wlilpmtei wlilpmteiyou tltr uv t tyoq
1 9 you O bat Atourcalm411 our claims arc rq valla vallaf
11 f y O SVlflsnot not derive prompt Iltom tlIntian tlIntiantl1cttlt1 and situ satlifactoryxeeiititl situtctery
factoryxeeiititl tl1cttlt1 JIII EiT from the tics ot XcniMt XcniMttyiltp Ienuvivihip crMiII crMiIIwlltj1
tyiltp nt once lOf tt Dr U Jl JJllrlmofrlvTdl JJllrlmofrlvTdltIIIl hlertnman r num giving givingtill a aa
tIIIl al sLhieiemuu14Ur ltl1lfll ij Ul Cllte onJhCl end ho w wIl wIlJiallraAcd 1 1JJ
JJ JiallraAcd Ii r o d tQatV9 to 1vc yabttMi1 yabttMi1eluab h a y 411 eluab l abje b mtdVlc mtdVlcAhuiuiss dI dIIi
Addr 1J1 r tarll t1 nt ntJJ OLflIC OLflICUtfnaii
JJ Utfnaii t ln BQrI Suiiitriuitf 1flu 1 JjflnI luuril AO 01mb 01mb6q1f f1 f1l
l t f r 6q1f 6q1fOn F FL
t j jI jl jI
ot otIORI J
IORI On 11 uti nhwu liii Wa will Itjll t Ifsu Ond5 Mt
1 WI j Iltric 11Ij BlAR Top suggiie 1I < llle to 1M 1MtOm rsut rsutionipoliig
tOm ionipoliig hi Ike h lrIbt KreeIeI nk4P WitS CII CIIordJ L Lor
or ordJ IroD1It from leftais cottte4red qtIItfii 1 ISi itt ittW C CWATfII
W WATfII T R THiWUfiT Tilt WMItE TA4 svsy svsyAhjrOn4 O d db
AhjrOn4 b1 M htIwll1 16Ie < 1 rots lit 1 iCt IO IOtim or orI
tim b I pIUMItUud 1IelMnS 111117 0 C5ft WIll Its iI iINo S SNo
No dondlthme tri eo eosiply pIT Wl wISM I ss sstip I CI
tip She hUol lie nl words ord ordJI
1 JI Mile II o Uf f Ie n net nnJeM nnIeito4 nnIeito4lealr < > < j jr > r rfeAUr r rtller
feAUr tller in your oumr town to who UIIItUto4lle h ae tb tbthe UMflTTvr UMflTTvriMd v vtht
the wnffJIIftAa WI1I MAa Megp f will U e e1OJIJ sotoft1srtiha
1OJIJ otoft1srtiha otoft1srtihaT r lbe f1Ik
T hlCiI 17 794 Aui Ms M540 1 beLl tlltt hIss thr o osly
sly 1 UW Ihi 50 our trla IeDt Iii 1lIIrI ar Iowswb Wilk Wilkl 1I 1Irr
iMd l uIMusW MH I IOB S SOpJnI4wwfhh
OB OpJnI4wwfhh Jtttjr rr 4J w I r naitF Mi cyst ir ioit5tuI ioit5tuIwrr I tril t tWUtfl
wtoieUdb wwtoieUdb WUtfl r M DtI ii r 1M 1Mfoh
wrr r
foh JJIU n ItIfIi F 5 5Wif
MTtf 11 Hi JotIIIIttHI wt ivelis Hi M SM SMATLANTA easiess HI HIA peI44 seg segATLANTA
ATLANTA A A BU BUUYOO VO Q IIt tIaaI + i ft akrel rJlI rJlIP rlc rlcwithoat
5 5IC1F11d
P IC1F11d IC1F11diL Ii Iii Pc
ri atea i t ttldtL1cf i iL iLS L S
S A tldtL1cf withoat withoatufficltut wt withontsuffi t
tj tjia
ia suffi ufficltut ufficltutPotash l I lestt t k 5
5 57Potash
Potash PotashJ
li not complct complctJ >
5 5en
0t boe IHsphs tmsse
en tIlli riuiisiW riuiisiWNIahQLv I S
NIahQLv NIahQLvWrit S
Writ to iham ihamGEflUX
gAl gAlwomigi
5 j jSam
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s1eJI V I lt f fr
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S ON 514 laic trial UMO iii SO9 SO9S
S 1 wiirisir fl L 1IjeeIu LlQ et PS PS1114y
1114y are iliul U gnott in uteri ravs thou
Mt Ltn utlngxiiiroui510O Inha Inhat InhasiaurWJJot51M
Jmnifnia nlour siaurWJJot51M VJJoili 4 4IlicUiuperlorllr iIJci iIJciC
C IlicUiuperlorllr IIetr uperIodii orerJllutlH ousr AU ulIormas I IS
S t S Sold lij retail ilipa live d deaIcts 4 t tho eve
1 ho g uulo T L asa asattMiipedoa
1 ECTA ttMiipedoa tha bottom ao aok
k CATALOG 5 5Uaa
Uaa ilba I It
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A S c cS
5 5I
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