OCR Interpretation

Snips and the St. Johns herald. [volume] (St. Johns, Ariz.) 1903-1905, October 03, 1903, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060581/1903-10-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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Snips and St Johns Herald- But they ore not nearly so opu Territ.0?: f,. !bfs; 4:?
The crops when a nú .h fcr; i'ijjf ' 'fc&J
. Published every Saturday at St. Johns, Arizona.
The Official Paper ot Apache County.
LLOYD C. HENNING, Editor and Proprietor.
One month . .20
Six month....! .! ........ '.60 Phoenix Republican.
One year $1.00
flSF"AU subscriptions must be paid in ADVANCE .
The paper will be stopped at the expiration ef the time
paid for.
lent in veeretalion
eel fields near by
' grown are corn, wheat, bay 'and terested may ai3p5ftr',fe)',p5'':
mulberry leaves, all except the cause why the Sard ,frtiftíüii
last are products of our middle should not be granted. , " .
state farms. It pays. The irri-j John T. Hogtb, Clerlt.
gated farm is far more valuable i Dated Septembei 21st, 1903. V
than the unirrijrated One." 1 1st Pub. bep 26. Last Pub. Uct.3
Entered in the postoffice at St. John3, Arizona, as
second-class mail matter. May 14, 1903, under Act
of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Advertising rates furnished on application.
Santa Fc Reduced Rates.
Notice for Publication
Land Ofllce at Prescott, Ariz., Sept. 20. 1008.
Future of Irrigation.
ISlwood Mead, the irrigation
expert ot the department of agri
culture, has not always displayed October 11 to 17, inclusive
the best judgment in dealing
with some phases of irrigation in
the west, but in predicting a
great expansion of the irrigation
industry in the next few years he
is on sound footing. It is his belief-that
there are few sections
in the United States which
would not be made more prosper
ous by irrigation at certain sea
sons of the year, and in the mid
dle states and in the south he
looks for quite as great an ad
vance as has been witnessed in
the arid west. He returned from
a trip abroad a few days ago,
and speaking of what he saw and
of the future of irrigation, he
lT am coming home strength
ened in my belief that irrigation
has a wide field of usefulness in
in the eastern part of the United
States, and that it will be adapt
ed wherever water can be had
and distributed at reasonable
cost. Especially is this true of
the southern states, with their
long, hot summers. In Italy $6,
000,000 has been spent on one
canal system to water a country
where the unirrigatrd fields are
as green and luxuriant today as
the prairies of Iowa and Illinois
COlOniSt rates O Olember 15 tO iinnecUetUurhutí dnotleu of his Intention
i , r. tu make final proof in support of his eiaiin,
JNOvember 30. Continuous pass- ' and that said proof will be made b&fore dorlt
, . i i Ti i of the Court ut St. Johns, Apacho Co , A. T., on.
He seuuiui uifiss liukclís citi pui ni i Ducfcinoera, iiios, viz:
Bakersfield to San Francisco at
rate of $25.00 from Hoi brook.
New Mexico Territorial Fair
October 12 to 17. Round trip
tickets Hólbrook to Albuquerque
and return S7.60. Date of sale
al limit for return October 19.
Agent, Holbrook, Arizona.
While open inga box, J. C. Mount,
of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a
ten penny nail through the floshy
part of his hand. T thought at
once of all the pain and soreness
this would cause me," he savs,
"and immediately appl'ed Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and occasion
ally afterwards. To mv sur pi i se
it removed all pain and soreness
and the injured part were soon
healed." For sale by St. .Johns
Drug Co.
Legal Advertisements,
Probate Notice..
In the. matter of the lístate of
Martin L. Parker, deceased.
Notice of Application lr Jvctiers
of Administration.
Notice is hereby given that J.
R. Armijo has filed with the
Clerk of this Court a petition,
praying for Letters ot Ad minis
tration of the Estate of Martin
L. Parker, deceased, and that
Monday, October 5th, 1903, at
10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at
the Court House, in the town of
St. Johns, County of Apache,
Henry P. Trainor for the SWSWW Section 20
& W'h & SJiM NW1-4 oí Section 29, Tp, 9 N. R.
29 JS .
lie names the following witnesses to provt
liis continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of. said land, viz:
John Adey, of Springervillo, A. T.
Perfecto Pena, oí St. Johns, A. T.
Jacob Hamblin, of Greer, Arizona.
Alejandro Pena, oí til. Johns. A. T.
Fen S IliLDitETii, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Ollicc at Pieseott, Ariz., Sept. 21, 19U8.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias liled notice oí his Intention
to make iinal proof in support of his claim,
and that said pi ooí will be made before Clerk
oí the Probate Court at St. Johns, Arizona, on
November 7, 1U0H, viz :
Howard Hale Greer, Arizona, for the SW
U Sec. 1 & the My, of SL1 Sec 2, '1 wp 7 N 1 tango
'2 east.
He names the following witnesses to prove
liis residence upon and culiivation oi, aid
land, viz :
E W W.ltbank, of Greer, Apache Co Arizona.
B F Howell, of Greer, A pacne Co Arizona.
S 11 Howell, of Greer, Apache Co Arizona,
l&aai- lla.e, of Greer, Apache Co Arizona.
Pj5N S. Hildhkth, Register.
First Pub. Sept. 20, Last Pub Oct. 81.
Notice for Publication.
Land Oillee at Pres.vott, Ariz., Sept. 10, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that the iollowing
nanitd hettler la.s tiled notice of his intention
to make tinai prool in supptrt of his ciaim
and that said piuof will be n ade bcfoie Cterk
of Probuté Court at St. Johns., on October 8L
19UH, viz : H
Jonh O. Hall ifiagar, Arizona, for the 1SU of
S W Ui & S W i-4 of K ifi Sec. 26 & N IS Kk of 5 V
'., Sec. 8ü T p. 8 N Range '7 L.
lie names the following witnesses ro prova
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz :
Henry P. Hobson, ot Greer, Arizona.
Ianc a ale cl orcor. Arizona
J hn C. Hall, oi Gieer, Ai laoaa.
Frank Wiltbank, oí Spi ingei ville, Arixona, ;
K n S. 1 1 1 u ititrii , Register.' '
First Pub. Sept. 19. Last Pub. Oct, 'M.
' ' ,. ri
Notice for Publcation.
Laud O Hice at f'reseoit. Ariz. Sept. 10, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named settler hm, filed notice of his intention
to m.ike finul proof in support of his elmm
audihvtsaia proof will be made beiore ClerJt
í ,ÍLvbMW Vuurt Ht St' JoliUB. Aria., on Outwear
o i , iyo. v i2
U. a R. W ltbank ISagar, Arizona for th
h J N h ' & lu oi aNí " Í-4 Sec. pTwp. ? K R
..o, mnop the o ow m wifnesMt to nrú
Ins tOI.ti. til l. iKh Ml Ul bl ("It mm UVutli ft
of, said )i d. v J 1 u IVI1L
Hi uiy P HoL.fcui., of Greer, Arhton.
Ifc c i it ., .l Gre rAntonn
Joh. C Hal.ofUitjer Arisona.
Fia. k wa bai k, oí Sprlngervile, Arioa
Kirs Vuh. Sep 19. Ust pub ()(tt 4

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