OCR Interpretation

St. Johns herald and Apache news. [volume] (St. Johns, Apache Co., Ariz.) 1905-1917, October 17, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060582/1912-10-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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3 to feel just as free to came into
. 'J and ask questions about the advantages $j
, jf of haying a bank account for the care g
and protection of YOUR money as you
would, feel m goings into'any store to ask
about the quaHty or pnce of a,giecj of '-g'
1 goods. r- . . .- , :
1 " . ) ; r
jS No matter how small your incline a g
if. bank account will help you to take bet-'
4 ter care -of it, help you to -accumulate j
v Ignore. : . . v : ' ; J
Fred Kielson has moved bis
hmHy in from JRiclirilie.'foV the
"winter. '
V i
. i Frank-Beal was iu froui Wliite
; ifeiver for day or so this week.
.'Father Derichtnoab, who has
u been oira visit in his nome cbun-
for the past few months ar-
homelast nigV)t. Mr. Ue-
V .V ribMniont is. looking well after his
' ofbtirnin theold country, but he
- aS he is glad to be back in old
Si1 Johns a:aiti. , . v
In, a Recent issue of.the HBR-AD-we
stated that Mr. John
. Alien was ' the principal in thie
Goncho Public School this year
but we haye been informed that
Mrs- Alice Berry Patterson hold
that distinction.
; The Total reg ii-tration in Ap
che County for this year is 280.
This is-a very small regis t rat ion
for this county as th.e fegister of
last year contained oyer 800
naanes. There is surely a' lack
of intest on the part of , some of
tie voters of the county which
to us unaccountable for.
Lydia H. Wilhe rn. of Ver
noirwas in this week to make;
final three year propf on h'er
homest'ead enry at Vernbn.
While here- she was t h ex
ugliest of her daughter Mrs.
Richard Gibboqsr
4 : - v -;
Theodo re Roosevelt . wks
shoot at Milwaukee, on Oct;
14, by a man giving the
name of John Sob rank. But
the Col. after being shot
showed Remarkable grit by
goin and speaking to - the
people who had gathered to
hear him. Frbm last report?
the;Ex-president is not in
danger from the woCuid. ,
Bond of T. Jv. Frazer, Justice of the Peace ait Navatjo was ap - !fj
Tvmrnri hv r.hp rhainman. Ancrnet. Ivfch. 1 Q1 9 - "n i..i 1 s
Bond of David Love, Justice of the Peace afr Kutrioao vappiio--ed
by the Chairmau September 15th, 1912,
The Board ordered the salaries of all County officers to bepfdL v
on the first day of each month, instead of quarterly, as heretofore! 'T
The following applications for lease of School lands were apj ,
provea uy tne ouavu:
C. R. Jarvis J. W. BroW Cleni L. S aff ell, Julius. Cropas, ;
Bennitt, J. M. Randall, Albert H. ratt; Geo. C. Morse. .
Theoard then pVoceeded to audit dematrda.ag-ainst the G;ojy7 v
an'd ,tbe following were allowed and ordered paid:.
ySTame of Officer . . Warrant No.
IF, W. kelson, 1 ,
Henry J, Plate,
Dionicio Duran, !
C. A." Narramore
Theodore Lopez
B. y. Peterson ;
Sylvester Peralta ,
A, S- Roberts
Joe Pearce
luair PadiHa . ;
M. P. puiterrez
Reamer Cuing' '!
Monico Garcia
5. S. G&Dons "
' H J. Ktnght .
3. R. Armijo..
: 38 v
' ' 41.
I . " '42
, 46 ,
37 ;
' ' 36
- . ' A ' - - ' 4
' so
' 53
. 54
8. D. Smith of Holbrouk was
a buihfss visitbr here lat
week. While here he eallnn
tosae the prhitermm. Mr.
Smith lias been appointed
to look after Apache and Na
vajo Counties, by the Horti
culture Commission in re ,
gards wormy fruit, etc and
to see that none ' of th ese
infected products eo into
otlier districts. , If any, at
tempts are made to do" so.
the same will be Gonfiscatedw'
Drawn in favor of i
Felipe Guiterrez
Wilhelm Gibbons'
Byron Heap,t z.
Soman Ortez ,
W. W. Sherwood; 7
Sydney P. 0bornf; ,
.Henry J. Plati, ,.
M o n ico Ga rci a 1
Butimio Baca
J. J Ka'rnes
Henry J. Piatt,
Frank Walker i
AV. HV. Sherwood
Jose Gallegos
Felicitp Garcia
Ricardo Gonzales
West.'Pab. Co. .
"Ambrosio Gdnzales
Felipe Salazar
, Ghas. Jarvis4
St: Johns Drug Go.
' For, : ll:
... Bounty ' . riMMWmiQk
. Bounty . "
-Bounty . A!.: llSf.i.;
J Bounty ' " . 'IOC:- . '.; f
Board court expense ' r''Dvst ' J.f
'' 1 H. . 29. ' ' XaivTl;
Express charge's . JlBk : " ' .8
Tnf.prnrpf.or . . '.11 . titR rim . 3
'Board, court expense ; f6.50r : -
; Bounty 139 SM.-' , .
: JBounty l40 ,12-0(fc v;
Bounty ; ;; 141 V. iko$
.FxDress cbrj?PS!
- H
zSooks . ; f : 14; ; :Yi6S 0' -
iaboy rC-'$i7?
or Benches f JX' O.oi
el Serviee 1 -;-0A . clds
4. i (k
Monico Garcia .
Geo. E. Waite
Geo. E. Waite
Sylverter Perortta
Dionicio Duran
Sylvester Perafta
'Geo. E- Waite
Sylvester Peralta;
Cbas. Brock"
. , Tel Service
, Mdse
,., Stamps
' Supplies
1 - Expenses
' .Expenses
. ,Jail Exp.
, .Ekrjenses
Bxpenstes. v"
. -1 ; ...
& --ft-
, 2060;
101 na
31.85 ?
13.5Q a

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