OCR Interpretation

Tombstone daily prospector. (Tombstone, Ariz.) 1887-1891, January 27, 1891, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060902/1891-01-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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v -tV 'i- 'L -! fc
City aud County Official Paper
(Except Sunday)
S. C. BA(iG, Editor and Proprietor.
,. :.o::
$IO co
6 oo
' t oo
One Year -Su
.Months -
Ona Month (Delivered by Carrier) -
One Square, one insertion - - - $a oo
feck subsequent insertion, per square - i -co
Fremont St,, Opposite City Hall.
Ea!t4 in th TonlMWut Pv.to&se m ccnd
el, asttrr
vpposite City liall. Tombstone.
Attoxneys and Counsellors at Lw.
J 3d and 4th. Below the Court House.
F. A, A.M.
King Solomon Lodge No. 5. F. & .
M.. holds stated ineolings on the third
Saturday in each month in Masonic
Hl), at 7:30 p. m. Special meetings
held whenever blue flag is hoisted.
Visiting brothers are cordially invited
to attend. Qcstave Fisuer,
Kisrr Hart -Saoretary. 8 13tf
Cotfblaie I.a Ijro .". .1 I. O. O. I.
Regular meeting night, Tuesday of
each week. All idling members in
good standing invited to attend.
- - . Frank Ga"5Taxd.
X. G.
lXcrul Arrlt II.ioui.
Slated meetings on third Wednesday
of each month. Notice of special
rnsetings by chapter flag. Sojonrning
companions cordially invited.
Adolfu Con ex, II. P.
F.JjT Moobe, Secretary. jHtf
Mayor - - A. Cohn
Chief of Poil. - Funk Ryan
. Treasurer - -City
'Attorney -Auditor
and Recorder
City Assessor
R. E. lacksor.
Wm. Stachle
- Al Maniger
- Geo. Uravm
t'fll! MAl.r.-.ItKAI. I'iTATi,.
To all to Whom these Pres
ents Maying.
Come Greet-
! SAi.E-n::5T.cLss uemdknce
I properly, one lot. No. 3, Block 31, front
la no SaUord street, Tombstone, with two
icood houses, one rented: the proixrrlj of W.
A. Anderon a-id wife Will be fold without
delay. A- ply a once to James Keilly, Kre
tuont stre U 10 4 if
Second Warn
Third Ward
Fourth Ward
Fred Fnss
Frank Htre
- A. W Smith
John Pnnderviile
ccof-rr oftickks:
Shenff . - - - John H. Slaughter
reasurer - - - J. P. McAllister
Recorder - - - - W. F. Bradley
District Attorney - - W. H Slil.eH
.robate Judse - - - E. R. Monk
Clerk District Court - A. II. Emanuel
Cnrnr - - - H. G. HOWe
"-J" v 1 R,lnn
Assessor -
Court Co unissioier -
- - G. G. Berry
$2,500 REWARD.
The above reward is offered
by the Copper Queen Con.
MiningCo. and citizens of Bis
bce, for the arrest and con
viction or positive proof of
the death of James Daly,
who murdered "V. W. Low
ther near Bisbce on the af
ternoon- of Fnday,-Apnl 11,
-.- -,
Daly is described as a man ap
parently 50 years of ape, although
several years younger, about C feet
in hiiglit, round face, slightly pock
marked, sandy complexion and
. moustache, blue eyes, weight al o jt
100 pounds, scar on foot made by
pistol .hot, also scar acrtm neck
made by pistol shot, talks with a
strong Weisn accent.
Ben Williams,
Dated Bisbee April 14, 1800.
E o. BAKTioJS . Mcrenmntfcxchjtt, 8n
frrfeo7j.ww Anthorlx4 Agoit for CwlfMjis
OW7pV KOWELt CO.. 10 Sprue t,
T,Z. ATEK SOX. Pbtlad.llihU.
Sit transaetKna raid, by n k" K1
,M.wlHb eomc'Jrf with t the PROSr ECTOK.
.VH E RE AS, 1 1 has come
to my knowledge from au
thentic sources that" on or
about the 12th day of Decem
ber A. D. 1S90 N. H. Robin
son and John Bridger were
ruthlessly murdered near the
line between Mexico and Ari
zona, in the county of Cochise
this Territory, and
Whereas It appears from
the evidences of reliable wit
nesses and the report of the
Coroners nquest held upon
the bodies of said Robinson
and Bridger in the City of
Tombstone on the 15th day
of December iSco. that the
murders -ereentInttterr by
hostile Indian renegades who
are absent without leave from
their reservation.
Now Therefore, I, N.
O. Murphy, acting Governor
of Arizona, by virtue of
the power and authority within
me vested, do hereby ofler a
reward in the sum of FIVE
HUNDRED ($500.00) DO L
LARS (which sum shall be
aggregate amount paid under
this proclamation) for the ar
rest and conviction of the mur
derers of said N, H. RobjJSfln
and John Bridger, or for satis
factor)' evidence that said mur
derers have been killed duriilg
legitimate efforts to capture
them, which evidence may con
sist of the dead bodies of the
Indian murderers, or such por
tion of their bodies as shall be
sufficient to satisfactorily prove
their identity.
In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and
caused the Great Seal of the
Territory to be affixed.
Done at Phoenix the Capital
this 2 2d day of Dec, A. D.
Nathan O. Murphy,
By the Governor,
Assistant Secretary,
8500 REWARD.
1 U1 ray the aborc rew,ird to any person or
persons vtio il! ie tne information M-hich
vill lead to the arrest and comiction of any rer
un "r persons ulavtluUy handlinc any cf my
CA r I f.E itranded HU on Uft bip, ear
niaik, rixlil bar crop aud split.
HOtotS Hr.ir.dcd HG on teft soutVr.
8373m San Pedro rner
SMEJ!SN Vihafew sum IP ll om
Co.! by wample to tbe whole. li ..Ld fuU.
tiaar. largest ninaiactirers in our lino. Sna
Scent mmp. K'uei S K' lr. lVrmoe.
Vcttion. NopoM&Uarewered M&nCy adfancrt!
or waKe,adTerUias, etc.akTXKxuLMAM'r's
Vl., ClNUfNNATI. oiv. tH30t
nrn 00 a jiontii enn
lU 5Z0U. UK IlIVDE worklDC
U ut Pe-uiiitr it? red -ocin furmbahor c
and j v9 tivtrrnMretlme to tb tu irc4i po
oiumcntLratj be profitably eajjiloyt-J iIm, a few
iotiq Malnttrct, Rtcbmousl V
ttoiay CoinplrxUn. 'Vo-tliftll lteaui
I'liimpueMM aud 2.olIueMN
are pr -.-ccd hy Hi Dr. Ilenh'n llnrm!eM
Ariuirnl iffjiiseiiatlii bftBl, tnJ
Hlrk ll-ad. luxilri, KrilptlonM,
K Iion-f. I m. 'ntnrm. U)
leir. Anlluii , I. una i'lMf tndieat
. I'rf-cth-alih tth mlrT)r of bteaty, and
only$l ahis or lx fur $S Mal.tfl alL Kre
coiKuaalioii al of3c". ?"J1 Itrotdway, New York
7 I D W 1 rr.
t CftP.M TfM 1l ldC TM llffl It.
(et tu.1 rf X ! "k lur - I-!,
! 4 vat tbin.d it 1 tom r
aiai 7l; y rn r 1
TTTw. iMlvUMMt ; vk A
if al' tw ttolf tt y
vwjiiVtotc JL81LT.rcltILTInL
l-AkTKLLACS FltXE. Addrtu l ,
IVs-Jfef.,....'ticiuTjfWifritTi lb uiinaryur
CiZLiSlri.lDi ! I a-.rnl 1 b S'jiUl ailij
iE3v u ar ikiwi'ji jtinc-i- toifc-nm
ntfOt 'X gilSl. St-x Tjott.
f srrtB (fcffr
1 ulhall-ruriAlkrr
f4 vd nritaa4 wata.
tnw 1kwt Itaslan a
TM'lils)(K1fP.H rr-ribTtlwIwmhlVra
tL ,tuataPipttaMK m tftat mm
haw for ur ! tuft. atb F--iyarfairfc.tr
rrt I Aepitt fcrt "- fa rack datfrfct erra? I
ka'alrraJ7Mcal aaa t4 wrth "! kw
ithrr ariMhif t r tStVrt It I
1 VCI.l I. I-tl rrtsrJir-I'Iti:i: AciwM.
1 tAl.Li:.N, ltm A0, Antuta, ilalue.
Notice 01 Trnstcc Sale.
nTiiEnnAS, Walteu IIekouf, by ins
'' deed duly executed and to mo de
livered on the 10th day of October, A.
D. 18b'J and recorded in Hook 1 of
Deeds ol Trust at pages 1CI to 105 in
the olBce of the county recorder, of
of tho county of Cochise, Territory of
Ariiona, comejedto mo an undivided
Ihreo fourths (J) interest in the 'Key
utone mine," sittmto in the W rren
miuitig dtbtrictin taid county of Co-
cluse. and located on the 22ud day of-j
January I860, and recorded m IS ok 7
of trausoribed records of mines in the
olfice of the county reconler, of the
aforesaid county of Cochioo at pages
ISC and lb7,uuduldO recorded in Hook
.1 of records of mines, in the oflico of
tho county recorder of the county of
Pima, Territory aforesaid, at pages
Cs9 and COO, in trust, to secure pay
ment of certain indebtedness due on
promUory nolo and payable on the 10
day of April 1SU0, with interest, as
sessments, disbursements and expen
ses as in said trust deed more fully
And Whereas, the said Walter Iten
ouf has made default in the payment
nf said debt, interest, assessments and
disbursements, and the bentticiary in
said trust deed named has applied to
me to sell said property in the execu
tion of said trust.
Now therefore public notice is here
by gion that on FB1DAY the 23d
day of January 1891 at one o'clock p.
m. of that day in front of the court
house of the a'oresaid couuty of Co
chise in tho City of Tombstone, I will
sell the property hereinbelorcuescnbeu
or to much thereof as may be neces
sary to accomplish the objects of the
trust aforesaid to the highest and bcH
bidder. The terms and conditions of
sale tV.aU be cash in United States
currency, onafouttls when bid is ac
cepted and remainder a delivery of
deed. James KeiU.y,
In the District court first judicial dis
trict, of the Territory of Arizona, in
and for the county of Cochise.
Colin Cameron, Plaintiff,
Mary M. Hildekbiunt, Defendant.
Action brought in the District Court
of the First Judicial District of the
Territory of Arizona, in and for tho
county of Cochise, and tbe complaint
filed in the said county of Cochise, in
the oflico of the Clerk of said District
The Territory of Arizona sends
greeting, Mary M. Ildderbrant, de
fendant. You are hereby required to appear
in an action brought against yon b)
tbe above named plaintiff, in tho Dm
trict Court of the First Judicial Dis
trict of tho Territory of Arizona in and
for tho couuty of Cochise, and to ans
wer tho complaint filed therein, -nithin
ten days, (exclusive of tho day of sor
vico), after the service en yon of this
snminons, (if served within this county
or if Rerved out of this county, but in
this district, -within twenty days other
wise within thirty days), or judgment
by defanlt will be taken against you
according to tho prayer of said complaint.
Tbe said action is brongntto recover
On J.inib 5 Ye art aledridddeu li Yearn.
DorturNBiid StedirlurK LV-len.
fr'taied Amputation.
Cured by Ciiticura'at Coat or tsCt.SO.
Aon- lioen Mer On n It orli.
A Wo-idcrful Cure.
I mast nritc and tell you of the Success I bare
had in uing the Cuticvua Kkmkuies. 1 had
txen troubled for nearly fire )ears with skin dis.
ease it. the right limb and all the doctors in
tins city cou'd do nothing for it. I tried every
thing, until at la.t I thought I should hare to
have ih limh amputated al the knee. Jl was
surl'ed to ivtice the nttural size and I could
bare! holibie around on crutches t was m tbe
oou'. part of the time bedndJeii, for three
years, arid could nut get out. I hapiiened to
look in thr newspaper and saw the Cu riCtBA
advertisement, nnd as a last resort tried that.
I used two Umk-s of the KlSolv 1 ST and three
loxe of the Cltk lr I am now able to do
all my work, bth in the house and out of
doors aud roy li-nb ts as natural as could possl.
uy tie under me CircumlancrS. II Is a most
wonderful cure I had given up hopes of ever
being well again If ihis wilhelp you, you are
Welcome to use it to the best advantage. Any
one not crcditidg this can and rue by addressing
me at the above named aty.
Mrs liAKSibTbriLkLCK, Ioa City, la.
Cuticura Remedies
theBUtn of three hundred dollars and Are the greatest skm cures, blood purifiers and
intereat at rate of seven per cent per fc"?'"?' "i ,?"llv.?
annum f.om 25th of September 18SS
together with costs and disbursements
of this action.
Given under my hand and
tho seal of the District Conrt
of tho First Judicial District of tho
Territory of Arizona, in and for the
Connty of Cochise, this 29th day ot
December, iu the year of onr Lord one
thousand eight hundred and ninety.
(Seal.) A, H. EMAN'UEL,
Iras&tt tfaSFS tSESaS a -t
h r" Jai 1 1 it orrun& HU.YGC3 urciuivi
Cf U JCVJUafErnrvrExerucsUCHn-Tr
t Jtwit. S HlffWMifw. KK1V4. aWtatlMvsa.4
itut.t.1 mmtaiwim HlflM TDIIlT-iaiStl la a mr.
fatoaUvy1atZktft. TrfKtartt 4 Nwtfi CawatrUa.
latK taana trtafciHM
Iiquor Habit.
oruims wo tie masSBirTOzEcete
ItcanttoflvenlncofTee tea nrlnartlelesotfood
without Hie notre ol ifiil4nt If ncarr
It Is atxwlutelv harmless and will effect m perma
nent and spcedv -nrr wbctner tbe patient Is a
j.rfxXT2ec5rinero-anftIrohoIlewrKk ITNr.V.
T.P. Z'JiliA llrales so qoltlr and with sorb
ccrfcunt ttutt the Uent ondercts no Inrc-n
rmtccce, ami soon h. compl.te reforrae-tlon
'frctel. s pafe boulc free. To be had of
J. Yockc, Druggist,
107 Allen Strei t, Timb-,tane, A. T.
In compliance with Title III cnti
t'ed 'Assignments for benefit of cred
itors" Revised Statutes of Arizona,
notice is hereby given that Win. Kicks
lately doing business in tho City of
Tombstone Arizona on the nincteen'h
day of Decmber, A. I). Ib90 made an
assignment ol all I113 property both
real and personal to Charles Granville
Johnston for the benefit of the cred
itors and the said creditors who con
sent to such assienment, are hereby
"ixjlified to make known their consent
m writing within four months of the
date Itereof, and to file a distinct state
ment of 1'ie particular nature and the
amount of lus or their claim against
tho said Wm. Kieke, duly erified
within six months of the dale hereof,
wiih the said Charles Granville John
ston at his office in the city of Tomb
stone Arizona.
Dated this 20th dav of December,
Notice to Creditors.
Kesolvknt. the new Iilood and Skin Purifier.
internal. y (lo cleanse tne blood of all fnpurilies
and poisonous element1-), and UbTicukA, the
great Skin (. ure, ana JUTtCURAOAP, An ex
quisite Skin UeautiUer, externally (to dear the
skin and scalp, and restore the hair), instantly
relieve aud speedily eure eery speces, of tlch
ing. buruinir, seaiy crusted, pimply scrotulous
and he editary diseases and humhrs of th skin.
scalp, and b.uod, w ith loss of hair from infacey
toai;e, from pimples to scrofula.
tma t rt! at Bf 5tWlMiafwk.
kMMnMf, J tltOM (
IRf V KI, IMI IB urni
ftnlL. Ear to tn-
W Oar wtrtklar V trt . Kk. Tm 4rA
yar tpmrt wm. r aO rr ! to tb work. TUi U u
iwuny m && fcH r(Hl twy " k-B-icwrs
tt nlr trm i f f pfc."J prdt
a4 tmM xtfr a Bala tit. H a tvrwhf ika -
FOaj (. MTlrB M Bin.
rit 17 E A. O., Alkt.TA, MilJk.
ta?aa-at r Uacat ym
UyMtWa i.
When yon are tnylns glare rercemt'er
ttat tlwro ts tua a thins cs a price
.that U too ctuap. It rxttrr n lav a
7alr prtee and p Ka giewa '"
in. -- '- Thsyaremadefiom
Kieeted ijn In the best manwr aivt
able made. If re l want totiK
about alnres m nenen I and 1 1 u lehl n.
an'. i:loTe In plltlcoIr. rno
stamp for the boot About Cliivr-.
It will Interest yon. EiTiW ssHro isa
KE3 C. HUTCnilSCir. Jeiasl6ira,K- T
In th Probate Court of th Countj
of Cochie, Territory of Ar.zona.
Estate of Win. II.i-sett, De-eas'd.
Notice is hereby given by the tin
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Wm Hasett deceased, to the cri-d
itors of and all jituors havinfr
claims against 'lie said deceased, to
exhibit the sA -le ritlitli necessjr)
vouchers within four months aftei
th? first publication of this notice
to the said administrator at Ins
plao of business on Allen
s reet, in tho city of Tombstone,
countj of Cochise, territory of Ari
zona, the same being the place for
the transaction of the business of the
aid estate.
Administrator of the estate cf Wm.
flnssett, deceased.
Dated at Tombstone, Jan 19, 1891,
IX the district court, lirst ju
dicial district of the territory of
Arizona in and for the county of
r Plaintiff,
Action brought in tho district court
of the first judicial district of the
teiritory of Arizona in and for the
county of Cochise, and the com
plaint filed in the said countj of
Cochise in the office of clerk of
said district comt.
The Territory of Arizona sends
reetin'', to George. Westingliouse,
jr., defendant
You are hereby required to ap
p;ar in an action brought against
you by the above named piaintitt,
in the'district court of the first ju
dicial district of the territory of
Arizona, in und for the county of
Cochise, and to answer the com
plaint filed therein.within ten days
(exclusive of the day of ser ice)
after the service on you of this
summons, (if served in this county
or if served out of this county, but
in this district, within twenty days
otherwise within thitty days), or
judgment by default will be taken
against you according to tne pray
er of said complaint.
The said action is bi ought to
iccover the sum of six thousand
dollars damages together w th in
terest and cost of suit
Given under mv hand and the
seal of tho district court of the first
judicial district of the territory of
Arizona in and for the county of
Cochise, this 23d day of Decem
ber in the year of our Lord ono
thousand eight hundred and ninety
(Seal.) A. IL Emanuel,
Sold everywhere Price, CCTICUKA. 50c, SfAP,
2?c RtsoLVINT. jt Prep ired by the Potter
Dmo asdGh'si cl Cokporatiox boston.
teSend for iio to Cure Mun Disease. "64
pages $oillustr, 1 as and too testimonials..
CUE bltck bead l t Qfh.clappel and
ol y stun CuicJ br Ci nu rA ior
ilio, Kidnev and Uterine Pa.ns and
Weaknesses relieved in one miiiztc
by iheLurtrt.R AKTr-ratN plaster
TheSr'tand only pain killlns plaMcr
iii)3ir-vrr. vt ai 11.1 ua.t".o..
Ue.li-atory Slutt-ment 'j. -4I4S
Lacdnfaiett Tncson, Arizona. Jarnary 11, Is91.
"VTOIU E i hervbi given Iba. the T llowtng
.A n.tnui .vtlltr tiae Qltd nv:l.nl hi. Intel.
lion lo tnjkGnM nniof In aopportor in.iij,(
SLd tta .aid proof will b- msdt before he CierK
nf ,ti Dit if Conri al Tocirwt n-, Arizona, on
Mtreh 2, l'' , vm Jacb -heerer, of Sulphur
spr i VrlUj, M .forths . K ol q. U and
n. 1, mi f w it urt . J5, tp Jo , r. 2b e
I! name. Hie I. liuwlng wltscae. to prove hi.
coutinaoas rti-.deuce upon, acd cultivation of,
tail land. viz. W G. :sandroP, Frank II.
Ricil.i". iata Bfip aud Cbarlci Ovcrlock, allot
suiphu bpnns Va 1 y, Arizona.
IliiltllaHT BKOWN, IteginUT.
Notiw for Publication.
Declaratory Statement No. 3356.
Lan'd Office at Ticsos. Akizosa, )
January 13, 1391. )
Notice is hereby civen that the following -
named settler lias bled notic of his intention to
make final prouf in suppct of his claim, and
that sa,d proof will be made before the kegister
and Receiver al Tucson, Anion, on Februaiy
25. 1S91, ilium Thadecus Vaughn, ol Ben
son Arizona, lor the w Sec 24, ipi?, K
20 E.
He nanes the lollovnng witnesses to prove
his CDntinuous re.Klence upon, and tUiiitioi
of. said land, viz- Jam's U. Vaughn of Bin-
son "r zoni, V lliam T. Hughes, ot Benson
Ari4jna arter Crane of Fairbank Arizont,
and Benjamin H Pace, of Fairbank Arizona.
IIfc.KUiiKl BKUW.N, Kegister.
First pujheauoa. "anutry 17, 1890.!
U. S. Land Office Notice,
Notice of Dissolution.
1nri hi b)
fcv Amv rf, Atf,
tm S. Taiii. !.
andait aiL T
n avM SUM OO m
.f. t .( iba fMk a4 U
(aavm.ftvnTMtn Ewb
rttti arc 11 mrwimw frota
nAVAUft. bw yoaibaw
sd tart Ti. . rcr U rpara
ft all tba tiac. r -
era Bkavrai ilnWf tBm.
ii-tttw . laflirfal Fatfllanfrtau
U.lllIcUr Ca..nox ool"orl!ttn-lfMa
rar a3T--!l3i- Ot
T Tv2f VKSaK-l
IIM-K ,-ia
' Lr vKF
Conhtable Sale.
FTTTH VAX 3U lit v. lui o. . W,
1 jrwVfiirvlMlfV'ttl7V
, V tlMwll m. Oi 2m b.e
, Alfalfa, Timothy, and Espersetle
sed. Wftrranted pure at
flic copartnership heretofore exist-!
ing between L. Gold water and H. Gold
water doing business under the firm
name of L. & II. Goldwater, Benson,
Arizona, is this day dissolved by
nratpal censent, L. Goldwater will
contuse the bufinws there; he will
collect all outstanding nccounts owing
to, and pay all indebtness of said late
L. Goldwater,
H. Goldwater,
Dated, Benton, Arizona, Jan. 10th,
1S90. M6-tf.L4rtftt.
v . ;
subscribe for and advertise
.t nnnrnr'T'ID j;..
in tne riwoim-J- cv, mi
only Daily in Cochise County,
and the only one reccivin
Press Dispatches. Circulation
(toue that of any taper in
Notice to Creditors.
Xoticc isheteby given to the credi
tors of and all person having claims
ag.iinl the estate of William Callahan
deceased, to present the same duly
verified with the necessary vouchers
to tho undersigned, at his office with
G. W. Bryan, in the town of Benson,
Cochise County, Arizona within four
months from the first publication of
this notice, that being the place lor
transacting the business of said estate.
Tnos Dckiur,
Administrator of the estate of Wm.
Callahan, deceased.
Dated Jan 8, A. D. 1891.
Bv virtue of an execntion issued ontof
Justice Nat Ilawke s court of io.
one precinct, connty of Cochise, Terri
tory of Arizona, dated the 27th day of
ncember. 1890. in a certain action
wherein Otto Geisenhofer as plaintill
recovered judgment against Josapn
Rnsell for fLe sum of one hnndred
und ninplv dollars (3190 ) and
Ti cson, Ariz., Jan. 14, 89 .
Complaint having been madt at this
office by Francis J. lleney against John
A.Murrav, D L. E, Xo.825, made Oct.
19, 1880, for the S.W. , S. E. and
S. 4. S. W i of section 29, T. 1j, S. R.
20 E., and N 4 of N W. of section
32, T. 13, S. li! 20 E., contestant al
leges that he knows the present con
dition of the same, also that the said
John A. Murray has wholly neglected
and failed 10 comply with the law of
March 1ST", in regard to desert lands
and lias wholly neglected and failed to
nut water on said land or any part
J thereof, though more than three years
has expired since ho tiled upon the
same and this the said contestant is
ready to prove at such time and place
as may be named by the Register and
Sieceiver for a hearing in said case and
lie therefore asks to be allowed to
prove said allegations and that said
D. L. E. No. 325, miy be declared can.
celled and forfeited to the United
. . .1... ,.... ..r !u,..n.r na
IndKlWuSrWlJBl 0;Tb;J27VhStateshethesaid contestant paving
day of December, lbvu.
One hnndred and sixty acres of land in the
foothills of the Cliiiicabua mountains, fettced
ard under cultivation, raises finest kind of
fruits. Water permanent. A beautiful tract ol
land. The fullest investigation allowed. Ap-
JplyattWscfBce. If
I have lovied upon the following de-
bci ibed property to wit:
The "Morning Star" "The Stars and
StripeV'aod the "Virginia" Mining
claim bing sttnato in the Wurran min
ing district Cochise connty, Territory
of Arizona.
Not i co is hereby given thit on Tues
day tho 20th day of Jan. 1891, at 11
n lock a. m. of thatday in front of the
Court Home in the City of Tombstone
connty of Cochise. Anzopi, 1 will sen
ill th right title anu inieres.ui iucmhi
Jofapli Rn-ellv in nd to tho
above described properly at public auc
tion for ch in hand to the highest
and best bidder to satisfy said oxe
cntiou 111111- all -souls.
Dated at Tombstone the 31st day of
J December 1890. Ben Jaixm.
the expense of g.ich hearing
And now conies Francis J. lleney,
contestant to above described tract
D. h E So. 825 and files m. affida-it
in this office Jan. 13, 1891, setting
forth the fact that after due dilligcnce
he fails to obtain personal service upon
the contcstec and requests that service
le hid by publication, the fame is
hereby granted acd publication order
ed in "the Projector published at
Tombstone. Ariz.
And the said pnrties arc hereby
summoned to appear at the office of
the Register and Receiver Feb. 21
1S9I, at 10 o'clock a. m. to give testi
mony in said case.
Ciias. Drake, Receiver.
i i
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atWMatgaWiWataa;atswawp"' ' ' " mmmmmmmmmmwmmmgm!Kmmmf0mmmmmmmwiimi'n tJMMSgmiatmiM iii immumimmmmtmtm
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