OCR Interpretation

Tombstone daily prospector. (Tombstone, Ariz.) 1887-1891, February 07, 1891, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060902/1891-02-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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sgftfBfmfuwmmi i i
FEBRUARY, - - - 7. 1891
r .... -. r
ir aikeasteraa K. K
TtMe Card.
Jisbee 7.00 t . Fairbank 9.00 a.tn.
jTairtank 10.00 a. m. Bisbee 12.30 n'n
Daily, except Sunday
f Pacific tim',
. Bui Williams, Supt.
laxausl Service. .
fb following it the range of the
thermometer for the 21 hours ending
S o'clock p. m. February 7 .
Maximum G2.
Minimum. 3o"
Soiree to-night.
All 1 Paso ii being vaccinated.
S. R. Delong of Bowie is in Pheuix
John X. Smith is in town from Tur
quou. Chaa. Weiser returned to Turq tois
Paul Demartina hu up from Fair
bank to-day.
Bishop Kendrick arrived in Tucion
n Wednesday.
The usual number of visitors from
the country to-day.
Arizona editors meet to day in Phe
uix to form a press at svciatiou.
Sam Coleman 1 in town from his
ranch in Sulphur Spring valley.
Fc Rktt The Miner restaurant
t Bisbee, A. T. 2-6-tf
The free reading room in Pheuii is
in running order and ha placed a big
ign at ita entrance.
JL teacher' institute will be held
this year in Tucson some time during
the month of March.
Reports from the big stock drive say
that it i making good progress and
the cattle are in tine condition.
telegram from the Secretary of
War atatet that the order to abandon
Ft Lowell was issued on recommen
dation of Generals Griereon and ile
Cook and cannot be recalled.
Wm. Ellison, alia "Cyclone Bill" of
Wham robbery fame, shot a Mexican
at Solomonv-ille while intoxicated, ile
ia in jaiL The wound ia not serious.
The Acting Secretary of the Treas
ury baa recommended that f G9.5Q0 be
appropriated for the.Indian school at
Game ha been very scarce in the
market this winter. Quail are hardly
ever aeen, unless shipped from Kau
, and wild duck are nevtsr'aecn.
Furnished rooms to rent at Mrs,
Eocleston's, corner of Fourth and
Bruce streets, iuiet neighborhood and
pleasant surroundings: By the day,
week or month, at reasonable rates, tf.
Ker. C F Spray has delivered a lec
ture on "Morality in the publie schools"
avi Prescott, of which the pre of that
city speak in very complimeutary
Jars. Cowan wa brought in from
the ranch near Turquois, and is ;ou
fioed in bed at Mr Grant's IoJging
boose from partial paralysis.
There i a rumor that the P.O. S of
JL.., who are everywhere identified with
the welfare of publie school-, are tak
ing steps toward decorating the school
ground ia Tombstone by planting
tree thisapring. We sincerely hope
the rumor i not without foundation.
Wasttkd. A chance in a life time
for saen with capital and active men
without capital to secure a very pleas
aatand profitable business. 'So drones
or curiosity seeker need apply. Ad
dree with 1 cent stamp. Consolidated
Adjustable Shoe Company, Salem
Ma. lf
X. A. Oilman had returned to hit
"first love," bounding bras. He main
tain that telegraphy ia just a little bit
more rapid thau sittingofTon the back
of a bronco, watching cahet grow.
Thcs. Cliatman, the well known and
genial Tom. has taken a situation with
Fall A Soto Bros. Tliia life, Tom as
serts, is more congenial to him than
range riding.
Geo. Paris, an old resident in the
uciuity of Wilcox, died last Wednes
day at the home of Mark Allen.
The World Kartell r.
The facilities of the present day for
the production of everything that will
conduce to the material welfare and
comfort of mankind are almost unlim
ited, and wben Syrup of Fig was first
produced tho world was enriched with
tho only perfect laxatira known, a it
is the ouly remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the taaU
ud prompt and effectual to cleanse the
system gently ia the Spring time or.
in fact, at any time, and the better it i
knowu the more popular it becomes.
George Katferty i paying Tomb
tone a isit.
W. K. Meade and wife hate returned
from Su Louis.
Chaj Warnjr wa a passenger on
the outgoing stage.
The Santa Cruz valley i grean with
ita crops ol wheat and barley.
A consignment of onion sett and
Jerusalem artichokes just received by
Jos. Hoefler. jn,24t
The Omega Mining company of
Sonora advertises in the 1 Paso Bul
lion for one fireman, two taper and
two feeder for a lead smelter.
Uecplns llonan -Willi
Beetles, water hugs, etc., is not pleaa
Tli'i most effective and permanent
remedy i for two or three night to
sprinkle ROUGH O.N RATS dry pow
der unmixed in, about and do-n the
sink and jdrain pipe; scatter it well
but thinly over the sink. Firrt thing
in tho morning wash it all away down
the drain pije, when all the insect
from garret to cellar will disappear.
The secret of this is in the fact that
wherever the bugs or insects may be
during the day, they must go to the
sinks for water during the night. They
can't stand ROUGH ON RATS in
their water. This is the quickest,
most effective and satisfactory rem
ly. ROUGH OX RATS being a poi
son, it should be used in this way only
at night and washed away early in the
morning. Another way is to mix a
ableioonful of ROUGH ON RATS
with u half pound of brown a agar.
Sprinkle it on rear of cupboard (helves
or on plates, or on sheet of paper
placed high out of reach of children.
Cut this out for directions.
The Pjiospector acknowledges the
receipt of a copy of the Wright Irri
gation bill ar.d amendments, with the
compliments of the Yuma Sentinel.
The Phenix Herald says ex-Governor
Wolfley has gone to Gila Bend,
where he ha a heavy canal enterprise
in contemplation.
Look Young;.
Prevent tendency to Wrinkles or
azeinc of the akin by using Leaurkujs
Oil- Preaerves a youthful, plump.
fresh condition of the features. Pre
vents withering of the skin, drying up
of the flesh. Prevents flabbiuesa.
Prevents chapping, cracking. Keep
skin soft, smooth. $1.00, Druggists, or
prepaid by expra on receipt of $1.00.
E. S. Wells, Jersey City,N. J.
The Stcr says that Sabino Otero ha
a novel and original way of irrigating
the shade trees in front of hi bouse
which should be generally adopted,
but nt-glf?U to explain for the bvnefii
of outsiders.
A Uoadcr Worker,
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man
of Burlington, Ohio, stale that he
had been nnder the care of two prom
ineut physician?, and used their treat
ment until he was not able to get
around. They pronounced his case to
be Consumption and incurable. He
was persuaded to try Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Cough
and Colds and at that time was not
able to walk across the streetvwithout
resting. He foupd,trlore be iiau used
hall of a dollar boftje that he was
much better; he continued to use it
and is to-day enjoying good health.
If you have auy Throat, Lung or
Chest trouble try it. We guarantee
satisfaction. Trial bottle free at ,.
YooiK'e lWi tlote.
City Council.
An adjourned regular nirctingof the
Mayor and Common Council of the
City. of Tombstone was held January
5th, 1801. On a cull -of the roll, pres
ent Fuss, Sin th, M'rindiville and
Mayor Colin. Absent Hare.
Minutes of last regular meeting were
read and 011 motion approved as read.
The reports of olliccrs were read,
accepted and placed on file.
The finance committee reported
favorably on the following bills :
Huachuca Water company for
Jannary, 1S01 $14 00
Ed. Hotopp, feeding prisoners,
for January .. . 7ti 50
On motion, the report was accepted
and warrant ordered drawn on the
general fund for the Huachuca Water
company for 114, and on the contiu
tingent fund in favor of E. Hotopp for
The Auditor was, on motion, in
structed to rescind the 124.77 transfer
made by the old Council. November
17, 1890.
The nuilding committee reported
that they had sold 532 feet of water
pipe for $53.20.
On motion, the following committee
were appointed to act in conjuction
with the Chief of the Fire Department
and the City Attorney: Councilmcn
Hare, PrinJiville and Smith.
On motion, Tim Griffith was placed
in nomination and elected poundmas
ter. The Auditor was instructed to notify
him to file his bond by the next reg
ulsr meeting.
Several jeara ago Chamberlain Jc
Co., of De Moines, Iowa, commepced
the manufacture of a cough syrup, be
lieving it to be the most prompt and
reliable preparation jet produced for
coughs, cold and croup; that the pub
lic appreciate true merit, and iu time
it wa certaiu to Income popular.
Their most languinn hopes have been
more than realized. Over thaee bun
dred thousand bottles of Chamlierlain's
Cough Remedy, are now sold curb
year, and it is recognized as "the Lest
made," wherever known. It will cure
a severe cold in less time than an)
other treatment. For sale by H. J.
Don't forget that today is Saturday
and there mill be asoirte to-night at
Mining Exchange Hill. These enter
tainment given by Mers Walsh and
Hawke are very popular and always
well attended.
Crnusp of the .lluvle Cured.
John I. Wood, of Stratford, Out.,
was cured of cramps in the, lcs by
wearing AlaXOClc's Porous Plats reus.
Mr. Wood says:
"Some three months ago I was taken
very sick with ecuerepjin in the small
of my back over the kidneys. The
pain wa excruciating. I applied an
Alixock's Porous Plastkk over the
affected region and had relief almost
within an hour. At the same time, in
conjunction with this trouble, I had
very great nervous disturbance, affect
ing my legs with cramps, so 1 could
scarcely sleep. Meeting with such
sjecess with my back, I applied a
plaster under the knee on each leg,
and in three dvs was completely
cured and have never been troubled
in either way since."
Mr. Dalton is taking steps to organ
ize an Agasaiz association in connec
tion with the public school. He is
very enthusiastic in hi woric, an' ex
cellent teacher and universally popu
lar among his p'iplls.
Chonila Tapia, a young Mexican
lady about 22 years old, fell dead from
her chair yesterday morning 'at 10
o'clock while plaving and singing on a
guitar. She resided with her parents
on Court street. Star.
Rev. C. R. Nugent wishes it to Le
understood that when he appointed
February 13th for hi lecture on the
"Hawaiian Islands" he did uol knuvt
that it would interfere with an enter
tainpient contemplated by a sister
church. A (here appears to be in the
minds of some, anapprelieiisjon that
he above date might o interfere,
the lecture is postponed, as an act of
denominational courtesy, until after
the 26th inst.
An old well-tried remedy. Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over fifty year by millions of
mothers for their children vhile teeth
ing, with perfect success. It soothes
the phjld, SQfipilJ the gum, allays 1 II
pain, cure wnij colic, ud is tho bo;l
remedy for lharrhrp.u It is pleasant
to the taste. Sold by Druggist In
pyery part of the world. Tw"enly-five
cents a botlje. Its v.iluo,is incalcu
lable. Be sure and aik for Mr. Win
alowV Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kjnd.
Coiinir Illvlilun Ik'hiiM.
ICrahABi OotiDljr Rulistln.)
The measure deserves defeat. Its
passage me ins an in:reao of the ex-
nfflt. f ft.tim ! twm ... iu.i In. ilt .1...
people now living in Graham county.
An overwhelming majority of these
people are opposed to the scheme.
There has been no discussion of Huh
question lcfure tho people ; it is brought
forth by a few men who alone would
be lonefittttd by its success.
When the time for county division
comes let the people interested, like
the people of Yavapai county, get to
gether and agree on the lines anil
terms of division.
We believe in consulting the people
on every public measure that conns.
The proper place to consult the peo
ple is at the poll.
All the members from this and Co
chise county now in the Legislature
are standing firm against this bill.
H'e tun and Do
Guarantee Dr. Acker'a Blood E ixir,
for it has been fully demonstiated to
the people of this country that it is
far superior to all other preparations
for blood diseases. It is a positive
cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ulcers,
Eruptions anil Pimples. It purifies
th whole Mstem and thoroughly
builds up the constitution.
At the Territorial University work
is progressing rapidly. Five tarpen
ters are working in the building pro
per. For sub-irrigation purposes about
2000 feel of pije is bting hauled out,
which will be laid from the well reser
voir to the highest point on the
grounds for distribution. Work on
sinking the well still continues, though
it is much impeded by the enormous
inflow of water. A temporary build
ing to be used as a laboratory is being
ended for Chemist Collingwood, in
winch to conduct experiments. Citi
zen. To ihcl'ulttic.
Miss Nellie Walsh has taken charge
of the Can Can restaurant, and iu fu
ture will conduct that favorite hotuo
in the same manner as has character
ized its past management. She re
spectfully asks a.share of the patron
age of the public and will endeavor to
please all patrons.
That an ordinance of the
City of Tombstone, A. T.,
seeking among other tilings
to provide for the prevention
of fires, approved April 19,
1881, will be strictly enforced
February 12, 1891, making
any excess of two tons of hay
or straw, fifty gallons of ex
plosive oils or lluids and fifty
pounds of powder or other ex-
( plosives a nuisance within the
fire limits of said city.
Wm. Staeiilk,
City Attorney.
Dated Feb. 7th, 1891.
Specialist fpr Diseaso of the
Ej e, Ear, Nose at.d 1 liraut.
Has retarnrd from Europe, and resumed the
practice ol his profession.
Ofttce 14 CSraut -T-. Sun Frnn,
All persjns in lebted to me
will please sittle with Dick
1re,ona, who will receipt for
he same.
John Bi.kwktt,
Toinbstone, I;b. j5( 189!. . m
I , -m
3&' A -A.
- V-JF
Li with fin fipnniw n. mntt&r'f Arr rnn nu.nr.t ilmf.
j&z uu via
i. aiaraCiaftB:
nO AltfgTRft'S E?Mm l!M Dcwmv
SjursS t-efllklalt UIIWISIWIJ tkSalXISal I
JJ for Coughs, Colds and Consumption U beyond question the greatest of all
f Modern Remedies? It will Mop a Cougli in oue night. It will check a Cold in
aa-aama-sr;a isus -c j.b.bxsu-bs-jiisi , ,
For Sale by
Huts sold below coaI at Kuclier
Gres' furniture stn'e. 1-20 lm
Choice Eastern Dried Apples and
Dried Raspberrie at Wolcott's.T-lD-tf
Choice California cheese and Hol
and Herring at Hoefler's. tf
J. H. White's Fresh Ranch Butter
at Wolcolt's.
Fare to Uisbee via Kngle's stage. line
reduced to $2.50. nl4.f
Crown Mills Flour, Fresh Buck
wheat and Graham Flour and Meals
just received at Hoefler's.
Fresh garden and flower seeds, El
Paso onion feed and alfalfa seed at
Wolcott's. tf
G. E. Braly, tho pioneer dairy man.
will deliver milk anywhere in the city
at reasonable rates during the winter
Choice branas of butter and eheeie
at Uofffler's the pioneer grocer, on Pre.
mnnt and Fifth streets. r rj2
If you want fine straight whisky, of
the most celebrated brands, drop into
the Pony Saloon and satisfy yourself
thai this is true. The Pony also car-
ries the finest brands of domestic anJ
imported Brandies, Wines, -Ales, Por
ters, and all kinds of liquors. Ice
Cold Drinks of all kinds a specialty.
The Carmen Key West Cigar is the
finest for the money to be had in Ari
zona. St. Louis Anheuser-Busch Lagei
Beer on draught at all times. No fav
orites. Como all.
John Shaugh.vessv,
' uau&
$1 enii
"" ""V rn i
light bay ma. -y,u Mexican l- O
on left hip; white arin forehead.
One bay horst" 13 hands high;
brand J on left shot, da and ,Z, on
left hip. A reward of tU for the for
mer and $3 for the latter. Leave in
ormation at this office. 12 23
lurklen Arnlra Halle.
Tub Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruiser, Sores. Ulcers, f Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all SkinXrnp
t.ons, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refund
ed. Price "z5 cents per box. Fcr tale
by J. Yonpo.
IIo! I'wr ltlat.ee ! !
L. A. Engle is now running a fast
two-horse rig between Tombstone and
Bisbee, leaving Tombstone at 7:30 a.
m. Mondays, Wedneday8. and Fridays
and Bisbee on alternate days, at same
hour. Orders for passage or freight
to be left at store of Geo. II. Fitts
Tombstone. OtDce at Bisbee at
Langsdorf's store. 9 22-tf.
Brandreth's Pills aro tho oldest
safest and bcgtlrfood puriiicrand purga
tive known. They are purely vige
tabic, therefore harmle. They are
always the name and always produce
the same effect. Oilier purgatives re
quire increased doses mid finally cease
acting altogether. A ruurse of one or
two of Itrandreih's Pills on each night
is a positive cure for constipation,
headache and all billions disorders. If
yr.11 can't take them plain get them
sugar coaled.
--- -
Subscribe for the PROsrtCTOR
Fruit Trecw,
The fined trees ever offered for sale,
Most all tearing tre-?, three "years old, j
all kinds. Also TJm'jrclla, Chiuese
Mulbeiry and Svyeet Looust. To flow
er lovers who make up a club I will
sell my ever blooming roses by the
one hundred at $1 apiece, and give
you your choice. Alr Flowering
Shrill and Greenhouse Plants of all
kiudti for sale at'lhe old place, corner'
Fultou a 1 1 Second streets, Tomb
stone, 'Arizona, bv ly
. it win prevent crimp, relieve Astluna ana cure Consumption if taken
r in tune, " 1 ou can t auort1 low itnout it. A :o cent, bottle mav save you
f $100 in Doctor's bills may save your life ! Ask your druggist for ft, or write
to W H. Hooker & Co., 4G West Broadway, New York, for book.
Do you know that a little cough is a dangerous
thing r" Aro you aware that it often fastens on the
lungs ana tar too 01 ten run inlolonsumpuon and
ends iu Death? People suffering from Astluna,
Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Consumption will ail
tell you that
AfYna.! a. . ,!a ts st " . .
auuiu 41 uiuiuv 11; vail m
r "
.a sua sun KaEa.matraxsbscstLa'sa1
Doort Opn al :i3S.
raad Msrrb S 3.
Xatks BruuTMt al I Its.
After Wbicti Everybody Can
No persons Allowed on the
Without a Mask.
acA Lady Will Receive a Souvenir.
(Admitting gentleman k Ladies.)
Walsh & Hawke.
Beer on Draught
Go to
lis for " Ro3
m which was
Wholesalejand Retail.
TMh& Public!
I have Re-furnished and Re-opened
Copper Camp cati find a quiet,
clean and pleasant
?.- A
Miss MinnieDavis has become in-
terested Willi me in the house and
1 1. r tt.
ay, Im cmeta1 vT ' ? X T
iwirtrn .?x-. ..ft
IjyervthingGood to Eat,
Aol plenty of it will be the feature of 9
BTe new place. Respectfully, 1
Use "Rough on Pain." Instant re-'
lief. 25 aii.l 50,-. ROUGH on CQRN8.'
LiqiiIJ,lw. SalTP, !Gc P,fiUfiosj
WORMS." Safe, sure cure. 25c, ,i-
&L J,
' a
; "" x . SC
T "
5 fc-i

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