- -r- - zrr ' :. '- THE TOMBSTONE - rfk t v - OUR WATOHWORD--"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. X TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 26 18q5. No 67 &. Prospector u IV'4 i & 7 I)AitY""pkOSPECTOR. Cily and County Official Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (EXCKPT SUIDAV) ' BY Wm. Hattich Editor aul Propiictor. Fremont 8t. Opposite City Hall -rVTbe PacecCTO will not bold Itself reapon. iblr for any of the ai fetes or sentltaeau ex. pmieil by any of it correpoadcots. Knterrd is the Tombstone Posiom as Stconi CUu nutter. PROFESSIONAL OARDS. iimk RFJLLY. ATTORNEY AND I Counse'orat Law. Land aud Mining casesaspecialtv. Tombstone. ArUona, a X r STAUHLt ATTORNEY AT- AALavr and Notary Public. Tombstone- Ailzooa. GEO. W. BWAIN, ATTONEY AT Law. WiU practice in all couiu of lbs Territory. Tombstone Anion. c S. V.LARK.-VITONEY AND COUN. selor at Uw. uiu-e on ronra.-irfi, -.... Alien and Toiuhnut, loiub- WUl practice in a'J the courts of the or, 11 tut P5 nRASVlI.LElOHNsTON f j Attorney and Counsellor at Law and NoUry rliblic. 4'' rnmrniumuo. 4th and 5th stwts. A member o:the Bar of the Supreme Court o! the lemtoty. and will practice in any of the courts therein. WENTHWORTH COUNTY RE carder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of t tie to real estate and mines furn shed promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. Office in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORU. JUSTICE OF THE Teace. Office on Allen it: bet. 3d ath Tombstone. A LKOSKA. USTlCEOrTHrrtAV.il OlScc on 4th M. Del. men u Tougbnut, Tombstone. HS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office adjoining h-i residence oa 4th street. Call attended at all boors day and night. C.KAKIE. ASSVYER AND MEIA lutical laboratory. Office 0 319 ' r resnont St, opposite Cay HaU. THE RDJSRb. F & A U. KINO SOLOMON LODGE NO. S Meets third Saturday in each month. Vwung brother cordnlly in Tiled to ai red. I h Mcpherson, w. m . A L GROW ecetary. R. A M. . nnmeir. rtUPTER NO. a MEETS C third Wednesday in each month. Vis itin" Companions cordially invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WE.STWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. :i--..cuivr.Tn CAMP NO I MEET5 JV isl Friday evening in each month. Vu- nine Comraoes cnroiauy imiu-u J. W. CLARK, President, A. L. GROW, Secretary A. O. U. W- OMBaTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. I W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each jnonlk. nnn'li Visitine brothers cordially in- Vited ROBT. bestm. W. W D.-sMOSMONIER Recorder. 7 :r-K. of p. A-KIZONA LODGE KNIGHVb vjr M Pythias Xo 4. meets every in " 3" Monday's in each month. vnuog rhern.ully;inT,.ediMANUEu , W. D. MOXMONIER. K. ofS. 'if-NROTECTION HOSE COMPANY NO J. W meets 1-irst Snnday in each month at 1 .-.v - .----. th.Mnt.ri! Seventh and Fremonu.otetbeolhoaae. Foreman, TOM MITH Secretary, r. rcrnr IK-M.I. milPANY .MtCiO R First fcundaT in each moatb at City Hall Fremont street J. v iv,r.tiw. INIORII ,3-cty f.S. McDOSOUGH President Foreroaa ?- "JG1NE COMPANY NO 1, MEETS f" U Suaday in ea h roonih at hose house " on th- earner .ITou;hnut and 51b alreel, lOsEPIt LIPPEK'l ro-eman HENRY DUNKER. Sfcrer. lvt ..,.. ninrt eirjLrie-ice unnecessary letiei raiticoUis send stamp. Cblun Swap H'Manatactnrine Ccmpany, OnornaU. Ohio. UNION WATER AY0RKS. , F. CALVES, .Prop. rompt Service, Water per barrel, -5". Per backet, 5 cts.l Scecial Rates to Families Leave orders with wagon. Wan'td An atrnt inevenr secnoo to can vass M to J5 W 4- ?h' also a mas to sytSi'tJod to dealers .M her. ITC rS-IC isalaiy l rfclln' hir riroito n4 v. ajsawB teKiurwtiiu x-y ir-atri i"LaJl rna, rrre I hv Kn-t jyIllclr H prfeifel. tfWPTr-rM'a-l 1896. 161k Annual Ball, Rescue Hose CoHo2 AT MINING EXCHANGE HALL, New Years Eve Dec 31. 1896. AH membtt art requeued to appear la iVl uniform. nciirs $1 if usic by the Mexican Band. FOR SALE. A group of Copper Claim party developed. Ore black and oxide from the grass root-; ore found in all workings; plenty in sight and just the proposition lor a company Good ro'ds, wood, water and timber plentiful, claims eight miles from railroad. Address Prospector, office, Tomb stone FOR SALE. Ranch'and improvements, house, barn and well; 8 acres nnder cultivation; about 75 orchard trees in bearing: water richt under St. David Canal. Everything complete and can be had cheap for cash. Good reasons for sell ing. Apply oraddressowDr on premises. Mrs. Hanvaii ISeilson, St. David, 1880. S. M. BARROW, NEXTif, 30 PAYS -J - ".A -TJ-S $. M. BARROW. THE BOSTON STRIKE The Street Car Strike is Spreading 3,500 MEN QUIT WORK Oaly Two Car Lines Running at the Hub Citv-AH In An Hour. WALKING WILL BE GOOD Boston, The strike on the Weal Eed street railway declared today bas been spreading rapidly. At noon the order Trent into effect and in an hour the only can running were tboee of tho South Dot ton an '1 Grave Hill hoe. It was estimated that 3,000 men were out at 1 :30 o'clock this afternoon. Your tea -trade for the next ten years is worth having. We want it Try all five flavors of Schilling's Best tea, and get your money back (of your grocer) on those that you don't like. A Schilling & Company San i-rancisco 43S WANTED. Agents Bigmoney. article to sell to every rancher. Address Mulen & Co.. I s Angeles Cal ;caxr; &, 1""- AGAINST INTERFERENCE A Congressman Opposes the Insurgents SPANISH RULE PRFERRED Thinks Uncle Sam Should Let Spain Alone and Not Rec ognize Cuba. SHOULD BE INDEPENDENT Washikgton Argticent against interference by the United Slates with the government cf Spain iu Cuba, pending tin present eeason fur mili tary operation, ii mid 9 by General William K. Draper of Massachusetts, who is one of the sub-committee rf the house, charged with the consider ation of the resolutions relating to Cuba. He said today: "My standpoint in regard to Cuba has not chaneid since tho last session of congress. It is my lectins that ,l is time to recognize independence when, in the first place, there is a government, and when, in th second place, that government has shown its right to be considered as ad independ ent sovereignty." Seamstress Serving Machine?, equal to all, inferior to none. Reduced to 520. AT BAUEOW'S WA JTED SOLICITORS FOR CAM. PAIGNBoofc "Bryan Se all and Free Silver'i authoni d by B-yan written by R. I Metcalf editor Omaha World Herald appointed author by Dryan. contains speeches and p'atform. A btmarra for agents, a lree silver mine for work, ers, only Si 0; theonly authonred hoolc 50 per cent, credit given, frright paid; outfit free, Bejin now Hilh choice of temiory; permanent, profi. table norlc for '96. Addreu 1 he National Book Concern Star bciliinr Chicaro. at HILL FOE SALE. .Ct.t.<l' UUU '.4,.b.b, W ,,.., J OTt tlrrs. an agitator, to 18 foot revolving concen- - , t.. : . 1 1 .11 1- liaiOTS. lOSjO VHM CII1UC, l" kAJllCtS, all 111 Cood workine arder. Boilaing nearly new Can be moved as it close to railroad Must de sold, and can t" bought for J3.ooo cash Address aosrictOR '"tor. Tombstone An TEAMS WANTED. To haul coke and copper bul lion between theterminus of the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern railway andthetown of Globe- Arizon'. For part iculars address W. W. Ed wards, at Geronimo, Arij na tf fr. 1 The highest tobaccos is good as Every knows there as Blackweirs BULL DURHAM Smoking Tobacco each two ounce pons inside Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco aod read the cotroon which rives a list I ' of valuable to get CUBAN WAR Confirmation oi Spanish Loss Near Santiago. 4l SOLDIERS PRISONERS The Insurgents Capture a Cargo and Route the Spanish, A TRAIN IS BLOWN UP Cikcixxati. A special to the Com mercial Tribune from Tampa, Florida, says: Cuban leaden hers) received news irom Havana tonight confirming the report recently received of Span ish loss sustained near Santiago and other towns nearby, while attempting to capture the cargo of a filibustering vessel. The Spaniards were routed and wired to rjeachelaine, thirty railet away, for aid. A train was made up there at once with great secrecy, but watchful Cubans there knew of it and sent word to nearby insurgent camp. The track was dynamited and us the train cams along, the bomb caased grel destruction, lour cars Ming almost blown to splinter?. Over foity Spanish roldierw were killed or wound ed and forty taken prisoner;. 1'iIck! Hilux! ltcliintr I'ilcs SYMPTOMS Moisture; iinepse itchinf and stinging; most at n'. uurse b scratvhing. It allowed 10 , or.uniic turn ors farm, which often bleed an1 lIc tattt becoming very so .Snajnes Ointii en stops the itching and.blred rg, he.ilsu ce ntton. and inmost cases removes tie rumors. At druggists, 01 by mait. fci 0 cents. Dr Swaji e ir,d Son, Phiia delDP 1. lfyou want a it' ol o. 6 cooLstovo several pant and pots. aUo a small heating tove thrown in; l fecoii'l hand but in good condition, can be had for $10, own; alo a good sewing machine Sincer econd hand but in Al working order, for $12. cash. Call at this office for Darticulam, tf LOOK HERE! Do you want some fine lay ing hens of blooded stock cheap? 300 hens and 12 roosters of white ?nd Brown leghorn an- Black Spanish varieties. Good layers, vill be sold at $12 per dozen. Call and see them and buy a dozen for home use. A. D. Walsh, Can Can Restaurant. tfhUUALaiA ctm-t br Dr. VPes- ?aic 'rtr'K true cert i-iosJ." Asalldrucits'1' Vrtrr wscom" "- Dr. SUles' Pain PHI. claim for other 1 "Jtist as lJuriis.ui. old smoker is none just good as noon bng-.and two cou eacn lour ounce presents and bow tbem. Highest of all in Lcaveuin ower. uzzszs AB&OIMWMX PUBE LATEST NEWS Freezing Blasts in New York State. A DAY'S WALK RECORD Will Tiy to Break His Former Record of 1 1 8 Miles iu 24 Hours. ENTIRE CREW DROWNED. Kkw Yoek Yesterday the ther mometer registered ive dt-rgreee be low zero. Kinosson- N. Y , Tb temperature wai 15 degrees kelow zero hero at 8 o'clock this morning and 20 in the Calslcills. New York, Edward Payson West on once ftmoui as a pedestrian, will e,t ten o'clock tomnurrow tiight begin v ttvvnty four hourj walk in which be will undFrtaka to equal his wonderful record of 1 18 miles. Cuvtiiam, Mas, The schoncr Calkin B. Oroult ran ashore on Chat oani bar duriug the night and was wn cletl. The crew were all drowned. JtcsTo.v, No news has been receiv from the overdue steamship Scandi nvia. She ban a crew of 44 but car ried no passengers. Xew line of cl cks at Wolcott's Cliurcli IVoticets. 3Ietliortit Chuceh. Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. in. Junior Epworth League, 3:30 p, iu A cordial invitation is extended to all. D. Roberts, PastorJ Catoblle Cnurcb. Sunday t'chool at 2 o'clock p. m. L. llEZVMAT. Cranberries, eastern apples and Buct wheat Moor at WoLCOTT'i. SUSET LUTED- Tbe Sunset Limited train which pas sea Benson twice a week going east or wet i by far thefinetand moat mag nificent transcontinental passenger train in eziaUnce. It ia incomparable unexcelled and unequalled.. No ex pense has been spared to make it per fect in every respect, and all that human skill or science could invent and apply to make it absolutely fault less has been applied. Luxury and beauty have been combined with strength and safety, and, meteor like, it spans tbe continent, annihilating time and apace in its marvelous flight. All who have had tbe pleasure of a trip od this train unhesitatingly pro nounce it the Terr finest in the land. A ticket on this costs no more than on the regular train. For farther particular and any in- forma'ioa, add rest. ,E. 8. "WEBSTER, Agent at Bemsqa, Or T. H. Gooduas4 G. P. A. Sao Fraaaiteo. Latest U. S. Gov't Report IIOTI.L. AKBIV4t.l COCHISI John lltoomer. Sati Pniifiifco. PALACS. J. W. Haniou, San Francisco. 6AX Jot. W. G. Woodard, Pearea. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT FMBiKEICHAIE GEO. G. McGEE,Proi Fair-bank, : Ai izona, Headquarters for visitors frcm Tomb- stoue and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTiNI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE-.. A full line of GROfERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. FAIRBANK .ARIZONA. FairMnt Restanrant Faijcbank. A. T. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties gains from Tombstone to Bisbee will- have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM IVIAXEY, Alien St near 3d, (OldCustom'House. VEGETABLES. FRUITS, 1 0TAT0E8 ' ONIONS,' ETC Freth California mil reetired every day by exprett. Everything told at iovett rates. Goods delivered lree to all tarts at city. Fish Received Every 5 27iuriay.j W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Tombstone,Arizonn . Samples by mail or express will receii e prompt attention. OjJlcland Residence Oxerlek House. Tlila lsYoari . Ht'lnati. On receipt f ten c-ria n or stamp, a generous urn pie wi 1 - tailed of th raoat popubir Catanlr.cji Haj TevarCnra (Ely's Creoxn Halm nfCcicnt to deroon s trato the great tatT.l cf Ui xeatdr. ely n2ornr.KS, lii Warrrii ".t.. J"ew York Ciry. Her. John Reid, Ii . " r Tals, Mont., raeommeniled Ely's l'r " J i rue. t can empbaaiz bis f- n tu.rf, '-It i a poM tiracare for catarrh 1 1 ved aaiUrecteoL," Bev. FrancU W. Ir-ii P-stor CeutodPres. Church, Helena, ioct- . Ely's Cream BaJnr i the aclnoTrlcdged etrrs for catarrh :rl eon'alns no raerrurjr aor any injvzioas drcr Price. CO ssuta. j nt. Prloa Cresua y -