2m&i teMg is75 .tW4 f ' TMl EPITAPH TUS WltlLT TOVBSTOVE EPITAPH published every Suuday, will gie all the news and will be sent to any ad dress for C2 iaW4NV THE EPITAPH $3 PCn TEAK Is published every Sunday, and con tains all the news of the week aa it appears in The Daily P&ospxgtob- w Subacibe Now i;rA. agffx t.-I-kl 'ft 4 "N. C2 a7 four Monthi For 91 f 1 ry m sss&i 'TSn. . . mfftt lomlite pimpi) ; t I )' I It i! W M L VOLUME XXXV MINING DEAL Negotiations for Transfer of Control of Extension Group Near the Famous Producer ADJACENT TO TOMOBSTNE'S BIG PRODUCERS Negotiations are pending (or tbe ale of the controlling interest of tbe Commonwealth Extens-on Mining company at Pearce, of which John Peatceia the original locator, the property adjoioing the famed Com monwealth company group Tbe amount involved is not made public but option papers bare been drawn aodit is understood payments will be made next month of about $50,000, Earthquake Records of all Kinds Duly Noted at graph Station A small esrtbquake, not a pro- (o'clock and lasted seven cr eight found tremor bat more in the nature ' minutes. It seemed to center within of a. 'baby quake," orcurred ihursda) 209 miles or less ol Tucon , and was night, and was recorded by 'he eeie i principally west of Tucson and a trifle rcogrspb at the Uci'd States Mag- I north or south of west. neticObserratory east ol Tucson. Tbe maximum movement was fig Tbe earthquele began at V ,.7' ured at l-1000of an inch. Railroad Spike Patent Will Net Arizona Railroad Official Neat Fortune . T H Krottschnitt, assisstant super intended of the Southern VacGc f allroad. left Tucson last night for New York, where he will complete a deal whereby b will sell bis railroad spike patent. This spike will fill a long felt want Jo tbe laying of rails and will bo a great saving to tbe rairoads and , in additioo.it cannot be pulled out cr loosened. Tbe spike is an ordinary one, itb th execution of a groove running Arizona Justices Barred From .Sentencing on Certain Blis deameanor Cases At Globe far reaching and irapoi t nt decision was handeo down by Judge Walter Sbute of the superior court, when the conrt held tbat j'is tices of tbe peace, under tbe new law bad do jurisdiction in misdemeanor case where tbe maximum fine that could be imppsed exceeds $200 orl New Cases Filed tCTEBtOB COBRT Bait No 228 0 Hirgoon vs Frank K 8bavor -et al; debi am garnish ment 424. GO. Suit No 233. H Rose Cbildera Win W Cbildere. divorce J Suit No 234. Pnoebe O'dnsm ts v . r 4 W AT PEARCE C-c!iie county capital will join with eastern capitalists in making the deal, tbe papers for which are be ing perfected today and MeesrB John Pearee and Walter Melgren, officers el tbe company actitig in connection with same. Some extensive work is contem plated by tbe ne owners and con siderable acivity at tbe Extension company group is locked for. Arizona Seismo- parallel witn toe spue lor eooui thre-eighihs of its length. The spike is diiven in as usual and a 70 penny-weight nail is dr ven in tb groove which, when it strikes tbe bottom, is caused to turn up and acts as a hook in preventing tbe spike from coming out. FUR SALE Child's crib, high chair, couch hammock, MrOI llan army raddle. Smith fc Wrsson 38 rail her revolver. Inquire Mrs. Charlte L Poiodexter. where the maximum, imprisonment tr at may be ordered exceeds sixty days. Tbe ruling la in accordant. with a law pasted by tbe last Ariz ma legislature. Cf.ciiniibriai.rs uougn Hemeov Cot fW - t- L L Oldham; divorce. FE0B1TK FKOCEEDIXOi Est J il Grre r; Dec 6 1912 tim probating will and hearing petition. Est J H Keys; Deo 6 day bearing application for letters. E-t J W Frederick; Dee 6 day bear icg settlement of acct; also. causing not ire to be given. 'I COUGH SYRU. Aft D ouo TOMBSTONE, Makes Friends for His Company Frederick F Richards, special agent and adjuster for the Union Assurance Society, Ltd., with headquarters in Los Angeles, was a pleaiant visitor to this office today. Mr Richards is the right man in the right place; he is preposeesamg, genial and withal, in quiring in a gentlemanly manner. This is Mr Kicbards' 6rst visit to Cochise county, but be is OLe who keeps in touch with tbe progress o! business that may affect his company. He is "reaching out," and wo have no hesitancy in sa)iog tbat tbe Union Assurance Society is well reoreeented. Latest Order in Telephone Scrap With tbe understanding that the Mountain States Telephone company can continue with its work on ibe new plant and system at Douglas but that they are not to make any Dew connections or disturb tbe old line, the heariDg of Ibe franchise rights in be courts at lombstone has been postponed to December C. Summary Of School Report The following is a summary of the Tombstone high school and grammar grade reports for lOdajs ol November as filed t-y Superintendent E. H. Stover: High Grammar School Grsde Numberoldaystang.it.. 20 20 Whole nurnler ol days attendance 303 2692 Whole No dare absent 9$ 111 Whole NoTa-diness ... 25 71 Whole No of boys enrol led on register 9 74 Whole No ot Oris enrol led on register .... 7 72 Total No enrolled 16 146 Iverace No belonging.. 15 65 140 Average Daily attendance 15.17 135 Per cent of attendance no average No belong" ing 97 9643 No dudiIs entered 6 Sunday In Tombstone Churches No morning services. Sunday School at 10 a m. Beuediction at 7.39 p ui. Maes at 7:30 a. m. on week days. All are cordially invited to attend Rbt. FaTBEB Makx, Pastor. METHODIST Sunday School 10KXI. m. Epworth League 7 p. in. All arc invited. Tbktoe Ortos. Pastor. COSOREaaTIOSAL Sunday School 10 a, ra., Reeves, Supt. Preaching 11 m. Topi:: of Doing Nothing." Preaching 7:30 p m. Topic E it "Curse "Fas' ing Ones SelL" Christian Endeavor at 7.00 p. an. Every tody is cordially invited to at'end thse rervices. Bet. H.A.Di'i, Pastor. We desire to increase tbe circula tion of our magazine, and bare sever all good offers in connection there witn. If yu wish to increase your ino me and bave any spare time to I devote to this work, write us. We pay a very Iitieral commission ana would fcngl'd logiTe you ull partic ulars. CHARLES HCRIBENER'fl PONS 504 NASUU BLDO., DEN VER, COLORADO. N 24 COCHISE COUNTY, ARIZONA-SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1912 Tombstone Town' Topics Tersely Told Visitors to City; Local and Personal Items of Interest Mrs A Heney of Faitbank was a Tombstuce visitor today with friends Toe Conner, editor of "Who's Who in Ariiona" is expected iuTomtttoD? Monday in tbe interest of bis popu lar work. Deputv Connty School Supt Hutch irs left last evening for Douglas on a brief visit. II Houier, a well known Fcnora mining min u a brief Tombstone visitor today. Rev 11 A Deck was an arrival today from Teinpe and will bold services st the Congregational church tomorrow Habeas corpus release of General Oampa ! ordered by Judge Sloan at Pboenix yesterday. Ibe general is in jail at Tucson, where he has been coufined ever since bis capture. Die writ is returnable in 20 days, acd Campa will be brought to Pboenix lor a bearing within a sew days. YOU CAN SECURE THREE GREAT MAGAZINES The Cosmopolitan Magaiine, Hearsts Magazine and Good HouteWeeping, and the Los Angeles Examiner, de livered to your home each day. All tour publications for 85 cents a month. Order from our agent, Frank Yaple ol Tombstone, or address the LOS ANOELtS EXAMINER, LOS AN GELES, CAL. ARIZONA NEWS OF INTEREST Newsy Notes From All Over Arizona Carefully Condensed for The Prospector Readers El'iswcrth Hiegin, of Phoenix, the j 10-year-old son of Wm M Higglne, sustained a (racure of the ekrll and many bruises Sunday, when he ae thrown from the bcrse he was riding and hit one of the lamp posts. Tbe horse slipped and fell, throwing tbe boy on bis bead. It ia thought be will recover. An experimental primary will be held to ascertain the feeling of the voters of Yavapai county on tbe high way bond issue. Tbe experimental primary was practically agreed upon at a joint meeting Thursday night of last week at tbe chamber of commerce at Prescott. Two thousand acres belonging to the Tucson Farms company ate now onder fence, and the clearing of 'h second unit ot land is progressing rapidly. Eightesn stump pullers are engaged in clearing the land ol desert trees. Tbe fifty houtes beiug tailt for tbe farmers are now well along towatd completion. Francisco Garcia, a Mexican, labor er on tbe El Pao k Southwestern wa shot and ailM Sunday near Tucson because be wa not ready to go borne to the camp with his Mends The slayer is alleged to be a man Known as Barnaby. His last name is unknown to tbe authorities. Congressman Faircblld of New York is spending a 'ew days io Tucson on a visit to his son, Sherman Mills, who is a student at tbe university While here he will also lo'k "Iter some buei nass enterprises in wbicb he is ia trested. . - ' John Rock has been spending sev eral days ot the present week on bis cattle ranch, rounding up a few car loads cf eltek bovioes for shipment. Tbos Allaire, wife and daughter are Tombstone visitors today from tbe Allaire ranch in the Sulphur Spriug valley.J W P Thompson of the Billiard Par. Ion wi'l bare a turkey shoot next week as part of Tbaoktgiving events in Tombstone. Mr Thompson as ageot lor Cochise grown turkeys is receiving orders for tbe Thanksgiving day leset. Mrs R V Saunders, wife of Supe rin teodent Saunders of tbe Tejon Com- p my at Glteson is in the city visiting her mother, Mrs HolUod and lomb etone friends. Thanksgiving Day .Dance By Band A grand Thanksgiving dance will be had at Gage Hall on Thanksgiving night under auspices of the Tomb stone City Hand. The entire band will furnish the music and it is need lees to ay an excellent time is assured all h ho attend. Besides encouraging a worthy local organisation by ee curing a ticket y u will get more than your raoni-ji worth at tbe dance. A Mexican named Sam Lopez was (tabbed and perhaps fatally wounded at Willcox Sunday afternoon by cowboy who is under arrest. The university football squsd is now almost ready for the big Thanks giving day game with New Mexico and Coach Quigtey .put his men through three hours' practice on the new formation featurd.y The universltv geology class went nr its first fall exploration trip to Stbino canyon Saturday. Professor and Mr C W Willis acted as instruc tor and chaperon respectively. Field notes on be various formations and strata were taken and Mr Willis lec tured brielly on all extraordinary oi peculiar format ons encountered,, Arcjnling 'o Los Angeles morn ing paper tbe PhO'nix Indian school football team has been requested to come to nhittier, Gal. Thanksgiv ing day and play there against tbe Wbittier college eleven. Tbe Tucson high school girls bas ket ball team is to play its first game of the sesson next Saturday nigbt against the alumnae team at tbe university gymnasium. Tbe team has been practicing bard for about two months and is io gocd shape. OL Bryce. who almost killed a roan named Oten at Vulture Tuesday morning by striking him in the bead with a sledge hammer, wal brought to the Phoenix jail Wednesday af ternoon by Deputy Sheriff J J O'Brien of Vulture. Mtectr Tear 3owcls With Cmfcrtcj. .41x17 Cathartic, core etoatlratica forever "M54 irc.CC.raU.drniTUuri'fnMTKM GRADED CATTLE VS. RANGE STOCK Cochise Cattleman Looks for Radical Departure From Present Cattle Raising Methods on Range NEWSPAPER MAN'S EXPERIENCE IN COCHISE Tba the cattlemen of tbe esutu weet must turn their attention to raising thoroughbred stock instead of ordioary scrub range cattle if they expect to make mouey is tbe state ment ol l'beodore Hampe, a vi ell known rancher and cattleman of the Swiesbelms, who is en route for Sao Diego, where he goes to meet his wile who is returning from San Francisco, where she spent a vacation, Mr Hampe has several seciiona o! fine ranch land and about 150 heaJ o! thoroughbred Uolsiein and Ga!loy ctttle. Tbese be states will net him greater returns tban double the num ber of common cattle, on account o. the common stock requiring more feed and a longer time to mature He also states tbat the thoroughbred stock will fatten in half tbe time, The Raging San Pedro Affords Opportunity for Sea Faring Ex ploits Since Boating is Barred on the Colorado Thursday Yuma was alive with del-1 sneaks across the International line 'fttinni Vnnn -ni rwn aerl - ol im inr !'. a . aa egations who purposed reclaiming the rantankerous Colorado river to navi Ration, and tbat, too, following up tbe celebration of tbe closing of tl at veritable Nile by tbe completion of tbe Laguna Dam, conducting the waters through a siphon and under neath the generous o'd waterway at a depth of 150 feet below tbe bed of ihe river. The Colorado river is cloed perpetually, to "eiern-wheeler,"' flat bottoms," or any othe' craft drawing saore water than an Indian canor. The waterway at tbedoor of Toml- stone is still open, and no better field for exploitation and buncombe exists in Ibe southwest ; no better ground for tbe fulsome proUgoaist of irrigation awaits the spellbinder- The turbu lent, but dependent San Pedro river is without a rival in tbe world it flows up-stream winds its serpent ine beauty from tbe south in Mexico to the north in Arizona, where it spills its full volume into tbe historic old stream of Gila, near the city cf Mammoth in Pinal county. Just as soon as tbe San Pedro Tombstonites Will Parcel Post First Ooand after tbe first of January the parcel drop in the pcsloffice will be closed on account of the new ar cels post law, which will go into effect then and wnich require special stamps. Ordinary postage stamps will not be good for packages or fourth class mat ter. This was tba information received here by Postmaster Arthur Harwood. Tbe stamps for parcels under the new law will be of different designs from the regnlsr stamps and sre now -'. NO 94 and bring from f 3 to f 7 a head nioro on tbe market. Many of tbe cattlemen in bis vici nity are looking over the markets for thoroughbred breeding stock, he states, and believes that there will be an evolution of the cattle raising busi ness in ihe southwest in tbe next five years and tbat the dajs of tbe old "Texas Ioog horns-' are numbered and will eoon be history. Mr Hampe was formerly a news paper cartoonist and worked on many ol the big newspapers in tbe country. He came to Arizona ten years ago on account of his health and has been one of tbe most successful cattleman io his vicinity, devoting his attention to thoroughbred stock Irom tbe time he came hfro when ihe cattlemen laughed at birn and called him foolish. iuiu nnzona, its valleys tegin to blos som, its generous carriage deserts tbe channel, spreads out and lends genera ous aid in eupplvinc moisture tbat makes of this lovely valley one of tbe most prcducthesectione for fruits and cereals on tbe Pacific southwest. And since tho San Pedro is reckon ed as ODe of tbe longest big little streams that flows in the southwest. aod empties its plcntitude into tbe auxiliaries of tbe great big deceptive Colorsdo rtcently gone out of busi nesswhy not theso gentlemen of ad vanced commercial instincts iovesti- ' &te Ihft nnastlilllfiea rI tho, Qan Pulp. river? The PpObPEctor would not eugeee: nsvy yard?, ship-building, or anytbine tbat might interfere with agriculture just come down to the San Pedro valley and grow up with he country. You can launch a boat on the San Pedro, near Tombstone, at certian seasons, aod liesurly glide don n the placid stream to tbe Colo rado river, rass by Yuma acd enter the broad and boundless expanse of the great Pacific ocean. Remember tbe San Pedro. Have Benefit of After January being engraved and printed in the government printing office. The first lot is expectrd to arrive here about tbe 15ih of December, as well as a complete set of instructions sod a map showing tbe zone districts. Ten dollars a a ay easily made by local agent. Write for full informs." tlon at once. Arizona Sales Agency. Phoenix. Arizona. Ml Fob ?ale Combined writing desk and book case, also two parlor ebairs. Inquire C G Johnson, Fremont street, near Fourth i M r . r